Monday Mm-i, ,, 1KB DAILY NEWS 10! I I TURK ATROCITIES Sunlight Son (I;-,' FOR SALE Ilcuter Agency learns Hint information, ihrtliif purK witicr ' J received In aulhorala-tho by a tf.OOO fiuarntn-a If u In London, shows cojp has no itandcid t -rd is House and lot oti Summit quarters no reason why it should uln nya Avenue. The house has four tat the Turks are carrying out be of uniform quality, always rooms and bath. It Is fully a deliberate policy of destruction contain the best materials or modern. It is on the sewer. of Arabs, having apparently for be anything like as flood at Has elcclrio lights. There Its object their extermination, as the soap vith a sumiaru. BSBBWr Is a good marine view from la In the case of the Armenians. one room. The price is very moderate, and includes a In pursuance of this object, good range in place. Terras they surrounded the whole region Soap an be arranged. of Lebanon with a military cor. Sunlight don, thus preventing any food Ws WrIU Plr Insurance, getting through, with the result Representing Only Strong, Uiat about half the Christians Liberal Companies. and Druse Arabs in that tone have died of starvation. They have devastated Vyr ftiilMt I aoHalua1. yria and Palestine. On the pretext vt getting fuel, ollvo H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD been trees ruined.and orange gardens have When Women are Weak bers They of have the most deported illustrious large num Arab Women who feci weak, languid and deprcsscd-who families, and havo hanged on the look pale and dull-eyed, and have lost appe-tite "Ik Daily News" llimsiest pretext all Arab leaders and fresh looksneed a tonic that will on whom they could lay their purify the blood, help the organs of digestion, CLASSIFIED ADS. hands, no matter whether tlrey regulate the liver and bowels, and strengthen were pro or antl Turk. the system. It long has been known that In the matter of the agricul tural population they have press. WANTED. ed them more heavily with con. WAITED OfOfrtl Strrant. PboM Black scrlptton than any other section Seeepanf&Piiis f the Turkish people, and have WASTED .Nursemaid PbOM Blu St. exposed them on all the worst fronts. Such individuals as have are a blcsslne to weak women, for Lhop quickly correct WAJITED You Hi or younc lady la attend been left behind have been Infected womanly ailments. Improve the appetite, purify the boi l7 omce, kep book. ett. pplj Dallr Sews. UP A TREE. Uncle Sam J ust wait until he biles me, and by typhus by deliberately blood and re-establish healthy conditions. They are then see me Jump on him with both feeL" Cartoon by Shields sending into the villages typhus-stricken safe to take as they arc purely vegetable and without WATU Yount ladles artsMnr to" take in the Toronto Telegram. Armenians to act as any liarmful drue. A few doses will bring better a ihrrC'jnrar courw in nurslnc. Writ. spirits, improved health and a feeling of fitness. Lady Supu Prince Rupert General Hoa carrier of disease. Fortunately, pital. tor appUcaUoa form ,a,nl furtur LAND REGISTRY ACT however, Arab vitality Is very inrormauon. ci (Sections it and lit.) Local News Notes strung. Worth a Guinea a Box CHAMBERMAID WASTED One tx LOdr-ataada Ra AppUcaUon Xo. Sl.lll, riusr ,SI4. The Turks are trying la do away avaltlnr table. Apply Saror Hotel. TAIE NOTICE that appUcauon baa been with the Arabic language, and fHK.,J nif Vf TV I It.. St. Hili.s I tmrtjt Iri, nude to register John Beratnan, of Prtsc .MSMUHMSMU,!. za WAITED Experienced waitress. Apply ft open. B. &, at owner In fr under a Leo Maclntyro returned from also to eliminate Arabic from the nottl office. Hol Prince Rupert. tf Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the lldmonlon last night. . Mohammedan religion by Intro, City of Prince Rupert, beartnt data the WAITED General servant, apply Mm. L. lOlb day of September, ll. of ALL. A5D ducihg non-Arabio prayers. , W. patmore. phone t0. U. SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of The Marquis of "Quecnsberry - i in aim i t land and premises si taste, lylnr. and be- has returned to Ketchikan. Mr. David Strang, late of the, LOST tor In the Municipality of Prince Rupert. provincial government office here,' more particularly known aa Lot Ten (If), Mr. J. I. Peters, of the C I. ft left last night for the southern! FRED STORK'S HARDWARE LOST Between St. Petera Churcb. Seal Stock Five (J), Section Seven (7, Map Coe and Haya Cove 'circle. Iadya sold 11. has gone south for a week or so. mule to .Australia. ! bracelet, sate pattern. Finder please Yon are required to contest the claim return to Dally Hews omce. f the tax purchaser within talrtj-flvt Don't forget 111 Whatt The CARBONVOID for salt by I.lp-ett tia sicnwo AVE daya from the data of the eervlce e this Methodist Church Concert Monday FOR SALE noUce (which may be effected by Rests. 61 A Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward night. Oar9rlers reel Culttiart (rtfsr Ship thaneltrj tered Mall or as Directed, and your attention Electric Co. tf. FOR SALE to-err incubator, in rood condition: la called so section l of tne AUI Sloca Kiahlno Tsckls Itetts Went south Sti Summit Avenue. ni id Registry Act" with amendments. Captain res. !;- rHa ftr f'tOnB-Vaivst f1lf!s and Shotguns tod to the following extract tbererroca: lerday on the Maquinna on a visit The Iailr .vm ,i-nvrtl t FOR SALE tS foot Unacn wlUi t borae .-and In default of a caveat or certlfl to Tacoma. Arnntwnlllon poer Gray entlne. Boat and en fine cate or lis pendens belnr Bled before the irrfrr. 60 r-nl ,cii!fi Psint about three yeara old. Jferer been tued rertstraUon aa owner or the person fall trnps Musical treat, etc- at the much. Prlee IIJ0.00. Apply D. A. Mc-Pnall. tied under aach tax sale, all persons so V. Mtasoa. Ctevss at nd li9m Muttrold ffooflno Corrujaud I rot. AllcevAnn. B. C 61 served with noUce and those elalmlni Methodist Church, Monday even W. f. wUKama. B., UL.B ihrouan or tnder them, and all persons ing. Tickets 25c. 01. WILLIAMS A MANSON "WI SELL NOTMIKO BUT THE UCST" FOR SALE Carload mlntna maefclDerr, In-dudinr laiminr any Interest In the land by virtue I? machine drills, column ban. of any unrerutered Instrument, and all The Princess-Maquinna made a BarrlaUra, Solicitors, Etc drtli-steeL ateam-otuar etc. Apply persons clalmlns; any Interest In the land wonkv to Loax to Carlisle Dally Jiewa. U. by descent whose title la not reentered special trip Cannery Ma lilt tinder the provisions of thla Act shall be with in pi ate this weekend. 'l"nr Hlnra mm Mesrt, a f FRED STORK'S HARDWARE MISCELLANEOUS for ever estopped and debarred from settler 1 up any claim to or In respect of the Mrs. Hyland. from the Sliklnc TALBOT HOUSE Good Rooms. ETtry convenience. land so sold rr laies, and the Resiitrar went to Seattle yesterday to dis. Hot water bath. 11.19 and St thaU register the person entitled tinder of her large fur catch. inch sale or the land pose DENTISTRY per week. SOc and 3lc a nitht. tax as owner c sold for taxes" j ,,.," GRADUATE BURSE (CUB.London) Term AAD WHEREAS implication baa been Ion't forget the Hed Cross moderate, apply P. O. Box 141, or made for a Certificate ol Indefeasible Title superfluity sale on Marc If lth. caoavK o it"" moss Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent Phone 41. la the abovemenUoned lands. In the name a snnsLTT Anything from a needle to an of John Berrmanj aasoiuTtLv riairaoor OR. J. S. GROWN anchor will be A5D WHEREAS on invetUssUnr- the acceptable. IM.SUIUNCC IN SU. ITS BSUNCMU. title It appears that prior to the Sin day I ... DCMT1ST PHONE 83 P. O. BOX 38 of September, tf 14. (the date on which) The Copoer Tavern at Skeena tSlf tl Sai It It . Tw S,mm Headquarters tor 0orrlaa Ssvnuii Ca. MX, at4 Urn 5rta bail Tetai the said lands were sold for overdue r sax i Crossing established by Mr. II. It. Cosarajr, LiS, PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. taxes) you- were the assessed owner thereof. i Jones has been taken over by PECK, MOORE & COMPANY FURTHER TAKE XOT1CE that at the Ruddy and Mackay, of Itazelton. same time I shall effect registration In ... S17 Ataaaa KSjeUL aROKKNS 1 Transfer and Sierage pursuance ot such application and Isaoe a j I Tne name of J. F. McLeod, of Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the said auitDiNd roRMiRLV occueito ar thc conTiaiirraL tswst oosteaav BEST LUMP A RUT COAL lands In the name of John Berimao unless Prince Ilupert, previously reiKirf you take and prosecute the proper proceeding, ed wounded, and now as missing, Stuart J.Martin to estabHsb jour claim, tf any. is on the.latest Canadian casualty NO LCNQ WAITS to the said lands, or to prevent such pro. NO SHORT WEIGHTS posed action on my part. jllst. ASSAY L. DATED at the Land RejUtry Otnee, I When You Order from Uv Prince Rupert, B. C, thla to day of! Cantaln Kd. Mlltwell. on the 8. HAZCLTON B. C. December, A. D. Itlf. IS. -Westholme". his big new boat. H. F. MACLEOD. Apr. 17. District Registrar f Tlllea. star tea out yesieruay lor rorcner, To Simon Peterson. DavtsvUle, California. but was forced to return on ac The oldest establlshtd Aassay STBEN & LONG WILL .side.count of the heavy weather out. Office In the North. Dr.Prices frsce Rkfert Feed Co. ... CREAM sanitary and heating j Call the Pony Kxpress for wood BAKING POWDIR engineers' cut In slovi lengths or 4 feet. .............. ........ HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Heat household coal and general Agent for AND FERTILIZERS transfer. Piano' moving our RAW FURS! RAW FURS! Mado from cream -McCLARY FURNACES rpccialty. Prices moderate. Phone PLUSHMPM Mfl MAN DUI ,mi, n, W. Ilogers. tf The Edmonton Fur of tartar, dbrived Bp lbs, and Take Order for from grapes, the and Muraory Stocki Mrs, Norman McMillan, of Exchange, Ltd. most delicious and SHEET METAL WORKS Telkwa, died on her farm very Phone 5, 834 Second'Avenue. Chicken Feed A Specially. suddenly last week, from an at Is upen for business and offers wholesome of all Night phones 570 tack of heart failure. Mrs. Mc. expert service to trappers, fruit acids. and Dlue 270 all Oee emtl' Atl.iujM Te. Millan was the first white woman traders and buyers of settle in the furs. Thin Kxchanite is the Two of The right work, at the right to valley. largest In Canada, It carries PO. B SSX SOS Third Ave. her sons are in the trenches, and out plan of a and time, at the right price. open, competitive PRINCE RUPERT, . C. she Is survived by other two sons, sfllintf. It is made up Its unquestioned. a daughter and her husband. The of solid business men and stands for Its fame world-wide. body was sent back! to Alexandria, Ont for interment. RESPONSIBILITY RELIABILITY Its and a guarantee RESULTS use a protection J.LHICKEY Sheet Metal Work I'xctiange widely.sales They are reach advertised the against alum food. 6SNTRASTM A SHJILMR tiiK buyers. The KxchanKe employs none but experts. Store and OOlce Fixtures, "lI tmTtTTaT!; BKainst Its warehouses lire, Vermin,are or other safe ' If you wUh to ayold a danger to your food Sash, Door and Moldings. your heating plant pu in damaging contact.- The Kx. shape for the winter; roofs change olllces are central In READ THE LABEL Oak and Hard Woods of all and skylights seen to. IMmonlmi. Bend your next kinds. In such eaaea consult a TIMBER SALE XS71 shipment to find decline to bux or use any baking powder We Specialize In making practical man If you Want The Edmonton Fur that fa not plainly designated us a cream and Mtlng aUcm windows, roaulia. SEA LED TENDERS will tie received by of tartar powder, lbs Minister of Lands not lattr than noon any also. C. Oe Rowe 1 on the tlrd day or March. HIT, for the Exchange, Ltd. Plate, and Sheet Glasa and purchase or licence X STI, to cut ,ff 0,00 Practical sheet metal man. frercf spruce, hemlock and cedar, on an ADAMS BUILDING Glazing. Opposite Hoard of Trade area adjoining Lot It 10 situated on Has Telephone 62S3, Edmonton Corner Fraser and Sth Sta. en Inlel, Queen Charlotte Islands District, Alberta, Itooms 322 2nd Avenue Two (t) years will be allowed for re-moral PHONE ORCEN SS PHONE 140. of timber. RAW FURS! RAW FURS! Further pr lieu tars of the Chief for P. 0, MX 44S. Estimates Furnished Free. ester, Victoria, B. C, or District Forester News. Advertise In The Daily eeeeeeeeee at 1'iince Rupert, B. C 71.