THE DAILY NEWS == “What Shall It Be” Question This store is prepared to answer it The occasion may be what it will; it is our duty to be ready to supply you, and we ean do it too. With pleasure to you be- cause of the size of display; with profit to you because o our ability to sell close. When the gift question pre- sents itself let us show you how easily we can match your ideas. vmcome Emer Heintzman Pianos EASY TERMS C. B. WARK Jeweller or Rent Partly furnished House on 8rd Ave. 7 rooms with bath. Electric lighted. G. C. Emmerson NADEN BLOCK SECOND AVE. Pure Ice Cream with all the “‘Fixins’’ C. H. ORME The Pioneer Druggist PHONE { LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that I, Mrs. John Corley of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a zo planted 40 chains east and 120 chains south fiom the southwest corner of lot 17388, Coast District, Range 5, thence south chains, thence east 40 chains. thence north 80 chains, thence west 40 chains more or less to the point of commencement, containing 320 acres more or less. MRS. JOHN (Lottie) CORLEY Date Mar. 20, 1911 Pub. Apr. 4, 1911 Skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Coast Range 6 Take notice that Mary Bell Beaton of Vancou ver, B. C., occupation spinster, intends to a ply ood ee to purchase the following descrit ands: Commencing at a it planted at the north east corner o/ Lot 3980, thence about 30 chains north to Lot 1728, thence 80 chains west t Lot 8982, thence about 80 chains south to Lot 3981, thence 40 chains east, thence 20 chains south to Lot 682, thence 20 chains east, thence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains east to point of com- mencement; containing 280 acres more or less, Post marked M. B. B., S.E. Corner. Dated Feb.14, 1911. MARY BELL BEATON ub. March 4 Skeena Land MistrietDistrict of Queen Charlotte an ‘Take notice that Geo. H. Laux uf Prince Rupert, . ©., occupation barber, intends to apply for pn to purchase the following ibed nds: Commencing at a post planted about seven miles west and one mile south from the mouth of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thence south 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains. GEO. H. LAUX Dated March 17, 1911. Pub. April 22. Numa Demers, Agent Skeena Land District— District of Cassiar Take notice that I Bolcom McDonald of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation laborer, intends to ap ply for permission to purchase the following de scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted three and one- half miles in an easterly direction from the point on Naas}River where the Lava Lake trail begins and one mile in a northerly direction from the said Lava Lake trail, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres. BOLCOM McDONALD Date Feb. 3, 1911. Pub. Mar. 10. Joseph Belway, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, James Webster Esplin of oi, B.C,, ee one: in to app! or permission to purchase the followi described lands: ? 3 Commenci at a post planted cz the right bank of the Naas river about nine miles above the forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, | thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, | thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, | containing 640 acres more or less. JAMES WEBSTER ESPLIN Dated March 24, 1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt Pub. May 17. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Charles Frederick Metcal of Stewart, B. C., occupation freighter, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: } Commencing at a post planted on the right bank of the Naas river about six miles above the | forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, | thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. Dated March 25, 1911. CHARLES F. METCALF | Pub. May 17. Frank Sidney Wright, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar | Take notice that I, Bertie Edwin Badger of | Stewart, B. C., occupation plumber, intend to | apply for permission to purchase the following | described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one mile | north of the Naas river and about seven miles above the forks of the Naas River upstream, thenes north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to | point of commencement, containing 640 re more or less. BERTIE EDWIN BADGER |} | Dated March 23, 1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt | Pub. May 17. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Thomas Macgovern of Stewart, B. C., occupation miner,intend to apply cre peetaeoe to purchase the following described nds: Commencing at a post planted on the right bank of the Naas river about four miles above the forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or Jess. THOMAS MACGOVERN Dated March 25, 1911. Sidney Frank Wright, Agt Pub. May 17. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Perey Francis Godenrath of Stewart, B. C., occupation journalist ,intend to apply for permission to purchase the following Reena lands: } at a post planted on the right bank of the Naas river about seven miles above a row shoes Cl ifi d One of the best services the modern news There buyer and seller, employer and w: To put this modern convenierice in reach of everyone the News will reduce Minimum charge of 25 cents. mon ground, rate to a nominal price of a cent a word Here is our Classified Advertising A paper gives the public is in t orker, landlord and tenant, an he d er insertion. olumn for today. FOUND AT LAST Been Lost More Than a Month After considerable searching it has been found by several people simultaneously. It was located in in the rear basement of the Empress Theatre building on the corner of Second avenue and Sixth street. In honor of the occasion, the discoverers enjoyed a fine lunch set up in nicefstyle. We forgot to mention that they were looking for Reilly's Bakery Lunch. Men! No other store can show you as great a range of boots and Scott, Third avenue. Froud & Co., as The secret of the shape-retain- ing qualities of the 20th Cen- tury Brand Garments is the amount of bench-tailoring and hand-tailoring that is put on them and in them. os . Lost and Found FOUND~Elegant rooms; ly furnished, The Bulkley Block, 6th Ave., near Fulton, | 109-1m LOST—A bunch of keys, Finder please return to News Office, ave ee 110-112 Pe nee eaar meet + For Rent ! — 4 2 room house, partly furnished, close in. Apply Pantoriurn. 110-112 New 7-room house on Ambrose Aye., partly fur- nished. Apply on premises or Box 874. 110-116 Nice, clean, bright outside rooms. Bulkley Block 6th Ave., near Fulton. 109-1m House furnished for housekeeping, 2 rooms, $17 per month; back of rink. Apply Law-Butler pany. 105-108 If you would like a new house close in, phone 205. McRae & Co. 108-tf 4 * Nice furnished rooms for rent. Apply Drexel Rooming House, 2nd Ave., near McBride. May 3-lmo Two nicely furnished rooms, one front room, hot baths. The Roland, Third avenue. 103-6. nt oe oe Yn Pts Pa PsP Help Wanted fo oe os es ss crs es i Nineteen young men to take cosy rooms in the Bulkley Block, near Fulton. 109-1m - Boy to assist in office at Piercy Morris & Co., First Ave. 104-106 A woman to do house work; also girls for laundry work. Apply Pioneer Laundry. 108-105 Apply to An Experienced Stenographer at once. 103-106 Mack Realty and Insurance Company. A Mother's Help. One who can do cooking. Other maid kept. Apply Mrs. Palmer, 4th Ave. and Hays Cove Circle, phone 209. 101-tf Waiter wanted at Central Hotel. 100-tf Boy Wanted. Apply at Optimist Office. 94-tf Wanted—An A-1 solicitor for the most liberal Fraternal Orders in the world. Call room 28, Empress Hotel. I. F. Madlem. 108-114 Wanted—500 good men to join the Order of Owls. Call room 28, Empress Hotel. I. F. .Madlem. 108-114 ss se ess eel { Board Wanted te tH et | WANTED—Room and board in X.M., Optimist Office. q i | }-cnecinsstnisarninsiiareorustnnertparaneotensotnernseip private family. 4 te re es es ee Fire Insurance | | THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital | of $2,500,000.00. See us for rates. The Mack Realty and Insurance Company. 70-tf Sore we Situations Wanted . p> 6s rs Os es A_ classified advertisement is a tireless work- hunter—and seldom fails. Man and wife wants pesition in camp or hotel. Strictly first class cooks. Apply Box T. B., News. 106-108 By experienced man and wife as cook and helper in mining camp or country hotel. Avply H. L. T., Optimist. 95-97 Position by Japanese cook in family or boarding house. P.O. Box 894 103-6 aaah t e Boarders Wanted a dvertisements classified advertisement columns. a host of others meet on com- its Watch it grow. [== DANCE? “Our Specials Sweet, Juicy Oranges e have those delice 8 ¢ ie. the pride of C alifornia, the Paradise of America, at prices within your reach, New Spring Rhurbarb The most healthful and appetizing table disly at this time of the year. I f ious seedless Nav TO-NIGHT McINTYRE HALL Admission $1.00 Ladies Free BARGAINS We have several good buys in sections 5, 6, 7 and 8. WHY NOT CALL AND GET FAMILIAR WITH SOME OF THEM For Quick Sale List Your Property With Us JOHN DYBHAVN Open Evenings Exchange Block 0-0-0 -©-@ © © @ +-6 © FRED. STORK ! ° —General Hardware é ie . | . , Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware 1 i | Tinware mo . SECOND - AVENUE 6 6-4 © © @© + + @ © MEMBERSHIP IS GROWING Overseas Club Always Adding New Names TWO DOZEN LAST NIGHT } |Plans Discussed, and Rehearsal Held for Victoria Day Enter- tainment. New Artists Will Take Part. President Intends to Retire Shortly. Twenty-four new members were of the the the roll branch added to | Rupert Club last night. of the club | rapidly since its organisation | March and last night the President | Mr. J. F. McDonald stated that arrangements be ol Overs has increased very in are shortly to Prince “as The membership Fresh Vegetables of all kinds and every- | thing in Groceries at Ideal Provision House Third Ave., near Sixth St. Phone 190 | COMING EVENTS CAST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE THEM Indian Band Concert | The most interesting performance ever held in British Columbia, 0 be held in the Empress Theatre Empire Day, May 24 Don’t miss this. Contest at 2 p.m. CUPS AND MEDALS lon view at J. S. Gray & Son's Jewelry | | Store, Sixth St. Phone No. 78 black, | TICKETS - 50c AND 75c¢) on sale at theatre aod at Gray's store | | | | Overseas Club Concert | The best performance ever given in| | the city. Held in Empress Theatre. | " Moving Pictures at 7.30 p.m. Concert at 8.00 p.m. Sharp FEATURE: Tug of War between police, Fire Department and Ear! Grey's Rifles. Also Amateur Competition for Child- ren under 14 years of age- Silver Cup and Prizes on view at J. 8. Gray's Jewelry Store, where ticket can be had for Concert at 50c, 75c, $1., also from members of Club. Gray's phone 78 black. so DANCE What better way t by going to the Dance given by 8. Gray at McIntyre Hall after Concert. 10.30 to 2 a.m. | Tickets, Gents $1.00. J.S. GRAY & SON Manufacturing Watchmakers, Jewel- era, Opticians and Engravers, Dealers in Musical instruments. for the Stanley Ladies Free | 1 | Sole agents Piano and Players. | Sole | Stamps. | Agents for the Victor and records, of which we carry line. Headquarters What you don’t please ask for. We have been repeatedly asked for Anti-Rheumatic rings. We have now a large stock on hand, gold filled, $1.50 any size. agents for Hewitt’s Rubber Gramophones a full for see in our windows | Warning: To Preserve Your Eyesight Don’t Miss this Chance DR. INMAN Consulting Eye Specialist of Vancouver, is now at our store. He | | | and on the east ba south side of the east 40 chains, thenee norty Skeena Land Dictriet | went, » close the day than} ee LAND PURCHASE Nonicp Stikine Land Distriet—p, istriet ¢ Take notice that Christian A ret! "| oe Sting, 3. C., oeeupation eustorn: #8 Officer, inten, or teslon to purchase the (0 lowing’ ton Ht ¢ ‘Assiay Commencing at a post x quarters of a mile north east (;,, nk of Stikine Rj mouth of a little 7) west 40 chains, thenee south 4) oe" of commencement and containing or Dated Feb Pub. April “po 1911, CHRISTIAN A District of Queer Islands Take notice that J. Ho Murp B. C., occupation commer: to apply for perminsion to , deseribed lands , Commencing st a post miles west and one mile vout: of Stanly Creek, Naden Har chains, thence west 40 chains chains, thence east 40 ¢ Dated March 17 1933 Pub. April 22. jal travelle Skeena Land District 1 ist, Take notice that I, Mary (Cs B. ©., occupation married wor for parniies ion to purchase the lane Commencing at a post ; south and (2) two miles west White and Fiat rivers, thence: thence 80 chains west, thence thence 80 chains east Dated April 20, 1911. Pub. May 15 Francis Skeena Land District Take notice that I, i Redert B. C., occupation laborer lor mission to purchase the ( eader ' Commencing at a post planted « miles south of the forks of the rivers, thence south #0 cha chains, thence north 80 chains chains. Dated April 18, 1911 Pub. May 15. France Skeena Land District Take notice that I, Al of Prince Rupert, B. C., intend to apply for perm tesior following deseribed lands Commencing at a post 5 t miles south of the forks of the rivers, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains nortr east ALFRED BERRYMA Dated April 18, 1911 Franc | Pub. May 18 Skeena Land District — Distr Take notice that I, leanc Prince Rupert, B.C., oecupati to apply for permission to pu described lands Commencing at a post plant south and one mile west of the [ aud Fist rivers, thence por west 80 chains, thence east 80 chains Dated April 18, 1911 Pub. May 13 ISAA( Frar Skeena Land District Take not ce tha Rupert, B. ¢ for perrniasion to purchase iande oceupat or Commencing #t & pos one-half miles distant n a» trom a« blind slough from Ot the same touches the Ir west 50 chains, thence r east 80 chains, thence « commence nt, contain Dated April 14, 1911 Pub. May 15 ng ¢ JUL Skeena Land Distriet— Distr Take not ce that Murd« B. ¢ occupation real est apply for perminion t described lands s Commencing at a oort pla bank of Eachurneike river a ts confluence with the chains thence 20 chains th * 40 chains eust, thence 20 cha chains east, thence 40 cha commencement, containing Dated April 21, 1911. Pub. May 18 west, ch west, cha 222% ee Mel Mf enamel souvenirs. | Skeena Land District —D Range 5 Take notice that I, Fre Prince Rupert, B.C., mer, intends to apply purchase the following Commencing at of north east corner o Range 5, Coast distri chains to a slough; chains; thence south east 28 chains to the mencement. f ost sur t | made to have the club incorporated Home cooked meals and nicely furnished rooms | PS . for three persons. Apply Mrs. James, Scott Today the artists Bidg., 3rd Ave., between 8th and vth Sts. &5-tf : to take the Day celebration arranged by Home Overseas Club, held FREI Dated February 25t! First insertion Mar | the forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, | thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, } thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. PERCY FRANCIS GODENRATH Dated March 25, 1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt | Pub: May 17. fits glasses for all complicated cases of defective vision This is | specialty; don’t fail to see him while he is Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. Good clothes can’t be made by machinery any more than good pictures can be painted by ma- chinery. Every important who Victoria the | various | are yart i here | Private Board by the week or month > part in | cooking a specialty. Miss E. M. Gleeson, ard Ave., between 7th and 8th Sts., phone 171. 89-tf The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES x a Land District a rehearsal sttice that Glenn M The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St WINDOWS From the outside looking in, or from the inside locking out, the appearance of your windows is an index of your care for the ap- pearance of your home. To the visitor they indicate your taste, your eye for harmony of color; to the passer-by they indicate something of your care for the outward appearance of your dwelling. It is not essential that your window draperies be expen- sive, but it is imperative that ° in good taste. Our Drapery Department contains a stock of wide variety of materials and prices. As iow as 12 1-2c the yard and as high as $2.00. Fancy and plain scrims, fancy and plain madrasses, nov- elty curtain goods, tapestries, nets, etc,, and, in the ready-made curtains, we have the Notting- hams from 0c the pair aud up to $10. Rope Portieres, Tapestry Portieres in all the leading shades and, in short, we can glve you the benefit of a wide selection, and, should you ask it, competent information on anything pertain- ing to draping of your windows. H. S. Wallace Co’y. Ltd. Dry Goods, Chinaware, Etc. Fulton Street and Third Avenue | apply for permission to purchase the following | ___ | deseribed lands: | | north from the | above the forks of the Naas river, thence north 80 | | chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 Dated March Skeena Land Distriet—District of Cassiar Take notice that 1,gJames Millar Johnston of | Stewart, B. C., occupation storekeeper, intend to | Commencing at a post planted about one mile Naas river and about nine miles | chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commence- ment, containing 640 acres more or less. JAMES MILLAR JOHNSTON 24,1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt Pub. May 17. Sixth Street vital part of every 20th Century Brand garment is hand-tailored -New Spring styles ready! Sloan & Company —CLOTHING SPECIALISTS— Phone 297 F. R. C. BROWN CABLE ADDRESS ‘*RAEMAC PRIN CE RUPERT”’ H. F. McRAE & Co. Financial Agents HEAD OFFICE, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BRANCH OFFICE, VANCOUVER, B.C, Three years experience of Prince Rupert has given us the experience and facilities for handling the business of a large and increasing number of out-of-town clients for whom we invest and re-invest, Let us handle your business. References-—-Royal Bank of Canada, Messrs. R. G. Dunn & Co For the 24th Dolls and Toys of all kinds themselves on the holiday. FLAGS, STREAMERS AND BUNTING for the kiddies to amuse Magazines—The Latest ‘‘Best Sellers’? in Books—Everything in Stationery McRAE BROS., Ltd, Sixth St, Phone 78 Red | teeter arerer | Real Estate Better ere man, and does not often count enough “to count’’ in the net result. Nineteen young men wanted to rent cosy furnish- ed in the Bulkley Kooms, 6th Ave., near Fulton. 109-1m Wanted from owner—now talk fast — Lots in blocks 3, 4, 23 and 24, seetion 8; blocks 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 19, section 6, or in any section if price is right Giveiowest prices and terms in first letter. P.O. Box 744. 109-4 10 For Sale—Lot 9, block 81, section 6; $760, cash $250,Lalance 6 and 12 months. Lot 20, bicek 31, section 6; $600, cash $250, balance 6 and 12 months. Apply to Owner, P.O. Box 546. 105-111 We have a good building lot within a block of Me- Bride Street for $50 cash. Second Ave. Pt es re tr ae For Sale Bo ee tree ere 108-tf A first-rate proposition which will give a stead monthly income, $800 cash handles it. H. F, McRae & Co., Second Ave. 104-tf Household Goods. Rooms to be let. Apply Mrs. Evjen, 7th Ave, and Taylor St. near Surimit. 95 r ee eee ee Office Wanted Wanted to hire, small space in office. P.O. Box 757. ? Apply te 99-108 Money to Loan et re 4 we A classified advertisement will find you the mon- ey with which to put your plan into effect. peers Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert Notice ix hereby given that a sitting of the Court of Revision for the Corporation of the Cit of Prince Rupert will be held in the City Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C., on Monday, June 5th, 1911, at 10 o'clock a.m,, for the purpose of hearing com- plaints against the Assessments as made for the year 1911, Any person desiring to make complaint against the said Assessments muet give notice in writing stating cause of complaint to the Assessor at least ten days previous to the sitting of the said Court. 3 -C, McLENNAN, Assesso Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., May lst, 1911. " S. O. E. B.S. —_—_— , The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 818, Sons of Ragisad. meets the first and third Tuesdays in each month in the Carpenters Hall, at 8 p.m, F. V. CLARK, See., P. O, Box 812, Prince Rupert A classified advertisement is a real estate sales- | H. F. McRae & Co,, | in the McIntyre Hall. Some very good talent indeed was represented, jand there wil! be a number of new entertainers, ' j. F. McDonald last night’s meeting intimated his at President intention to resign his position shortly as he will not be able to take such an active part in the ol The regret of the meeting was expressed by Mr. Bullock Webster. Mr. J. F. McDonald is going south this week, but will organisation he has done late. as jreturn to Prince Rupert in time | for Victoria Day entertain- ment, Various |touched upon last night, and a the minor matters were couple of printing accounts were | referred to the Finance Committee, A letter from the headquarters of the Overseas Club in Londen congratulating Prince Rypert of the formation of live branch of the club was read and applauded, Another meeting of the club will be held on Tuesday evening when reports of members undertaking the sale of tickets for the coming entertainment will be received. Last night's meeting was held in the hall at the Westholme Lumber Co.'s premises. a launches Davis’ For row boats and telephone 820 green. Boat House. Real Estate A number of lots in Section 8 have been turned over the last few days by John Dybhaven, the local real estate dealer. Born A daughter to Mr, and Mrs, G. H. Wail, Summit avenue, on May 16th, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, 'Phore 4 If you want to save money buy Furniture of | J. F. MACDONALD’S FURNITURE STORE, SECOND ANENUE, NEAR MCBRIDE | who is selling out his full stock regard- less of cost. your | LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL B B IB 'B 'B 'B iB iB B 'B \B B We Will Not Spend Money Ad- vertising anything but Real Bargains lith Ave. and Brian St. Cash will handle lot in sec, & The full price is only $200. You can make a quick turn on a small investment, $$$$-—-will be made by the fortunate investor in a lot we are offering in section 6. $500 cash will handle it and we can prove that B tt is @ snap. | B Near Sth Ave. and Emmerson Place 'B $300— Cash handles one of the | best buys in the city, B right on the hill where nearly all of the best residences have been built, a pretty site and very cheap, $1100. Sth Ave., Near Imanuel Piace $183. (5--Down on a $315 lot near Seal Cove, aplend- id investment well lo- cated, Cor. Sth Ave, and Imanuel Place $500—Cash handles this double corner, The Cold Stor- age Plant has made corner one of the best buys in town, as an in- vestment it is gilt- edge, and $100 below market, $900, $100 this DOR OOOO TOOT eee eee eee , Gecupat real estat« ply for permission wo 5 described lands Commeneng at & post pi and 80 chains south of the Lot No. 1733 marked Glenr west corner, thence south 40 « 80 chains, thence north 4 80 chains to pot of comme 320 acres more or lens. Dated March 20, 1911 Pub. April 15, are iLt Skeena Land District ® Take notice that I, J, Ha Rupert, B. C., oceupat or apply for perm sion to pu deser bed lands Commencing at @ post plant one hall miles d stant from a blind slough f the same ¢ ches the 80 chain ence, south 50 eha chains, thence north 80 cha meneement, containing 640 acre Dated Apri 14, 1911 J. HA black Skeena Land District — D Take notice that 1, Alice M Rupert, B. C., cecupation ma to apply for permiasion to described lands; Commencing at a post planted south and two miles west of t! and Flat rivers, thence nort! j}east 80 chains, thence soutt | west 80 chains. Dated April 20, 1911. Pub. May 18 ALICE Franei Skeena Land District — Dix Take notice that 1, Sydney Fite B. C., oceupation east. intend mission to purchase the following Commencing at a post planted south and one mile of and Flat rivers, thence soutl west 80 chains, thenee north east 80 chains. Dated April 18, 1911. Pub. May 18. SYDNEY Francis Skeena Land Distriet—Distric! Take notice that I, John Robe Rupert, B, C., oeeupation cook for permasion to purchase the fo lands; pont plante les west of Commencing at 45 south and 2) two mi White and Flat rivera, thence thence east 80 chains, thence | thence west 80 cha ns. Dated Apri 20, 1911 Pub. May 18, JOHN Ko! Franc . Ve Rang Skeena Land District District wet Cheap Rent Business Quarters Per Month-—-will rent a building 25x40 near 8rd and 6th Sts,, suitable for warehouse, carpen- ter shop, plumbing or tinsmith, Houston is the Place for You $50 to $400 a lot will place you inon this new Grand Trunk townsite located in the centre cf Pleasant Vatiey, which is the cream of the Bulkley Valley. Law-Butler Co. Real Estate and Insurance Third Ave, LULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 25 5 ww B B B B) B B) B| B| B B! | B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B } Take not ce that I, Martha lL Rupert, B. C., occupat on marr ed ¥ to apply for permission to purcha described lands: Commencing at a post planted abot one-haif miles distant in a southwe from a blind slough from Observa! the same touches the Ind an Keser\' 80 chuins, thence south 50 eha! chains, thence north 80 cha ns to mencement, conta nng 640 acres " Dated Apr 114, 1911, MAI Pub. May 15. ; tend an | » follarttt + cree {iret inlet whet ah re oF Mi THA LEb , a? rast Rane co Rint pply, » ape de “cri eos Skeena Land Distriet——Distriet of Take not ce that I, Joe Jack of Ir B. C,, occupation earpenter, intend x permiestan to purehase the follow!" ands: Commencing at a post planted abo one-half miles distant in a routh weet’ from @ blind slough from Observatory | the same touches the Indian Reserve (ht 80 cha na. thence “ath chains, (heres chuins, thence south 80 elaine we Por” mencement, containing 640 acres mor ; yach Dated April 14, 1911, Pub, May 18, or | JOE