TIIR DAILY NKWS Wf.lnso.lny, Mntvh h THE DAHY NfcWT Twenty-Five Cents a I THE MAILS safeties!!!!' Day spent for the right THE LEADING frEWSPAfER IN NOMHKN BftmSH fCOLUMBlAV PsMisbaeJ DaJf aaaVWeaaJf' kind of food will keep a rnan For the East, Quarantssd Laraest- Clrctrtatlom in good health, fit for any Tuctdajs, 2 a. in. j "Ship to task. Two ShrctWcd Wheat sasti :BttBi ' Et .L. 1. .i . . Shuhert. Wednesdays, w:30 a. ml' mm - ui Mrnrm II HAD nmCE Biscuits, served with hot Saturday", :30 a. in. Daily Newt Dulldtnir, 3rd Ave, Prince Hupert, Il.G. Telephone 98. milk, make n complete; per-feet From iha East. rilANSIKNT DISPLAY AOVKIITIHINO 60 nunts pr mm. Omtract meal at a cost of tout Tuetdnya, :30 p. n. j ,4- i rm wmm Itm, ' rntftn on application. , five cents a meal that or;supplies in digestible form Tliurtdays, 5s30Jpt m. t r a. n. SHUBERT, Inc. KMg Sundays, 3:10 p. in. DAILY EDITION BO Wednesday March 14, 1917. 'every element needed to build new tissue and furnish For Vancoutr. heat and for the Tuesdays, 4 p. rrw "f THI TMMW OF KVKNTS erstwhile rulers, who have led energy Al the present moment the them to their ruin, time will human body. At twenty Thursdays, 10 p. m. American people seem to be of show. History shows In what five cents n day for three Sundays, I p. n. WINTER SCHEDULE one, voice in their hostility to rude and arbitrary fashion the meals theni is a margin of From Vancouver. Germany. Demands for an populace dealt with their rulers ten cents for fruit or green Wednesdays, 10:30 a. in. 8. 8. PRINCE RUPERT declaration of war are in previous times, when a nation THURSDAY 12 Midnight mien vegetables. Such n diet Irtdayt. 3 p. m. f,o r Vaneouv. being heard from vorlous parts was brought to ruin. Vlotorla and Seattle. means a clean stomach, Sundays. 7 p. m, of country. The language Revolutions accompanied by the WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX slicing used at the public war much bloodshed have happened healthy liver, active bowels. Allernats .Mondays from January 8. PRINCE JOHN 'meetings nil over the United before, and when the Ocrnlan For breakfast with milk or 1st. 8. ff K suit U an, Wranfsll. Jnossu and tkaaway March 7th ant ttst States indicates the state of people learn by what means cream. Made in Canada. For Anyox. roa quits cmaslotti iilasoi march mth amo iith mind of the majority of the their name has been caused to Wetlnesdays, 10 p. m. people. Were there only small tink in the nostrils of the PA88ENQER TRAIN SERVICE take no chances. If the outlook Friday. 8 p. in. isolated outburst here and whole civilized world there will Wednsatsy and Satartar at 11iSOa.sn. fee Smlthera. frlsx Seer, n, there; it might be taken no assuredly be a day of reckon is as serious as he says it is Sundays, 8 n tn. mantas, Seslataon aad Wlaalaet. mallaf aaaaeattoaa there fee sll selau and undoubtedly it Is serious It notice of, but when influential ing. From' Anyox. sast aad aeath. .Mlssd trail every Taee4sy at 4 a. m. will not be long: before we have citizens of New York speak of a food controller in Canada. Thursdays, Sundays and Tues Agency All Ocssn Stsamthlp Linos. war to crowded audiences such NOTES AND COMMENTS Gardening, once a hobby, hat days. For informallon and reservations apply to as happened last week, that becomo a butiness proposition. Ths Islands. Ticket B2f Third Avanus. City Offlcs, PHONE which Mail and 2(0 state ,of mind precedes a The Toronto Empire The man who has an available ' popular war will be recognized. recently demanded that the Can. MaiLciotos. t backyard and does not cultivate The trouble in Congress over adian government deal in a direct Jan. 1? aml31sl ot 8 p. tn. it this coming season Is wasting the armed neutrality bill has way with speculators in foods and Feb. Itth and 28th at 8 p. m. is money. ;vo great amir requireu caused the American people to declared that the pepple looked to turn a small plot of land into Mall Arrives. have given in to the government and to nobody feel, as they no dication previously of feeling, else' to remedy the trouble; It money in the bank. A little ap. January 21st, February ltli CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY plication of the first principles, a that their national honor has asks for instant action, not long, ind March 3rd. little spare time spent in healthy been hurt. And the movement range negotiation. If investigators outdoor exercise and a small out. Lowest Ratet to all Eastern Points toward active hostilities seems are put on the Job they might cash LAND REGISTRY ACT via Steamer to,Vancouver and ths lay of means a surprising to be moving in an inexorable start work with a Derusal of the tsectiotu tt and Hi.) CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY return of good eatables fresh for procession. (annual statements of some of the Meals and Berth Included on Slaemee the pot. The United States were al- big products companies. One Km Application n. I0tl tile .to. tTi. ways good friends with fler-'large Hour concern boasted of a GETTING BACK WHAT TAKL AUTlCt that appucauoa has been Prlncsta Maqulnna for Oranby Bay Friday 11 p. m. many. Nowhere had' the Ger-lmore profitable year in 1916 than WAS ALIENATES made to retisur Marloa it. Morrlsey, of Prlncatt Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 8 p. m. mans better friends. Yet the ever before in its history. It paid Prture hupert, S. C, as owner In fee under Tai Sale teed from the Collector Prlncsta Sophia for Alaska Hhursday, March 16th. German government deliberate, fat bonuses to its shareholders. Victoria, March 13 .prepara of the City of Prince Bapert, bearing dale ly deceived them, insulted them This is no time for super-profits. tory to what is considered a move UM lUi day of September, lilt. Of ALL blew up their factories, sunk This it war-lime, a time of stress on the part of the government to K0 Sl.tOL'LAM that certain parcel or J, I. PETERS, General Affent their ships, murdered their without precedent in the" annals cancel a large part of the coal tract ot land sad premises situate, lyias, 1 and beior In tba Xnticlpailly af Prince Ca rtsr Fourth Street and Third Aienue, Prlne Rupert. D.C citizens. And yet they had of the whole world, a time of sac. and petroleum land locations, a Rupert, mora particularly known and de friends. The boundless forbearance riflce for everybody. bill hat been introduced in the scribed aa Lot titbteen (IS). Is luck Elfbi found in the United house by the minister of land tt. Sec two fciibt (t. Map till. tou are repaired to cvaleil um claim States has been mistaken for Well-informed American newspapers amending the Coal and Petroleum U tba ui purchaser withia si days from weakness. The German idea and thinking Americans act by the insertion of a clause Um date of tba aervice of UUs nvtlc was that the United States generally frankly admit that the empowering the HeutenanUgover- wnicb nay be effected by personal ser would not fight. They could be main bulwark of their country is nor-in-council by notice signed nee, and your atw&Uuo is called to sac v7 Uod tt of tbe "Land hcftstry Act" with CANADIAN WOMEN scorned and insulted with impunity, Britain's If that bulwark teapower. by the minister and published in unffkdfueau, and to Um roltowtac tstract but at last, the friends were beaten down the Allies the official Gazette to cancel any iherrfruu "and Is default of a SHOULD KNOW THID of Germany in' the United would be defeated on all fronts reservations on sixty days notice. cetral or cerliflcala of lu pendaau beint niuini rtD-r' ana. i.it.. rtt-CT ii-n. States have discovered that the and nothlnjr could save the United The amendment also gives the lied befara tba refistrauon aa owner of sVJhy YoarCroccr. Th Covrtnaeel Uatlttia r use person entitled, under tucn sale, ail No.SOS I wits tt story IT COSTS TKE3AMC repeated treachery and ingratitude' Slates from a German invasion. mlnUter the power to place coa) person so aered wllh notice. and seeetareereeceu ewtia r, of Germajiy Is loo Our neighbor's navy would be and petroleum lands upon re. lboe cUiiBlnt thrvuih or under tbetn, sad luiMi aess et4MVlaSHT much to be borne always. out-shiprud, out-gunned and out-manned. serve. aa persoas cUuniav any tateresl in Um If rMwMVeee4rss.sMIM4rtn?i:enM4 land by virtue af any nartsnstered loau-u we as uh ink hh, var Magnanimity in nations Is There is practically no auent. and all persona clainsias any la- Taa AYLttKIt COMOstNSKO MILKCOLtw. V well, but there comes a time army. CARSON VOID for sale by Lip. ierest is tba land by descent whose title Atkaaa.Ornr Causa f7 for a righteous nger being ett & Cunningham, and Parkin. la not retutered under lbs provuiona of displayed The friends of Germany Profesor Stephen Leacock, of this Act. snail be for ever estopped and Ward Electric Co. tf. debarred from settlor up any claim M or friends longer. Montreal, recently uttered the are now no is respect of the land so sold for tales, Germany has deliberately following warning in an address I. LANS D I muCT Ol STVMCT OS and tba Retlttrar shall rt ftsler tba parson estranged her best friends, before the Housewives' League of COAST, RAJMK S. enutsrd nndtr such tai sale as owner of with that lack of political wisdom, that city: "We are in sight of a iha land aa sold for texea. AM) WIILHEAS afpUcalloa has bees 2,000,000' which bat always characterized terrible food lamine, such at the Cannier TAKE AOTICE Company.that Limned,the British or Victoria,Columbia B. wad ror a Certificate af IndefsAsibla Title the German.' That world has never seen. We- must C, letroon ranaers. Intend to apply far to Um abova-mentloned Unds, in Um naiiM they should deliberately invite take steps betimes if we with to prnnuiloa la kiN Um foIVjwlDr described f Marlon B. Morrtseyt i'm Belgians WHEHEAt tbe their most powerful friends to avoid .national, and world-wide for bo re land j Commend n r tt post A.1D on lavsaucauof title It appears that prior to Um ttk day north bank of tbe sterns planted oa tt become their seems to disaster. We must at all costs dale which enemy of September, Itls, (the on Hirer. 19 reel Math from lb sou the 1 1 Depend us be the height of madness. The increaie our food supply. corner or Lot tt. A, S, Coeal DUtrlcti i said lands were sold for overdue on more especially under the present tbenra south too feels thence westerly- uses), you were Um assessed owner circumstances. It may be that Professor Lea. a od dtilanee northerly or parallel approttmaleiy to tbe 410 shore feet line.to thereof.ri'HTIIKR TAKE AOTICE thai at tbe 1 i-ai 'v for Dread! When final disaster overtakes cock i putting too much sombre point t(0 feet south of Um scutr sane tuna I shall effect rt filtration la r the German Empire, what coloring on bis picture, but it boundary of Um Oraod Trunk Paclse rail- pursuance of such application and Usu a the people will say to their would be well, nevertheless, It- war; tbeace wetter!; and northerly parallel lands Ccrtiacate In the of name Indefeasible of Marion Till B.to Morrlsey the said Since tkortij after the Ccrmio invation, the Bel jit ni to lb said rlthl-of-way to a point duo snath oMIw S. W. corner or Lot tOi unless you Uka and prosecute too proper have depended for food entiiciy on the "Commution thence north tot feet to tba point or in-tersectk proceadinn to establish your cJilm, if any, for Relief in Belgium". Their own ttore of food, said tba ot Um aoatb boundary of aald to lands, or to prevent sarb pro. posed action on my part. if pillaged, would lait only rUbt-of-wayi thence southerly and east- even not destroyed ot DATED al the Land eriy alonr aald rtrtt-or-way to a tt'iot RerUtry Omre, three weeks -they have had no chance to laisr j)oie where aald boundary lino atrtkea abort Prlnrt Rupert. B, C. Ibis !7th day of Ramsay's line; thence alonr nifti water mark to tbe October. A. IL D. P.til.MCLE0D. aad the ruthless Get mant iciute to tuppljr them I point fcf cotnnieneement. A. W. CART in. District Rtrtatrar of Title. Backed tin fo Reuben Aurtot, 11 Mil by, Actios at a tent ror tbe 8. C. Canninf MOT Pacific SL, Vancouver, B, C Co, Limited. Empire Cream Sodas I'tbrsary tela,WATER 111. NGTIOC Navlgabls Watars Protsctlon Act. R. S. O, CMATTtn 11B. Dl VIM ION AND USE United TIM Oraod Trunk Paciac Company so eenerousr cocab-olcd in the Orkiah Empire sac lbs TAKE JIOT1CK that Oeorr McHae. Railway whose addreii la Sitdetate, B. C will hereby lcs ooUra that l bast under Stales. tb acutrsl Oslsnaa KcW Coctmssvoa has anpoded I t-lb. Tina apply for a licence to tk and ue 1 10 SecUon T of tbe said Act. deposited with enour.li wheat. Soasr sad sjthsr (ooda to leexj lbs whole natioo coble feet per miniiia of water out of tba Minister or Public Warts at Ottawa, so (sr. TKs vest may of Ua 7.000.000 BcW led m Demiter wnlea now a norUerly and and In tba omc of tba District Retistrar Creek, ol Mava fttull thatr anvsaaVs refutation by their superior drains Into Aliford Bay, about tt chains of the Land Itetieiry Offlce, District or lbs country bass bea sbts la pay lor tl:cir daJy alow ante Wt quality an unfformlty. TTw moat discrimination houas-wife from tbe H. E. corner of T. L. HI Tba rrlnce Rupert, at Prtoe Rupert, a description bread but s stesdJy ft sutsbar b ata bm7 water will bo direrted frotn tba itreara at of the si la and plan of lumber mill InsVata upon "Waimaya Empire" whan buying Soda a point about ten chains west rrom JI.W. and other works proposed la he built la Ualaas w srs wXsf to 14 these huadredt al tboosanJi al MaoulU. corner of Lot . . C. risbertet. and wtV the Prince Hupert harbor at rrinee. Rupert, wacnaat, chaMiea sad old men starve, they must ba led at th be used for power purpoie upon tbe land Brllliu Columbia, in front of Waterfront of ths BelgUa ReW Fund, To msLt uSa DciU TTtey aro waste In SVe. and your grooar gtta his supply dearrtbed as adjoininr Timber Limit ttt Block !", accordlns to retlstered plan"of someocs soust cootributs acsrly 13.000.000 s sjoslh-svery In application to lease. tbe low nil te of tba aald eliy of Prince frequently and quickly, Insuring fraahnaoa, which msani This notice was posted on tba trounC Ituprrt retutered la tba aforesaid land osonlsv al aba! wistet I crleaneea, on the I ltd day of January. It IT. A refisiry ctnea as So, III, Section 7. copy of this nolle and an applicative AXD TAKE ?IOTICK thai after tba X pursuant thereto and to the Water Act, pi ration of ona mooui from um data of traetoualy ss w Canadian I Ns cause bat east been ma order. Prave It buying a tin with nest oy your Ittl will be Oled In the race or tbe l he first publication cf this notice, tba dWviag ol bclpl la ths assss al Jjatic sad Hianaasty o Manufactured Water Uecorder at Prtnea hupert. Ob-Jecltona Qrand Trunk Pacific Hallway Company tba tabs of aw own scHneevaU 1st a afvs al ws ca i by to the application may be Sled will, under Section 7 af the and Act. apply with the said Water Recorder or with to tba Minister or public Worts at bis help assT tasftyaod AKatl LTD. tba Comptroller cl Water nithtt. Parlla-men offlro In the Cily of Ottawa for appro?al SmW re UriyeUs msUs al b aa tsss seas t Ueal RAMSAY BROS. 6 CO., i Buiumrs, Victoria. B. C. within of tba said site and plan and for leave Pmiaeial Csaiejiiisee. as I tk " thirty daya after tbe flrtt appearance of to construct tn said works. Vanoouvsr, B. 8,' this notira In local newspaper, Daie4 at Wlnalper, Ktnitoba. this till Cantrsl 'Exaauvf OiinlttM. N H Wr tt, Mtreal The data ot tba first publication of Ibis day or February, A. D, it 17. I notice la February till. It IT, THE ORAND TRU.1K PACIFIC RAILWAY $2.0 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. OEOnoe MeHAE, Applicant. COMPANY. II. II. IIAJItARD, Solid lAr EMPRESS COFFEE VsJtfSLESALE DWTIIItMJTOII F. O. DAVVSOM PRINOK RUPCRT,