tf.infMlay March H,                                                                            THE DAILY NEWS

                                 HUNGARY'S USE TO GERMANY

 ne Careful

                                 Can, rurnlah FoodatufTa In Tha
                           I ha

                           Mm.        naiaera Schema.central Europe      EI                                          WAR                  LOAN

                         bb   . I                                        ISf
                                   in   uie  ilcvclopmtnl of Hit

                                 many Coulral Merman,Kurcpe,"economist!,JPa, which ami I  DOMINION                                     OF            CANADA

                                 IiUIiiosm tnrnj a  well as pollll

                                 cjaii, and ImperJallits, are pro        EI

       riLu                      inoung ror Uie purpose of oriran        g-IdsuQ of iaf 1 5U,UUU,UUU 57o Konds Maturing 1st March, 1937

                                 Iflng d solid, empire, stretching       23!

                                 from llamhurfT to Uak.Iad. thu                              Payable at.par, at Ottawa, Hall-fa,,St John, Charlottctown, Montreal, Toronto?

                                 role of Hungary is lo be restricted.                         " 1        Winnipeg, Keftlna, Calvary, Victoria, and at the Agency of

    LAND REQI8TRV ACT            10 inni ui lurnisiiinff foodstuffs,     m                                          the Bank of Montreal, New York City.
       g.eUons H and   )         according to a statement made           w.
                                 recently hy Ir. Herman I'aaacho                              . ; ' INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st MARCH, 1st SEPTEMBER;'

                                 lo a correspondent of the Iluda-        w

 ,Af NOTICE Ihst application has been pesti llirlap.                        .                  V        PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD.
J"           Tb. Corporation of lb                                       55'
      register                     Trio  correspondent!  told  Dr.
                      rrovloc of
 7..JIauu.But"a of.r in fts under Paasche, who Is a vice-president       23'

- Til sal 0-'dt fro   UMletWr of of the lleichilag and; ono of thu       33                                             ISSUE         PRICE 96.
             Buperi. bearing dti tb .National Liberal (big
   itr of rrmc                                           business)
W     . .  .......  . of ALL AMD
                                 Party,  that Ihe Hungarians
  oujib ttil MfUfn parcel or iraci of                          re-                          A 'l-ULLJIALF-YEAU'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st SEPTEMBER,': 1917.
                                 garded the
                                             organising         of
     premise     .         "e
   ad                                                                    EI
ru- M.weipeiuy of Prini Rupert, moro the Germans with friendship and                               THE PROCEEDS OK THE LOAN WILL HE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY.j

 u-i.rir known snd described Kortb. admiration, and they highly es.      EI
       u,.iy   .     rf Lou Kiev                                          EI
                                 teemed Merman science and trade.
..  sod Tiw        Bk    Ngbteea HuL, at the                              El    Tnr. Mimki; i uv Finance offers herewith, on bctialf        Delivery of scrip certificates and.of bonds will be made
                                            sains time, there
    sesUon cm i I III, mIaiI P ,h. .I Iru certain circles In, which were      of the Govcrniiii iil, the above-named Bonds for Subscription through the chartered banks.
    are rrju"    v.c
u m i a ui purtbir within ibiriy-sv; were anxious about the future of     EI      at 90, payable bs follows:                                The issue will le exempt from taxes     including any

   frum it- ut ' u-  rvic        Hungarian commerce. They fear,                          10 per cent on application;                      income tax   impoMrd in pursuance of .legislation enacted
IX-, .well mr t effected by perul ed that the higlhy developed Ger.       EI             30    "      IGth April, 1917;                   by the Parliament of Canada.

 wiied w uiod it of ib. -Lend Hes- man commerce might, after the          23             30    "      15th May, 1917;                       The bond with coupon will be issued in denominations

bin JUI "  amendment, and to lb,, war, crush Hungarian commerce,                         2G    M      15th June. 1917.                    of SHX), VAX), $l,(m'    Fully registered bond  without:

faUu.if 3 tfrfwlt tilract of Itxrtrroni!eel or eertiflcau which waa yet in.its infancy. To The total allotment of bond of this issue will,Iw limited coupons will bo issued in di nominations of $1,000, S 5,000

j lii M Madras being BI,1 befors ,b 'e i this Dr. Paasche, as translated by 23 to one hundred and fifty million dollars, exclusive of     or any authorized multiple of $5,000,

unu     owner of Um person eoUUed The Daily Chronicle of London,         El   tho amount (if any) paid lor lv the surrender of bond         Tho bond will 1m? paid at maturity at par at the office

    n'h ui mI, iU and persons iboa m claiming Mel,replied I              El   as tho itpiiVHlent of cash uniier the terms of the War      of tho Minister of l'"inanec and -Receiver General at

in arcta nasu-e or a1" Un. and aU persona ; 'After the war we Germans    23   Ian profpeclus of 22nd November, 1915.                      Ottawa, or at Ihe office of the Assistant Receiver General

riaaaia MX Interest lo th land by vlr ;will be dependent on the Jierlin-Hagdad                                                            at Halifax, St. John, Charlottctown, Montreal," Toronto,
                                                                         23     Tbe instalment may c paid in full on the 16th day of
        tmreiliwred Instrument, tod                                                                                                       Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary    Victoria, or at the Agency
nw of tny                               route.  In consequence of                                                                under                              or
                                                                                                   in.talmi-tit ilue
g prrtxM cleaning ny Interest In tbe                                     23   April, 1917, or on any                   thereafter,        of the Bank of Montreal. New York City.
                                 this it will' be, our most important
. .... 4.imiiI mhoM till U nut rl ,                                           discount at the rate of four p:r eent per annum.      AH
irtri tedcr Ui provisions of uu AtL interest lo be on good terms with    El   payments are lo Ik; made to a chartered bank for the          The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid

M bi itr   r Miopp4 pad dirrr4 the peoples who dwell along this           23  credit of thu Minister of Finance.   Failure to pay any     by cheque, which will    m remitted by post.    Interest

M Ktuflf up toy M cUua for lo ue,or U oad repl um route that is, with thei Hungarians. El instalment when due will render previous payments liable on bonds with coupon will be paid on surrender of coupons.
     Uad m
4 ljirtf u iikii rtfuur Urn tmm to- J      Hut In an alliance of          S3  to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation.            Both cheques, ami coupons, at the option of' the holder,

14 iwfer Mck ui Ml ii ovtwr of Um peoples It is only those who, are       23                                                              will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada
M4 M KI4 for UI."                economically strong that are of                Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per        of any chartered bank, or at tbe Agency of the Bank
                                                                          23  cent of the amount            must be forwarded through
     MIILAA8   tpllutloa hAI beta                                                                subscribed,                                                                                          :
 IHO                             value.  An ally that is little de                                                                        of Montr ml. New York City.
   tot CruoctM of ladtfrtbl Tlitai                                        53  the medium of a chartered bank.   Any branch in Canada
k (M tUifrtwsUobrd UmU, III lb UIM'Veloped economically is not an         23  of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions and iue      Subject to .the payment of twenty-five cents for each   IS
a rw carporUM  f    Qi;    Prloc advantage, but a burden.    From             provisional receipt.                                        new lxndMuedk holders of fully registered bonds without
lrt                              this it is clear that it will be our     El                                                              coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the  S3
  tn u auiil oa iDtrsUliUsr Um Uti                                              This loan is authorized         Act of the Parliament
                                                                                                        (under                                                                                      S3
                                 aim to strengthen Hungary eco            El                                                              denomination of $1,000 with coupon, and holders of bonds,
    trt uitt prior to Um fourieenUi (Uy                                       of Canada, and !oth principal and interest will be a
                                 nomlcally.                               23                                                              with          will have the right to convert into, fully-registered
f KftfmUr, llll. (Um 1UI4) a whicti                                                                                                            coupon
                                                                              charge       the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ,
M   4 lutdi  rr  oM for crto       "Hungary    is, above   all, an        23         upon                                                           bonds of, authorized denominations, without-,

kwt fM   tr   aauf lnrc Uteroof. Bgrarian Slate, not a commercial                Forms of application may be obtained from any branch     coupons at any time on application to the Minister of
 rttTHlIt TA.r HOTICE UMl it lb  one, and therefore she muil seek         El  in.Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any    Finance.
mm um I   tuU tffect rtfuumtioa la                                        El
  1UM of U(B    ptlCU0 Ml4 UM material prosperity in this direc               Assistant Receiver General In Canada.                         The books of the loan, will be kept at the Department

I ftttiU of tBdcfrulbM Till la Um tion. First o f all,  she   must        El    Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars.       of Finance, Ottawa.
w4 halt la Um mom of to Unit cor-lM modernise her                         23
      tin yoa Uko    a4 prucu                    agricultural con                In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit Application will be made in due course for the listing
 04 tnotr prpceKJiari to rtubUia your dllions. I do not mean that she     El  applied towards payment of tbe amount due on tbe            of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges.
 ika, ( mx to Um Mb  Ua4f, or to should not at the oame time aim          23  April instalment.
 ktwttf wis propo4 mum oa my pm. at the development of Hungarian          23                                                                Recognized bond and stock brokers having offices and
  ttk4f Law! ruruiry Omeo, rrtar trade and industry . Hut she must              Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer   carrying on business in Canada will be allowed a commission
 km. 1   utu tu dtr of tniiur, not seek this by wrong methods.            El  in accordance with tbe choice of the applicant for              of three-eighths of one per cent on allotments-made
 i.  tin                                                                  23               bearer Iwnds, will bo issued, after allotment,
         m. r, KACiroo.          In the production of certain articles        registered or                                               in rpet of applications -Waring their stamp, provided,,
         XMitMct HruirT of Tin.        of commerce, the raw 'ma           El  in exchange for the provisional receipts.                   however, that no commission will be allowed in respect

 T f)nc frtultorr, IU4, 4        terials of which ean only be sec         SI     When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and   of tbe amount of. any allotment paid for by the surrender

   nn   l rrvtflua. c r. m. wif. ond or third band. Hungary can           El  payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving, the         of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd

                                 not compete with those States            S3  money, they may be exchanped for bonds, when prepared,      November, 1915, or in respect of the amount of any
                                                                              with coupons attached, payable to liearer or registered     allotment paid for by surrender of five per cent debenture
                                  hich     tbe
                                       get                raw
         LANS ACT                              their necessary colonies pro. El as to principal, or for fully reentered botfu'a, when     stock maturing 1st October, 1919.   No commission will
                                 ducts' from         own
                                                                          El  prepared, without    coupons,,, in, accordance with, the    be allowed in respect of applications on forms which
      uuo Manner ei          or                          above
                                 The Hungarians musU           all,
                                                                          El  application.                                                have not been printed by the King's Printer.
    lin ctuMLorrt iiunm          throw themselves into agricul

                                 lural Industry, for which they can       23
                                                                                         SUBSCRIPTION LISTS WILL, CLOSE ON OR BEFORE THE 23rd OF MARCH. 1917.
  na Sonet uii 1, Ooori mciu, of manufacture their own raw ma             83
 -nif, t, C, oropittoa oailofr. !
 tol u i(f4r for pmUwia to WM Um terials."                                   Dztabtmsmt or Fixakcc, Ottawa, March.12th. 1917:
                                   In the course of further re

  "mmiiu it    tl pUaU4 at Um marks Dr. Paasche warned Hun.
i v. rr of Lol I. Alitord ty. tllto-H cary against limiting herself to
   lain. Uwik m l   cbuat, uc                              kind of
                                 Ihe production of only one
  ia 1 rUiat. Uwaro 10 raalM la an
ytl rUM folloiar um abort Dor, grain, and advised the cultivation                                     IN TMK tUI       court or, autmstt

  ' !   Mmuu to poiat of rorranrnr- of flai and hemp, neither of which                                            oocu

    (MUtbiac It acrra. aaora or kit. is grown in Germany to any extent.
        CtOHOa- MtfUE, AppluaaL                                                                         In tb matter of tbe Administration Act.)                            THE
                                                  might also,   he
  H Juttry I Ilk, mi.        Alt                                                                                     And                I
                                 suggested, take a prominent plare                                      la Um matter of Um eil.te of John'

                                 in the growing of oil-producing                                      Aduaa, deceased. Intetute.        I                                 GOLD

                                 plants, a vital necessity for Germany.                                 TAKE NOTICE tnat by order of His!
  Prince  Rupert Fed Ct.                                                 TIMBER SALE XS71            I Honor Jodro Younr. local Jadre of tne
                                                                                                      Minn, wouri. msae um tin uj 01
                                                                     SEALED TENDERS wtU b rcceitad by January, till, I was appointed Admlnis-1                         SEEKERS
                                 5,000 ARE WANTED                  tbe Minuter of Lands not Uttr Uau noon traior of lb estate of John Adams,
  MY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEM                   FOR FORESTRY WORK on Um lira day of March. HIT, tor Um deceased. AU parhe having claim arainst I
                                                                   purtlMM of Uctoco X 111, to cut 4.S00.040 tbe said estate are hereby required to forward
      AND FERTILIZERS                                              til of iprara, or ml oca ana wow. oa an same property vertfled to mo on or
                                    4 lev a, esa   hat ilUnatched irrt idJolnlDf Lot Uie altuaud oa   before the MM day of April. HIT, and
                                 5,000 men oversea    for forestry Mil Inki. Qnnn Clurlotu ItUodi District. all parties Indebted to the aald etute arc

          WC MAJIOUt             work.   Great Uritaln wants, 5,000 niotal pa (l of timber.)Mr m t aUowrd for r- debtedness tjutrM to tbe amount or their in i -breaking the trail intSe Great Wkitc

   ulb, and Tka Ordr      for    more The siioriage 01 irauspuiu     rnrttwr farucular of Um Cbicf For- baled tbe Ind day or March. I BIT. '      Silence of the Northlahdthe prospector
        Nuraary Stock            1         .iiniMl ureale.  efforts Mur, Vlrtorta. B. C. or DitUirt rorraier I. IL MeMl'LUX, Official Administrator.
                                  1MB I V   1 "    f                                                                                              must travel light.         The little grub he
                                 within the borders of the United at rrlnc  Huprrt. B. C           Tl.
  Chlekan  Faod A                           and the embargo oft                                       in tnc aupataui cousrV or suutism           carries must be amply sustaining. So as
                    tpaolatty.   Kingdom
                                 timber imports nas comjiciicu uie       LAND LEASE NOTICE                         OOLUaWUL                       a basis he packs ROYAL STANDARD

      o    rroMQUt aiuMot To.    Imperial   authorities to  supply   TAKE NOTICE Uut L William James    In th matter of the Administration Act.   FLOUR.      The concentrated goodness of

   .                             their needs at home.              Malibews, acUnr at artnt ror the Anrlo-rttiih                                  the fisest wheat in the world. For any
    o. mi aaa.    oa thi                               duties  has       Columbia               Limit   In th  matter or Um estat or John
                                    A variety of new                             racllnr Company.                                                 journeyIn any climeWorth it's
                                                         desire to ed, rtflsiered otaco la Vancouver. B. C Baptist Darnalchet. deceased. Intestate.
    PRINCE                                      Men who
            RUPERT,     . C.           created.
                                 been               drafts  shoulci af Arrandale. occupation (tor keepeer. In TAa'K .NOTICE that by order of lUa                  weight in gold.
                                 Join the forestry                 tend to apply for permission to leas Um Honor Judge Young, local Judge, or Um
                                 have some experience in mill or following described lands.           Supreme Court, made Um 11 id day of
                                 forest work, but the medical examinational Commencing at a pot I driven oa tbe February, HIT, I was appointed Admlnis-Irator
                                                        strict and Ml snore of TorUand Caeal about a mU    of estate of John BapUste Barnalebei
 Bank                                            not so
          By    Mail Aid                                           ind a hair north of Dogfish Bay. from deceased. All parUea having claims against
                                 the age limit is Increased w      thrnre north twenty chains; tbenco cut Hi saiq estat are hereby required to for.
  Save                           Man wilh minor defects, such as ten rhalnsi thence south twenty chains; ard asm propeny termed to us on or
        A Trip to Tewi inat feet, who are free from or. thrnre west ten chain.                        before th Htb day of April, hit, and
                                                            to the   February 11th. HIT.           Ml all parties Indebted to Ihe said estato are
                                 gauic defects, can aspire          WILLIAM JAMES MATTHEWS. Applicant required to pay "the amount or tbetr Indebtedness

  FOR the beaefit of thoM         forestry The men drafts.will bo raised by draf s IN TMK SUf u oouarr or bjiitish Dated ,1b forthwith.Ind day of March. HIT,

           Uve out of town,                         required- This              OOLUMB1A.                J. II, MeMl'LLIX omcsl Administrator.
                                 and no officers are
                                 'month           from the lumber
                                         the men                     la Iba inslter-of' the AdnvmrstAtton Act, IN TWS - SVPM9M OOURT Or SMMT1SM
                                 jcamp. wilt be coming     ut am,                                                  ooLuatauv.

   0U'?WnjEbymAll quite 'brisk recruiting Is wpected. The            In um matter of Um estate of Peter
                                           authorities contend  at VcLacblan. deceased, Inteetate.      In the matter or th Administration Act,
   ooJ here                      ; Imperial  enlisted for the for-Ulry TAKE NOTICE Uiat by order of Ills              and   --
             at our counter.     every man                    man tumor Judr   Ywtug, local Judge of Ihe Id Um mailer of iba estat of William
                                        battalions releases        supreme Count, mad  Urn Ula day of Jamea , Macartney Sandela. deceased. Intestate.
                                                                   rebruary, HIT, I was appointed Aduunlt-Irator
                                  for Infantry purpnr.
                                                                                                                                                                          -'                   ,.
                                                                                                                                                                   ,           .
                                                                         of lb aatai of Peter McLachlan.                                                            i.            i     ...I,,              I,
                                                                                                        TAKE  MiTICK  that by order of Ula
                                                                   deceased. All parlle having claims against Honor Judge Young, local Judg of Um                    satoirer
                                        NATIONAL SERVICE           the said esltl are heirbjr required to for-ward Supreme Court, mad th trd day of Don't merely                      yssr cmjk
      THE                                                               sanM properly vertfltd to dm on or
             BANK                                                                                     February, HIT, I was appointed Admlnis-triior
                      OF                         returning the Na-.. befuro the' Ilia day of April. HIT, and or in estat Of William James  nvmin               Mathleu'a Syrap i T   and Cod Uvea OU not oejs,'
                                    The tlBo f-r                   all parUr Indebted to lb aald estate are                                                                                          took aasl
                                       . ,V           das been                                        Macartney Sand!, deceased. Ail parlle        r   IT      pewnpUy arrest txmsjfi&c. but thanks to U
                                                                   required lo pay b                                                       VUllXl 11                                                       Y
                                                                                     aniuuni of their Indebtedness having claims                               rtrengtbenloKpTOuaraeaitheliiatlMsyatoaw to threw
                                                                                                                  against tbe said tstat are
                                                                            forthwith,,               hereby required to forward earn properly tb col t and thus rflecU a permasent cure. It It tb c4Bltty bJs)k ha was 1st
  CAMTi,VtM    W " MNM,S.         has not yet returned tl   r wni    Piled J. II. the MrMULUS,tml day Offlclal of March.Administrator.Hit, termed to um on tr befor lb ttth day tl tb largest aale of any rough and colj retail tn Canada-
                                                                                                      of AhfH, HIT, and all parUea indebted to
  ton,                                                                                                    saw tmte are required to pay the
                                 i IliosK M u"'           fr mi th   The Dallv w w-w"Sia-a .iikam.i aviae'ai i,. amount of their Indebtedness rorlhwlu. X u atATHicu co. rvav. hbbwmWi
                                                                   earrlir, 50 oants                    paled the tnd day of March, HIT,
                                  Josmaeron bpiU""'                                  ier                 J, II. NcMULUVOmclal Administrator,