IMS DAILY KKW8 Wctlnpn.lny, Marc, ,H FOR SALE Local News Notes j Lbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv. aBBBBBBBVBMBafl XyOv- 1 S II O K 8 WALI.AfiK'S House and lot on Summit Avenue. Tho house has four Mr. A, Ikeda is back n'gahl from rooms nnd bath, it is fully the south. modern. It is on the sewer, lias electric lights. There Mrs. Morte Crnlg returned Is a good marine view from town today. one room The price Is very moderate, and includes n For the whole family. Shoes good range in place. Terms Wallace. tf ho arranged. -an Mr. Leo Ives returned to Prince Rupert this morning. We Writ Fir Insurance, Representing Only Strong. Mr. It. A. A-yce, of Toronto, Liberal Companies. mining engineer, is In the city. VOUf bvlftM I Olltt. Mr. Lionel Holtliy hns returned after holid.iv trln nmilh.l a In Mm H. Q. HELQER40N, LTD Mr. J, A. Bhea, mining man from Hazclton, is n visitor to the city. "TfceDjuly News" O. J. Smith very busy fixing up Ills yacnt Cow Hay these CLASSIFIED ADS. days. Duslin Farnum, the fighting parron, at the Westholme tonfehj WANTED. onlj WASTED General rant. Apply Mr. A. A small payment and 'we lay Outtteln. Phone itt. aside your suit until you need it. WA.1TED General Servant. Fb'ooe BUck Wallace's. . JBl. Mr. K. J. Conway, engineer for WASTED Surtemald. Phone Blu St; the Granby Company,-is a'guetl WASTED Youth or jount lady to attend at the Hotel Prince Ilupert. office, keep book!, etc- apply box I? Dally Sew. Mr. G. A. Woodland, of the Im WASTED Tounr ladle wuhinf to take perial Oil Company, returned on a three-rear course In nunlof. Write the' Princo Ilupert this morning. Lady Supu Prince Rupert General Uo- piul. for application forma and further Andy is again information. II Captain Tyson in town. Captain Tyson has been CHAMBERMAID WAS TED One woo under up the line recruiting among the aundt walUnr table. Apply Saroy Hotel. Indian population. .WASTED Experienced wiltreai. Apply hotel omce. Hotel Prince Rupert. If Mrs. Jessup, of Massett, was a WASTED Oeneral (errant, apply Mn. L. passenger oriMhe steamer tnl W."Pilmore, phone t06. tr. morning. -Mrs. Jessup is on her! 1 way home to the Island. FOR SALE 1 f Mr-Tom Deasy, of M.assett. isi FOR SALEr tO-ert Incubator, In rood ton' dlUon'i SSI Summit Aeenuc. n in the city on his way home. Mr. Deasy has been in the southern TOR SALE t-root launch with bora cities for the past few weeks. power Gray ena-we. Boat and enrtae boot three year old. Serer been ued much. Price. MJO.OO, Apply D. A. Mc-phalL Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan, of Alice Arm. B. C es flegina, Sask., arrived in the city from Victoria today and are the FOB'S ALE Carload Including mininr machinery. guests of Mrs. F. G. Dawson. LANO REGISTRY ACT 17, machine drtlla, column ban. 'dmi-iteeL Dally Sewi.iteanvotunr, etc. Apply tr. Mr. Williams, manager of the Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent ftocher de Uoule mine, accompanied (Section t aad 111.) j aaiOLUTVLT PIRCMOOa1 MISCELLANEOUS by Mrs. William., returned It Application .. I, ruior Mil msuiuNcc ta BKAMCNtJ from the south this morning. TAkE NOTICE that application hat bees TALBOT HOUSE Good Rooms. ETt'ry convenience. -iiade to retuier John Bernaan, of rrtac Headquarter for Oeorretowo Siwmllt Co., 114, and lb .Xortk CM Tuatai Hot water bath, IS.SO and It Unpen. B. C, a owner In fee under a j Mr. F M. Davie is back again Company, Ltd. per week. c and Sic a nirbt. rax Sal Deed from the Collector of tba in Prince ilupert after Delng in ity of Priac Rupert, Leaner dau the PECK, MOORE & COMPANY GRADUATE SURSE (CM.B.London) Term Ocean Falls for the past year or : ah day of September, ISIS, of ALL AD , moderate, apply P. O. Box 148, or no. Ilupert looks good to Aim. I VCLLAII thai cerUln parcel or tract of . 17 Scea At OCNtXaL BHOtJS paeee 10 Phone 41. and and premi ittuate, lytnf. and b- j 'The Parson of Panamint," a it In the Manictpaiity of Prince Bapert, auiLtif.o r.onLRi.r occueico mr tnk comtixciital mvsr cofaT J itore partictiUrly known at Lot Tea OS), western story of forty years ago, clock rm , Seclloo Seven (Tl. Mp featuring Duslin Farnum and tl. PHONE 93 O. BOX 38 Winnifred Kingston. Westholme om are required Ut ruitetl the claim t uie tax purchaer vlthin thirty-fli aiet M, Mtaeoo. a.A, PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. tonight only. Ujt from I be dale of tb aertlca ' thla Mr. S. WIUkim, a. t. ttlr turn may be effected by nf1 WILLIAM3 A ItariSOM Ij'SHEET Metal Work I Mrs. Donald has come back i rred Mail or a Directed, and your al 'to Rupert. Mr, Donald's husband' ' niion la called W Metloo it of tn arrlslara. Sollcltoe. Clc. ViiOTWiBaWW Transfer aaJ Sterage is chief shipwright at .the dry-j A, DUSTIN FARNUM m I tand hfU uy Art" ith amendmenu, oner to loan THt PARSON OF PAflAMINT IlaTinc been in th Eait, I hart ' ltd to the fiiulnf attract therefrom: o i ml BEST LUMP A NUT COAL (dock, "and is a brother to Captain 1C lo PAUAS eare PICTUWtS a.Mi I I I . . .-and in default of taveet or eerUfl-xu lteirru Ikal reiB Raaert. become acquainted with all tevd-tn Donald of the G. T. P. 1 I of It pendena beiof Bled befora the methode of outfitting it ...-e . realatralion aa oner of the to-i. a a a a a t a i a a peraoa NO LONG WAITS uaed hat tern to- boata, aa by &?. Um. V Ph Umlnp oamn nfT Ihfi' Kc " caiiiuiiiic iiitrairr lied under acb tax tale, all peraon o HO SHORT WEIftMTS fial "lliU morninir nn hi way night only. erred with notice and Unm claiminr DENTISTRY arourb or under them, and all pertoo Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting When You Order from Us. home to Terrace. Mr. J'hrscator.'" iaiminr any Inieted In lb land by tlrtue . has been'in-lhe south buying ina- U i reported that the manager f any ttnreiiitered InitrumeBt, and all , omown o mmoat won nnd Plumbing, chinery for the new sawmill at for Liplons Ltd. will shortly pay .ertooi clatmini any laureil la the land 1 A SPIOIAI.TV and all lines or Sheet deacrnt hoe title I ool rexutered v nf .Copp erlliver. a visit to the-planf of the H. 0. DR. J. 3. BROWN f under too proeuiona of thli Act, ahall be i :t : Metal Work : i : k. i a t is.... 1 1. a fur ettupped and debarred from OMTIir ter et- iiioru n m ie j A meetlng'of the Literary Ho- ttor up any claim to or In reprct of the OSiai tana BVeek, TMr4 Iimw Trvmpt Attention and Sk Jed STEEH & LONGWHL ciely of Prince Ilupert High School Queen Charlottes. Llplons Ltd. land o otd for taie, and tb Rtiittrar paaaa C4 Workmamhlp will be held In the Dorden Street l've bought out the Doughty. ln-school kball reriiier tn peraoa entitled uoter terests. uch tax aale at owner of tn land at on Friday first at 8 p. m. LETOURNEAU SANITARY AN9 HEATING . , old for uw"f H. Admission 10c. Proceeds for the! AID WHEREAS application baa been AT ROWE'S PLUMBIHG ENGINEER Patriotic Fund. iienieinuer me ti. raincKN pay made for a Ceruflctu of tndefeaaibl Title ' i Oincert next Frfday evening luithi to the abovementloned laada, la lb name I AND AgonU for Mr. C. D. Ilrethour has left the, Catholic Hall. t f John Beraman: SHEET METAL WORKS McCLARY FUHNAOES employ of the Provincial Police' . A.1D WHEREAS oo inTealtiiUst the Department and is now with the response- to many requests ml it appear that prior to lb tta day 'tbtf aula Uelln Tan It, Oalley of September. It II. (Mm date which oo Pi, Smeke Stack. SMmatr Tepe, . Harvey will hold'a claa for PLUMWNG G. T P. Legal Department. Mr, th laid land wer old for oterdua and ail th wek taat la utuailf Ilrethour is a returned soldier and the study of theory and harmony lair) you were the ataetted owner k tk OLD PASHIONIO TIN SHOP, Stuart J. Martin and is the secretary of the llelurned f mutie every Thursday in the thereof. WITH ALL THE LATEST DOWN SHEET METAL W64HCS Solders Association of Prince Hu- l're'Merlaii Church Hal). Lec-pert. rURTilElt TAkE NOTICE lb.I the TOOATE WOmi SPECIALISED, tth ASSAVtri ' tit lime I (ball effect rrirmraiioa In aa SatLIOHTS, COM NK IB, Eta. Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue.. rture begins at 5 p. in. sharp. For puriuance of urb acpIlctUon and lti a Eiteithlaf In tk II fee Mill, Ml Night phone 576 "further particulars, apply to Mrs. OrliOraw of Indefeaiibl Till le lha it Id e PacUry, SietM put a aad -netted HAZCLTON B. C. and Dlue 270 The Hill CO Chapter I, O. D. K'Hay, tox 832. Phone 278. J2 land tn lb nam of John Verrman unlet! t bMe. Nrifl la all " yon lak and proterute tb proper pro-reedlof kin f material. B)epairl( f all wish to their thanks to The at tho rlflhC express rlfht work, to ettabllin your claim. If any, lt. PRICES RIOHT, SERVICE time, anal at the right prlso. all who helped in any way- with Call t l''ny Kxpress for wood to the laid land, or fi prevent auch pro riMST-CLAta. A aATIMHO CUS The oldest established Ass the recent concert. Kspeclally are cut -in stove lengths or 4 feet. ped action ea my part TOMER It OUR AIM. Olftce in the North. they grateful to Mr Charles jJe8t household coal and general DATED at the Land Reflitry Office, PTONE 0. P. O. BOX 47. Halagno, whose keen Interest and Prince Rupert. 8. C tbit lib day of rlrr Offlc til tn4 Attnu t,ianns ,nn.i. December, A. D. 11. aad End ttreeC t 0 aUy energetic personal effort did.niuch ' ,' M. f. and atrnmt Wharf MACLEOD, to promote the success' of u,eP"alty- I'ricos moderate. Phone Apr. IT. Dlilrict Rtalitrtr of Title. OR. KEROIN BUILDINO. J.LHICKEY concert. v .mi. II. W, llogera, tf. To Slmoo Pcteraon, DarliTlIle, CaUfornla. . j , i . . Prince Dairy CONTRACTGW A BUtLMR Rupert UNDER MIW MAWAEEBHWT Store and Olllco Fixtures, After Every Meml MILK HOLSTieN Sash, Door and Moldings. PUrtt Oak and Hard Woods of all CREAM kind. BUTTERMILK Wo tooolalhto In making Phows UT ! !!? and fVMJnf atorm windows, TI . WRKjLEYS PflHl v-4 All Ordir t any Im. Plata and Moot Glaaa and R. McKay, preprlstcr. s Waalng. Corner Fraaapaiid tin lia. PHONE GREEN aMO Thm Flavor Last ADVERTISE IN P. . MX 4M. The Daily News