1 trr? The Daily News ti r. MUNCH IIOI'KRT. B. C, ifRIDAY. MAflCII 16, 1917. pnmB KIVK CKNT Vol. vionojsi KkV.I... I ON 1 MSSIA-OIR A EDICATES RUSSIAN ARISTOCRATS AND COMMON PEOPLE COMBINE AGAINST PRO-GERMANS REVOLUTION BY WORK OF THE BELGIAN-RELIEF COMMISSION BRITISH ARE THE DUMA AND ON OFFENSIVE An there tin apparently been ARMY IN RUSSIA at mime to the dubiety continuance In the public of the mind He. ON THE ANCRE lief Commit lion' wort in Ilel- jgium. the press ban been asked German Withdrawal Is Mora Rapid .i,.tlon of Czar Pro-Gwwnlo publish tbe following facta re- . Than Expected Bomtmrtl-me'nt mi.i.um in H I N ini ir- in -' - pplw)ned Thi Days f The American members of tbe Terr Iflo Main Of Upheaval. Commission for Helief in Belgium Storms Imped. have been asked by tbe Hermann Daily .. ilo remain at their pouts, and work (Special to Tbe Dally 5ewi. ivKid to rt ' . ,, J V 1 J t 1 in jeiRium is pnicrruioK unorr London, March iG, The German 16, A revolu- i..ndon. March eiactlr the name iruarantee a retirement is stiffening. The iton has succeeded In uussta. hitherto. German withdrawal has changed This i the flr,t successful one( The fact that tbe Commission to a British offensive. The terrific tr may many ears. The con-;for Helief in Belgium continues bombardment is forcing the LtattcDal party have had a conto receive large sums from tbe evacuation of tbe Germans frm .uk-al accession to their rank Allied government is in itself PICTURESQUE RUINS OF C7ESIPH0IL- Tliesc date baea to ttafrilfWiaaara positions where they made a tbe monarchist or court enough to prove that they who the until century. This is a ph tdgr&im of thn ruraed palace, stand. The belief exists that the rtrty bo hitherto have been are mot interested have no rea. The huge arch of the ball show i e' e I 8i I e Ride by 95 feet Germans have already evacuated riM as reactionary. Braining m to believe that Germans are high, and the walls are 23 feetv.ide at then ba e. Tbe arch U m Bapaume and are falling back on ihstthe object to be accomplished directly beneflltihR. Furthermore, built of brick baked more than thirteen hundred year ago. the line chosen by Ilindehberg w oust the pro-German the commission have effected an from Lens, St. Quentin and Laon. ekeat, both partlea combined arrangem nt with the British MININQ NOTES iWHERE IS "HERB"? The withdrawal is already becoming 4 nave been successful. Pre- government on tbe one aide and more rapid than was anticipated. cser granner has been Impris- the Oerman government on the Last year in the Facile district OUR POPULAR MEMBER- Tbe British advance continues . . ,nr with the remaininir other by which an acceptable lane tbe interest taken in mining was in th'e face of a blinding uirra six of whom have been fr Delgian relief ships between greatly increased compared to caused FAILURE OF U BOATS rain storm and a veritable sea of " . . .. . i 1 1 ti... . . . . Much anxiety is being" i;ed tn tbe streets. In Petrograd .onn American pons nu iuv- previous years, ana mis year a in town a to the thereabout of mud and has progressed on a m lh alreels continued teraam lias oeen meo so bp m ruriuer increase u nrumncu. the "ooDular" member for sprtot t Tlw DLIr 5S.I front of a mile and a half immediately to the west of Bapaume. t three day. and many nouses -src w.r iw.muu.wv. "-7"" wtr.. prsycrucs ui" l,V district to tbe Dominion House in London, March 16-The British .m borned. The armed forces j The Commission for district have been bonded or olUwa l; is not expected that Hoard of Trade figures show the French Front. arhnrty fought bitterly, and llelglum is facing tod y monthly outrighU and considerable dvel-, lK,minion electk-n eignar failure of the U boats to Paris, March 16, (Official) We tb revolutlonariet Lave as- jdcflcll of 3.000.000. Hence it Is opnient work done. Many new location wm be a source of accomplish their purpose, Tbe took prisoner in a raid east of ,c4 fuJI control of the gov- more than ever in need of the locations have also been record- - q n the meanlIine tne Allied shipping is not so seriously the Oise. Several German attacks on French positions were fstL in Moscow, me oiu - m, ..v-.. -.. Mining Committee of thl Hoard menaced as ji was inougm 10 o. tfUi6fHula, the popular up-illc. which have abqwn . P't-TradJ wmld tike to-bear from The loUt firitUir lasses"tnrttiei broken op. rit ifbxl place at the same lime good returns, especially. . fe in silver a 11 1111. ' te week of the alleged blockade Very great artillery activity is b Ptir rrad, and there loo the WESTMOLME THEATRE and copper values, wntcu. snouia . ... ,. in .progress. . in the regions of i A isav Hizu Liiri ni ru ivf aaataa is uu J o i a- j ' - e. ..jnisU completely master-; be a great Incentive to IncreaseJ follows:- ,1.000 tons and over. leaving ibe' ampagne. Many pns- the Weslholme tonight will prospecting. j 'mercantile ith onera were taken in raids on the 4 ae situation. A provisional Al -ftn ,,,,, 16lh forwarded marine 3.653 has been established, be screened a quaint and charm- .-.fton Fiddler Grouo and., eonv nt .tmnz resolutions shins over 1.600 tons. For 8tx ,Oerman ar positions m ine region A t t - II. a j rcrnmentat committees in Ing photoplay, entitled "Hulda some adjoining properties on paj Dy this Board of Trade re- weeks of submarine warfare, tbei?' -ouiin- Bomw..n uur- t. j Prtrograd and Moscow. The from Holland.' Though there is fiddler Creek were taken over by carding Sir Thomas White's ore loss is comparatively small. ing ioe nignt. oeverai aiieuipis Germans raid Vie French trw raernroent is pro-ally. The a great deal or lender pamos in tne fiddler Creek Gold Company melling and refining legislation. -i by the to amy cad the Duma united in the Miss Mckford little Dutch girt. um..i, ho during this past fall what action are you taking to FOOD OR REVOLUTIO outposts were repulsed. stt acte of the overthrow of tbe'there I o much that is comic in na(j abouleigbty men at work further tbe Interests of this con, . Mesopotamia. (1 I, faf inn of the role, and T 1 m.H.i' llm.ua Marrh IS Further Russian official Kermansbah . I.n f..- Intiv a -- Inform. ...if - I.nni... h- n. .1. .-i-tinfr Th . r i.u UUiiUtu Ci w 4 v " - MliUr.li: a mnvitup vm.v..v. a .v r- ...... . il. ..11 ...ni..f..i mil-.. nianHa that ., il. . - nr ,. ti . . ih. .r.-wh nf Horr,lasen Dy our 4mn.fn troops Pursuit of au.B av preciiv a.c iuii unmuuui line W mc nunc, u.wm.. v. aie at or near itiiicc itu.k. ciuoun num w. o;...t-. kriatUon of Russia In the war. "Hulda from Holland UB, about Ave mllei. Work had to be pi.ase wire immediately what Hofer. a Socialist deputy, during. , "7 U of V nr nf the j .1- .1 . . .. . .u. ..,.ii.i .,.ia, In I h ,are making ugorHUK uutmne UP. Pftrorrad, the main part doubtedly . . - ui.i'Uuuuuu mvm v v- iiiriucr j k r"rn .mv -.w - aw irri. n aided the coun-d'-lof the jrreatest conlriDulions 10 s.ve snow fall and will be resumed 0UgLl to take in assisting your Prussian Diet, are printed in tb.f iSJ t"M t the revolullonisfa. !motion picture humor. Of course early in the Spring. mdivldual efforts in securing the Berlin Yorwaets. The Vorwerts on a wide front. V that they will be able to cut off TV- mbole nation baa combined there Is a love story interwoven and associates proposed olants here. Sending quote Hofer as sayingt .l . ..-. -..It..u Ti:.i--- anH anrrows. Mr. J. B. Paine . , .Th. n..:-.Pnm.ni vrilll 1 a large army of Turks retreating f f r ever the German in-Ul.ry Pickford b. been starred JJ.JrZr suggested; also unanimous en- tween fear of the agrarian, and north from General Maude a f sro which, working by under- In characterisations of many pic- .,rll. dorsementof other British Colum- fear of the masses like a reed in kaad methods, has ben able for Huresaue nationalllies. dui oer . Boards of Trade." the wind. If you insist on carry- . . . ... . Mltli1il.ft velopment work as soon as WAR SAVHMS u 1 11. nl from mai aur muf 10 inwara ine? surcesaiui inierpreianw" "" uealher nennita Thin wire was despatched to 1 mg on war you musi see Motion of the war. With 1 Holland" Las never teen sur- Mr Clements on the 8th of March -people are adequately fed. Does tt.. . t.,.i. ii.i-.4' .a.-i. ...... hiitnur and- -uenulne Legate Creek was specially bay and no r ply ol any kind has o;lt not suffice for the government 9rMl to Tlw Dally Hews.) Ul season, where somewhere . . -..: 1 r . il.. Ii ;n-,.- Ilia. KgTlrA.1 nt lh. trlml Ottawa. March 16, Tbe de- iar oeen receiei irv... t.c Hinn.uu iu m v. j E .. 1. - ..j.. ... ..... . around thirty prospectors wen- ter Tbe primary principles of(world, or does it also want revo-imand for war certificates grows i.v. . 3ucn. mere vigorous....... para. 1 inav sheltehs ai... m.vrnn.nt trail was fmm also Pacific built ordinary decency requires that a lution at hornet The pwple baveiapace. Despite the Victory War member of parliament at least fed on fine words long- enougn. loan, the Canadian people are still acknowledge receipt of communications Now we demand deeds." after war cretificates. I 1. - . - , . -.I.lmir Ul till OOIIlIura ' ."v, - from his constituents and The Vorwaerts. says that Herr ar..;- V.I.: .;rt .V v.:" . .rTad' C.nidln hrld UIW by vlch to cross the a cororate body like the Board Hofer frequently was cheered. ; Ladies: Your Easter suit se a.lav 111c ui.i vi iiic .1. iUia.ii 11... .1. ,-.1 1 .1 1 he Frencn inni. Skrena; of Trade has ,1 right to think that The paper says that il latterly cured by rf&ying small deposit. ' Ihe late government have been'described in a dLpaUrh receive , ne m. and a. group their communications demand a has received numerous coinplaiuts Come and select yours now-4 l.led in lh. lr.-l. ......!l..r- frt.m London. U IS m l-ricr auu ...ur.. ..au . .,v nf ..- vjnj. If Mr. cie of tbe poor quality of the food Wallace's. . . -------r .a a 4 l.nlniT A I a. ant m tr, t.- ntlnlt lSfafN...... 1 "" 'as the "Mssen uua, uoiru .una u.a ......., inenl gets nominated again as upplied in the popular food I .ih,,,!,, abelter with tbe ,arking surface ore and doing candidate.for this riding n the Vitohon.. al tniililav. ml .leelares i I HALIBUT ARRIVALS, '-n.VJ.ranee of a gigantic bit of development. Altogether 130 tons forthcoming Dominion election, that the evening meals id these This Is YOUR Opportunity " ... I f' imried lh the earth cf high grade hnrnlU hav been . . .. for a..if . , I.. likely find that ft places are unfit consumption. The Alliance, I a III u-llll I1IWI- HUHriUiro - -- . ... ... ... .... up win arrj doors and win- snipped rrom mis propeny w iHc;.mil. hU advanlnce Vorwaerts asks what wilf be Ui LMlan M 3.000: Nautilus. fi.000:ind containing . . ... .. I. 1 1 c i inauauaaua.ar-aa i,.,. sn ,n Tbe 85 per cent Less Than 0. C r Sn , noon. Cu'n T ns I'dows. There Is room or ac...,; PflBy to have spent Just a little more the condition in summer if this Original Cost. . ... .. ... -h a mousauu ui uincu is eipeciea to ourosc owu his constituency, and to is the case in the present cold 000 in t uordenskjold. 16.000; Al-ime men . time Can You Afford Not to Buy ..no ton. viM, 18.000 ti.m nriM P..K.ii these huts are V" ' oer have paid a little more attention winter. One or More of These Lots ' m a .. I "c Mn V sn lsHCC kith which Mr. Tultle and associates badjto Hia wishes of bis constituents, J at the Prices Shown? .wui v- cents. Herring con-t ""i imt and the small gang" at work on the died with, Queen COTTON ACT PASSES fir 10 ,n ""-iisiiS a 'Carptt-baggers Section. Block. No, or lot. Prtea. ffii- Frisco group, which they have victoria, and Prince Hupert has S tl IS llfl.TI Pled enable the troops, under bond from Whitmore and no use for an anachronism. Sirlal I Tb Dally iwa. I 40 U 131.11 - the open T I II.tt k M. ta. IIS.S9 nt f..rel to sleep n irr. Considerable time was cx- London, March 16Iu the UM 1 tl ! Horn to Mr w .. t !.luriiiir an adQc. ol nended In 'building a trail and WANTS MORE MONEY British House of Commons, the T SI II ill Xn. Of 2(8 pJ.Mh Avenue vM.V !shelter. Already, the nut i. - oyer len ,OM, of b(irll,ie ore wa. Cotton Act was passed raising S 141 IIT.IS on the icth March. subject of an army o"7.," .hipped to the Granby smelter, j (Sprrtal to Tb Dally "tawar the duties on all imports of cot t tl IT II ft ft I II pair.pair, 11 HI.M. I Me in My Little Mssen tne ,ue returns from which went to Utndon, March 16. In the ton to ludia. The Lancashire 4 tl ft tl pair, I9 SS at Xo two are alike the ladies The event of the week ai $JW0 . lon Work , lo ,ie w. British House of Commons, Bonar cotton men put treat pressure on Stills and ritnW V.1I..... .nan srnir headquarters on lnU ro.erty this Law, chancellor of the exchequer Lloyd George In resisting the SEE I the French front, Mf0 spring as soon,as possible. presented supplementary etl passage of this new impost, but DAVID H. HAYS was a vim v . in of the results of the Ave. and 2nd. St. lh dlsoalch, Development work is now mates amounting In sixty billion apprehunslon Cor. 2nd Hubert Borden. T ,",n" ..., uroirress on Herner and'Prud- pounds to the end of the present act were exaggerated. WESTHOLMF. Brlaade of the IKiininion s - .,,,,.., property .on llardscrap- fiscal year. inal division passed i ',lo creek, several juen being em. G4UMTY C0URT DECISION fw of the NEW WELLINGTON COAL. T0HIQHT iOnly a ;plojl. AND TOMORROW were present at 'f": ivo very proinlslng locations Just arrived. 500 tons lump, 100 In the case of Akerberrf, Thorn, LONDON C All Mary Pickford 'appeared Plwld,dl,r.(nion Hob-'were made last fall in silver-lead tons nut coal. We give prompi son & u- Ltd- vs. iwean roou AND AR4LL lif. U l-bouflay Hon. J. l- ,la,e,VVir iloberlJsainple ores, whjcti run from 200 service, Albert & McCaffery. phone Co., Judffe Young ba handed of Avsnos Third mw aivo Trtrs, ert Hogers were lo 300 ouncM tx ailver per ton. 116. down his decision. Judgment on HULDA FROM - " . f . l U-vrnl.Iiinllliilniilln lrutaila havSi . r il. Vnrlclnnl claim is for the Prompt Service of tbs Mtai ' Aa.HOLLAND" aim . Patricks Dy at 8 O ClOCs.'T.-T.."aiso urru iui-uipm auruunuuui im" .i.w jih. ...... latest models plaiiuiffs for I698.?5 aud costs'. thers Is to eat at all how. 0mlMor, 2g enU and 'will take pUee ton B" - jeiijtlitful district. Samples of ore of the no two alike easy payment plan In tbe counter claim judgment is In the Social aj the'properties assayed 8 per cent, tHj.4'9( ladles suiti androais for the nlalut ffs for 100 and BOXES FOR LAMM WTISta ... ' ta s.M. programme Tuke'by c u l0e at ,oor. ore occurring in amphorous form.I.Wallace's. cost. Knwii-u