TUB DAILY NF.W8 Friday March is -Off i The Daily News Open up a Health THE MAILS Safely Firat Hit LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN MUTISM Cf II L'MHiA Account by eating foods PaMUhed DeJt aari WeeWr that make you fit for the For ths East. Guaranteed La.rgei 01 mutation day's vork without overtaxing Tuesday, 2 "Shin tr, BU..I. . the stomach, kidneys Wednesdays, 9:30 a. m. HEAD OFFICE or liver. The continued eating Saturdays, :30 a. in. imiaui: Aa Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prinr lluperl. B.C. Telephone 98, foods of indigestible with ' From ths East. THANBIKNI' DISPLAY ADVKHTI8IN(i-50 rente prr inch. Contract large percentage of waste Tuesdays, 5:30 p. in. mien on application. diseased livers and means Thursdays, 5:30 pm; A. B. SHUBERTnccIiiaAvj, poisoned intestines. Keep Sundays, 3:10 p. in. DAILY EDTTIOH -Friday,- March tC, 1017. yourstomach sweet and clean and your bowels healthy and For Vancouver. AMIES' NCUTRAUTY Wsl-only on intermediate state active by eating Shredded Tuesdays, 4 p. m Knowing that ho has the Iwtween peace and war. An Wheat Biscuit. It is easily Thursdays, 10 p. m. support of all American citizens overt act In time of peace digested. It contains all the Sundays, 4 p. ni. WINTER SCHEDULE who are sound at heart, causes a stato of armed neutrality. material needed for the nourishment From Vancouver. President Wilson has decided The I glcal sequence u-Minesdays. 10:30 a. in. 8. 8. PRINCE of the human RUPERT to arm United States ships with is that an overt act In time of body. THURSDAY 12 Midnight Fridays, 3 p. m. ) f,o r Vancou,., tho object of protecting the armed neutrality causes war. Open a health account for Victoria and Seattle. lives and property of Amcrl We can but "wait nnd see." you to draw upon. For Sundays, 1 p. m. MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY FOR ANYOX cans from submarines. A large breakfast or any meal with Alternate Mondays from January the American NOTES AND COMMENTS 8. S. PRINCE JOHN majority of pub It. milk or cream. Made in far KtttMtan, WresL Jvaaa and Stafwar ktareti 7th and tltt lie and the Influential news- For Anyox. Canada FOR CHARLOTTE ISLANOS MAN CM QUIKPI ANO 14TH TM papers of the United States Henry Ford says his plant will Wednesdays, 10 p. in. have been urging the adoption turn out a thousand submarines PA8SENQER TRAIN SERVICE of this policy though they a day if Uncle Sam goes to war. should have been handed over, Fridays, 8 p. m. Wadaaedar and Saturetr al 11 ISO a. m. far Smhhera. Pelna Owti. . know pci feotly well that it may They will be, however, only twenty no doubt a great saving could Sundays, 8 p. ni. tent, Satlat! and Winn I MS. mallnf enaKtlt thar far an aiuj lead-to active.hostilities within feet long Jitney submarines. have been effected. From Anyox. aatt and Mulh. .Sllaad train every T4tf al 4 a. m. a short time. ' By Inking this step the The Hun food controller says HOY THE GERMANS Thursdays, Sundays and Tues Agenoy All Oeean Steamship Lines. president has saved the national only the Almighty can be held TREAT THE SERBIANS days. For Information and reservations apply to honor and baffled those who responsible for the small bread Ths Islands. City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 2(0 cither in Uie Interest of Germany ration daily doled out to the German Mail closes. The Times says a German or through weakness or people. We were wondering author, Oscar Maurus Fontana, Jan. 1? and 31st at 8 p. m. for political reasons, were why the Kaiser of late has refrained who accompanied the German Feb. 14th and 28th at 8 i. in striving to prevent the arming irom offering any compli army in berDia, publishes a re of the American merchant ments to the "good old German Mall Arrives. view in the Die Schauhuhn, of marine. God." It may be a case of straflrfg January 1, 1917. In his descrip January 2 1st; February l?lb CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Until the president an heaven yet, putting it in the good ind March tion of the deeds of German 3rd. nounced his the world old German policy, way. troops in Serbian territory, he describes Lowest Rates loall Eastern Polntt had been viewing the spectacle the following scene: LAND REGISTRY ACT via Steamer to Vancouver and th of a mighty nation having to If Canada is to play more than "During the march we came to (Section t IS and 114.) CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY keep its merchant ships in port a negligible part in the commerce Mealt and Berth Included on Sleamee to prevent them from being of the Pacific, it can be done oulyj for shells to be rained on us. The He ArplicaUca N. SOU Ml No. 1111 sent tu the bottom by a pirate by the extensive Improvement of Princess Maqulnna for Oranby Bay Friday 11 p. m. soldiers put out the Are. and baa Uea TAKE NOTICE tnat application fleet sent out by a country with her position as a maritime nation. brought along three women and hnad to rertiier Mir vo b. Morruey, of Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. which L was not at war, to She must be her own carrier, an aged Serbian whom they found Prince ftupert. B. C u owner la fre sink the ships of all nations. which means that she must ex under Tat Sal Ded frvtn Um Coitector Princess Sophia for tho South Monday, March 19th. the accused them The honor of the United Slates pand her own shipping facilities. near fire. They of Um Qiy of Prtnc Rupert, beartnt dau of having set the house on fire. in Ilia day or September. ISIS. Of ALL was at stake, but It has turned The whole nation should stand They replied no. They were told AND SINGULAR tnat cerum parcel or J. I. PETERS, General Airent out that it was in safe hands. behind the development of its tract of land and premiae altuate, tytnc, to confess. 'We They replied: There w'll be deep satisfaction possibilities and the seizure of its and trior In in Municipality of Prince Co rr Fourth Street mtvt TIJrl Avenue, Pvle Rupert. B.C did nothing; it was done by Rupert, mora parucularly known and d among American citizens high opportunities. The chief obstacle others. It is our house which Is Krud aa Lol Eltbteen ill), Slock Cifbi and low. There may be some is largely the indifference and Maa tll. burning.' They were then asked il). Section EJfbt (l, consternation in Germany. The lack of initiative nd enterprise in Vou are rvqairrd it cotilaal Um claua how Serbian troops had questio of arming the merchant the remote centres of political many of Un tat psrduaer wltbia II dara from American passed. They replied, 'We don't lb dau of to tervlc of uua tutir tiJ ships that fly the power and commercial influence; know. Thereupon the commander iwnlcb may b tfeied by peraooal Mr flag, so that they would the inability of the East to ap. said, 'Shoot them.' The tire j and your atieotlow It tailed M tc not have to remain blockaded predate the potentialities of the group I of U Laad RefUtry Act" wiu CANADIAN WOMEN remained still. This takes their amcndniente. and t9 tn follow Utf eilrael in their own ports, bad become West. SHOULD KNOW TMIO breath away. 'We are so young tnercfrun "and In default of a If' a great issue in the United to make war,' said one woman. raeat or certiorate of lit pendena bemi "CAVADA nRSTHMint litbe nT Ma Slates. Within the last few The ministers of the government "Nobody tells these women in BM before tb reftttrauoa a owner of stfJIiYoiirCrocar. Th Coteramesl llcT-t'a days all the various issues and at Victoria are seriously the perauo entitled oadef tDCb tale, all Nj. W3t:ittbttoT7 IT COSTS T1IE3AMT, their native tongue what is going peraooa ao aerted wiia noUce, and questions in the .complicated overburdened with work. This is ataete?ttMa i to be done with them, but they inuM claimlBf tnrotit n or under tbem, and t..... T-lnltlt life of the republic have been owing largely to the action of the understand, and cast down their all peraont cUimlar any tnurvtt In tne- IfTwawaalwV 4tmm.tWaTrWf n eml put aside and that Bingle great Bowser government in hanging taod by tlrtu of aay nrfUlerl loatni-tuent. iM ar lrh ouw. like animal which Is ex. issue has taken their place. on to office long after the public eyes an and all prci clalansf any la TmsATLMKR CONOCN3KOMILKCO.Lt. peeling a blow. They did not lerett In In land by deacenl wbo Utl Auia.0r Cm The American press, with the had signified its entire withdrawal utter a sound, but a momentary it not rt title red under tn prontlont of exception of the reptile of confidence in Mr. Bowser and press, shiver passed through their Utlt Act. i lull it for ter e I tupped and subsidized by Germany, and a his colleagues. Had the old administration drbaired from aetuns bp any claim lo or bodies. Their look for deliverance, eyes In or tb land aold for few weaklings, voiced the will played the honorable reaped so Utea, expecting a miracle. and in bertttrar tnaQ reitater Ut peraoo of the people and called on the and constitutional game Mr. They walk slowly, or rather, drag enutled under a urn tat mm at owoar of presidenf to exercise his constitutional Brewster and his government Um land ao aold for laie." themselves before their execu power and arm the would have had several more AND WIIEJIEAS appUcatloa baa teen 2,000,0001 ships at once. months at their disposal to prepare tioners. They look fixedly at.us, mad for a CerUflcal of ludertaitbl Till mutely and without tears, in such to ut above-mrattooed laadt, la tb nam The effect of the sinking of for the workof the session. of Martoo B. a manner that we also had to Morrtaeyi . j rr- I the Algonquin, an American .Mr. Bowser, however, preferred down AND WIIEBEAS vo UiTMUftllnr tb 4M Belgians cast our Afterward ship, which is reported today, to hang on so long as a dollar remained eyes. till It appeara tbat prior to Um I tit day the cracking of rifles was heard." tf September, 1114, (Um date on wtlra upon the action of the president in the treasury unexpend tb aald landa Depend us werw aoM for otertjne tfT4f7 on is awaited with interest. Had the great ed. new government LAND ACT utea). ou were Um atteaaed owner Armed neutrality is at been given the reins when they tbereof. Bread! ri'HTHER TAIE NOTICE tnat at the for SKEIN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or tarn Urn I I Mil effect mttlraUea la QUEYN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS purtuaot of tucn appUcatloa and Uau a CerUOcaU of IndefeaalbU Till to tno aald Harry A, Harvey t Ak'E NOTICE inat I, Oeorr MclUe, of landa In tb nam of Mtrloa B, Mortliey Since ihortljr after the Crrman invaiion, the Bel giant Skiderate, B, C, ticcupttloa enitneer. Intend LUlmrt Uke and you protean Um proper the "Commiwon to apply for permit tloa W 1cm Ux have depended for food eutiiely on tlr lo eatabliib Stuart J. Martin prurredinrt ywjr claim. If any, f Huslc) folio ins deecritwd landt;-. lo the aald taodi, or to prtvenl tucb pro. for Relief In Belgium". Theli own itoie of food, rwii or umdowm eomu Commenetnr l pott planted at the pueed action on my part ASSAYErt N.W. corner or Lot a, Aliford Bar. Skid, DATED at Um Land Reflatry Offlrr, even if not destioyed or pilhged. would Iat onljr VIOLIN.Pupils PIANO,Ttkea for YIOUKCELLO north rata luJL thene weal 10 cnalna, (bene rrlnre Itupert. B. C, UM IJlli day of three weeki they have had no chance to rait 3oie thenc SO cbalnt. cnalna la an a. D. ins. HARMONY. HAZELTON B. C. tiierly direction foltowlor ttva ahor line, ocihbtr, It. I. MAtLCUD, sad the ruthless Cermani icfute to tupply diem I EXAMINATIONS thence two cnalna to of i point commencement, Dtttnct Recittrar of Tltiea. wall rosareS for EmmImUom eontatnlnr II aciti. mora or lata. , To Reuben Nurent. Etq., Mil Backed by lU Aeaoclal' InNL VmmhiiTi eair The oldest established Assay CEOIlO McAAE. Applicant 1 1ST Pteine It, Vancouver, B. a tyal Coll ef Taaat. ttwKoti,tin. Dated January llttt. HIT. All Office In the North. TERMS PHONE SLUE 278 WATER NOTICE Navigable Waters Protection Act. Bdia n. 8. C, CHARTER IIS. DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NOTICE teat Oeorr Melt. Tb Orand Trunk Padflc Railway Com so ceocrooarr coatribuled So the Dt'tfiah Empire snd th Uolled boa addreat la Skloerat, B. C, lli pany hereby rltea nolle Uut l bat under Slates, the DeutisI Belgian ReLef Coourtaioo hat imported apply for llcenc b Uke and dm ISO Section 1 of tb tald Act. drpotlled with rnougji wheat. Bow ami the loodt lo Iced" the whole oatioo FRED STORK'S HARDWARE cubic fret per minute of water out of Um Miuuu.-r of Public Workt al Ottawa.f to tu. The rrl maionty d th 7.000.000 iklgunt left h bemtter Creek, wbien nova and northerly and In Ike omte or um Dttirlcl Iteftairar ol dralna Into AUford Bay, about It c taint of in land Rectttry Omc. Dltirlct of the country have been able lo pay lor their daJy sEowsnce from tun, t corner of T. L, III. Tlx Prtnc Rupert, al Prtnc Rupert, t detcrlp- bread but s steadily jow otsnber have oo nooy kit. water will Im diverted from the itrrun at lion of Um ut and plan of lumber milt 710 SEOONB AVI a point about ten cnalna weal from N.W tod outer workt prupoeed to b bull! In Unloaa we ere wSag lo let tiiete huaAdt ol thoutanJi ( comer of Lot 4. B. C. Flsheriea, and. will the Prince Itupert barbor at Prtne RuoarL clUrea aod old mea alanre, they uat be led at U wonMO. Orpontors Tool Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery be ud for power purpoa upon the Una nrititn toiutnLia. in front or Waterfront ti the Delgun RM Fund. To saakt thai poeeiU deacrtbed a adjolninr Timber Limit 111 Block T, accordinr to espenae Wlrs BftMo Sisal SSlooha Fishing Taokle realaiered plan of axlb-vtry lo application to leaa. tb lowtuiu of tb tald city of Prior sacneoM muU contribute aoarly $3,000,000 a Iron Pipe Pipe Flttlrujo trifles and tnotfluns TDK nolle war potted on th rrounf Itupert reentered In tb tforeitld land otoolh al kU wiatctl Valves Ammunition on too llth day or January, 1117. A resittry ome aa No, til, Section 7. copy of tula nolle and an application AND TAKE NOTICE l hat after Um expiration NotMopU Badet ibe ASed FUga are ai wei abl te rMtnbut Hoss Paint Pumps purtuant thereto and lo th Water Act, or on moaUi from um dat of teoeroualy as we Canadian I N rauae hat em bee Stoves and Itaaflee ftubserold Roofing Corrugated Iron ma win te oied in th omc of Um tlw Oral publication of nut nolle, lb deaerrini ol help I la the aasse ef Joatice and Huasaairy lot water Recorder al Print Itupert. Ob. Orand Trunk Pacific M MVE SELL MTHINCJ BUT THE BEST" jectlon to lo application may b filed j will, under Section T of Railway lb tald Act,Company apply the sake ol ear own a!f-e raped 14 ss grte si we caa w with tit aald Water Recorder bdp Mitred AKetl or w ild u ,uv aiuiini ui luDiie workt tl bit eot th Comptroller of Water Klfbta. Parlia omc la Ine City of Ottawa for approval ment Bulldlnra. Victoria. B, C, within of Um aald in and plan and for Ut See yeat eahrtiaaiaat ee4r, mmh at at haaa aam thirty day afur th firtl of Hi rieeiaaaal C in. I la appearand lo ronatruci aald workt. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE thl .nolle In s local newapaper, Dated al Wlnniper. Manitoba, tbla till Cental EuMtivt Ummitlis. M SI Psttf He Mntrit Th dale of th flrtt publication of tbli day of February, A. D, HIT. nolle It February!1 1 1, hit, THE ORAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. OtonUE MclUE, Applicant. COMPANY II. II. IIAN8AHD, Solicitor EMPRESS COFFEE INMeLSSALK WTrllsHJTOtl F. Q. DAWSOM HTnpCirr. PftlNOK