-.ut, Mrth 16, 1017. THE DAILY NEWS UNO BOITRV ACT a Loca Acu;s Wo.'t.? J ..n.'M,". ..... 1 . apP""""" - awlictiion" hi been WAR LOAN SOU-"1 .1 .h- Hiio K g Wallaces KM rrr" .,! ., in tha Province a a S3 Coium" Mr. I. W. 1'nlinoro lofl for Um (ri.b u-wtior of rrun) ,b, betrior uw tlM Roulher'n citle lant night. - '7 ' rriBM nupert. S3 DOMINION OF CANADA a a a iw i 1 1. or ALL A.1 D or For tha tthota family. Him w U "'vi "i .nA at teribed at Worth- Wfillaco'a. ' if w Issue of $150,000,000 5 Bonds Maturing 1st March, 1937 Captain Andy Tyaon antl' P',,wrioiy (70. reel of Lou Elaven tii i day.Indian recruit went aouth xtiler. Payable at par at Ottawa, Halifax, St John, Charlottctown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Keftlna, Calgary, Victoria, and at the Agency of Mr H. O.Johnston, of I the Hank of Montreal, New York City. Cannery, left for Victoria laal ' SEPTEMBER."?" 1 I. ight. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st MARCH, 1st . Alrua. and rour aiteoUou S3 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. v Ml amendment!, n'1 10 "e A iinall payment and wo lav ailda your suit until you need it. S3 Wallace'-. S3 ISSUE PRICE 96. JriUoa otr or to Prwo enuued E3 ?Zt .ucn u mk. u lrwoj so atrved Mr. Fred I'elera, the city aollc- R . tad tbote cltiuunr Itor, wa wader them. nd eU peraoos a passenger on the H A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL IIE PAID ON 1st SEPTEMBER,. 1917, anafb or Prince Itunerl laat nisht. ... i.ur.11 m im but br lr- utd K3 THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL HE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. Bnreiitered inurnment, !Ttre M clauoinr any Intereti Is the Mr. J. A. Miller, of the public K3 boM ,IU u tKjl WfU works department, went to Ocean S3' under Uo provUlont of UU1 Act. frails on the Prince tliipert yes. S3 Thk Miniht or Finance offers herewith, on behalf Deli verv of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made "in bt for ter eiut'P 1 oebarred lerday. of the (toverniiHiil, the above-named Bonds for Subscription through the chartered banks. Jy, iod m sold for UIt, (Od lb a SJ at , payable as follows: The issue will he exempt from taxes including any irutrir tbU rnir too ptrtoo en-Htkd A number of parliamentarians S3 10 per cent on application; income tax imrxm-d in pursuance of legislation enacted dr (ucti ui Ml owor of U from Manitoba passed through JSi 30 " IGth April, 1917; by the Parliament of Canada. bed a M tot Ui.tUcUoq fut been the city yesterday evening en S3 30 " 15th May, 1917; The bonds with coupon "will be issued in denominations f(Jf WHthKAS i OrUOMU Of IodrMUiU TIUo route for the aouth. S3 20 . " 15th June, 1917. of $100, S500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without im tfjOvcairBUuoed Uodi, la Um uioe S3 The total allotment of Iwnds of this issue will tc limited coupons will In; issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 S of Ux aijr of Print According to the latest report. Tbt CorpurUo or authorized multiple of $5,000. the I'rincets Maqulnna will be In S3 to one hundnd and fifty; million dollars, exclusive of any Tin u.RIRi!i IX) laiMUllUII UM UU at 7:30 tonight. Make a point of S3 the amount (if any) paid for bv the surrender of bond The bonds will h paid at maturity at par at the office il hW uxl prior 14 Um fouriMoUi dr S3 as the equivalent of cash under the terms of tie War of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at being there to welcome the returning Ixmn prospectus of 22nl November, 1915. Ottawa, or nt the office of the Assistant Receiver General uodt rt old far ovtrdua wounded soldiers. S3 at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, uit rw r mortt Uxroor. a a a S3 The instalments may Ik paid in full on the 16th diy of the Winnipeg, Regina, or Victoria, or at Agency riKTHin TAkE toiler uui t it Mr. Dan McQueen and Mr. Jack April, 1017. or on nny instalment due date thereafter, under Calgary iim I Mull tfftcl rtrtiUtuoo in S3 of the Bank of Montreal. New York City. mom or Mick rpUclioo tad Uu Jones, two of Prince Itupert's old discount at the rate of four p:r cent per annum. All nnwoM UruMtu of ladrtMUl TIUo to Um timers, returned to town from the S3 payments nrc to l made to a chartered bank for the The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid i bou In u mw or tbfl Uo cor-MntM north on the steamer last night. S3 credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest iDirtt roa uk od ptvttmu intending to spend a few weeks S3 instalment when due will render previdus payments liable on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. M prvr preetodion 14 ttuuitb font here. S3 to forfeiture Bnd the allotment to cancellation. Both cheques and coupons, at the option of the bolder, .B.m, if tar, 4 loo Mid liad. or 14 a a will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada rropoMd teUctt on toy ptrl. S3 Ctod l U Lad RrUU7 Otn, Print The tramp of the corked shoe S3 .cent Subscriptions,of the amount accompanied subscribed, must by a,be deposit forwarded of ten through per of any chartered bank, or at the Agency of the Bank . uu l.ta Ur of Dcratir, of Montreal, New York City. is heard of lopert. a, c again on the streets Canada in S3 the medium of a chartered bank. Any branch i o. im. a. r. MACLEOD, Port lUlward. The heavy machin S3 of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions and issue Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each tmtrtct nnirr or Tiii. ery out there In the country is provisional receipts. new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without It rrrdrrlc (clMlUwr. being brought into Prince Rupert. S3 coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the nnC L rrnoM. t P. K. Bldr. Home of the pieces weigh as much S3 This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds UmooloM. AlUrta. as forty tons each. S3 of Canada, and both principal and interest will be a with coupons will have the right to convert into fully UNO REGISTRY ACT a S3 charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. registered bonds of authorized denominations without Captain Andy Tyson came off Forms of application may be obtained from any branch coupons at any time on application to' the Minister of the train last night, lie brought S3 in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any Finance. It tad lit.) U lrtruoo(Mliocu. .Mil, nun Mil. with him about twenty Indian re S3 Assistant Receiver General in Canada. The books of the loan will be kept at the Department Till NOTICE Ual rvJlUJO kaj Un cruila for the army. Some of S3 Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. of Finance, Ottawa. " k rttUKr lelta BcrrnuA, or Prist Creek. a them were from loney S3 Utrb . C M ovnrr u fa aadar a clean-limbed In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be Application will be made in due course for the listing (Ireal big fellows, Tu tS fxad trvm tba Cotlwior of Ua S3 applied towards payment of the amount due on the of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. s$ of Prtara hapttl, trtor data tb the most of them were. S3 instalment. MI7 Of frrplrtoLcr. Il. Of ALL AJID April Recognized bond and stock brokers having offices a4d li0CiAR umi mula paml or irttt of The High Fchool Literary Club S3 Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer carrying on business in Canada will be allowed a commission hl Kk4 prtmlMi tllatu, Iflcf, ood L' nwets this eveninc in the Ilorden S3 in accordance with the choice of the applicant for of three-eighths of one per cent on allotments made mmttuunluif Mik MBaitaaair tao or U rrtnta Lot Tn HBprt.(It). Street School. Among the otbr S3 registered or bearer bond, will be issued, after allotment, in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, Itet TIN ), Uoa &4i (T), Mp iteiix on the programme l a play S3 in exchange for the provisional receipts. however, that no commission will be allowed in respect HI by six of the atudents. The pro S3 When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender Im or rrqulrrd va tcoutl ua tlum gramme is of a high standard of S3 payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd Vi f a tnm ut ut pcrtbaMr tfai of Um iuua Mr1P uortj.ota of ihlt excellence and visitors aro in. S3 money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, November, 1915, or in respect of the amount of any Wkt tMrk tBty te aSctlad br fUVU vited. Admission 10c. Proceeds with coupons attached, payable to Ix-arer or registered allotment paid for by surrender of five per cent debenture t d am or at DirrtiMl. tad roY ti in aid of the School War Fund. S3 as to nnnrtnal. or lor tulhr reentered txrous, wnen stock maturing 1st October, 1919. No commission will ) C4ll4 10 MtUOO) It Of UM a a S3 prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the be allowed in respect of applications on forms which "Ual Ikflitrr Art" wiu UMdawtU, Mr. William Keith, who left S3 application. n have nofbeen printed by the King's Printer. nt la iaa faUovtac itrttl UMrvfrotat la ortuti of a taicat or rrtlfl-w here last year with the Forestry S3 at at toiiM baiof (M tMforo tba Ilaltalion, in expected back again SUBSCRIPTION LISTS WILL CLOSE ON OR BEFORE THE 23rd OF MARCH, 1917. RtntrtUba u nur of um iwraoo ao in Prince Rupert next week. Mr. rsM md tain-wra nt Us .talc, all rrtoaj a Keith is an old timer in the west, S3 DsrtaTMKxr or Fisca, Ottwa, March 12th. 1917. mum, .tod Uiom rUOnlaf ftmtk t aadtr ttm. tad all tront had a bad attack of pneumonia In Buoubc tar Uiaraal la Um land br trt the old country and ha, been in ur aarruwrtd laitruawat, tad an valided home, lie is due to ar rwa cuiattar any laMrtti la Um taad tt m(i .boa uu it aoi rvruurvd rive in Vancouver on Saturday. IN TM1 UPfttSM COURT OF BfttTISH tad Um froTttkau of Ult Act. tbaU U COLUMBIA. I "r m lotted aad dVoarrad from Ml UN AND TIDE X tor rlaiaa to or la rrtpatt of lb . THE 1 la tba aattter or Um AdmUUttrauoa Act. m4 ta told rr uict, tad Um IMtUtrar March 17th. ti rtriiur um proa muuad aadar Saturday, ra Ui tal at trr or Ibr Uad M Sun rises , . . . ,6:1? a. m. tn Ibe matter or Um etui or Johaj' M fuf uitt Sun sets ..0:33 p. m. Adami. deceased, Intettaia, GOLD I'D WHEREAS trpllrtUoa btl ta TAKE .Nonci Uul by rer or Hlr ...t :la. lit. 10.1 bMi for t UriiaetU of ladafratU)) TIU I.ow water in. TIMBER SALE X871 Honor Judre Young, local Judre or ibe abMrmaiitiaMd Itadi. la Um nam igh water . .7:10 a.m. HL 18.5 Saprrne Cuurt. made tba tb day of' f tuba liarimaat Uiw water ..2:21 p.m. lit. 6.5 r-t.rn ,rntl .ill K- 4 k. January, HIT, I wat appointed Admlnlt' , SEEKERS IX D Wiirntia i.ii..nn. i. tratur of Um etui er Jaba A duos, a High water ,.:lt p.m. HI. 15.0 Um Miauur af Ltada aot lattr tbta noou " II tmart ttitt prior to tba lib day McCee, M. M.S. A. oa tba tint day or Mtrcb. HIT. ror tba deceaied. AU parUet bavtnr claims tralntt j Jf tWribr, itu, (tba dau oa which Captain Burtbaae af Ucaora X ll, to cut a.eoa.aio in aia uiv m orrru j rrmuTa w ivr J" Mid Uadt tra told for oterdaa real of tprure, brmlock and ttcu, on tn ward time properly termed u me oa or " pott war Um utattad owaar Call the Pony Kxpreas for wood trta tdjulnlor Lot HIS sltualtd on Uu bcrore the Hlh day of April. HIT, and Cbarlotta Ulaod DUlrlcW all parties Indebted to the tald etttta ara cut in stove lengths or 4 feet. Mil Inlet. Ooaea riKTIIER TAtt KOTICK tbtl at tba To (i) yaara UI ba allowed tor re quired to pay Um amount of tbelr In- trail the Great While a UOM t ihltl mUrnri MMiintkm la Ileal household coal aud general moral of timber. drotetfnett rorttnrtth. breaking the. m Pfutaoa of tctb apolitaiKm and Ua a Piano moving our ruriber ptrUcultrt of Um Chief For .Dated the tnd day of Mirth. HIT. Silence of the Northland, the prospector JruartM of lbdratbla TlUa to Um tald transfer. etier. Victoria, v, C. or DUtrtcl Foreiier I. II. McML'LU, ornciil Adminittrtior. must travel light The little grub he la la aama of Joba Bartnaa anlati pecialty. Prices moderate. Phone tl I'riaca K apart, B. C 1(. '"1 Ult tnd Irorat Iha timmr nrn. ti carries must be amply sustaining. So as H. W. Hogers. to aiubliib your tlum. if tar. .101, LAND LEAK NOTIOE COLUSMUA. a basis be packs ROYAL STANDARD "7 ' "Mt, or u prtTrnt tocb pro-p"5 ttuoa sale by Llp-tt FLOUR. The concentrated goodness of on my part. CARBONVOID for In the matter or Um AdmtnUtrtUon Act. William Jamea tTto ti um Land BffUirr Offlra. ae A Cunningham, and Parkln- Mittbewa,TALE 1SOTICK tetina at uul areni I, ror Um Anrlo- the finest wheat in the world. For any bl. "pru B lhu tUl In iba matter of Um etttle of Joba Lima-a4, it's sniub Columbia racktnr clime Worth , Company, journeyIn u, ,L im, ard FJcclrio Co. reentered oDlra In Vancouver, B. C Btptltte Btrnalcbet. decetted, Inteiuie. any i ' I 7. ritakt r ti..t.au.cnoo.-a aa-aaa.. af Arraodale, occupation tlora keepeer. In TAKE: 0TICE Uul by order of Hit weight in gold. 8"noB ftl'rtoo, DtviiTtlla, CtUforait. Balvallon Army. tend to tpply tor permUtlon to leate tba Honor Judra Younr, local Judre of UM follow Id t deacrlbad land!. Sut!rema Court, auda Ua IlUt day or meetings. Tuesday Conunenclnr at a pott driven on tbt rebruary, HIT, I u appointed Admlnlt. Pnhtie tut tnora of Portland Canal about t mil irator of etiate of Jobn BapiUie Btrntlcbei . WlUiamt. B.A. L.L-B Thursday and Saturday P- m and a baU norUi of Do(nb Hay, from deceiaed. All parUet btvtnr clalmt art mil WILLUMt A MARION Hm.lav at 7:30 p. nt. tbrore norin twenty cbalna; Ibenca cut tha ttid eattM are bereby required to for-ward leu rbaintt tbenea aoutb' twenty cbaintj aama proiwriy verified to tne on or rrlUr, BollolLora, KtO. UNA LAND OIITNICT-OISTWOT OS tbrnea wett lea cbalna. berore the Ulh day of April. HIT, aa4 tt TO LOAN COAST, piw rebruary tltn. I9IJ. Ml all ptrUet Indebted to the tald etttta are ii- III. I .... a.m.h Columbia WILLIAM JAMES MATTHEWS, ApytlcanL required lo pay the amount or tbelr In-deblednett TAKE NOTIC1. dii -",7. - forthwith. m THI UPlWaMt OOURT Or BRITISH Paled tba tnd dty or March. HIT. OOLUSMU. J. II. MrMl'LU.N, omrlil Admlnlttrttor, In tba matter of tba AdralnUtrtllon Act, IN TNI SUPRCaM COURT OP ITISH Prince Rupert Dairy piaaiau - . COLUMBIA. alter, in (jiatrlcti In tba miliar of Um eatata of Peiar . ""W WBW MAWAaiaHWT MtLtcblan. decetted, lutatltta. In the matter or Um Adminlitrttion Act, TAKE NOTICE tbal by order of Kit HOLrrimi Honor Judro Youiif, local Judre of Uia In um matter or th etuia of WUHim milk aupreiae Count, tuade Iba ITU day of Jamet Mtrtrtney Stndela, decetted. In-tealtu. CREAM rebrutry, HIT, I tt appointed Adintnlt-trtior BUTTERMILK tad V of tha mats of rur McLtenlan, TAKE .NOTICE thai by order Of Hit Swi ikatt tirrly riibl of-wsy w P-J dreaaed. All parties bavtnv clalmt tiaintt Honor Judra Younr, local judre of Ibe SeaWther ctvtli u lbs said the ttid etitle ara hereby required to for ywr ?u. Supreme' Court, made the tird day of lb of lb. i. V bTUnl wtrd taiua protarIy vetined H um on or o Prbrutry, HIT, I wtt tppolnted Admlnlt. :b,ofrittf " 'S - ij batora lha Hlh day of April. 117. and irator of the aaute of William Jamaa UatbWa'a Sjrf of Tar aad Cod Uver CW not oav "U Atttndad To. all pariiet Indebted lo tha tttd etiate art Mtrtrtney Saadalt, deceased. AU parUet I IIUaK aTI pruoipOr arrcta cotfeioi. but tbanka to rU tonic aa rirbi.of.mtr. f.J'w . m required la pty Iba amount of thrtr In tavtnr rUimt artinti tba tttd emit are VUlili At ttreDjthenlng properuea It he 1 pa the ijna U tbrow aC tfi'bUHinett roruiwlth. hereby required, to forwaid tame properly the cold and thus effect a permanent care. It It Hike quality vBleB baa WW fat anaro tttd l-uadtry S ptled lh tnd dty of Mtrrb. HIT vvrlAed to me oa or Nfore the Ulh day at Lba largeat aala of aar couh aad coU remedy la Carta-U. J. II. McMl'lUM. CrtlcUl Admlulilrttor. 11 1 il of ApeM. HIT, tnd all parUet Indebted Ui jjt. Urgt anaae-l, tvtrywkin. $ L um m eilila ara required to pay the subscribe for W w Pl ThA Itnhw .i.tii'.ma r. amount or their Indebtednett foribwita. . U UATaUXU CO, Paaai, I ,rjR he Artius at ti carrier, 60 Paled the tnd day of Mtrcb. HIT. ria5 tlSattaraX Daily News Co..rrbratry LluHd.! cents per mouth- J, II. McMULLIS, oaclal Adtulmtirttor. t l