FOR SALE House and lot on Summit Avenue. The lioue has four rooms and bath. It Is full)' modern. It Is ou the sewer. 1 Has electric lights. There FA Is n good marine view from one room. The- price 1s very immoderate, and Includes a fgood range in place. Terms .nn be arranged. We Write Plre Insurance, Representing Only Strong, Liberal Companies. Tear feuelneee I aellelte. H. Q. HELQCIWON,1. n.t.r'-LTD Wearing Rubbers during the Spring Months "Ik Daily News" of Slush and Wet Saves more than their CLASSIFIED ADS. Cost and Protects the Health as well WANTED. WA.ITED Oeneral aervank Apply rs. A. Ouuteln. Tboat tit. It is only recently that the high retail prices of WASTED SJ. General Serrant. roone Black most commodities are being felt lhe higher WAITED .furfemald. fbone Blue 19. cost of living as a result of the war, is now manifesting WANTED Youtb or jrounr lady to attend itself in EVERY walk of life office, keep books, ete, apply box U7 Dally A'ewa. Shoe dealers throughout Canada must for WANTED Yount ladiea wUnlnt to Uk get more our Lady three-rrr-..coure Supt, rnnee Rupert In nurilnr.OeoerU Write Hot rubbers than during the past few years. The cost of production plial, for applieaUon form and further has been steadily increasing and the dealer's expense Information, II of doing business is greater. CHAMBERMAID WANTED One wbo under stands waiunr table. Apply Saroy Hotel. Jacques Cartier To-day crude rubber is fully one-third higher than before the WAJfTED hotel offlee.Eiperlf Hotel need Prince waitreia.Rupert. Apply If war, and doubled freights, abnormal insurance and the war tax nave made it more expensive laid down at our factories. WANTED General serrant. apply Mr. L. W. Pilraore, doom t06. tf. Other materials, including cottons, cashmcrettcs, jersey, FOR SALE linings, dyes and chemicals cost on an average 75 more. Labor, too, is away up, and so scarce that there is difficulty FOR SALE to-err incubator. In rood con diiloo: til Summit Arenue. nS in keeping up a normal production. FOR power SALE Gray It-foot entlne.Uunch Boat wltn and 6 engine borte The increased prices of our rubbers small indeed compared about three year old. Never been ued with other articles of wearing apparel and of food have been much. Price ItSO.OO. Apply D. A. Me- PhalL Alice Arm, B. C. e made imperative by the steadily growing cost of manufacturing. FOR eluding SALE"IT Carload micolne mining drills,machinery,eulamn m As the quality and reputation of our brands of rubbers must be main MERCHANTS RUBBERS drtll-tteel, tteam-BtUnr etc Appl) MAPLE LEAF tained at all costs, we have been compelled to advance our prices. So Dally New. tf. RUBBER.iiarrea when your dealer asks you a little more, it does not mean that either he MISCELLANEOUS or the manufacturer is taking advantage of war time,but rather that both 1 are reluctantly yielding to necessity. TALBOT HOUSE Good Room. Every convenience. Hot water bath. IS.10 and If In proportion to the cost of other necessities, the prices of our brands per week. ISc and lie. a mailt. of rubbers are reasonable and more economical when compared with GRADUATE NURSE (C.M.B.London) Term the far greater increases in'shoe prices. The regular use of rubbers moderate,Phone 4. apply p. O. Box It, or saves many time their slightly increased cost, and protects the health. M wefl. To be sure of fuM value and maximum service, look for the assurance of PHONE 83 P. O. BOX 35 ejualiry given by any one of these Trade Marks: PACtflC CARTAGE, LTD. ZNensTJ "JACQUES XARTICR' "GRANBY" "MERCHANTS" Transfer and Storage "MAPLE LEAP' 'DAISY" "DOMINION" BEST LUMP A NUT COAL NO NO SHORT LONG WEIGHTS WAITS Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co. Limited When You Order from Us. Largest.Manufacturers of Rubber Coods In the British Empire 'P y EXECUTIVE OFFICES - MONTREAL, P.Q. tF.m?N f ADr.P iTD-TrriAff? ax ANiiParTttDiNr: m antc in ra vaha - mm w bA- mi ay a msw w e ar-aver em m m w a erva w - i mBs M aW A 1 111 A iaVm t AT ROWE'S PLUMBING j' AND '3 "SERVICE" BRANCHES AND WAREHOUSES1 THROUGHOUT CANADA u SHEET METAL WORKS They make Oaae-llna Tank, Calley Pipes, Smoke Blacke, Chimney Tape, and all Uia werk that la utually don Ift the OLD FASMIONCD TIN SHOP, WITH ALL THE LATEST DOWN-TO-DATE WORK SPECIALIZED, audi M SCVLieHTB, .CORNICES, .Et. EferyOilne In the I la foe-Mill, SJIa r factory. Bteiea put up and eo-aecled U boiler. ftaoMaf la all THE TONIC THAT Prince Ruoert Feed Co. klnee of material. Mepalrliia ef all. LOCAL K5W8 ITEMS DENTISTRY S 1 E E M & LONGWILL klnSa. PRICES RIHT, SERVICE p. o. eei saa. eos rat FIRST-CLASS.IS OUR A AIM.SATISFIED CUSTOMER .Mrs. I),J. Atideraou and son, of TOMOMTN AMD ftAlftaS WOXI SANITARY AND HEATING RECEIVED OUR 1917 8CCDS BRINGS HEALTH 'n A SrSOIALTV InvcriH'ns, left for Victoria PHONE 40 P. O. BOX 4S7. ENGINEERS vwiThandle factory and OStce Sas M Avenue, lat iifKlit's steamer. On. J. 8. DROWN add tnd Street, cleee U Cow Say Steele's, OSNTIST Ronnie's. Perry's. and eovaranant Wharf Mr. F. J. Ilaywnrd, who has Agenla for DR. KCPttlM BUILDIMO. "Frttit-a-tltfs" WA Dp Hki Oiri nmih , TNtee Ateew and Brlgg's been I'll the city fur thu pat few riiMi 4 McCLARY FURNACES Garden and Flsld Seeds. Wtnlc Systifl days on fish,business, went south Also PertllUers. last night, PLUMBING rrrrrrrrrrrrr Thoaa who take "KmJt-a tiTea" for and Ye Take Orders for Nursery thofirtt time, are oflea.aatonfahcJ at Captain Gillette, of the Islands, Slock. J.LH1CKEY tlio way U builds lhm p and Mates travelled south last night. Sheet Metal Work SHEET METAL WORKS Hay, Grain and Feed st IHemtd bttttr oil over, Tliejr may L , Phone 5, 83 1 Second Avenue. Vancouver PrJce' - CONTRACTOR A aHIILDCR UkloE"Fruit-a ti tea"for tome sjceifle Xe curtain goods new goods -.. N'lght phonrs 570 .i , , . ,. ,,' dlaeaae, u Conttipation, Indieeation, of all kinds Wallace's. tf become llsvlne acquainted Leen h ihc with Ut,all I ml.have and Illue 270 Chicken P A Spsclaltr. Store and OIUco Fixtures, Chronlo Headaciiea or .Neuralgia, rn methods of outnttlnugaaollne The right work, at the right T Madder Kidney or Trouble, Illicit' 8ash, Door and Moldiugs. matlamor Palnlotho DacV. And they B. C. UNDERTAKERS boata, as used by EaaUrn shops, time, and at the right price. Mall Oeaer. PeemUlf Oak and Hard Woods of all flu.ien"Frult a tire"has cured the kinds. diaeaae, that' they feel better and Gasoline Tanks, Pjpc- DIWEOTOKS AND KM. We Specialise In making stronger ia every way. Thiala due to SALMsne UNIRAL tATisr action oun- fittlng and Plumbing, Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent the wonderful tonic properties of the KTtSD OPtH 0r AND NIOT all and lines or and flUlruj storm windows, Sheet fainout tablets,made from fruit juices. 11T SNO 8TRSET THONI 41 ABSOLUTELY riRCPROOr any size. fiOe.a bos,C for$2.10, trial site,25c. mmmmmmnmwmamgmtfnmtmmrmawuex :: : Metal Work : INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BAAHICMSS At all dealer or ten t potp4id by Fruit Plate and Sheet Qtaee and I'rumpt Att-ntlon and Cuail Tu,tt' Skilled s-Ures Limited,Ottawa. llcaJquariert for Oeorntos SamUI fX, tut and Ine Norlh Blazing. VrltrTAfn)ilp Company, Ltd. dornsr Prater and Sih' Sis. COMPANY MJMOMMC POII H. LETOURNEAU PECK, MOORE & PHONE GRCEN 204 62t SIXTH AVKNVK SIT Se- Aeue eiNEAAL BNOKIRS r P. O. BOX 44. lion lllaek 325 J' () n0, jj TBUST The DaiLV NevVs BUILDIMO fOAMIRLV OCCUPIED BY THE COHTIUBNTAL C0tJ,