THE DAILY NEWS I I7I0M WC8TH0LMC THCATRC. Internal Bathing's VMS flio U i xlliuIutM Theatre fcfid full house lnt rilRlil and a full Growth THE I houseful of irrntlll palr.a. Rapid HOST SEVERE Iliilda from Holland," with Mnry I'k-kford In the llllo role pned f It but ntturtl M etptl Ibsl rllf, GOLD I to I rvfryllilrif that ),a. )eP ,i I ffffn 0tttuja si4 Um tninj IHf : TIMBER SALE XS71 I hlrb II whltb U so sffeelotl sndj Tb Tim. Until !! nltout II. II Is a euM, Pl A" masterpiece. Mary should! .Jf.l 4 rutarsl st Inumtl BttMsr, i SCALED TEStitftS wHI bs rreelrtd by SEEKERS is known ,1'kkfonl to b an artiste sulrkly nutks sitay eonmtt. iUm Mlnltler of Lsadt not later intn noon of no mean trder. 1'aUios nud Hut in tnrtl um htt increswd m on the ttrd day of Mtrtb, ISI7, for lbs .humor are well blended, and, of tmtimdautix la itw ptil few years st l pjrrlitis of lleento X 171, to ml 4,00,0t0 course, were U the lirart interest, mistm! fiOtrr rtttoot, sad taM srs found feel of spnire. hemlock snd eedtr, on sn which hefore the In ilw tutraiai of vteti thtl lhy reel area adjolnlof Lot 1 1 10 tl tutted on Mtt- j picture is ended sfwr n If 'smS4 ovrr new" Um mornlnr sell Inlet, (rjeea CbtrlolM Ultndt DUlrlct, become a very serious affair for sa Itiif rntf Batk. Two 'li will be slewed for rs-Riovtl ytsrs ' frBBl breaking the trail in the Great WWfe BBBM .-bm4bb1bbV ("Huhlar Altogether one would go TIm eliniiiMiton of Um pernicious snd or umber. I far before seeelng a ltellrr eon. lA,tuu uu hitb M r pratnt in rorther fMfUcaltr of lbs CfaUf ror-etter, Silence of the Northland, the prospector (tie Lower InietiiiM rlrri .it tars s ebtnet Vlcioru, B, C, or District Foretter intruded nlay. or oue that is nlar. to mork Bfihtatered. And one srttet in tl Pi lore RDpert. B. C 71. must travel light The Mttle grub he ed better. Those who tabued aee- Um irtrtmlnr clrtr-hrsded. sble, brlcbl, carries must be, amply sustaining. So as in? this ureal play last nJgut eonfldent snd etrcr for I be dsys dutlet. LAND LEASE NOTICE a basis he packs ROYAL STANDARD BxVL- am .would do well to ee It tonight. Mr r E Bmltb wrltet) l"tr lietor. Cstcsd mtds s FLOUR, The concentrated goodness of and of those -Yonr who itroet4 many saw it last TAKE NOTICE that I, Wlllltm new nun W ms tl the sre of 41. 1 per the finest wheat in the world. For Jbbbbig sBBBBaHiii night will want to witness the tutdrd Mtithewt, tenor tt treat for tbe Anrio-, any slto, mr sire to ute tne trtttment .scenes again tonight. There J tsd todtjr (Im Iui teller tiesltb tbsn Brlllib ColumLlt Ptcklnr Cocnptay. Limit- ! journeyIn any clime Worth it's ed, rttittered omcs In Vtoeoorer, B. C, 'also n topical budget of great in eer befe ilnre Om mm of Um 'Cat- of Arrtodtle, occuptUon tlors keepeer. In weight in gold. MR. LAMPION esde sbe sluei better snd tan walk for terest. Tbe muilcal programme In tend to tpply for pertnliilon to leiie Um Ont., Not. 11th, 1915. txMira wuaoul fturue. Filntlnr tpetlt Verona, to the usual folloslnr detenbed undt up standard of the number of bar bewHnt s eusdltloa of the pail! csn I luf.frfl for rears Commenelsi' st s pott driven on tbt War in Weslholrne, well up, and that is est snyrfciHf on ItM bin of fsrs snd drink " w ett I thors of Portltnd Csntl sbool s tails lth til beeersret. Does not lake cold wrben from strains and hnarr saying enough. and s half nortb of Dotfltb ty, from SuUtndEft etpoied; bet wratber Aim not fsste op-prrtiton.- inrnrs nortb twenty cntint; ibenrs cut Heinember the Ited Cross ten chtlnt; tbencs touUl twenty chio; T 1 1 foul rten P I0P0 of eer Ilataar Tbe " a. L. Cttrtar," the most em-etrnt Ibence wrtt ten cbalnt. Ifinf well ffaIo, frlwJ recommended In BL Peter's Church. Heal Cove. drlre for Inlerntl fttthlnr. It belnr Febrstry I Ith. 17. Mt ..H-tirca" to mo and efifrutitig on Wednesday first. Proceedings ebuwn awl eiptatned la Aettll by Cyril H. MTLLIAM JAMES MATTHEWS, Applicant. yr, ' ' ' ' ""' r tliat will be opened at 3 p, m. by Mrs. Ornie. firarrltt, corner Ird A. snd Sib tktp Street, Prince aapert Alk for frss boo-let. IN TNI SUPREMI COURT OT BRITISH IjE -:uJ to I!16 thrm,ad now I O. A. Hlr. 67 nnj Mta ar To4ty it Only S Per COLUMBIA. m r,oyjns the best of heath, thanks Cent, tnaent" Jf yon prefef, writs to remedy Call the Pmy Impress for wood fr. Ctut. A. Tyrrell, Its Collets ttreet, la roar In the matter of tbe Admtnlitrttlon Act, ' Toronto, for tane. W. M. LAMI'SO.V. cut Id stove lengths or 4 feet. snd IhU Iutc In tbe mi iter of Um etute of Peter If j -.hrnrpailiff Best household coal and general McLacblan. decetied. Intetute. anf lv.-i" r liU"' Trouble, or raiufer. Piano moving TALE 50T1CE tbtt by order of Hit nor c. , UbmaatUui or Pain In The llunor Judge Younr, local Judrs of Um rtaeh Trouble fire Trull pccialty. Prices' moderate. I'bone Prace Rupert Dairy Supreme Count, mtde Um I7tn dty of l.t r trUl. This won Jcrfnl frull .101. II. W, Ilogers. tf rebrstry, ISI7, I wtt tppoloted Adnitnlt- (mot mcw sunsacsicsrr irtlor or the eiute of Peter MeLaebltnJ c i 'I (Io)oua wori'lof good, decetied. All parties btrlor claims trtintt , t lirn art rjrthln cle falls. CARBONVOID for sale by Lip PURE HOLSTHEN MILK the ttid etute ire hereby required to for- Don't merely smother your coajfi. r,for t-n, trUl tlte, 2. ett Cunningham, and Parkin- wtrd same properly Verified to me on or . r acat poUpaJJ on receipt CREAM before the ttlb dty of April. ISir, sod mmti r Uithku't Syrup of Tar and Cod Urer Oil not only Frult--lle LiraileJ, Ward Klectrie Co. tf SnTTTERMILK til ptrtlet Indebted to tbe md etute ire I 1 1 ftf I1 II promptly arresta coughing, but thanka to rtt tonic and r required to pay the smounl or Utelr In- VVnil A A gtirnglhening propertWt it help the lyttera to throw of deblednett forthwith. tbe cold aod tlins effects a permanent cure It U thit quality which has si for Salvation rm MSOSBI M7 P. O. BOX BSS3 Dated Um tnd dty of Mircll, It 17. k tbe Urcest sal of any cougfa and cold remedy in Canada. t, II. MrMl'LUM. Offldi! Admlnlttrttor. The Daily News delivered by Public meetiORS, Terts, ail Ordtea rransUy Attsndad T. jy.lrft bcttUt,tvtrytokm. :mrr 50 rents per month. fbtirsday and Saturday at p. m The Daily nt delivered bj BtATBtEO CO Flap BUB B3 W.TJk Sundays at 7 p.m. R. McKay, Proprietor. carrier, SO cents per month- ij,,nrrnrr-""""' Metal Work Sheet STEN &LONGVYILL Htrieg Urn in th East, I have UroaM acquainted with all nwd-ra sartrrArTr anb hcatinq 53 WAR LOAN nwlhods of outfit tine gaaatiae CMOINstCRS SI tuata, as used by Eastern abops. Agents for Gasoline and Tanks,Plumbing,Pipe-fitting McCLARY FURNACES S3 K5 DOMINION OF CANADA and oil lines of Sheet PLUMBINO : Metal Work : z and h Issue of $150,000,000 5 Bonds Maturing 1st March, 1937 SHEET METAL WORKS tnxsfi. Attention,, nni SkWed. Work mans hip Phone 0, 831 Second Avenue. SI Payable at par at Ottawa, Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, .Montreal, Toronto, Night phones 570 SJ Winnipeg. Kegina. Calgary, Victoria, and at the Agency of H. LETOURNEAU and Ulue 270 53 the Hank of Alontreal, New York City. ei raxTit AVENUE The right work, at the right S! rkoM Black 32S r.O. Bos 118 lime, and at the right price. SJ . INTEREST PAYABLE JJALF-YEARLY, 1st MARCH, 1st SEPTEMBER; SI PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. SJ uu a. tuMt, ia. 53 W. K. WUltsnt. IX. Li- Prisce Rupert Feed Ce. SJ ISSUE PRICE 96. aUMON WltLUM s. o. awt ass. SOS TSIrS At. SI Virrittars, SoMollora, lie. RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEM 53 .A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st SEPTEMBER, J If 17 OMIT TO ISMS a tii (9 THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. WC HANDLE turtrwa atoca mam iaawsi B. C SJ Rennle'e, Ferry'a, SUeU'a, SJ Deliver)' of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made behalf LAND nCOMmiT ACT n a Brigg'a Tiik Minist' -or Tisancb offers herewith, on Oardsn and Field Seeds. of the GovcnitiH-iit, the above-named Bonds for Suberrip-tion through the chartered banks. (ccuottt IS to Also Fsrtlllxsre. at 90, payable as follows: The issue will le exempt from taxesincluding any lKbcaua no, Sl.lll. rtUot MM. V Take Order for Nursery 10 per cent on application; income tax- imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted TAkC NOTICE MM I HaUl las Stock. SJ 30 44 ICth April, ;1017; by the Parliament of Canada. , i rriuur Jobs aartmss. of rrtnc SJ 30 " 15th May, 1917; The bonds with will be issued in denominations Mn. a. c, m tinti la It uaiter a Nay, Grain and Feed at coupons 'u ui tt4 rrwa Um Coi w tor r um Vancouver Prioea. SI 26 " 15th June. 1917. of $100. $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without v3l sT rnaa Aupsrl, ItsAriax Osu Um S) coupons will he issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 tbe limited ar at kpumur, itu. or all a?id The total allotment of bond: of this issue will K;.LAa tbii rcruta pak1 or use or Chicken Feed A Specialty. SJ to one hundred and fifty .million .dollars, exclusive of or any authorised multiple of $5,000; Lb M4 prtmtt statu. It lor. so4 t- SJ the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bondi The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the office M is Um Maatnpttitr of rnoo Rutwft, toll rrmpill AltoMtS Ts, SJ as the equivalent of cash under the terms of (the War of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at t ptrucuiirtr aaewn as Lot Tm I IS), Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915. Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General r'T l' ,lu0 9,B t,, ,,, H lit at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetovn, Montreal, Toronto, SJ The instalmenU may be paid in full on the 16th day of the sra rrqulrnl u cvtlMl Iks rlsiia Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria, or at Agency Uw U purcbsMr within lttfrj-n PHONE 93 P. O. ROX 33 SJ April, 1917, or on any instalment due date thereafter,'under of the Bonk of Mont real, New York Ci ty. " rrtsa Um diu or Um snrtot UiM discount at the rate of 'four per cent per annum. AH httb my b tirectod ir au- PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. SJ payments are to lie made to .a chartered bank for the The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid 7 "i or it Dirstud. so4 jour si SJ credit of the 'Minister of Finance. Tailure to pay any by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest 'uua It Cilkrd to urllnii it or um SJ will render .liable bonds with will be surrenderor "UM instalment when due previous payments on coupons paid on coupons. io um Hftutrr roUuiDt Art"citrtcl tu AOMadaMau,uwrtrromt Transfer and Storage to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. Both cheques and coupons, at the option of the holder, will be payable free of exchange at branch in Canada um ia oVftuit of s fttl or emia. any m t Ut pro4nt twins BW4 txtors ItM .REST LUMP A NUT COAL Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per of any chartered bank, or at tbe Ageney of the Bank SJ of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through "IMlrtUoB 1 fifth., nr IK. mm... n. cent of Montreal, New York City. nu4 uikicr tuch ui Ml, stl frouj to SJ the medium of a chartered'bank. Any branch in Canada rl lta Dotirs ,ao4 JhoM rlalmau NO LONQ WAITS of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions and tissue Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each larxiiB or Gtkkr tbun. and aU persons SHORT WEIGHTS SJ provisional receipts. new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without tUiaiint tsy lottrttl la Um Ud4 by lrius NO SJ coupons will have the right to convert into bond of the .U ttnrtnurl Inttrunwni, tnd sU When You Order from Us. Si This loan is authorised under Act of the Parliament denomination of $1,000 with coupon-, and holders of bonds ruot tutnuttf tnjr Inurttl in ln Itnd of Canada, and both principal and interest will be a into mbot SI with coupons will have the right to convert fully "I U not rststor4 Consolidated Revenue Fund. the "r um pmuioat ef tblt Art. tbsll Im 53 charge upon registered bonds of authorised denominations without YZyT ,tortl ol 4rttrr4 from l C Forms of application may be obtained from any branch coupons at any time on application to the Minister of SKEINS LAND DISTKICT-lTICT 53 in Canada of nny chartered bank and at the office of any Finance. , M4 fw u,' "m lusttirsr COAST, 53 MuT. General in Canada. Nruur um prrtoa fnimm undsr ... ..... k. iiHll.h CollUUblS Assistant Receiver The books of the loan will be kept at the Department 53 Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. of Finance, Ottawa. oii for Ui" 53 " the will be will be made in due"course for the listing SMdIDJ:u,5m PPtKn Ut bQ C, tsiuon .ciniKr. f in dettrlD In case of partial allotments surplus deposit Application to uL .J? Csruaesia or Tills prnnlttliA w Kin ., , nan SJ applied towards payment of the amount due on the of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. SI April instalment. SJ Recognised bond and stock brokers having offices and Its i Scrip certificates, non-noRottable or payable to bearer K.r. ouiricii carrying on business in Canada will be allowed a commission SJ in accordance with the choice of the npplicant for of three-eighths of one per cent on allotments made SJ registered or bearer Iwnds, will be issued, after allotment, in rerpect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, w w IS ansa" llislia.l vs AMn asvr as . U..U..C or WW1' its slatt SI i in exchange for the provisional receipts. however, that no commission will be allowed in respect "rtoi.rthTiiti, . ,l IDS feel SI When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and of the amount of any allotment raid for by the surrender ndtr, or lb. orsna x r- SJ payment endorsed thereon bv the bank receiving the of bonds issued under'the War Loan prospectus of 22nd "Ct. " SJ money, they nmy be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, November, 1915, or in repct of the amount of any 'n1 ,,,u, ' with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered allotment paid,for by surrender of five per cent debenture :m u?, M f '"n hmn unlstt ,h,o r-rtb tee JV",: " of wi SJ as to principal, or for fully registered lond, when stock maturing 1st October, 1910. No omraisaiou will Urtrcllua or um 53 prepared, without couihiiis, in accordance with the be allowed in respect of applications on farms, which r,..or...yi - ft S, application. have not been printed by the Kiug's Printer. trur stuns IDors brrs sti4 u" 'tirt tts SUBSCRIPTION LISTS WILL CLOSE ON OR BEFORE THE 23rd OF MARCH. 1917. fctr. C J. ,,h d of rxrfnl or rwniuwnftnMnl- u W um w DarAaruKNT or Finance, Ottawa, March 12th. 1017 Arilns t sstsl Tl lmon p..... RHrsr or Tlllss, Co.. .lutll4.,, caurorou. trl.rutry tUi, !