THE DAILY NEWS Vol.. VHf. XO. 08. PIUNCK HUPKRTy B. G.,MVKI).N'KSl)AY, MARCH 21, 1917. PHICK WVK CENT ALLIES ARE OH HEELS OF GERMANS YET HUNS LAY WHOLE COUNTRY WASTE AS THEY RETIRE-MANIA FOR DESTRUCTION ADVANCE BY ATROCITIES IN ARMENIA HAD TO STOP TRAINS WASHINGTON BECAUSE OF MOOSE By Viscount Bryce, former am. THE BRITISH bassador (o the United Slates. ADMITS GRAVE The slaughter of between seven British Columbia has evolved a CONTINUES and eight hundred thousand Armenian new way of bunting moose, name- by the Turks since the SITUATION ly, by snow- plough and by pas. beginning of the war reveals the senger train. In one day a few . 'Armenians quite as much martyrs Oales and Rainstorm Hampering (o Christianity a any of the early weeks ago train No. 2, running Sinking of the Throe' American Germans in Their Retreat (Christians who died In Nero's on the Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway, Merchantmen Is Held to be And Allies In Their arena. Many thousands have died near Tele Jaune Cache, kill, Causus Belli Relief Forward NJovs. ,for lMr chrlnllan faith when ed two of the great-anllered monsters, Ships sre Sunk. ,K.'n.,.. lH,y cuW I'ave saved their lives and lost over an hour in to juwm .spMtoi ,hf renouncn? u trying to avoid killing more. (Special to TI) Dallr News.I L mdon, March 21 The British This has perhaps not been rea- This Is not a traveller's yarn, are UH pursuing the retreating Used even by those who in F.urope ut is solemnly recorded on the ; Germans and are dogging the or America have read of and been flies of the chief game warden's Ington admits that the situation befit of the retiring foe. The horrified by the wholesale slaugh. Jofflce in correspondence passing'with respect to the participation nbole country vacated by the Ger- ter and hideous cruelties by which (between the department and Su-'of the- United States In the 'war is mans has been systematically half of an ancient nation has been perinlendenl J, I). Kirkpatrick, in'graver ban ever it has been pre-; iwUd and anything that could not exterminated. They can hardly whose- division of the railroad the'vlously. High officials state that be carried away was destroyed, understand how there should be happenings occurred. And the the United Slates government Is Tbe church of St. Jean, which is religious persecution In our time superintendent goes further; be in communication with Great i biitorie edifice, is now a inasa so let me try to explain the facts. ;complains to the department that Britain and evolving a system f ruins. As a building it was of Political Plot, a great many times the trains in'whereby it will be possible for t military value, but was wan-1 It was not religious fanaticism 'the Mcllride division these days adequate protection to be given lealy destroyed. Ithat led the present rulers of have had to be stopped in order to all merchantmen crossing the Peronns Vacated. (Turkey to seek to root out Chris. that the train crews can drive the'Atlantic from the German sub-mooe The German have been finally .tianity. Ho far from being fana-t:?aned off the right-or.way. 'marine menace. This, it is sail, out of I'eronne. Kveryjtics most of these men, though The explanation of the occur- would be a matter for the United teste ai a fort and every street nominally Mohammedans, have no .rences Is twofold. The first is States to arrange for herself un-;due earner a nesi oi inacmne guns,j reunion whatever. Tueiraimwas to the heavy snowfall in tbe i less she intended taking active PsatI parties of Germans were political. They wanted to make (north this year which is making part In the war. Britain already in the town to occupy the at. the whole Turkish Empire Mo. lit hard travelling for the big has enough to do protecting her Uation of the advancing British, hammedan in order to make it jgame. The second is due to the own mercantile marine, and and itreet fighting of a merciless uniform, with only one creed and 'work of the railway officials in' help to the United States could BRITISH VICTORIOUS ON THE SOMME nature was engaged In. No pris. no differences between one class This keeping open the transcontinental'only be given as an ally. A decla-i map shows the battle-line at the beginning of the German caet mere taken. The German of subjects and another. They withdrawal. line with snow ploughs. The rail-,ration of war Is looked for at any rrtml lias perceptibly slowed up, saw that the Christian part of the way track is about the only bit of.time. mack may be accounted for by imputation suffering under con. jeasy travelling in the district U Wy weather. .Gold winds stant oppressions and cruelti, iUTHLESSNESS" IS RUSSIA REBUILDING ilfiese days, and, well, what would wi i nun .wiramoM bkttutt a gale and severe raln- continued to turn Us eyes west you do yourself If you were a London, March 21. One of the STILL THE ORDER POLITICAL EDIFICE aterct are hampering the retlr- ward and hope for some redress moose? American vessels, the Valencia, , ajr liennans very much, and of from the Christian nations; so One of the Grand Trunk snow sunk by German submarines re- ( the pursuing Allies have they determined to eliminate (Special 10 Ttw Dally M. (fpeclal lo Tbe Duly ploughs operating between Rooney ceived no warning till a torpedo I 'let the same conditions. NoL. Chi-Utianilv slLocrether and Hansard killed a moose which blew a bole in her side. The sur- London, March 21. Two out of IMrograd, March 21. Foreign the adverse condi Olven to Officers. vi n t. nlmicrhEnf Ihmiifrh ftia a n nvL" vlvn.a n-am arlflft twm P.Mav -Unding five Ilclgian relief ships have been Minister MiliukolT in a great tio tbe lirillsh have made con. During these recent massacres JdrJfu jn a contrary direCtion to morning till Sunday afternoon in iideraMe progress and forty more whenever any Christian would attacked by German submarines. peecb yesterday declared that the ,the 8(low plough. The trouble an onen boat. Their sufferings vahres have been cleared of the turn .Mohammedan his life was The steamers carried tbe dis-!provisional government which ,with the moose is that they do not Were great and all the rescued are and now remain in the spared. It was only as a Chris, linguishing marks of tbe Belief I controls the destiny of Itussia, understand that the great shriek-'weak from exposure to the cold aiaJt of the-Allies. tian that he was killed. Many a Committee and their description f will use every energy with the 'ing monster which pursues them and wet. The submarine corn-was French Front. Christian child was torn from its known to tbe Germans, in!unanimous consent of the nation, lean not leave tbe tracks. In their niander refused their request to Pint. March 21- In the gigan. parents to be brought up as a addition to this tbey carried a ilo effect a speedy victory. The ;own fear they are afraid to leave tow them within sight of land. I drive extending from Chaulnes Mussulman. Thousands of Ar 'safe conduit" granted by the problems now confronting the new the open tract for the snowdriiis taOiie the French have wrested menlan Christian girls were sold German government. The des-i government are immense. Her or the protecting forests nearby. STEA SHIRS S4HHC . . . ...... ... . 1...k...t. ..isi:..i .i:n .. ,,:n m.... I nK..n.t nr it., nn w one hundred square miles in the marsei or aisiriDuieu iroyeu snips ooais were sneiieu i "uc' cu,,"-c rci uu unu m fc;ra tbe Germans by continuous among Turkish officers lo be im-'by the submarine aud all the oc- rebuilding, and in doing so, Rus-jgine until, as in tbe case of No. 2 isperui to ti Daily iiewM Elhling The retreating enemy prisoned for life in Turkish cupants were killed. On the other ia will enormously strengthen train on February 6. they grow Lonj0n. March 21 The Nor-barems aid tbe surrounding country and there forced into ship that was sunk, seven of the hr moral forces to organise and 'tired, and then with true bull wegian 9teamer -Collingwood" le Released from the com. Mohammedanism. But many morelcirvv were killed, also notwith- to obtain that victor'. The for-'moose courage, turn and charge ha9 hetn 8unk by a German 8UD. Hrative Inactivity of trench war-tu thousands or Armenians, women standing the German "safe con. ''l?n minister stated that the the oncoming engine. It was arter marme Tne CollHgwood was the French soldiers welcome as well as men, were offered their duct." The value placed upon a Grand Duke .Nicholas had ce- the second killing that the ccew unarm;d and made no attempt to ''bange to the open country choice between Christ and Mo- German pledge is now no more niented hi alliance with the peo- of No. 2 decided tney would have atlack tho 8ubmarine. Tbe mas- aaa are aweeplng jubilantly on hammed and when they refused than it was at the beginning of l' " uussia, wnen e inuueeu 10 go aiow io give me nouie am- (er and crew of lhig ghip aUege rt The whole land is filled ! Mohammed were shot or drowned the war. the Ciar to abdicate the throne, tnals a chance for life. ftifit ItiA (imTn.nHt. ami lf.w nf 'l pursuing squads. forthwith. For days and days to. The Grand Duke has always been The McBrido district, which Uje gubmarlne were drunk. They gether the bodies of Christian TROUBLE IN FINLAND of a democratic opinions and when lies between Fort George and I Tete were of 8inkins A Frtnch ITALIAN FRONT his action became known to the Jaune Cache, east of the Great , women who had thus perished. hl nnlv l.. hmiM AnPisi- Thi. . . . ..... 1! J.L .. I ... .1 . ,- I -"' ,."- &I nd artillery bombardments were seen floating down the Ku- :KScUI lo Ttw Daily Xe.i peopie, ins sianomtf wun u e na- unyon oi uie upper tras-er, is veg8, the Jule8 Gom , oarried a are unceasing, quiet pre- phrates. SfimLlinlm Mnroh t Tho jgarded as tbe great moose'. arl nf hpP . nil.nlitv revolution of the Russian people j :and bear country of the province.! of charnpalgn and cognac, and MESOROTAMIA BASKET GAME 'against the Bureaucrats has been; ITS A LONG, LONG WAY I More WO.' Buum iariies .euw m im. .-, li. hv lh .iihmrin Little news Is coming through Hnfillv tlllAafil Cia lOanlaiiil ' there last year than there were crew before sinking the ship. Stliaasiy wmv vJOUI SIS S IIIIUMU. f the progress of the army un-r Last evening's basketball game Fighting in Helsingfors has con. ' (Stui to Tb Duly newt.) guides to attend them and someH. General Maude.. The Itus- l.oluien the Intermediate iigers tluueu oer uie weekend and riots i London, March 2i-In a speech tra PM are, be UPP" The regular meeting of the Han Iia' - iiiuup.i luriuer i progress and the Boys Own ended In a de- have been, common in Hie city. 'here today, Austin Chamberlain, thi year. Two of the,new guides Helping Hand Society will be held w Hie east and arc driving the i .. i.. ikA lallor. From Th inirrlann nl . Kinalwipcr Mia llirorlnr nf N'.ttinnnl Srvieo. -men who had been there fifteen at tbe residence of Mrs. L. V. Turn, hi a northwesterly direction. tbe very start the play was fast, fortress defending the port, flnaUclared that the nation should not ear a' b"1 hd. "'P1 ayx& Reilly on Wednesday, March 21 allhouKh there was some wild ly joined with the popular cause bo too optimistic regarding the cfr,bo district report at 8 p. in. All members are requested GENERAL shootlnR n both sidos. At half and tho Joint efforts were success, break up of the German front. ha t,,ei increaw in the moose to attend. 08 NEWS in the ITEM the game stood 12-10 in fa. ful in overcoming all resistance-! Tly German retreat will cease , 8'nc ifll to n tn, sewi,i "or of tbe Boys. Immediately at Admiral Joetou and fourteen of-1 soon," he said. "Its a long way country first la tremendous. Mr. Win. Keith, of the Forestry The .......,,., nf ihe seeouu nun. iicers anoarii uie warsmos in me irom napaumo 10 iierun. mere' Battalion who was expected to return t to nited States are prepnr-m iIia Hnvs besan to Increase their brtibor have been killed. I will be much more bard fighting.jRsTSULTS OF THE INTER- on this morning's boat, will oroeially recognlie the new nobly, . . ourselves with NATIONAL HOCKEY MATCH not be two us an lead The Tigers railiieJ , Its no use blinding up for a day or yet. government when it formulates. ...i r unable to gain. Iuring NEW WELLINGTON COAU one victory. WVve got to see it . 1. 1; til..-. t. H.l'.. .t. . ..w. .1 j The result of the championship the last half the utw" .vioeri 4x iin-uaurry, pnone. no. uihiuko. nlh' Y?rrow'la prisoners are hockey match played In Seattle; t,? un 1 ,P,r through France l-d. Smith and V. was , (yesterday between the Canadians' This Is YOUR Opportunity When the iins. marked. e . . narcelona, en route - n .ill. ' home. . a, ii.. , anu me oeauie cnampiens Prench sounded the score sioou SB per cent Less Than the waf eablnel has P. champions, re. team, Cjf.A. of the Boys own. i Original GosL .ormea. Andree Ilibot Is the favor JVestholme Theatre suited In a win for Seattle. The -remier. The Hneup of tbe tea'" a, final result was 6.1 In favor of Can You Afford Not to Buy Humor, of revolution In Oer follows: Boys own Smith, TONIGHT ONLY tbe southerners. One or More of These Lots "any are spreading. i.nirM! Mitchell, ieu; at the. Prices Shown? back. right; Hansom and Morrow Murphy, The Ladies Auxiliary of the St. Secifoa. Bkttk. no, of Lois. Price. Tigers-Smart, centre; WHO IS THE SHIELDING SHADOW? Si u ttia.Ti and Andrew's Society will hold an In tffay whenjnaMng left. Blythe. right; Gragg First Episode of the most mysterious serial ever filmed. 49 is Ut.ll an arrest. formal dance on April 2nd, In the I k SO. ea. 1 10.04 Poole, backs.Carmicbael referred b "The Shielding Shadow" Railwayman's Hall. V catholme II S It.OO Mr. 3 M ni.aa Ad orchestra, and refreshments. LONDON half and Jim MurP,yJX Greater than 41 1I7.IS CAFE first "Tho Million Dollar Mystery" and "Diamond mission for tbe 50c. Surplus second. TbU makes a game Mjh From TbeSky"- Featuring ITk IS pur. I4S.W RD QRILL and Patriotic Fund. o;.o..72-5 SS iia ta pair, lll.M for these team, JjWJJJ QRAOE DARMOND It a tt pair. i a.(hi Third Avenus gamo to bo played neat This line Serfal Is being shown In the best houses only. Mr. Archie Watt, the 0, T. P. bo eicitlug one. NOTH Th First of The SEE should an F.pisode Shielding Shadow- will locomotive superintendent, left on lh" to eat at a hourt. be repeated Tomorrow Night at 9 p. m. thU iuornlng' train for Jasper. BAVIB H. HAYS Mr Ti!1' ADMISSION 10 and 1B cents t : VIOLIN SOLO. Some comtnif to Cor, 2nd Ave. and 3nd, &t. BOXES Itupert ''t- pew big engines FOR LADIES paying Prince Rupertt Brooks Is a mlnlu nan