1017. TK DAILY NEWS LAND REQISTHV ACT RED CR0S8 NOTES vi tms tuentaie court or arfiTiaiJ COLUMBIA. Fir. Mh H-illiriir a nt) ,,lr. ft atJ j t la. AdwialiiiraUon Art. i. ! ii- rtuiirr of lh iuaeiionaiii will haw all on THE and .su frtneit Clip nir of hoiri rookitij, Ml TAlE irfTll4n, of in o mturr of tl f 'oha ' 1 10 f "or . "I ''"' r...,i,ir ! or Fr.day Ad. i,.. ifrapd, InlrtUI. i nufrt. ''11 frun im collector of iim afternoon. 1 kt XotlcK tin I Uf 'order of III GOLD m.w.h7. Wr. . ib :u Hvr jiiiir Younr, lucal odia of I he roticc or examination ro aiiiitait ?.S SrVr M- '!"'." S.Mrt nalu lnl -nln hprenn i.rtift, mtd' tba 4ib day or rOMIlT RANOIM. "'"...a itiii V1 In flmrir.. iamiir). it n, wat pomid Adrolnla-tntnt IP- ?iMiuy,,!,,f i-riae tyinr, Bnq turt. m .ir. neiiirr. yr. HWf,. , hi (he ralila ut Jobtl, Adaml, l.aii i"tl.ifi .if applloaeu In All the tr- SEEKERS .ii r. i.von rfaiiiH ff,0,7fl. In iWmii All palicf blnf cUifn attalittl ttto.ir VMimanl t'oreal ftamrer IU be betd VrUMA ' aettkxi tea , P a full f 1'alrloUc events !? ij fiuk arc brrrby rrqoirrd to tin- by Oe land lrpartnrt flkr xxk ro aro -ami' tmntlj erififd la im on m PHne- liupert. March tllbi Tmaee "for th 1 1 in day or April. I,"If, aw April latb.' ffamrod w fonuil ib ctttm laifii. j no T .M Uhln thlrry-nri following nrr tli for mfontialloa retardinr tin etamina 1 m purtar Honor nmJ winnern of lh dif. ii(i(fi-i ut pf ttm wnounf f wit in tif.n and at-pilraikjo forma apply U tbe ienia aruclen: A Hwhii.oii i.r rtrbu-(JnM. ffrfthmlth. ' lttfit loreaier, frlnee llapert. --breakinR the trail hi thc Great White IlltaVll 1 41 1 IHm. Sowt vl 0Uf ' b or I! la fi.f at amlnall.na Ba tval ttatM alt Silence of the the ra Directed. i-nli'il cuililoti. which a won v H MrMl UJf. imtfai Admiilrlr. OVeaii rail and Brlla CvA will be an Northland, prospector by t J. I). MrAula;a ' Mm... lien- Mt.w ntMineed later. must travel light. The little grub he im foitoi ' Urttrtxn a iace won i,y T. MeMann- M THt IUPHIMK COURT Of MNTItM carries must be amply sustaining. So as in trti or " eeriia. nil, mr nuicro. iionio inautt COLUMBIA. LAND LEASE NOTICE a basis he packs ROYAL STANDARD camly, won 1 Mm. hy Jeniu. lr. V. H. Kvaim, llweri. won by In ib mailer of Dm Administration Atl, TAkr otii.E that f, William famea FLOUR. The concentrated goodness of Dliri .rul thuaa rial mini Jirw. inuei jihiwh; Mr. llilliul),. a o and or Jobn Matthew, acunr ai aceni for Um Anrio the finest wheat in the world. For any mailer of rautt too, BrilJoi otambta Limit ParklQl Company. He. won ny a. i.. Mclnionh: MIm DMiir ntmtklKi. dreraard, lnlUt. ed, metered office la Vanarr. B. C. journeyIn any clime-Worth it's Sair, w nf real m i fr Morton, an old hrooeh, won by 11. TAkr. notice tbai by order or iiu or Afrandale, oeeupalion itora keepeer. In weight in gold. j 'm unttritfm to''" m Had r. iici.-Mi a friwM prevented a IIhw iudfe Toonr. loeal Jadt of tbe lend i" apply for permlailon to leato toe i..mir 7 oprrMe '.uri. made tbo'fllb dar r folhTM iil deaertbed land. T. tx MHt It ! riimJ rttrnei finwr. wliieh wan won by mchi "mi'), 117. I aa appointed Adortnii-trator Onnrnx netnr at a poal drlrra on tbe Mr. I:. K. lioyle; Mr(..1.n,.r. laee i.f . tie r Jvhn Rtoilite Barnaitbei eal ah-re of Portland Canal about a mile ,r tU4Vi 4 dlrr4 rrom Ml-" won iy Mr. Hineiair: Mr. Itner. deae ah PtMlea Darin rlalma aialnil and a uair norlb of itotDib Day, rrom of tie In mprel 2W mr claim'f uo.ww mI Iftirr Iiandkeiylilef earn; mm by F. V, llw Mid -ttr are hettbr required to Tor Ihener n .rtb twenty 'hln; Uienre eaal Mid If aM- p' trr) reneed to um ori or ten rhm tbeo aoatb twenty chain. -.l it ' "x J'"0 "" Iwlliitt, , picture donated by befare i i en d of AprH. lilt, and ttiefirr ! ten thalni a Ut MM "' " UlKl JudKe Young I held oer. atl Mrfln tanned ui the Mld nun aw February 1 1 tb. it 17. Ml u ttlt UM" ttl rrjtret i.. m, ijr amjBt of tbelr la WILLI M JAMES MATTHEWS. Applicant. i50 WHEHtAf d-ttrtrw r-trttmua rUrW ef lDkfMlbl Till hi. I'atriek'i Iiay in I'rince llu hated Uw rod r uar of Mtrrb.' III. IH THE SUeREME COURT OF BRITtlH IT. 6ofniiUooJ Undt, la Um lam pert wa denied to the l'rloiier i. w offirui AdmOiUlritor. COLUMBIA. of War in Uerittany. The thank WHtntAi on ttMUMiir in of the IR TMC IUetMC COURT Or BRITISH fn tbe laaller of I he AdmlniitraUon lu it 1.-1 uul frior t tb tib dir Mieiety arc itUen to Mrn. COLUMBIA. Act, j ypuml IIH, h wm Morriw and Mr. Jcmilii(r. Thee t and uitdi rt told for orrfdoit In i he natter r tbe eauu of r iter Mi4 ladle 0, aipi ,y a number of la H malier f im Admintitraiinn Atl. ViLaeMaa. deeeaaed -lateataU, J pupil ..f the irhMt rained f l3.- aod TALK VtTICE that by order of 111 7niTHtII TAIC SOTICe Ibil at Um to rl-ar of 4jieiie and are vty la Uw mailer af thi nut. r,r t inim Ifwnof iudfr Toanr. local iudre or tbe ttM i Ii 11 tirvti rttiiiraiio la Warmly thanked. Janiee Maearlbev andel. deeraaed. Id uprt nrf rant. made tbe tTUj day or Mitn f tara iplitill'jo and Ium a teaiaie. retrrtiary. if IT, I in appotated Adcalnla-lri- in r adrratibl TIlU la lh ttld TALE vrwi; ibat by order or Ilia of the eauta of refer McLaeblan. lK h im aam of ioba nrrroo bbImi The ladle in charge of the iodr Touor. local udre or tbe deeaaL Ad partiea barinr rlalma aninat Don't merely smother cough la wi prorrsi im pivprr pro-u ruitiinage al held in the Ited Sopretrie contt. irude I tie lird day or the aaid ealale are hereby required to for your rtultlita roar tlnai. If am refcraary. HIT. I u appointed Admlnla- ward aante propertr oertDed to me aa or at n Uodi, or n prrtrot rock pro fo rMm made (CO, making a lratr or tbe ealate of WHaam Jimea before tbe Mth day ( April. tiT. and rifTVWin Trai Mathleu'i Syrrp of Tar and Cod XJrcr Oil not only w4 atife B7' Prt total for the day of 1233.10. The Waearioey fandela. deeeaaed: All partiea alt par I lea indebted tn tbe raid eute are I 1 1 It I II promptly arreaU cooehing. bat thank to ita tonic and ttrto it um Land Rotfiirr ora oeirly extend It thank to all batbtt elalaia aaaiiul ike aaid eauie are rrqolred to pay tbe anxMMtt of Ibri- tn ; VrBVaVaaU aa atrengtheniog propertiea it belpa tbcayctem to throw oaT mm Hsprrt. B, C, UUi Ui dtj who hereby required to rorward aaroe properly debtedneaa farlhwlta. the cold and thai effect permanent care It ii thia quality which baa wa far contributed of MMtbtr, A. 0. III. to the ucee reMed lo n aa or before the tub day Dated tbe tod da f Marrb, III?. It the Urgeat aale of any cxmgh and cold remedy in Canada. the ale. peeially to Killa llro. t. II. MeML'LLtf. oroetal Idmimnrator. 1 H. r. M4CLCOP, of AprH, Mil, and all partiea Indebted to lotfe bcttUt, tvtfjvktti. jjc. ar. DHlrKI IUHlrar or TIUm. for the ue of their tea room', .Mre. the atd emie are reqntred lo ry tbe H iM rturaoM. ParHTlUo. CaUforola. 1'eler lllack. Mr. Wrathall. i'aclflc aimwal of tbelr lodebtedoeaa rartbvlth. The Dally fit delivered hj j A L. MATOICV CO, rr9 nBIMIB,t tUled tbe fad day of March. 111?, rpMi k mmw biw entm, .ill i.ii kMMak tutu uo DitTntcT oiamtcT or Transfer Go and lr. Hart for i. IL MrMl'LUT. Offleui Adounlalralor. rarriT. 6" cenl ir niiiri 1 M-r w mmt mm w fmm . t B " 1 coaiT, tunai , , the ij r of hi office. tut .10T1CX Ual tMr Bnuth Columbu kW -nr UtBil4. of Vlflona, B. The following pupils of the uimcm nmtn, Iaia4 lo appljr tor rhool are thanked for their pmim to kM Ut follow tor detcrd-itlurofcOT plendld help in veiling ahanu laad Cuaiwttetnt at a pott rock mi Saturday: .MUe Iter-nice LOAN MI m u aorta tck of uw fkmia WAR tar tM rtl ota tnxn lb- aotitbraM Palmer, ttrace Tovey, Caro-line nrr f Lit f I, fc, I. Coail Itutruti Mitchell. Freda Morrow. S3 v krwt Mtk rlj'tbre rtrll Willa ter. Uura file. Clarice 55 arf aaramtr rrUl to too tbur Um. I if af at-rrot lasal! (t( frrl u, tirifllth. tirace lUrroll, Yelda 'K$ DOMINION OF CANADA IHM IH fwl aoOU Vt tn ot Morrow, May 1'rincle. I-nora S3 Mkon of Um Graoj Troas. I'actAe rail Parker. IIIiinU Saunder. Mar. if: art trljr ao4 aortWH par-M a Im m i 4 att4 tht nrtl-of, W. roraor-ir of to Lot a point tf i guenle iMlly Kilpalriek.Jleill). IMrothy Madeline Tjney,Nel-on, Issue of 315Q,000,000.5C; Bonds Maturing 1st March, 1937 ft-i ) frt to lb po4Bl or la arwl Maitef Arthur liratntejr 1tnd S anM a? Im tooia tmoodarr of aJ4 UHirife Hill S3 Payable at par at Ottawa, Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, m4V atar Mid tnriwo nral-of-aar OMiiatrtjr to a4 a ct-ry tat S3 Winnipeg, Iteglna, Calgary, Victoria, and. at the Agency of tm mt oeaodarjr Imm alrtara nr Ml Flofe tirrle la thanked S3 the Bank of Montreal, New York City. a bvv ur Mfa nr mut t it for ably aitlng the cti S3 - at rxmm imniiiit Hilttee on Saturday. 53 INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st MARCH, 1st SEPTEMBER. a. W (UMTCR. ltH M arrat for lb B. C Raoatar 53 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. 5 C.la4. - Mr. Whk I.thanked for a do 53 Nrwi HOX tlT. nation of t to the lied 0ro TIMBER MUC XtTI fund. 53 ISSUE PRICE 96. UXfi TUOCM W bo rlrl by Matter Phil IMwIlntr. Willie 53 f Uadt ao Uur I baa boos S3 A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st SEPTEMBER, 1917. Lanibif..Albert Palmer and Allan tin or r Marra, ttlT. for im tt tirroro X 111. W nil ., MrNicholl. of the Cadet, were of S3 THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL OF. USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY, 't r(, bMBtock and cwlr, a aa ery great ailance tn the lidle 53 rt tthnttf ut III Mtoat4 on Mat 53 Vowa ClkarloiM Itlaadt tmtrKt, M .. TtiK Mi.vim o- Finance offen herewith, on lchalf Delivery1 of scrip certificates and of bonds'will be made T" tn m to allowed for r aaa Maaoav 53 through the chart cred hank W. I, William. B A, LIe of the CovcrntiM'tit, the above-named Bonds for Subscription Tnr HftiraUrt kf u ChUf rr-"wori, WILLIAMS MaVNSON S3' at DO, payable a follows: The issue will ! exempt from taxes including any b, c., or Dumrt rorraior Barrlttara, Solicitors, Etc 53 10 per cent on application; income tax imposed in pursuance.of legislation enacted "jrwan aaprru . C tl, MOREY TO LOAM 53 30 " IGth April, 1917; by the Parlia'tiH'tit of Clausula. f l till 53 30 15th .May, 1917; The bond wtth coupons wilt be issued in denominations N0C 83 P. O. BOX 38 H.lteewnei filorl rnee Rvaert. B C 51 20 " 15th June. 1917. of $100. 3500, $1,000. Fully registered lxn.ls without MBC S3 The total allotment of loni nf this issue will be lirniteu coupon will be issued in dnominations of SI.000, $5,000 CARTAGE, LTD. .53 In oneliundrtil and fifty million dollars, exclusive of or an authorized multiple of $5,000. S3 the amount (if any) ruud for by the urrender of bond The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the office ansfer and Sheet Metal Work 53 a the equivalent of ah under the terms of the War of the Minister of f inance and Receiver General at Sewage 53 Loan proyprctu tf 22nd Novt'inber, 1915. Ottawa, or at tbe office of the Assistant Receiver General trr at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown. Montreal, Toronto, LUMP HUT COAL The initalmrnl le riaiJ in full the 16th day of Mating been the EaaL 1 have 53 may on Winnipeg, Reglna, Calgary Or Victoria, or at the Agency bocome acquainted with all modem 53 April; 1917, or1 on any instalment due date thereafter, under of the B-nk of Montreal. New York.GjtV7 "10 L0NQ WAITS mclhiida of out fit ting gaaoiino 51 discount at the rat- uf four per rent per annum. All 0 SHORT WEIGHTS Lwata, aa uaevl by Kaatern ihopa. payment, arc to be made to a chartered bank fr tbn The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid Yom 53 credit pf llu! Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest Order from Ut. Gnsolinc Tnnks, Pipe-fitting 53 instalment when duo will render previous payments liable on bonds with coupons will he paid on surrender of coupons. 53 to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation, y Both cheques and coupoosat the option of the holder, and Plumbing, 53 will be payable free of exchango at any &ranch in Canada Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per of chartetcd bank, at the of the Bank of Sheet or Ageucy Hew nnd oil lines any Will You Pretext 53 cent of the amount Mibscribcd. must be forwarded through of Montreal. New York City r. Metal Work : :: 53 the medium of A chartered bank. Any branch in Canada 1 YourWife Skilled S3 of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions and issue Subject to the payment of twenty-five" cents for each Prompt Attention an.1 provisional receipts. new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without Workmanabip S3 will have the right to convert into bonds of the coupons 8? iil,cnrch1njrcn "oJ This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament 53 denomination of $1,000 with and holders of bonds ticnt n1"8 our enipjov. LETOURNEAU of Canada, and both principal nnd interest will bo a coupons, P H. 51 Fund. with coupons will have thc right to convert into fully charge the Consolidated Revenue upon of denominations without fill SIXTH AVKNft S3 registered londt authorized Sir t0 l,dc ,,,c f,ni'y Phono mark 5 l' oU8 51 Forms of application may le obtained from any branch coupons at any time on application to the Minister of in Cunada of any chartered bank and at the office of any Finance. 53 General in Canada. Assistant Receiver The books of the loan will be kept at the Department PeliCTmarrIcd man louJ 53 Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. of Finance, Ottawa. Stvini. li.accoun in our S3 In cnM of partial allotments the surplus deposit will lw Application will bo made in due course for the listing nd Prince Rupert Feed Co. 53 applied towards payment of ,he amount due on the tof the Issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ilxchanges. Crnnh;n.Carnln,CVCry S3 ul TBI, April initnltncnt. Sack p. O. aaa 53 Recognized bond and stock brokers having office and 'oo,,a ?Vr,,J', ol,r.., will bo HCCEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS Scrip certificates, non-ntgotlable or payable to bearer carrying on business In Canada will be allowed a couiaiU-Moil IS in accordance with the choice of the applicant for of three-eighths of one per cent on allot meats'made HaSjuT'1 m,r l"-d WE HANDLE registered or bearer bonds, will bo issued, after allotment, in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, Ronnle'a, Ftrry't, Stielt't. in exchange for the provisional receipts. however, that no commission will lie allowed la respect rME BANK OF and Brlgg't When tho scrip certificates have In-en paid in full and of the amount of any allotment paid for by tbe surrender Clardtn tnd Field Swdi. paymrnt vndorsctl thereon by the bank recelvliiR the of bonds issued under the War Leaii prospectus of 22nd Ftrtlllitr. money, they may bo exfhnnif,eil iW.bond, when prcjiHretl, November, 1915, or in repeet f. Hte amount of any Alio with coiixms attachetl. payable liearer or reentered allotment paid for by surrender of five pr et th4enturo To Taka Ordtrt for Nuriery as to principal, or for fully' TefcWtt;rcl Umds, when stock maturing Ut October, 1919. No cohji!m4o will Stock. prepared, without couon, iu accordance with the be allowed in respect of applicatitiM on form wbkb Hay, Oraln and Feed at application. have not been printed by tbe King's Prrntor. VancouKir Prii SUHSCmiTlON LISTS WILL CLOSE ON OR BEFORE THE 23rd OF MARCH, 1917. Chlokan Ftid A Spidalty. DiriBTMKNT or Finance. Ottaw. March 12th, ItttT l"E Daily Mall Ofd.M rra-rUl & News reeeee UKMM