HIE DAILY NEWS I'rldny March 23, 0,7 t' FOR RENT bbbhbbbbbbbbbbbmV 'K rooms, btth, sewer, rang, ? 109 6th Ae W. SuPSMBMPjJ!SJDafl ronroi, bath, sewer, Ho. It Eng. , Ugh mil. I room, bath, tewrr, Wo. tea Mot grte ritce. ImbIQbbbbW''' 'iBlP s' I room flat, furnlihed. wr, bath, ( aWaZnftsSiaSSWV toil ird ATO. 4 riSomi,Avenue.btth, range, IT I Summit lsasanDBsvrQr Millions of colds start with 4 4 room.room. 110! llh Thompson Aenue,Street,tail, Hk-.'' wet feet, which could and t room, lim 7lh Acenue. Etit. MBbbSbbSbbbbs 4 ruocnt, III Itti Aenue, West, should be prevented by .j room nam, bath, aewrr, MeMordie . .Apartmenti. . 4 roomi, to tin Are,, E. wearing rubbers. 4 roomi. rurnUhed. btth, 114 lib Avenue. EnU MBBBMBrTBB Bbbbbbbb I room, war drydock. ' tjggHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWtn tgjr M"8gVVBJB9gSaTS and Every shape size 7 roornt, corner Oreen md 7th Ae. bbbbbbbV' "'ffl HB of If Vef Section Mouee 6. It eaeant Lltt It with shoe can be trimly fitted, Ui Wt Can rill It for Tow. , H. G. HELGERBON, LTD and made to last a great deal longer, by a pair of Crump, tha Famoua Jockey rubbers bearing one of Who has,put in some hard work "The Dtily News" In the New Orleans circuit. these Trade Marks: CLASSIFIED ADS. PHONE 83 P. O. BOX 38 "JACQUES CARTIEir Mptr i(Af - "GRANdY" PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Russia ,Jk WANTED. "MEDCHANTS" - - "DAISY" WANTED Genera! Servant Phone Bites; 14 MAPLE LEAF" - "DOMINION" Transfer and Storage CHAMBERMAID WANTED One Who tinder-Vtands BEST LUMP A NUT COAL wiltlnf table. Apply Savoy HowL FOR SALE NO LONG WAITS Theda Kara and Jean Sothern' at the Wcstholme Theatre tonight, Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co. NO SHORT WEIGHTS LIMITED FOR SALE Auxiliary tloop, 14-11 H. P, HINDENBERQ MAY Urfeit Haaaf adartrt ef BttWr CU la tke Brititk Easir Fristx.engine, f tut roomi, toilet and When You Order from Us. TRY RUSSIA AGAIN utxtrrrfEorricu - KoimtAt, tjn. galley. Headroom. Could be converted Into Local News Notes work boat. Very tetwortny. Write SETHI LAKE. C MO-DATE BJUlCrACTOfilBC in CANADA I Continued From Page One. A. J. H 1114 PendreU Street,' Vancouver, H-1UTICE-BtAXCJIU AMD VAtERODSU TM0CCD0CT UXASA 8. C 6 A Spring is coming I 1 LAND REGISTRY ACT man Uussian party were turned TOR SALE II-foot launch with S Tjorse Itopty-turvy. Since then the I.n Crois- Mr. Simins from Skeena power Oray en tine. Boat and engine! (Sectlont and 114.) 'tente has been working to obtain about three year old. Never been used ng is in town outflttlnpr a boat tt much. Price titO.CO. Apply D. A. Me B5 Application No. 14l-l, Filing til. the halibut fishing. control of the Duma' The revolu PniiL Alice B. C 61 TAkE NOTICE that application bat been for Arm, tion which has Just ended decides made to reritter The Corporation or the City of Prince Rupert In the Province of 'Business Is good," say the 'the biggest question of the war FOR SALE Carload mlninr machinery. Including Brltlth Columbia, at owner In fee under merchants. !o far ar ftussla is concerned, It 17 machine drtllt, column ban, drlll-iteel, ateam-ntungt etc Apply two Tat Sale Deedt rrom the touector of rivets the Husslan flag to the Dally News. tt. ihe 7tb City day of or Prince December Rupert,It 14,bearlnt or ALL date AND the Mrs. Kenneth flicks is in the Entente mast. It destroys the A HOT BATH THE S!OfLAR that certain parcel or tract of hospital for an operation. Herman hope of separate peace MISCELLANEOUS land and premltea tttuate lylnr. and beln and challenges von llindenburg MINUTE YOU WANT IT In the Municipality or Prince Rupert, more Ilert Flewin from Port Slmpon, to make good his promise of a TALBOT HOUSE Good Roomi. Every convenience. particularly known an detcrlbed at North- and his brother from the front, "defeated llussia' for one of the You are aecustotned Is Weiterly Seventy (70), feet of Lou Eleven Hot water bath. IMO and ( per week. 10c and lie a night. (II), and Twelve (If) Block Elrhteen are in the citr. reasons why von llindenburg sue r v gelling cold water la. (It), Section One 111, Map til. crcded Falkenhayn as chief of the tantly. Think of the ut. London) You are reoDtred to contait toe claim Mr. Chas. E. Itowley arrived isfaclion of gettlnc Hot RADUATE NURSE (CM.B. Tenna Central Powers' General Htaff was moderate, apply P. O. Boi ttl, or of the tat purchatcr within thirty-live from Wtwdworth Lake yeterlajr that he promised final Water in the same war In victory dayt from the date of the tervlce of thlt Phone 41. nd intends returning today. notice which may be effected by personal against Hussia. abundance, rrgardlesi t tervlce or at directed), and your attention Hlndsnburfl's Schema. how much has been used Mrs. J. E. Pachell. of Prince It called to tection of the "Land Rer- 1 before. ll(s policy, it is believed in Iter Ittry Act" with amendmenu. and to the OeorKc, is visiting In town and is J.L.HICKEY follow lor extract therefrom: the guest of Mrs. T. M. Spencer. lin, is to bold the Allies on the MOT WATER LIKE MAGIC "and In default of a caveat or certificate western front, as he did on the of lit pendent belnr Bled before the ret Major HaUey Is still in ho. Somme and Ancre last year, and T nnrrv T T nansnn T t CONTRACTOR BUILDER titration at owner of the perton entlUed ea ea m m j aiaiw all pital in England, .and according to launch as great an offensive as lfflf under tuch tat sale, persona to served CD Hot Water Pervlce brlnri with notice and those claim Inf to the latest word received, he 1s possible against the forces of Store and Offlce Fixtures, Ibrourh or under them, and all persons progressing favorably. Hussia, Von llindenburg has been you this conenirnre Sash, Door and Moldings. elaimUif any interest In the land by vlr- waiting for the revolution. He PHONE 4M F. O. BOX 3W Oalc and Hard Woods of all all toe persons of any clalminr unre tittered any instrument,Interest In and the Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Tajlor. of may Imagine the Hulan forces kinds. land by descent whose UUe Is not registered Port Kssington, are in town on demoralized by internal alTairs under tha provisions or tbtt Act. visit for a day or two. Mrs. and at last the time Mripe" for a Wa Specialize In making hall be for ever estopped and debarred Taylor Is a sitter of Mm. C. I,. dashing, ruthless Herman ad. Ales M. Haaeoa. B.A. rrom set tin r op any- claim to or In respect W. B. WllUaaka. - LL S and fitting storm windows, of the land so told for taut, and the Monroe. vance. Hut it appears that the WILLIABJt A MANtON any six. Refttlrar thai! reritter the person entitled a Allies have anticipated Germany's Prince Roped Dairy under tuch tat aale as owner of the Mr. Jacobs, of Skeena Crossing. BarriaUra, Eollcllora, Etc j and have the revolution plans won Plat and Sheet Glasa and land so sold for taies." has gone to the front. He is an OSJir TO LOAM UNDER NEW SsABJMESHtrT in Hussia. The Duma will Glazing. AND WHEREAS apUcatlon has been old tinier In this country. Mrs. now ttait UIS made for a Certiflcato of Indefeayble TlUa have an opportunity to reorganize PURE HOLSTIErl MILK Cornar Fraaar and 6th Sta. jjacobs will make Prince Itupert H.lrr-K UUii l"MBr Sir fry. S ' 10 the abovciuenUoned lands. In the name Huisia s crippled transportation of The Corporation of the City of Prince her headquarters until his return. Mystem and put new life Into the CREAM PHONE GREEN MS Rupert: WATER NOTI0E BUTTERMILK AND WHEREAS on lovesuctUnr toe UUe Uussian army. The revolution Is p. e. sex 4. Word has been received from it appears that prior to the' rourteentb day Dr. Lew Kergin, dated January the most encouraging sign for eMONE 1ST r. O. BOS sss of September, tttt. (the date on hlch the Allies in llussia, but the real DIVtaSION AND USt the said tanat were soia lor overaue 29, He was in Bombay then and TAKE NOTICE I tut Oeorre McRae. All Oesere Premetlg Attee4 Ta. crisis is still to The acid uses), you were a mort-c thereof. after spending two week there pome. bote ad4rtsi It Skldtftte, B. C lli FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the he expected to leave for England test will be the power of the Itus. Jtl7 lor a licence to late and UH IIS Vue tune I shall effect realstraUon In lan people and the new Uussian cubic fret pr cnioele or tur out ef R. KcKay, Proprietor. PLUMBING via the AIROWE'S pursuance of such application and Ittue Cape. government to withitand a Ger x-mittr Cmk, bicfe Boa bortlwrlr an4 a Certificate of Indefeasible TlUe to the drslst lota All ford Bar, about Ik cbaiat AND ald landt In the name of,the above cor E The name of II. II. Dlale, of man offensive. The Husslan -line. frun tbe X. t, tortr ef T. L. ill. 1U SHT METAL WORKS poration unlets you lake and prosecute Victoria, is In the latest casualty which stretches from the Gulf of tier Mill te diverted from tbe ttrtam al the proper proeeedtors to establish your list among the killed. This whs Jtlga to the lilack Bea, Is con-sidered a p'al about tea cbalns wett frva .1.W STEEN & L0NGW1LL They make OeMllae Tanks, ttelley rlalm. ir any, to the said lands, or to German Cbrtwr of Let 4, B. C mtttrlet. and IC Pipe, amok Bucks, Oklataey Tea, prevent such proposed action on my pert. "Bert" Wake who was so well by military obser be ,a ted for power purpose upon tbe laoS end all the week that la usually ok Dated at lb Land Rrdstnr Office. Prince known around these parts He vers to be vulnerable at two points aicTUied as adjololor Timber Unit tit SANITARY ANO HEATING Ja the OLD raatttOHCO TIN SHOP, Rupert. B. C. this SOU) day of December, went away with the 1 1th C. M. II. one on the gereth river in Itou in application to lets, WTTM ALL TMC LATEST DOWN. A. D, l 1 4. mania, Ihe other In Volhaynia, on TTis atotice wtt potted oo tbe rrouiM ENGINEERS TO-4MTS WOM BPECtALIZEO, tuch II. r. MACLEOD. on tbe ma da of January, HIT. t a .MVLMHTS, .OOMMIOCa, EU. District Registrar,of Tltlta. The last wiird received yfroin the Htockhod river, where General copjr .of thlt notice and an applicant Eferythlew la the line fee Hill, Mine To Frederic Schattncr, EaO-, 'Alex. Young.Was to the effect that Iirusiloff made his successful of pursuant Uxreio and to tbe YVtter Act Agents for or. rectory, atevea pel up and eoa-aected care C. L. Freeman, C P. K. Bldr. he was still k in England, but he fensive against Austria last fall. ISIS wiU, be Mod IB tbe offlce of Mm McCLARY FURNACES te belter. Roe flue, la ell t Edmonton, Alberta. is to be sent Success the Sereth would Vtcr Decorder at Prince Rsperl Ob- klade ef material. Mepalrlae'ef all expected any day on, give 0lo Jerlloot to tbe tpplicailoo be may kiace. mtoca RtaMT, sen vies across to France, "Alec is tlp'lit Germany control of the transpor lth tbe said Waur Becordtr or itb PLUMBING finst-olas. a satiss-ico eus-.Teawtt the air every day and, has heeonie tation lines to the Hlockhod front the Coaiptrollcr or Water Rlfbu. PtrUa and PHOM S40.w own. .,,.aim. a BOX 47, Your Liver an accomplished aviator..He.hopes, and open the way for a move on mrni Dulldinrt, Victoria. B. C ltbis 8MCET METAL W0HKS to get a chance to bomb the Huns Odessa, I His port the Central Ihlrtr dtyi afur tbe Brtt tppearance ol and OfSee S22 and Avenue factory has Important work to da Under tbit ttutire In a local newspaper, Phone 5, B3 Second A vena. and Bnd cleee to Cow Powers covet because they be Street, Say very soon. Tbe date of tbe Aral publication of tbu favorable docs conditions it and oferneieot Wharf lieve it would give them NlBhtMihone 576 control noUce It MIT, rebruarr lilt. It welL If sluggish,relieve tt with nine 270 DL KKMiN BUILDINO. THE GRABLE of the Husslan lilack 8ea Fleet. OEOItUK MclUC, AppUcaoL and Horn to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. flillls The revolution has brought The right work, at tha right BEECH AIIS 7th Avenue and Lotbiniere Street, about a military crisis, with oos SAKIMA LAND) OISTMICT OISTBIOT Of time, and at tho ria" P"'- OOAST, ffANOB B. a son, on the 21st of March. nihilities for both the Entente and . . . Germany, but the L Indications are 'lbe TAkE ftOTICE that BrlUsh Columbia DENTISTRY that von llindenburg will have to Canninr Cunipanr, Limited, of Vlctorit, B. PILLS make the first move. C. laiutun rtnotrt. Intend to tpply for f prnnltilon to lease tbe folio win f detcrlb' TIIELNOINtyKLflMW" cdown and aaiiMM wom d forethore UO'l; Coaunenclar at a putl a aftoiALTV plinted on ttie nortb btnk of Ihe Skeena DR. J, 8. BROWN rilcr, 110 fe( south from tbe touUieasl OSNTIST corner of Lot tf, IU I, Coast Districts riSNSNMaN-S BNa'Nl SUBSCRIBE FOR ihtnre south too feeij thence wttterly OSUet SailUt aiect, Tale Aesaoe uJ Doritwrly parallel to tbe thore line, S on-a i.t fewee. The Daily News a ditlance of appruilmtlrly 410 feel to Nefte twlni too feel sou lb of the soutr. s oti a a-4 la. i (BBbBbE boundary of the Orand Trunk I'acine rail- Norse fewer. BJBHI "BlliliPli,..,Wtl4iBHH V r IgBBBTfl wty thento westerly and nurtherly par- S e,l 1 CBAM atlrl to ihe ttld rltlil-of.wiy to s point Herte Peee. The Whisky due south of Ihe B, W. corner of Lot II) Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent Ibrnre north too feet lo tbe polo! of Intersection aasoLUTCLv rmcfRoor bvuon Ptwia of Quality of the icuth boundary of tald Por PuKhsr Information INSURANOC IN ALL ITS BRAMOMCS rlthl-of-way) Ibence southerly and eail Apply to erly along nid rlfht of-wtr to s ilnl AfedUWood where said boundary Hue strikes shore lleedquarten for Oeoriatown Sawmill Co. Ltd., and the North Cottt Towtor derives! 8 Years line) thence along hifh water mark to the W, E. WILLISCnOFT Company, Ltd. kefore bottling point tit commencement. Z Runart. D. 0. MOORE 6c COMPANY A, W. CARTER, PECK, GUARANTEED BY THE irm Acting- as agent for tbe B. C Canning SIT Second Avenue cwbral BRoaana fnoae ISO ffjelHMlllu GOVERNMENT W CANADA Co.. Limited. February tlth, HIT. cimr-RIBR F0K UlLCINa FORSJMLV OOCUPlID IV THE OONTINCNTAL TRUST OOStPAMV , A NO ALUM The Dally News delivered by The Dailv News t'nrrler, SO cents per month.