turday, March 24, 1017, THE r DAILY NEWS HIE BLESSING OF BODY Keep up the HErtLTHY I I AM assured thet my people witV respond . .Not Had A HoWa SMn 3be aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaaflaT EEEEEw iaEBJa ' Havl9EflEEEE9'BEflBEEHl 0 aaBP,'''a :'' LkrEEHJ Food Supply to every cett necessary to f7ieyttc-j ta m cess of our cause with EEEBC .!aETM atttaT r JJH and Help the same indomitable ardour and devotion that have filled me with EEEEEEEksEEflLTEEajEEBiaJSHEmll '4iEEEEv IEEEEEEafeEmEaEEEEEEPElEJaLEEEV Make Victory Pride and gratitude. ,ince the,war began.'' His Majxstt Kino Gkorob Sure 8UPFRAQE Lllnra, tan 1 mr im vup mmuiv MARRIOTT Note the Jnvfnl a V n Tit at(rn in nil I li sa Vr. 4 aa soldiers must be fed; the people at MR, 73 Lees Are., OlLawa, Ont, Mr. (Irmshy. Mr. Hecker and M ri. Melvor. three suffragist of OUR must be fed. And in spite, of A " t !Hh, 1315. I'niTinee uiuano. is one of the views which -will shortly "X think It my duly to tell yot wlut appear in the movies. Ontario women have Just been promised Germany's .murderous campaign to Frlt- tlet" has done for mo. inr nun rage y uniano Premier. Three years ' 1 Wn o run. cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking down and UreJ,and m.Tcrrd rtrj much ROSS RIFLE FACTORY field rifles fh Canada im been from Liter d Kidney Trouble. TO BE EXPROPRIATED under consideration by the gov. every ship on the High Seas an ample and lUriuir read of "rrult..tlTra' I ernment for some time. Last flow of food thoorht I would trjr tbem. Th result The report that the Iloss rifle September the matter was first unfailing to England and ,u iarprUIng-. During" the 8) year plant will be expropriated is con. broached to the lirilish author! France must be maintained. put, I have taken them rrgubnly and firmed in official circles In Ot ties. twiJilooteUnfofof aaj-thinj. hat tawa. The order-ltucouncil pro The government has now a free netted kouft lulu en sine I com viding for the expropriation will hand to go ahead ami inanufac This is National Service d Trait-a-Unm", and I Bunted tialng bj passed at a meeting of the lure a national arm without,any g loor rood min do jr)ht can 1 haven't Hut U,tbo known Uelnj for cabinet council. It is proposed to , profits going into private pockets Not to the Farmer only expedite the manufacture of the Following Is a statement by Sir and clear of tcaJthy Ixxlj tlilnklrig-Uila". But to YOU to everybody-This improved Lce-Knfleld rifles as Charles Iloss, giving the reasons WALTKH J. MARRIOTT. quickly as possible so that ex for the closing appeal is directed propriation proceedings . will be " The.,management of. the Iloss fOe.a lot, 6 for I2.S0, trial she, 25c. rushed. jllifle Company regret to announce At dealer or sent postpaid on receipt The manufacture of Ie.l'n-jlliat stliey have closed down their must unite as a Nation to SERVE a garden small or large. Utilize by Frult-a-tiTes .United, WE PLANT of price 'factory for an indefinite period. toSAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the (HUm. owing to the cancellation of all women and children; the young,the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food UNO LEASE NOTtCC existing orders for rifles Iy the aged and the old all can help in the I Imperial . and Canadian govern Nation's Army of Production. tltC .'OTtGE tbat t, WlHltm Jim! Jmenls. of towns can find no better unftrvi, actios" arent for Um a otto-irtltl j "The Imperial cancellation WOMEN outlet for their pound of FOOD raised, helps important CftlomtiU raekiar CoaJptny, Limit-A 1 reached um a few days ago, and h) EVERY the of and adds energies than in cultivating a vegetable rrirc4 oBlea la Vancoejver, a. C Ho lnV effect nn th 3iat inl.inl cost living to 4 Irruvhl. occupation storo kreprer, la-owl s the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. cancellation by the Canadian m rr'T for perrniinoo to kate Um TIMBER SALE XS71 Mtovtar detertbed land. I authorities w as received only thin CmitnrnrlBr a pot! drlvio oa lb SULCI) TCiDUts ui 1 mii tr morning, to take eCTeCt imrne- Be patribtic in act as tton of Portland Canal about a mil For information on subject relating ml Uw Mwuwr of U04. not Utr Uuta noun dialer. nn,l tlii wlth.iul nrevtnim any Stm 4 fcair acta BorU twenty of efcini Dordib tbeoro Bit, from tail ,rtiuoriJf.iU Xitirieoi ;.iao,tp ""ng r representation of any to the Farm and Garden, write: well as in thought k ratiait tbeoro too lb twenty rbmi; irti or pract, ornuota ano cxiar, on an INFORMATION BUKKAU -4 Orvt or! Wa cnaiaa. anra a4jtaia( Lot III iiuid 00 Ku I "In view of this, we were with of , ritrttry lltta. lilT. M mii mi, vo wtr,et forced to close doors Dsjportment Agriculture "Zfr" our Use aoailable VUJl iiMES MtTTIirWl, Applicant. 1o t. aitod for rt-. ...V... every means OTTAWA nwiai or vmtttt. we were capable and ruriwr iuruur of in cnkr For- .willing to continue operations. Overlook nothing. aitr, Victoria. Mi c, or Dutrwi Forrtur , "C. noss.-' Isket Metal Work at rnnea fcaptrt. B. C II. Dominion of ORDERS Department Agriculture M TMK suentjaa oourr or aarritM! OOLUSjaUL 432 Prince Rupert Cadet Corps, Hratf bxn in tbo Eaat, I haro OTTAWA, CANADA. v A 11 Ilrailv lnf rn-f nr ieras acquainted with aJl mod-r la Um icalur U Um Adaaimitriuoa AcL I ' " Btthcda of cutfiltioe koIum u4 - It is proposed that the above HON. MARTIN BURRALL, Minister. kiu, ai umJ by Laatem shops. In Um ouiur or um aaiats or rier corns shall cainn for two weeks M,.r.n ll.o Ki.ti.lnir .nmmol. All Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting Honor JiMlao Vouor. lucal Jodr of Um boys wishing to attend must en and Plumbing, luiftuw Cooni. load Um ITU day of roll before April 30th. ftLhurf, HIT, I u appointed AdmtaU. and all lines of Sheet iraior of Um hum or rtur'McLacnlao. A BmI L.e fclmlkUM Call the l'ony Express for wood dora4. All MrUei batlsr claim sratnal r I Metal Work : v. IM Hid rttata ar btttbt r4irtd to forward cut in stove lengths or 4 feet. itiOLD 'WATCH FREE 2;ooq,ooo" mum properly tunned 10 im oq or . ... - Prompt Attention and Skilled llest household coal and general before UM IIU dr of AprU, HIT, and Wort roan hip all prua ladltai u um Mid nuk 11-t transfer, l'iano moving our Belgians rrqairod l Um amoanl of lblr In- par 'j0(SSS. MruT vtw specialty. Prices moderate. Phone H. LETOURNEAU drbtednei foriavlin. Pi4 um tnd day of Mirth, HIT .1U1, 11. W. Itogers.. tt. .Depend on us 1 SIXTH AVENUE J. IL McMl'LU.V omcul Adnuoittraior. I HMO Blacks P.O. Boi 118 LAND REGISTRY ACT IK) TMK suentajf. oousrr c asm an for Bread! ooLumu. kVSrRmBBBtttJ n'w will waf (SecUon is and lit.) NtkBL.SSaS' " " U Um mailer of Um AdminUtraUou Act. Ha Application .No. SI.III. rtUnr l.lli. VaBar'WWWWWW "" .nil, mn 111 TAXC .10TICE Uut appUcauon bat been iwmM TMr.1, f Stace ilsutdjr akec tiie German mvajtoa, the Belgians Price Rupert Feed C. In -Um maiur of Um emu of iobn mad to reauicr Jonn Bcrrmtn. of Prtnc hare depended (or food eabrely oa the "Commistioo Adam, defeated. InietUU. iltuperi. B. C a owner In fea under a ai lm I UkMk ttH mlm tarn m4 m m mm. mmt m. : aoa tih aa. TAkK NOTICE uut by orocr or m Tat 8m Peed frota Um Collector of Um t uw. Uiu 4 m f. w..V yM for. Refiel m Belgium". Their own store of food. e -,ixj iuts. ttCtlVID Honor Jodra Vouac, local judra of U Qlj of Prtnco Rupert, beartnt data Um ii"M Ol.M.U m.bn.Ua bAWi w-.w S, if would last only OUR 1S17 SUBS eves Bet destroyed or pillaged, SuprenM CoorU mad Um itn dr of lOUl day or September, 1911. or ALL AMD Janutry, tl. I appotated Adminla- iSIQL'LAR tbat certain parcel or tract or three week -they have had do chance to rak jsxe WE HANDLE In tur of I be etui of ionn Adam, Und and preiutaei sltnaie, Ijlor. and be aad the nathlfst Germaas rWuse thecal !, rtrry'a, BUala's, deceased. AU parue naTlnr claim arainil lot In Um Municipality of Prtnco Rupert. to supply 1 1 im said rtUM are hereby required to for mora parUcularly known aa Lot Tan t0 . and Brlgpa ward aama properly erued to mo on or Block na is) section seven 7, Nap Backed by kssa cUsn and Flstd Saeda. be rare Um liin day of AprU, It IT. tnd Ml, Also aU parties Indebted to Um Mid UM re You are required to cog test Um claim Fertllliera. , tivired 10 pay Um amount or weir ia- of Um lai porcbater wlibin tniriy-Bv Tak. Ordr for Nurtcry debledoea forlkwlta. da) front tbo data or Um acrrlce of tal Bddjan Rcfiefrund I lock. bated um lad day of Marcb. ItlT. noiica iwbicb may ba effected by Rccia-vred 1. il McMlLU. omcul Admiamraior. Mall or aa I) reeled. n-1 your at-lenuon ', Qrln and Fd at I railed to aectloo IS of um so yciteiuutsy caaatnluted in the Briaah Eaaeare aad aW Unkcd Vanoouvar Frlcaa. in TMf tuMtua court c aamaN 'Land RetUtry Act" witb amendnieau. TheWhisliy State. Um SMutral Belaaaa Relief Cnnwiassina baw BBaported COLUMBIA. nd to Um follow Ine txUact Ibertfrom: lotar aatd other foods to feed tsto wbok aatioa Chckan .... and In default of caveat or cerua-caw eoouas) wftoat. Fd A Spoolalty. In Um matter of Um AdmlnittraUon Act. of lia pendens bainr. Bled before tna oQuahty so far. The areat majorky of tba 7.000.000 Bilaiias left ia and retttuaiion aa owner or Um person en-titled th country kaT been able to pay for ibsir daaV alswaacc of 0,' PfOBli ItltNM T. In mailer Of UM eUI0 Of John under ucb tax sale, all persona o Acadia Wood Ucad-Ust a steadily jrowiat Disabat latva m saaaoy Ufa. ftapUit Baroalcbet. deceaed, loletuto. erved wiih notice. . . .k tod tnoto clalmlnc 8 Years vir snrire that hr order Of HU tnrourb or under, tnrm. and all perton WorobottUne; Unless vra in wlai to let theae liiaiaVsdi of 4sisbJi of local Judra of Um cltinuof tny Inter! in Ua land by virtue Honor Judro Youar, cbadraa old bfodatlh or aiiy unrtftttered Inairumeni. and all CUARANTttD BY and mea starrc. laaw BMtat HowWiUYoPratoct Supremo Court, made Um I lib day o( THE, . - .... .kmIiuJ admlnl. perron dtlraiuf tny Inlerett In ,tb land COVEXNMCNTWCANAPA of tba BeJgisii ReEef FaasL Tasaak traior rtoroarj,of otUla nu.of Jobo BpUM Bamalche; by detrrnl kIum till la no! retttlared i eauat coatributo aassk $3,WM,06 a i YowWtf deceased. All parue barlnf cUim rml under lb provltlon of thi Act. aball ba awittirawktail ror tr eioppa tna aebtrred rrom ci i m Mid tuia ara atrtof rrs"" B nl"'ch,ilJrc" ,hw .... - n.r.ir iiiflrd to ma on or lint up tiijr claim to or In retpect of tba' No people wader ttta AJBsd Fkas an as wrslaalsiai vou tu' ,nd itud o uid fr lie. tad tb Reitttrar' heforo UM lllb d the geoeroutiy as vra Canadiaasl Na caasa hat s UMll regltter entitled under crapi all parlle tndrbied W um mio peraon daarrWofkobl la the el Jaskiea sad I amoual of Uiclr In- tutn tat a owner of I be Itnd ao aaaw money in rrouln-d la PJ lb ' BABY'S uld for lc" , the aako oi owa sal issbswI tat at aro al w) asa a uuc ine forUllb, dttucdoe lunuy or narrm AM) WlltliEAS application baa been hasp oat snartytod ABeal sip- paird Iba tod uy on your omcitl idminutraior. MMde ror a Certiacalo of Indartuibla T1U OWN, i. II. Hi-NILUS. 10 Iba tboventenMoned'land. In Um nam sJwlBa'iaWtaa) j Sad yoaa Aiwaaiiai aMdJy. anaWty h aawaaaa aaa as Uaal IN TNI SUrRlSIC COURT Of BRITISH ct John Bertniant PiavWaml CtaailiaM.aa ta Bm opcVnCrrm,rn,cd ma should COLUMBIA. A.M WHUIEAS on InvetUstUut lb Putal. EMaath r.M ikto IB at BtHp fll aaaaanaatl In I tut vwiwtww nwrowwrvw vwevntnTwwvt wwy j) ewwtwr wwve wwwmwtwwu our title tppetra prior to iba Sib day by "cPa.cnt and DUf In tba mailer of tba tt.1, AdmioUiritioa ACL lh of (epu-inber,tld Und till,wrra(the sold data for on overdue whirb $2.50 Feed A Bclgtaw PamBy A Montk. a - every of wiuiam lai) you were tb attetaed owner In Um mailer of Ue..I rauw. .u.1 III. Itiereor. Nacariuey iw". FLRTHIR TAkE NOTICE toil at Iho ct m mum lints I aball effect reslttration in TAkt SOTICJt lbl fr order purautneo or tucP application and li a Hon.r ludra Vpubi.nud.Wal U- f Cerlineaia of lude fta:Wo TlUa to the aatd Don't Bterdy SBwftVr ysv CMfAi upreiua CourL J Itndt Hi ina name or John Berrtnai) unlet p THEmBANKOF rtbruary, ' you Uka and proaocuia lb proper pro-reedljis riimri ffj Matblea'a Sjrup of Tar sad Cod Um Oat act eala uaior of lb HandcU.t'uw dece P"1"1"T:: to ctlablitb your claim. If anj I 1 1 If P. .1 I i pcooipUy arrraU cewUu, but thank to tka toW otwl Macartney to lb Mid landa, or o pre ml auch pro aUentbeningpavpescsitrMtrMtnaayaamkotjMoat bavins cl !" W ioed action on. my ptrL n Ttie puti'.y au.t f.-a'cnvs of I Bm cold and Una rffecta a permanent cor. M i tab qaaUty waasa aas aaa bereby nq-Ut d .22 DATED at tba Land htttttry Offlc H Baby' Own Soap bavo trad it ffl B Um Urgcat aol oi any cvu;h aad cold rasnady in Caaada. termed la bm on or , rrinca Rupert. B. C, thli lib dty o. H a anlvettnl fa- or'te. It uto it II pecember, A, U. til. Hj bcaaot to say ail I jje. Urje Min, tmtymJkeit. H. r. MACLEOD, I A tm tSATittau cav. Amount or Ibalf VriaiT Apr. IT. Duirlci nr)ttrr of TiUea. AJbortSojpellMontrooJ. Haled Iho tiid day "J,. r,,or To Sinioo rvierton, Pavuvllle, California.