M""'T March V Til 18 DAILY WKWS H. 9? Believe in Preparedness? Hurratf MAILS The Daily News . THE Arc you ready for THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN MlrtSH COLUMBIA Mr. Germ? Catching cold Pablisk-wd DaJf ena! W.! For ths East. Here's Guaranteed Laroeet Circulation is a crime. Fortify' your-self 2 o. m. Tuesdays, against cold germs and Wednesdays, 30 a. m. relief from HEAD HPFICK other germs by eating Saturdays, :30 a. in. thirst; here's Daily News Ilulldlns;, 3rd Ave, ITitire lltiprt. H,(t Telephone 98, Shredded Wheat Biscuit, f the food that supplies the From ths East. fresh vigour ADVEHTIHINO 60 rHANBIBNT DISPLAY rttft pr Inch. Ointract rates on application. necessary warmth and Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m. for the boys strength to resist disease. Thursdays, 5:30 p. in. at the Front and DAILY RDITION Monday, March 20, 1917. A better balanced ration Sundays, 3M0 pi in workers at homel than meat or eggs nt o much For Vancouver. lower cost. For breakfast Tuesdays', 4 p. ra. THE Rett RIFLE FAOT0RV statement issued at Quebec with milk or cream. Thursdays, 10 p. m. An Ottawa dispatch describes contains' the following slgnlfl-tfant WR1GLEYS the closlnir of the Hoaa Mile paragraph: Sundays, 4 p..m. MABC factory at Quebeo as a prelim "The Imperial cancellation From Vancouver. Inary to the expropriation of reached us a few days ago, and Wednesdays, 10:30 a. in. CANADA the establishment by the Dominion is to take effect on the 31st In 3 mi Soothes, refreshes, Fridays, p. government. This, aaya stant. The cancellation by the and sustains through the Victoria Times, Is a marked Canadian authorities was only Sundays, 7 p. m. reversal of the policy manifested received this morning, to take Alternate Mondays from January weary hours of sus in the proceedings in effect immediately, and this 1st. pense and struggle. Sealed the House of Commons a few-days without previous warning or Made in Cnnoda; For Anyoi. before the recent adjournment. representation of any kind. Wednesdays, 10 p. m. It helps appetite nnd di Then, the government Under its contract the Ross secured the passage of a vote of Rifle Company was required to some apprehension in Germany Fridays, 8 p. in. gestion too. Delicious and 12,000,000 for the purchase of furnish a weapon satisfactory that the. people may follow the Sundays, 8 p. in." ' antiseptic wholesome and more Ross' rifles, a proposal to the government. It could example of the Russians and do-' From Anyos. beneficial. which precipitated a review of have turned out Lee-Euflelds or mand the right even to the point; Sundays, and Tuesdays. . . Thursday, m a I other kind of rifle if it had of revolution of managing their (he wnoie tragic story oi mis any After menl and in the long weapon and vigorous criticism been authorized by the govern own ouairh before the war Is over. every of the government a course in ment to do so. Ottawa seemed The islands. watch, it cheers thousands every The advance of the British regard to it. to have a veritable horror of French forces in France and,hai; Mall closes. day. A boon to smokers. Send The Ross rllle was found to permitting a Canadian factory thepatktt Jan. 17 and 31st at ft m. p. packets or box to brought them within ten miles' some a your make than be defective for war service to any other arm generally of the Doual-Cambral-' lb. lilh and 28th al 8 p. m. after the first grim test al the one whose persistent employment soldier lad. Ypres In the spring of 1915. in the fact of adverse Laon line and before long we shall j Mall Arrives. knnw if lh llitna Intonrl In mnk Yet notwithstanding adverse expert advice for over a year January 21st, February ltl IT'S ON SALE EVERYWHERE reports from the highest authorities, involved the death of many a a determined stand there. If they ind March 3rd. Mm do not it will be clear that they the Canadian government gallant Canadian soldier. The) Flavour Lasts! retirement from contemplate continued to arm the The government is doing now a three-fourths of the soil of Canadian troops with the weapon. what it ought to have done two rial alarss BTSTtss. II &Wx 11 France originally held by them. Wwt.Wfi.WrJr C,U4. fn) Last May the publication years ago, not only in regard C87 Wrtowy IIMsW Totmi JIVU Ty) Their destruction of of a report by General Alder-son, to the production of small arms systematic entourr mo. i. villages and towns before abandoning Bxm t lib SL and Srd Ave. formerly in command of but in respect of munitions. National them suggests this ultimate a IS atb SL and Ird Ave. the troops, in the Ottawa Citizen, munition, plants Be i 14 lib SL and Ird Ave. caused a debate in the should now De operated by the purpose. a ia Junction of 1st. ind and House, with the result that the; scores. We already had the "With Jerusalem occupied by Ird Avea. to Sir foundation in or 1S lit Ave, betre Ilk and matter referred was numerous machine the British the dreams of the tk SU. (Knot Hotel). Douglas Haig. The command-er-in-chif shops or repair stations Zionists will be a step nearer Be i 1711 Ave. and Ilk SL (Can. recommended the ownede and operated by the realization. This was one of the tral Hotel). abandonment of the rifle for nation. Nothing, however, was remarks made one Sunday by active service last summer, but done in this direction. Indeed Rabbi Meyer Berlin, of New York, CIRCUIT HO. a. 'a 12 Ird Ave and Srd SL (foal it was not until November that one of the finest plants on the in his Yiddish speech at the synagogue Omce). the government decided to authorize continent, the Transcona car. of the Sons of Israel. This Sat ZS-Jrd Ave. and McBrld SL the change, or eighteen shop, was leased to a mushroom shows the Jewish faith not In aUa 14 Hi Ate. and McBrld SL months after the defects of the company of profiteers. their religion but In British fair. a 18 tod At, sod tnd SL SWi IS tnd A. and Ilk SL original was first revealed. Undoubtedly the action it is arm. play. The Zionist movement has Boa 27 O. T. P. It was then disclosed thai Sir proposed to take in regard to as its backbone the bringing back Douglas Haig had made several the Ross Rifle factory is due to of the Jews to Jerusalem and the ciRcurr no. s. recommendations on the subject pressure exercised by the Imperial surrounding country. Ba at IU) Ave. and rulton SL aa Bl Borden and Tailor Sta. which, as far as Canada authorities. Otherwise Bs 7 IS Av. ana Paltao SL was concerned, never saw the so startling a departure from LAND .REGISTRY ACT Boa Slk Ate. and Comot Ave. light of day. custom would not have been Bs 17 Ilk Ate. and Dodr Mac WINTER SCHEDULE When Che House opened this adopted. (Seetlcos IS sod til.) Ba IB 4tk Av, and Thompson SL year the members were mystified IU Afpl-ratlon X SOU file Jta. 7t4. CIRCUIT NO. 1. 1. PNINCK RUPERT to find in tbe .estimates an NOTES AND COMMENTS .NOTICE h twee TAKE Uut application Vsneouitr Ba 41 ttb Ave. and Emmerson THURAOAY It Mldnlflht f.o r item of (2,000,000 for more mad to renter Marian B. Morriscy, or ruo. Victoria and teattla. Ross rifles. In answer to Opposition Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg Prtoce nupert, B. C at wur In fr Baa 42 Stk Av. and McBrld SL under Tat Sato Dtcd from tb Collector WEDNESDAY MIDNIOHT FON ANYOX Baa 43 Ilk Ora Av. and SL queries the ministry says woe to the man who shall 61 of Um of Prior beartac City Rupert, Be. 44 Stk Ave. and Batll SL stated that these were to be stand in the way of greater freedom MM lOUi day or September. ISIS, of ALL Bs 4v ttk Ave. and ELerta. t. . PRINCE JOHN Jaaeaa awd BUrait Ttk a tt Skafw, used for training and that the for the people when the. war A.1D SI50ULAH utat certain parcel or Bi 141 7 lb Ave. and Yooof SL re ReUMtaw, WeawfetL ' tract of land and prrmlsee situate, Ijrlof, rot) ouesti etuutLOTTC islands sum cm mth and stm British authorities were anxious Is over. The utterance of the and bctor In tn Municipality of Prince to have them for that purpose. chancellor may be accepted as boprrt, more particularly known and de PAUENOER TRAIN SERVICE Evidently S i r Robert another example of Hun strategy. crlbrd ai Lot Etrbleeii (IS), Block ElfUl LANS ACT dMar aad Batardar M IttSOa.. fe SatHlMr. Prlwaa e'!-mU, Borden and his colleagues have All good things are to be poured (I). Section Elrnt (I). Map Ml). Soalau awd W swaktof MttlM Umt fee att aw Too art required to corneal Um claim made an interesting discovery upon the German people after the of the ta purchaser within It days from sauna land oirniicT otrnttcr ot Ml sad atkw. .Sliaed Irala aeae, Te4l at 4 a. a. since their arrival in England war is over. But they all must toe daw of lb M trice of tola do(let QUKXIS CttARLOTTt: ISUMOO Lines. Agency All Ocean SUamshlp that the British authorities suffer and multitude,, die first (wblch may L effected by personal ser do not want the rifle for any! for the glory of the house of lr and your attenUon la called to sec TAKE KOT1CE thai I, Oeorr McRaa, of 'For information and reservations apply to tion It of tb -Land Retutry Act" wits sajoerate. n. u. occupation eartneer. In purpose. Sir Charles Ross's Hohenzollern. There evidently is amendment, and to tbe fotlowinf extract wnd to apply for permission to leas the City Ticket Office, 520 Third Atenos. FMONt 260 therefrom: ......"and In drfacll of follow In r described land careat or certUcate of lit pendens fcemt Contmieiictnr at a post planted at the Bled before tb retlstraUon aa owner of .W. corner of Lot i. Aliford Bay. Skid. ral lolL 1 nee wel tS cbalna. thenea II person entitled nnder suck tale, all Harry A. Harvey persons so served with notice, .and nortk ckain. the or to chain in aa tnose claiming- tbroufb or under Ifcetn, and aiu-rly direction followinr in abort line. (Late Laws, OMMrvaUIr Stuart J. Martin all person claimiot any Intere! la lb Uwneo two chain to point of commenc. f Btwete) land by Tlrtoe of any unreflstered I mini ment, conutninr It scrra. mora or let. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY pupil or umsoottfwi oottsxl meat, and all persons claiming any ta OEOR0: McMAE. AppllcanL ruplli Taken for A83AYEH tcrril In tbe land by descent who uUe Dated January ItUt. HIT. Att VIOU.I. NANO, VJOLW CELLO sod I itol reaitured tinder UM rrotlikoa of Lowest Rotes to ell E a tern Points HARMO.1T. ' MAZELTON U. 6. this Act, shall Im for aver estopped and Navigable Waters Fro taction Act. via Steamer to Vencouvttr and the debarred from setunr op any claim to or . RAILWAY -'examwatiohs : H B. L, OtUSTEN IIS. CANADIAN .PACIFIC In respect of I he land"so sold for tates, 4' Bia-ilwatlowe tor Paella frewae and the he Hurt r snail rtfUler Um person Mala and PertK Irxludetl en Slvamwe aiaaelataS Bear a. VaMoavar, Ommt The oldeet established Away 'nulled under suck tax sal of a Tat otif ef u. imw, - owner Tb Grand Trunk Padflc Railway Com- Office In the North. h land so Vd for tates." oanr bertby rlvea nolle that it hs under Princess Maqulnna for Granby Bay Friday 11 p. m. TEMM WHHW BM.OE 278 A.ID WKtltEAS application has beer teclion T ot tna said AcL deposited with aiad for a CerUflcaM of IndefeasUiU Title lb Mlalater of Public Work at Ottawa, Princess Sophia for the south Trlday, March 30th. to tne abotc-meouooed lands. In tbe name tnd in sh omce r um District 6 Rfitrr 1, P-. April for the south Sunday, t Marloa 8. Morriscyi f tb Und Ktitry OOca. DKtrtcl of Princess Maqulnna AD WIIEBEAS on Inrestlratinr tbt rinc nupert. at rnnca Rupert, s decrtp UlM It appears that prior to Um Sin da) lion of lb alt and plan of lumber null if September, IS 1 4, (tne data on mblcn tnd other works proposed 14 b built In J, I. PETERS, Genernl Acent FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Um said lands wer sold for overdue net), ymi wrrt tna assessed owner Irltlib he Princ Columbia.Rupert harbor In frool al of Prine Waterfront Rupert. Cu ner Tourtli Strt enJ Third Ae.no. Trine Rt.pavl. n C hereof. Block areordtnr lo rendered P'aa bf rtMTIIEn TAKE NOTICE that l the iha lowntlt of Um laid city of Princ 710 SECOND AVE. tarn uma I shall effect rerlttrailon Id Rupert recuterad In the, aforesaid land pursuance of such application and Itaua a retlitry .me as .to. tu, tecuon T. tar-tenter's Tool Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery Certiarau pf lodefrasiblo Till to Um said AMD TAkE NOTICE that after tb I lands In to nam of Marlon B. Morrtsey piraiion of on moo lb front tb data of Wire Cable Steel Blocks . Pishing Tackle snlet you lake and prosecuta Um proper um first publication of this none, I he First Iron Pipe Pips Fittings Nines and Shotguns proreedins to esiablltb your claim, if any, Oraod Trunk I'aciOc Railway Company Co .w.fW to the said landi, or to prevent tuck Ammunition pro- win, uoaer section 7 of tb aald Act. DDl Valves posed action on my part. io lhe Minuter of Public Work at bl Pumpe Hoee Paint DATED at IU Land lieiislry Offlro .rac In lb City of Ottawa for approval II in" nmimtmw ' ' hw r-rlnc Rupert. B. C, tbl tub day of ...... .f lb aald t ind plan and for ieav to Stoves and Ranges RuBoerold Roofing Corrugated Iron October a. I. ISIS. Ship .lw- to coodruct um said works. ..... iiMla "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" II.a District r. MACLEOD.Reiittrsr of Titles spiled al Winnlper. Maniioba, this till sel-uKW laax M S-f3 aay oi rrDruary, a, d, HIT. To Reuben Kurenl. Esq.. mil THE ORAliD TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY HANSARD Solicitor, kl' -t . 1JJ FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ADVERTISE IN sail.CARSONVOID AV Ciirinltifrhnm for sale by Lip. H!!Z . tMT WEST AWTW j l "' aim i-arwiit- A. B. aHUOK.K 1 , inc. d.x.' '"-"!" int. LA1LI 111;.WO wnr41 wwirio Co. tf. bIB ll alia III -I. IVMfMAMLat NltTfMNUTOR F Q. DAW-SON PRINCE BUPnT. -