THF. DAILY NEWS Thursday Ma Mi The Daily News NO ALUM THE MAILS Snfcty Firt THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IM NOstTHERM BMTlSIl COLUMBIA , PaMiaboJ Dally d Wkry For the Eaat. Guaranteed Largael ClrcutaHlon 2 a. in. I Tuesdays, "Ship lo Shu Utt Wednesdays, 0:30 a. m. I IM IVfMl SnM U IW. l, . . head nmei: Saturdays, 0:30 a. m. Pally News Dulldlng, 3rd Ave, Pimm- ltuiTt, H.C Telephone UB. From tho Eaat. fltAMSIKNI UIHIM.AY ADVKIU ISIMU-60 re it In pr Hoili. r.oiiirscl rale on aiinliration. Tuesdays, S:30 p. in Thursdays, 5:30 p in. A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. VSUISHiiuSiJSi Sundays, 3:10 p. m, DAILY EDITION Tllursday,"March 20, 1017 For Vancouver Tuesdays, p-m.; THK QBRfJAN RETREAT ' like resemblance to von Falk-enhayn's l'reas dispatches report larjjc retreat in Trtnayl-vanla, Thursdays, 10-p. m. fire in tho rear of the so-called and dark hints are Sundays, 4 p. m. WINTER SCHEDULE i Hindenberg lino. This certain thrown out that the sequel will From Vancouver, ly is not an indication of the be the' swift destruction of the 10:30 Wednesdays, a. in. enemy a intention to make an Anglo-French armies ust as 8.8. PRINCE GCOnQE Fridays, 3 p. m. TMUMDAY 12 Mldnlaht f.or Immediate stand. Nor are the the lloumnnlan army was Vancou,,, enter her ports is believed to be 7 m. Victoria and Saattls. systematic destruction am chopped up by the Tcuton-Bulgar Sundays, p. looting, extending even tb tho forces. All litis, of due In Germany's bullying atti Alternate Mondays from Janu WEDNESDAY MIDNIQHT FON ANYOX kidnapping o f young girls, course, is pitiable nonsense lude towards her. There is very-little 1st. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN igns of it. This reversion to and we doubt if even the magic doubt that the recent de ary For Ketchikan,'Wranaell,Junaau and 3 bag way April 4th For Anyox. Prussian typo is familiar to all of von Hindenberg's name will struction of seven Dutch vessels FOR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS APRIL 11th. students of German military make it go down. But Just how- by o German submarine was in Wednesdays, 10 p. m. history. There will bo more of far the German people will tended as an object lesson of Fridays, 8 p. m. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE and sVdadar aa elraf at 1 1 1SO a. m. fr Bmithaea. rrlaa aeaete. Germany s ability it should the retirement con -;grasp the fact thai the Ger readiness Sundays, 8 p. m. mal, SaakalMn and Mflalp. SMklof anatln thee 1 to do damage to the Netherlands m Ht linue, for the farther the Huns man west front is engaged in From east ath. ,Ulead train Taday at 4 state if it did not Anyox. staey a. m, retreat the more lax will be n most dangerous operation see eye to eye coma their discipline, the great which holds out possibilities with Berlin on certain matters Thursdays, Sundays and Tues. Agenoy All Ocean Staamahlp Line. er their excesses and the more of overwhelming disaster, that The Germans know, however, that days. For information and reservallont apply to certain that the demoralized if they fail to stand on the there is a very imminent limit to Tho Island. City Ticket Orflce, SM Third Avenus. PHONE 2(0 enemy will be unable to reorganize Cambrai.St. Quentin line the (he distance Holland will travel Mail closes. and consolidate on the chances nre all against them with them on that road, but they are determined to make the most Jan. 17 and 31st at 8 p. m. Franco-Belgian frontier.! In being ablo to consolidate short such circumstances it is in. of the Ithine, if, indeed they are of It. Feb. 14th and 28lh at H p. m conceivable that the enemy able to do that, it is hard to Mall Arrive. could avoid a pitched battle say. As for the, people of the SUN AND TIDE January 21st,e . February i tiu CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY somewhere in France. Something Entente powers, they do not would have to be done loo much. Friday, March 30th. ind March 3rd; expect Indeed, they Sun rises Loweat Rates to all Eastern Pointa by the German chief command are more disposed to underrate Sun 6:22 a. m via Steamer to Vancouver and tit to restore the morale of the the possibilities than to overestimate sets 6:58 p. in. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Low riai ala stat a v areas. would be but if the Germans water ..12:21 a.m. lit. 10.0 troops or they unable them, Meals and tWth Included on Steamer to defe'rid their own fron do not turn-about within High water ...6:33a, pi. lit. 17.0 CIRCUIT no. i. tier. Only by fighting could-they a few hours we shall be entitled Low water ...1:30 p.m. lit. 7.5 IS tlh St. and 9rd At. Princess Ma'qulnna for Oranby Stay Friday 11 p. m. hope to accomplish this. to look forward to the early High water ...8:17 p.m. lit. 15.5 si taaui st and ird At. Captain .McGee. M.M.S. A. a 14-.SIH SL and 3rd At. Princess Sophia for the south Friday, March 30th. A retreating army closely collapse of German military IS Jonciiuo of ind and lit, pressed soon becomes a mob, power and the consequent overthrow trd Ave. Princess Maqulnna for the south Sunday, April 1, 8 pjn. unless ,it performs an army's of Prussian militarism. The public are asked to remem Be IS 1st At between lib and sole function, especially if it ber the sale by the school girls SIR Ml. (knot Hotel). on the 31st curt- in the Borden ' a 17 lit At, and 7th IL (Central J. I. PETERS, General Aeent be thrown . out of positions NOTES AM COMMENTS Street School from 3 till 0 p. m. Hotel). Co ner Fourth Street ani Third Aeenuo. frlrvc Rufl. B.C which it had held lor many; There will be novel. I months and which it had come The tightening of the food laws many Easter CIRCUIT NO. 2. to regard as its secure mill-(in England is as yet merely in lies for sale. Afternoon tea .will Boi tt Ird At and Ird SL (Foal tary home. An army's morale, .anticipation of a possible short-once be served and an orchitra will vmc). discourse sweet music. Boi 21 Ird Ave. and McBrta St, lost, becomes elu. 'age, and not in made a very as Germany, 14 1st At, and McBrtd IL sive quantity, and this would necessary by actual scarcity. The a tad At, and tnd SL be particularly true of the Ger-' fact that the people of Britain Call the Pony Express for wood Ma tod At, and aui IL FRED STORK'S HARDWARE mans, who have not the incen-have been placed on shorter ra. cut in stove lengths or feci. rta. t. r. live of fighting on their own 'tions, however, should stimulate Best household coal and general circuit no. a. soil and who are notoriously ! the production of food in the transfer. Piano moving o u I ot 1 Sth Ate. and mtlvn SL 710 SECOND AVE. bad losers. 'United- Kingdom. It would be ai aa Borden and Taylor 8U. German newspapers and supposed that not a foot of Kng-military specialty. Prices moderate. Phon(, aa Tin Ate. ana rulteo IL Carpenter Tool Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlary commentators are lish ground availabe for cultiva-having 301, n. W. Hogers. tf: a i SS S7 Stn llh Ate.Ave. and and Coenoi Dade Ave.plao Wire Cable SUel Blocks Flahlng Tack la an interesting time ex- tion would be untitled this season, Si as ln At. nd Thoaapaoa SL Iron Pipe Pipe Fitting Rifles and Shotguns The Daily News delivered bj plaining the Hun retirement to: Rope Valvae Ammunition the German people. Tho diflJ-l It. is suggested that one of the carrier, 50 cents per month. I CIRCUIT NO. 4, culty of their task is increased, first steps to be taken by the 41- tin At, and EmnMrton Pumps Ho Paint LAND REGISTRY ACT lir, Stoves and Range Rubberold Iron Roofing Corrflgatod by the remarkable flussian rev-United States after the declara-olution, Baa a 1th Ate. and McBrtda SL which has emboldened tion of a state of war will be to Sections I ind lll.t tin Ave. and Green SL WE SELL NOTHINQ BUT THE BEST the critics and stimulated thejopen a credit or 95,000,000,000 R AppliraUoo .1. SSI? HI .Ho. 1714. tb Ate. and Bull SL oa ?th Ate. and Eberta. discontent of the masses. Von'for the Entente. That's the way TAKE NOTICE Uut application baa Uea 141 7th At, and Yavar IL Hindenberg is the whole stock- to talk. With funds, food and made to real iter Virion B. Homier, tf Prince Rupert, u. C a owner In fre in-trade of the inspired chorus. munitions Uncle Sam, could de-His under Tit Sal Deed from tb CAUacter FRED STORK'S HARDWARE name appears in every liver a staggering blow at Ger-other tf iht air or rrtorc nupcrt. beams data LAND ACT line of the explanations'many, who soon must reach the l be tttb dar of September, till, of ILL' cooked at headquarters. The 1 stage where she will have to tax AAO SI.XOCLAR that certain parcel or SSEMA LAND DtSTtnCT- tract of land sod premise situate, rjlnr, people are told that the retire-;the people to pay the interest on and I tar la tho Municipal!tjr of rrtsee; Qun casajtt,arri ioijuim ment is preliminary to another,the money she borrowed from Rupert, more particularly too a and d Tannenberg; that it is just like them. No wonder Wilhelm has scribed aa Lot Elabicen (III. Block Elftai TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorr McRs. Of (t). SecUoD Elibt (I), Map ttl). , iiidertM. D, i ocruptiion enyineer. M the first retreat from Warsaw Jo take the cure. Too are repaired to contest ibe' claim tend u apply for permission to lea the c a step backward for the pur-j of tte ui purcbaser within 11 treat roiiuwlot deacribed laodi: pose of taking a long stride' Holland's action in refusing to U date of tb serrtc of Ula aoUr Cbaaencia at a poet planted at. the st forward; that it beqrs a life- permit armed merchantmen to i hlch roar oe elTrcted br personal aM t.W. corner of Lot 4. All ford Bty. Skid lej and your attention H called to seei tat fakt, thenc west 19 chains, thcncl turn ft or toe "Land Hetisirr Aft vjiib north chains, thenc IS chains la an aawndmcatt. and to tb folio wins attract easterly direction follow I nf in sborw line. tnertfrotn; -and ja default of a Ihencn two chains to point of coounenc cateat or certificate of Us pendeoa twins mrnL ronutntnt tt acres, mora or less. harvested Died before the r filtration owner of GEOR0E McRAE, Applicant. tb person ratified under sucb "sal, all Dated January tltb, 1117, All under the perevos to served ltb noUee,. . . .and Ramsay's trM clalmlnc Uuvuvq or under ibem. and Navigable Water rVotaaHJon Aet. sunny skies all persona claiming; any interest In tb of AlbcrU land br vtrto of any unretiatered Ini tru ' K. S. C, OMATTS3I 11. nwnt. and all persona clalmins any la and Sai tere I In Um land by descent wbote Ullfl Tb Grand Trunk PaetBe Railway Com katchewan ire Cream Sodas u not refill red under too provisions of Empi pany herety five nolle thai It under baa, -7 selected this Art. aha II tm Tor ever estopped anM i iecUun 7 of lb said AtL depoalud with debarred from clam to senior up any orq tb Minister of rubllc Works at Otuwa. for ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. Wheat burstinir la reaprct of U land so sold for tates. tnd In the oroc of the Dlilrlct. Registrar and tbe Iterlalrar snail rtaUur tn parson into our A tn Und iUflstrr Omc. DUtnct of with goodneaa, poured in a golden stream 'otllkd under sucb tat sal as owner of rtnr RuperL at Pnne Rupert, a descrtp deration. WaauSesl, acoureai, polished, vruund, many In 2-lb. Tina ice land so sold for la tea. Hon or tn sit and plan of lumber mill AXD WHEREAS application tail twea ind oilier works propoaed to ba built In time over wsj over, untouched by the human hand ; pud for a CertUleate of ladefeaalnla Title Have attained thslr enviable refutation try taalr upsrlor to' the abnve-njrntloned lands. In tn name arltlib,b rrlnr Columbia.Rupert harbor In front at of Prince Waterfront Rupert, finally sifted through silk mesh until it cmenres quality and uniformity. The most discriminating housewife f Jl.10 Marlon WHEREAS B. Morrlaeri on iDreitltallor the' Block T, accordlns to registered plan of ROYAL STANDARD- sweet and soft a the breath Insists upon "Hamus Empire" whan buying Soda Utl It aieara that prior to to am day tb ltu(wrt townitt registered or tb In said the city i foresaid of rrloe Und of harvest. Your grocer kells it under a money ?f, rptetiiter, ISli, (tna dau on whlek iaoulta. registry .mc as No. ttl, secttoa 7, back guarantee. Um said land wer sold for overdue . AMD TASK ROTICK that SfUr lb I 'aies), you wer lit atsesaod owner They are made In B. O. and your grocer get hi supply hereof. plratlon of on month from um jai of lb Aral publication of this notice, the FURTHER TAKE .10TICE that at the ft BBST frequently and qulekly, Insuring froahneaa, whloh means Orsnd Trunk racist Railway Company tarn tint I shall effect retUtratlon la III, under Section 7 of tb said crisp Act, apply na puriuaac of scb application and laiu s lo Um Minister of Public Works at bis Ctrtioeal of Indefeasible Title) to the said Prove li ty buying a tin with your next order. 2 lands In tn nam or Marlon B. Morrlaey mc la tb City of otuwa for approval f the said sit and plan and for lav unless you tak and proa cut lb proper a construct tb said works, Manufactured by t proceedings to establish your claim, if any, paled at Wlnnl pa. Manitoba, this tin to the said lands, or to prevent aura pro dsy of rebrusry. A. p. it IT, til RAMSAY BROS, ft CO., LTD. j posed Prince DATED action Rupert,at on Um Land C part.this fierlitry STIn day Office,of THE COMPANY,GRAND TRU.1E II. It. UAMARD,PACIFIC RAILWAY Solicitor. Vancouver. B. O. a October. A. If.D. ll.r. MACLEOD. CAIWONVeiD for sale by Lip. Vancouver MfflingiGrainet a Dlilrlct RerUtrar of Titles. sell & Cunningham, and 1'arkln. To Reuben flu sent. Esq Mil ancouvcr.NewWfitminsUr.Nanaitna.Wtorlrjaa a-r-aaaaaa-aa Ward Electric Co. tf. tfOT Pscine SL, Vancouver, B. C ' i i i is ii,i..;:?yt!$.z