Th.,MdMr. March 20, tOI7. THE DAILY NEWS f ripnui nnnrnn I'O WATER NOTIGC II I II I I W lllii. I I lit - ri USE AND STOWAGE TAkE K07ICE that Mirnua p. oiien. ahoao addreee 11 Anyvi, B. C will apply GOOD ADVICE for a licence lo Ukt and uie about amy euM vet per aeomd and lo a tore about JOS acra-reet or water out of Donania Cnek which nowi aouUMaeaerff and.drama ToGoOnTaklne"Fnlt-a.Yes" Into oranby Bay about at or near Lot tiTI, Caailar btatrlcL . They DM Hr GiihI Tbe ibrite-dam wl,be located al rmmri about one and one-balf nwlee from mouth Millions of colds start with J. of Bonania Creek, . Tbe capacity of tna t?n0. r.q.i -. -- reeerrolr lo be created la about ISO acre-1 ..t for nunr years with tr- reel, and It will naod about Iweaty acres wet feet, which could and -jit. flire.Uom and Conatipstlon. of land. The water will be diverted from lbe itrearo al a point al of near lbe dam. should be prevented by down. A neighbor adTlaed and win be baed for power for mioint ?flir-FTBltU?iM. I did so and purpoae upon tbe mmr-deacrlbed aa tbe rubbers. Mldei, Ptartnltan and fot Oroupa, situate wearing of dorter, I begin to the iorprU my near the beadwaiera of Oonanta Creek. to Improre,and I Jl- K SO on This ooUct waa poated en the tround .uh ''Fruit- Htm". on the 1 tin dar or March. HIT. Every shape and size of I eooildr r that I owe my lift to"Fruit. A' ropy or tb.1 notice and an applica tion purauaot thereto and to tbe "Water i want to wy w mo wno shoe be trimly fitted, i-UrrVUnd Act, till, am be filed In tbe office of can ,u!rfrom Indif wtion.Constlpation or ibe Water Aecorder at Prtoco Rupert, B.C. ircaJaelies'try Fruit-surea' ana you objtruaiM to Um appUeaUoa may be Bled and made tojast a great willretweir. oaudiieau. with tbe aald Water neeorder or with Oe. bos, for lrUI ," 25' raeni the Comptroller of Water Ititiiu, Pertia deal longer, by a pair of Bulldlnn. Victoria. B. C wiuun t fil fcy Fruit. dealer or n pott A all thirty diya after tbe ent appearanca of I tires limited,Ottawa. tblt notice Is a locil paper. rubbers bearing Vrie of M. p. OUEX Applicant. LAND REQItTflV ACT Tbe date or tbe first publication of U1I1 these Trade Marks: notice H Marcb it. hit. (Sections M tod 114.) . ACDUfition 50. i.tu. riuar i.m. "Safety Fhst" is the "JACQUES CARTIER" TAlE .10T1CE that application bai liw MAPLE LEA - "GnANBY" Hide m reenter Jono Berrman, of lnae JacK Canuck: Tlirlft? An excellent thine Tlmm-i. iinw Atmut Slogan of Business" RUBBER A "HERCHANTS'' ' owner " 1 r" "r neipins ograclvea lo a little - "DAISY" Rupert. pork, for Instance. Cartoon by Sajn til Deed frora tbe Collector of ibe 75 of years Tit nunter in the Toronto World. oty r prince Roperl. beartof data lit OVER in'Canada, "MAPLE LEAF" "DaHmi(mM lit diy of September, II II. of ALL A.tD tnoiun U( certain parcel or tract of has demonstrated ut and premieee innate, ljlnf, and Le-lar IM THE UFRCM COURT at BRITiaH the strength, security, la tot Municipality T frfnen Rapert, OOLUMBIA. art particularly know a u Lot To (It), In the Letter Box safety and service of The Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co. lurk nt U. Section Senm (T), Map la l be mailer of the Adraiuatration Act. Bank of British North lit.Tm art required to eonteit tbe claim la tbe natter of tbe eiute or Paler America. The history of Largnt Baaaf acttrars af LIMITED Bakaer CeWa ta tat Srttiaa Eayirt t IM Ui purtbaeer attain thtrly-n-e McLarbiaa. oeceaaed. lot tale. - Editor, Daily News, this bank for over three-quarters txznrmzotnus - noimtikL,p. dirt from tbe date of lb aeretee of uua TAtt NOTICE that by order or aoOrt (nhleb may be effected by Reals lljoor iudrt rout, local Judro or Hit tbe Dear Sir: l wish to protest of a century has sevxji usce,c?-T0-DAT hahidjactsbbn: PLAirrs a cuusa vied Kill or at Directed, aod roar at luprrme Count, made tbe 171b day of against an article which appeared been one of progress and Ti-SMTKE".MA5CKS A1H VAaUOBSSS TS96MS00T CAJMSA k-etMd II Called 10 MCllOO It Of tlx february, HIT, I waa appoloted Admtaia-traior In The Daily .News of March 23rd development, and of liad aettatry Art" wtib ameedmeata, or tbe aitau or Pcur McLacalaa. entitled ".Negro ran amuck in the ui l to foUowlBf attract Uxretrvnt deeeaied. AH partlea bartor clelma ataiail city last night." Also against consistent growth in the -and la default of a caveat or rerun tbe aald eaUte are hereby required to ror an regard of the business nit af lit pendeae telof Med before tbe aaed aaiao pruperlx eertlled to me oa or article in The Daily .News of mutritkai a oaner of to pertoa ea before tbe ttUt day of April. 1117. and March 27th, entitled "The Public world. toed tnder ee Ut Mle. an person K alt partlea ladebted to Mm tild emie art and the Police Court." THE BANK OF prtt vita notke .and Iboee etaimini required to tbe amount or pay their In matt or aader tbem. and all pereoaa VMedoeea fartbwltb. The article of March 23rd is Brttfefc Nart Anerica Don t merely saother ctifh duaiaf any Inure 1 1 la tbe land by tlrtue Dated tbe tod day of Marco, HIT. without qualification reprehensible. yttr aay nrttiiiered Initrumml, and an J, II. MrVlLLl, Official Admiaiatrator In- that article you set to 7 TEAMS IM BL-SINESS. arrwai claualnr any Interest ta Um land work and detail supposed evidence CAPITAL AND SlBPLtS. 7jaCaaS. IVTrmfl Vlfl Uauiieu't Syrap of Tar aad Cod Xirar Ott not oady t trtcral a boat tale la not rerUlered in tmk av Patau oount or wtmai; in I I IIC W, I I promptly arrests cooghiag. bat tfaaaks to its took ami aatrr ttt prorUkxu of lata Act, iball te connection with a criminal PRINCE RUPERT BRANCI w""4"1 (treDtbening properUea it belpa tbeayetea to throw off tut ettf etrpd aod debarred from let cae on which a trial was pend the cold and tana effect a permanent enre It ta thla qnhty which baa waa Sar u aay claim to or la reipeet or the la the matter of tbe Admiaiitrauoo Act. ing and then you wind up with W.J.SM1THERS,Manager k tba largest,aele of aay coogh sad cold remedy la Canmla. h4 M aoM for Ui. aod too IWriairar ltd rtruur iae teoa eautled soder aad a plea that an example be made of jje. Imrjrt iotiUt, tmtjwAti. Mt tti Mle aa owner of the land at la tbe matter of tbe eetate or Joba the accused party. This is clear- SUBSCRIBE FOR X t kCATMTXa CSX. Ptwaw BBEEwMtflL FJV Jl tor laiea Adama. d ceiled, loteiute. ly a resort lo lynch law and fur. I'D WRCREA apfUraUoa bai teen TAlE .MuncE that by order of Mia Ihermore is of The Daily News contempt court. Honor Judre local U4t tee I Certificate of ladereailblo Title Tounr. Judre or tbe M tkf aboeeineauoaed laada, la tbe aamt aupmtM Court, made Um lib day or How any Kritish subject who has tl Ma lernnaat aaotry, HIT, I aaa appointed Admlale- an ordinary public school education UI WHEREAS oa loteaUritiaff tbe treu or ibe eiute or Joba Adama. and has been brought up in cm vteart taat prior to tba iu dar deeeeted. AH partka barter clilmi araiaat if Ifumorf. dew tbe aald ratal are bereby required lo for nriliah surroundings could be till, (Um e vbleb a n4 hada wera ol for oeerdae ard um properly tertfled to me oa or guilty of such a lapse it is up to KeJep the ami were Um aweaaed owaet lfere Um I lib diy U April. HIT. and you to explain. If you deem yourself up Ortftt an parUea tadVbted to tbe aald eiute art assured that qualified to take over the administration 1AM mrua taii otretf to pay tbe anwaat or Uarir In soncx utai at um dVbtedneea ferthlta. of justice at Prince people toM respond Ma sat I aaan effect rertatralloa la Dated tbe tad day or Marrb. HIT. Rupert why do not devote Hfuart or aarfe applieaUoa aad laioa a you Food Supply to every cell L IL McMl'LUX, Official Admlatitrelor. Otartie af laoefeaeibU Title to Um aald your energy towards convincing k tke auae of I oho lerrmaa aaleai tbe Attorney-General of your latest necessary to the success m late aad rroeecatt I be proper pro-an IN TME aunt tail ooiMrr or awrnaM ootu talents and In the meanwhili 0 our cause worth to eatabliib your cliita, if aa b be aald laada, or to prcteat web pro it might be advisable to let the and Help the same indomitable N aruoa oa my pert. la Lbe nutter of Um AdmiaietraUoa Act, courts dispose of court matters MlO at um Load nettitry Office according to the well-established ardour and devotion ssn. I. C tan iu day a la the natter of Um ettate of Joba that with A. D. principles laid down for the de. havefiUed me itt. Riptlile Haraalcbea. deceaied, laieatete. It. r. MACLEOD. TAis .oticz taat by oroer or ma lectin?, convicting anld punishing Make Victory pride and gratitude I Diitnct rterutrar of TlOea. llooor iudtt Tooar. local Judre or Um of crime. Such a course ! rturaoa, bevuniw, CaUforaia. Supremo Court, made tbe tttb day or would probably conceal from the since the war began." rebruery, HIT, I aaa appelated Admlnle. public many things you do not Hu Majistt Kiko Geokgk ORBKRI in tor or eateie of ioba Bapuito Baraatcbet deceaaed. All partlea bailor clalma araiaal know. Sure tbe aald eatata are bereby required, to Tor- It may be that you are not so Princa Rupart Cadat Corp a.I ward eaaM property irrlCrd to me oa or much to blame for the article of beTore tbe lllb diy or April. HIT. and Ut i t Ilrady, Initructor. March 27th, as you are reporting all partlea Indebted lo Um aald eilatt are it propoaed that the above required to pay tbe amount or tbetr lo-debtedaeia proceedings of the city council TJK soldiers be the must fed; at people tp ahaii camp f0r two Torlbwita. as a news item, out the publish- rnr-J he comlnir summer. All Paled i, II. Ibe McMt'LU.l,fad diy official or Mirth,Admtniitrator.HIT. ing of such a report I submit is 0 home must be fed. And in spite of w wlihlng to attend muit cn. e improper while cases are still More April 30th. IN TME sunttart count or TISM pending in court against the ac Germany's murderous campaign to OOLUBUJIA. cused party. I further think it is not property for aldermen to cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking la Ibe matter of lbe AdmintetreUoo Act. critiche a judgment the court of, Sheet Metal Work la the matter al tad tbe ettate or William when they admit that they have every ship on the High Seas an ample and Jemea Macartney laadela. deceaaed. la no knowledge of the evidence on flow of food and unfailing to England lei Ute. which the judgment was based. jl been In the Ha at. 1 havo .NOTICE tbat by order or Hit TAkE Such conduct is egotistical and France be maintained. acquainted with all mod. Honor Jodra Younr, local juore or toe must unreasonable in the and n llrd day or extreme, melhoda of outfitting(aaolina Supreme Court, made Um koaU, aa uaed by Eaatern ihopi. February. HIT, I wai appolnied Adminla-trator it is very unjust to the magistrate of the eauu of WUliam Jamea who tried the case, unfair to the This is National Service1 tandem deceaied. All paruea Mararnaey Gasoline city prosecutor, and has a vicious Tanks, Pipe-fitting hattnt elaimi aratoat Um laid emit are and bereby required to forward aame properly effect in as much as it is calcu Not to the Farmer only Plumbing, verlfled to dm oa or before Um Htb day lated lo exercise an Improper in-Ihience and all lines of Sheet of April. HIT. and aU parUea Indebted lo over the court on matters But to YOU to everybody required to pay tbe t Metal Work : amount lbe aald of eauu tbrlr are Imlebtedneaa fortbwIUL now- pending in the court. This appeal is directed Prompt Paled the tod day or Marcn. hit- I regret to have to write this Attention and Skilled t, M. McNt'tUM, Official Aamiaiatraior. article but we should remember Workmanihlp , laailNA DIITWICT OltTaiCT or that it is our duty to try these "E must unite as a Nation to SERVE a gaidenr-stnall or large. Utilise ' H. LETOURNEAU LAND COAST, RANaE S. case: in accordance with tbe law -loSAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, Pi rour own back yard. Cdtrvate the and not in accordance with the 1 women and children; the young,the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food SIXTH AVENUE Columbia prejudices and desires of citizens. Phot TAkE XOTICE tbat tbe BrlUab and the old all in the Ubwk S25 l-.Q. Boa US Canninr Cuopany. Limited, or "" . Until the evidence establishes a aged can help C. aalrooo cannera. Intend W apply tot man's guilt in a proper court of Nation's Army of Production. deicrlb. 'OMEN of towns can find no better pe'rmlailon Wait lbe rallowlnt l Justice he is innocent and n rd Joreanort Und: Commenclnt bank of lbe at Skeena a poet citliens it is our duty to avoid EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps cr more important outlet for their planted IVIver, 110 on lb reel north aoutn irora w " lynch law and keep our hands and the cost of living- and adds to energies than in cultivating a vegetable Prince Rupert Feed Co. rvrtMr or Ut II, ru I. Coait weiterly DUricM tongues off the accused and ou the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. Ibrace aouth 10 Teeli tbeoce ,,b tho inurtu, until the courts have e. o. . and northerly parallel lo Um 7 04 TMrd Art. a diitanr or approtlmately ll jo finished. Be patriotic in ct as a oulM tN feet aoutb of Youra truly, For information on any subject relating boundary thence or Ibe wetierly Orand and Trunk northerly racina railway: py W. E. WILLIAMS. to the Farm and Garden, write: well as in thought VVE HANDLE allel to the aald rlibl-of way W a poln LAND LEASE NOTICE INFORMATION BUREAU V.L """ due aouth of the 8. W. comer of Lot TAUv NOTICE that I. William Jamei Department of Agriculture 100 fl W .'V?' '?j Ihenro n.r.b Nitinewi, acttnr aa stent Tar tbe Anilo-Hriiub Use mecm l.raertioa of tho aoutb boundary every Columbia OTTAWA and ewl- rackur Company. Limit n and Flald riiht pr-way: Ihenct aoutherly ed, retitlered office In Vancouver, B. C Overlook noising' Alio FaKlli.... Ummliry Una sirttet bore of Arrandala. oecupaUea store krepeer. In- where aald r,rlf w l lend to appiy ror permueloo to lease ice " MV, QIUII, llae: tbenct alont Wh AND FKEB rolloalnr deacribed landa. point oT commencement.CABTkn, Cumratnelnc at a poat drlvta on tbe Dominion Department of Agriculture W. A. iient lbe 3. C. C.nn.nt rait abort or Portland Canal about s mile W Tak, Aflln, a. Tor and a half north of Doffiih Bay, frua ordar. for Nur'-Tri Co.. Limited, ihrnrt norm twenty c-heinij thenca tail OTTAWA, CANADA. took. trbruary "IT ten -cbalmi thenca aouth twenty cbalnai .ieiivere.1 hi Hffiir aeal ten cbatna. HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister. attiMaa TIlH Mlly m rebruary lllb. III), Ml Ta. it. n'"" WILLIAM JAMis MATTHEWS, Applicant carrier, 50 centa per 11 i