Thursday March fo T Hi; DAILY NKW8 i0f FOR RENT L Loca VciDS Voes I fUet Every faf 4.rooms, bstn, sewer, rsnre, No. 7W tin Ave:, W, How.a ro you off for coalf I reams, bstb, Kttr, Jto. Its Enr- t rooms,Hrh HBL bath, sewer, No. 10 Mai At OoMbfoo in'a, prices nro rrtT pure. right. 75 I room Ott, rurirtihed, sewer, bath, WRKjLEY 101 1 Srd At. M r. Joe Mcryyfleld has come 4 room, bath, rsnr. Ill .Summit dock 10 town. Avenue. , 4 rsoms, Ttt Thompion StreL 4 Vooms, 110 tin Avenue, EatL Skirts Large assortment Just 4 rooms, tim 7th Acenue, EMU arrived at Goldbloom's. ?5 4 room, lit lib Atenue, Wil i ' I room fliu, bsth, sewer, McManU 1-Mr.- Mitchell Alherl.vas among Tkm Flnvor Last 4 rooms,AptrtOMtltS.tot tin Are, C the passengerrarrivlng in Prince 4 rooms, furnished, bath, if 4 lib llupert last night. Avenue, EatL I rooms, near drydock. t Mr. O. A. McNIchol, of the O. T rooms, corner Oreen tnd Tib Are. LOST Kyeglatscs lit case between Section 4. T. I'., returned on the Prince Westholme Theatre and if Tsiir Moms Is vacant List It wltn' fleorgo last night. Rersidents of Hayvfew Hotel, via Third Avenue. Ue We Can rill It far Tea. Finder please return to La Casse H. G. HELGERSON, LTB Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ilailey and British Tokabia Ilakery. family returned to Inverness on the train last night. Do You Approve of Thd Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Hart ar Existing Flan Wharaby The ARE BATHS "Tie News" rived on the steamer yesterday Business of Dentistry In B. Daily evening. Congratulations! O. Is Under The Absolute NECESSARY? Control of A "Close Corpora-Hon CLASSIFIED ADS. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. flcith have of The Dentists Only? returned to the city, after spend This kxAl Hie a fooltsb queiUon la thu ing some time in the lower coast SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET eotWbteitfd are. but there are netrly a cities. Which explains proposed namoa Americans bo knew nolhioc of WANTED. legislation for more properly Intrrnil Bathlnc a few years S(t and are now earer lo testiry thai they are fully at regulating the business from BOT WAS TED Advancement for Writing from Ittitle. Montana. euenlial to' health as Etleraal Baths. boy. Wallace's. If. to .Mrs, Stilwell, Mrs. V. C. Know- the public standpoint, By a purely natural process of properly oitar srm water, the "I, B. U Cascade" IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. les that Montana is LUX WA.VTED Oood reneraL Apply Mrs. C. says suffering removes all the poisonous wsite rrota H. Onne, '77. from the severest winler eveather To learn the. real facts as i the Lower Intestine, which physicians experienced since 1889. Mr. and to conditions which are of srree is the taase U St per cent ef all WATTED Styht' cook. Arcade Cafe. Tl , ailments. personal importance to buanaa Mrs. hntwle? left Jiere last sum every WU T Ett Mode m furnished apartment or mer and their many frfonds Aylll resident of the, province and perty II VtttanttyVreneves rervlatet tbe bowels roasupabaev and prevents pro Wtw'l Skrkk Woolies Bcmm it's Different a bouse. 5o children. Address Roy Ho. be. glad to know that they are the proposed remedy. all the drarnnr.down which Bllltousaess . Dart, rrtnee Rupert Hotel. 71 getting along very well. and Liver Troubles always mate. Here you have a prepsrat ion tiny, tst!nIile Sand A Postcard Request Today E. W Soathan. M.D4 ef Oenesee, X T, wafers of the purest essence oi tosp that actu CHAMBERMAID-WATED-On wbo iA3er to wrttes, ally makes woollens fresh and I if hi and fleecy .stands weltm table. .Apply Savoy Hotel. The new rtyerliead travelling -I cballenswd the doctors tn this towt Room 3, 44)7 Hastings Street, when ladder Installed lait week la rtrtrd to what I can do with as new. recently In the West, Vancouver. your 'Cascade'. I 'can say for a truth Borden Street and Kind Edward that I know the reason for my saccest Sock t and stocking tweaten snd twester TOU.VO UTIJO HE.t3.FOR SALE Phone Schools are affording much en with msny serious ninesses wss da te costs white flannel suits underwear blsnkett e htvtnc the bowels washed out eace ea4 all come out of the gentle LUX bath sbtolute-ly - ' joyment to the boys ttjeSe days of sometimes twice a day. 1 only wish I unthmnken CLEAN. and Get TERRACE NOTES roe 1 make the people la rvneral batiev a psckse, FWI RENT wet weather. The boy's are lift read the it la tbe efficiency ef rood bowel w ashlar;. directions, will be food newt if you debted to the school board for Sincerely yours." want your woollens to last, TO LETRucjm with or without board, rood location. Close In. rbone Blue sit this, added pleasure, which is a The construction work on the Cyril II. Orme. Drartiit, corner trd SB Cv.vewL fTV We. and 4th streL rrlnce Rupert hat Oiled firm of physical uxerctse lur new aawmill to be erected at Copper a tremendous demand ror "J. B. U Cat WmIIMA -Aawurviiirat. ititUk mUt, h MISCELLANEOUS can indulge in. City is now in full swing, and csdes" In the past few years, and win Lever Jlrothera judging by the rate of show and eipUlo tt lo yoo cat rrqnesL A Limited progress TALBOT ItOUSE Good Rooms. Every convenience. free snd lntreiinr botaiet ea Internal . TerMl a B Hot water bath. It.10 and ft L Up-to-date blouses, all prices being made, it will not be very Iiathinr. "Why V of Today ts Only tt per week. 10c and tic a nlrhL and colors at Goldbloom's". 75 long till it is U and running. Per Cent tfnrlenL1' can also be obtained ror the atkiar. If yoa prefer, write .to SRADUATE KURSE (CM.B.London) Terms Mr. and Mrs. Uacchus have Dr. Ch. A. TyrrelL ttt Collet street, moderate, apply p. o. Box St, or Toronto, far same. phone 41. come in from Lakelse and are taking their abode in Copper up WATER NOTICE A HOT BATH THE aiei Mi Mantua, auk. " - City. w. I. wuiuuns. B.a L.L.B DIVERSION ANO USC WILLIAMS A MANSON Uishop Du yernct preached at TAtr NOTICE that oeorr McRa. MINUTE YOU WANT IT the Anglican Church on Sunday whom address Is Skid rate. B, C. wib Barristers, Solicitors, Etc apply for a licence lo lake and ase ttt You are accustomed ts aOKCY TO LOAN TIMBER SALE XS71 to a large, concourse. That tha cubic feel per minete of wtur eat ef getting cold water a. Bos lltt Terrace people like the Uishop a Demsier Creek, which Sows northerly" and atantly. -Think of the tt Hlrv Sine MM Rupert..B. C sealed tenders win be received by: sermons proved by the large drains into AUford Sir. ahowt It chatnt (faction of gelt if E t the Minister of Lands not liter than noon attendance. ' from the E. corner of T. L, til. Th on the tJrd day of March. HIT. ror the; ater win be diverted from the stream ai Water in the same way ta purthase or licence X 871. to cut MOe.SOO a pjut about tea chains west from .t.W abundance, regardless it J.L.HICKEY feel or spruce, hemlock and cedar, oo an1 The Patriotic i und meeting earner of Lot I. B. C fisheries, and wttr B hnw itiurh has bn r 4 area adjoinin Lot Uto aitnated on Mu- last Saturday was a very enthu-sett be eee for pwef ptsrpowr epoa th tans before. laieL Queen Charlotui Islands DUtrlcL aiagUc one. During the year Just described at adjolniny Timber Limn til eONTRACTM A aHHLBER Twp () years win be allowed for re- . , , , ,, , .... fa application lo lease. HOT WATER LIKE MAGIC moval of timber. F"'" ",D 1 u"u " ucncnu uj This notice wis posted oo tbe rrenaf Further particulars of the Chief Tor-;over f 1,000 Ironi ttie Terrace At the Ittb dty of J sou try, IS IT. t Hanson Store and Ofllce Fixtures, ester.'Victoria. B. C, or District Forester branch, Mr. Alex. Kerr, the col-at copy of this no tic and an appllcatloi i Harry Sash, Door and Moldings. Prtnce Rupert. B. C Iwlnr. nn,l I lie nfllren nf lUm purtuaaf thereto and to th Water Art, Hot Water Service brisi llll wtu be Bled la tbe orare of tha , Oak and Hard Woods of all Fund have done well. Water Decorder at Prtnce Rupert Ob If you tills fonvertjesf? LAND REGISTRY AST kinds. jections lo the a pr! ratios may be BleS FHONE ASS F.0.80X W it. ! Mr. A, McKiiinon and Mr. Cobb with the said Wiwr Recorder or with We Specialize In.making (Sections 1 and lit.) ., i..i i.... i. ... th Comptroller of Water R I this, parlte and fitting storm win He Application o. SI44-!. ruinf site. ""V "'V ' . . . , meat Buiidinrs, victort. B, C, wtuua TALE .NOTICE that tppUcatlon has been vn.auniuiuin Mtg tuts iai cc. thirty days after .the flrsl sppesrance c4 dows, any size. wade to retister The Corpora Uoa of the and report deep snow about 'four this nonce a sseai newspaper. Plate and Sheet Alas and City of Prince Rupert In the Province or mjes out. The date of the erst publication cf thi British Columbia, aa owner la fee under ' notice la rebruary Slit. It IT. ' lazing. two Tas Sale Decda from the Cuuector or OEORUE McRAE. Applicant BUFFALO SECOND HAND Corner Fraser and tali Sta., the aty of Prince Rupert, bearlns date the The ftork visileti the home Of BARGAINS 7th day of December ii. of all Mr. F. Lazelle last Saturday and ENGINES FOR SALE PHONE ORCEN ttt ?.' and premises situate,.Tf r JfV.0f tent r "laughter in Mrs. Urelle's . F. O. BOX 4441. id tbe Munleipalliy of Prtnce Rupert, more care Happy liome. - Ons 10-12 H. P. Heavy duty I particularly knoan and deter(bed as North " Stuart J. Martin rf 0n, 13.15 h.F. Heavy duty 7M Westerly Seventy (70), feel of Lots Eleven Mr. Itond has returned from (III. and Twelve (it) Block Elynteen one sro-as n. r. neavy ot-sr wgiand lat eek, vviierfl lie was (is, secuon One (ti, Mtp sti. ASSAYLrt One 26-30 H. F. Heavy dutr 1M AT ROWE'S PLUMBING engaged in making munitions, You are required to contest ue ciauu ARB wf the lax purchaser within tblriy.Ove HAZELTON B. C. am" Applr V "Vr xt !n1e cf mi: All Fool's Day Js to be ccle- SHEET METAL WORKS SZEZZfZTiS iSESEi Crated by a dance in the Pro?rss O 0 Tl They male Ueeilae Tanka, ttalley is called to section 4 of Um "Land Rec Hall on Saturday first. , , Tha oldest established' Assay rtpee, aaseke Stacks, Ohlmnty Tea, Utry Act" with amendtaenu. and to the , . . , feBmiPMMlW phones. Pad 391 and Oreen 31 tM4 all the work that la weuaily doae ruitowinr ettract therefrom: Office In the North. hs the OLD FaSMIOMKB TM SMO, "arid In default of a caveat or ceruneate' WESTHOLME.THEATRE for BUFFALO and FCERLESS ENGINES for VtTM ALL TM LATEST eOeVM-ro-MTK of Us pendens betas Bled before the ret- Sole Agents WOMK apsOtALUBO, ech isirauou as owner of the person entitled The second cpieode of the NtmTMKHfl wrti i ion ukuai as .MTLsaMTS, .OOWMIOaS. .Bta. under such tat sale, all persons so served BveryUlnt la the llee feV Bliii, BHae with Douce, , .. "Shielding" Shadow" screeened at ae factory.- atevae put up sad ea tnrourb or under tbein. and aU persons the Weilholmo last night will be Harry A. Harvey aeeted U heller. Roeflaf la ail clatimns sny Interest In the land by vlr. repealed at the ttecond show lo (Late Leaeea, tt, Oeaseevauiee klada ef materlaL llepalrlaa,ef . all in. uaresuwrca uinueui. ana ,,11.1 'r..!,, nroduclloii uf r " a n !) kiase. rmaaa RtaHT, ssviec all persons elaKuinr any Interest in the ' PiiPIL Of LANSOOWNI PHONE 93 P, O. COX Jl rtasT-oLAaa. a SATisnco ous- land by dcaceol whose title la not resis- "'8'' order and there are some COTTSLL DENTISTRY TOSMR IS OWN AML tred under tbe provutons of this Act. thrilling scenes. The escape of Pdplls Taken for PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. ntOM ao. ..... a. e. box 4ry shaU be for aver estopped and debarred tie hcrw from tue convict ship is VIpU. PtAXO, VIOU.1CELLO sn.1 - t ractary aad OSlae BSS tad, onowm aao eaioeM woas from Avaaua, scums up any claim to or in respect aad tae' ateeet, cleea te Oew Bay of to, land so sold for, and ihe a very fine piece of work, and EXAMINATIONS .. a SVBOtSLTV aS veeaaieat Wharf ltertsrar shall resliur Ute person en- Wlien Hie octopus seizes its VlC- ealls sraasd fee Saamlaallea OR. J. S. BROWN Transfer and Storage uiLDtata. utled under such ut sale aa owner of tha tlm In its tolls, it gets exciting M Aeoleled BaaS, Vaaaeevee, oeater "S.?,::,.. k.. ... the least of It. There are Beyal QUee ef Musi. LeaSea,Bt. OMtai Sailth OSNTIST SiMt, TDIee Aa BCST LUMP A NUT C0L made for a certificate of Indefeasible Title feature plays aUo of great merit TERMS FHONE BLUE 278 to the tbovrwenilooed lanos. In the name and the orcheHtra sti I attains lo NO LONO WAITS STEEN & L0NGW1LL of The Corporation of the aiy of Prince JU high level of excellence. 0000000 MO SHORT WEIGHTS nupvrii AND WHEREAS on InvesUrtUny the title h tetrXiatxT Whan You Order fro" u j II RAGING AT THE RINK 1 A nl Laimr SmmIsU-b SANITARY ANB' HEATING appears that prior lo Ihe fourteenth day or September, ttt. (tbe date on which There was a big turnout last THErjrCINrgrjWtMtN, ENGINEERS the said lands were sold for ovsrdu night at the Auditorium to witness (GOLD WATCH FREE. taies), you were a inornate thereof, ri'llTKfcll TAKE ROTICK that at the the racing. The speed trials were risMssiauurs snbimb Agente for same time I shall tffect refisirsUoa in very much enjoyed, Mr. Fred Prince Rupert Dairy MoOLMY rURNAOES of such application and Issue Warning ami Miss Mason raced I CflS -t la. by 7 la, tt-IS Meeae Fewer, UWDSW MW MASASta. t Oil. I M kk I) I M la, ts poralion unless you take and prosecute lialfinile dlataiice, Tho Meeae Fewer, Bl and Uie profier proceedinri to establish your former rouple won by a very small oil a i.t lav ty Ms, ta-as PURE HOLSTIEN SHEET METAL WORKS claim, if any. to the said lands, or to margin, The time for the half Meeae fewer. CREAM prevent such proposed action on my part im!?sw&r mile was 3 minute and t IJ Phone 8, 834 Second Avenue. Mated at the Land Rfsiatry Omee, Prtnce svi-rnd. V - BUTT' huperi. tt. C tw 14th day of December, The proceedings were veryj lively For Further Information ... i. - ot art Mght phones 570 A, D. Hit. and merry 'and a thuroiighty eiu Apply to HONK 1ST and Illue 270 H. T, MACLEOD, - ..A Tfc ( Joyable time wu spent by all, Tha right work, a4 Wta right To frederle Irhaliner,District Aerisirir tst , of Titles. Mr. Joe Drew and Mr. Henny, Mc W. E. WILLISCnOKT ail OfSars ri time, and at the right prloa. care C L. rreeniao, & p. It. BWf. Daniels weru the judges, mid''.Mr, EdUKMiton, Albert. D. Itoaa was timekeeper. Frlnos Rupert, B. 0, RUKsjP ieeeeeeeeeeeeeee