TUB DAILY .NEWS fJa:' Marl, nrr The Daily News THE MAILS SnffKr IT! THE LAM"; NCWSPArEM IS NORTHS RM MITISII COLUMBIA fl if ll nf svi rkUeJ DaHy " Week , For the EaaU NbWbILW Guaranteed Largest Circulation Tuesdays, 2 amn. I Met., BaSBBKkfWa)avtlBHSaBBBW ta I.. . """I' 0 Shut. Wednesdays, 9120 a. in. DEAD llr'FICK lBBBBSkvS8rai: Saturdays, 9:30 ai m. 3 luily .News Hulldtnir, 3rd Ave, Prim Hupert. U.C. Telephone 98, an, 9 things happening In the world, From the1 taaL. WrW n. . rHAftfjfKM DISPLAY At)VEllTI8I.V Ml t-rrit per ineh trfttitracl subjects which his majesty could Tuesdays, 5S30 pi m. rnl uti appllratmn. discuss very entertainingly In Thursdays 5:30 'p. in. deed if he were in the humor. .'itAILV HDITIOtl Saturday, March 31, 1917. Wiltielm at one time fancied hfm- Sundays, 3:1,0 p. in. self considerably as a playwright, For Vancouver. wrote dramas and had them performed. Tuesdays 4 p. m. A ftUMIAN RCPkHMJC? a very violent transition and Perhaps he is engaged . Apparently the revolution In would cause a great deal of unrest in the creation of a work now that Thursdays,- 10 p. ju. llussia has gone farther than In the country, especially will be produced at the end of Sundays, I p. m? B1SI A kltSH WINTER SCHEDULE first Information led the out-side after the war. A vast majority the war, and which may be entitled. From Vancouver. world to,,suspec. Accord of the people know next to The HohenzoIIernt: A Wednesdays, 10:30 a. in. S. S. ing to reports it has swept the nothing about matters qf gov. Tragedy." FRINCC QE0RQC which had ernment. The always Fridays, 3 p. m. THUMDAY 18 Midnight IlomanofI dynasty, bureaucracy Victoria an. nJ,T,' VlBouie, ruled that vast country for the has done their thinking WE8THOLMK THEATRE Sundays, 7 p. mi aa last four centuries, entirely for them. The new era will Alternate Mondays from Jane- WIBNCSBAV MIBNIOHT FOR ANY0X out of existence. Petrograd involve for them many radical Tonight at the Weslholme will!.rv 1st, S. S. PRINCE .OHM intelligence so far has been changes and irreconcilable re-artionaries be shown Japan's greatest aelor, I For Anyoa. For Kehlhan, Wrangell,Juneau and Skagway Admi i,l fragmentary and obscure as to will be ever on the Sussue Hawakawa, in a very striking FOR QUICN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS APRIL 1Hh details. What is known for alert for opportunities to cause play entitled "The "Soul of Wednesdays, 10 p.- m. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE certain, however, is that the trouble. Fortunately, the leaders Kura San. Sessue Hawakawa has Fridays,-8 pm. aVtdaaadar d Batarday at 11 S0 a. n. fte Smltkeea. Prlat Czar abdicated in favor of the of the movement include proved himself to be a great favor Sundays,"8 p.-m. ateataa, Bealat) oad WMIrHi aMklaf aaaaeetl uf ft srttu Grand Duke Michael, who accepted nien of outstanding ability and ite with the people on the coal FroerO Anyox. aMt oad aaath. .SI teed trala ataey Taeedtf at 4 a. at. the throne only on the great force of character, many and he is an artist of no mean condition that hia action shouldi of them world leaders in va order. The play itself Is of very Thursday,-Sundays' and Tor, Agency All Ocean Stawtmshlp Unes. be endorsed by the Ilussian rious lines of intellectual ef great interest and will -appeal to days. For Iriformatlon and reservalions apply to peoplie. Whether lie? is still fort. As for the immediate everyone. There will also be TTntf.taJands. eity Ticket Offlce, SM Third Avenue. FH0NC Hi there Is not clear. Meanwhile emergency, the prosecution of shown a Topical Itudget, which, Mail closes. the administration of the country the war, the Committee of together with the orchestra, will Jan 1 7.and 3 1st-at 8 p. m. is really in the hands of a Twelve may be depended upon make n splendid evening's entertainment. Feb 1 4 tin and 28111 at N in p. committee of twelve, actually to effect a vast Improvement in a Committee of Public Safety,, administration and organiza eSWIiAerUea. which v.ill have 'charge of af-1 tion, for it will be composed of alvatloni Army. January 21st. ."February 1711 CANADIAN PACIHC RAILWAT ''fairs pending the deliberations! the country's ablest men. id March-Jrd. of a national convention. j France, it will be recalled, was Public uieetiuKs. lij-tf4: Lowest Rates o all Eastern Polnti Uncertainty exists regarding ; never more formidable in a fhursday and Saturday at 8 p. m f via Steamar to Vancouver and the ha af f ittirW nf (ha nrmr Thla. j military sense than when a Sundays at 7:30 p.m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY indeed, is the key to the situation, Committee of Public Safety Meal and Rerth Included an Sleeret land DtroncT oianncT as' well as to the immediate was endeavoring to restore COAST, PUUMC S. future of the war. If the order out of the chaos of her Bwa It tlk St. and ltd Ara. Princess Maqulnna for Oranby Bay Friday 11 p, m. six million men at the front' great revolution. It was thai TAKE .NOTICE Itul U BrtUa ColOBbU Bel Bel 1 1l4lk ata SWand St. and ltd ltd AT.Aw. Princess Sophia for the south Friday, March 30th, acquiesce in the course of crisis which produced Napoleon Cuuuor Cuapaay, Limited, of VKtortt. B Ba -S-Ouotioa of tat. tad and events there will be' no trouble. and Moreau and the most brilliant C, salmon caanera, taut4 -to apply lot SrdAtea. Princess Maqulnna for the south Sunday, April 1,Cba pcrmiMtoa lo luw Um foUowtar deciU If, on the other band; reactionaries collection of subordinates 4 rvreebor land Ccaumencins tl I pon tat At brtaeea tUi and 'among the leaders 'attempt that ever followed victorious pasted oa um aorta bank of U Skeeot Sta Stt. (Kant Kstul). J. I. PETERS, General Asent aa 17 lil At, and lib 3L (Central to restore the dynasty, chieftains. Rlrer, 110 fret ocU treat Um toalkeaal (orwr or Lot IS. IU I, Coatt DUUicli Hotel). Cat rtee Fourth Street mnj Ttilrd Atenue, Print Rupert, IX as some of them doubtless will time aoulS tt fecit tbeoea eilerli desire to do, and obtain any NOTES AND. COMMENTS tad northerly parallel ui Um abort line. considerable following from dltunce or afroittnily US feet t aa aa Ird r and Srd SL (foal T ptai t feet tootti of Uw muU Offlea). the serious Democracies quarrel troops, a .among among of tbaOrtad Trunk Pacioe. rtil- aa aa ard at, and Mcand sl slate of affairs will arise.(themselves; autocracies quarrel boundary wiyj ittrnrc vriUrlr snd noiltttnj ptt aa a tat At, and McBrtda St. Three factors, however, are with other countries. Of the two tvil to ltx Mid nret-of-wiy to point aa as fad Ata. and tod SL -likely to influence that sltua- the former is infinitely to be pre-tion dot sovUt of th S. W. corner of Let tt; aa 1 tnd At, and U) SL FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Uwr norm f ft I to Um point ct tn aa 17 a. t. r. One i the-peaceable ab-1 ferredl Their difficulties always wrtrrUoa of Um soatk boaadtry or ull dication of the Czar and hi can be settled by the police. If rKbi-or-(r; tbeocs (osttorty sod ii-rrty ciacurr.wo. a. lofty manifesto, whose terms dictatorships arise in Europe from kloar id rlthl-of-ir to s itrfn. B)a 31 tin At, and miton SL 710 SECOND AVE. will win for' him the respect this war all the sacrifices that brr Mid boHAduy llo itnkri tour Nki aa aordea and Taylor lu. Ium; Ihetw loot Mrn ilrr curt u Um Su M-lU aii. and mitoa SL Carpenter's Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandltry and pity of he world, and the have-been made for liberty will point of coaiiutnnuxul. Ba a tlk Ate, and Conwl A. equally magnanimous attitude have been In vain, A. "W. CARTER. Baa ST lib A. ixt Isa riac Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing TacaW of the flrand Duke Michael.; Acting- rnl' for Um B. C Caaaias aa aa tin a, and Tkuekptoa sl Iron Pipe Pipe Fillings Rlflaa and fneujwst Another is1 the menace of the Canada has problems of suffi-Oerman Cty. Limit, Rope Valves Ammunition rtbrntry ttlh, it IT, CtWCUIT NO. 4. armies waiting to fall cient urgency to call for the un-upon Pumps Hose Paint Eel 41-tui Ae. and Eaineraoa divided foe and divided attention of her overrun a govern, LAND rue. REQirrRY ACT Stoves and Ranges Rubbereid Roofing Corrugated Iron 'their country, further enslav- menU She has not yet raised the 42 -IU A. and McBrtda SL ingits inhabitants'and imperil- half million men promised by Sir Section nd 114.1 Ba 431U A. and Oreem IL i"WI SELL NOTHINQ BUT THE BEST" ing the cause of civilization.(Robert Dorden. SJie is confronted Appllcatloa X. t fii .la. I7SI. Im 44 4th A, and Baill SL Ba 4 Tib Are. and Eberu. The third 'is the strong spirit with a food situation which may TAKE AOTICE ItMl' ippUcaUoa bu Ws a 141 7U A, and Yooar SL Md t rrrnier Mirloa B. MorrtMy, of of dem0craey'whlch animates become 'exceedingly serious. She Prloc aprt. B, C, owner la tt the common soldier. We mayjwUl have enormous difficulty, in under T 84M ld from UM Collector FRED STORK'S HARDWARE be fairly certain that in this dealing with post-bellum condi-crisis cf Um aty of PriDM Rupert. bearlDr dale UMtS AST the Russian array will lions, the demobilizing of the Um I01O day of September, llllof ALL eeeeM AMD SI50L'LAn tbtl ceruoa parcel or be for Russia and not for any army and finding the wherewithal met of Und and prrmiaes alluale. If lot, IM tUkaiO 'SMS T Rati f- UlaWH Ot faction. The form of govern- to meet her obligations. There and beloi- In' Um Municipality of Prince : CteaJtLOTTSi ment is" a minor circumstance Certainly is pressing business for Rupert, uorv paruculariy knun and de alongside the mortal danger our statesmen to attend to. tcrUied at Lot Etrbtees till. Block Iltbl TAKE NOTICE tkal I. Oeort McJUe. of (Si, ScctMl Klfbl IS), Map StlK siiaea-aie. b. , ocrupauon ea-iner. in The Fiitesf Whoaf in the which threatens from without. Yoa are roqalred to conical Um claim tend to apply for permit lion u kate Um A Russian republic may be! 'The All.llighest's tongue still ot tba u't purctuaer viuua ii dajt from raUutnr deacrtbed 'laadu the outcome of the present cleaves to the roof of his mouth, I be data of Um ten Ice of tnl noUca Cocnmenclav tl s put I -plan led at I World (which may be effected by 'personal aer-lre, .V.W-.coraer ot Eot AUford I, Bty, skid-rau slate "of flux. This would be And there are such Interesting a.S?9.4-a,j55s and attention la called la your c-Itoa Inlet, inrace et It taaiaa. Utenc 3 f Um -Land Hetiatry Ad" nortn cbaint, utenea IS cnaint la an.endnienu( and to Um folio wlcr aitraei ratterrr dirauoo lllowf UM'thora Mne, tbertrmra .and'ia drfaull of t Uimea to chain to point of caauneoco. : I ravral or cerilOcato of lis 'pendent twini nSut. CbflUlninr It acrea,Burt or ktti. harTetted aled befora UM' ret lalratlaa aa oaner ol OEOROd McruE. ApplicanL tbe pertoa entitled under tuck aale, all Dated January it in. tl7. At under the peraooavao acrred wlib ooure, . .aad aunnjrskle -Ramsays lhoe ctaunlnv lkrMk or'ander Uteta, and PaavlfablaiWateea m4Joti Stat. all perooa claunlni any Intercit In tb of AlberU land by vutueof any unrerutertd loitm mi a. 04 etaSFTCIinia, ment, and all peraona claimina- any U and Sas-katchewan tercal in um land by deacent Dote u lie Sodas u not reelttered under Um proelatoaa' Of Tb Oraad Truuk Pacine Railway cor, Enpre till a Act. -abell La fur er aatopped and any berefay sitea nolle thai h kat a Oder Is selectwl -Cream 4Uonv 7 of tb taid- ACL depot!led wllk debarred front aetunc tp any claim to or la reapect of Um land to told for Uict, Um Minlaur of pabiia Works tl Oiuara. for ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. Wheat bursting and' Um Rerialrar shall reflaler Ina peraon tnd in -um, omc of tbe Dlatrtct lUtUUar In golden strram into our with f tb Land good, poured a llenairy one. Dlatrtct of T a titled .under aucfc ut Ml aa osner of b land to told for tatea." rmc Rupert, at I'rloce Rupart, a deacTlp. etevatars. Wasted, scoured, polished, jrround. nuny -Tina lion' or lb tl la and plan of lambet atlll AMD WHEREAS application haa Utt hand ; and olber works time aad untoucKed by the human , ever, auoa for a Certiflcata or Indefeaaibla TlUa propoMd to, b built In ever Mav'total rfd MalranvlabU eeputoalon ay thale auperlor to)f Um Marloa abn.B.men MorrlM Honed landi. In tbe name Srltltb Jm Prloc Columbia.Rupert narbor In front tl or Prtnc Waterfront RuperL fatally sifted ftJH-esgli ailk avean until it cmrnrr Duality'and chrformHyl'Ths moef dlserlmlnatlng houae-wlfs AMD WHEREAS on lniUaUnf Um Block terordiar to rtaiaterad plan of ROYAL STANbvARD aweet aad soft as the breath Insist upon "tUswaays Empire" when buying Soda U lie It appeart ibat prior to tbe sib da) Rupert iim tawnaiia rartttercd or tna Inlb aald' city aforeaald of Priaea land of karreaL Your grocer sells it uhder a money x )f September, Itlf, (Um dau cat wnlcb Waoulia. ibe aald landa wera told' for ortrdtte retiatry .mea aa So. Itl. Section 7, haek siaraatee. t 'aiea), you wera tna aaaeaaed owner AND TAKE nOTICf Oat afur Um ei They ara mad In . 0. and your grocer gala his supply bereof. pl ration of on mootk frona U 4aM of FURTHER TAKaT 50TICX tbat at U Um nnt puLllcailoo or tblt notice, Um BEST frequsntly and qulakly, Inaurlng fresh ness, whloh means itnM lima I tnall effect retlttration lo Orand Trunk radfle hallaay Company crisps purauanca of aucn application'and laaua .a a lu. nnaer section 7 ef tb aald Act. apply Ceriiflrata af Indafeuibla Till to Um aald to in 'NiMetcr or rubu workt tt bit sro tt by buying a tin with your nest order. Und a in Um mum of Marlon B. MorrUry offlc to in City of Ottawa for tpprotal un!tti you tak and p rue rule I be proper tf lb aald tlte and plan and for leara proreedinrt to eatabnati to coaairuct - Um Mid workt. 'Stanuracturad by your claim. If any, lo in aald landa, or to'prevent such pro. Dated at .Wlnnlper. Manitoba.-UUa fill pad aetirjn on my part. day of rrbruary. A. D. 1117, RAMSAY BROS, ft CO., LTD. DATED, at lb Land Reftatry Office, THE GRAND TRC-Nl PACIITC RAILWAY Prince Rupert, B. C, thli I7tn day of COMPANY' H. IL HANSARD Solicitor. October, A. D. ISU. Vancouver, . C II. f. MACLEOD. , GAIWeajVeiD for al by Up. 'VancouverMiinfsGrainei; Dlalrlct Retlalrar of Titlas. ett St Cuiinuigbam, and I'arklrj-Waril 4itit l To Reuben ftufeot. Eact, Mil ancouvrr.r4ewWstinlnstr.Nanatms.ftrlri22iai HOT lacine SI., Vancouver, B. & I'Jeclrie Co. tf. bbbbbiHbIbB afl bbbbbbIH aLBBal (BaBW 'bbbbbbbbI A aBssiM j VlfAfuWH ' BBjjLV' aBBBLaSMBW :bbbbbbbLi'' BbW bbbbbW ''bbbbbbb! (BBbI Wmm mmmU Bai W I V BBbM bbbbTbbbbbbbbT bbbbH 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT LHbbbbT ByafaVM EBbW "bbbbbbbbW 'BflB 'BBBbl bbbbH LbbbbbbbbbI aSsfl LBfl ''bbbbbbH ' H'BBBBbW aai WW 'bbbbbbbiBBBbV 'bbbbbbH qLak (BBaV BbH WW WW ! fLH K fffl !bbbbbbb1 lAI'',BBBBl'r'BBBBBfv,BBBBB! 'bbbbbbbI bBbI' bBbI BBBbl sfM 'SSMbI 'bbbbI "BBbI bH I'afX bH BBBbl BbBTI "afafafj aTafffl M' aH tAI tBTEvJ LBBBBbL. aaBBBBBBk.'BBBbL -BBBBBBBaBBai BBBBbVJBBW BBBBBBwBBI BBBbLtBW BBal BflW aBBB .ABBBBaaBBai eaaBBBBBBBBM -fftlpB'V'jBB' ' bBBBBBBbV BBBBBb! BBBB mWrnW 'BBBBBBBF'aBBBBBBV EBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBmH W B- a VMBi.BtA4.K DISTRIBUTOR ' Pf O.-BAWSBN PRINCE RUPWT,