t i sr a a a 'Ml i III TELL OF BCLQIAN I TIMIILE BURDEN 4 " J Local News Notes H FOR RENT . J At Four Dollars a bag Washington. March 2U.--Ani the potato is a needless 4 room, bim, srwer, hare, No. V0 Itb A-, W. hvppffll from Uelgian workmen fori luxury," says the Board of Mr. K. W. Holler, or uri iniei. Serve I room, btfi, tewtr. Mo. It Eoc organises assistance by neutral i Health. The potato is Is In the City. Mr li:iL govn.enU and the laboring! I roots, bath, er, J. 101 Mol- leverttv.five r water McCaffcry has returned ------v ---- rrats riaee. clashes in neutral nations was I Mayor I roofii nit, furoiihtd, r, batn. made public at the Helglan Lega.1 ana the rest is mostly starch, from the south. Ull 3rd Ate. tion today, it aaya soo.ooo men' It is a good food when eaten 4 rooms, bttta, nor, 171 Summit J. E. Merryllcld went out on Mr. A vena. have been thrown out of work i in combination with proteid Save morning. Ihla 4 roomi, Tit Tbomptoa stmt and kept In forced Idleness, this' foods but not worth eight the train 4 roorni, 110 tut Aeooe, Etit. being followed by a German de- Delta, of the Ocean 4 rooms, lim Tin Accatit, Eat. crce tht "cither ou must sign a Pound. Cut out Captain 4 roorni. III IttTATtnue, WiL Foods Co, Uieclty. and high-priced Isjn meat, I rortD flts,.btb, sewer, McMordit a contract for work In Germany) eggs Apartment; or jyou will bo taken as slaves." vegetables and stick to Mr. O. II. Keith ley was pas. 4 room. 10 ttb Arc. E. As a result, it adds, the whole of cereals and fruits. Two for the east today. 4 roomi, runMibed, bath, U ttb scngfr Produce the Avenue, EaiL working elates of lielglum, Shredded Wheal Biscuits Is threatened with star- of the ftoyal Hotel, I roomi, cftr drydotk. slavery, , . ... -:n. Mr. Humes, T rootni, corner Orten and 7th Ave. valion or death. went up the line this morning. Section . Germany," the appeal says.f make a complete meal, sup. , If Veur Heaee le vaeent LUt It with has condemned her victims to plying all the nutriment Mr. Cummlngs, of the Cold Ui Wt Can rill It far Tee. pay an Immense war levy whjch needed for a half day's work. Storage Co, went east this morning. H. G. HELQEMON, LTD already amounts to more than For breakfast with hot milk; 1200,000,000, and which is In for dinner with sliced ban creasing at the rate of $10,000,000 stewed Made Mr. John Monson came off the 17 VERY ONE CAN dn anas or prunes. C 1'. n. steamer from Vancouver monthly. "She has carried on and trans. in Canada. yesterday. rv something for his "The Daily News" confiscation,ported to Germany requisition by pillage,and THE CRADLE Mr. F. 0. Dawson arrived back country in town on the Princess Maquin. CLASSIFIED ADS. forced sale, foodstuffs and merchandise llorn at the Prince flu pert flen. na yesterday. Some can bear arms to the value of more ' era! Hospital on the 30th inst., to Some can produce food than f 1,000,000,000." Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Sullivan, The s. s. Palvor has come Into Some can make munitions 538 Seventh I port from the stranded Prince of Avenue, a son. Some can give WANTED. Mr. Haleigh I'.Trimble, of Port-land, Rupert today. money was on the train today en It is the SUN AND TIDE privilege of all to help. SOT iWAJHTtO AdtaiKcmeal for rtfht route for his mines near Telkwa. Mr. J. O. flavlgan returned on boj..i .i Wallace's.i . ,. . . i . . it- Mr. Trimble is operating the Monday, the Maquinna yesterday from a WAITED Good rtnerkL Apply Mrt. C. Crown Group there. Sun rises 6M0 . 'inP J-n iJiwaaU CAN SERVE by BV Ortoe. 77, YOU ;Sun sets ...... :iu p. m. The Prince Ftupert Hospital Working WASTED .Tlrnt cook. Arcade Ctre. It ll. i f Wat.Cr "l'9 a'J,u- ' Auxiliary will hold a sale of work V- aTl Renew tne uh wa,tcr j:.m. t. iw!lb(,ul Uie Ui or June, oaving living- WA5TED Modern ruroiibed apartment or Low water ...3:30 p.m. IIL 7.0; . . . bart..booae.Prince Xo children.Rupert HoteL Addreai Roy Ho-.71 Joy of Living High water ..10:25p.m. lit. 10.7 Mr. J. Fred. Ritchie wnt up. This is NATIONAL SERVICE Captain McGee, M. M.S. A. river this morning,' prepared for CHAMBERMAID WA.1TED One wbo fender-stand Don't let ill health long' surveying. If necessary. Are YOU doing your part? wtlUnr table. Applj Stroy Hotel. any ! The Ilevv W. 11. Pierce, of Port a er rob you of life's pleasures. Kssington, will preach in. the Tha favorite household Coal Is re sale Get back your appetite, Methodist Church on Sunday Ladramith Wellington. Phone IS, EYES turn now to strengthen your digestion. evening, dealing with the rise of Prlnca Rupert Coal Co. tf. A: the Canadian Farmer, TOU50 LAYI.IO UtXS FOB SALE Phone stimulate your liver, regu the coast Indians from the days 10S. 1$, ttatA your bowels and im of Heathenism to the presenL Mr. A birthday party by the Girls' lor he can render the FOW MENT blood Pierce I a fluent speaker and pre Auxiliary of 81. Andrew's Church by taking prove your senls a fund of thrilling experi on April 19th, at 8 p. m. Empire SPECIAL SERVICE TO rood LET location.Boon Clote with In.or Pbooe without Blue board,Jit KEOMM'S ence Indians.of. Gospel work among the Mr. Fred Iielaniter is in the in this sternest year of the city for a day or two, having come war. MISCELLANEOUS Vacuum cleaning Dry cleaning'. down from Granby on business. TALBOT HOUSE Oood Roomi. Every coo4 PILLS !team cleaning. Carpets, couches Captain Saunders, of Dlgby Is. But our farms are badly under renlcnce. Hot water bain. I1.0 and II iand curtains cleaned. Good, reliable manned 25,860 needed land, was among the passengers men are on per, week. 0c tod SSc a nlsbU work. Carpets called for from the soutfi the land. arriving yesterday. Their action is prompt and iand delivered free, Fritz, phone ' fUOUATE .1 CRSE (C.M.8. London) Termi thorough, and you soon feel 219. 77, Mr. I). J. Williams, manager of With insufficient help, the Man on Btodenie.Phone 41. tpplr P. O. Boi t4t. or their benefits. You will eat I the Itocber de Iloule Mine, return, the Land fights an uphill fight to ; ' i - more,work better,sleet)sound- etl to Skeena Crossing this morn, meet the. pressing need for Food. LOT er, and feel new strength after ing. a short course of these depend LOST Child's tUck-itrap slipper beiweeo able pills. They restore StiiariJ. Martin Mrs. Horace Iu Vernet and and TOWN Summit A r roue and W'lUf. Tinder healthy conditions, and CITY pleaie return to 'Xewt omet. family returned to Shandilla at worth ASSAYE.H Kitwangar on this morning's help. are a train. guiiea a box HAZELTON B. C. Mechanic's Store Hoffman's Municipal Councils, Churches and J.LHICKEY moving from Second Avenue to Schools, and other organizations, .XSejMb The oldest established Assay Third Avenue, opposite Fritzell's both of men and women, can render CONTRA GTOfl A DiHLMR Meat Market. National all Office In the North. Service by directing available labour to the Land. Mr. Carl the Dominion Store and Olllce Fixtures, Halveraon, of Sash, boor and Moldings. B. C UNDERTAKERS Telegraphs, went up to Farmers thcmselrcs can exchange Kitwangar on this morning's train labour. School boys can assist. Oak and Hard Woods of all on business. kind. z SALftS UNCftAL DOS SATISFACTION CTOHS UAH- Prince Were you raised on a farm? Can you Wa Spaclallzc In making" ajrrtso opts Mr amo rmmt Rupert Dairy Sergeant Allan Davis, accompanied drive a team? Can you handle fork and fitting storm win-dows, 11T MO miCKT HOt 41 unoca mew aaaafaur by Mrs. Davis, has come or hoe? If you can't fight, you can alza. back again to Prince lluperl. produce. Spend the Summer working any PURC HOLSTIEN MILK (Sergeant Davis Is late of the post FlaU and Shi Glaaa and CRCAM office starf here and is a son of on the Farm. Glazing. BUTTERMILK I Captain Davis, of the Prinee John. Let every man, woman and child in Corner Fraaer and Sth UNION TRANSFER COT He was gassed nt the front and the Dominion who has access to pmonb S7 r. o. aox ass has been In Knuland for some Land, no matter how small the plot, FHGirE QUEEN SSS time before returning here. The make it Food In 1917. Solicits Hauling and ail Oraara PramrHlr Attaadad Ta. produce P. O. BOX 444. your imany friends of Sergeant Davis Coal Orders will be pleased to see him back n. McKay, Proprietor. again. Foe Information on any subject relating' to the Farn and Garden wrlier Prompt attention and careful delivery fctrlinflf INFORMATION BUREAU STEEN & LONG WILL given to all Harry A. Harvey THE LNOIVtyiUINtMtNTl DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE orders, either large (Lata Lof4, tne-. Oaaaerfetelfe : tent J OTTAWA i af avals) SANITARY AND NEATINQ or small. PUML Or LANSOOMfNI COTTtU. flSISSWAN-B BJMMNB PeptU Taken for a oil t-t in. ti r la, is.s VIOU. PIA.IO, VIOLt.lCXLLO and DOMINION BE8T QUALITY COAL Agenta far HARM O.I r. and CLOSE FWCE8 e ori. s m la. if i i-a la, EXAMINATIONS MoOLARY FIHWAOCS Naeae Pewer. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Pupil Prepared far IiamlneUoa PHONE 57. Aeeealated Board, Veneeevee, Ct a oil i-i h. ii I k, as-as FLUSMMNG Raral Callase af Bluale, Lanaen,taf. OTTAWA, CANADA. and TERMS PHONE BLUE 273 HON. MAJTTIN BUNRCLl, MlNISTKN. For Further Information SHEET MHtTAL WOWCS lea M. Maoaon. S.A. Apply to Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue, W, K. William. I t, UUI Night phones' 578 WILLIASM A M ANSON W. E. WILLISCIXOFT and Blue 270 SarrlsUrs, Solicitors, Etc DENTISTRY Prlnca Rupert, B. C. The right work, at tna right ONBV TO LOAN A HOT BATH THE time, and at tha right prioe. a tist OROWN AND BNIOSB WOAS Hrittrvm Btoek rnore Bnpert. B. C WANT IT a srsoiAi.Tr MINUTE YOU DR. J. S. BROWN AT ROWE'S PLUMHNG Vou are accustomed u OtNTIST ANB Bolting cold water instantly. BUFFALO SECOND HAND 0) Salth Pkeae Bleak,M Titles A,m SHEET METAL WORKS Think of the satisfaction BARGAINS of getf' "fnl ENGINES FOR SALE Ttitr make OaeeUne Taaka, ttolley Water In the same ay Plpae, amake Btsata, Ohlmaar Tape, im4 all the vera that to uetiellr Saae abundance, regarJl Ont 10-12 H. P. Heavy duty S00 PHONE 83 P. O. BOX 33 In tht Oi.0 PASHI0NIO TIN SHOP, si how much has been ui One 13-1S H. P. Heavy duty 760 WITN ALL TNI LATEST DOWN-TO-OATS before, WOW SPBCIALIICO, SMh KIA0IC One 20-28 H. P. Heavy duty 1000 PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. ae MVLISMTB, .OORNICB8, Bt. HOT WATER LIKE rrthla In tha Ilea far Hill, aila 1S00 duty One 26-30 H. P. Heavy r Peatery, aieiee pal p and aen-seated Hanson Apply Trutfer and Storage t heiftr. Raefiet in all Harry klnSa af brinji eiaterlel. BJtpalrlnf ef ell Hot Water Hervice BEST LUMP A NUT COAL klflle. miCBS RIOMT, BIRVICE convenience Swans & Tkonas flRST-OLABB. A SATISPIBO CUS- you this 395 roMsa is our aim. PHONE 4S P.O. BOX Phones, Red 301 and Green 301 RO LONQ WAITS PHONE S40. . O. rok ttl. Peatery end OMte SS2 tad Aienu Sole Agents for BUFFALO and PEERLESS ENGINES for NO SHORT WEIGHTS tad Sad Btraet, elaae ta oew Bey NORTHERN BRITISH COLUSHHA When You Ordor from Us. end aeraramant uherf ' DH. RBPHklN BUILDINO. Advertite In The Daily News. ii