lUti DAILY NW8 Monday, April 2, B, HAZELTON WSTRICT Local News Notes FOR RENT MINING NOTES 4 rooms, Nik, sewer, rtnie. Ro, Itt As., W. V Invfetus and J. AT. Dell's fluo I rooms, bith,,sewer. No- It Eof - -Htv,f from thd llablne Uonnntn women's shoes Just arrived-Wallace's. llth HH1. tniiifl last week reported the raise I rootiii, tutu, sewer, No. 101 Hui; rrars Flew, Tenders, (W rf h1 o the sub-sirnl. De from the No. 1 turmel to bo up I room Rat, A."furnlsbed, Kir, bain, partment of Marine, Matty Island, B. a, 35 feet and had SO feet to go to Oratorio at the Methodist loil'lni endorsed on Um envelope "Tenders tor Church at 8 p, m "Christ and His f rocmi, but, rsnce, 171 Summit Uitiithouit nd steamer uppiy for isit. reach the floor of tunnel 11. This Soldies.,, Avenue. 1 9 1 will be received op to noon on raise has been driven for the pur 4 room, 7IS Thompson Street. April Sthy HIT. ( rooms, IIS Sib Avenue, EasL Tender, forme and iih of supplies can pose of opening"5 the oro shoot Mr. Goldbloom was a pas sen 4 rooms, IMH Trt Aeenue, Cut. t obtained from the sub.srent and til which lies between tlie-No. 1 .the ger on the Prlnccas Maqulnna for 4 rooms, 1(4 ttti Avenue, WeL Irnflrrt tnmt be made farm I supplied upon lowest tunnelsand tunnel and the south resiero.. I room Jim, ketfc,' sewer, MeMordie by Xtn ItofmrtmenL The lowest or any JB, Apartments. -4 trader not necessarily accepted: also 4or ventilation. rooms,,10?. tin Are, E. ( gcrsnl 0.,fi,ni0h a returned fr Tr BAURDiiRS, Sub-Arenl. The raise is taking out b soc 4 reoms, unbM, beta, (14 Sth aoldtor, la expected back Aeenue, EaiL . Uon of the vein seven feet longt . 1 . - I room, near drydock. M h nini fnol wide and nrn.l.iltio n eunr-u7 nr, 7 room, corner Oreen and 7th Art. coneentrating ore, and Renew Settlon . the Jgodd from) A great blg oowoad of ,hlng, It VSBf MOWS I MMDt List It with .1 '"'rl: les has arrived In the harbt.r. It lie We (tan Wl It tor Vu. .eu. ine vi u.e vein win ce ook, ke halr . tn,on, MO. HCCMfMON, LTD Joy of Living I determined later by cross-cuts. 1 . Tbcre Is aso Jiome, work being oh, to be tn England, now that Dont let ill health any long' .uone on oiner ore anooia prepar- 'April's' here-," sang the poet. Hut er rob you of life's pleasures. atory to sloping. ijrownlng never was In HuperU Get back your appetite, I It Is repprted that Mr. Croniiii N strengthen your digestion, lis preparing for the shipment of Mr. Bam Hrookshlre, superin-,a "Tie Mf News stimulate large tonnage of ore ncil win- tendent for C. I., Peterson and Co.. !your liver, regulate ter, providing the government arrived on the train yesterday. THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT bowels and. CLAMMED your improve completes the wagon .road which I AW. your blood by taking Jwa partly built last year between ' Tho nirls Auxiliary will hold a is'that every garment washed with it bears the Telkwa and the mine. It is un- ooc'81 evening on Tuesday, April impress of purity; a purity begotten of sweet, derslood that he has beeen getting lh. ,n 8U Andrew's Church Hall. cfcanstng oils, and maintained by absolute clean, BEHHAM'S lincss in manufacture; a purity exalted by the WaMTIB.1 quotations on ore saoks In car: ,". of workers for jjols Notwithstanding it being Pun- co-operation united the purpose: apurity demonstrated by the "S5.000 0Y 'WASTI Advancement re -otne very good ffuarantcc for nrbt Since starting operations Iasl d'r',lh"e irbich rests bar of SUNLIGHT upon every SOAP. boy.if Wallace's, r fefr ... . tr. PUIS '.April a thousand feet of under- Jokes pulled off yes-ground work has erJay' A tmlthtuu r Smtiil u m al fW W mr winTEDOood been done at i ITOfrtl. Afply Mrs. .& ... tee tt. Immtt aM 4 itmmim Ul-4l 5mV " J A V. H. OrmV. ik. r Their aotien is prompt and ... uppcr . , pr?T Wanted-lood. smart boy. qt Im saase Lever aa Sup is s ( thorauffb.,and vmi f1 t.l VII AJIUUSC HlUUIHaill. AIIIS .,,, m m- f. AlAlhlnv nr.,I WA.lTED--Sirtt cook. Arcads a4 Cafe. 7 fwWy m4 EataDaaae, luor, penous, 1 00 wia cai f ' nihlngi. tore. Apply Martin WANTED .Modern furoUbeJ apartmeet or more,work better,deep sounder, nel 800 feeet which encountered OTieilly. tf souse, c&iidren. Address Roy Jlo-bart. and feel new strength after ,the vein nt a depth of 250 feet. Prince Rupert llbtel. ' 71 a sheet course of these dependable (A drift was run in a northerly, The three returned soldiers, pills. They restore direction loo feet where a new Tom Holmes, Charlie Thorne and CHAMBERMAID WAITED One WW LClcter-unds healthy conditions, and fissure vein was found running waiunr table. Apply 4aroy Hotel. Wm. Keith, have all relurned easterly anu south to headquarters, their leave are worth a drift is being run both on FOR SALE it.i. ... i . . 1 - ways.. having expired, mis vein ana opening up me ore Y0L7I0 LAYIM0 HENS FOR SALE Phone Iran 1 box on both sides. This ic the moat Mr, Harry Hatnblin. late of the !. , r. . 7S. intermlinK point in the whole Dominion police at Hazelton, ar. works, being just between the rived from the east yesterday. Mr two mineral bodies shown by the Hatnblin enlisted lately and Is go TO LET Room wnn or witbout board, shaft and open cuts on the surface ing to do his, bit. A HOT BATH THE ood locsuon. Close la. Pbone Blue lit immediately above. ttrUtty Mr, Trimble Informed the Herald Mr nnd Mrs. II. It. Jones, of MINUTE YOU WANT IT MrMCLLA J hat he proposed sinking an. Skeena Crossing, left for the THE ENOMyittTINDKirTl other shaft and pushing ahead south on yesterday'a steamer. Mr, You are .aceustoat to TALBOT HOUSE flood Rooms. ETery eon- is largely Interested in getting cold wsltr hu the drift Mr. Pniilinnn. nf Pnrt. Jones TMlevce, Hot vster batb. IS.SS aa4 l stantly. Think of the uU Week, land, nnd Mr. Kennedy, of New mining in this district. toe and per sic nirnu rtestcMsaira MB t j 1 . r.f 1 a .1 . 1. ! Israction or gettlof Hot hC iwk, recpuuy visiteu ine mine, t Judge Mai lorr, of Port Cle Water In the same wty In .TersW t eyt. S 1-S in. by T 1S-1S The operators of the Santa' ILACUATE NURSE (C.M.B.London) menls, U In the city, cu route for abundance, regardless of tsodentei apply r. 0. Box S4S. or Maria mine had a close race with IB Fbone 4t. S CyL I M to. by l t-ik,H j nature to get all thelr supplies to home. Mr. Mallory arrived on much has been used the Venture yesterday afternoon the camp before the snow went. Lorr Cyl- 1-2 to. by S Hu. and bad been in the south for MOT WATER LIKE MAGIO The last load went up Tuesday. LOST Cblid's liack-stran illnwr Ikiihii The mine; Is now equipped with some weeks 011 business. Buinimt Amrae and 'Wallace's. TtndeH Harijy Hanson 'everything for Ave months. The old donkey boiler belonging please retury to Nt ws Otnce. Foe Further Information .Apply to to the Dominion government, jlot Water Service, brlnis MALWUT ARRIVALS which has lain Idle so long near you tali convenience. W.X. WILLISCROFT the rock pile, left yesterday on PMMC p. O. BOX SBC I B. I The "Tide" has arrived with the Venture for the Naas, where J.L.HICKEY Prlneo Rupert, G. 3,000 pound of halibut, the Deep It will be used by the snag acow. C with 9,000 and the Huildford e OOMTRAOWSJ A MMLMM jwith 15,000 pounds. Thesd are War films showing the Cana all Canadian boats. The Car-ruthers dian army In action and the. ad , Store, and Office Fixtures, also came in with 75,000 vance of the tauks will be shown THE t fash, Door, aad Moldings. pound of all sort of Qsh as the In the Westholme Theatre on pat aud Uard Woods of all Stuart J. Martivt result of her trawling trip. " .Wednesday and Thursday, April 4th nnd 5th. Hcserved seats now COLD kinds. l!aster music, flood FriJay- ' on sale at Orme's Drug Store. Ws Specialise In nsaklns ASAYrl Methodist Church, Oratorio Orchestra. and mtlnfl storm windows, t Hig choir. Fplfndid There were three carloads of SEEKERS HAZBrLTON 8U C. any size. soloists. 82 wood pulp brought into. I'rine Plats ttupert by the Prince John on ber an Meet ftlaas ajwl The oldest established Assay last trip from Swan son Hay. The Olazing. pulp is going direct to New York, r B. C WQERTAKEKS Office In the North. Goprsp Frsuter and tth tie. The big plant nt Swanson Hay uwri oirtCTOWS BBV. is expected to be shipping regu -breaking the trail in the Great White istvrns - ssrttrscrtow ousn-srrcrt larly from now on, and in increas Silence of the Northland, the prospector P. O. MX ). ocn out srp hicmt Ing quantities. iit tr sratar pssouk 41 must travel light, The little grub he carries must be amply sustaining. So as Miss Itaper, bile of the hospital Prme Rupert Dairy - . . staff, left fop the south yesterday, a basis he packs ROYAL STANDARD Miss Haper's time of probation FLOUR. The concentrated goodness of USJOBI NCW SIEEN &LQHCWM Harry A. Harvey at the general hospital is now the finest wheat in the world. For any PURC HOLSTIEN SHLK completed, and. having graduate journeyIn any climeWorth it's (Lets Leases, Enfl Ceseerviitelre here, has gone south in further CUE AM of Bteele) ' weight in gold. SANITARY AND HEATING nnce of her professional career. PUPIL OP LASfVOOMrNI OOTTKLL KNOIWbURS RUTTERSJILK Miss Haper's many friends are Pupils Taken for 'sorry at her departure. FMOM BB7 r. o. box VI0U.1, I-UJIO. WOUXCZU.Q and Agonta for IIABMO.1T. ail Or4mt' tVemftly Bttaiuled Tew EXAMI.tAT10.1S i ... I Sef shipment women'e tan SHiplle lresre4 tee Eiamlnetlofie mahogany sport shoes Wal R. McKay, Proprietor. Aeeoclstee BeerS, Vascevter, Center lace's. Royal Oollege of Slse, LondensKes- nel TEftmt PHONE BLUE 278 THE CRADLE bbbbbbLs4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW "B VaBBsMsw aSH SHCCT BJCTAL WORKS i iei M. ttaosoa, a.A. Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. W.ll. WtUiams, B.A. LL.S I Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Night phones 570 WILLIAMS A BJBANS9N D. Macneil, of Graveyard Point, and niue 270 arplsters, tolloltore, Etc. H. C at the Prince Iluperl General The right work, at the rtgM SNSCTfTO LOAN DENTISTRY Hospital thin morning, a time, and ft tho rlgttt prloe. Bui IISS - -f-sworn .daughter. ONOWSJ WO BMtoetC Helsereoa tmt pitara Supfi, B r a SPSOISLTT OR. J. 8. BROWN AT ROWE'S PLUMBING osumar ARB BARGAINS BUFFALO SECOND HAND OflUei BaslUi Block, "Pilf Afeee SHEET METAL WORKS Is yrr vzx ra. yzs i-s rrr ia w w ENGINES FOR SALE Te snake Oellni Tanks, Bailey rises, Basoke Busts, Ohlmney Tese, CANADIAN WOMEN sue all tke work thai Htut Sese I KNOW THIO SHOULD One 1S-1 H. P. Heavy duty SSOO PHONE S3 P. O. BOX 38 In tke OLD fASHIONID TIM SHOP, t I IIH BIBTVSBBBBBB1 Milk BWTM ALL THI LATEST OOWSji t CAVADA riRSTMItklslh BKST 7S0 One -1B H. P. Heavy duty TO-DATI YoirCrocsr. The Coveinment llulictin WORK BPtCIALIZKO, suck stljb One 20-32 H. P. Heavy duty 1690 tACffrC CARTAGE, LTD. se MVLIONTS, .CORNIOBS, .Its. I 11.S03 1 dls the story IT COSTS T1IRSAME. Ono 24-30 H. P. Heavy duty 1800 BteovUUssj In the lino Ur ail II, mi, I sMTSBiJ er Peotery. Sletee put I 4si.eaiearsatt-lNSllT sad sen. Apply frewsfer asW Sttrage neeied to belief. sjfif , ,j, I f yae weal y-ri mm.tVM"C..Ti.t"Cp.wd kinds of siaterlaL Bsselrlat af sll Swaasii & Tkoas BEST LUMP A NUT COAL klede.PIRST-OLASS.PRIOCS A RIOHT,BATISPIIO eBRVIOt 0VB TMaAYLMCRCONDCNSBO ATUiaa,0T.(CaHap MILK COtra. iZi A, TOSHM IB OUR AIM. A; Phone, Red SOi and Green 301 HB LONO WAITS PHOSJB S40. P. O. BOX 47. Peetery sad OfSce I2S tnS Asesys wcfCTw awra w - SHORT WEIGHTS Solo ,SjLtoU fey BUFFAJ.8. ami PEERLESS ENGINES for NO asd Bad Street, eiese te Oew SBBJSBlBBBBBSBSSSSBBSBSBBBlBBBBBBBBBSBBaB NORTMERN RfHTHrH GGLVMSMA When "Vow Order from Us. and Oeseesmeet Wherf OS). KBIIOIM BUILOISJO.PsPdPePaPsSkgl Advertise In The Daily News.