THE DAILY NjEWs 3 ‘ 4 = 6, Oe y AS’, CR a ) j >) : ope : a i | ss Ls : 4 4 jj 4 » nt oy } r ee ——_——_—- —_—_ er. THE fai i cal a pS au » $30,000.00 . Most Up-to- date Stock. To be slaught- be ered for twelve iN days commenc- a ing Sat., May 20 j : { “| mt t : Fi $30 000 most up-to-date stock of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gents’ Furnishings will be slaughtered Fa 3 merciless for Twelve Days, commencing ae aturday, May 20th, 1911, at 8 am. { By the 4th of June we have obligations to meet amounting to about $10,000.00 and if same is not paid the firm’s reputation is at stake, and in order to raise this amount we are compelled to make this sacrifice, and to make sure to have same raised in time we are going to give the public of Prince Rupert the opportunity to purchase their Spring and Summer supplies at the greatest bargains ever yet offered in this or any other vicinity. = Here are some of the Bargains - - . Hundreds More Like Them ‘ a 9 ° 1100 2-piece Tweed Suits, in grey|All our 6,00 shoes, your 40 dozen High grade Silk Ties, over Ae Men Ss Suits cia regular price 3.15 whoiee for... seer 4.65 Sox | 200 different patterns, reg. 45 i e 50 Tweed Suits, single or double} 5.50, sale price........ ° ’ 50 dozen Men’s Cotton Sox, all| The, sale price: ...... 555. Cc breasted, regular price 40 Fancy Worsteds in three-piece Boy s Shoes | colors, regular 25¢ pair, 10 (21 dozen Silk Ties, regular 55 | ee ee 5.3 OY ONO HeOreIeds wh 2 nal veaiy 3 eee C 1.00, sale price.......... Cc ; if A 10.50, Sale price....... Suits, regular price 7.50 4 65 ih “nate Bavia ibaa sale, per pair. tees 7 “ancy Tweed ; Norsted| sale price............. ° SV. PAF SOY S Onees, Teg. 32 dozen Men’s Cotton Sox, double! 9 100 Fancy Tweed and Worst ale | 1.90, sale price ° toe and heel. regular 30c ens uspen ers f aie. Sadie a ee . ’ Me Piece ett teem oe eel, ye ‘ . } Suits. Our reg. special 9 95 ’ 40 pair Boy’s Shoes, reg. a, ga - 15c 40 dozen Suspenders, regular gi rice is 15.00, Sale ° M P t I ys. » reg l 95 pair, sale, per pair....... ) g 15 - Blue Sor Om Pet ete aad ens rants | $8.00, sale price......... . 100 dozen Men’s Wool Sox, 25 | 25¢, sale price... . perce. Cc a se a cee a * id oo me 1100 pair Tweed Pants, reg. 1 65 reg. 35¢c pair, sale, pair. . C 28 dozen Police and Firemen’s Sus- i price 16.50, “1 Peale . 9.95 price 2.50, sale......... . Hats ° ee eee 25c ‘i 100 Very Latest Fancy English ee ca ree, ania, 1.95 sda Monte frig en, Handkerchiefs | Shirt ren ; Worstee, Fag. - Brice 14 65) Wp dae , aan 7 latest shapes in black, brown and 200 dozen Cotton Handkerchiefs, irts ae 21.00, Sale price..... om 1169 pr ay bebe gt —_ 2 65) green, regular price 2.50, 5 white, red and blue, full men’s,10 dozen Men’s fine Shirts with bed pee 35 Fine English Worsted Suits, | regular price 4.50, sale ° Gale, Meine. cs eae 1.4 size, regular price 10¢ each, 5c coats regular price 1.00, 50c tee ; regular price is 25.00, 30 dozen verv latest and nobby Hats sale price, ....%>. vst sete eee 8a e price. ite teers . , } BRIM MIOO ced ais ess 17.95, Boots and Shoes maaan, variae 3 50 by 540 dozen Men’s Silkine Excelda/28 dozen Men’s Negligee Shirts in Your choice of the very best suits) ¢ pair Men’s Box Calf Blucher| sale price, your choice 2.4 | Handkerchiefs, reg 265c, 10c hie ag patterns, reg. 85c s ih apt ancee: values 29.00 to! Gut Shoes, regular price 9 4 8 dozen Men’s Stiff Hats, in black Salo. priges Se. ee 1,2 Ur