THE DAILY NKWB Thursday, April 5, 9 The Daily News THE. WAIL) TME LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NOJeWSTRrf MUttH COLUMBIA Publutied Dally mm Weekly For the atast. Guaranteed Ltriwl Circulation Tuesdays 2 o. m Wednesdays, 9:30 a. in. HEAD OFFICK 9;30 a. in. baily News Ilulldlng, 3rd Ave, Print1 flupert, Il.fl, Telephone 08, Saturdays, i land and there will be no such From the last, I'HANSIKW r DIHI'LAY AbVIMlTttilNO-rates 50 vMiitai prr-nun, Contract on application. haven for proscribed Prus Tufdays,tt:30 p. m. But if the elans. pitiless ruf Thursdays, 5:30 p, m. & Hans who authorized the mur DAJ-LT.EDITION Thurf-day,Aprll 5, I9I7.: der of women and children in Sundays, 3:10 p. in. . this war, who sank hospitn For Vancouver. ships, who poisoned wells, who Tuesdays, 4 p. in. UlteCE SAM'S fWOMJEH trial and punishment of thoe executed Kdith Cavell and Cap. ' The problem of dealing with responsible for the war and tain Fryatl. survhe art uprising Thursdays, 10 p. m. internal trouble In the event of the innumerable atrocious acts at home, they should be gib. Sundays, 4 p. m. war between the United Stales authorized by them during the bo I ed as summarily as the From Vancouver. and (lerman Is giving the struggle. Thai is to say, the meanest criminal according to Wednesdays, 10:30 a. til. Washington Oovermnent no German Emperor, the Crown the laws of the nations they ' litUo concern. Some steps of Prince and all the other members have outraged. Fridays, 3 p. m. a tentative character already of the warbund who sur Sundays, 7 p. m. , have been taken. Two lists of vive should be dealt with ac ANOTHER SPEECH BY Alternate Mondays from J him. Goo4 bym Germans in the country to be cording to the elementary law- BETHMANN-HOLLWEQ ary 1st. dealt with have been prepared common to all civilized nations, For Anyoi. and Good Luckl" one enumerating those who particular attention being given Berlin, April 2 Declaring In should be Interned immediately to the instigators and agent the iieichstag that Germany had Wednesdays, 10 p. m. and the other consisting of of frightfulness. undertaken unrestricted submn Fridays, 8 p. in. persona to be watched. Neither We shall be ery greatly rine warfare in her own defence. Sundays, 8 p.'m. "Thank you for the wishes and for of these lists is complete and mistaken if some such action Dr. von Bethmann-IIoltweg, the From Anyox. the facilities of the Secret, Service as this is not demanded by the Chancellor, said: are limited.. On the other peoples of the various Entente "If the American nation con Thursdays, Sundays and Tucs hand the German population is stales and any government aiders this a cause for which to days. WRIGLEYS numerous and widely distrib which in its attitude towards declare war against the German The Islands. uted. the murderbund of Potsdam nation, wjiu which it has lived in MaiT closes. The total number of Ger adheres to the time-honored peace for more than lOOJyears, land Jan. 17 31st at 8 p. m. mans in the United States, estimated practice o f treating beaten if this action warrant an In Feb. Uth and SSlu at H n. in This great little pick-me-up on the b asls, of the malefactors with punctilious crease of bloodshed, wet.lwll not census of 1010, is 8,282,6t,8,' of courtesy and respect would a nave to J near .i me a minion "or responsibility Stall Arrives. is lull ol vigour and vim lor which 2,501,181 are fpfelgn meet with a very hard fate. for it. V January 21st. February I'll born. Of the latter New York Before " the war Is over the "Germany never had the slight ind March 3rd., ' the jaded soldier. Quenches has the lergest proportion, whole outside world wilt be est intention of ritacking the thirst, allays fatigue, gives 436,874. Illinois is third with against Germany, owing to, her United Slates of America, and has 233,384, with Pensynvariia, violation of every canon of not such an intention now. It riRC ALANM STSTtSx. new life to enervated spirits. Michigan and Minnesota following humanity and decency. In never desired war against the fMCAMAfl in the order named. sentiment it is already against United States of America and doe CIRCUIT NO. 1. Every ktter or parcel Iowa has 98,758, Missouri, 88,- her- Her responsible leaders not desire it today." Bm 1J-lb SL and ird Ave. for your soldier friend 224, and California 76,305. The regarded ea IS SUt St. and Ird Ave. are as criminals of should contain few ea 14 lib 8L and Ird Ave. a total includes more than 300,. the deepest dye in every country The Dally .Yews delivered by Ben IS JancUon ef lit. tnd and bars. Appetite, digestion mi 000 reservists; many of whom except her own and the carrier, 50 cents per month. Ird A vet. may be storm centres, and states allied to her. These r 1S Itt Ae between SUt and and spirits are every- one of whom, therefore, men should- be punished as LANS LEASE NOTICE fib Sit. (Knox Hotel). the better for k. TKtMTutrr man Sea 17 tit Ave. and 7tb SL (Ceo- would have to be interned immediately such If they should survive the lr I Hotel). vVRrGLEY&l war developed between wrath of their own people. Let TAXI HOTICE UMt I. WlllUm Jame-l Sold Everywhere Matuiewt, aetinr at aeent tor tbe Anto- tea 11 1 1 1 1 k the two countries. the world go on record as wip CIRCUIT NO. S. eTb1b1IJe v ll.-ftamj BrttUb Columbia I'tcllur Company. UmJt Wxn. Wrt&ley Jr. Co., Ltd., BBiVlf SSI BBB t Jill bbbbpi Set a Ird Ave tnd Ird SL trot I SB SBl m 1 1SJI I There are thus numerous ing out the distinction hitherto J,, ret-tttered office to Vancouver, B. C Wrtghry Bid-., Toreatfo elements of combustion in the made between criminals in war or ArraixUle, occupation ttore keepeer, In Office;.. See t Srd Are. and MeBrtde SL neighboring republic, even if and criminals in peace, be lead to apply lor permlttloa to leate Um aasettt Ave. and McSnde SL followlcr deteritted landt. evwr areeaieiwwee S4SfWf IT MfTfm EVDrY MUL the majority of foreign-born tween stale morality and pri Sot stnd Ave. and tnd SL Commenetof at a pott driven oa Um Germans behave themselves vale morality. Let Sea tnd Ave. and 4 lb SL HIHeHeSI kings, em. nit tbore or Portland Canal about a taiii See IT O. T. P. The problem would be compli perors and dictators realize ind a ball aortb of Doifltn Bay, Inn cated by the fact that German that they are no more immune thence norlb twenty enalnii tbence eeat CtRCUIT NO. S tro ctulms taenca tout!) lurnty sympathizers in many quarters from summary execution for Utenee weal ten chalet. Set M lib Ave. anj raltoa SL not improbably hold positions heinous crimes perpetrated in rebrotrr tltb. II!J. Ml Sea aa- Bordra and Taylor Sla. of trust which would enable the name of war than Gyp the WILLIAM JAMES MATTHEWS, Applicant Sea 4 -Tib Ate. ana rullon SL et SS tut Ave. and Cemot Ave. them to facilitate conspiracies Wood was for his criminality, Sea ST lib Ave. and Dvdra Fltee and ode 'source of danger' to LAND REGISTRY ACT" at SS tlb Ave, and Tbeaipeoa SL WINTER SCHEDULE "try in fls 'prosecution of warT "world peace will be materially (SccUotu is and III.) cmcurr no. a. At the same time there is little checked. 1. 1. sRlNOE GE'MtOE Re Application Jio. iliH minx sua. Bet 41 -4tb Ave. and Eiameraoa doubt that -German agents An international body for the Place. THURSDAY 11 Midnight f.or Vancouvtr TAKE OTlC tbal appllcauoa ba been caught in acts of treachery maintenance of should Victoria and Seattle. peace mJ to rtrtiur Tba Corportuoa or Um Bet aa lib Ave. and McBrlde SL would be swiftly punished have the power to punish those a I j of rrtnea Rupert la Um rrotisca of Bet 4 ttb Ave, and Oreea SL VArEBKESDAY MHyMQHT FOR ANYOX Briiiih Columbia, a omar la fr ww Boa 44 (lb Ave. and Bull SL Where the processes of the who break its laws. In the S.S. lmMCE JOHH Sot aat 7 lb Ave. tnd Ebertt. twa Tax SaJa Devdi from tba Ciwactor ol courts were regarded ,as too casr of Germany, Austria, Bulgaria tlm at or I'rlAce Ruiwrt. bearlnc data Um Bet 141 IIS Ave. and TCMiBf SL For Ketchikan, Wrsngall,Junasu and Skaaway April dilatory the loyalists would and Turkey it is possible lb Uj of December. 19 IS. of ALL 1D FOfl QfJCEN SMARLOTTE ISLANDS AFNIL 11lh. take matters into their own of course, that there will be no SI0CLAA UMt ctruio parcel or tract ol hands and initiate the culprits opportunity o4 teaching a land tod premises aitutte. Ijrtnr. aod betut LAM ACT FASSENQER TRAIN SERVICE into the simple -ceremonies of never-to-be-forgotten lesson in in parUcularly Um Muaictpalitr ksaa uwl of Prtoce deacrlbtd Rupert,m 5orUk more tWeeaeeeaf aad Bolerear (A tttSOa. ea. fte SatRheea. rrteee Beerf- ttm mewteii, Saalaleee and Wla !. Mtlaf iM,lleai there fee tN eiu the law as administered by this respect. Revolutions may WeiurJ seteotr lit), feet of UU Cletto DISTRICT ISTRJOT Judge Lynch. save Ihe world the trouble; 111, tnd Twtlt (It) Block MtbiecD QUBSN ONAatLOTrB UMJtNBO eoet aa Mat, .attaed leale) every Teeeaey el 4 a. a. they may make an even cleaner (IS), 8Uoa Ooe (t). Hap StS. Aoeney All Ocean Steamship Unas. You. aie reauired la cootntt Um ciaun LMC OMMWN BULEFACTOfM) ef the Prussian and TAIC NOTICE UMt t. Oeorra McRae, of sweep of, um tat purcbater viwin Uilrl-0e Sklderate, B. C, oecapatlon eortneer. In For Information ami reservations apply to A' French deputy has introduced Magyar militarists than the dajrt from I be dale of tba xrrtce or ibli tend to apply for leaae 269 permlttton to tbe City Ticket Omee, SM Third Avenue. PHONE a resolution providing French revolution made of the notice (blcb may be effected 1)7 pnrtooa! follow let deacrtbed ltndt for the establishment of an in Bourbonss many refugees from tervlca or aa directed), and your attenUoo Comroencinr at a pott planted at tbe It called la section IS or Um "Land Kr-Uirr ternational tribunal for the) France found a shelter in Eng Act" wltb tmebdmentt, and to tie rt.W. corner of Lot i, AUford Bay, Sklde rtte inieL taenee wet I It cbaina, tbe net folio wine extract iberefrotns north I cbaina, tbe oca to cbaint In aa and in default or a cavetl or certifleata ettterly direction followiD tbe abore line, 4MMM of III pendent beta filed before Um fef I be ik e two cbaini to point of commence itirtuoo at owner or toe perton enuued meet, eontainint II Km, merr. or teat. under lucb tax tale, an per tout to termed GKOROe MeRAK. AppUcanL CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY with notice, .... and loots daimtaa Dated Jtoutry I ttb. tin. Att Ibroufti or under inem, and an pertont Ramsay's cUUain any tnterett In Um land by tf- Lowest Rates o all Eastern Polntt lue or toy unreclttered intirumeot, aod Navigable WaUrs rrotilon Act. via Steamer to Vancouver and the tU pertont claiming any Intertit In Um R. S. 0-, CHATTER 11S. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY land by detcent wboae UUa It not r tit tered under tb0 provuiont of Uiit Act, Mealt and Brth Included on Steamer ire Cream Sodas fbalt be for ever' attopped and debarred Tbe Orand Trunk Paane Railway Com Empi from tttliDt up any claim to or In retpect ptny Hereby rivet notice Hut it bat. under Prlnoess Sophia for Alaska Thursday, April Sth. of tbe land to told for tetet, and I be Section T of Um tald AtL depotlted wltb neHrr tbaU refUter tbe perton en- tbe Mlnlaler of-PuUle Worfca at Ottawa, Frlncess Maqunna for Cranby Bay Friday 11 p. m. titled under aucb tax tale at owner of Um wM in tbe office of tbe Diiuict Rtittraf land to told for taxea. f UM Land Retittry Office, Dlitiict of Princess Slaqulnna Southbound Sunday 9 p. m. la t-lb. Tine A.tD WIIEHCAS apllcauon btt been frtnee Ropcrt. it Prince Rupert, a detcrlp- mtdo for a Certificate of lodefetttbla Tltl lion or tbe tile and plan or lumber Bill to Um abuveuMraUoncct landt, in the nuae tod other works propoted la be built In J, I. PETERS, General Airenr. H alialaed the enviable reputation by their superior of Tba Corporation of Um Qljr of, rrtnea tbe Prince Rupert btrbor at Prince Rupert Third Trlnee Itupert. B.C. Street ami Avenue, Rupert i Briiitn coiutubia. in front of Waterfront Co ner Fourth qttftllty an itnlfMWttty. The mos dleortilnatlng hou E AMD WHEREAS on Inirettirtunv Um title Dlock -l". accordinr to rttiiured plan of wrfe InafsU uoen "ReUtMays Empire" when Buying Soda It appeart tbat prior to tbe fourteenth dtr ine townaiie or tne ttid clly of Prince of September It 1 1, (tbe data on wulctj Huperl reiiitcTed la tbe aforeaald land ImuIU. lbs tald lands were sold tor overdue reentry .ffioe aa No. til. Sect too. 7. laxet), you were a mortmee thereof. A.1D take noTlCE tbat after tbe ex They mem made In S. C and your grocer get his supply rCRTHER TAKE NOTICE tbat at tbn piration of one montb from tbe date of frequently and qulokly, Insuring freshness, which means tame tune I tbaU effect retutraUon In tbe nrtl publicttion of tblt notice, tbe nferv First purtuaoee .of tucH application and Ittua Orand Trunk Pacine Rail ay Company erlepnsss. Certificate of lodefeulble TlUe to tbe will, under Section 7 of Um said Act, apply tald lamia in tbe name of tbfl above cor to the Minuter of Public Workt at bit Prove H sy buying Mn with your neat order, port tlon unlet you lake and pro tec uu- offlce In tbe Clly of oiuwi for approval tbo proper proceedinrt to ettablitb yoor r toe ttiq tite and pitn and for letve I '"SlTlp to Shub-rt" ftflufaotured by claim, If any. to Um tald lendt, or to to construct tbe tald workt. I ike Un-t!, I ,h"t.w 7ii prevent tucb proputed action on my part. Dtud at Wlnnlper. Manitoba, tblt tut uatrd it uia Land Heatttry orate, rrince diy of rebruary, A. D. tin. RAMSAY BROS, ft CO., LTD. hurt, B. C, tblt telh day of December, THE 0RA.1D Til PACiriC RAILWAY D. ISIS. COMPART. H. IL HAMSAIID Solicitor. Writ to l'' 'U. ,j-H IL r. MACLEOD. Vancouver, B. 9. Dltutci Rertttrtr of TlUet. eARTONVOID for sale by Up. To rredcrlc Scbeitner, Etcj., aelt St Cuiinliigham, and Tarklu. tare C t. Free man, C p. R. Bldf. HHHHHI A Edmonton Alberta. Ward Electrlo Co. tf. IMWSL1ALE MtTtMBUTOR PRINCE RUFERT. SL V. a