_LADIES’ HAND BAGS We have just received a shipment of the newest styles and latest designs in ladies’ Velvet and leath- er Hand Bags. We es- pecially invite you to call and let us show you our new goods, C. B. WARK Jeweller ee | + FRED. STORK ¢ . t —General Hardware— ¢ ° Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves ¢ Graniteware Tinware * | SECOND - AVENUE 4 CIVILIAN _ RIFLEMEN Enthusiastic Revival of the As- sociation INTERESTING EVENTS Canadian Rifle League Will Hold Prize Contests. Local Prize Shoots. Encourage- ment for Beginners. Military Ball to Be Held. Prince Rupert Citizen Rifles Association got busy last night and held an impromptu meeting at which great progress was made with the re-organization of the Association. A new roll of mem- | bers being prepared and is | tapidly growing. The targets are | to be put in order; four of them will jbe fixed in time for a shoot to- jmorrow. A Military Ball is to be organised for an early date. is Invitations have been received for the Rifle Association to enter linto the Canadian Rifle League, | sit oe es jand Dominion Prize Competitions, ;/and on June 4th, 18th, 25th, and July 9th there will be a compe- tition shoots for these two events, Prizes have also been offered by Messrs. Godson, Partington, Potter, Cuthbert, and Captain Cameron by way of Spoon Shoots. There is also a Silver Cup donated by Captain Cameron to be awarded annually to the best shots of the season and a Cup for team shoot- Classified mon ground, rate to a nominal price of a cent a word Here is our Classified Advertising Column for today. THE DAILY NEWS per insertion. Committee. Messrs. Partington and Godson are to act as coaches to -instruct with the rifle for whom every possible con- venience is to be made available. beginners Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, ‘Phone 4 PROGRAM OF S.A. ENTERTAINMENT To-Night at 8.15 P.M. Chairman ...... si s.65555 MayorManson Accompanist...... .. Miss E, A. Froud Opening service...... Ensign Johnstone Macitation.: ...ssavakere Shelling Beans Gladys Viereck Recitation...... ......The Maple Leaf Mable Viereck Solo—Selected............. Mrs. Smith Recitation...I Must Not Tease Mother Isa Kelly Cornet Solo—Selected.. .... Mr. Miller Recitation—Giving...... Jon. Davidson Sash Drill..........-. 14 girls and boys Solo—Selected......... Mr. J. Russell Recitation—Her Name. . Beatrice Killen Recitation ..ihere Were Two Squirrels Glenore Donaldson Solo—Selected.... ......... Mr. Brown Puae Dr 5 ends aes 12 boys and girls Recitation—When Hulda Expects Her Ethel Gray Beau Cornet Solo Selected. .Miss Mabel Gray Vocal Sclo—Selected....... Mr. Milliar Recitation—Selected....... Miss Grant Dumb Bell Drill...... 10 boys and girls Recitation.... .... The Widdy O’Shane Mrs. Hoy Solo—Selected.......... Mr. J. Russell Recitation—Selected....Miss McMillan Indian Club Drill..... 10 girls and boys Solo (vocal)—Selected...... Mr. Davey SIMS cis 5 oni The Train to Mauro ooo _@ — 6 -@ + -#-¢-@— Three characters Solo (vocal)—Selected....Mr, Fletcher Recitation....... A Mortifying Mistake Rose Davidson. Duet—I Don’t Want to Play in Your Ethel Gray and Assistant Yard Recitation—Selected ....... Mrs. Smith Duet—Selected ... Davey and Fletcher Recitation.......... The Collier’s Child Mary Gray Remarks from the Chairman DOXOLOGY ing. Spoon contests will take place on Sunday for the spoons offered by ex-Captain Godson and Captain Partington. Messrs. Partington, Beatty and Godson constitute the Range Com- G. Cameron, the Finance The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St mittee, and Messrs. Potter Woods and Our Lease Expires shortly and we Must Vacate Premises [ At the present time we have on hand a Fifteen Thousand Dollar stock and not having secured new premises we are compelled to sacrifice the goods. he ep { ~ ett tt er te es ee [ We are not overstocked, but being unable to se- cure suitable premises we therefor prefer dispos- ing of the goods to placing the stock in storage. [ It is not necessary to mention all our prices, but to convince yourself compare our values with those of others, ss [ We do not ask you to buy, but invite you to exam- a ~em ~ ! ine our stock and prices. — . A Few of Our Prices 200 pair Pants, regular $2.50, Sale Price...... 160 pair Pants, regular $3.25, Sale Price 5 Others at Similar Values 200 pair Shoes, Box Calf, Leather Lined, regular $4.50, Now.... 150 pair Tan Shoes, regular $4.25, Now Others at Similar Values 50 dozen Fleece-lined Underwear, regular $1.50, Sale Price, per suit... 40 dozen Merino Underwear, regular $2.00, Sale Price, per suit.... Others at Similar Values Overalls, blue and black, Sale Price. Me od 100 dozen Socks, regular 30c pair, Sale Price 8 pair for.... 50 dozen Socks, regular 35c pair, Sale Price, per pair..................... Others at Similar Values GO TO THE RIGHT PLACE f CORNER STORE Director, Cohen & Co. Second Ave. and Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B.C. A Lost and Found Biscibiabacaneie ts Se ehhh 7 FOUND~—Elegant rooms; newly furnished. Bulkley Block, 6th Ave., hear fulton. 10¢1m | Found—A Canary Bird. Owner can have same by applying to J. M. Lynch 2nd Ave. 11ltf | AA Te ee eg Pt se Ft Pt For Rent i ee | ‘ | New 7-room house on Ambrose Ave., 1 nished, rent $25. Apply on premises or Box 874. 110-116 Nice, clean, bright outside . 6th Ave., near Fulton. ere House furnished for housekeeping, 2 rooms, $17 | per month; back of rink. Apply Law-Butler Company. 105-108 sartly fur 874 Bulkley Block 109-1m If you would like a new house close in, phone 205. H. F. McRae & Co. 108-tf Nice furnished rooms for rent. Apply Drexel Rooming House, 2nd Ave., near McBride. May 3-lmo ce | Jo ot rs es ese Ope ae et CR to | Help Wanted | Nineteen youne men to take cosy rooms in the | Bulkley Block, near Fulton, 109-1m | | | Waiter wanted at Central Hotel. 100-tf Boy Wanted. Apply at Optimist Office. Wanted—An_ A-1 solicitor for the most liberal Fraternal Orders in the world. Call room [28, | Empress Hotel. 1. F. Madlem. 108-114 Wantad—500 good men to join the Order of Owls. Call room 28, Empress Hote’ F. en 03- 94-tf Os Fs PS OS es Ps Pt Board Wanted footer rere sre rarer WANTED—Room and board in private family X.M., Optimist Office. M4 Pe ays Fire Insurance De THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital of $2,500,000.00. See us for rates. The Mack Realty and Insurance Company. 70-tf Ce eT Situations Wanted — See A_ classified advertisement is a tireless work- hunter—and seldom fails. Young lady, thoroughly domesticated, good plain cook. Apply Box M.C., Daily News Office. 112-tf By experienced man and wife as cook and helper in mining camp or country hotel. Apply H. L T.. Optimist 95-97 | | + ! {| | ee ee ee se Boarders Wanted ements Hing tas herssenitaicerieasivmahiresemntetaii | | | + { i + Home cooked meals and nicely furnished rooms | for three persons. Apply Mrs. James, Scott Pidg., 3rd Ave., between 8th and th Sts, 85-tf Private Board by the week or month. Home cooking a specialty. Miss E. M. Gleeson, 3rd | Ave., between 7th and &th Sts., phone 171. 89-tf | | 6 Os ts Ps PS PS FS 1 Real Estate j | Got scree se srsrmsemmermsrmmede A classified advertisement is a real estate sales- | man, and does not often count enough “to | count” in the net result. j | | Nineteen young men wanted to rent cosy furnish- | ed in the Bulkley Kooms, 6th Ave., near Fulton 109-1m | We have a goad building lot within a block of Me- Bride Street for $50 cash. H. F. McRae & Co. | Second Ave 108-tf ommcorent enemas omeionmtinsiersrtmermmernl | | For Sale | emer eee teratoma ree {| ! | monthly income. $800 cash handles it. H. F, | MeRae & Co., Second Ave. 103-tf Household Gocds. Rooms to be let. Apply Mrs. | Evjen, 7th Ave. and Taylor St. near Summit. 95 | | | A first-rate proposition which will give a steady } | | } | tt rh ts es Hs ss ey | | | | j Office Wanted | fe mee es rs ss sms somes hire, small space in office. Apply to | 157 99-108 | | Wanted to P.O. Box 767. NOW OPEN eh . : NEW PALACE ICE CREAM PARLOR Next door to old Optimist Office STOKES ICE CREAM USED Made in Seattle Big stock Candy, Etc., wholesale & retail SAM GOWEN Proprietor FISHMAID IS IN PRINCE RUPERT Towed in for Repair to Johnson Boat Yard A good deal battered after her Adver ti t Ou One of the best services the modern newspaper gives the public is in the classified advertisement columns. | There buyer and seller, employer and worker, landlord and tenant, and a host of others meet on com- To put this modern convenience in reach of everyone the News will reduce its Minimum charge of 25 cents. sy | Wolgast that he would retire from | 5 lwinner, has changed his mind. | Pruita and Groceries at popular prices | |He has decided to remain in New | |York and plans to phy fight at New York next week. Do away with this. ‘Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 r Specials L TODAY CE Ry, Ww aS oe UNCLE JeRRy a § ORTUN Watch it Fresh, Ripe Strawberries | grow. | New shipment from California “One Round” Hogan, who de- Jared before his match with Ad | —— lFresh Spring Vegetables—all kinds | from the gardens of Washington | Tickets, Gents $1.00 Ladies Free J.S. GRAY & SON Manufacturing Watchmakers, Jewel era, Opticians and Engravers. Dealers in Musical instrument Sole agents for the Stanley and Players Sole agents Stamps Agents for the Victor and records, of which we carry a line. Headquarters What you don’t please ask for We have been repeatedly Anti-Rheumatic rings. We a a ee ae ee a large vtock on hand, gold fill any size. B ARGA I N S | ror. i We have several good buys in } sections 5, 6, 7 and 8. WHY NOT CALL AND GET FAMILIAR WITH SOME OF THEM For Quick Sale List Your Property With Us JOHN DYBHAVN Exchange Block |= suys $2500 of payment can be arr $6000 jr... :: House in « can be arranged ramophonee 92900 full cold water, section ¢ the Piano for Hewitt’s Rubber Buys Nine with ba H. ORME The Pioneer Druggist PHONE ¢ 4.7; and mod a l ( { l { ! 82 as Time payments arran, see in enamel souveni rs our windows $5180 Juys elegant Bunga f ash for have now d, *” $300 To Preserve Your Eyesight n’t Miss this Chance DR. INMAN Consulting Eye Specialist of Vancouver, is now at our store. He fits glasses for all complicated cases of defective vision. This is his specialty; | don’t fail to see him while he here Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. ee eee i bath, al! modern ¢ Buys five Reserve ‘ASK UNCLE JERRY” $2700 iences including bat! $3000 fre” lences, 2 2 5 Buys tv $ 6 roome If you want to save money buy your $50 Furniture of J. F. MACDONALD’S Open Evenings FURNITURE STORE, SECOND ANEN| a, | For Rent 2.628 $100 who is selling out his full stock regard- ond Avenue, 25 x 47. $1000 Per Living Roor Offices for Rentin the | “ASK UNCLE JERRY" Buys 4 roor * tion 5 M 18 Per montt store on ““ASK UNCLE JERRY” fering n See Per month. W for rent at Partly furnished House on 3rd Ave. 7 rooms with bath. Electric lighted. Buys fine Third Ave month ré S. O. E. B.S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons «$3 5 England. meets the first and third Tuesdays in| each month in the Carpenters Hall, at & pm ' F. V. CLARK, Seec., P. O. Box #12, Prince Rupert $3750, Bakers’ Notice |, The undersigned, after a meeting of ($550 the Prince Rupert Bakers held last night, unanimously agreed that ON $600 AND AFTER FRIDAY, MAY 19th, $400 the price of bread in the city would be HERE is an increasing dwelling houses a! 16 Loaves for $1.00 [Titec SEVEN FOR 50c THREE FOR 25e for rent to be vacant at a near future should list th: once as we have many den from parties who desire to * ers by the time they arrive | 1AM daily asked my 0} permanent values of '* Prince Rupert for invest such enquiries I honestly s' G. C. Emmerson NADEN BLOCK SECOND AVE, Easy Price Buys lot ir terms for bi $800 Buys lot i: Th is a snap for Suys two lot Easy terms Buys lot in s« $1025. Good t Buys lot in sect Price $850 Signed: Fulton Bakery MacKenzie & Macdonald Clifton’s Bakery Hamblin’s Bakery Prince Rupert properti recent upset and stranding off the Alaska Coast, the halibut schooner Fishmaid was towed into the harbor here yesterday, and taken to Johnston's boat-building yard at Hays Creek for repair. The Fishmaid after turning turtles was righted by the Humboldt which, however, could not salve her owing to the heavy weather, She went ashore shortly after- wards, but was got off less seriously damaged than might have been expected, and will be put to work again after repair, probably on the Fraser river. 7 i valuations, are a good but I advise my clients who © ous of taking advantage 0! invest only where offerings “re! much below present marke! Ww" are able. to pick up ' who have ready cas! ments good properiies at [ro! per cent, below the market bY ‘ < watching of fluctuations 0 chané by our staff, Lf you have cus? vestment and are looking '0' | gaine call in and talk it ove! fu. | show you how to make quick pre’™ > ttre trees ttt ttt rs rm BE =S== arel Largest Stock | LYNCH BROS. | eneral Merchandise ° { { Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. BE tt tt reeset rt rins prin dln de ret rent rt tts Poe Pte tt tt emg bom 9 Fe ! Hy. 3 “Jeremiah H. Kugle he: — de: - * - ~~