1017. THK DAILY NEWS NflTFD iSICIAH Mint EMPIRE'S in rui tmpire'a GREATNtH imaure Bathe II v of grMtnM.? FflUier MONTREAL- Vaughari net himself ti miwir internally OF u,uw 1 on ,n tA,n,i',n fot'y at Majesty t Theatre, an,) H,,, Cver SO.000 People Are Mow reply he gave wa a simple . , . .n,.U 0 TRUTT.A.TIVC5", It In tin measure of Dm rhni-.oL..one Doing So. Thrift w served, and of IU people. tor many yttra (bralclans bats arrecd W-1 In developing hi Health preserved, thesis Father that iha mi mijority r human IHi were mm ' ? nu.liflri used all those power of (uml If atevinuliied wal la tha Lower ybdj'.Tbrrrbbbbbi humor, pathos ami lnn.i.n,. latcdinei Umi in oar ortacal war or Hf By wearing rubbers in sloppy WMrifcer. which always trlng in Inr ntiara could not remova all tnu waita ,OT close wiihout bow rtro tuiiunct, m matwr touch with hit audience. There lt wa talrtt be, iwt that UM polon r was, to begin with. the Quality is guaranteed, and rf BbYBBBBB? Uw iory about rrutn ttu uu tircuUcor tbroacti SBjfl a reverent father who ml. tlood pulled di down Lalow par add brbB !HsFu R2 wan SbB TlBflT'l' dressing o Sunday afternoon audi oriont rt refpoaiibl Mtora. for many diaraMS of a Long wear aMured, rrrrrrrrL BLvrrrrrrrrbPw BrV'fc ?'W mm ! ence in ii Nrwr York theatre, when Ourlnc tbi tima Iba "I . L. Caicada1 When yeu buy rubbers bearing any aiAPte us Lbrrrrrrbw fct bBp tha nudlenen fi.r Inurnii of ttxlr usSweA mbbrrrrrrrrri began to alio awav Btuinr ha. tcaoM one at a time. At last a young recuiiiuruiiiiion and .tbote of Hi ntcri of these Trade Marks: hrtn atadJtr trowina In favor. exquisite walked deliberately down Recently, hovcttr, tba lUftUnr nwa to the door, oik this was more whleb bat been cotrlDf thli rountrr, that "MERCHANTS" i CARTIE1" afaaWffWWarl thon the speaker could stand. rreal turrecaa and apeclallati hava been e -Voung (peratior on u Lower Intattloo for tbe TUPLE LEAT -BAisr nmn, come right back1 us. aoscNBuna inott cbronle and Mrlcul diaeaaea, tut (89 Cnsersln Bt., Montreal. lie aald. Whereupon a mother's rauied Ancrleana to become thorourhlr April 20th, 1015. voice was heard, "Excuse my aaike to live important of. kwplor this In wy opl,0,, no bll,'r b,'5m Itlginnld; he walks in hla sleep" timer mailer,Intntine and trr over from SOO.oea aU potionous ars now Ctnadiao Consolidated Rubber-Go:, Limited la tlM rorlJ U to wiraUt or Cemttif An ompire'a greatneaa, Father uimr Jalertial BaUx. Hm nJ MitetlioH as"Frult-a-tlTes". Vaughan went on, was not to be If jtom try tba B. L Cattade' roo Largest' Mlnulactarera of Rubber Goods ia tha BritlaK Empire 1 vjsz ittffcrrf from thre eomplafiib)for measured by its acreage, its nurn. in nnd oureir alwayi brttbt. eonH EXECUTIVE OPriCES . MOMTSEAL, PQt a"J r aodenUry oecap here or its wenllb: nor uoon ita dent and capable tbe potaoned waate makci bi bllUoua. blue, dull and nerroui SEVEN LARGE, UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING PLANTS Hf CANADA Wuile, troht aUt a klad of hrganiaation. lh not let be Hon, ua Internal Bttba are .lalure'a own cure ror SB "SEnVICE" U RANCHES AND, WAREHOUSES THROUGHOUT CANADA se IatUnil Pafalytli Hh natfyffaJ' over organized; I hero bad been a OMMifpetion )uit warm mater properir iAti, bclchloff go, drowaUeu aftar tendency in-the Pt -to follow applied. Drura rorce .nature the B tatin;. and Pala la tbo I5ack. I tried lavishly the organlration of L Caacaoe" renlly aialala ber. our Call and see it at Cyril II. Orme'i. fZt aod eUciDf TbefllwaalnduMj of fbyaietaas, but enemy. Nor did greatness con bnitfHi, Corner Irt e. and th St, or LAND REGISTRY ACT IM THE SUPRUIC OOURT OP BttmSH aotluajhrlpeJliie. sist of world dominion. Once that mere ror "wny Man or Today la Only U trr " Frult a tlvea", and sow for terse mn4ja a 1-1 ..!. t. . per cent Efflcient," a booklet of rreat c- .a. I. a luvo Lro wure.y.i well. I .,.,.. iriinn.. ' .wj mwuiu nail latereai, mbirt la tlen free on requeit (Sectlona 16 and 114.1 la the matter of tbe Adminlatration Act. ' ir you prerer. ante for Booklet to Or. OSISOWT NO. 1. whminrrt from tUat No. lltl. jf intone j , , Re AppUcatlon SII4-I. FUlnr Jr Cba. A. TyrreU. Ill Collere street. To-roo Ja tbe matter of tbe aetata of John 4etnble-CbrT,nicCoB,tlp.toa ?ln to. TAkE NOTICE that application baa been Boa 12 Ith St. and 3rd Ave. made to rertater Tbe Corporation r tbe Adatma, deceaigd, Inteatate. aa 1awth Stfand Srd Ave. dry of Prince Rupert In the Province cf TAkE NOTICE that by order of Hla Baa 14 8th St. and 3rd Ave. LAND LEASE NOTICE Brtuah Columbia, ai ownr in fee noder llonur iodte Too nr. local jadre or the Baa IS Junction of lit, tnd and t-i.lt MrprtdatthecTftbri,efl I"' "7 mi"" mm Supreme Court, made tbe 4th day or . ird Avea. two Tai Sale Deed rrom tbe touector of bjr nJ Pr'll"d. It was to January, 1117, I wa. appointed AdmlnUv. kW IS Ave between Ith aod llrrite- A. KOiKKDUlia. j6"1 TAKE NOTICE that t, William Junta tbe City of Prince Rupert, beartny data tbe lit sat k i, 6 for trial alia,25c. measured by the character of Mattnewa. actint at area! for tbe Anrlo- ?lh day of December 1116, of ALL A5D tea tor of tbe eatale or John Adam, ttfi Sis. (Knox Hotel), -"'faoraeatpottpaJdbyFrttlU " PP'"' .Nothing mattered but Brltltb Columbia racfclnr Company Umtt-td. Sl.iGULAn that certain parcel nf tract or deceaied. AM par tie. bavisc claim arainat aa t7 lit Ave. and 7th SL (Central jtt. reriared offlc In Vaacourer' 8. C, and and the Hid eataie are hereby required to for- Hotel). land premlaea aituaie, lylnr, betar (character, which could build .tiLimiteJ. Ottawa. we art! aame properly vertned to me on or of Arrandale, oecupaUoo atore keepeer. intend in tbe Mualctpality or Prmee Rupert, more up out of the raw materials to apply for permlaaloa to letM llA particniarly known and deacribed aa Itortb- herore tbe Ith day or April. II7. and ctsrcurr no. a. jknurklutr alxiul'innr home and rBowlnr deacrlbed landa Weaterly Seventy (70), feet of Lou Eleven til panic i Indebted to tbe Mid eataie are Boa 22 Ird Ave and Ird SL (Poal uk TVJ1arSavitf1 ia our ,,aily l(a chlef in- ComiDencloa at a post driven on tba til.-, and Twelve (ll Block Elrbleen u.n.d to pay the amoonl or their t omce). tail abore of Portland Canal about a mile 111 , Section One (I). Map III. tebtednea fortfiwlth. Box tM Srd Ave. and McBrlde SL and a bair Dortb of DorSih Bay, from tbe claim Dated tbe Ind day of March. 1117, Boa 24 I at Ave. and McBrlde St. t Dollar Earned" iment, elueation, faith. tbrnce north twenty cbainai tneaca eait or Too tbe are tax required purcaaaer to within tentpat tbirty-Bva 1. H. McMlLUt. Official Adminiitrator. as tS lad Ave. and tnd SL tea cbalnat tbence aoutb twenty cbalnas aa S tnd Ave. and Sth SL data front tbe data or tha aervlc or thla IM TWR awpftam ooiMtT or ewmesi (beace weat ten chain. Boa 27 0. T. Pi notice iwhlch may be effected by Personal ooLusnua. LLAR to your credit rebruary tttb. tt7. X eervtee or a. directed), and your attention ADO the bnk, It youra. WILLIAM JAMES MATTHEWS. AppUcanL la railed to section St or the -Land Ret- la tbe matter of the Adminlatration Act, cMteurr no. a. don't have to latry Act" with amendmeata, and to the Boa SI ith Ave. and Pnlton SL work (or it aH orer LAND REGISTRY ACT foiiowins eitraet tbererromi In tbe matter or tbe eataie of Pater aa S3 Borden and Taylor St. you do (or the detkrs and la deranlt or a caveat or certificate MeLaehlan. deceaaed. lute tale. Baa S4 7th Ave.' and Fulton SL ttua Boa SB Sth Ave. and Comos Ave. or Hi pendena beint Sled before tbe ret- TAKE HOTlCr that by order or Hla that have been spent. (Section. IS and 111.) titration aa owner of the peraon entitled lioooa- Judre Yonnr. local Judre of tba Bea 27 sth Ave. and Dodre Place How many dofian hare you ha Application No. 81,111, nunc Mil onder ancb ux aale, all peraona ao aerred suprejoe Count, made the ITtb day of Boa SB Sth Ave. and Thompson St. TAAE NOTICE that application baa been with nouce and tboM claiminr rebruary, HIT. I wa. appointed Admlnla-tratur dut you can ceil your own ? made to rertater John Bergman, of Frtnc throutb or under them, and all peraon or the1 eaUle or letcr McLacblan. enaeurr no. e. Why not start an account in nupert. B. C aa owner In fee under a claiminr any Intereat tn the land by vtr-tae deceased. All parties bavtnr elafina arainat Bea 41 1th Ave. and Emmeraoo par Savings Department and Taa Sale Deed rrom tbe Collector of tba of any unrefiatered tnatrtnnent, and the aald eatate are hereby recretred to for-kard Place. utc a part of the money you City or rnnca Rupert, bcartnr data the aU peraona eUimlnf any intereat la the aame properly verified to me on or Baa 2 Ith Ave. and McBrlde SL tn? A few dollars saved lam day of September, lilt, or ALL AND land by deeceat wboaa title la not rerta-tered before the lltn day or April. HIT. and Bea 4S Sth Ave. and Green SL-Sm SUGl'LAn that certain parcel or tract or under the provlaion or thl Act, all partle Indebted to tbe aald eaute are 44 6th Ave. and Baall SL ctchwctk.araoufit to hundreds land aod pmntaee altaat. lylnr. and be i kail be tor ever t.topped and debarred required to pay the amount .or their in-eetiiedneaa Boa 4S 7th Ave. and Eherta. ia nurse of a few, years. lof-la tba MuaJctpaUty of Prince Rspert. rrom aettinr up any claim to or In rtipect forUwith. Boa 141 7th Ave. and Yonnr SL mere particularly kaewn aa Lot Tea (to). or the land ao aold tor taiea, and tbe Dated tba Ind day or March, 1117. THE BANK OF Block ne ll Section Seeea (7). Man Rerutrar ahan retiater the peraon en-titled J. H. McMl'LU.t. Official Administrator III. under tack tax Mia aa owner at tba Brtt Nt.Hi Awrka Ton are required to coateat tbe daia land ao aold tor taie." THE SUPRSJSE COURT OF SUttTISM t tbe ui parctuacr within thlrry-Btc AJiD WHEREAS aplication baa been OOLU from the date of tbe .erne or tbia n ttaas it lsikui. day. made tor a CerUScale or Indefeaalbla Title aoUca t which may be effected by Aeri to tbe abovementloned land.Ja tbe 'name? In tbe matwr or the Adminlatration Act, tered Mall or aa Directed, and your' at Ira.momyunmmmM or Tbe Corporation of the City of Prince ' mm HBKCE RUPERT BRANC8 teotlon I. called to aecUon It of toe Rapert: In tbe matter or tbe eaute of John Land Reaittry Art" wita amendment. Saptlale Barnaicbex, deceased, Inteatate. A.l WHEREAS on InveaUratint the Utle W.J.SMITH ERS,MiMfcr tixt to tbe rolaowtnr ei tract tt rtfrom: TA-iE .luiict mat cy nraer or tua II appeara that prior to tba fourteenth day . .and In defaaiU af a caeeat or certin Manor Judre Yonnr. local Judre of tha or September, till, (tba date on which a eL e ia ta. by t aw, tsvs rata or ha pendena belnt filed before tba Supreme Court, made the S4th day of tne eaia una were oia ior overauc rertatratkia ai owner or tba peraon eo-utled rebruary, HIT, I waa appointed Administrator were a tnortrarea thereof. tm), under each us aalo, all peraona to you ot estate or John Baptlate Baroalcbes CyL S aVS k. by B 1-S ka, Sheet Metal Work aerved with notice.,...aod Umm claimut ITRTIIER TAEE NOTICE that at the accrued. All parties havtnr claim arainat tbroucb or nndcr tbem. and all peraona .aane thne I ahan effect revutration In the said etuta are hereby required to for- 4 CfL B M h. k I kwBaV clalmms any tntereai in the land by virtue purauaace or each appUcatioo and laaae ard aame property vertOed to me on or Hnlnc ta ia tha Eaat. I bars or any knrccutered Inurnment, and all a Ctruflcata or Indereaaible Title to tbe oefort tbe llth day or April. ISIT. and treaw peraona claiminr any intereat tn tbe land aid land in tbe name or tbe above corporation all parti ei indebted to tbe aald e.tate are acqualnUxj with all rood-n by de.cxnt wboee Ulle U not refltiared unlet yon lake and proaecnte required to pay the amount or their In- Pop Further InormeUon BMibodaof outfittiog caoline under tba prortalona of Ibla Act. aball be the proper proceed inn to eatablua your debtedneaa forthwith. Aly to Wte, aa iuotI by.EaaUre abofa. for ever eatopped and debarred from Minor claim. U any. to the Mid land, or to Dated the Ind day or March. 1917. up any cjaun to or In reapect or tba prevent inch propoaed action on my part. J. 11. McMl'LLLt. Official Admimatrator. Gasoline Tanks, land ao aold for tan, and tbe Retlatrar Dated at the Land RerUtry Offlee, Prince W. E. WILLISCROFT Pipe-fitting aball refiater the peraon en tilled under Rupert. B. C, thla totb day or December. IN THE SUPRCSSal OOtlRT OP SUttTISM Prince Rupert, R. 6. and Plumbing, aucb tat tale aa. owner of tbe land ao A. D. HIS. aold ror taxea" H. r. MACLEOD, and all lines of Sheet AMD WHEREAS application baa been Dlitrlct RerUtrar of Title. la the matter ot the Adminlatration Act, " made ror a CertiBcate or Indefeasible Title To Frederic Schattner. Ei3- Metal Work : s and to tbe anorcinrntlooed landa, la tbe name care C L. rreeman. C P. K. Btdr. r In the matter of the eatate t at William fompt of John Bersmani amsE hot sims Attention and Skilled Edmonton. Alberta. Jamea Macartney Sandel, deceased. In Worktnanakip AD WHEREAS on InTeaUraUnr tha teaute. HOTEL Utie1 It appeara that prior to tha I tb day Navigable Waters Proieetlon Act. TAKE NOTICE that by order or Hla H. or September. ISM. ftbe date on which Honor Jadra Younr. local Jadre of the IS HOW OPES TO OUBSTa ! LETOURNEAU the aald landa w.ra aold ror overdue IV S. CHAP TEW 11. Supreme Court, made the tlrd day of t 1 - - . . , .1 . late.) you were the aliened owner .owe or tha larteat BotSwrtas In 621 SIXTH AVENUK February, is 17, I was appointed Administrator circumference 100 feet lberer, ot tha eaute ot WUllam Jamea Ajnenca. rW Clack W P.O. Box 118 Tha Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com Temperature of Water, HO d. Fahr. ri'RTIIER TAEE that tba deceased. All NOTICE at pany hereby five notice that It ba( tinder Macartney Sandela. partlea 'rriiij)jiii))ijji),)))jjj tame tune I .hall afreet re tt (ration la bavins claim arainat tha aald e.tate are Section T or the aald Act, oepoaitea wita ka Ukeiee SPRINQ SUIT FROM PARIS purauaoce or such application and lasue a tbe Minlater of Public Work at Ottawa, hereby required to forward Mine properly Eaealleat Trout rtehkaf Lake. Certiorate or Indefeaalbha Title to tbe .aid vanned to me on or before the ttth day i u. nmi faahiunahle snrins tnd in tbe office of the Dlatrtct Reslitrer rioae with T CoaeacUaaa steal a. land. In tha nam of John Berrman unleia of or April, IS 17. and all partlea Indebted to ml-l of tan cloth adorned with you take and proeecute tbe. proper pro f the. Land Reaittry Office. Dlitrlct the laid eatate are required U pay the RATUi StM per daf. mnee Rupert, at Prince Rupert, a descrip Prince Rupert Firi Go. Jxiavy machine stitching. reedins to e.tabllah your claim. If any tion of the aite and plan of lumber mill amount or tne Ir tndebtedneia rortbwttb. to to tbe aald land, or to prevent aucb pro and Other worka propoaed to be built In Dated tb tnd day or March. HIT. ror rurtber particulars, apply e. o. for wood poaed action on H. McMCLLTt. Official Admimatrator. J. BMUCat eOHNrrONC. aaa. tee mire Onll the lony Impress my part. the Prince Rupert harbor at Prince Rupert, J. DATED at tha Land Rectttry One. ( In atnve lenuths or 4 feet. antiih Columbia. In front at Waterfront CARBONVOID for sale by Lip. WECtlVtp OUR Prince Rupert. B. C, thit tb day ai of 11T KIM Block "P, accordtnr to rertitered plan Jitst household coal and iteneral December, A. D. Ill I. tbe townalte or tbo Mid city or rrtnee aett & Cunningham, and Parkin. The Daily .ttan delivered liT WC HANDLE moving out II. F. MACLEOD. Rupert re r litem! in the afore aald land rarrler,- 50 cents per nmnth. Piano transfer. Apr. IT. Dlitrlct Rtrlitrar of TiUea. Ward Electrie Co. If. Nox. Secuon T, rerlatry ,fflee aa Ill, U BHaee, Rennlea moderate. Phone Ta Simon reteraon. DavUvUle, Caurornia. pecialty. Prices AMD TAKE nOTICE that after the ex. Frra and WaokemU'e plration or one month rrom tbe data of HMMieH f W. Itogers. fdan ,nOI, 11. WATER NOTICE the flrtl publication of thla notice, tne and Field Seeds, or Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company lo Ferllllxers. saniaa lamd oirmicT outwict DIVCaeiON AND USE will, under Section T of tbe aald Act, apply FRED STORK'S -HARDWARE to ino Minlater ot Public Work, at hi. NAY, GRAm ANB FCCD TAKE NOTICE that Oeorra McRae, office In the City of Otuwa for arprotal .. . . ahoae addre.a la will CMckan ik. u.intk Columbia Sktderate, B, C, Fad a Specialty. if the .aid atte and plan and for leave Llmltad. t Victoria. B. apply (or a licence to take and uie 110 Canninf Company, n construct tba .aid worka. to apply cubic reel per mlauie or water out of 710 SECOND A4NLV Wa Take C. aalroon cannera. Intend Dated at WTanlper. Manitoba, Una Stst Orders for Nursery oeacrib- Dt miter Creek, which (low. northerly anl In Waa the MloSr day of rebruary, A. D, is 17. permlailon Builders' Hapdwswe arftrp GfianaMery Tools Stock. . . a.- a. rnn.n.rttlnaT At at tMl drain Into AUford Bay. about II cbaiM Carpenter's mn the It. E. earner or T. U III. Tbe THE CRAMD TRL'ftE PACIFIC RAILWAY Wire Cable Steel Blocks Pishing Tackle --- a.ur will be diverted from tba itreant at COMPANY. II. II. HANSARD, Solicitor, Itlicr. IfO iei aouiu in a r"H about ten cbaina wait rrom N.W. Iron Pipe Pipe PittliHia Blflee and Shotguns corner of Lot 4. B, C. riaberlea. and wlU LAND ACT Valves Ammunition Rope to ln be uaed ror power purpoee upon tba land ""MIIHKHKII and northerly parallel approalmaUly 40 teel ta deacrlbud aa adjolnlnf Timber Umlt III Pumps Hose Paint a dlatane. Of SSUNA LANO DISTRICT DISTRICT aoaih or the sou" in application to leaae. Rubbereld Iron feel Stoves and Range Roofing Corrugated ISLANDS QUEEN CHARLOTTE U,Jndary 'l the Oraatf Traak racina rail-n'Tsiw Thla notice wa. poated on tbe irouaa weaierty and in the ttth day of January. HIT, A "WE SELL NOTHIM BUT THC BBST' Stuart . J. Martin UM tb. ..14 rthi or.w.y to a pom W of thla. noUta and an application. TAKE NOTICE that I. Oeorra McRae, cf ia the I. W wtr f U Ml puriuant thereto and to Vita Water Act, Skldeeate. B. C occupation enrtoeer.. In due aontb !f 1114 will be nied in the offlee of tb lend to apply tor pennlaalon to leaae the to. feet MAYlif .nenc. -rib J Wstw Decanter at Prince Rupert. Ob-(rctluu. follow tar described iandat ler.ectl at the tbeoca aoutb aoaiberly and J$t to tba application may be Med CtmuueoaleB hi a poal planted at tha FRED STORK'S HARDWARE MLT0N rlihi or.wayi o-. to a mi alia tbe .aid, Water Recorder or with M.W. corner of Lot 4. Alitor d Bay. skiae B. o. eri kkxtr ..id riht ma ctanptroiier of Water RUbu. Parlia rite imet. I hence writ is ctulna, thence Wb lr "r ,M aenl Bulldtot, Victoria, B. C, within north S rbeiitt. iheaee IS chalna In an Th Unas thence ahHif twriy uaya,after the Sral appearanca of railefty dmmu roHowlnr the ahars Una, old.ai cotumrntcuicnt. eatabllahed iKtlnl of tni nouce in a local of tonuoenrav Assay , L V. CAHTIR. newiDawr. ibeuca, two shah, to.point 0mc in'the far the a. C Cann.nr Tba, dale of the Oral publication of this meat. roouiMer lb acre, mora or leas. North. Ado,LlinlUd.a. .rent nonce i rroruary Stat, HIT. QEORQK MtflAE. Apf llcaaU Advertise In The D-mily News Co, OEORUS k Dated rbruary lata. It IT, htclUE. Applicant January llth. HIT. a