THE DAILY NEWS Jlarday April 7. 9t7t If you want health Local News Notes yoa can have it,by heeding Nature's laws. Keep the Mrs. Hrooksbank tins gSn'e to stomach strong, the liver active, the blood pure, and Seattle. the bowels regular, and you will seldom be ill. Take good care of these organs, and at the first sign of Laldcs taster neckwear Wnl ; wrong promptly take Ueecham a Pills. laco's. you certainly need Monm's,Very latest rfujls-v n t Gold the help and relief of this world-famed remedy, to Mel) Hunter lins keep the body in health. They quickly establish nor Mrs. I. nvlslt."... left for Bpokane on emu conditions, so the organs perform their functions as Nature intended. No other remedy will so surely Mr. W. Cameron, ot Slewart, is strengthen the stimulate the system, liver, regulate on a visit to ituperi. the bowels and quickly improve the general health as New footwear for men, women and children Wallace's. &EE(HAMSPlLLS Mr. V. W. Falconer, of Alice Arm, Is in town on a visit. Mrs. and Miss llrnndt hava gone Gaiaeaa south for n few days on a visit. Mr. Dan Anderson, school dearer. Wash them right, though, and master at Inverness, was in town them of life. Never erc lux fuut you give years twin or Suits, silk and wool sweaters, yesterday. ttilitpHatfmt Set SMf rr.ettesWsf It ssti flUm tier wring jhetn the wool fibres become hard, FOR RENT coats, etcWallace's. Mr. It. O. Jack, provincial con. f srer. fTktm tkt trtrr thick and brittle. Jott stir yoar woollcni stable at Stewart, is paying a visit til mWi!Wsl(rtl la 4 .Now. opening; importation 0 to the city. At alrt i ssere tins) about in tepid water altar dissolving the rooms,70 etb bath,Are..sewtr,W." ranre. No. Scotch floor rugs- -Wallace's. trmtlj eieaf. Mess LUX flakes m hot water. Use t rooms, bub, sewer. No. to Ear-,11th .Mrs. Arc n id watt was a pas. Seee'eVsre sWi tktlumJt. HUL senger on the train this morning Kimu im thru ttUyt tf sl 5 rooms, bilh, stwer, No. SOS Hat-irate for Kdmonton. wtrr tea r,i ( Place. - trtUrr.mlt.rtfullj lalteaf 1 S room flsv furnished, sewer, batti. le dry. Knmttl Sm.mj, LUX toil Ird AT. Mr. It. Q. Johnston and family. fny tseeirts. 4 rooms, batb, ranre, 171 Summit of Inverness, came off the train Arenas. Thursday night on a visit. 4 rooms; 7f Thompson Street. 4 rooms, tto I til Arenue, EsiL Large range of children's shoes pure essence of soap ia flakes and you'll 4 rooms, 118 H 7th Aceaue. Etit. TIMBER BALE X9M. .4 rooms, lit stb Arenue, West. and slippers for Kaster-at eastern be delighted at the fresh, fleecy, clean, NEW room lists, bath, sewer. MeNorfte prices. Peck's shoe store. feeling woollens take LUX ctn't Apartments. ' Sealed tenders will be received by the your on. 4 rooms, tot 0th Are, E. .Minister of Lands not later than noon on Mr. II. (J. Crewe left for To harm anything that pure water may touch. 4 rooms, rurnlsbed. bsth, 114 Itb the 7th day or May. HIT. for the pur Avenue, last. chase of Licence X0O0, to cut 1,130,000 ronto this morning, to attend the Sold bt ail ad BritMB-mad kv I rooms, near drrdock. feet of Hemlock. Cedar tod Spruce, and Returned Soldiers convention. 7 rooms, comer Oreen sod 7th Are. 1,100 lineal reel or pUinivon an area ad No rubbing needed with LUX pore BROTHERS LIMITED Section 6. Jotnlnt Lot 1607. ostitis Inlet, Oraham Mi Mary Noble, who has been 10c. Toraato If Veur Charlotte essence of soap in flakes. j. House) to laeant List M with Island, Queen District. the guest of Mrs. Killen, returned Us V Ou rill It ft Yam. Two, (t) years win be allowed for re home to Cassiar this morning. moral or timber. H. . HELQERBQN, LTD runner particulars or the Chief for mmmmmm wont" SHRINK. WOOLENS.. . , i ester, Victoria. B. C. or District Forester Mr. Kennedy, supt. of utilities, nSMTTiH TT'l j. st Prince Rupert.! B. C accompanied by Mrs. Kennedy, NOTIOE left for Vancouver on Thursday. Up-to-date blouses at Gold. "Tie Daily News" TENDERS will be received by the under Mr. George E. Smith, of the bloom's. W. G. BARR1E STEEN&LONCmi slrned for the purchase or 700 reef, more Hoyal Hank staff, came in on the The season's newest in ladles' CLASSIFIED ADS. or less, or tH-loch steel cable, up to Maquinna. He has been trans, and men's footwear Wallace's SANITAftY AND HtATISQ noon or Saturday, April the 14th. 1017, ferred to Fort George. Upholstering st the Government A rent's once, Prince Mr. and Mrs. Casley, of the Furniture Repairs CNOINECRS Rupert, B. C The cable can be seen at assortment col Kmpress Hotel, were Mattress Making Largest fancy passengers the Ferry at Terrace, B. C. and was used WANTED. for a snort time In connection with this ored boots ever shown in the city. for the south on the Prince1 Picture Framing Agents for Ferry. Prices moderate, at Peck's Shoe George. Baby Carriage Wtieele Re McCLARY FURNACES POUTER WANTED Apply Ssroj Hotel. Dated this Srd day or April. I If 7. Store. tired, Etc. 14 J. II. McMULLIN, Government AIL Mrs. Kiloatrick left for Kdmon-, T WANTED Adrsncement (or rlsHt FLUM8IN0 Sojr. Wsllsee's. tr. Mr. Norman Jvilpatrlck, sort of ton. and Miss Marguerite Kil-, MINERAL ACT TrltD AVENUI snd Supt. Kilpalriek, of the G, T. P Patrick for Fmither on this WANTED-Coo reaeral servant. 110 per WORM METAL is home visit from the agricultural morning's train. CHCCT month. Apply Mrs. C. H. Onne. si. on a Certificate of Improvemanta college in Winnipeg. Phone 5, 831 Second Atenut. WANTED Nlt-nt took. Arcade Cafe. " 7 Mr. Gus Williams, of the O. T. Night phones S7 NOTICE Mr. Thos. A. Kelley, of the P. engineering staff, went out on AT HOWE'S PLUMBING snd Hlue VI WANTED Modern rurnlabed apartment or Caribou Mineral Claim situate In the Keliey Logging Co. at Atli Inlet, the train today en route for his . house. No children. Address Roy Ho. AND The right work, at the Hftt Ekeena Mininr Division or Cassiar District. ltd homo In Maine. He does not hart, Prince Rupert Hotel. T has been in town for a day or two. the right and at time, p. Where located. Near bead ot Alice r u - Arm, B. C Mr. Kelley returned to the Island expect to return. SHEET METAL WORKS FOR SALE TAKE NOTICE that I. I. Fred Ritchie, yesterday. Tkr make aeeltoe Taata, elle St. Free- Miner's Certifies te No. Sttl C acUnt ROTIOI IMawe, Sasese Steele, Cftlamsr Tsen, Y4)ONO LATINO HENS FOR SALE Phone as stent for V. A. Williams. Free Miner's Fishing boat Daisy for sale, 27 a all tSe erk let le ally esee 101. 70. Certiorate No. 1011 C. intend, sixty days to the OLD rASMtOSjEO TIN SMOP, feet long, 9-foot beam. Will carry A whist drive and dance will be Ircm the date bereor, to apply to l he WITH AIL TMC LATEST DOkVie. Prince Dairy Rupert MISCELLANEOUS Mininr Recorder for aCertineatc or Im- 9,000 pounds offish. Complete held by the Knights of Pythias In TO-MTI WOSS STtCtALUCO, iKk prorrments, for the purpose of obtaining xcept engine. Price 173. Apply the Castle Hall on Monday, April as SSYLIOMTS, CORNICCS, Its. UMDtSI NSW SUtSUMHtnT TALBOT hoUSEOood Rooms. Every con a Crown Grant or the above claim. Weigh Scales. 0tb. i gtsriuiet la IM lloe fee Still, Sitae rsnlence. Hot water bath, and ft Asd further take notice that action, un r r stuff. SUtee set ee eaS ee. SULK Pr weet. 10c and ttc a nlr&t, der section l must be commenced before lS le Sellers HMfla la all PURE HOLSTIIN the Issuance or such Certificate of Improvements. Mr. K. II. and Mr. J. II. Haillie. GOLDULOOM'JS for suits' and. klnee ef telerleJ. S)airlat ef all CREAM flADUATE Nl'RSE (CM.B. London) Terms of Lytton, I). C are guests at blouses. kinea. mice s aiOMT, sirvicc moderate, apply P. 0. Box Oil, or Dated Ibis 17 lb dsy or March. A. D. the Hotel Prince Hupert. These riasT-otJiss a sATtsnso ous- BUTTERMILK Ntone 41. HIT. J I TOSIfll IS oun AISL the1 gentlemen are old timers on J. FRED RITCHIE. AfenL NONK S40. . O. BOX 4S7. fMONt SS7 P. O. BOX SSS been in Sweep out the poisons! Hkeena, having engaged PMtery -a Office SSI t4 Ateeee Women's Invictus and Dell's the cannery business previously. The large intestine is the i4 M Street, aleee U Oo Bar Sll OrSere rrailf H4t4 T. aS Oaverement lerf J.L.HICKEY shoes just arrived Wallace's, Mr. George Morrison, who has seat of many distressing ait D. RCSMIN BUILOINO. R. McKay, Proprietor. been in the hospital for the last ments, the prolific producer CONTRACTOR BtHLSKR ties aV Hanson. Si, six weeks, leaves by the Maquinna of poisons that impair all W. E. WUUams. B.A, UL.B on Sunday. He was injured some functions of the body. Keep Store and OfUce Fixtures, WILLIAMS at MAMOM lime ago ft the government dock, Bash, Door and Moldings. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. and will reside with relative's in it clean and healthy by eating A HOT BATH THE Vancouver.' theright kind of foods. Cut Oak and Hard of all otter to Loan -Woodi BOS mi out the drug laxatives. No MINUTE YOU WANT IT kind. iMtefM Block Prince RuseM. B. C The S J?. Salvor, which has teen need of pills,oils or bran cakes W Specialize In making standing by the Prince Rupert, You are accuslomea to and fitting storm windows, came into port yesterday for sup-plies. when you can cat Shredd Kcltinir cold water ln-daiilly. also. She left again with two ed Wheat Biscuit, a food Think of the sat. any Harry A. Harvey scows in tow. It is expected that that contains all the material Isfacllon of gelling Hot Plata arid toast Olasa and (Late Loadoa, En a., Ceneeriatelr an attempt will be made tomorrow needed for Water In the same way In building aiazlng. ef Steele) to get the stranded vessel off, healthy abundance, regardless of PUPIL OP LANSOOWNB OOTTSLL tissue and at the same time used Corner Fraser and Sih Ste. how much has been Pupils Taken for Mr. 1. C. Parcells and Mr. CD. supplies enough bran to before. PHONE OMEN 2t VIOLIN,. HARMONY.PIANO, VIOLIN CELLO and Fulmer, late of the O, T. P. locomotive gently stimulate peristalsis, HOT WATER LIKE MAOIC P. O. BOX 44S. EXAMINATIONS staff here, are on their thus keeping the bowels Pupils prepared fee STiamlnetlens way to France with the "Skilled healthy and active. Harry Hanson Try 'it Associated aoe4, Veneeuver, Center Railroaders." They transferred Metal Oellsfle ef wale, Lendoe, for breakfast with hot milk, Hot Water Service brings from the Grand Trunk to the gov. PHONE 83 P. O. BOX 3 this convenience TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 eminent some time ago and now stewed prunes, or sliced you PACtfrC CARTAS LTD. are going to serve theirc ountry bananas. Made in Canada. PHONE ASS P. O. BOX 39S In France. Irmkt mi Sttwge There will be special Hatter A CALL FROM mm TRANSFER COT. services In the Presbyterian - BEST LIMP A NUT COAL Chureli tomorrow. In the morning BUFFALO SECOND HAND hero will bo a children's choir Artists' Billes, London, Em. BARGAINS SALE NO LONQ WAIT! Solicits youp Hauling and andJn the evening special Katter ' ENGINES FOR NO SHORT WEIOHTt Coal Orders imisio will be rendered by the (Cum Marte Minerva 600 Whtn You Ordsp from U. church choir. Dr. Grant will One 10-12 H.P. Heavy duty Pro mot attention preach at night on the subject of This notice should interest any One 13-16 H.P. Heavy duty 750 'Immortality." old member of the Artists" re. One SO-22 H. P. Heavy duty 1000 careful delivery and siding in II. C. Would they'kindly duty 1M0 given to at) Dr. J, H. White, supt of homo forward their names to llobert mm One 28-M H. P. Heavy DENTISTRY orders, either large missions, II. C, and Mr. James llarker, bos J 27, bally .News, Apply-- op small. Allan,, supt of home mission of Prince Hupert, II, ( or Douglas EssssHSl Canada, of the Methodist Church, Hpencer, 17 Craven Street, Hlrand. Swanson & Thomas sraotALTT came on the "Thomas Crosby" London; object connected .with BR. J. I. BROWN BEST QUALITY COAL from Vuiicotiver and went out on the receiitly.formed Artists' Utiles Phones, Red 3S1 and Oresn asi oawriaT and CLOSE PRICES this mornjng's train for the east. lleglinenlal Association, and particulars PEERLESS EN0INE8 tot aasei own at. tn amm Mr. White Is going to Prince will be forwarded to any Sole s..m. rn BUPPALO and.... imall PHONE 17. fleorgo and will return to this members on making their address NORTH ERM Bril I ion ww'" city later. known. - ,.,,.,.