TUB DAILY NEWS Mo,"'y April o. The' Brawn and Brain a s'a The DAiwrNtwr 4 THtft MAILS of a boy ore not made out of ' '' THMXAOING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHtWT BMvTMIItCOt UMBlW-PuUi,Kd DUf W'WmIiI books or sermons. They ore th Easi Far Guaranlstd L?e4t .ClrcutatW" i bttilt out of foods that supply Tiiedayr,2 a. in. 'ki wcll'balnnccd proportion at;r? HEAD tlFFIGK and in digestible form every Wednesdays, 0:30 a. in. hilly News Hutldln, 3rd Ave, Priiic- Hubert, n;c Telephone 08. needed element. These elements Saturdays, 0:30 a. in. From the East. IHAMMKN!" DISPLAY ADVEHTIPINrt 60 re-m nr inch. 0nirc are found in Shredded Tuesday, ''30 P' m' rstrt u application. Wheat Biscuit, a real whole Thursdays, &:30 p. in, wheat food which contains Sundays, 3:10 p. in. DAILY BtHTIOH Monday, April 9, 1017. all the material for building For Vancouver.- the human body. A perfect Tuesdays, 4 p. in. TNI MSMNHNt JF TUB ENB of Iluaala, as: contrasted with food for growing youngsters. Thursdays, 10 p. m. There is' an clement In fler the autocracy of Prussia, to its enspness encourages Sundays, t p. in. many which cherished the idea realize that the republic will thorough chewing, which From Vancouver. that the intervention of th remain In this struggle until! develops sound teeth and United States against the Teu Germany has purged herself of Children Wednesdays, 10:30-a. nr. tonic alliance would be a do the evil Influences which havo healthy gums. like Fridays, 3 p. m. slrablo thing because it would rondo her a Devil's kingdom, it and thrive on it. It is Sundays, 7 p. m. import Into n peace conference until the countries she has ready-cooked and ready-to-eat. Alternate Mondays from Janu a moderating- influence upon ravaged have been compensated For breakfast or any in- w UUUBJ aWfSJ ' the Knlcnte altitude. There is to tho "uttermost farthing," meal with milk or cream. ary good reason to believe that this and until there has been, In For Anyox. Made in Canada. Good Lmchl" and idea is entertained in the high fact,' a remodelling of the map Wednesdays, 10 p. ni. est quarters in 'Germany. In of continental Europe. Fridays, 8 p. in. that atmosphere sanity long rifty years ago tho Union 'lion of the .Northern Interior is Sundays, 8 p. m. ' wince ha abdicated its: throne fought Ave long-years the niosl'llaieltou-Tvlkwa district of Omi From Anyox. "Thank you for the wishes and for and nobody can account for the terrible kind of war for the-'neca mining division, from which delusions which flourish there. vindication of an ideal. It was lho Hoc her do IJoulo mine con- Thursdays, Sundays and TuVs-l Assuredly, of all the hallucina a long-time after the' guns' of tributes the greater part of the days. tions' which have developed in Fort 8 rj m t e'r reverberated production. Along lower tikeena the fertile soil of MohenzollCrn around the'wdrld before the river, in the llabipe country, and COAL NOTICES ism the craziest is the view country was thoroughly roused east of Telkwa, along the U.T.P lit INS UNO RSOOROIWO DISTRICT! W W that , the intervention, of the lo ine danger which threatened railway, many copper prospects IITRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Thm Flavour Lasts United States in this war as a it, and lo the necessity of mak- 'are: being developed, but producing hostile force 'might be of ad its greatest effort. When lion from' them so far. has been Ta nolle that Oliver Bromn. f Vie This great little pick-me-up lorl. D. C. occupation maehlnltt, loWrltl vantage to the combination of it did understand the situation 'small: Between the Q. T, 1'. u apply for pennlitloo to pro!! fur I is full of vigour and vim for which Germany is the cornerstone. it -.stopped at nothing. Al- Hallway and Lillooel district there nl tn4 prtrotetifii on lb tl eott oil though a young democracy, It is a strip of virtually unprospecU Orthtrn IiUihI In finally of Wt nr the jaded soldier Quenches It has taken the United States adopted conscription. It de- ed country, in which copper and Curnmenclnr l pott piloted la mil I toulti of lb toutlM-Mt comer ol C LI thirst, allays fatigue, gives nearly three years to realize termined to fight to the bitter jollier minerals may be found; ttri; ihrfic tooth to enatnt, Uier.ee til the real character and alms of end. It scorned offers of- me-.this Is along Ihe eastern contact IS chalni, thene north IS rtuloi, lhnx- I new life to enervated spirits. the pwwers with which the Entente dialion which came from Eu-jzone of the Pacific Coast range, eitt IS chain! lo potm f eenenceinrnL slates are at war. In that rope. And it never laid down This range is 1,000 miles long, March 11, HIT. ouvi.n Autlln uhowx,Brown. roL Every letter or parcel m CHHAOX period the republic has suffered the sword until 11 hail destroyed from the Intt-rnational lloundarv for soldier friend .WRrGLEYSift the most outrageous violation absolutely and finally the mill-Mine northward through British MCINA LAND MOOROmSJ DISTRICT I your ISTRICT OT QUCCN CHARLOTTI ISLANDS should contain n few of its rights with unexampled tary resources of its enemy, IColuinbia Into Alaska. It Is mm patience. It has been flouted that government of the people:known to contain commercially Tike nolle that William Mion. of 1e barn. Appetite, diges SM 1 CHtWINO JrTrittQ and insulted times' without by the people and for the peo-t valuable ore bodies, In many lorla, B, C, oeropviion aeeoaatiat, Inteadil tion and spirits are Wr2EaSJfJjv2z number. Its shipping-has been pie might not perish." The places along both its eastern and lo ipplr for permlMloA U prwpeel foci inc dcuct ror n. mum tkht-kcpt man coal and petroleum on tb wet coatl sunk, its citizens have been sword is pretty rusty, but it western contacts. Graham Itland. In vicinity of Well river. A til lJw,., massacred; its factories1' have is now being polished. It is CoaunfnciDf it I' Doit plisted oa ml I Sold Everywhere been blown up, Its' domestic out of the scabbard and it will COAL NOTICES tomb of the MMilbeatl corner of C L aTallllal-iTin affairs have been1 spied upon, not be replaced until the same 171; tbenee north SO rbatae, tbene eatl I Wn. Wrialey Jr. Co., LliL, 10 chalnt Utene toulh so cbalaa, tbene I Wrilr Blda.,Toronto its very integrity has been principle for which the civil MRU LAND RECORDERS DISTRICT-- wett SO chalni 14 point of rumrorncemehL threatened by a secret Intrigue war was fought to the end has strict or queen charlotte islanoi WILLIAM DIXOJI, 7ir Flavour Lmmtml with oneof its neighbors. Its been vindicated by the cham Tike DuUr itul Jamel Mc.'tulljr, of Mirrh II, II7. Autlln Brown. ireaL rr rmt rvrirr am patience, misinterpreted by the pions of civilization In Europe. I'rloe HukM. occupation merchant, la SCCINA' LAND RtCOROINa' DISTRICT I BjBgBJSgrgSJSJBJpflpjg p WkWkWkWkWmkW savages of Brandenburg, is now Germany ought to re-read history. u-ndi lo apply for intiuioo to protpeet ISTRICT Or OUSAN CMARLOTTK ISLANOS exhausted' and it Is "mad clean The consequences of her tor rual aod petruleom oa the ct eit ot Crituin Itlanc! la lb eternity of Wen Mullen,! Tak nolle Ibar Turner HoUjwell through." Like all big democracies, disregard of the lessons of river. of If torti, B, C, oecnpaUoa tnertbailt. In. it will be as slow to Britain's history should have CtidubrMiaf t a' pott planted' oo mile lendt to tpply for permlttton" to protpeet I subside a it was to be aroused. impelled her to review American loath of tout bra it corner of C L III! for coal and petroleant on tb welt cwatll tbene Kiulb III chain, likrnr ettl I of Oriham Itland. In vicinity of Wett river Its anger will deepen and its history. The Wars of chuut, I bene iiurtti to tiulnt, tbrnc Commeaclnr it RUle I pull planted on determination will harden as Frederick and the chronicles of WINTER SCHEDULE met! to chalni to point of runioeneeiBenL touth of the toui&eui corner or C L the war progresses. Every affront the Franco-Trussian war of IAMES McMILTV. 171. tbene wett SO chalni. tbeac north I to Belgium, every atrocity forty-flve years ago as her Mtrrh II, If 17. Autlln Brown, irml 10 cbalni. tbene eatl 10 chain. Uxor I S. 8. PrtlNCC OKOROK In France, outrage mental diet have i i too tb 10 cbalni lo polat of cocuneneemenL every upon ruined her, THURSDAY 12 Slldnlght f.o r Vsncouvir SKUMA LAND RICOROINO DISTRICT Tt'R.tEn nOTUWELL MCLLtX, its own rights, will add fresh Victoria Times. ISTHICT OT QUCCN CMANLOTTC IS LAND I March it, iit. Aaitta Brows, ireac Victoria and Ssaltls. stimulus to the high resolve WID0AY SHONIOHT FOR ANYOX that the sword shall not be THOUSAND MILES Tk nolle ttuil Joarpb Rowit, of Prion MKNA LAND nKOOMOIUSk DISTRICT- I STRICT OT QUEAN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS I S. S. PRINCC JOHN RapfTt, B. C, orrupaliua protpfclor, to sheathed until the foul author YET TO PROSPECT tradt to ti'pljr for pcnulttloa to protpvcl For KaUhlkan, Wrangtlt, Junoau and Skagway' April of this hellish1 orgy is not only Take nour that Arnr Brown, of Vic for co I tu prlrolrum on Uw writ colli FOR QUIIN CHARLOTTC I8LAMD8 APRIL 11th. beaten' but' punished. In a statement made recently of Oribim iiitud,' la vicinliy of Wet I toria, B. C occupation widow. Intend! to I Let there be no mistake by Mr. John D. Galloway, assist appli for prmlMkih u protpeet for' Coil I PAMCfttiKft TRAIN SERVICE and petroleum vu wet l- coatl of Orabam I about that. We have, only to ant mineralogist for the province. Cumurttctnt from pott pUotrl otx Itland. In vicinity of Wett river. Mrday aad Strr at ItiSO. a, fee BmllMet. rrlai Seft. I-mU; aiiw too in of Um toutbwttt comer of C L read1 President Wilson s ar.'he says: (III; Um-dco tout!) 10 ctuiof, Ibrnc ttt Conuwoctat al a pott planted two Dili- I SlUa 4 W hi !. mImi taMtl thee fe alt fw raignment of those responsible r Prospecting has been in prog-for 10 tbalnl, tbrnce' oortb' 10 rfaalat, Ukdci touUi of th outneatl comer of C aH sad wtR. ,!' lela vey TSy tl I a. a. wttt 10 rbtlot to point Of Cuouut ocrturo L 10011, tbene- welt' so chalni. throe! Germany policy to'under-fress along the line of the Grand JOiiCril Bonn 10 cnaini tbene tan so chain,! 'Ag'sncy All Ocsan Stoamshlp Linos. stand what the United States .Trunk Pacific for some years, but BOWAT, tbene toatlr l chain, to polo I of com I Mirrli SI, KIT. Autlln Drown, tgtat For Information and reservations apply to will for and 'it aiencement. fight demand.. We Is only recently that develop- AO its Bnow.i. City Tiekat omca, 5M Third Avonus. PHONC KO nave merely lo study the allu-'menl may be said to. have com. HUM LAND RIOORtHftfl DISTRICT March Ji; ItlT. AuiUatrown. areot.1 slons to the rights of small na-'menced. At present the only ptwict or qUKtsr chawlttk isumos tions and to the new democracy important copper producing sec-l ME EN A LAND RECORDINa DISTRICT I T,u WUIlim of istrict or outxn charlotte islanos i Vic tori. B. C occupation ntertbant. In tend u apply for permittian to protpen Tak nolle that Edward Plekard. of I for coil iihT petrotenm oo' In well roatl Lo Aofrlei, occupation enpneer, lotendt of Oranam Itland In vicinity of Weil liter. to ippiy for iermiiiion to protpeet for Ccnuurnclnt- it pot planted two milel coal and pcrroteutn on tb wen coin of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY toutn or ttw louineatt roroer or C L. Oriharn ftland. in vicinity of Weit rtver.! Ramsay's 1117; tnence welt IS rtialot, thrnce tout! Commenctnr al a pott piloted on mll 10 cnaroa, tame eatl 10 cbaint, tliene touth of tb tout be tit corner of C U Lowest Rates 0 all Eastern" Point nortn 10 tluki lo point of coauiMiieetueaL 1167, theta'weit to chalai. tbenca nortn I via Stenmr to Vancouver and th fOlVi. WILUAM COSS. It cbainl. tbene eatl' to cham. theoe) CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Mtren Zt, tl7. Autlln Brown, arenL too lb to chain to point of commeacemenl.I Ml and ttorttv tnc)udV on 3lif r Cream Sodas EDWARD rlCKARD. Empire MMNA LANB RIOORMNO DISTRIOT March SI. ItlT. Auttlo Brbwn. nent.1 IITRIOT Or QUCCN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS Princess- Maqulnna for O ran by Bay Friday 11 p. m. LAND MOOROtMO DISTRICT I Take notice ttut notlyn Duke, of Portland. ISTRICT OT QUEEN OMAALOTTB ISLANOS Princess-Haqulnna' So'othbotihd SuildJy t p. m. teodi ore4 lo apply ocrupatloo for penuitilou noul proprietor,to prMpetl ln Tik nolle that lame Ray, of Victoria.I Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, April 16th. In t-Hfl Tin for coal and troleuin on lb wett coatl C-. oecupauon hotel proprietor, intend!! of Oribain Itlttul. In Um" vicinity or Welt to ipply for permiMton to proiptci fori Wer, coal and petroleum on lb" well coatl of I J . I. PETERS, Ccneral Acent Havo atulna their envlaeU rasuUilon by: fthelr tupArlor) In Orahant Itland. vklnllr.-of Wait river. ComuenclDV at a poll pita led on mil B.C. Co rier Tnurlli Srl an I Tlilrrt Avnu Trine Kupt. qmlHy mn4 unrformliy. The most' cJIeHmlnttlnQ, hotrm outk of lb soHtbatl corner of C L. Coriimnctrlr It 'a pott: pUnted it lb Tit tbenca toutlj 10 chaloi, Ibeiic well touthweit corner of C L. Iltii tbenrwl EmplrN when' buying Soda 10 claim, tbenra north SO chain, thence wtt SO cbalni, tbene touth to chain.I eait' 10 chain to point of couubeneetnenL tbene rail to chum, tnenc north 10 1 chain to of HOSLY.1 VVkt, point conuotbreroe-nL Thrr mdr in B.G. and your grocer gets hit supply Marcb SI, HIT. Autlln Brown, arenL March tl, ItlT. Autun 1AM CS Brown,HAT. irenu frequently and ejutomly, Insuring . freshneas, which means Qnfntv First SKKEKA LAND RfCORDINO DISTRICT acaiM LANE) REOORDtNO' DISTRICT I erispni I STRICT Of QUKCN OMARLOTTt ISLANDS ISTRICT OT QUEEN OHAMLOTTC ISLANOS Provs li by buying tin wKh your neat order. Tik nolle- tnali John Booth, of Lo Take 'nolle that rrederlch Moertch. of I An r 11 occupation contractor, Intind to iciona, ii. u, occupanon uleiirtaa. In. Ship to Shakeri" Manufactured by' I'plf for perntlitlon to protpeet for coal teiidl to ipply for pemliilon' to protpeet I I.ft.. ind' petroleuni on lb wen coatl of On ror eon ina wtroieum on tb well eotttl rwi - bam ititnd. In vicinity of Wen river. of Orabaia Itland, la vicinity of Weil river.I RAMSAY BROS. 4 CO., LTD. Cotnmenelnr it a poll planted IwO mllel coininencmr it a potl planted two mile! , iioulh of tho loutheaii corner of C L toutn or lb loutbeaii corner of C 1.1 1171) Ibenr eatl' SO rbalni, Ibene norll ttTI, Ibenc eatl to chain, tbme touthl Vanoouvor, . O. J 1 10 rbilm, tbenca wen SO thlni, ibeno 10 chain, thrive wen 10 cbilo. tbene I 'loutb 10 rbilm to point of cominenrenient. north to chain lo point of commencement. Bi SHvSm. Inc. gl HlltlStHHtHHIIMIlt J0II.1 BOOTH, rneneiticE moibscii. Mtrrh 11, I IT. Autlln Brown, ifDl. March II, HIT. Auilln Brown, stem. EMPR ES S C 0FFE SYIISLNSALK DltTIHBUTOR . F. O. BAVSN , - PRtriOC'RUPMT, a 4