1017. TUB DY KBWS M""""' , FOOB1 SPECULATORS NOTED MUSICIAN AND THE STdRAGE Bathe i Continued trout la, Due,. Internally or MOH. state Hint he credited with puttliW Hlr Thotnaa White where ( New Are Crsr 50,060 Psopla he U and Hint n,r Thomas While is credited vrfth pumng Wr Fla. Doing o Thrift served; and veils' where he w t : ;, is- not in the I. .-.7 Inline wr-rld, to ,,, BUftf( uul nl fof msny tttri phsleiana bars airted Health presamred. At lbl tha tin mijoriir of nnmaa Ms wars Ottawa. one tlfiio the Bibry caud In'tfca Lower ty atcartiultird wsim dt alwul that Mr. FlaVelle was Ihtfilitwt ibat in our prnl way of.ll-inr By wearing,rubbers in sloppy weaditMr. ifoinv- In make hlmidr premier .tsiart could not rtmovs all taM waits and Mf Thomas while without atiiiunce. no matter now ran night lar s nirhi be, sod that tha pofaons ' Hower and then agairr that he was rmm this waiu clrcufatmr tarosaH tbe Quality it guaranteed, and truing to make 8lr Tlibinaa ant blood palled ui awiy down baloW par and ( rnier ntid-liiiiiscir if,e Ma I)c1,ihij. ra rM.jMibla for man duaascs Of S Long wear assured. rioui niture. nut .Mr, riaveile disclaimed both bunnr Hill lima tha "t B. L. Caicada" When you buy rubbers bearing any, MAPIB, rmtf LEaeU llu ofl' Imrteathirtenta and n diil ftr Internal Bithtnr bal. bcanM Of tbalr 1 sWmCmSw- rtlf Thomas. Borne fool spilled rM-otntTRtidttion and Unas of Ha Oter, oBtheae Trade Marks: the heans while they bwt itfadiir rrowior In faror. were away riortotlf, bowtvrr, "tbs urtlur news In F.ngland and of course there which bai been covering this country, that KEfTCnAMTS5 XkKTlEM" 'BaMmnfr? was tiolhrnie Ui do huf to deny It trtat lurreons and apeclaliiu bare been when they came home. In frl operating cn tha Lower Inteitlna for the "fiRAIIBr -MAPLE LEAF -DAisr un. nosinour-ii mott thrtmir and sartoua diaaaaes, naa It fell down the D CwgnUn St., MoHtrrtd. same-way as the casaed Americana to become, tboroutbly 'Dardanelles- cfinfpaiRihMhe aur- awike to the Importance of ke'plnr this April 20lh, 1913. iprltfe sijuibbH out. Lower Inteiuoe rrra from all polaoooua other medicine Canadian Con solidatted" Rubber Limitferh no Co., -Inr opinion, i to show, watt tuatur, and orer $00,000 are now however; i,ihorMJiAcurkllf"eforG.iAi-- ; uamt Internal Bathi. .WMFlttW"; wh,?1 a" efflc,c"t Person Mr. Flai If yon try tha j, D. L. Caacada" yon Largest AUnufactarerw of Rubber Good 1st the BriMala Emplns even ort his will sad 'yourself britUt, conn-dent ill ,Ve,le. great merits always (...r-prfromlliecomplsInUfor EXECUTIVE OFFICES - MONTREAL, P.. Lrtsrt saxlriiiiy''orenpa''leouMrt t M'elMIMJ lo anything lit iDd capable tha pottoned waits shd'rny makes sa biUkrai, blue, dull and nervous. SEVErf LAnCS, UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN CANADA Hon, ilwle. brought"stxnit a kind oflb" Sift of the Voters, but that Internal Baths ars Nature's own curs for S8 "SERVICE" BRANCHES AND WAREHOUSES THROU6HOUT CANADA IstesS J rrlrsls with docan'l make him any the less Contipitloo- juit warm aater properly kUu tekhina; ru, drowslnoss after jefllclent"Or arirtlir leSTa pel of applied. Vtvtt force .ntturs tha -i. B. fatisr,anJ Pain Hi'thoBsek." I tried the-Ilorden floTenimenl. Mr. Fla L. Csiraue' rently aiiliti her. Call and aee It at Cyril II. Orroe'l. sad medicines of pbysIcUns, but iVell'e is emdericy last degree. If pills Drarrnt, Corner rd Are. and sib St, or land neaisTRr act 'IN THE SUPRLMC OOURT Of BRiTtar. oh.atbc peJme. Thrnlwaslndoeed 'he' were running this war he aVk Ibere Tot -vnif Man of Today li Only to trr Frult-s tire-, sad now for twduld have General Sir Douglas S per crnt Effielent," a booklet of treat EtSrC AUafrsr aiaiRss. (i Bt H I lata been entirely wen. afg punch a time clock whew. Intereit, vhich la riren free on request. (SccUona If and III.) In the matter of tbe Admtnlstrauon Act, If tu prcrer. write for Booklet to Or. Mo. tlll l. ruing tilt. - sod - CIRCUIT NO. 1. Re-jtppllcauon IiJvnronehoittrerfnmtbst:jevfr ho Mmfort or went off duty. Chai. A. Tyrrell, I6 Collera street. Toronto. or John TAkE MOTICE that appUeatloa has been Jo tbe mailer or the estau Be 12 tth St, and Srd, Are,. brf j Moreover he would cut out the made to register Tbs Corporation of tbe Adams, deceased. Intestate. Bo i 1Sth st, and rd Are, .iib be rewlUnr ini5i?etat',o, lul of ruiil for the w'ater.soaked City or Priore Rupert In tbe rrorrnce or TAkE MOTICE that by order or His Baa 14 Sth St,and Srd Are, fi7-s-fw - a! yon win btj heroes fir th front trenches and LAND LEASE NOTICE British Columbia, aa owner in fca snder Honor Jndge Yonar. Vocal Judge of toe Boi IS Junction ot 1st, rod st the t-eneflt Supretn Court, made the 4th day of Srd Ares. 7 sarpriac-J Err-st du the two Tax Sal Deeds rrom the Luuector of t receive- A. ItOSflicno. thing-un cocoa" and helpful TAIP riOTICE thai 1, WUliam, James tbs bty of Prince Rupert, bearing date tbe January, III J, 1 was appointed Admlnl-tralur Bee IS 1st Ae between Sth and 6fort2.tt), trls! tracts. The sixth commaudnient Matthews, acttnr aa arent for tha Aorlo-BntUb tth viae nr rtem&her tSIS". or ALL AMD or the estal of John Adams, Sth Sts, (Knox Hotel), j3e si x lfe,23e.' deceased. All parlies baeiog claims against Ba IT 1st Are, and 7th St, (Central would Little only one the soldiers Columbia racktog Company, Limit SIMCULAR thai eerUIn parcel or tract of I norseatpostpsJJbjrKnilU were allowed to break and that rd, regiatered otnea In Vanconrer, B. C, land and premises'situate, lying, and being the said estau arc hereby required to for-tsard Hotel). verified to m on or of Arrandale, occupation Intend san properly store ktepeer. Iq the Municipality ot Prtne Rupert, more only temporarily. In short, the to apply for permlasloa to leate the particularly known tai described ai Morth- ne'er tbe Uth day of April. Itl7, anu astcurr no. a.. war wotild bear" a close reenl. followlog described lands. Westerly Serenty 7. feel or Lou Eleren ill parties Indebted to the said estate ars Sox 22 3rd Are and Jrd St, (Post u Saved k blance to the llibfe Class of which Commencing at s post drlren on tha (III. and Twelrr (l Block Eighteen , .. tJ lo pay th amount of ibeir ui Office). A Dollar Mil store of Portland Canal about s mils 1S, Sectloo On (1;, Mip til. Sebledness forts lih. Sex Ird Are, and McBrid St. Mr. Flavelle Is the Instructor. ind a half north of Dogfish Bay, from Dated tb tnd day of March, It 17, So 04 1st Are, and MeBrtde SL a DoDar Earnsd" Above all, It would not break the Utenct north twenty chains; the nee east of Yoa the are tat required purchaser to within conteit thirty-ar tb clahn t, IL M(Ml'LU!V. ontcial Administrator. Sex SS tnd Are. and tnd SL Sabbath. Ira chains; tbenca south 'twenty chalnsi Bx 20 tnd.Are. snd Sth St. days rrom the date of th serrtcc ot this IN THE supRcsir ooutrr or tuuTtsM 1 1 all odd Mr. Flavelle is the ibroea wtsi ten chains. outlet whicb may be effected by Personal COLUSHttA. Saw 270. T. P. DOLLAR to eredit rebruary ttth. It. Mt your best man the Ilorden Government service or as directed), and your attention in the bonk, it WILLIAM JAMES MATTHEWS, Applicant called S or tb "Land Registry CIRCUIT NO. S. A yours. la to section' tn the matter (of tbo Administration Act, call deal can to with the food Vou don't have to on Act with amendmenu, and to the sad Sex SI lib Are. snd Pulton SL work for it' aH over speculator bst from every an- LAND F1EQISTRY ACT rutlowmg eitrsct therefrom s In the matter of the estate of Peter Bx as Borden snd Taylor Sts. for the doUsxs die, bonef t, efficiency, experience. and m default or caveat or certiscat McLachlan. deceased Intestate. j Box 24 7lh Are. ana rulton SL iiin-ai you dp Shallow people are suggesting tf lis pendens being Bled before tbe re g- TALE MOTICxT that by order or HUj Boi SB Sth Are, and Comot Ar. tbst hive been' (Section JS and III.) Sox 37 Ith snd' Dodge Place spent. Are, Utratton ss owner or tbs person entitled Honor Judge Yoong, local Judge of lb ; How doHnrs have substitutes, such as rice or spa Be Application 50. tl.tlt, riling Mil. under such tax sale, all persona so serred .'upremer Count, mad the I Tin day of) Sox SS Sth Are. and -Thompson SL many yeu ghetti for HUtoerf; but every time TAkE 50TICE that application has been with notice, .... and thos claiming rebruary. 1917, I was appointed,Admim-' that you dan coll your own ? a poor man mentions what he is mad to rt tiller John Bergmao, of Prlnca tbroega or under tbctu, and all person trator of ibtf estate or PeuOfeLschlan, ; astcurr no. 4. Why not start an account in truing to eat next the food Auperi, B. C, as owner in tea under a claiming any Interest In tb land by virtue deceased. All parlies baring claims against , Bat 41 Ith Are. and Emmerson oar Siring Department and speculator Taa tale Deed rrom tha Collector or tha of any unregirured lnstrtuniut. and 'the said estate are hereby required to for-j PUe. of the beats him lo it. Oilier people City or Prince Rupert, bearing data tha lu persons claming any Interest la tbe, SUJI yiXJyKl IJ ,Ci tuc. wj vu vi Sea 42 lib Are,,and MeBrtde St. me t part money you favor back yard production, ISIS day r Septeotber, ISIS. r ALU AMD land by descent who till is not registered furore the nth day or April, ltl7. and Sot 44 Ith Are, and Green SL tun? A few dollars taved vacant lot tillage and other violations SI.VGl'LAn that tertara parrel or tract of under the prorlaloas of this Act, aU parties Indebted to the said estate are Set 44 Sth Are. and Basil SL ctdwcck.amount to hundreds land and prrmltea situate, lying, and be shall be for erer estopped and debarred required to pay tb amount ot their indebtedness Box 40 7th Are. and Eberu. in tk course of a few years. of nature. Anyone who has tag In tha Muuletpality of Prince Rupert, from settler op any claim' to or In respect for taw i tn: Box 141 7th Are, and Toung SL ever toyed with the exsuccous and mora parueularty known u Lot Ten (10), of th land so sold for Uvea, and tb Dated the nd day or March, 1117. THE BANK OF indurated quality of city back Block Fire ) Section Sereo Mats. Registrar ahaU register tbe person entitled J, H. McMULUM, ORlcial Administrator yards and vacant Iota knows just under such Us sale as owner of th BrUkk Natt Aserka V a are required to contest the claim land so sold for taiea." i the sumusK couht or SIUTMH how much lo expect from this comsMia within lhirj-na of tha tai purchaser AMD WHEREAS apUcaUon has been quarter. fram -tha dale of tbo service ef this txvlttttt n it m uf sn SL&x. day mad for a CerUflrau of Indercastbl Title We are confident that Mr. Fla. notice whlrb may be effected by Regis, to tbs aboremenUooed lands. In tb name In tb matter or tbe Administration Act, cirn4L Asa hi nc rtjt. velle would put an end to all such vcred Mail or aa Directed, and your at or Tb Corporation of tbs City of Prtncc TH MtmytemMBrfk teatlon U called to aectloo IS of tna Rapert: In the matter or tb esuta of John nm itcrm manci silliness as asking city people lo 'Land Registry Art" with amendments, BapUsM Baroalchex, deceased, lutes UU. AMD WUEREAS on lores tin ting the Utie W.J.SMITHEKMMMcr plant onions' in theif' flower beds tad to the foUowiag eitracl Uwrefromi TAKE MOTICE that by order of HJS risMKWta-urm II appears that prior to tb fourteenth day and growing mnshrooins in the ...."and In default f s caveat or rerun-cata Honor Judge Young, local Judge or th or September, till, (the date on which 2 1-t la. Vf 7 ha. IS-tS CyL or ha pendeoa being Bled berora tha thai Supreme Court, mad tllh day of cellar tJ relieve the high cost of tb aald lanoa were soia tor oTcraue regiatraOoa as owner of tbe person eo-tilled rebruary, 1917, I tu appointed Admlnls-irator living. Mr. Flavelle; who has a snder such tai sale, all persona as taxes), you were a mortgage thereof. of estal or John Baptist Barnalcbes a Cr a a-a m. by s i-a hv, as Sheet Metal Work beautiful conservatory of his own erred with notice. . . ..and thoaa claiming FURTHER TAKE MOTICE that St the ! leeeased. All parties harms claims sgainst Ha9f) arW through or ander thean. and sli persons same rim I abail effect regutrauon in for- said to the estate are hereby required Toronto, at his home In Queen's Park, of such and Issue 4 ot S 1-2 In. fey 0 claisniog any Interest In tbe land by virtue pursuance application mard same property rertSed to m on or llir.t ben In tht EU I have 1 would not willingly oust or any unregistered Instrument, and aU a Certificate or Indefeasible Tin to tbe before the tllh day or April, It 17, aoJ his orchids for anything so feebly persona claiming any Inlereat la the land said lands In tb nam of the abor cor all partlea Indebted to th aald estate are twoms acquilnted with all mod. ornamental as the common or by descent who till la not registered poration unlets you take and prosecute required to pay tb amount of their In For FuiUr Information ra axlhodt of outfitting gasoline ander. the proruiona of thia Act. shall be the proper proceeding to establish your debtedness rorthwlih. Apply to How then could btu ss ned by Eastern shops. garden turnip. for erer estopped and debarred rrom setting claim, ir any, to tb said lands, or to Dated tbe nd day or March. It 17. he ask Sir Henry Pellall lo terrace op any claim to or in respect of the prerent tnen proposed action on my part. J. H. MeML'LLIM. Official Administrator. Gasoline Casa Ioina with cabbages? No, land ao sold for taies, sod l be Registrar Dated st the Land Registry Office, Prtne W. E, WILL1SCROFT Tanks, Pipe-fitting tbaU- register tbe person enUUed under RuperU, B. C, this totb day or December, Mr. Flarelle would do something IN THE SU PRESS! OOURT OT BSJTItH Prince Rupert, BG. and sack tai sale aa owner or the land K A. D. I91S. . Plumbing:, With his QrXWSMiia, better than that. or- sold' for taxes" H. r. MACLEOD. and all lin.es of Sheet ganiilng genius and his talent AMD WHEREAS application has bees District Registrar of Titles. tn the matter of tb Administration Act, : Metal Work for efficiency It would uol be long soade for a Or tin rata er Indefeasible Title To rredertc Scbattner, Esq., and i : n To lo tbe aboeetnentloned lands, tn the nam care C L. Freeman, C P. K.- Btdg. before he would evolve a plan In tbe matter or the estate or WUliam Prompt Attention and Skilled Feed The People Without (living St John Bcrgmanr Edmonton. Alberta. James Macartney Sandels, deceased. In LApLSE rfOT SffUN5 A.P WHEREAS oa Inrettlgatlng tha Workmaiuhlp To F.at Or Intiy testate. HOTEL Them Anything UU If irpeara that prior to tbs I th day Navigable Waters FraUollon Act, TAKE MOTICE that by order or Hi H. Way Interfering With Uusiness or September, Itls". (tbs dale on whK-a lia. Honor Judge Young, local judg or the JS MOW OPEN TO OUTSSTS LETOURNEAU EnterprUe As 11 Exist Today. I tne said. lands were aoM for overdue n. a. , cHArTn Supreme Court,, mad the S Srd day ot 621 SIXTH AVENUE can fancy what a fine fat blue taieal yon were the .assessed owner rebruary. It 17, I was appointed Administrator OS of th largest Hot Springs tn circumference MS fv thereof. -William America, Ulsck S25 P.O. Uox 118 book Mr. Flavelle would get out Tb Grand Trunk Pactflc Railway Com or the estate of Jam Trmptratur of Water. IIS d. rahr. TAKE tbs NOTICE that St All rtRTIirR under Macartney Sandels. deceased. parties tnat it nolle pany hereby lire has, would be on that subject. II big true lima I shall effect registration la wtta haring claims against tbe. said estate ar Section 7 or tb said Act, deposited enough and heavy enough to hold pursuance of such application and Issas s th Mlaiiter of Public Works st Ottawa, hereby required to forward same properly tUcelUat Treut Plahlas la Lahats CrrUBcate or Indefeasible Title to the said verified to me be ror tb nth Lake. the food situation down until the ind In tb one or th District Registrar on or day laoda In tbe name or John Bergman unless ot of April, 1917, and all parties Indebted lo Phoa OewaasStsae with Taerata. Land Office. District; Government got ready to f tbe Registry Ilorden yon tak and proaecuts tbe proper pro rlnc Rupert, at Prince Rupert, s descrip tb said est are required to pay tb RATES t SLS0 see day. Prince let ceedioga to establish claim. If any, amount or their Indebtedness forthwith. Rupert Feed Co. go. your tion or the site and plan or lumber mill And Mr. Flavelle would do all to tha aald lands, or to prerent such proposed and other works proposed to b built In Dated th tnd day or March. 1917, ror further par lieu lan. apply to ' o. ssa. Ot Jit4 Ar. this with thfr silent dlspalch of a action on my part. in Prince Rupert harbor at Prince Rupert. J. H. MCMl'LLIN. Official Administrator J. SHTUCS JOMHSTOiaa. Blsasaae.- DATED at tha Land Otnce, Registry In front of Waterfront British Columbia, CEIVIDQUW well-oiled machine. No blustering rrtucs Rupert. B. C thia ath day ot cf CARBONVOID for sale by Lip- 1S17 HIB8 Block "I", according to registered plan reformer he. The iron hand Derember, A. D. it IS. Tho Dally Ms tielivertHl li th towns tie or tbe said city or Prince sett & Cunningham, and Parkin. in the velvet glove. Ob. the'velvet I H. r. MACLEOD. Rupert registered In the' aforesaid land WE HANDLE 5fl rents ini'tilh- ratrier, Apr, IT. District Registrar or Titles. Ward Electrio Co. If. pr spoken, .trie No. 9I, Section 7. Mr. Flavelle Is so soft so registry as tsla Simon Peterson, California. To Dsrtsrtlle, rl9oa, Itannlea sniooth, so silky that his friends AMD TAKE MOTICE that after tb ex Frry'a and Maekansia'a piration of one month from th date ot call his Flossie. II. F. Oadby. WATER NOTICE th Oral publication or this notice, th Qrdsn and Field Seeds. Grand Trunk Psrlflc Railway Company Also Ferllllxers. s MEXNA IAHO coast,OISTWICT HANOI-a.OISTSICT Of DIVERSION. AND USE will. u3r Sectloo 7 ot tb said Act, apply FRED STORK'S HARDWARE lu tbe Minister or rublle Works at bit HAY, QRAIN'ANO TAKE MOT1CK that Oeorge MclUe, FEED cm re in th City or Ottawa for approval Chicken reetf A TAkE NOTICE Hut tlx BriUib Columbia whose addreai U Skldegite, B. C, will if the sa'.d sit and plan and ror leave Speolalty. UmltfJ. of Victoria. B. apply for a Ureses to Uks and use IIS . Caoninr Comiwny, m conatruet in said works.. foi tublc feet per minute or water out f 710 MC01- AVE. Inwoil is apply Ws Taka C. Minion cnnr, Dated st Winnipeg. Manitoba, this list Orders for Nursery following oerif-4 Demsi-r Creek, which nowa northerly and tbs rwrmlMk-a l tiy ot rebruary, A. D, 1917. 8 took. Undi Cnmiutnclni at a pon flratna Into Alirord Bay, about II cbama CarponUr's Tools Builders' H-UNlwaro Ship GtlantHory foreiburs SHena trOin ba .1. E. corner of T. L. III. Tbs THE 0RAMD TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY f tbs Tackle Blocks north nana Stool puaird un in COMPANY. It. H. HANSARD. Solicitor. Wire Cable Fishing aouih rrom tbs outbai sier vlll be diverted from tha stream at Hiver.cvrnrr lis of UI ft ft. A. I. Coul Dlaltlelj k PJtnt shout ten chains west from N.W. Iron Flpe Flpe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns tbnr aouU 100 fet tlwncs wtrir earner of Lot . B. c. risherles, and will LAN ACT Rope Valves Ammunition prlll W lb. abors Una. beused for power purpose upon Iba land r i z s ml dutaties noribrrly of spprmtmitfly lie ft described aa adjoining Timber Limit lis BCEBNA LAND DISTRICT DISTSltCT Pumps Hoso ' Faint poiilt I0S ft souib of tbe soutt In-appitratlon to lease. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Stovoa and Ranges Rubborold Rooflwaj CorrugavUd Iron This notice ground Uiumliry of tbs Orsnd Trunk raelM rail-wit: was posted on tbs ibn. wMtertr ami ooriberly par n tha tlth day of January. 1117. k "WE SELL N-dTHINa BfT THE BaMT'' Stuart J. Mirtin lid to lbs and nsht-of-wiy to a point jopy of this notice, and an application TAKE: NOTICE tUt I. Oeorg McRae, of dus ml of lbs i. W, earner'Of U)l Hi pursuant thereto and lo tbs Water Act, SkldcgaU, B. a. occupation engineer. In norm loo ftt to ina IBM wni be Bled to tbs offlcs of the lend, lo apply fr peruiislon to leas the ttonre ASSAY El aoulb lunlry t uM Wtter Decorder st Prince Rupert, Ob follow log described lands t rlibl.of.way)wr.ecrlon Of th thenc sosth.rly and m. jertloas to tbs application may be flled iVjuiroewtag . t a post planted at tb FRED STORK'S! HARDWARE "AWLTON 0. luerald rlbl of-way to s lj. nl with the aald Water Recorder or with N.W. comae nf Lot 4. Alirord Bay, ssia. whirs a..d U..d.rr lha Comptroller of Water Righta. rarlta sal Inlet, theoc west to chains, tbencd Una, Ihrnf slont blh mark to IM taeul BulMHigs, Victoria. B. C wltbla norm I' chain. I bene 19 chain tn san eeeeee - J line: Th tunirorncriueot. thirty days after the Oral appearance of rHlerly direction rHwing th ahor lie ''MtaWlahtel Assay nuinl of A. W. CnTt". twa- nolle la a local newspaper. I bene wo ehstaa to point st Comment -aj u,- - - - ; 0m ma a. c. csaaiw Tha data hf th orst publication of thia tiieui. conialsvtnt II acrts, ntor or less. for In thi, , Atiiu aa aitnt Wirih. Co.. Lliultod. aoiics is rebruary tut, tttT. OVOROE McRAE, Applicant. Advertise In The Daily News frlimarr tatb, HIT. OKOHUE McRAE, Applicant Dated January tlth. 1917. All