W tf.l DAILY NRWS f April 0 lai, l :.:.A V'i.ii; ' If want health Local News Notes S r Tf T7 you J.JJJJJJr a-;.. A I J u, ? HbbbbIuk1 i ;U; you can have It, by heedint Nature's laws. Keep the wanted -WnllacVs. stomach strong, the liver active, the blood pure, and the bowels regular, and you will seldom be ill. Take For the newest collars' try (lot d geed care of these organs, and at the first sign of blooms. aaythtag wrong promptly take Bcecham's Pills. I.aldes Kaster neckwear you certainly need lace's. Cn plain Hells, of the help and relief of this world famed remedy, to Foodn Co has gone keep the body in health. They quickly establish nor tmi conditions, so the organs perform their functions Very suits' jt t a.Gold mi ymaxmwmiwxm as Nature intended. No other remedy will so surely Mooin's, as. -M- I ua ij :aaaaaa i yai m. jam mis m m in strengthen,the systcm.-stlmulate the. liver, regulate ivm I" L-aTaaBBBBTAV I y0J T- ' MU 1aT M jf I III Vm the bowels and quickly improve the general health as New footwear for riieh, women s rar 'i KW-iKA. m vwa. 111 e a7 m maitu V'-, and children Wlilace's. .Mr. W. 1, Lynch left for Vic &EE(HAM5ftLLS yesterday toria ou the Prlncens Maquinna necruits for the C8th Artillery I WtfLUXwatj Wr a Catecst a Wn....B...t..St. I .Al i.Ei Tyrwhitt,are heing now accepieu in the Dy city.uunncr to wash Blankets WOOLLENS are gettk dearer and them right, though, and vincial Mr. A.police j. Watkinson,at Port of Simpson,the pro crA lux ui,, fa you give them years of Ulc. Never tvriit or gulls, silk and wool sweaters, was in the city on Saturday. UHntufmlH'arff,mlltwimt rWA pthm wring them the wool fibres become hard, coal, etc -Wallace's. srwfer. Pirn tkt tutff thick and brittle. Just stir woollem FOR RENT yoar Mrs. J. F. Malhieson, of Seal hat nU4 tmfidtmllfjml Im '0w opening importation of Cove, accompanied by her two UiAMlrtt mnJmvt tktm about in tepid water after dissolving the i rooms,109 tin bath,Ave.sewer,W. range. No. Scotch floor rugs Wallace's. children, left for the south yesterday ftmtlj tUml, dipf4uf tktm LUX Bakes m hot water. Use riWirs an'ii iSeaWi. I roomt, batn. tenet r, Ifo. 110 Enr- on a visit. lien H1IL Hint In tkwit rtUft tf kl I rooms, bath, sewer, No. SOI'MsSx According to the Gazette, the Mfer fees fmi elAf rrave Place. Civil Assizes will be held In Prince fe Wtrrattertfmtlj Xt$itl tmJUaf Smimry, room flat, furnished, sewer, btlh, LUX 1011 Jnl.Ave. flupert on Thursday, Hay 31, and1 JllttJ UUaJfts. 4 rooms, bttn, rinfe, 171 Summit Criminal Assizes on Tuesday,; ' Avenue' June 5th. i " 4 rooms, 719 Thompson Street. .... 4 rooms, 110 Itn Avenue, East. The He-j pure essence of soap ta flakes and you'll regular meeting of the 4 SUM Ttk Aeenue, East, rooms, TIMMEft SALE X 8; 4 rooms, tit a tb Arenue, West. turned Soldiers Association will' be delighted at the fresh, fleecy, clean, NEW J room flats, bath, sewer, MeMordla not be held tonight, today being' feeling woollens take LUX can't Apartments. Sealed tenders will b received by the your oa. 4 Minister of Lands not later than -noon oa holiday. The ineeeting is called rooms, to Itn Ave.. E. harm anything that water touch. 4 rooms. furnished, bath. 114 lib the 7th day of May. I1T, for toe pur for-tomorrow, Tuesday, at 7 p. 111. pure may Arenue, East. chase of Licence X 909, to cut J,l J0.000 SoM by eJI Sm4 ad Britiefc-aaado rooms, near drydock. feet of Hemlock Cedar and Spruce, and The machinery w hich has Iain I frvoers, try 7 room j; forcer Green and 7th'Ave. t.ioo lineal feet of ptlinr. on an area ad for so long at Port Kdward is now No rubbintf needed with LUX pore 1Ap LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Section t. Jominv Lot 1107, Jcssatla Inlet, Graham If Vr HOUM U KMt Llet K with m Island, Queen Charlotte District. in the yard here and will be loaded essence o soap in fhkes. JLVVe Toronto n. Ue We Ou rill It for T. Two ) years will be allowed for re upon the Prince Albert for shipment moval of timber. i"n mt-.l. 1,ui-U-ihji 11 rm.-J'micnw this week. H. Q. HELQERaN, LTB to the south Further particular of the Chief For LvivJm:.-:' VLli a snruniv wuwK&nsj There are several car loads. '.-."'-- '-1 , . ester; Victoria, B. d, or District Foreiter . r, r.-A.;.v..v.: --v:r .m 1 Hiisiiiii ill iial at Prince Rupert, B. C Mr. W. G. Connolly, O. Ti P. NOTiOE passenger agent in Vancouver, in ORDERS in the city today. Mr. Connolly "Ik Daily News" has been to and W.G.BARR1E STEEN & LONGML TESDER3 wtu be recelred by the under-slmed on a trip Alaska, S3t Prince Rupert Cadet Corp, for the purchase of 700 feet, more he reports summer weather all Uy J. C. Ilrady, Instructor. CLASSIFIED ADS. or less, of I H-inch steet cable, up to the time. noon of Saturday, April the 14 th. 1917, It is propose that the above! Upholstertna SANITARY AND HEATINQ at the Government A rent's otuce. Prince shall two Furniture Repairs ENGINEERS 'Smilhie- has left to enlist In corps camp for efk; Rupert, B, a The cable can be seen at the Ferry at Terrace, B. C, and was used, the U. S. Army. Prince Itupert has during the'eoming summi. Alt Mattress Making WANTED. for a snort time In connection with this lost a bright spirit, only tempor t io)s wiming f-tt 10 atiena a must entail Picture Framing Agents for Terry. arily, it is hoped. Mr. Worlhing- before April 30th. j Baby Carriage Wheels Re-tired, BfcCLARY FUnNACCS FORTEH WASTED Apply Savoy Hotel. Dated this Jrd day or April. 1917. Eto, ton Smith, who was secretary to I J. II. MeMl'LLIS. Oovernmept Art. WATER T WASTED Advancement for ntnt Mr. W. C, C. Mehan, of the G.T.P.. NOTICE PLUMBINO boy. Wallace's. tf. MINERAL ACT had a smile that was infectious, USI AND BTOIUAsf THIRD AVENUE and WANTED Oood reneral servant. 10 per and he will prove a cheerful comrade SHEET METAL WORKS TAKE SOTICC M Utat M.iuus P. Otsen. month. Apply Tin. C H. Once, II in the ranks. Certificate of Improvements Kboso ad4resa Is Aiijrox, B, C, appll" I'hotie S, 83 1 Second Avenue. WASTED Mint cook. Arcade Cafe. 71 1 wi . iiiTiii. m, m.v man uwm awu, ti eefeede Call the Pony Lxpress for Wood Night phones &?S mole 'fret per eeowl and to store about' NO TICK AT ROWE'S WASTED Modern furnished apartment or cut in stove lengths or 4 feet. ICS acre-fret of ater out of Bonaata PLUMBING and Ulue 2( Caribou Mineral Claim In the 'house. So children. Address Roy Ho Bkeena Mlninr Division of Casslar situate District. Best household coal and general Creek bicb 0os souUwasterljr ao4 drslos AND The right work, at the right art. Prince Rupert Hotel. 71 into Graobr Bar about at or near Lot lift, and at the right price. time, located. bead Alice Where Sear r transfer. Piano moving o u I Casslar Dlitrlet. SHEET METAL WORKS Arm. B. C The ttorare-dtm will be located at FOR SALE TAKE .NOTICE that t I. Fred Ritchie, specialty. Prices moderate. Phone ibout om and ooe-balf BUes from mouU TMv mala aanae Taaaa, SMIef Free Miner's Ceruncate So. 1119 C, scant ;0t. It. W. Itogers. tf of Boaaasa Creek. Tba capacitjr of tbe rinea, Basel Bueaa, CSHauief Tene, YSUSQ LAUSO HESS FOR SALE Phone as srent for W. A. Williams, Free Miner reservoir to be created la about ! acre s4 aM IM tAt I Msjr m HI. 71. Certificate So. lOltC, Intend, slity days feet, and;It UI Oood about twenty acres in ue ou rasHioMio tin smot, from the date hereof, to apply to the HAZELTOM MiNMQ NOTES f land. Tbe ater m til be diverted from tWtTM ALL TMC LATIST OOWM-TO-MTI Prittce Rupert Dairy MISCELLANEOUS Mlninr Recorder for a Certificate of Im toe stream at a point at or near U dan. WOM SrKCtALlXIO, s.cil provements. for the purpose of obtalnlnr aa .BavuairrB, .oosmtcca, at. and will be used for power for mininf UNDO) NStSI StAJOaiaMT TALBOT HOUSE Good Rooms, trery convenience. a Crown Grant of the above claim. The tunnel on the llazelton purpose ftpoe lb mine described as toe Svsevtklofl la me llae fee Hill, fjiaa Hot water bath.' 11.10 and It And further lake notice that action, un View has been driven 48? feet, Mldss. ptarmiian and rot Oroups, aitusu ee faeurj. Suva put e aad m per week. 10c and lie. a nifbt. der section II most be commenced before and has already disclosed several leer the beadatert of Bonaoia Creek. eetad ta bellee. Reeflee In all PURE HOLSTIEN MILK the bsuance of such Certlflcate of Im shoots of nice ore. One of these, TbU Dotice was -posted 00 tbe rrouad klada f SMterlaL MeaJrle of ail CREAM 'RADUATE SL'RSE (C.M.B.London) Terms provements. on tbe if to dar of March. HIT. llMa. PeiCCS RWMT, SKRVICC moderate, apply p. o. Bos 141, or Dated this 7th day of March. A. D. 3H feet wide, gave an average A copy of lb.1 nouco and aa appUca rtstsr-cwAs a satistiso owb-roatta BUTTERMILK Phon 41. 1917. Jt (tony of f 180, while another, three Uon pursuant tbertte and to tbe "Witer is own aisl J. FREO RITCHIE, Arent. feet wide, returned $00. Duke Act. !H." wtu be Bled la tbe ac tf rNOsjl 940. P. O, BOX 447. PMONB SST . O. BOX WS tbe Water Recorder at rrlnce Rupert. B.C racUCf and OMce ttX fad . Harris, who is in charge of the Women's. Invictu and Bell's Objections to tbe application may be Bled and tad Street; aieea le Oew Bar ail Ordere PreaieUf Alt44 Ta. work, slates that some unusually ad Ooveeaaiant Wharf shoes arrived vltn tbe said Water Recorder or wilb just Wallace's. J.L.HICKEY high molybdenum vaiues have tbe Comptroller of Water Rifbu, PsrHa OK. KBJNIISJ BUILDINO. R. McKay, Proprietor. been found in some places, while ment BullJlnri. Vlctorta. B. O. wiuiln .eyee..i.j..m...im... tnlrtjr dars after Um Orst ef CONTRA CTO A BUILOEJt ties M. Manaon. BX. the average of this desirable Utis notice In a local paper,sppearane W, K. Williams. D A, LLB mineral is over two per cent. X. P. OLSCS. AtioUcant. Store and Office Futures, WILLI ASM A SJANSOSJ A syndicate of prominent Van. The dale of tbe Orst publication of'Uls Sash, Door and Moldings. BarrlsUrs, Solleitora, Etc. couver men, on whose behalf the vtlre is Martb t, hit. A HOT BATH THE American Jtoy property was recently Oak and Hard Woods of all menu to Loani u BOS ins examined, is considering ArCALL FROM " MINUTE YOU WANT IT kind. rrj Heleron Bkvrt rnore llupert. B. C the purchase'of the unsold treasury We Spsolallss in making stock, for the purpose of developing You are accustomed to and fitting storm win-dews, this well known group, Hrlfels' Bides, London, Eng. getting cold water n Kveryone in the district will wish tantly. Think of the saU amy also. Harry A. Harvey them success. isfactlon of gelling Hot Plat and Bhast Olass and 1 (Cum Marte Minerva). (Lata Lendon, laf Oefiseevatelre There seems to be sufficient Water in the same way in Olaxlng. of Slwsls) evidence which to base regardless f on a rea- Tfila rwi f it a mhnttiA uL.a.i ..... abundance, Cornar Fraasr and 8th Sta. rueiL or LANSOOWNS oorra.L afinnhlaa hope that the ital liaat old. . menuier. or. the -..v how much has been used "Artists" re-nterior Pupils Taken for of llritlsh Columbia will before. fd, , c VIOUS, PIAS0, VT0USCELLO and w , PHONE 6MEN 8wS HARMOSY. n future year- contribute ma-,f(jrwArd lMt MnM tlynoher HOT WATER LIKE MA0IC SOX Jw4al 1 EXAMISATIOSS . serially U he copper production ,larkcr hox 12, D . Pupils prepared fee Ksamlnallo of the Province. In regard to the ,,fJnce n u H c 0l)owa' Harry Hanson Boclatad Boar4, Vaneouvee, Center Hazelton-Te kwa district proper. JJ Beyal Oollere ef Music. Londow, . gpencWt 17 Craven fee , Hot Water Service brings PHONE 83 P. O. BOX 3 7 l-onuon; oiiject connected convenience this TERMS PHONE BLUE 27S should have attractive to small rpi,BI1,iv.fnr,n ,.,' you PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD mining syndicate, and Individual ,eglm,nta,'Al- ' PHONE 4SS P.O. BOX 395 operators, as large amount, of tkuIarB w ,)(J foPworjntVany capital ore not required to tie-' ,,,,,.,. fl mi.Un . Tratsier ai Stwr ,.i. on.1 1 1,..a ,1......I. . - mcir uuurcii ate UWON TRANSFER COT. medium to nign - graue ores. KIT UWf A HUT MAL Capital Is already coming in from BUFFALO SECOND HAND Edmonton, Alberta, and Spokane, NO LONO WAITS Soltelta your Hauling and Washington, and the district nr. KOLD WATCH FREE BARGAINS ENGINES FOR SALE NO SHOUT WEIGHTS Coal rder pears to offer good opportunities 1 When You Order from UaM ! for capital from Vancouver and One 10-12 H.P. Heavy duty 600 Victoria, Omineca Herald. duty '6 Prompt attention One 13-15 H.P. Heavy Ons aO-22 H.P. Heavy dUy 1000 nd careful delivery OOLDDLOOM'S for suits and 1600 given to all blouses. Ons 28-30 H.P. Heavy duty DENTISTRY orders, either large Apply avaouLTT or small. I. C. UNDERTAKERS ' mt Swanson & Thomas BEST QUALITY GOAL Phones, Red 391 and Oreen 33i B)fl, J 9. NfHMAfN iUNWUL OI"I0TOS ASIO SO). CLOSE PWCI8 Vmm .0 . V. Miami. and . for ossmrr BALtJCfta BATIWAQTION UAN. JitaM. ENGINES PEERLESS BUFFALO and aoantn for SNTECO PCI OAV AND NICMff I u-k uu.mam h.Mm CVL Sols SflUet mIMi Steak, TMN Onm COLUMBIA ; k. wwi-w.iiiiMi 1 rr,,, "2. . NORTHERN BRITISH PHONE 67. 1 tw rraarr-Mosia at ar ijjjjfffiffrrfr