dar. April 10, M TH DAILY NEWS A HUNCE RUPERT CHORAL TIIE0NLYWED1CINE AHi ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY Bathe 'I ho ureal suedes oflhe Internally HELPED HER mum. -BIT cal proluctiuu Kiven before Hie public by the different associations Ottr S0.060 People Art Raw III Hit city this Wnl,r a Doing So. ource of gratification In th.. Thrift k reiver, and w1h took any part in them. From tor nunjr yrt pbyildtns bsrs srrd Heahh preserved, umm various quarters lately ha arisen Owl ih tm mijoritr or humia IU f th eamo suggestion for the (uied by iceumuUUd wfU la lbs Lomtt By rubbers in for. Inuni!, thai in our prtsaal war of Uf wearing sloppy w inatioa of a clioral and orchestral Inr Jitiurt could not remove all lata waiw society, which would combine the mtbuui aaiiiunee, no mailer bow ran mimical ntliuiaU Ur a ml till be, and loal laa poiaoo reTf" of the differs it and reWro ent orgnnliatlmu frufn Kin ait clrculiUnr tarostf ,b Al Quality gwuranteed, ,iui one society. bhwd jailed oi (war dawn below par ana ' obUrU irtlbo rea-lta. I Tlii Winter lias proved conclusively vara rtiponaibla for many diataas of s Long wear assured, - r that lu the city of I'rlnce MNoua naiura. "" Inert) Durior ibia tuua tba "-B. U Ciicada" When you buy rubbers bearing any Marut LtAi . .l7 medJclns lhAi Hupert I a sufflclent nuni-her fir Internal etltunr baa, bceauM of tbelr tUttMjg, or good voices to make a racctnnirndatlon and tnoaa or lu nacrs, of theae Trade Marks: choral society possible. And' pot. ln auadily rrowlsv lo favor. Ibly also enough instrumental. necentljr, buwcvtr, tba iUfllinf new Le others, who suffer from sueh Ists. hitb bai Irta covcnnc tbli country, tbl "MERCHANTS" CARTIEsr trt-n lorrectu and apcciaiuta hava twen dSStof atoeue.. will try IlOCHO.V.Fruiter In larger and older established itnuor on tna Lower Intel Use for tba "MAPLC LEAP "aAur I3A1E coiiiiuiuiltles the success or such moil cbronie and aertoua diacaiai, tai 101, ' trWslte, 5e rauMd Amarltana Ut Ittaxnt iborourbljr Me a a noddy depend ent pMlpkl by Fr ult. largely upon awake to tba Unportanca of katptnr tbta 11 til dtler oi leadership, and I'rlnce Ilupert is Lowrr InUiurx free rrura all poisonous Canadian limited . UmllXl- Consolidated Rubber Co., IItM not deficient In this respect. The ui maitrr, and ovtr 100,000 arc now LAKD DISTRICT OrTRCT Of mini internal Buhl. ttlfNA problem or a shifting population If yoo try the . a. l. CaKade" you Largest AUnufaxturcrs of Rnbbcr Goods la tkve Brill aJa Eawfatw MNOC ft. Is not so acute there either. ill r.Dd eonfl COAST. yooneir alwara brlrbt. rUE HOT1CE Ul lb" BrIMill Columbia .Nevertheness, despite the dir. 0nt and eatubla fh. MiiimiMl mule EXECUTIVE OFFICES - MONTSEAL, P.SJ. ruininr cPttr. Umited. of Victoria, a. Ocullles to lie contended with in'matra ua biilioui, bine, dull and nervous. SEVEN LARGE, UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN CANADA ranarrs, Intend 10 pplr -fot internal Batba ara Ktiure'a own cure for .iiMii S8 "SERVICE" BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA a comparatively new city, the AND WAREHOUSES a .ml,.! 14 If" foUowlar djscrib- ConiOpatioD -Juit warm waur properly rorribore l"xli -Commenelof st post successful operation of a choral applied, brurs force ."Mture the B. ILied bo "oft bok f awl prchestral society is merely L. Caiuoc" reoUy ustita her. 7 . m iaam from the Southeast I Call and sec It at Cyril II. Orroe's, Sim, i . a matter of combination The Druirit, Corner ird Ave. and tb BU or LAND REGISTRY ACT M THE SUPREBW tMMIRT Of BRITIBK HuV io feet, thence ..i.rtf I -re The leaders are ak there for "Wby Man of Today la Only northerly P ' 1,p 1 an ua. utn. mc utauuizrin are here. so per cent tmclent," a booklet of great , ii.uw. or approiansteir iio feet !? Willi tbem all combine, the sue. Interest, blcb Is liven rreo on request (Sections J and IJ4J In Um matter of the Administration Act, . rwtll 199 reel IWW If you prefer. Ttte for Booklet to Dr. Re AppUcatloo No. II44-I, nunc till. CtROttrT NO. 1. Mlirr of the ettai. a. Tyrren, lit Cottere .street. To-roc TAKE NOTICE that application has been Jn Um matter oC Um etUM or John Boa II Jib St. and Ird Avt. . ih.r w titer ly sod northerly per iir aijuiuues oi one strong to. Adarns, deceased. Intestate. Bos IS S lb St. and Ird Ave. of tba made to reiister Tbo Corporation ! o (M MIS nrni-oiwiy k fmnt music'al association are many. 6f TAKE NOTICE that by order or HIS Rot 14 lib SL aad Ird Ave. City or riioce Rupert In Um rrovlnca m tonia or um s. w. wwf r ui tit Tim chief one is that more am. LAND LEASE NOTICE Drtlirh Columbia, as owner In fee under Honor Judre Tounf. local Judre or Um Bos la Junction of 1st, tod aad Biytk to ffl la U poiM of in-hnKlK Supreme Court, made um 4th day of Ird Ave. gum bitiou work may be undertaken two Tat Sale Deeds from the Collector of of ID soolh boasdsrr of 14 January, 1117, I was sppoiated Administrator Bor 1S lit Ave., between 1th and TAIF. NOTICE tbil I. WUllam James date than Um City of Prince Rupert, beariaa the Uxdc Kiulixrlj tad H-fflf hitherto, which will make f the estate of John Adams, lib Hotel). Mf T Sts. (Knot Msttbews, actinf as a rent for tba Anito-Bntiib ?tb day of December Hit, of ALL. AND iloat nld Mfl of'Wtr o s jrrfnf to work more attractive for the Columbia rackiar Company, Limit-d, SINOLLAR that certain parcel or uact or deceased. Ail parties havinr claims aralnsl Bei 17lit Ave. and 7th SL (Central ,vrt hJ4 UHittlirr lint itrtkes ibors members. From a social point result red omca in Vancouver, B, C, land and premises sltuilef lytne, nod belat Um said eslste ire hereby required to forward Hotel). tm- tvtK tloer Wr ff wrt to um af sema properly verified lo me on oi Arrandale, occupaUoo store keepeer. In In the Municipality or Prince Rupert, more retort the I4ia day ot April. 1I7, ana otacurr no. a. tend to apply for permit ilon. to kasa Um particularly known end, described ss Norm- , w. carter.- Imenne. From a health standpoint tU Indebted to the said estate ire folio Ids described laodX Westerly Seventy (70), feet ot Lou Eleven parUet Bos 2 Ird Avt .and Ird SL (Poll ut ii irii for ihs c. canaiar and as a lung exercise, nothing is Comtnencinr al a post driven on tba (tt), and Twelve (lt Block EleHteeu ,uin-d lo pay tba aiBuuol ot twir ut OBlee). a. United. more beueflcial than ' singing-W'hlle tan i bo re of Portland Canal about a mils (ts, secnoo One (I), Mip in. debtedneis forthwith. Baa aa Ird Ave. and MeBrMe St. Nrary Itta. IttT. ind a balf nortb or DoaHsb Bay, from Dated the Ind day ot March. 1117. Bei a 1st Ave. and MeBrtde SL for absolute pleasure for You are required to contest Um cltlm tbenee nortb twenty chains; tbenca east J. IL McMl'LLI. Offlclal Administrator. Boa SB tnd Ave. and Ind SL of Um tat purchaser within thirty-Bve "ADoOarSaTtdis mont eoplf what cau compare ten chains; tbenco sovUi twenty cbalnss Baa at Ind Ave. and Ith SL daya rrom Um dale or Um service of this in tme auntcaw court or aamaai with taking part in or listening thence wst ten cbalna. Boa 270. T. P. notice which msy be effected by personal COLUSMtUL Dollar Earned" to, welWrcndered music f February I lib. ll. Ml service, or as directed), and your attention a WILLIAM JAMES MATTHEWS. Applicant otacurr no. a. Were the musicians of this city Is railed to section is or um "Land Rey-Isrrx In tba matter or the Adrmsistratlon Act Act" with smendmeau, and to the and Bet 1 5th Ave. and Fulton SL DOLLAR to your credit to get together on this matter, LAND REQISTRV ACT follow ma attract tbererrom in the mailer of Um estate of Paler Bet S3--Borden and Taylor Sts. success would be assured for the Boa B4 7 th Ave. ana Fulton SU McLachlan, deceased Intestate. A in the bank, k yours. and In default of s caveat or certificate You don't bare to musical part. A small membership or lis pendens belnr Bled before Um ref TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Bos SB sib Ave. and Comox Avt. (serUooa U and 114.) Bos 37 and Dod Place Ith Ave. re ot Um Honor Judre Tounr. local Judre fee would defray the pre. titration as owner or Um person enUtled work (or it aU over He AppUcaUMi . SI,til, rtUng Ml 4 under such tat sale, sH persons so served Supreme Count, made Um 17 lb day ot Bos SB ath Ave. and Tbompeon SL of the iiio-ti -ou do tor tkc deHars lunlnary -expenses practices, TAkE NOTICE that appUcaUoa bss been with notice, .... and those clalmlnf February, 1917, 1 was appointed Administrator tkit hive been spent. and fir the final productions, made to reenter John BerirmaD. of rrlac tbroarn or under them, and all persona of the estate ot Peter McLachlan. CIRCUIT NO. 4. without doubt, there are Rvpert. B. C, ae owner In tea nnder a Osimlnr any interest In Um land by vir deceased. AU parUes bavlnr claims aftinat Boa 41 4 th Ave. and Emmerson How many doHam have you sufficient public-spirited citizens Tat Sal Deed rrom Um Collector of tba tue of any tmretlttered Instrument, and the said estate are hereby required to forward PUre. tbt )xu can call your own P City of PriAoe Rupert, boartnf data tba all persons claiminr any interest in Um sams properly verified to me on or Bet 42 Ith'Ave. and McBrlde SL Uly not start aa account in. to act as guarantor for the ex. IStb day of September. Il, of ALL AND land by descent whose UUa la not reentered berore tne lilb day or April. 1117. and Sta 42 Ilk Avt. and Ore a St. penses, should such be necessary, SINGULAR that terUln parcel or tract ol under the provisions, of IMs Act. all turtles Indebted to the said estate are Boa 44 6th Ave. and BasU SL wrSivingi Department and which Is a remote contingency. land and preauiaea Miuate. lyiot, and be-ma bill be for ever as topped and debarred required to pay the amount or tbelr in Boa 48 7 lb Ave. and Cherts. un t part of the money you well Hi the Mublclpaiity or rrine Rapert, from setuar up any claim to or In respect debtedness Tor taw Ilk. Boa 141 7th Ave. and Tounr SL This is matter worthy a 1 A few dollars saved mora particularly known as Lot Ten (10), ot tba' rand ao sold Tor taxes, and the Dated the rod Car or March. 1117. oeitTtk,amount tohundreds of consideration. It wbuld"b Block Fle (It ftetuoo Sevan 17), Ma" Refiitrar ahall reiister Um person enUtled J. H. McMULUN. Official Admlnlsuator m tie coune of a few none too toon for preparation to III. under such tai sale aa cwner or Um years. be made right now for the next Yoa ara required to conteil Um clam land so sold for taxes." N TME aUPRESMI COURT Of BJtmSM THE BANK OF season. The society could be t Ifee ui parcbater within tblrry-avt AND WHEREAS apUcstioe baa beta COLUMBII service, at this data frua Uaa data of Um of Indefeasible Title for Certificate made a Br NchUi formed and ofiiecrs elected. Pros-pective avUia (skua may be affected by R'filtered it the abovcmniuoned lands. In tba name In lbs matter ot Um Administration Act, AtMrica members could be enrol), Mall or aa Directed, and your, at-lenuoa or Tba Corporation of Um aty of Prince ed. The season'a programme Is called lo section If or u Rupert In the- matter or. Um estate ot Joba 'Land Reftatry Act" with, amendments, BapUsta Barnaichet. deceased. In testa la. could be outlined and everything AND whereas on isvestirausf Um Utle CArTIAl AAO Si arLLa. S7.UOO. tad to the foUowiaf at tract therefrom take .iotice mat oy oraer oi ma got in shape for a start at the . . . .and la default or s caveat or cerllfl-tata II appears that prior to Um fourteenth day Honor Judre Tounf. local, judre ot the ot till. (Um date on which t B 12 In. T - September, Orl hf us, nm RUPERT eled beror tba MtANCQ r-arlier-t possible date. or lu pendens feeler Supreme Court, made the 14th day or Um said .lands were sola tor overuue rectstraUoa aa owner of Um pcrsoa eo-0Ue4 rebruary, 1117. t was appointed Artmlals- W.J.SMrTMEatS, The formation and success of taxes), you were a mortraree thereof. Mawagca. under such tax sale, all persons so trator o eiuia ot joon napuau nanMicnca Oil. 8 B-4 m. y 1-2 kv, ss such an association would con. served with notice... ..and Unas clalmlns FL'RTKER TAKE NOTICE that at Ulq Seceased. AU parties bavlnr claims trains! stitute an asset to the city of throafti or under tbem. and all persons tune time 1 abaU affect r filtration in the said estate art hereby required to forward 4 STLa 1-2 k. By B lav, 1 Prince tlaimlnt any interest In Um land by vtr fli pursuance of such appllcauon and Issue same property verified to me on or Sheet Metal Work Ilupert. af any anre filtered insuiuaest, and all Certificate ot rodifeaslble Title to, Um berort Um 14th day of AprU. HIT, and persona claimiat any latere it la the land said lands in Um nama or the above corporation alt parUea Indebted to the said estate art by descent whose UUa la not rerutered unless you take and prosecute required to, pay Um amount of their in For Furthar IrtToeAiaaJsMi Hsvka; Uo In the Cast. 1 have snder Um provisions or UUa Act. aball M Um proper proceedinc to establish your debtedneis forth with. Apply to ' ftxotns acquainted with all mod for ever aatoppad and debarred from Ml- claim. If any; to the aald laada. or to Dated Um ind oay-of March. HIT. era nalhoda of Hot up any claim lo or la respect of tba prevent aucb proposed scUon oa my part. J. IL McML'LUN Offlclal Administrator. outfltUng gstolbe isnd ao sold for uuas. and um Berutrar Dated at the Land Reentry Office. Prince W. E7WILLlCOFT okta, u used by EaaUrn shops. tbatl reiister Um person entitled under Rupert. B. C, tble tUt day or December, IN THE SUPREaM COURT OT BRiTISM Prince Nusert, 9. 9. such tai sala aa owner or the land m A. D. HIS. ' COUHBsyJeV Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting old for uiesn H. P. MACLEOD, AND WHEREAS application baa bees District RetUu-ar or Titles. In Um matter of the AdmlnistrsUoa Act. and Plumbing, r'sflLvBlL H' made for a Ceruncata of ladafaMtbta TlUa To Frederic Schattner. Esq. and all lines of Sheet to Um abovemantiooed lands. In Um nama care C L. rreeman. C P. R. Bid. In the matter of the estate or William -V-'saPKaTH- jr 'aBBHaass)V I Saw' of John Berrmant Edmonton, Alberta. James Macartney Sandelt, deceased. la MXUEIOTSimS : : Metal Work : :: AND WHEfiEAS on tnveaUraUnt Um testate. HOTEL title It appeara that prior to the tm day Navigable Water Proiawilon Act. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His fcwpt AttenUoo and Skilled bf September. III. (Um data on which Honor Jadrt Young. local Judra or the IS NOW OPEN TO QUESTS . . , a. a. ottarrcR ua. Workmanship Um said lands wera sold for overdue a. Supreme Court, .made UM' tlrd day of wtra the assessed owner 1 0ne or the, tartest 'Bot laisa) you February. 1117. 1 was sppoiated Adminis "America, arcumtarenca ,ISO 1 fset H. LET0URNEAU thereof. trator of Um estate or WUllam Jamea The Grand Trunk Pacine Railway Com- Temperaturt or Water, tie d. Psari f LATHER TAKE NOTICE thai at tba nany hereby Uvea notice that it baa. under Macartney Sandels. deceased. All parUes U SIXTH AVKNUE same tuna t aball affett 'resiairaUou la bavlnr claims aralnsl the aald estate art Section T of Um aald Act. Depositee wiia aaaeHtat Teewt rtahm la lakssal "woeDlMkiES P.O. Box US pursuance of suck application and Issm a Um Mialiter of Public Works al Ottawa. hereby required to forward same properly v Lake. Certiorate of Indefeasible Title to UM said District Refiitrar verified to me on or before the 1 ith day ind tn the of Um office Tarrwte. jaBaaaaasBaaaaaasBafl' lands in the nama or John bertman unices f Um Land Rcflilry Office. District of ot April. HIT. and all parUes Indebted to Pbom Oowi act lew a with you take and prosecute um proper pro. Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert, a descrip the said esutt art required to pay Um ceedinti to establish your claim, tr any, amount or their Indebtedness forthwith. " tion or Um site and plan or lumber mill Prince Fwd Ce. to UM said lands, or to prevent such proposed and other works proposed to be built la Dsted Um Ind day of March. 1117. For farther particulars, apply to Rp-t WMIMTOWCi V BMM8 acUoa onmy park the Prince Rupert harbor at prince Rupert, J. IL McML'LUN. Offlclal Administrator. DATED at Um Land Offlca, Reentry "as SU. M Tftlrd Ave. rrluce Rupert. 8. C. this 6th day Stock British-r.Columbia.aceordior In to front re filtered of Waterfront plan of OAlWONVOtS) for sale by Lip- December. A D. ISIS. of Prince and I'arkin-Ward Ttie Lraily mah uelivercd i yctivtp the lownslta of the aald city sett & Cunningham, oun iti7 kin H. F. MACLEOD. Rupert rr filtered in Um aforesaid lam lunutli- OO treuU rarrier, Apr, IT. District Recl'trar or TtUea. Section T. Electrio Co. tf. per refistry .rare aa No. Its. WC KANLK To, Simon Peterson. Devtsvilto, California. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ei Is Brlaai fUnnlta plraiion or one month from Um dale ot Frri'a WATER IMTtCE the Oral peblicaUon of this notice. Um and Macktnilt'a Grand Trunk Pacine Railway Company Qardsn and Fltld tatdt. txecateasi wtNo uaa will, under Section 7 of the aald Act. applj FRED STORK'S HARDWARE la tne Minister of Public Work st bis Also rtrtlllzert. TAKE NOTICE that Ooorr McRae. omre In the aty of Ottawa for approval mbose address Is Sklderau, B. C wib HAY, QUA IN AND FEED if Um said site and plan and for leave ilply for a licence to take and use 110 thlckso Fet,d A Spaclalty. cubla feet per minute or water out of m ronltruct ttve said works. 710 SECOND AVE. Dated at Wlnnlper. Manitoba, this flat Denuler Creek, which (lows northerly and W Takt Orders draiua lolo AUford Bay, about II cbaina day ot February, A. D. 1117. GappanUr'a Toola aTullt)rs' Hardware Snip Ohandlery Stock.for Nuratry from the. N. E. forcer of T. U 111, Tba THE ORAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Solicitor, Wire Cable Steel Slocka Flshlna Tackle COMPANY, II. II. HANSARD. water will be diverted from the stream al a polal about ten cbalna west rrom ft.W, Iron "Ipe Flpe Flttinta Rtfle and ShetBuna ease, rrampti, auae.aad Ts. corner of Lot 4, B. C Fisheries, and wUt LAMB) ACT Rep Valves Ammunklon boused for power purpose upon Um land rlUln't Prt- described at sdjolninr Timber Limit III lumpa Hose Faint u DISTRICT M Lylna In Walt for MKENA LAND DMTRICT la appllcauon lo lease. Stovea and Ranges Rubberold ReeRnf eorruaated Iron " QUE OttaJtLOTTB ISLANDS mlsr. Tne pnow Tbta notlre was posted oa Um trcuod Welsh girl concealed behind a M the; lth day of January, HIT. i WC SELL ROTH(NO kHJT THE OBST" Stuart J. Marti i.. ..t ii. nritish Parlia vj of t&U notice and sa applicauoa TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorit McRae, ef awalllwr tn pursuant thereto and la the Wtur Art, Sklderale, B. &. occupation eofineer. Intend meiit Huilding. II4 will U Dlt4 In Um oatrs of tht to apply tor permiaston to least the AHAYtrt appearance of uoyu Water Docorder at rrlose Rupcrk Ob. follow Inf described lands t whom sh forced to buy a tM jectloiM la Um arnica Ilea mar ! Bled Couuneneint at a post planted at the FRED STORK'S HARDWARE MXKLT0N WsUh t day I" with the aald Water Raaorasr or with N.W comer of Ul 4, AUford Bay, Sklderale B, 0. on tht recent the Comptroller or Water RUbu, rarHt. lultt, tbenra watt ft rbalus, thence London. menl Bulldlnea, Victoria. B. C, wlUtia north I thaw, thence II chains la aa wA Th thirty daya after the tm sppearanca of eaiterly dlrectloa feawwUir th taort Una, olden establithad Aaaay FOR this notice in s loeaJ newspaper. thence two chains to point ot rommenct SUBSCRIBE The data of lbs flrst publication of tbit ment, coniai&wr II acre, more or waa. omo In the North. aitllca It rebruary It si, HIT. ODOROE McRAE. Applicant. Advertise In The Daily News The Daily News 0EOHUB McRAE. Applicant. Dated January tllh. tilt, all