Wednemlay, April it, 1017. THE DAILY NEWS TOE RETURNED SOLDIERS You Can Make Excellent Cake INTERVIEW THE COUNCIL ilelerTntlon from the !teturnel With Fewer Eggs R '1 l.ern .aoclflllon wailed upon the city council Jaat 'evening and Just use an additional quantity of Dr. Price's i the Atibjpct of the empltiyinent of Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in ? ' alien hicihIca" hy the civic goV aVJafJaKHMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMl place.of each egg omitted. Krunient was diicurwied very fully. sMMmV LfsMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMV j Mr. Peter Loreiiteh, the city' eh. BBBBBBBBBBaV. 4fcBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB This ;tpplfes equally well to nearly nil baked . Irfncer. wan the alleged AHn en mmmmmm foods. ,Try the following recipe according to the ciliy mid liia vindication hy the MMMMMm.rtfX. LfdMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMl new way: city council was complete. In mmmmmmmV flMRv mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmShmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVImmmmmmmmmI CKCAM LAYER CAKE reply to the returned aoldiern, LfdMMMMMMMV VVAlV. .HMMMMMMMMMMMMMnHaVsMMMMMMMMMMMMKHMMMMMMMMMMl Old way .the mnyor and each councillor ei I LfalVdMMMMmtALfdMLfalVd Now Wav preiied their opinion of the cae. MMMMMMMmr KMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMVaMMMMMl I e Nil, 4 III miti for the returned noldiere it wan "' I Sor afliaMMMMMM aaaaRaaaaaBiJiAy. aB I np 1! Dr.PrleV Bakla Trmii 4Impo Dr.Price' Wittn tmrnim slated that the matter had been aaaaBaBaBaaaBHMMMT nf hnif t liWnMi lMfimlii 'brought to their attention by cltl BB.iBMaBBBBBBBBW BBBBrSSMMMElaaVA BBBBBBBBBBRBBBBBBraBBBBBBBBBW . zens outiide of their'association, aVtakss 1 Larva 2-Layr Caka and they admitted the right of the DtKECTKN-CrMm tk. ..,.,. thymine laother.thm city council lo act as they aw mmmS. ''0W fr 1 &m LW-r WiMMMl After rtftlii. IH lr Dr.PrW B.klr tJiitthUi Um. M ll I lb nlrliir Oratf..tlr.44 tk milk tocrth.,.htitmH ialH. fit in the matter. mK TF" IhiJn smmmmV l.r.r Mil r"..kJ b!) am WW U P"'ml., rtr. Ad bo tb .r har Int..rTUS tw! j The facta aa brought out in the I MMMMMMtX. VPIV W :'M Vr, MMMMJJ lUJUJj4 " ,w ?. rt trthf wMk t,Ma 1U1D(,Jtptl council chamber were that Mr. mmmm;. 7. is j & 'wm Lore tn en was born of Danish 'parents In the lost provinces of r jam 8chlewfg.tollein, which were Dr.Phices stolen from Denmark as were Al-'aace-Lorraine from France a few (years later, by Oermany, Mr. foremen father, although he (continued to live in the conquered BAKING POWDER territory, uas never else but a Danish nubjecU always refusing to lake the uathrof allegiance to Mad from Crsam of Tartar, derived from Grapes .Prussia. He educated his family likewise, to uch good purpose Made in CMte No Alum that rather than nwear fealty lo itlieir conquerors and serve In the German army, Mr. Peter Lorenzen left Kchleswig before he became 'A Dollar In Tune, LAND nEQISTRY ACT of military age. He came west, settled in Canada years ago" and Save Nine" (SCU0H It Ud I4.) became a Canadian citizen. II ft Anutuoo no. ii.iii, nuo 1,111 was fell by each member of the Tm NOTICE that application bu beeo VISIT to The Baak of mad to reenter John Berttoan, of rrtoe council that he was a Canadian, A British North America Rupert, B. C. ai owner la rre under i if not by birth, by adoption. To lAt Sal Deed rrom lb Collector or tbe discriminate against him now, for the purpose of Gtr of rimr Rupert, beartar data, um after all these years would be to iota dr of Sepieoter. lilt, of ALL A.tD dcpoiitiotf part of yoar SliOULAR Utai ceruia ftretl or tract of exile him. II e had no other trnin, becomes a pleasant Uo4 and prrmltet utiuu. Irlnr. and te country. He was bound by no oath and profitable habit,vrhea oace tut la tb Mableipaliijr of rrlnc Rupert, ot any other government. more paruenlarlr known aa Lot Ten (II), "You may not think you are have acquired it. you Block nt i ftecuoa ,(a (7). M asking very much," aaid the The dollar you use to opea o r rtqulfed to eoaiett tbe cliur mayor, "but you are asking me lo tn account in the Savings of in Ui purrbater wiiblo tWrxO, declare officially that this man ts dtt$ rrom Um daw of um tennta tbu ia an exile and that he has no coun Department turn saves 4llo (vales may tx eSecled bj netla- others, as the habit ol savkif Vrrd Mall or a Directed, aad your at Iry. If you come to me with any untlon U called lo acciloa II of tot other man qualified to Illl his trows. Land Reftttry Arr wita ameodmenu. position, who is a returned sol tiol to IIh folluwiar eilract Utrrefrua: THE BANK Of "and la defli of a careat or eerUO- Uier, this council is obliged lo i l of lit ptadeaa Vriet Bled feefor Um consider the returned soldiers in British Ntrft jtuKiiea 1 rtiwlralkni a owner of lb peraoa ra-UUed ever' way, but I cannot see bow aodtr tttn lax aale. all pcraoo m T YEARS IM BUSINESS. ered with notice . . . .and Uxw rlaunlai I am assisting you in discharging CAMTAL AND SLm-LCS. 1 7 .. ibrwitti or under Umcb, and all peraont him now. muwo aay Inierrat la Ut land Ij tlrlu. "I aui very aorry if I displease HfflfCE RUPERT BRANCI 4 any nartrtalered UMttuawDt. aad ab you," continued the mayor, 'I rwfauoi cUlmint any loir.Ttt In Um lao4 W.J.SMITHERS,Manager Vr detcni wnoM utl la not rttUterK would rather displease any other under tha prvrukma or tbi Act. tball U organization In town, but you will ror ever etiopptd and debarred from aet-ling think the better of me when I tell up aay rum lo or la mpeel of in you Just bow I feel." land o acid fr taie. and lb RetUtrar Sheet Metal Work ball remur Um pnoa enuoed trader In the very full discussion of a ta tat mm aa owner of U land o the matter which followed, enter oM for taiea " ed into by every councillor, it was ' AXD WHCREAS application baa been Hiving bwia tlxBul, 1 ha ntad for a Ceruocal or Indefeatibi TIU felt that as no charges were become acqualaLfiJ wiUi all moj. lo Um aboermesUonetf laada, la' Um name brought against Mr. Lorenzen, ex ra melhoii of ouUtttrag gaaoliae of Joan Berimaa: cept the accident of bis birth and boat, a UMtl by lUtUrn shop. t.Mi WilEJUAS on intiunr Um the fact of his being an official utl it appear Ut prior to Um lift day member of the short-lived German 3l e( Sepiember. Illl. (Um oat on mtHn. Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting Um aaid land wer told far overdo social club in this city, which and Plumbing, tir you wero Um aaaeaaed owner was immediately dissolved upon tttereof. the outbreak of the war, to lake and all lines of Sheet ri'RTIItR TAIE .10T1CE tbat at Um action against him would be like H M hm liflM I ball effect rerutraUoa la s : Metal Work : :: (Hirtiuar ol (ucb appilctUoo and Uaa t condemning him without a trial, CerllOrtte of lndrribl Till to Um ald which was un-Uritish. Mr. Lorenzen, Prompt Attention Skilled an-1 landi la Um nam or Jobs Bertmaa unlet it was staled had already CIGARETTES Workmanship yow Uk and proorcwu Um proper pro-reediati volunteered for active service, but to eitabiuh your claim. If any H. LETOURNEAU lo Um (aid land, or lo jreenl tneb pro just on account of his name and poaed action on ay pant. his birth place, he had been refused. 21 StXTH AVKNUE DATED at Um Land Reiutry Offlr It was staled that malicious Phone Mack K5 P.O. Box 118 Prtnco Rupert. B. C. tnii U day o attempts were being made December, A. D. III. II. r. MACLEOD, against the acting engineer which Apr. IT. Duuict Recutrar or Title. might work an injustice upon him. TO-DAY To Slmoo rclrraoo. DlrUie, Caliroroia. iThe soldiers were offered every WATER NOTICE facility fur investigating the true Prince Rupert Feed Co. facts so that they could refute DIVUttlON AND USS . such stories. at this very hour- O. Mi ,sas. SOS Third At. taac NOTICE tbat Oeort McRa. At the flnlsli'tjf the discussion, wbo addre li Sklderttc. B. C wlL trying Murads for the first time thaa aQ RECEIVED innlv lor a llrenfa to Uk and MM I Ifc the delegation; replied to the OUR 1917 HIM cubic reel per annul of water oat ol council and withdrew. other ha-grede dcarettee cotBhioed. Drnmer Creek, which Sow oortberty and UI WC A Brlsos,HANDLE Itsnnlss dntn rrtun Um into M."Allford E. corner Bay.or about T. U ui.II cbaint to The Daily News delivered by Almoet 100 per ceat of theeenewMurad water will tM dlrerted rrom I be (ire am at carrier, 50 cents per month. Carry's and acksnzls's smokers plnl about ten cbain wett rrom n.w. coarifHie Murad ssBoken. Cardan and Flald Sssds. corner or Lot 4. B. C. mberle. nd wlC Also FtrUllxsrs. detrrtbed b ued ror power adjolnlnr purpoM Timber upon Until in una III Harry A. Harvey What is heppeoiiis: to-day has happened HAY, GRAIN AN FEED in application U leaM. Chlckan Fsed A TbU nolle U pottea on w itvuim (Lai Lnd, la-, Ooarllr every day since Murads were first Specialty. of Hud) mi lb I lib day or Januuy, MIT. A PUPIL OP LAMSOOWM COTTCLL introduced. mi, r.f imi nolle and an appllcallot Wt Taks Orders for Nursery purauaBt tbe re to and to Um Water Act, PuplU Taken for Stock. Illl wltt IM Died in um own i uk VIOUX. riAXO, VIOU.1CELLO and iwwb, at Prlnc Rupert. Ob IIARMOMY, What Is respoaeible lor this? - Omwi rramau, AuMd T. jections lo th application my Im Bled - EXAMINATIONS W '. wlUt lb Mid vair necoruer t Pupil Prepared tt Kaawlaalloa in Comntroller or Vtr RIM, rrtl Aocltd Board, Var, 0nle QssOSil ; B. C, wlthia menl Bulldlayt. Victoria. 1111 Colt, f Hnal. Load.Km. thirty dy after tb nrtt rperinc vi tnl nolle la a Iocs: newipaper. TERMS PHONE BLUE 273 And the eAdorsetneot ol Mrads hy om Tb dile or tb flril puniirauon tu i Stuart J. Martin aollce I February OKUIMiK tut.NCIIAK,HIT, pputifc smoker to asuKher, froam coast to coast AMAYfcrt LAKELSE HOTEL HOT SPRINGS Prince Rupert Dairy HA2ELT0N . 0. UN OS HCW aMNAMSMNT - - IS NOW OI'EM TO OUESTS - The kaj"aw On or UM Urreil Hot Sprint In PUINC HOLSTHCN MILK oldest established Assay America, elrcumfrrene 101 reel CftCAM LaaBBam aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM of Vir, US . Tahr, 0,"cs Temprltir In the North. ,. HJTTERSjHLK ""i"iiiii.(,l)l)l)l SMtllMl Trout ri"t Ut. Prions; sot s. p. a tsa Pka ClM ADVERTISE IN RATE!I UM M ' All Ordr rpU Atl4d Ta. The lor further parilculart, PPl HIT.w H. McKay, Proprietor. Daily News eooo'oeeeee?