The Daily News


                      FebUaa'. Daily aatel

    i',              Guarsnteed Lara eat Iran tail on
                                                                                                 Mas b    cVs
                                                                                                wanr ef       te. Bnm bale         Rwfal
                              UEADOFF1CK                                                       Twit will    fr         tt ttt l

   Dally .New Hulldlnr. 3rd Ave, Princ    HuprL B.C.     Telephone 9S.                         mo Hth mr at".      tsi              rt
                                                                                               eu Malty    m4 at e     a".

  rHltfPJr DWLAY ADVKRTIHIMI              50 rents' per inch, V.ontracl                        iMf Will b JMt ee a   I
                                                                                                            MAOC II CANADA                                        Millions of colds
     iraics vrt application.                                                                                                                                                               start with

                                                                                                E.W.GILLETT COMTANY LIMITED                                       wet feel, which could

      DAILY HDITrOH                        Thursday, April 12, 1917.                           WiNNirro TORONTO. ONT. Hownm.                                                                       and

                                                                                                                                                                  should be prevented by

 THE OWE RCFINERY                      for. the reduction and refining of the year will amount to nearly            COAL NOTICES                                  wearing rubbers.

      Dr. Wilson, the eminent geologist, of copper, lead,  lines all of tl6.000.000.  This amount being SAUNA LAND RICORMttS) DISTRICT--ISTRICT

           who has been working in     which minerals are mined In paid to the public, represents an               0 QUItN CHAJtLOTTt ISLANDS

    conjunction with the Imperial      large quantities within a ra. important factor in baying now.                                                              Every shape and size of
    Munitions   Hoard, in   his re.    dius of 200 miles of this city. er.   and  reflects directlr  nnon ' soure ttat wmum Ditaa. or vi

    jorl to that body states that         Third: That the mineral genera.          business    conditions.                                                        shoe can be trimly fitted,

    the most suitable location for     wealth of Prince Rupert    hinterland rrr me I'ajmrina un vario'is    j bJ petroleum ea Um  ti rueil .

    the reduction and refining of              and the favorable economic bonds, including   Government, era" itumt, u ttttaity r whi mer.                        and made to last a great
                                                                        Provincial and municipal.         "            tl s fx I pleated mm enlle
    cooper, lead. lino and other               conditions of the city                              a  a.II

    ores is one of two places on       has been recognized by the a        .inor ui muusiriai, puiillC.... ......touts tfcM.e U eoutaeeat a earner of C....i deal longer, by a pair of

    the Pacific coasL   While the      Board of Trade for some lime utility, and other groups also es- '      tuaia. laet mu is ciim. une

    names of these locations are       past was shown by its action timated, the total would run to ,i           eaaia t  mat of runatewreaient.                  rubbers bearing one of

   not mentioned, it may quite         about two years ago when a several times that indicated.                          WILUAM duo.
                                                                                                           Mirth it. HIT.   Aatua Braaa. rent                     these Trade Marks:
   readily be assumed, and prop        comprehensive report dealing

   erly so, that one of the two is     with the mining situation was      Germany Is stripped     for the         ia"   mcoroim district

   Prince ItuperL. On account of       forwarded to Col. David Carne     last round."   She says so her- I ,nmCT     QW"" CMALOTTI

   its strategic geographic situa      gie; of the British War Office     i . ".i -1 1      1 1. i u   ...uc i xa, botir tat otiwr trvn. of vk       Mtrtif irAS  44 JACQUES CAIITIER" - "GRAHBY"

   tion, and the fact that within     or Munitions Board.      In this Hermans inemseives can ihls the tent. a. c, erpua      aurtttaui. louttat      aussttjk,

   a radius of two hundred, miles     report the author, A. C. Garde. "last round    they mean that thev.     rr  tot frmiutuu la prvni tot                       "HEI1CHAKTS"        -    -   "DAISY"

                          of these    M.      compiled much valuable ran never airafn mk         .noh .n          Iir"m on t       e.l tuil
        vast resources
   are                                                                           ,,   .     .  ,           onhwa liuad la vtrtaity of Wni mer                    "MAPLE LEAF"          -   "Don:.;io.r
   minerals, the fact of the suitability data and  recommended     the                      mauc aua ire    CttttorocttS l S (01 tUll lo mht

          of Prince Rupert as the     erection of suitable reduction masing lor inis coming        spring kmui of ta mniiVui earner of C

   site for the proposed reduction    and refining works here. Special struggle.  An indecisive result Is       tbrnr MUk          i

   wroks and refinery cannot be           attention was called to this for Germany an unsuccessful re- !                         tb,tt'

   gainsaid.                          report because all statements            ucirai is ursiruciion. CKJ                OU VI M SIU1W.V.            Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co

     The successful operation of      and tonnage .of minerals pro. tteventlow and others paint the xrta si. hit.           Aaiua rvva. raL                                  LIMITTD                     '

   aucb   mines  as   those of the    duced, as estimated by the author, situation this spring.           !SXEEftA LAND RSOOROIIMI DISTRICT                Lirf cat Nasef actarrrt tf BalW(eeit is tie Brttiva Eatr(

   Oranby Company,      (tocher de          has ruily been subslan-.                       "               I STRICT or QUEER) CHARLOTTE I(LARDS                  usdmre orncts - kistsuu, tjy

   Boule, at Hazelton, Surf Inlet     tiated  by   actual  production    Call the Pony Kinress for nnud                                                 SCTTJI UKT, C-P-To-DTt IUrTBriCTWt" rUHTi IH CASXB4
                                      since the dale of his              , .    .     ,            ...      Tilt BbUr Uul Tinwr ItoUiwtU XUa,
  .mine     Princess Royal Island,                             report.                                                                                  -StlYUZ-
        on                                                             vuk iu aioo    icngias or     iceu    Vkioru. B. C, ocfvuoa iwrtluat. la       II          UACHtS AMD VAltMOSSU TBI0CCB0CT CJJU34
   the Dolly Varden at Alice Arm,     June 3rd, 1915.                  Best household coal and general         to nt tat I'naanoa to pftri                                      A

   and jnany other    now under,         "Fourth:   That   copies   of              ,                     ifor cxa! uta ptlrvWaia oo Um ctil cnatl                       MAiWLJM
   going the process' of develop,     these resolutions be forwarded iransier.     i'iano  moving    oni    ort&tm nuaa, la t tetany or Witt ritr

   tnent, this only, needs to be      to Sir Thomas While, minister specially. Prices moderate. Phone       oararta     t s put pui4 oa ru                                                               II
                                                                                                          pusia vi             nmr m
                                                                                                                   iw miaitii           v
   pointed out to prove the contention. of finance, the Chairman of the .101, R. W. Rogers.            If ;UI. Utrac    t   tlulas, Uirac aortk

                                      Imperial Munitions Board, and                                       its raaia. taeac ui SS cluiat, ihratt

     At a meeting of the Doard of     II. S. Clements, M. I    asking    The Daily .News delivered by twaia SS catlas to peUI t

   Trade In         this week; the    that due consideration be given                                         TlfLE   ROTHWUX MlLLX.,,
            -the city                                                  carricrSO cents per month.           utU tl. ISIT.   AutUa Brva. irrat
   following resolutions were endorsed, to Garde s report and the es

           which   fully bear out     peclal advantage    of this lo            COAL NOTICES              SREENA LAND RE COR CM WO DISTRICT
                                                                                                           I STRICT or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS
 " these remarks:                     cality."                                                                                                                       Spring Schedule

     "In view of the fact that Sir      II now remains to be seen HESJU LARD moOHOISKI DISTRICT             TUt Bctlr umi Aras Brova. ef VK

   Thomas    Whit,    mi&lstrof       what action the government        STRICT OS QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS tort, a. C otcpua at4, taumU
                                                                                                          trot for          to        for eul                                t. S. rmtHOC QEOROC
                                                                                                                   twnaiMMt   ptsnpuKi
   finance, has proposed legislation  will  take in this   matter, or
                                                                         Ttfcs ooUr  uul Jiors Mclullr, or tad pln4M oa avtl cul of OrUkun                        TMUHSOAY 11 Midnight '.or Vancoew
        to refine copper lead, tine,  whether Jhey will ignore the rrlnoB HDpft. xrupUoa BtrrtlusL ta' ltu4. la inaii or Wwl nr                                              Victoria and SaaiU.

   and other   metals  within ttie    claims .of the northern part of irudt Va ppl7 tut pemutttoa l trwl    CusubrM-lBf tl t poet tUaltd ls Uln
   Dominion for the benefit of the    the province.   Let us impress tot     ! sad iwtrotfum oa It  l mail ooib of Um oUit comer tl t I                  WCOMSOAV MIBNIOHT FOR ANYOX
                                                                       of Crkbun lilaad la Um vktalty of Wl ISS1I. Utrfic ant SS caaiai. Ibrac                        1. 1. FRINCC JOHN
                                             them the              for
   Empire in times of war, the.       upon              necessity      ntcr.                              hotih IS cluia  Uwac  tul SS c&ajm          Keuataea, Wraeaeal, aea eM Saaawei, AarM 1Sta, BUf Ut IRA
   mining committee of the Prince     the "development of the north."    Coc&iaraclas l pott pUoU4 on atUf Uwara xnUt ts cAuas, l pout or coa     ed aota.  re VeaeMttr Aei sard, Sr Tin a4 tit.

   Rupert Board of Trade desires                                       KMUI or otBMI ronwr or U U tl7i wracwmrai.                                                    t. t. PRINCE ALBERT
   to place on record the following    NOTES AND CO MM CUTS            Uarac toaUt IS rluiai. Orate ul   ,                XQMS BROW5,             Pee Qetea Caaeteite ItlaMe Aaetl llta a nib, BUf U m4 ZVi.
                                                                       (A4Ja, ifarera Rorut ss ctttiai, uwaca ' NartN. tl, ISIT. Autua Braaa. SfvaL Pee wiif AH      aui aM SO, a4 tUf leu ed tSU.
       resolutions passed:                                             m.t fta rhiln. ia r.J.( aP wtn irn luv tnn I I
                                                                                                                                                                 FAMERQER TRAIN SERVICE
     "First: That such legislation    With proper handling and adequate              JAMES KtLtTa         IRC ANA LAND RE0CRMNN DISTRICT             Mratoli a    aear a lliBOa. . rr aaiNaee. Prwae Am.. t
   meets with the unanimous approval     investigation Canada should M.rrk 11, ttlt RroJ     ot. ' ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS   weatea. Eeeleieoa aaS Wtaaliwa, aaAle eeaaellae Utee lee al ftt

           of the  Prince  Rupert suffer less than most countries                                           TUe notice tbat Edward PKkard. of      tet'sM eeeth. .Bleed traha etert Taaedar at 4 e at,

   Board of Trade who in showing, from the inevitable reaction following SNEENA. LAND REOORDIRO DISTRICT                                                      Agtncy All Ocaan Itaamshlp Lines.
                                                                        ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLARDS
   their appreciation of these important   the war. and should recover                                            ,       ..              tot             For Information and reservations applr ta
                                                                                      '                   coal and petrotettai on toe weal coa it of City Tlchst Offlca, BM Third Avsnus.         FN0MC tU
            questions,- wishes  to        most rapidly its lost
                                                                 capital, Take notice tbat Joaepa Row!, af Prtace lorabam tuaad. la rtctnlir of Weal rftef.
   offer Sir Thomas any possible         according to Adam Shortt. RBpert. B. C, otcvpation prMprclor. la , Commendac at s pot! pleated OM tall
   assistance they may be able to.Civil  Service   Commissioner    of leno 10 apply tor pemuaaion to proepect oUi of tbe swtbeeel rorner of C L
                                                                       for eoai and petroleum on tbe wel coail ,tt7. tbraca wetl IS chain, tbeaee norta
  render him.                     (Ottawa, addressing the Canadian
                                                                       or uraztam laiana. m vicinity or weis chain, tbrnca tail s cbaln. tbence
     "Second: That due to its ad-.Club at Winnipeg a few days ago. rter.                                  toath IS chain to nolnt of Hmni.iirrm,aL

  vantageous geographical posi-j                                         commenctn- from s poet planted onel           EDWARD PICKARD.

  lion. Prince Rupert is rapidly'    As estimated by The. Financial mite sosta or tbe aoatbweat corner of C u i March tl. HIT. Aaun Brown. irroL               CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY
                                                                        li tbence touia It chain, tneaoe tail I
             the centre of    bin-J Post, the April dividends in Can-terland,
  becoming                 a                                           10 rnaln. thence north II chain, tbeoee ISAEENA LAND REOONWNS) DISTRICT

           very rich In minerals, ada on common       and   preferred   el fS Chain to point of commence men L. I STRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS                Lowrst Rates lo all Eastsm Points

  For these reasons. Prince Ilii-'stocks of the leading industrial,                   JOSEPH ROWAT.                                                                via Sleimer       Vancouver and the
                                                                       March tl. ISIT.  Amua Brown, eirnLI  Take notice thai iamea Rajr, of Victoria.                             to
  pert and vicinity offers exeel-jpublic utility, trust and loan, in-lent                                IB. C oecopaUoa bote! proprietor, in lend                 CANADIAN       PACIFIC     RAILWAY

       sites for any plants that jsurance, and mining      companies SREENA land MOORDiN       niaTmcT    " wj tor peraustton to protpect roe                      Meal   anl Berth Included an Steamer
  may be proposed by Sir Thomas and banks for the first quarter ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS            iaa Plrotewa ON tbe welt Coal I of

                                                                                                         junau oiaiia. u t icwi i j w j ner.      Prlncasa Maqulnna for Oranby Bay Friday 11 p. m.

                                                                        Take nolle tbat John WUllaa Coa, of        ZL." It r     ..7. "   T.
          HMCfUL ACT                        MINERAL. ACT               Vtctorta. B. C, ocmpatioa mercbaai. In                 L.V .V             Prlnoass Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 8 p.m.
                                                                       tend, to Wly for         to        TL"
                                                                                                                                                  PrincA8 Sophia for Alaska Monday, April 16th.
                                  f  JIOTICE TO DEU-IQCEXT PART.1ER                                                    w
  Certificate of Improvsmants      To C W. CaUkhio:                   of Or.ham i.und, la Hctniiy of Wni mer.               JAMESlur,

                                  i  Tike aotlcfrf abrrea f bavc doo tod                                          ,,,T     '"
                                                                                           VorZr      1                          '"'.'"                      J. I. PETERS, Geneml Asent
                                  'tauMd to t dooe aitriMucel work on th HKjlh of the               c
                                   Mklalrbt rrsctloo nunrrtl   sltuAted Il7, tbence weal SO CiMtni, thence tuttLh SNEENA LAND RECORD!NO) DISTRICT                                                Rupert. tLC
 CatUxmi Mlaeral CUim sltatM la tb                       clAlm.                                                                                   Co ncr Fourth Street mnd Third Atenu.    Tilne
                            BUtrteL 00 IB imat mer. abosl toitruta miles 10 chlo. thence eait 10 cbaln, tbence , ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS
Skren Minlar DItUIoo or CaMlar                                                                           '
                                                                      north SO cbaln to point of commenremenL             -
 Uh.r   Witxlf   lf-ir bead Of Alice                            rMTO
                                                                                                         I              ! Frederick Moeraca, of
                                                                                 joim WILLIAM ooss.
                                         jdlTlika of
                                   loltdnr         Skeetu
                                                         dutrttl. ueit-
Arm. B.C.                                                              Mareb si. isi.   Autin 8kb imi Victoria. B. C occapaUoa Mletmaa. la
 TAKE NOTICE Uwt I, I. rred BJtCBle,                                               ...                    lend to apply for permlnioa ta protpect
                                   ture ,pald for Mid work and recordiac
rre Mtoefs Certtaesia KoT lltl C sctinr                               ur      te.n                        for tAi anq petroteam oa tbe wet eoAl
                                   Mote tfie tun of DOT.tO. Cole
                                                               yon pay
ai scent for W. A. wuutms, free Miner!                                         m ......       J. ...7     of Orabara liland. Is rtciaiiy of Wet rlter.
                                                                                                         j Commenclsr at s poet planted two miles
.    .k. t,.,. i    t  .r.r.i, n .s.-' i   !     nent aork. toceiber arlUt                                aogtb or tbe losiheatl corner of C L,
                                   tbe cost of una adfertliement, I (ball, at Take                                                                                                    HARDWARE
                                                                             notice Uul                                                                        STORK'S
                                                                                      Hotlrn Duke.                                              FRED
H loins Recorder for Certificate of Im                                                            or.Tort si7U thence cM IS chain, tbenc sontb
                                   tbe etplrauon of ninety (10) days from
proveiuenti. for tbe pvrpoic ofotiUiDlnc                                   "-                vivvrwior, ui- ip chain, tbence weal is cbaln. tbence
                                   tba' date hereof apply to tbe mloinr re. teoda to for
                                                                              apply   perrallon to
                                                                                                  prp.pecl north SO cbaln
s Crown Oranl of tbe abova clalio                                                                                     to point of coinanencemenL
                                   eoeder at Prtnee Rupert. B. C. to bate
 And further take noUce taat action. Baser                                       ,                   'V41           f REDERICK M0EASC1I.
                                   your lnlereu in tbe Mldnl-rht rractloa c k        .
   section SS must be commenced before                                " '          m.                ne.i Marcb tl, nil.   Ao tin Brown. ajenL                        710 SECOND AVE.
                                   mineral claim vetted in me, la pnrauance
Ibe liiuaocc or aucb CarUfleate of Improvement.
                                   of tbe protuioti of tbe mineral act. Cotnoiencfoc at s poal planted one mile                                 Carpentaria Tools    Builders Hardware Ship Chandlery
                                     Dated si Piinee Rupert, B. C, tbl I lib ouib or tbe
                                                                                           corner of C U           tcrtiniy
 Dated tbl tTtb day of Karen. A. V.                                                                                                                           '                           Fishing Tackle
1117.                           J I dar or April. 1917,          iy   0171; tbence tootb 10 cbaln. tbence well:                                 VVIra Cabla          Steal Blocks
                                                 H. C. PHILUPS.       10 cbaln. tbence                             T1IE LVOIXtyktflNtWNTl                                                       and ShotB"
       J. FRED RITCHIE. Actnt.                                                       nurtb SO chela, tbence                                     Iron Plpa            Plpa Fittings        Rines
                                                                      eatt SO chain to point of comuiencemenL
                                              LANS ACT                                 ItOSLYA DUKE.                                            Ropa                 Valves              Ammunition

     LAND LEAK NOTIM                                                  March tl, 1117.   Aoitla Brown aenL         riSMeNNJUrS ENSMRE            Pumps                Hose)               Paint
                                   SREENA LAND DISTRICT   DISTRICT                                                                                                                                   Iron
                                                                                                            t Oil    Li la. kf 7 la., It-IB                          Rubberold Roofing   Corrugslsd
                                                         ISLANDS                                                                                Stovaa and Rangos
                                                                                                                     Heeae Pewee.
NatUiews, actlnr si scent for lbs Aai-la                               ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS                                                                             THE BEST"
Srltltb Columbia Packinc Company, limit-d. TAKE NOTICE tbat I, Oeorce McRae, or                             S Cl     M I. tr     .                       "WE SELL
   reiltured oflica In Vaacourer, B. C Skldecale, B. C, occupaUon encineer. In-lead Take notice tbat John Booth, of Lo ' Meet Paste.
tf Arrandale, occttfsUoa store keepeer. In-lend to apply for permlafioa to leate tbe Anctlea. occupation coo tractor, intend lo S OfL 1-t la. kf la.
    to apply for permlialon to Uam Um foUoalny deacribed lands-       apply for permllon lo proepect for coal        Sleet Fewer.                                                                         v
folloalnr described lands.           CofUDenclnc st s poet planted at tbe and petroleum on tbe weal roatt of. Ore-'                             FRED           STORK'S               HARDWAR
  CommeociDE st s poit drten oa tba n.W. corner of Lot I, Aliford Bar, Skldecale nam Itland. In flclnlljr of Weil rler. !
Mil ibore of Portland Canal about i mile Inlet, tbence weal 10 cbaln, tbence couunenclnr at a pgel planted two mile For Further Information
and s naif nortn of Doffiib Bar, from nortta I chain, tnencs t9" cbaln in ao outh of tbe aoatbeait corner of c. I.    Apply to                                                         .         w
Ibencs Dortb twenty cbaln; tbence eail eaiterly direction followinc tbe abore line, 1171s tbenc eail SS cbaln. tbence aonb
ten cnalnii tnenee toutb twenty c halms tbence two Chain to point of eoaimence-tueDt, 10 chain, tbenc well to chain, thence1
tbence weal ten chain.                  cootainlnff 1 1 acre, more or let. ouUi 10 chain to point or romiaenecmeni. W. K. WILLI 8CR0FT
  February lltb. ISIT.          MS           OEOROK MCRAE. Applicant.                  JOHN                     Frlnca                                                                 Daily         News
                                                                                             BOOTH.                    Ruport, B. 0.                                 In The
 W1LUAM JAMES MATTHEWS, AppUcant. Dated January 1 1 in. HIT.      Atl Mircb tl, 1117,  AuiUn Brown. itenL                                  ' Advertise

tsJHBLBSALE BrtTrMBUTeR                                                                                                                                                                       nuFCirr.
                                                                                               F. O. DAWSON