THE DAILY NEWS polunlny. April H, 1017. THE COMING CAMPAIGN I Bathe Internally FEEL LIKE A THROUGH GERMAN Elf ES and Keep Well ! f world NEWBEING" Tlio Inluxl leading arliclo.of llio frankfurter .iritiintr, as quoted In ltur U mlfMlr julpTd D til, the London Times,'on tho'mllltary old nl tmnr. to resist bot ! The Ot situation shown reii: rt ttiat we hr s' thtnee. Browfnt Joy that the Herman -TBUIT.A-TIVE3- W sir br no ebanee If w permit the f.Ith After Two V re Suffering liulillc I heng tfradually pre. U ' InfeMlne to. be more or leti harYekteti ,mrd to fucc, the campaign of rioted with aecomuUttd waits. Tel Hut tinder the 1017 from somewhat new points u s oniveml condition todtjr. ' U of view. t pr. a ttj tbe nvtaUr, of Unu drun I ha l ire coniumed. of AKerte The nrguMHviil starts from the V tin 'ttp Sitar's Is nsturs't moit Idea Hint (Jermnny and her allies fffi'iuU vr by iDlernal BiUiinr, and In tUHoeir,, ".y a fit) Si have now succeeded In "unifying to soo-btbll-ramtlnr wiy keep tbe W.IBSnSBBBBBBBl iWW SSBBBH ' iLfttchWeMI lnttnne eweel and cln a Kilue ; land wnr and sea war." flreal 'BmmmmV.- bSbbbbksbH demiiuli It to be for perfect betlth and k electee! stress is laid upon the assertion ' MslBBBBULiBBBBHBBB orer defence irilnit eonurlon. Over thai tho military authorities do. hair s minion keen, brtrbt, beilthj people for ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. Wheat bantrii precated the beginning of the sub. lei ii to Iti remit. . with goodness, poured In a geMeii stream into osr Krt c. 0. M, (name on reqoeit) of I marine campaign last autumn SlriUiroy, Onl, writes elevators. Washed, acotired, poHahed, groimd, mny and that they wailed until lllnden. I am pleiied to bare this .opportonlty the human hand times over and ntoched by ; or tbe t. B. L over, nf 'burg was ready "to envisage new Iffiifjinr to tbe menu Mralcgical alms,'' and until "It Caicade. I biee been ailnr It now for a finally sifted through aiHc mesh until it emerges was possible to wage land war old rear w'jmB.wita luiirtetory but my bealin reiolu.II ao Improved I am an ROYAL STANDARD sweet and aoft as the breath MADAM LAPLANTC and sea war in unity against the that I have a renewed lease of life. Tos of harvest. Yoor procer seUs it under a money llo St., Montrr!. April 4th. western powers and to rise to tdcj are it liberty to rive mr iddresi to any St. 83 l back one privitely who may lire to write to guarantee. For orrf two years I wu alck ami highest possible level of effec-f me eenrdinr tbe Cascade. miserable. I suffered from tontlant tivencss." Then the submarine Imt call on Cyril H. Orme, Prnrmt. lleadathtt, and Mad fhfilaflan f Iht war began and then began alsoV 4JB4rfBI corner Jrd Ave. and tn Street. Prince is BEST :a I J!r art so badly tlut I feared I noul J die. "the decisive light In the west. liupert. and reijueit free booklet, Wby .Via -f Today Is Only 10 Per Cent Ef There seemed to be lump In my The public Is now toid that it Is, ncieni Tbe moit efflelent device for itomsch nd tha Constipation was a great mistake to regard the tBUmal Bitblnr. Tbe "J. B. L. Caicade" v dreadful. I suffered from Pain in, tkt submarine war as aimed only at win alao be ihown and explained to yon sVUUUJI Tftftd Batk and Kidnty Viitate. llritain; it Is aimed at the whole (bbbbbbbbbbbbbbB If y so desire. If you prefer, write for Booklet to Or. Chai. K. Tyrrell, 1 SI Col-lepe I u treated by phyalclan for year entente. . ' street, Toronto. Ul and a half and lie did me Do food at all. The Frankfurter Zeilung writes : I tried "Frult-a-tlTrs" as s, last resort. "If our work (the submarine cam. Navigable Waters Protection Act. r.gaBmp three boies, I mugrraljr fltr inn: .rTurT., sssWerf jlfV'f ulns palgn succeeds it would suffice' n. s. a, chattm tie. imrvttd sad twrlro boxes made me for our armies firmly aiid strong. . Tbe Ortnd Trunk Pactne Railway Com. well No I can work alt day and Uiere pany bereby elves notice that it nai, under ... . ... . . M.-t--. otLaa from in-f ly to prevent the enemy anctniver.NewWestBnnstr.flanaime.vicvoTii llea-iaclire, no Palpitation, do Seetlon 7 of tbe laid Act, deposited with do gre vading our country our own tbe Minuter of PnbUe Works at Ottawa, Vl r-ri Jfrart Trouble, do ConsUpation, do a Coet. Checkerboai-Just country and the area which we (Wot . ind in tbe omce of tbe District Berlitrar IaiS or Jldaey Trouble and tett Hit hold in pawn. It would suffice After a night at chequers, and f the Land Rerlitry omce. Dlitnct of tn,w Vi r twl it was 'FltHUTca it UL.Ai,,r iih ih. nri nf only a few hours sleep, if this rinee Ropert. at Prince Rupert, a description tUl ,uf k mT sltii". B a ii a iiuv iih ha a n a - before you Of the ute and plan of lumber mill mIiIK Iia I. mn.f.f u'.f. with Hik.vilon passen juu, worki to be bnll In AimiUK' LAI'LASTK. and other proposed I Madam .doubt think had lnMSss smallest possible expenditure ofiould njo you it Prince Rupert harbor at Print Rupert. Tor Mai t. a Uji. 6 $J -V. site, 25c. black them. The coat U of large Brltisb Colombia. In front of Waterfront Jrs ra nt po'pid by Fruit strength and blood, to overthrow; A i white checks trimmed Block T, aeeordinr to rettiteted plan of I , l.irmwkl, UtUw. , the list great attack of our en. land barrel tbe townslte or tbe laid city of Prince and It is the new emles. Hut our enemies fearMush... Rupert retiiiered In tbe aforesaid land considerably more. There is" nol"'"ue"f' "umc reentry fee as 5o. ttl, Section 7. I BBSBSBBSisDeWKaSBBBw wSmTj'''Tf,"-B BU "ADoUarlnTime, A5D TAkC .tOTlCE that after tbe ex cutente front which does not re. M piration of one month from the due of Save Nine" Bard itself as the speciallyjrhosen w k. wuiiAm. a a Lur tbe Orst publication of this notice, tbe oal of ilfndenburg's aggressive. WILLIAMS' & K1ANSON Grand Trunk Padfle Railway Company RJSuBBKeBL tStAir- I ill, under Section 7 of tbe said Act. apply VISIT to The Bank of ncss. Hven in the hold th(rd capable spring Barristers. Sclleitora, Etc to tbe Minister of Public Works at bis I WP A. B. SHUBERT, lac ggc.vJ of the war, they us ONEV TO LOAN offlre in tbe City of Ottawa for approval A Uritish North America of the highest things." if tbe said site and plan and for leave for the purpose of The "Brilliant" RetreaL Mi mi construct tbe said works. depositing part of your The Frankfurter Zeitung then diy Dated of February,at Winnipeg-.A. D.Manitoba,HIT. this fist earning, become a pleasant bravely (Its Into this picture the LAND REGISTRY ACT THE ORA.ND TRCJIt PACIFIC RAILWAT Subscribe for The Daily News and profitable habit,when oace apparently contradictory German COMPANY. H. 1L HAXSARD, Solicitor. retreat In the west. 11 says, "Like (SectlonJ J and 111.) you have acquired it. lightening from a clear sky the He Application Xo. SI.Ml. nunc I.III The dollar you use to open German change of front on the oud TliC lu AOTICE rtttsur that Jobn application Bergman, of nan Princ imn in account in the Savings Ancre has burst in upon these Hupert. B. C as onr tn fe ander I in considerations. It is a riddle and Tat oale Deed from tbe CoUector of tn Department turn saves it is also an extremely painful Uly uf Prince Rtpcrt. beartns date tbe others, a,the habit of savtaf flnal letb day of BepwnOier, IS 1 1, of ALL AJD n What thc purpose surprise. dJ-VOULAH that certaia parcel or tract ol (rows. and meaning of this matter may Uud and premises situate, tytnr, and be- THE BANK OF be Is entirely in the dark. Hut mi In tbe Muulcipaitty ot rnnce nupcri. as Lot Ten IS), known Store particularly certain already two things arfc ffrity. NwH. Akierlct lirst that we are here faced by Slock Five ), Section sevtn iii. In the Highest Degree a very clever and effective move, You are required to contest toe uaiu T YEAKS) IX BUMKCSl. by an idea which id perhaps quite f tbe tat purchaser within thirty-nvt sy.ssceee. from tbe date of tbe service ot UUl CAriTAL AND Bfarms. daj-l that for reason but precisely simple, Reala- itbUve (wblcb may be effected by Profitable PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Is brilliant; and secondly, that tored Mail or as Directed, and your ai the carrying out of that idea was tenuen Is cailed to section is or uw W.J.SMITH ERS,Manager nd Resutry, Act" itn amenamenu. splendid. ami to tbe followlns ei tract mertfrom. "We understand me saiisiao- . -anti In default of a caveat or ccruu- climbs tion of our soldiers at the front, cate of Its pendens bemc Cled before lb Some men figure that as the mercury we rejoice with them at tho sue. rertstration as owner -or ine person m-tiiird sales will fall down. And figuring that way, such ui sale, all persons M up Sheet Metal Work under cess of the stroke, and we are them. aerved with notice and those claiming fate is kind and does not disappoint and their itruud of our troops Lhruutb or under tbem, and au persona leaders. The campaign of 1017 cuunlnr any Interest In tbe land by virtu Harlng Ud in the LaL I have beginning. There anv auirecistered Instrument, and aS So there has grown up a commercial superstition become aeifaalnted with all mod has made a good land Interest In tbe trn methudsot outAlting gasoline has been ito great battle and no persons by descent claiming hux any title la not registered that Summer is a dull season. boats, as used by Eastern shops. victory, but side by ide with the under tbe provisions ot wis aci. mm v submarine war. there nas oeen a for ever estorped and debarred' trom set long unchallenged. has so No fallacy ever gone of ibe greater front ung up any claim to or In respect the Knglish Gasoline movement on Tanks, Pipe-fitting land so sold ter Uses, and the Rtgliirar and Plumbing, for which we have no name, but shall register tbe person entitled under which enables us to begin the do- such lax sale as owner of tbe land so t and all lines of Sheet cislve months with the eslablisn-ed told for taaes" Summer i a dull season for many lines but WHEREAS artUcaHou bel been and : Metal Work : n facj that there are surprises uada fur a Cerlincau of Indefeasible Title there is no fundamental reason why it should both on water ana on iana. to the abovementloned lands. In the name Prompt Attention anj Skilled Tim arrival of copies of Hie of John Bergman: be. Workmanship Frankfurter Zeitung- dated today AD WIIEHEA3 on InvesUrsUog UM uue It appears that prior to tbe 9th day H. LETOURNEAU will be awaited with interest If of September, IIH, (tbe dale on nlci. For instance, take a typical case that of,the for no other reason than Just to the said lands were sold for overaue Canadian wallpaper manufacturers. 621 SIXTH A V EN UK ( w hat degree of surprise Is uis jou were tbe assessed owner Phone Black 325 f.O. Uox 118 at the smashing of the thereof. vinced Fl'RTMEH TAkE NOTICE that at we They wished to secure their placing orders long-vauntea uinueuuur imp ame time I shall effect registration la pursuance of such application and issue a from the retailers before the early Fall when Certificate of Indefeasible Title to we said education lines offered. Through lands in we name ot John Bergman unless American are Prince Rupert Feed Co. LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS you ceedings take to and establish prosecute your we claim,proper u pro anj by Advertising, they advanced the season HOTEL to tbe laid lands, or to prsvent such pro to start the middle of June, instead of the end e. o. a.i ass. At j sos Tti OUKSTSr tosed action on my Dart. Ort TO SOW IS - - their beat foreign DATED at we Land Registry unci. t of August, and they now RECEIVED OUR 1t17 SEEDS nn of U r "ot Sprint Id rriuee Rupert. B. C this ew aay competitors to the market by nearly three J00 ft America. ftrcumUrrnce December, A. D. lilt. WE HANDLE TmiprrAturs f vrswr, ISO t Wr. H. F. MACLEOD,. 'months. Apr. 17. District Registrar of Tiuea. Steele A Brlgas, Rennles' nc.iu.i Tft riM ln'taksiM To Simon reteraoa. Davlsvllle. caurornia. Ferry's and Mackenzie's Uk. ,, Perhaps you face a selling problem that education tts Twrs. WATER NOTICE Garden and Field Seeds. Phtn 1MTRSI Oonnetli M-SO V by Advertising will solve. Perhaps Also Fertilisers. DIVERSION AND USE Summer business needs the tonic of HAY, GRAIN AND FEED lor furibfr prUeulr. pp W TAKE NOTICE thai Oeorge McRae, your t. BRUCI JOHKSTOAt. 'Sf- , nose addreia U Skldegate, B. C, will Summer Advertising. Chicken Feed A Specialty. apply for a licence to Ute and use 110 cutis feet per minute of water out ol We Take Order for Nursery Deusier Creek, wblcb now a northerly and drum Into Allford Bay, about II chains Stock. Prmce Rupert Dairy from the N. E. corner of T, L, III. Toe water will be diverted from Ine stream al Asa ilia imipniirv Mlmlw nn tn its hiirhest decree, increase, rather II OM.M Pfmetlf aiUDSM T. i US IA4V4 II4VIVU4J w- w o - w , a pulul about leu chains west from N.W and sellinc efforts., You will L, eesisBseeBBeiesP"e corner of Lot 4. B. C Fisheries, and wlU Vile 0ittvavss we Aik'risini?0 PURE HOL8TICN MILK be used for power purpose upon tbe land find it the highest degree. described as adjoining TloiUir Limit Si profitable in CREAM In application to lease. This notice was posted on the grouac BUTTERMILK M tbe llth day of January, HIT. Stuart xry of tbii notice and an ippltcittot J. Martin o phonk xsj r. o- pursuant thereto and to the Water Act, Adrioe adfertisiu proUeaw i Is araiUiie l4roo aay 1914 will be Bled In tbe omce of Uit mreWX'anaiiaii aJrertiain agency, or tbe fceciirtawyof tie Caw- ASSAY Ert All NViier Decorder at Prince Rupert. Ob a llin ITTMI fllsihisi Boa UUm I lections to ine aprlicaUoa may be Bled write,11 laureate!. iavUvea ne oUujatloe on part-eo your r. MoKay, Pnprlstor, tm ttse ti'.i Water r.cecricr cr tritfi HAZELTON B. C. , m the Comptroller of Water Rights, rarlia ment Uulldlnga. Victoria. B, O. wllWa thirty days after the Brsl appearance ot The oldest established Assay ADVERTISE IN this notice la a local newspaper. The dale of tn orst publication of toll Office In the North. toure la February SUL 4S1T. The Daily News OEOIIUK McllAK. AppUcauL