111K DAILY NEWS Saturday, April u, ,9, Yonr Local News Notes Improve Csnplexion Get yoyr blood pure. Ircep the Hvcr active and the Wall-paper Wallace's. It. bowels regular, and disfiguring pimples and unsightly Mr. K. C. La Trace went out on P blotches will discippearirom the face. For Improving th train this morning. the complexion and putting the blood in good older Whan you thlnkof ihoes, think ggEGHAM'S PILLS of Wallace'. If. Mr. and Mrs. J. J.'llarpell are are safer, better- and surer thai cosmetics. They visitors to Prince iluperl. eliminate poisonous matters from the system,strength t Rubbers Save the Children's en the organs and purify the blood bring the health 12H cents a roll and upwards glow to the cheeks, brighten the eyes, improve and wall-paper v allace's. Beautify the Skin returned Mrs. Or,home Ardagh,this of morning.Oitwangali, Shoes and Many a wm Lr to Cmm4t and U. .Aurlen. htow,MMtlk Mrs. Dlmmlck went out to Port days.Kdward this morning for a few Cold as Well! CLAMOR FOR FOOD Mr. Lord, the public school in FOR RENT IN GERMAN TOWNS spec tor, left for Haiellon this London, April 10, A dispatch morning. but rubber will the 4 rooms, bath, sewer, ran re, Ho. Nothing see children TOi 6II1 Art. W. lo the Exchange Telegraph from Mr. n. O. Jennings went out to I rooms, bath. Mwer, Ho. I to Enr The Hague says: Amsbury today, where his mine room,Mr rrave Biu.place bath, sewer, No. 101 Mm- in"Serious Dusseldorf food on rioting Kaster took Sunday.place is being developed. dry-shod through these slushy, splashy I room Oat. furnished, sewer, bath. A crowd of women, enmnni! Mr. J. II. McMillan, the inspect. See that months! their 1011 Jrd Ave. mostly of the wives and daughters 'or of mines, went up the line this spring feet .are 4 rooms, bath. Tin ft. tit Summit of munition' workers, paraded the morning to the Hocher de lloule. 4 4 rooms,rooms,Avenue 1(0 79 Ota Thompson Avenue.Street.EasL Smashing street shouting,windows'flive and us singing bread,' Mrs. Crump, nccompanied by well protected, either by rubbers or rubber 4 rooms. tISH 7 in Acenue, East revolutionary songs. Among the Miss Ford, lety for Winnipeg today. 1 4 room rooms,Oils.tit bath,(tb Avenue,sewer. McMordie west. crowd were Ave members of the f boots, for their health depends on it .landsturm in uniform. The police Apartments. th '.. .j i. i . . . ... Mrs. Mofrissey returned from 4 rooms, tOt Are, E. .uuuieir sworus against tne 4 rooms, furnished, bath. 114 tin (Ocean Falls on the Maquinna yes moo, wounding several women. Avenue, East. terday. , rooms, near dryitock. .Fifty-five persons were arrested. 7 rooms, corner"Oreen and 7U Ave. 1 "Reports of similar outbreaks Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Strang, of If Tear Seto.MoM S. la vacant";'-.Lie lt,wnh jhave Krefeld,been Duisberg,Teceivcd Barmen,,here from and Sunnyside Cannery, were in the The protection is most perfect, 't W One rill It fee Tee. city yesterday. H. . HELQERSON, LTD EIderfeld. The military- com-jYnanders and the service most satisfying, in the two latter towns Mrs. Klipperl left this morning jhave issued orders that in future for a trip to the eastern cities, Including when choose rubbers bearing me soldiers snail use their fire Winnipeg and Toronto. you arms against rioters without pre- viously warning them Miss Dradshaw, who has been one of these marks of proven Mmc tit spending Easter with Mrs. Carss, luting. returned to Haysport on today's quality and long wear: CLASSIFIED ADS. DENTISTRY train. Mrs. Cole, of Porcher Island, i oftOMrn mo trniDM wo went east this morning to spend 4 BVUUU.TT the next few months on the WANTED. DR. J. S. DROWN prairie. OCJrnsT Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co. WAJVTED Modern furnished apartment br 0cei health IIMI, Third tlMH Mr. Norman Kilpatrick returned house. .No children. Address Roy Ho-bert, to Edmonton onthls morning's LIMITED Prince Rupert HoteL 7S train,studies.pursuing v his agricultural Largest Manufacturer of slubber Goods in the British Easirt WASTED Lotfers; Rltrlnr M.-n Apply EXECUTIVE OFFICES MONTREAL, P.Q. - I. ft. Mortal, Ltd, care oCWIBtimi k Miss Nosvasky, of Port Ksslng-ton, Hanson. 17 who has been the guest of SEVEN LARGE, UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTUniMG PLANTS IN CANADA MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Atori, returned home this 28 "SERVICE" BRANCHES AND VAREH0USES THROUGHOUT CANADA morning. . n TALBOT HOUSE Oood Rooms, Every eon. venlenee. Hot water ban. It.10 and It To whom it may concern: Tale per week. toe. and SSc a nlrnt. TIMDER SALE X 909. notice that I, M. II. Lafdlaw have Sealed tenders wUl be received br the retred from the Bunrs Lake RADUATE JIIRSK (C.M.8. London) Terms Minister or Lands not later than noon on Trading Company. 92. SHERIFF'S SALE MICMA LANS) Dl STT4ICT W BTH1CT LAND ACT mod rate, apply P. O. Box tl, or l be 7 lb day r May, 117, for lb pur- COAST, RASMK Phone 41. j chase of Licence XOOO. to cut 1,110,000 Mrs. J. C. Gavigan went out on Aulhoriied by V. P. Lynch, as- j feet of Hemlock Cedar and Spruce, and TAIC MOTtCE Uut tbe British Colombia cr nvt AVinni- of chattel made aitsr. this morning's train for ignee a mortgage 1,100 lineal feet at pllinr, on an area ad Cenniar Company, Limited, of Victoria. . joining Lot 1107. Juskatla Inlet. Oraham peg, to her old home, w here her by Mark Hyatt as mortgagee to C, salmon cannert. Inland l apply foe PHCNE S3 O. BOX 33 island. Queen charlotte District. I father died this week. William 11. Lawrence and F. II. perroisiioo to lease the rllowtar desenb Take notice that vie. 0" KOrH M P. Two (t years will be allowed for re-: Wells, dated the SGth day of ed foretltore Und; Cunmrncin r at a post ln( (Xaipaar. Lbwlted. et Vssrnr M planted oo tbe norm bank of tbe Saeeha repetioai rannenvaea. mum v i PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Wo:.t.lL. , ,k- .u, rJ Mrs. flebharfa dress-making March, 191 i. I have taken pos hlver. Its feet south frcfli the seeUieasI pennissloei to lease th f.nmi (ester, victoria. B. C. or District rorester parlors has moved from the Clapp session, of ' Corner ,vr Lei It, E. 1,'Coesl DUUIcli scribed lands: at Prince Rupert. B. C Jlililding to Ilelgersoil Itlock. 1 Piledriver. ItKnce n in too fecit thence esierty Ctenrarnrtnr at a po ptu4 at Transfer aid Storage ' W.one Illuo B08. . 1 Ledgerwood Holding Kngine, and nortberly piraDel to tne shore Una, otheel comer of Ut H' law sx LAND REGISTRY ACT a dlvlance of approilmauly 4tS feel le t chains to low water mart thf " 7 V4 x 10 Cylinder. a point e reel aoeth of tbe sou it wrslerlr tt cbalna folloaar " BEST LUMP A NUT COAL Re AppiicVomV'mn, ... There were no halibut Hsljlng 1 Scow, 20 z CO, and all tools, boundary of tbe Orsnd Track rartflc rail-mtyi msra; inrncv noria a - TAKE NOTICE mat appUeation nas been boats in part this morning. The cables and equipment in connection Ibenee wesurly and nortberly par Trunk rarlfle rlrbl-of ti tare NO LONG WAITS made to reenter Tbe Corporauon or um Lord arrived yesterday for the with the same and constitut allel to tbe said rtrbt-or-wsy le point easterly If rbaina foHe:ar City or Prince. Rupert In u Province of (jj storage with 10,000 pounds. due soain of the 8. V. corner of Lot tj of war to the place ef btt'wuat sts NOiSHORT WEIGHTS Brtusn Columbia, as owner In fee under . . . ing a complete pile-driving, outfit. Ibence north too feel to tbe point of In-terseeiion lalnmr II acres. two Tax Rale Deeds from tbe louector of All of which I shall offer for or the sou Us boundary of said i ricina wo When You Order from Ua. Mr- Jo,,n hmo general njissr nit run l be oty of Prince Rupert, bearim date U manager sale for cash, by public auction Hihi of-wayt Ibence souUterty sad can 7U day of December isio. of all ad of the Olobe Indemnity of Canada, erly ekar said rUbt-of ay to a rt.inl uxiTin, on Wednesday, the 18th day of ApTl ind. HIT bi.ncl'LAR Uut certain prcel or tract of who has been here on a business bere said boundary line stria.es saors Und and premises situate lyinr. and beini irjD retumed east this morning, April, 1917, at 3:30 in the after, line: Ibenre aloof blfb ater mark to the in tbe, Municipal!ly of Prince Rupert, more ' noon at my oOlce In the Court pilnt of cuniDeoeetnmL particularly known and described at North- A. W. CAATCR. Westerly Seventy (70). feet of Lou Eleven There was a fine automobile House, Prince Itupert, H. C. Acunr at arenl for tbe a. C, Canunr AT ROWE'S PLUMBIM STEEN & LONGWILL (ID, 'and Twelve (it) Block Eir&ietn char-a.bano.visible on the deck of JOHN SHIHLKY. Sheriff. CA. LUnlUd. iis. Section one (i). Hap tti. the. Princens Maquinna when she Prince Hupert, April 13, 1917. rtbroary ttlh. HIT. AND You, are required to contest tbe claim WORKS la SHEET METAL Here yesjeniay. It go-days of tbe tax purchaser wiuun tnirty-nve pertfietl The 1. AND HEATING Daily mas iieluit,l SANITARY lie fore the wall fng to Anyox. war prices on Sl from toe date of tbe service of ibis They make aeeeltae Tests. ENGINEERS notice (which may be effected by Personal paper Wallace's. tf. carrier, 50 cents ier iimnlh rieee, Smeke Sutka, CHi- T service or as directed), and your attention and all the week that le " I Call the I'ony Kjtpren for wood Is called to section it of tbe -Land Aer la the OLD SASMIONCD TIN tHOf, Agents for Istry Act wiw amendmenu, and to tbe 'cut in 'stove lengltis"or 4 feel. Salesgirl wanted Wallace's. WITH ALL THU LATIST 0"-TO-OATI MeOLARY FURNACES roiiowioa; eitract tbercrromi ne , household Coal and general Harry A, Hartley WOM rSClALUIO,set -and .lu. in defaalt of a caveat or eertincate ae MVLIOHTS, coasicia, of Us pendens bctor filed before tbe ret- transfer. Piano moving n u I II CALL FROM (Late LeMae, lefl, Oeaeeevalelrs Iveeythlet le the Ilea fee rem, PLUMWNG istrauon as owner or tne person enuuea ef Steals) ae rettery. SMtee et l ss " and under sucb tai tale, ail persons so served peclalty. Prices moderate. I'honi rwriL or lanioowni cottell ested U heller. eflt l vim notice, .... and tbose cUlmlnf ioi, fl, V. Ilogers, If Artists' Rifles. London. Eng. Pupils Taken for kUds ef saaleeleJ. Reaelrlsl ef s SHEET METAL WORKS tbrourb or under tbem. and all persons VIOU.t, riAMO. VI0U.1CELLO anl ki-de. ratcES aioMT, "" elaimtnt any Interest la tbe UtiKr vlr I rtRST-CLASS. A SATIUO CUf Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. iiAnnn.tr. tue or any unrea;Uiered lrutrukertr and; WE8TNOLME THEATRE (Cum Marts Minerva). . . EXAMINATIONS TOMSK IS OUR AIM. Night phones 570 all persons cUlmior. ny Iniereil In tbe " mom as. r. o. sox reeere4 fee asamleatleeis and Blue 270 land by descent wbose title la not retit ; fvplle raetaey and OSIce U2 M tered under tb provisions of tbia Act,, M the Westholine Theatre lo. This notice should interest any Asaeslated SUere, Vaeeeuvee, Oeetee and ted Street, aleee te Ce sl Tho right work, at tho right Weial Oellef ef Steele, Leedee, Kef. sbau U for ever estopped and debarred nig,t there will lie screened a old member of tho "Artists" rc- and Oeverasteat wiun lime, and X at tho right price. of,bT land "i'Se Tror u... "nS yrtMy Intereating photo- siding In 1. C. Would they kindly TERMS PHONE RLUE 271 IL DR. BERAISJ BUILDINO. tf Benstrar anaii rerister tbe person en- play entitled "Intrigue," in which ' forward their names to Ilobert titled under sucb ut sale as owner of the Ignore Ulrich, the famous actress Uarker, box 127, Dally News, ' ,i .. . . i the star. The play is one of Prince Ilupert, II. (J z Tiuevery rreal interest, and It will .Spencer, 17 Craven Street, Strand, I made for a Ceriincate of indereasibie J.L.HICKEY .... .. . . .. I.nlil II.A Hllitlanai. ani.llknun.l f.n.n'f finInn. .1.1.-1 . . 1 . ..1 w um auwTeiurniiouea laooi, in ine name ik'iu hid huuicucd biciiuuuiiii iiuim ,uuuuuii uuject ciiniiectrtl Willi A HOT BATH THE of The Corporation of tbe City of rrlnce start to finish. The title "Intrigue" the receiitly.formed Artists nilles CONTRACTOR DUILDER Kuperli is usually associated with Iteglmental Association, and par MINUTE YOU WANT IT AHD WlieiiEAS on invettlrttiDr tbe UUe i....i .. ...... . ..." It appears that prior to tbe fourteenth day matters political tr social, and In utuiura win do lorwarued to any accustomed to, Store and Ofllce Fixtures, : of September, till, (tbe date on which (his photoplay, the titfe Is no exception mernners making their address 1 You are water in the said lands were sold for overdue to the rule, I.eiiore Ulrich known. getting cold Sash, Door and Moldings. were morta-tcee Think of the -isfaclion ; Uses), you thereof, slantly. IS seen at her best, and she certainly Oak and Hard Woods of all ri'ltTIIKH TAKE NOTICE thai at 'the of gelt" "J tame lime I shall effect refiitratlon in Justifies her reputation. kinds. 1 "5 pursuance of such application and Issue Mutt and Jeff are also with us Woter in the soms way c Wo Spoelaliso In making a Ceriincate of Indefeasible Title to the again, and will be seen with Interest. 1. C UNDERTAKERS obundance, regardleti said landa In the name of tbg above corporation how much has tcn utea and fitting otorm windows, unless you lake and prosecute The.-musical programme any also. the proper procMdlars to establish your Is up to the usual standard. iAL(ni UNCRAl DlftlQTOHS lATitraQTiofi AND . before, W00 claim. If any, to tbe said lands, er to Through an error, the price of MTECOWOPCSJ aussj. HOT WATER LIKE PUU and Shtl Glase and sulfa aiiluu DAT AND MiaMT prevent prwpused uu ui part. admission was stated In the ad. til Dated at te Land furlstry omee, Prince ISO STREET PHONE l Glaxing. nuperl. H. C this 10th day or December, verlisement yesterday to be 15c Harry Hanson Corner Fraser and Sth tta. A. 0. IIIS. run tend of 35c, thus causing some Hot Water Service brioH II. f. MACLEOD, misunderstanding, which Is to be convenient-PHONE PHONE GREEN tM District Hertstrar ef Titles. you this regretted. The added SUBSCRIBE cost of To Frederic Scunner, Esq, cir FOR P.O. B0XJW P. O. NOX 44S. C. U C Inlft fllltlH timtfoa ilia n A con m I,a 4M care rreetuan, P. H. Bldf Eduionton, Alberta. 'admission necessary. The Daily News I I