THK DAILY NEWS ,,ay, April ih 1 r " . UN RBdtfSTRY ABT HEART BADLY Bathe Internally (Section SI and Itl.) HIS and Keep Well ! Re Appucttioo no. 11,111. Ptttst 1,114. tV' faVvT: IL1 f Hi.' : B1 ' 1bMbbbbbbbbbbbbbxb TAXI NOTICE thai sppactuon bu bee mad I rt(HUr loha Bergman, of PMnea AFFECTED Rapert, B, C, at owner In tea under S fistor bs mlrttily etratppwj sll Ttt Sale Deed from Um Collector of in old sod yoatir, t reiul duets but lb City of Princ Rupert, beartnr data in BbbIwbbbbbbbsb rrrnirni UMI it ber t etaae. Um day of.Sepumber, till, of ALL A.tD Sfon Mlmi W sirs ber no ebtac If permit tne SI.10ULAR Uat eeruin parcel or traet of Fnii!-a-titf$w Lover IntestlM V t more or lots UDd sad premises tllutu. lylsc, tnd be-tnr MM elotred wllb seeinratsled will. Yet UMI m the 'Municipality of Prtte Rupert, This Dangarotis m Aisivtrssl coodiuon todiy, ts is more particularly known aa Lot Tan (IS), Tosoarro. rroven br tba numbft f IsiiUf drsts Block Fits (I), Section sva (7). Mt" tsi Ouuio Sr. East, thai tr coniDined. Itl. Too esn blp ftstort hi Rttnrt's most You art nauired tn contest lb idtm TfgggggggggHtBsgBMmm eireeiusl wiy by Inierml SttUor, snd Is f Us tax tssrtbnter wlibln Ibirfy-Bv ""J it afterwards atfavaW w an etiy, Boa-btbit-fonntnr ty seep tbt days from Um dtt of Um Mrrtss cf thta tales Hoe si tweet tod cleta ts fltture none (wmca may bo eSected sy-Rti CLAMumNQ National flaavica Csau. deinandJ II to b for perfect betttb tnd aronnA. tersd'ttaU or a Directed, tad your tl eould hardly move surer defene trtlmt eonutlos. Orer ifct I teatloa it called to section si of tn htir a SBiUlea keen, brtfit, bealiby poopl "Land Aerittry Act" with amindnients, Km did r good. At hut, I AN OPEN LETTER TO THE usury to Us resulu tnd to taa fouowinc etlraet tberefrom.- "Frulta.tlves". I RETURNED Vtt. C 0. M. (nam on request) of of certificate) d to try 80LDIEM AS-tOO'N-QERMAN THE MAILS smibroy, OnL, writei ....-and la default a caveat or of Us peadetM betas nled before tb OR DAI I to bar am pleased this opportunity rerlitrstkm as owner nf tb person en-titled .ell, !r Mir w(r W or leinrylor -to Um menu sf tbe J. B. L. under sucb tu sal, til persons sa u 1 rrrommend "Fruit-atlvcs" Considering myself competent For the Eaat. Catead. I be beo a list it now for s served with notice. .. ..and those claiming from Indigestion". Tuesdays, 2 m. year im sausfaetory resulu. I am an under tbem, and til peraont ufferlnr tii Judas) iti ths ahove nuealion. I a. tbrootli or t0Wr0 'old woman, bat my DeslUt it to improred virtue la land FREDJ.OAVKnr. would reckon It a mistake to hold Wednesdays, 9:30, a. m. 'jtbal t hav a retxrwed leas r life. Toa Claiming any Interest tb by and aD trial 25c TIMBER SALE XSOS. of any unregistered Instrument, Me boi, ft tor $3-, rite,rult. myself back in the ease between Saturdays, 9:307a. in. 8l4 Itndtrs vtll tx recslred by Uw ar at liberty to tl my addr to tay-cne peraont claiming; any Interest In tb Und At 4f kn ItlW the returned soldiers and the city MlflliUf of Lands Dot UUf Oud oooo on prlvttely wbo may deslr to writ to by deteent wboae till It not registered ,live L mlted, Ottawa engineer, where probably public From the.East. the Tib dtr or Mir. 1117, for tlx par- i f'Hie retarding; in Cascade, under tb prorUlons of nut Act, tball b rail Just on Cyril R. Orme, Dmfftil. ZOO eh cf Umdcs xses, m eat tor ever estopped tnd debarred from set opinion ou a few point hat been Tuoedays, p. in. l,U0,so eorwr Ird Avt. aad tm Street, Prtne fert of Hcolock Cnlir tod Sprue, snd I Una up any claim to or In respect of tb "A Dollar InTiroc, inUguided by ignorance. Thursdays. p, m. l,tS linral fft of pmor. on a ire 3-jolftinr Rupert, and recjuest fre booklet. Wbr Und so sold for lues, tnd tb Registrar a of Today is Only to Fer Cent Ef-nelent' With the deepest respect for truiMiayn, 3:10 p. ui. Lot Htl, JatxiUs lakt. OrahAJn than register tbe person enutled under Tbe moat efficient derle ror Nine" Utsnd, Qarvn Cbsrlotte DUtrtct such ux sal as owner of the land so Saves the returned soldiers and their Internal Batnior. Tbe B. U Cascade" For Vancouver. Two 1 ID t ltor4 for r-iDortl told for taxes' 1 - yrtrt tioble efforts in continuing their in also b itwwn .and eiplttned u yon of limber, A5D WHEREAS application bat been The Bnk of Tu,'day, t p. m. If Jou so desire. If yon prater, writ for VISIT and in to fight for freedom justice Tiirtbrr ptrttctiUrs of Vtt Qltt Tor-riur, made for s CerUflctt of Indefeasible TfUe Booklet to Dr. Out. A. 16 Col A British North America ih homeland. I think the matter Thursday. 10 p. tit. Vtttorts, B. C, or District Forrler lere street. Toronto. Tymn, to the abovcxnentlowed Unds. la tb nam I rrloe Aoperl, B. C. of Jobs Bergman i for the purpose ol is started in a wrong place led by funaays, t p. m. the "AflD mrsstiac WHEREAS on of a les noble motive. Nobody un- TIMBER SALE XS93. Navlgabls WaUra PretatsUori AeH. depoiitlng ptrt your .. .... From Vancouver. title It appear tbat prior to tb taa day I- It... t. 1 1 .1 i, .t r n ! mrj uc iicai ik, n. a. e, ottatviaw us. of September. Ittl. (tb date on whlca becomes ptastnBt earning, understand conditions In the for Wednesdays, 10:30 a. m. SJm1 uadcrt 1I1 be recaltred by Um Tb Oraad Trunk Ptdflc Rairwty Com the stld lands were sold for overdo gnJ parable habit,when oaoe mer Danish prolnce of Slesvlg-llolsten . rida s. 3 p. in. Minister or Lands not Uter than noon on psny hereby five notice that It has, trader lues) yon wer Ibe assessed owner it. ttw iftn day of April. l17, ror tbe por-rhae 3ecuon 7 of Um said Act, deposited wilt) thereof. )tw hive cquircd (Daninh as far back as Sundays. 7 p m. of Urese X tI. to cut ftO.OSt lbs Minuter of PubHe Works tt Ottawa, Pl'RTHE TABS JtOTIGft that at UM The dollar you use to open history Koes and now under the Alternate Mondays from Janu feet of Spraee. Hrnilcirk. Fir tnd Cedar, tnd la tb office of tbe DUtrtct Hetlstrar sam tim 1 shall elect reals tretton ta i Herman flag only through the on aa area adjolnlar Lot St4. situated on tt the Land Realttry Otnea, District or psrtotnce of inch application and UtiM s ia account in the Savings broken promises of atrdnger na-tlont ary t- Tlorlb BeoUnrk Am, Raor I, Coast DU ?rlnet Rupert, at Prince Rupert, a descrtp-11 Certificate of Indefeasible Title to tba said Dcpsrtmcnt In turn saves 'For Anyox. trtct on of ibo tile and pun of lumber mill Unds la tb nam of John Bergman unless . It is in parts still, after Two if years win be allowed for re- tnd outer, works proposed to b bnllt In you take and prosecute Um proper proceeding orhen, m the habit of tT more than fifty ylars, more Dan-lh Wednesdays, tO p, m. tuotal of tUnber, am Prtnee Ropert harbor at Prtnct Rupert. to establish your claim. If any (rows. than any other part of Den. Fridays. 8 p. in. runner partiruUrs of Um Cbief roe- Briuab ColtmbU. la front of Waterfront to tbe said Isd4s. or to prevent such pro ester. Victoria. B. C, or DUtrtct Forester, Block "V. accorditr to re title red plan f posed action on my part. THE BANK Of mark. I am proud to say that my Sunday. 8 p. m. Prince Rupert, B. C the towns lie of tb tald city of Prince DATED at lb Land Registry Offlca, mother hails from there. &be Rupert re title red tn the arorestld Und Prince Rupert, B. C. tats tin day at Iritfeh Ntrli Aieriea and her people and many, many From Anyox. TIMBER SALE X8M. retittry jn as So. ttl. Section 7. December, A. D. lit. with Uteiu, were forced out after Thursdays. Sundays and Tuesdays. Sealed tendert will be received by tbe aid TAIE HOT1CC that after the, u-piraUon H. F. MACLEOD, or one month tnm lbs dtt of 17. District Registrar of Title a. Minuter of Lands not Uter tban noon on Apr. 7 rtAB m vsiNcaa. all their property had been confiscated tbe flit day or May, 1117, ror tne pur. the first publication or tali notice, tb To Simon Peterson, Davis vllle, California. capital amb turLtJs, njvujtm. or destroyed. 1 can understand chase or Licence X StS. to cat ,m.S Grand Trunk Pacts e Raltwty Cocnptny better today, than before, LAND REGISTRY ACT fret of Hemlock, Cedar and Spme. and wilt, under Section 7 of Um tald Act, apply PRINCE MJrt-tT BRANCI t Um Minister of Public Works tt feat S, WiBUma. 11. L.L.B. why her heart burned with 30.MS lineal feel of plant on an area mi ERS cf (Sections It and IK.) adjolnlar Lot 10I, JasktUa Inlet. Queen omce in Um CUy of Ottawa for approval m fsBAsaauani W.J.SM Maaag anger over German brutality and District. if tbe said tin and pUn and for leave est pnvtavn Charlotte she taught He AfpUcauont .lot. SOIS-I and SStT-I. ennitroct tbe tald works. Ba4iwMtfw, Eta. amialisui and why Tbre (t) years will be allowed for so fitinr Itst. Dated at vrumloea;. Manitoba, tntt IStt Kaiser. removal of Umber. her children to hate the i iimnrrjjjrrfrrrrri TAKE .noTICS Uut tppttcsuoa bat been of Um Chief ror- day of Ftbruary. A. D. ISI7. further parUcnUrt In regard to the city engineer's mad to trfltter Sarata LatKta, of Prince ester, Victoria, B, C, or District rorester THE ORjUtD TRL7IK PACIFIC RAILWAY Boa Itat Sheet Metal Work name. It is In my opinion one of hupert, B, C, as owner In fre under two at rrtne Rupert. B. C COM PAST. H. H. BAJtSARD Solicitor. Helgartoo Slock pnaet lwart, a. c the best Danish names, being the Tu Sal Deeds from tb Collector or tbe aty of timr Hupert. beartnr dtt Ibe Hrir.f Inn In th5 East. I hav family name of one of the most ttnd day or September, Itl. and ALL AD Wcomc acquainted with all mod- prominent spokesmen of the oppressed SIACLLAH tbat certain parcel or tract of Danes of that province land and premises situate, lytDf and beUif rtMlbodtof autmUsgekAonn ln tb MunietpaUty of rrinoe Hupert. more whom I count amongst my and Wiu, m ut4 by hasUrn thops. parUcuUrly known and described at Lot oi! relatives. It would certainly eleten tll. Stock waly-eltHt (ft J, Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fifing b to add the moat crying injus. Secuoa 6U (), aad Lot uunyuue tice to these good paopla'a. unhappy Blork fttrtyatt (4t. SectAon ElDt li. and Plumbing, life conditions to put them Mtp ttl. You tr required to contest tn cum sad all lines of Sheet down as Germans, though not of tbe ui pure biter witnin is aayt rrom Uiuir Dauejt by birth. To belong dat of tb aemc of tnu noUe Metal Work ; s be eOected by publication). In the Degree rwhirh uowhere, is not that the worst of may Highest frompt Attention and Skilled and your attention U called to section all? If then one tries to make a ta of tba Land Rent try Act wtUt Workmanship honi and become a good eitittn ameadmeou. and to lb roUowinr ciiract amonsst a nation whose shib Uterttnai: "and la default of a H. LETOURNEAU boleth has always been right and caveat or certiflctu or Da pendent beint Sled Ufor lb rettttrauon at owmr of Z1 SIXTH AVENUC Justice, fair treatment should be lb person entitled under sarb Ui saw, aU rum Biark es r.o. pox us expected. What will likely color peraont ao terd wtui notice. and one's life's true tendencies most? Uns cUiminr taroutb or under tbem, and Some men figure that as the mercury climbs ail twrsont cuimint any interest la tb The oOlcia nationality, at tnai down. And figuring that Und by vtrto of any varerutercd insiru up sales will fall way, certain time, of the place where sural, tnd all persons claimUf any u them. fate is kind and does not disappoint nn is born or ones sympathies? lereal in tba Und by dcacenl wnoa uu Prince Rutsrt Fed Go. I wonder If the former Danish u not reruured under Um proTUlont of tntt Act, tba 11 b for em estopped and commercial superstition province or part of it as is the drbarred from aettlnt up any claim to or So there has grown up a p. . as tax. aos Taiea at. of all true Danes, said for Uiea, dull land silent hope 1b respect -of lac so that Summer is a season. shall go back to the kingdom and in Aettttrar tball rexuter lb person WtCIIVED OUR 117 SEEPS Mill Mr. entitled under sucb tax tale at owner of Ihr.utDh (his nresent war. Ger Vm Und so sold for taiea." No greater fallacy has ever gone so long unchallenged. WE MARBLE ILoreiuen then be considered AJn v HAH HAS aruicaUDn bat been A man or Dane? tuad for a Oruflcat of Indefeasibla Title Briggs, RennlsV MH8. L. J. BAY. to tbe abo-menuond landa. In Um nam Ferry'a and Mackanile'a at Sink Lando. Qtrdsn I'riuce Ilupert, April l, 1917. AID WHEREAS on Invetuctunc Um UUe Summer is a dull season for many lines but and Plaid Saods. II appcart Uut prior to tba Ittn nay or there is no fundamental reason why it should AIm Partllltsrs. Th Daily News delivered by September, ttlt. (Use dtt on wblcb tb month. said Unds were sold for overdu uies) be. HAY, GRAIN AND PEED carrier, 50 cents per rou wer tb retutered ana tssesaea Cblck.n FMd A Spatially. owner tnereof. WATER NOTICE ri'RTllEA TAKE AOTICt Uut at tb For instance, take a typical case that of the Ye Taka Ordara for Nuraary itm um i tnau enect reruirsuon w manufacturers. Stock. USC AND STOSXAOS purtutne ot suca aiipUcatkm,and utu a .aa Canadian wallpaper TAKE S0TICK Ut Mstnut f. OUea, Ceruncau of IndefeasibU TtU to Um taid U Um name of Saran Land unless whom address is Anyot, b O, U1 apply yo taa ana proaccsl to proper pro- They wished to secure their placing orders for t licent to uk and tti about auiy creUinis to aalablUb your ctaim. u any. Fall whea . . . . 1.1 IIAM abOMt from Uie retailers before the early runic iees i" vvw ; - to tbe said Unds, or to prevent sucb pro- aaa un-lMl K1,K An..of UUltMttMrly water ou w Snd dftltS nosed telton on my part. American Uaes are offered. Through education W DATED at lb Land Reiittry omce. Say abwtl al or soar Lot I lit. Advertising, they advanced the seasoa into Oranbr rrutr Hupert. B. C Uu lOUt day or by CaisUr DUtrtct. tprU. A. D. 1917. of June, instead of the end Tn ttortf-dam wUl b bxtd al 1L F. MACLEOD. to start the middle Stuart J. Martin aUwt. . on .and on-balf tm miles raiaciiy from hi mouth DUtrtct Htcuutr of Titles. of August, and they bow beat their foreign To Charles I'ltnlU. at to Lot ii; k- muni u tbout ! acre the market by nearly three II. r. Oark and U. O. Rlcner competitors to AS8AYE.H a m-III n.m Ma S1IMIU a ISIUU ov at to Lot It. of Und. Tbe water wtll b dirted from months. HAXELTON tl a point l oear lb dam. B. 0. lb tram WATER NOTICE N a -iii t uuhI" ror "Dower. .ir. .... that education ' iha mlu oetcriDeu Perhaps you face a selling problem fhs oldtst established Assay netr lb beadwturt Of roi Bonansa Oroon.Creek.altuat OIVEftSION ANO USK by Advertising will solve. Perhaps r.ilra was DOld on mm Summer business needs the tonic of Orflce In the North. TAKE NOTICE thai Oeorc McRa. your or narco, im. tltb day on tb wbo addreaa la Sfcldestt. B. C. wlb . . ik . nnllra anil aD U'L-uva Summer Advertising. K llllil W. M w - ......n, ihrretu and to tb "Water apply tor a lloanoa v Uk and us US Vtll.- wtu be nied in cubic feel per nunuu of water out of Aci. Demtter Creek, wblcb Oowt portberly and .mui.i I'nnra. nuivii. .w.. WO tvtKr - - - draint Into Atltord Sty, about II cbaint to tb irpuctuon n7 .ObJecUont. from tb .1. E. corner or T. U SSI, Tb i.i .i a tat p itacajt uc t v v"a?"Z. water will b diverted from tb stream at increase, rather w...e Hisbu. Partif As the mercury climbs up to its highest degree, .UW ,MWl""""',.. - -.llhin a palm tuoul ten c bains weal from n.w, 1 1 in... viuru.. , n. tM. - will mriu . . Ih. nril ftPDUtuV- V.., corner ot Lot I, B. a rttbcrlet. and wttt than slacken, your Advertising and selling efforts. You be used for pewer purpose upon tb Und ''aaainira aaaiaa Ibli none- u k nr.Kfcn.HP'adduiibi.. rteaeribed as sdjolnint Ttmbar Limit 131 find it profitable in the highest degree. of this lu application to lease. 1-1 u. by T la-, taVIB Tb dau of tba Brtl pubUcallon Tbit noUc was polled on lb trounC He Marcb it. ' rHwoe, Aiuir is u tl I lib dty of Janutry. HIT, a ' s- u. br s t-i Wu, ss eopy of uut nolle tnd tn tppHcailoe IHirsutnt lherto and to tb Water Act. ttset wr; la tvaaaW tftri say problem ei-4 ltd win b nid la tb emr of um Advico ieaaW your adrertistn DENTISTRY a ttVsCaa-sWjuiry is. sv s W'tter Decorder tl rrlnc Rupert. 0 rt?uaed Ciuuukan sdvcrUtiac sasncy. o JVj Saoetata;o4 " rwe. Room M Lumsden Btdfaa,Totntsba. adtan i'reee Aaucialkw. Jecllont to ih appttcatlon may bs Sd iavolvw tn obagsttnti oa your part as writ.ill V wim tb stld Wtter Recorder or with r" Furthtr Information oasMtrti a sraouLTT lb Comptroller of Wtter Hitbu. rtrua Apply to meat Bulldwtt, Yletortt, H. &. wllbta BR. J. 8, BROWN lbi(iy days tiler ta Prtt appetrtnea af OCNTIST inn none in a local newspaper. Uj lut.itcIGrT Tra '" Tb dtt of tb flrsl pubtictilon of thlt am ma !. oauti tone it rebrtiary list. HIT. Tines Rupsrt, B. 0. I i ' 0EORUK McfiAX, AppUctBL tTaytSa sdkdkdkdj u