THE DAILY NF.W8 TtnM,y April 19, ,9J The Daily Nehb i TMai"la THE LEADINti MCW5PAPER IN rvtMTttsaff WHTMH COLUMWA , Paklkfcad DAvfad Wm Per the EatiA .' guarantee dratst Wtarittteft Tuesdays; 2 t. m. Wedneidays, 9:M -3& UEAD iFF!CE Saturdajs. 9:30 a. m. Dnilr News Dulldlnf, 3rd Ave, Prince Hunert. fcj.C. Teiephonr- 518. From the rilANBlKN T DISPLAY ADVKftTI81Mt0 rents pr inch liuntrsct Some women hold to Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m., the idea that bread-raak rate on application. Thursdays, 5:30 p. m. ing is a lonjj'and difficult 3:lp m. Sundays, p. ft operation, but this it a ft DAILY EDITION Thursday, April 19, 1917. For Vancouver. mlsUke, for with Royal Tuesdays, 4 p. in. Yeast Cakes, litfht, tweet A.ev'TQ THK ALU! NOTCt A He oeflMKNTS bread can be made in a Thursdays. 10 p..m, The United States, having few hocrs with but little Sundays, i p. m. Th Prize The eyes' of the world art on trouble. From Vancouver. decided to go into the war. Is St. Quentin' and Lens today. The FSEEiOwaeaReTalTMil BakeBeek Wednesdays, 10:30 a. m. showing no hesitation In doing Drllish guns are thundering nt w9 be fr apo rMt. II ee. Packet In the Uial fan ImncbMi lot maktaf kre 4 Fridays, 3 p. m. promptly all she can do at the sales of both these French adratawtkKTairatCakaa. Seed xUMial aAlraaa rtalalf wtillea aed 7 m. once, while preparing to grant towns and unless the Germans t IMa nlaable kill Uk UI ba Builad Sundays, p. Mess Kit Is "preaqiUy. Alternate Mondays from Jane later assistance of a more ma are able to effect a miracle tbsy teria! 'sort. Troops, marines. cnWnot be saved. Hy the capture E .W. C I LLETT CO.LTD. try 1st. tlaT of Fayet and Gricourt, which lie rowOMTO.CAMA&A For Anyei. war vessels, and munitions' all to the northwest of St. Quentin, winmipco aaaarracAi 10 m. Wednesdays, p take time to"be put In military the pressure upon that town has WRIGLEYS and naval readiness, but finan reached a point which must Fridays, 8 p. tn unendurable to the Sundays, 8 p. m. almost speedily cial credit may be loaned prove from which they were driven. " The most stubborn resistance From Anyox. instantaneously. This is enemy. Germans are really Huns. They the form of first aid to be extended is beinir offered but while destroy frdm pure wantonness. Thursdays, Sundays and Tues Jhm Ftrnxmur Lmmta unable it delays It seems utterly They have not yet Vully realiied days. to the Allied powers, to stop the advance of the victorious Made the fact that so far as they are and was such aid more of Hrilain. never army able they must pay indemnity, COAL NOTICCt la earnestly desired or more generously and that the owners of the little The capture of St. Quentin will Canada granted. Congress will French orchards and the valuable HCtMA LAND MtOORMM OtSTirtCT be, more than a mere episode In ISTRICT Of QUKSJI OSUUtLOTTV IHMOI in the shortest ' practicable French mines will be repaid their Saafeal Kepi the war. It is one of the strong time take steps to procure a war losses at German expense if Tka aoiwa ibal WUIUaa Dltuo. f Vic points on the Hindenburg line and Right there is money enough. torta. B. C, vreupaUoa accwuniaDl, loteoda war loan of Ave billion dollars it a railway centre of consider, to aoolr for DcrmUewa to prwepect ti from the people of the United able importance. Its occupation SUN AND-TIDC ual.aikl Detroleum ott tb weal cuaat v. Stales, and of this amount will be a. definite steo forward in Graham laland. In ttclalty of Weal rletr. Million!! of bars supplied month to Friday, April 20th. Uanantocmf at a put I planted oa aw every three billions will be put to back the forcing, the Germans on Sun rises 5:31 a. rn. aouth of UM aoutbeaal corner of t L the Army and Navy. Every bar means more the credit of the Allies. Meuse. As the German line is taf I: throe north S cbalna. tbenc eaal For this loan no collateral shortened the resistance may Sun sets ............7:50 p. m. IS cbalna, tbenc aov.Ua IS Cbalna. tbeor power to our forces at home and abroad. High water ..12:13 a. III. 21.8 m, . . security is asked; it is frankly prove more stout, but the hammer oeat 99. csaina uj pwi wi t..m " accepted as a fact as good as blows the Allies will be able Low water ...6:27a.m. lit. 2.8 WILLIAM BtAU.-V, Send some in every letter and parcel to the ISH. Attattn Brown. SfeaL High water . .12:50 1IU20.6 March SI. p.m. accomplished, that the Allies to deliver should be determining Low water ...6:35 lit. S.t Front. Small in cost, but big in benefit. p.m. are going to win in this conflict, factors- In achieving decisive re- taCXJU LAND StaoedUMMSi D4STWKTT irrmcT or quccsi csiAatorri islasim and that they will come suits. Call tliw l'ony Express for wood Delicious Mntltepiic out of it in a. perfectly solvent Tik nolle that Turner RothweU Mb Ilea. financial condition. U will take The capture of Lens will trans, cut In stove lengths or 4 feet, of Victoria. B, C occupation awrcbaal. la Cleanses mouth and teeth. Helps appetite and household coal and lead to apply for pennaaatoa to proa peel this liability, Best general years to extinguish fer to the Allies the controlling soothes and satisfies. for cuai and petroleum oa tb weal ceaal digestion. Refreshes, but the mere fact of its 2osition in the iron and coal region transfer. Piano moving out a Graham laland. to vicinity of Weal ner, prolonged existence will be a of France. Occupation of specially. Prices moderate. I'hone Ounmenelaff at a poal pUated on mil WM. WHIG LET. Jr. CO.. 144. guarantee of the continuation this Industrial centre has been auutb of tb aouUieaat turner of C L Wrlchry Bid-., Toronto 301, It. W. Iloger tf. tbeacw north tbeor wat IS chain, ttTIi of the bond of alliance of which of srreat value to Germany, while IS cbalna. tbenc eaal SS cbalna. tncoee it Is in some sense the present'its loss has crippled the French COAL WOTICCt aouth IS cbalna to point of oommeacemenL The Flavour Lasts I ! seal. ' .......niiinltlnn InHmlrv Frnm thft be- TL'RNtH ROTHWELL MULLEN. a .w.a - -"- .lfawtlv. . lne lnlrt natural- vinninv. (!rminr.... a IntAnilivl In uud Rtooemiaa wsnwcT March 31. HIT. Auaua Brown. ateaL j p .w - - cmarlottb isuutot rrsacT or quecm ly attaches to the use of which hold and annex this portion of MEXJIA LAJte RIOORtMM DISTSUCT the other amount of two bil- 'the conquered country. Alsace TU noUc that Jamea MeNulty, of ISTSHOT OT QVUM CNARLOTTb ISLANBS lions js to be devoted; it will and Lorraine brought to Germany Prtae Rupert. occtqMUoo Bertbant. m tend to apply for permltaJoo to proapeel Tak nolle that Acne Broww. of VIC be spent in meeting the cost , great natural and industrial re-of for coal and petroleum oa tb weal eoajl lorta. B. C. occupation wtdow, laieada W carrying out the work of sources. The mineral region f Orahaa laland la tb vtcuuty of Weal apply ror permuaioa to pro pact for coal preparing the fleet and the' about Douai, Lens and Loos, with titer. and petroleum oa weal cooil f Oraham army for actual naval and mill- the villages, cities and farming Coeameoclns at a poat planted on mil laland. ta ttctnlty of Weal rtvtr. Spring Schedule aoutfe or aooUteait corner of C L. ttiTi Commewrinf at poat planted two milee tary duty. It has been author-!regions between the Hindenburg tbearo aoutb l thuoa tbenco eaal touts of tb KMtbeait comer of C itatively. if not officially, an-'line and the frontier, would have cbalna. tbenc norUi S ckMaa, thenc iSdlli tbenc wt II chain, tbenc t. S. PfMHOK Gcenoc nounced that very -heavy warbeen a great acquisition. eat SS cbalna to point of commencement. north SO chain, tbenco tail SS chain. THUSSBAV 11 Midnight f.or Vsnceuvtr m m.i.t V Imnntluf f 11 ra I JAME4 McNl'LTT, tbenc aouth 10 cbalna, to potat of com Victoria and SMttla. March It. ItlT, AuaUa trowa. ateat. meaicecacnL duce as low as practicable the .vow Germany must leave it, AO IS BROWN, VWBIHESDAV BtlDNIttMT P OW AN VOX amount of unliquidated war and France will come to her pwn lams) tmoommmm distwct March II. HIT, Auaun Brson. a real. S. S, l-SIBJCC JOHN liability passed on to future again. If the Germans destroy irrmcT or cjuksm ctiAaLorrc isuusoe otrrsaeT rae lataklkM, Wrsll. 4a M aawr, AeU ISta, SUf t, 1 asoossaiae msssm uuao d SOth. re Vaoaeutae April fd, Bkay T ad tiL generations to discharge. the mines for early productiveness Tak nolle that Joeepo Row at, of Prtnr ISTWCT C4- QWUJ OMAALOrrB IStJtMM S. S. PSINCC ALKRT Whether the two billions will by blowing them up or setting Rupert. B. C occupauon proapector, la Fee Oueew onartMU I April 111 M SRtn, BUr Si tf. be enough remains to be seen, them on fire, the world wiir know-that iradi to apply ror pcnnuaioa to proa peel ' Tak nolle that Edward Mekard. of fee tiMMiw April iSah d M, aod BUr 1u ad tsaa. tBMada for coal and petroleum oa tb wctt coaal Lo A are lea, ocropaUoa eBftoeer, American statesmen they have abandoned hope of BAsacriatR num memvick but ap- of Oraham laland. ta elcialty of Waal id, uiol for trmlton to Dtwatiect fer - 1- 11,11- tm.r.MmA &'lh "recovering the district. This is rier coal and petraleum oa tb mt coaal of MfdwSy 4 tVrr 11 10 a. a, fee amiUMe. rrlM ' a anxiety In the premises. They what they seem to be doing. They Commenclnt from a poat planted om Graham laland. In vlctnliy of Writ rltf Mtia, tatM wd MTbiaarea, Mlt oetl 4 tne fee r" . . .. . .- I . i a- i .i... ik- mil aouth of Um aouthweal corner of C L I CotameocWf at a poat planted oo mil a mad wtaw ,SJld traa eaeey Taar t a. m. are going inio me vasi enter-.are irymK i" uaeics til; thence aoath II chain, tbenc eaal aouHi of tb aoutbeaal comer of C. L. Agancy All Ocean SUamthlp Unas. nrise not with the cheerful coal and Iron fields, the smelter IS rtulna, tbeoo north IS chain, tbenco 7 tbenco weal SO cbalna, tbeno north For Information and reservations apply to ness of shallow optimism, but works and factories. It is not weal 10 cbalna to point of commenceueaL "IS chain, tbenc eaat IS cbalna, Umoc Ticks Office, MS Third Asanusu fM0Jt W City with sober assurance of victory exactly a war measure any more JOSEPH BOWAT, 'aouth IS cbalna lo point of cocnuencemesL confidence than the destruction of all the March II, ISI7. Auitln Brown. irenL EDWARD PICKARD. and justifiable March It, ItlT. Aaiua Brown. aswsL in their country's resources. apple trees in the farming region ISM DtSTIUCT IITICT Or QUEXN CHARLOTTE ISLASJM MERMA LAND RCOOROtSMt DISTRICT ISTRICT OT QUUM CMARLOTTC ISLANOS HMMRAL" s0T- MIMCHAL ACT Tak' no tic that John William Ooaa, of Victoria, B. C occupation mercbant. In-lend Tak nolle that Jam Ray, of Victoria, to apply tot pemtlaalon to proapect B. C. occupation bowl proprietor, intend RAILWAY NOTICE TO DEUNQUCNT PARTNER i PACIFIC Cert We at of Improvement) To C W. Cattonns for coal and petroleum on tb weal coaal lo apply for pertniaaion to proapect for CANADIAN of Graham laland. In vicinity ot Wtit ner. coal and petroleum oa tboi weal coaal of Take aoUrtv wnereaa I bate done and Commenclnc at a poat planted two mile Graham ilalaad. ta vicinity of Wil river, caoaed la b done aernent work oe lb Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point aouth of tb aoutbeaal comer of C L Coaumenclai at poat plaated at tb Cariboo Mineral Claini alluat la tn Mioaltat Traction mineral claim, aliuated tt7, tbenco weal SO cbalna, tbenc aouth aouthweal corner of C L. ttlli tbenc via Steamer to Vancouver and the Ska Rutins Dtvutos. of Caaitar DlatrieL ;m Um IIUd fircr, about fourteen auie IS cba'n. tbenc eaal IS chain, tbenc weal It cbalna, thene aooth II chain. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY from tte bead of Allra Arm. la the Skeoa Wfeer loeatee. Hear he4 of Alice north SO chain to point of commencement. tbenc cut IS cbalna. tbeno north IS Ml and Belh IncludaC on Siarre mlainr dirUloo or Satcoa dutrtcl, art-coral ArnvB.c. JOIL WILUAM OOSS. cbalna. to point of cuumencemeoL wort for and ttlt. and 1114. itlt, TAMf ROTICE tnat X i. fred Ritefcl. March II. ISH. Auitln Brown, areaL JAMLS RAY. tar paid for aald work and record:m Maqulnna for Granby Friday at p. m. Princess scttor rrM'Mtner'i Certiaeate Ro. Itttc, March II. HIT, Auitln Brown. areaL unx tte (am or IIOT.tO. t'nteat yoa par rre Rloei-e SCKSS1A LAND RSOOROIM DISTRICT ai kiit for W. A. William, certiseat No. il C in.oa..ait.y day no the torn of lltt.fS, for jwr nr imuer or QVUN CMANLOTTK ISULN04 SRSSJIA LAND Princess Maqulnns for the south Sunday. rroai tb diu hereof, to apply to Ue f Um aald aateauMQt wort. tocttiMr with ItTRICT or CotARLOTTR ISUUlOe the South Friday. lh cotl of thla adTtrUaeDMBt. I aha!!, at Princess Sophia for attaint- Recorder for ' CertrBesur of lm-tNtiiMnii, Tak notlc UMt Roalyn Puke, of Port- for UM parpotM or obuintnr Um ciptraUon of nioeij () dari from land. Ore., occupation note! proprietor. In ' Tak nouco tut Frederick Momcn, of Iaa date hereof applr to tb calnlaf ro Vlciorla. B. C, aaleiman. la Crown Orant of abov claim. lend I to apply for permlailon to proapect occupatioa Asent General And rurtner tak nolle- tnat action, nn-r eorder' at' Frtaca Ruperts B. C, to tu for coal and petroleum oa lb weal coaal tende lo apply for ptrtuJaaioar lo proapect J- I. PETERS. aectloo II muit b commenced Ufor Tuor uteretu la tbo MidaKtt Friction of Orabam laland. In tb v Id ally of Weal ror coal and petroleum oa in wl coaal Str-t Third Avnu. Prl Fuperl. BX. iW'l.iuanc of loch CirtMtiU of la-reveateata.- mineral claln vetted In um. In purioance river. of Orahaa laland. In vicinity or Weal rtvvr, Ce ner.Fea.rth -el of the proTialbu of,the mineral act Commencinr at a poat planted on mil Coumendor si poat planted two miles Dated at Print Rupert. B. C tola II tb aouth of lb aouibaaal uf' C. L Dated UK 7U day of Mirth, A. D. aoulhi of ' lb aoutbeaal comer of C U comer HIT. ' day or April, I SIT. II II ttTIi tbenc aouth SO cbalna, tbenc' weal tll, tbenc eaal so cbalna, thanes south I. TKEXt RITCHIE. ArnL H. C F-UILUP1. 10 cbalna, tbenco north IS chain, tbenc SO cbalna, tbenc weal is cbalna. tbenc eall 10 rbalna lo point of commencement. north 10 chain to point of cocsmewccmenL UM HOT' ROSLV.V DUKE, I rRtDCRJCr MOCRSCH, UN LIAH MTIM March II, ItlT. Auutn Brown, iteaL March II, HIT. AuiUo Brown. aroL MKCSU UNO DimWCT OIST1UCT Of TAKC' NOTICC that I. Wllllaia laoats BalKNA"LAND RKOOSWIMe DISTRICT SAKHA LAND RBCORDftMS DISTRICT -r-iuJS a" MatUtewi. actlar a asent for the Aarlo-rlUah ISTRICT OT QUHN CMANLOTTK ISLANDS ISTRICT OT QUISN CMARLOTTS ISLANDS ColumbU Packiaf Company, Umlt-ad. TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeort McA, Ot rw lUoa. reiuured office in Vaaconer, B. C Skideraie, a. c. ocevpatiofl enrueer. in Tak nolle that Oliver Brown of Victoria. Tak nolle thai John Booth, of Lo Ship to an'M if Arrandal. oceupatton ttor kpr. in-lad tend to apply for permliiloa to leaa the B. C. occupauon machlniat, loienda Anrelea. occupation contractor. Intend to to apply for pennlaiton to lea the fotlowlnr deertbd Unda i lo apply for penniaaion to proapect for apply for pemuaaioa to proapect for' coal sH l.alr A"?!, -m AT3 foUowlnf deserSMd Unda Commencior at a poll planted at lb roal and petroleum on tb weal COa of and petroleum on tb eat coaal of Ora Coi&menetot at s poat drltea on tb M.W. corner of Lot 4, AUford Bay. Skid Orabam laland In vicinity of Writ mer. Um laland. In vicinity of Weil rtvr. TiSart-wa-r.. "5 rait a ho re of Portland Canal about s mile rat lalai. tbenc writ SO clialni, tberie Commenclns at a poat planted two mile Commendnf at a poat plauud two mil Wlftt - mi tad a Ualf north ot Dogflih Bar. from north I thatna, Ibene IS chain In an aouth of tb aoutbeaal corner of C L. aouth of tb toolhei corner of & L. mmm norU' twenty cbalaaj then aal easterly direction foUowlnf lb tbor line, OtTlj thinr aoulb SO cbalna, tbenc wert ttTIi tbenc can lo rbaini, tbenc north -reasBBaBaS. .,,.n avu im enalati thene south teaty cbalaai thenco two cbalaa to point of conuatac. 10 cbalna. Ibence north 10 chain, tbenc 10 rbalna, tbenc wtat 10 cbalna, Ibence iKiVao. the ace well ten cbaloa. ment, coauinias It acre a,'more or kai. eaat 10 cbalna to point of rotnntrnrtmrnl. aoHlb cbalna lo point of commencemenL SHUBERT, February tlo. tU. MS OEOnO McRAE. Appllranu OUVIK BHOWC, I J011.1 BOOTH. WILLIAM lAaHS MATTHtWt. Appllcaat Dated January ". all March II, HIT, Auatln Brown. aienL March II, HIT, Auaun Brown, artnu aBaasaasaasaasf asaasaasaBasaasaasaasaasW'saasa aaBaBaBaasl BaBaBaaaal aaBaBaBasal .BsaaaasV saBaBaBasaaBBa! aaaipaBas aasaasl aasaasaasas aBaasaasaasasa sasasaBsaaBBaBi Af TB) BrBal sasaTH aBaaLal aLrLsa LLLH BBaBaH 1 W m V BBaHaasTBaaal saaast aaaal Bsaal w'- saaal HaasaV aaf aaaV aasal V aaasf gsaal m V aaasi V bbbbb m' V LsasLi Baaaj. B aas aawaaasLATBj gaaas aaaaj a, ,e aaaaj "aaj saaaj aaaaj aaaaj H aav aaaaj aaaaja BasaBSBs bbb aBaaaaW Basaa BaBasaBaaaV BasaBasaaBv aasaBasi BaaasW. Baaasav saaaB aaasB Basaa aaBaaasl aaBaasal Basaaaar aaasiasi ' saaas" Al I asaff aaasi' aaaai BasaaBsass' saasW sbbi -BasaV I saasi aaasP aaasP saasP aal M SselSLStlLt aiiTWiaUTOS F. a. OAVVSOM pPrllrSC rKJFlrTTi a n