TS,,rMr April 10, aHT TIIM O.ULi NEWS THE TONIC THAT BHBiBSBa' BBBBBBlBjaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH 2,000,0001 BRINGS HEALTH WimmSKF , 'BBBBBBBBBBBH Belgians I rVMBflaaBBmBB bHbSrubbTbbbTbbbtb Depend on us I "fniit-a-llw" Bnte Up Tli BJfBjw4BABrBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' ior Bread! Whole Systm r who UV TrulU-tlTM" for Snce iWt after tke Gams Jflni time, ire often aatonUhed at mtdioa, Vm Belgwu bare depeaded for food eMf M Hie ''mnrirrins alm'tlMt" ''I""- Tbeymay I for Relief m Belpaa". TKeit ewa stoM of food, ullni Tnlt--UTMM Constipation,for somespectfie Indireslfon, erea if not destioycd or fJlaird. would Uat oikr Soli as HJhM (OrNeur1,f,, three weeki they have hid ao etuace to matrCtata- WJJer Troobls, ad the raeSIeas Crrnoi rohiM aa mpply thcflil IScrVinii.. AbJlhjr Cu.ea FruH-. li BtcJcad bj tho lhy fe' ,blter. "d a erery r This U due to .ironscr lb Jtrft tonit troptriitt of these Beldjan Bdief Rind Oawoj UbleU, msds front fruit Jultcs. joe i tew,0 for $1 JO, trial site, Me. At til Jcilcn or ent potpJJ by Frult-t-tlrts so tenermJy coofrided io the Brss Ess sJ kU UoileJ limited, Ottawa. SfHCKDINO UP PRODUCTION PLOUQHINO AT RIOMTWITM TRACTOR, Thin picture vividly Sisles. uS aeutrsJ Belaiaa rUEcf C iisi ia baa isaportej IhOWa HOW llrltaln U npedinir tin nru1ii(.i..n . . liV,n nHr Wrnilittrnni farm lrhni nunur enough wfieat. Sow aavd srtbec foods lo fe Bs Dsalt aadoa dincover ni trial' he could ktn iiu irai.t. i v... taht n tin a t. tn ,i-a mnr,n. so far. The peat majority of tba 7.000.000 Prlaim left ia riRI ALARM MITBI IIRIIl HO arllllOal lislit IIMdfii fin .InfV nUI.I. Irt llcrhl. uro n.o.l the country have been able ta pay far (bait sJaly aliwaace el brssui but a steadily arowiac tjay kava m aaaaay IsH. CIRCUIT NO. 1. So, IX Mh BL aod Ird AM. LAND REGISTRY ACT THE MAN WHO ACTS Unless we are wXag ta let nW IssaaBVash 4l kaiassaJi si ut is .tt BL sod 1r4 Arc. women. chJdren sod old roea starve. aW asast be fad at nSa s,i Ml iB-isnetton 4 -IU IL and or ird ML Am.tnd tod (Sftlioni II and III.) WITHOUT THINKING expense ol the Belpan ReEef FaasL to asaka tba) pissitls someone Bust coatnbtae aass4y tljmmjmm a i inl Ar. AppUtaUooa v. tOII-I aod I0IT-I. a ! -IM ., berweeo-ltaiaad rinor tin. Unoi Hotel). ' The flennan Tlew8papca are It. lib TAKE. NOTICE Uul appUcaUon Ui No people tskcJer tb AKed Flacs wl sbla li IT ! Art. Mid 7lt SLCen-irtl advertising that all over aaa as ta md la ntUUt Si rib Lando. or Priiws men Uotel). generooaly as we Csnacnaasl Net TIMBER SALE nuprn. B. c it nnr In ft sndtr io military age, but liable still for XS09. Tn lata Drcdi froci iba C4letor of lha Braird traders win ba recrlted by the deserrinf of help I la the aosaa af Y circuit no. aty of l'rftit BaUrt, twartof data tlx national service, between the agei Mirdsirr of Lands not later than noon on the ule of oor own seV-4spet--4at as ) el wa) eaa li U Ird A and Ird BL trof" ftnd di or ftrpteaiLtr, .and ALL A.lD of ,17 and CO must register them it Tin day of May. 1117, for lbs pur-rbaaa help our martyred AXesI omr ilSOl'LAIt ibai rtruiB parol or tract of of Licence Xltl, to rat 1,110,000 Ut ti- tld AM. tnd McBrld BL land and rrmiwt Mtuale, Irtnf and txlnr selves forthwith. The ottlcial feet of !lea.kxkf Cedar and Bpraec, and SaJOJdJ Vtfi MsaWasfatlBaH saTSMkl Bel atIll At. sad McBrld BL in tnt Maniri(aUty of rnncs Bupert, mora articles oecfure that theie is now 1,100 lineal feet of pills r. on.aa area ad. riMMlUai I Ind AM. tod tad BL (artlcnlarlr knon jmnlnr tot HOT, iaikitla Inlet. Orabars and drarrUwd ti Ut no tune to be lost because "the Central Exteethrt Catnraitt St K rNar St, and IU BL Mi ! tnd AM. tWtrn (ill. BI4MI tealjr-.til tland. Queen Cbarlotu Diitrlct. tot it -a. t. r. IU (, and Lot uunr-inrt ill). war must be Uuished as rapidly To (I) year will be allowed for re $2.50 Feeds A BeJglvm,ram A Moath. Bkxk tertr-tu u, scua turn (i). as possible, ' and the public are moval of timber. CIRCUIT NO. a. Further particular! of tba Chief For- urged to smooth the task of the i 1 lib AM. and ration BL Ton ar rrqaired lo ceoun U claim authorities. eater. Victoria. B. C. or Diitrlct Forester U- Borden and Taylor IU. at rrtnee HuperL B. C Ut of tba u pnrtnawr wlllua 11 dart from bi 14 J IU AM. and Fulton BL IM daM or tna acrtlca of UUa noUca In addition to this the Cologne iti w u am. sad Comoi am. imhitb nuj U ITcl) fcr ptUraUoo). Gazette under the beading. The TIMBER SALE X Ii IT- lib Art. sad Dodra Place and iw aiimUoa U called to aecUoo. Uiau ulio acU williuut ttiiuklnir.' Sealed tenders will be recelMd by the M lit AM. aad Tboniaaoa.SL OT MtaHier or Lands' not later than noon on 11 Ua "Land hriUUT Act- IUl.,hnu 'luiw. Kiiirliahti..n l.ulav IttiafiitrBanii a.tiA a tKa fhllAoa aUA I the Hit day or May, 1117. for the. por-chate Tar aad Cod Liver Ofl Sflg IfTV rl Matliiea's Sjrmf of not oaJy CIRCUIT NO. d, torT.iw i" lbc,r Uoyd Oeorgo" and of Licence x 110. to rat 4 111,000 set 41 lib Am. and Emmersoa catai or ctruflcata of lu pcndo txiot icoiiiifienta as follows: ireei oi Hemioei, ceaar ana spruce, ana piece, iid ttfora u rtiMtrauoo a owner ofl There can now be few people fll.OOS lineal reel of plllnr oa aa area tkst eaid and Urns 6rcU a penntuiest ctu-a. It fai that taMj wUch wm m 41 li At, and McBrld BL adjolaur Lot IIOl, Jnikatla Inlet, Queen H ite iMfcal ml of susy coos aad cold rendy ta CaaMfk Charlotte OlatrleL li U itk am. and Oreea BL audtUe 'act llml lht aTeatest obstacle Three (I) year win be allowed for tea 44. -4U A, and Bull BL' utota claumu U.roun or nadr tbna, Ut as- 7th am, and Eberta. all irooa dauaini any lot rail la tn , to- peace for the exhausted world remotat or Umber. J.t MATaacD cav.rssp.sasssansaBaveeBsLPjav Further particulars of the Chief For Ut 141 lib Am. and Younr. BL land br tirtoa of any uartrtmrtd Inatm. J consists in the person of the mer, Victoria. B. C, or Diitrlct Forester uZT:'U i Jlu 8U.b lUteiman. Lloyd at Prince Ftpert. B. C m not rtutrd sadr tna protutotu orlueorge. iuu peoples, wnicu yearn una Art, abatt La for trr attopped aod for peace, would probably have m.'r'!!" .? Pco long ago. if the uneasy Prince Rupert Feed Co. sod tba ftefUtrar tball reruur tba person Welshman had not stimulated tnutied snder sneb ut sal a owner or passion ever afresh by the excess r, a. tea in. Tklrd At. the land so sold Tor tai.- 1UI bis self decfutivn. b Ui crail Ntttrvip our iti7 seeds A.M WMUitAS vuMwvB uu. ir iciuoerameni ana nr nis remain. made for s Ceruses! of ladereaiailr TUkli ir.il..... rrt.iL ...i..:. ta the aboM-menUooed laoda, la tba narns I O UtUUC. lUlfl UllJifcUIO Wl HANBLC Sf Baril Lando. I edition of a uemoeralic ano!rHin A Brig., Renalee' a.Mi WHtHCAi on lateausauar tbs utis mainiaius nimseir Df the new rVry'e and MaoaenikVe it Hl-itt that prior to tba nib day of j methods which he has applied to In the September, till, (tna date on which tba the goverumenl of Kngland. by Highest Degree CinJtn and Field Seeds. said lands wera sold for otrrdsa tsaes). the dictatorship under Lord Alio familiar. yon wera lbs realatered aod ataeaaed press soers I hereof. .Nortbcliffe and by the paralysis Profitable HAY, GRAIN ARB HEB FURTHCR TAlt JIOTICt that at lb of parliament, through a cabinet CMckan Food A . Specialty. I i hat effect reriatrauoo la of politically impotent experts, pursuance of inch application and liaue a who are devoted to him. We Take CrruacaU oT jndefeailbla Title lo tba said Order for Nuraary land m tba Dam oT Sarab Lando nnleaa "The fact, however, that the Hook, you take and proaeeuto tbs proper pro-reedios recognition of the extent to which Some men figure that as the mercury climbs Oe - to eatabllab your claim. If any, this man growing into a disaster up sales will fall down. And figuring that way, Pro uy AllaS T. lo lbs said laoda, or lo prttenl such pro-poaed sctloo oa my part. for Kurope is increasing more and fate is kind and does not disappoint them. DATED at the Land Hrrtilry Office. more, not only among England's rrinre Rupert. B. C, this lOih day or friends and allies, but also among tprtl. A. b. HIT. his own fellow- countrymen, ia a So there has grown up a commercial superstition H. F. MACLEOD. remarkable sign of the times and that Summer is a dull season. Duuicl Aeruuar or TlUea. one which We should keep in view. W octru To IL Charle F. Clara Manila,and II.a O.to Lot Weber,Us I-or until Lloyd fleorge is either No greater fallacy has ever gone so long unchallenged. at to Lot II. set aside or made harmless as a risarsswasra minister; no real disposition for . r bk. it-is LAND REGISTRY.ACT. peace will arise In- England.' Comment of this nature from Summer w a dull season for many lines but cTi Mkiiiidi (SarUoos II and ill.) the Cologne Gazette regarding there is no fundamental reason why it should Premier Lloyd tieorge may be re ' a 1-a ta. ! t, Ba Application Mo. 11,111. FlUaa I.I 11. garded as a compliment. be. '' lWaN TA1E .10T1CK thai application 1 baa beea TT mad to retiiier John Berrman. or Frtnc The Daily News .delivered by For Instance, take a typical case that of the 'or Purthar Information RuperL B. C a owner in ra sader s Apply to Tai su bead from tba collector or tb carrier, 50 cents per month. ft. - i Canadian wallpaper manufacturers. City or i-rtnea HuperL. bearinr data tb 1 It lb day of September, 1 1 II, of ALL AJiD W. t. WILLISCMOFT IIAdL'LAn thai certain parrel or tract oi Navigable Water Pretention Act. They wished to secure their placing orders Prlnca Rupart, B. 0. land and premise alluaw, Ijlna-. and b R- a. o, oMarrsii via. from the retailers before the early Fall when lot la lb Muulcipality of Frisco HuperL mora particularly known a Lot Ten (10). Tb Oraod Trunk Faeine Railway Com. American lines are offered. Through education hlofi rite ! Section seteo m. a- II. pany hereby site nolle that It baa under by Advertising, they advanced the season Section T or the 31 said Act. deposited with Years (MiUr.Tlwi Tke You are rcuulreu t tuuwal Ui data lb Minuter of Public Wort at Ottawa, to start the middle of June, instead of the end ot the tat purchaaer wunia tniny-ot tod In tba ofOc of lb Diitrlct Reiiatrar da) from tb data ot lb aertlo at IbU r lb Und Heriatry OCQr. Diitrlct of of August, arid they now beat their foreign nolle (blrb may b aneciea bj nci-Vred rlnc Rupert, at Prtoc RuperL s deacrlp-tiutt competitors, to the market by nearly three at Mall aa Directed, and your or of tb site and plan of lumber mill AS the name implies, lenuon I called to section II ot to tnd other works proposed to bo built la months. The Bank of British Land Rertairr Act" witn ameaamenia. ib l-rinc Rupert harbor at Fiinc Rupert, iki to the folio in r etlract thertfromi Brlllab Columbia, in rroat of Waterrrool .North America was and in default of s cateat or ceritfl. Block -i", acrordinc to retiatercd plan of Perhaps you face a selling problem that education betoro ln cat ot U pendena beloa Bled lb townalt of tb aald city of Prtnr jstabl.shcd long before the reitatraUua aa owner of the person en-ililvd Rupert retlitered ta the aforetaid Und by Advertising will solve. Perhaps provinces united and aerved under wim notice ucb Ut sal,and all thoaa person rlaimini so reriitry .me a o. til. Section T. your Summer business needs the tonic of camc the Domi AND TAkE MIOTICS that after Um ex and all ptraotu inion ot tbrousb or under Ibem. Summer Advertising. piration or on month from th data of Canada. Th dalrulsr any Interest In lb land by lrlu sound, au lb Brat publication of this notice, the at tsy unreriilered lnalrumen r-"6.5,vc elaluiini any lnurt In lb land Grand Trunk r-aeinc Railway Company management Pron reriired will, under Section T of the said Act, apply UU 1 uot wbo 7 ha made it a power by under descent Um protlalon ot tbl AcL aball be to lb Minuter of Public' Works si hi "nuanadmn finance makes for un er an eaioi'ped tlalu and to or dBrra lo reaiwcl rrom of lb ei-um- i.race f tb in said the si Cliy la snd of Oitaaa plan and for for approtal leav As the mercury climbs up to its highest degree, increase, rather "ie bank for your uud so ld fwr !. and lb Ktflalrar ,o roiulrucl tb laid works. than slttcken, your Advertising and selling efforts. , You will account. kball reitiier tb; person entitled under Dated at Wlnnlper. Manitoba, thli tut uch tat sat owner of tb land Jay of February, A. D. hit. find itprofitable in the highest degree. THE BANK OF old tor laies" THE ORAfin TRUMK PACIFIC RAILWAY D ASD WHKHEAl appUcailoo has been COMPANY, H. U. UANIARD. Bollcllor. Vm Amrk mad tor I CtrUflrst or iuareiii n lo Hi abotemeutloned laad. in iua nm VtA" W BlWINCsa. of lolin Berrinani land la tba nam or Joan Berrman unices ataiUbia tak AJric regsjdtna your i It-rtirkii proUesss la tainsMjs aa you and rnL wiritt, BTjaauaa. AMI WUEKEAS on lnteaurMni m to eilabllih proaeeuto th proper pro-reedios iwvutmiacJl'anaTtian svlverUataa aaracy, or Uvs Secretary of tfco Caa-sdiaa if llll It ipprir lha Pt'0' ,mk. : ao iina your claim. If anj 1'nas'Asociatk,Room aaa Lsuasden BaiVEaxTuroato. loawtry WJlUPEW MriNCI lit I'!ptembr. IIH. t lb del on which posed acuoa Mia tend,on my or parL to pnvenl aucb ero taToIvs no oitigaUon oa yottr part so write,i f inUrosUdjyjE J, lb said land war so " SMITHCRS,Manager iie you war lb aaiw vi DATED r tb-'Land Realm t Offlra "r- r !L itirreuf. Frlnc RuperL B.C Lbl lib dav o' NOTICE thai lb Deeeiuber, A. D, IMS;-; ADVERTISE FVIITIIKH TAkt. IN asm. Ilia. 1 hll eirect rti. -pursuance II. P. MACLEOD. rHE ot urb appllcailoo nd lsi I Apr. IT. District Retlalrar of Title. Daily News Urimci of indefraaibl TlUa w lh said To sluiou Peurton. Davlitlll. CaUfornl. a