HIE DAILY MEWS 1917 WEST HOLME THEATRE FOR RENT Local News Notes There will nunln Im hnvn to 4 room, batb, tewer, ran re, no. nfglil at the West hoi me that great II TOO oth Ave w. photoplay "Madam X" by Afexnn Mr. Ilalelgh Trimble, of Telkwa, Keep ISP t "roomi, btth, Mwtr, no. 110 Ent- ler Illsson. This I n very now urn iiiii.-I erful play and the Interest of the Is In the city on a visit. r-rTl room, bath, tewer, No, 100 Mui- rave Place, uuuicnco was suslalneil last night Children's Klk Skuffcrs, Cnl t, room nit, famished, sever, bath, from start to finish. Dorothy Oxfords and sandals Wallace's. 1011 ird Avs. Donnelly, the star artiste certain a Chickens 4, room i, bttb, rtnre, 171 Summit ly In this film has proved her Avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. M, M. English Are 4 roomi, 71 Thompson Street. capabilities as an actress, and she In Prince llupm forn day,or two. 4 rooms, 110 tut Avenue, East. Is supported by a splendid Cast e They 4 room. 7U Aeenue. Eatl The culmination of the plot, where m.. .A 4 rooms, lit tin Avenue, West. Setting eggs. Barred Hocks and The cost of meat is the heavy cast o(T lh? wire, tlefendod by her room ntu. be in, sewer, MtMonJie llhode Island lleds. Harry Atkins, will Apartments. lawyer son, In ignorance of her Butcher. item in tiie food bill. help 4 roomi, too Oth Ave.. E. idontlly. results when she is ac 4 room, furnished, bath. Ill itb quitted, and the traffic thai I rooms,Avenue,near Etst.drydoet. follows is most poignant,scene and full Victoria,Mr. and are'Mrs.guests Carrulhers,at the Hotel of Poultry and Eggs will help Keep you 7 rooms, corner Oreea and 7tb At. of pathos. T i ra a take the place of meat. Section , Those who missed this wonder If Tour Meute It rkMnt List It with tie We Can rill H for Ton. account iui piay to yesterday miss it tonight.ought on no WAXTi:i Good smart boy or The food that goes to the garbafte How to go H. O. HELQEMON. LTD young man ror ciownng store. Apply, Martin O'Hellly. pail from the average table will provide about it k CULL FROM one-third the feed for a flock of 8 to nUYHSsfw tt.tchlna w4,r4u Mrs. flebhart's dressmaking 10 hens. k" .marfe! hrvndn A parlors have been mQved from the uiii awfciM-) win iw. "Tie Dtily News" j Mists' Rifles, London, Eng. Clapp Building to Helgcrson Blk. kMi sae erwmk.(Sticks.M.k T4 la U mitt rhkia aA Miono Blue 502. 08. Poultry will thrive where vegetables err. t4 It. nmt CLASSIFIED ADS. (Gum Marte Minerva). ' . will not grow. The outlay Is small. rmtrk'f- Mlr M-till miKli . W. Mil The new Hed Cross tent 3rd mi Hf iImii, IhhkW Ik.i on A few minutes a day is all the time a ttliaarf chirk I. kealihf(kick. Avenue is almost completed and This notice should interest any CAlmON: f3ilck. m.( m m old member of the "Artists" residing will be ready for occupation very required. f4 IkM Main aly st Jmi at Knii u, mm4 WANTED. .p.rlatx. in 11. C. Would they kindly shortly. ' A small flock in back will If you ran, start now with WANTED Tounr woman ss kitchen maid. forward their names lo Itobcrt your yard rftleorchlckei If not,erring t wires lit month wltb room. Apply to Barker, box 127, Daily News, To whom it may concern: Take go far to keep you supplied with eggs, at onre with the local poultry lady supt, Prince Rupert Oeoeral Hos Prince ilupcrt, B. C or' Douglas notice that I, M. H. Laidlaw'haVe Moriatlon for pullftaln the pltaL tf. broilers and roasters. falL Spencer, 17 Craven Street, Strand; relirtd from the Bunrs Lake WANTED Modern furnished apartment or London: object connected with Trading Company. , ,92, sense, no children. Address Roy Ho- the recently-formed Artists' Wiles . bert. Prince Rupert HoteL 71 Regimental Association, and par-' Mr, and Mrs. Geo. McNeil nave Write for Poultry Bulletins lo wanted Lorrert: Mrrtar Men. rpiy liculars will be forwarded to any returned to Prince Ilupcrt after J. R. Morran, Ltd, car of Williams A members making their address sojourn in Southern Alberta. INFORMATION BUREAU Hanson. 17 known. Mr. McNeil is an old timer here, MISCELLANEetJS having been with the G. T. P.. and THE DOMINION henceforth will make his home TALBOT HOUSE flood Room, trery convenience. WATER NOTICE here. Hot water bath. tt.10 and It DIVEKSKMI AND US1 KPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ner w eek. Oc and J Sc. a nlrbt. TASK NOTICE that Oeorr MeRae, mbose address It Skldeyate, B. C wlu The case of the negro Karl MMMMMMMMMMMMMMBBHMMbV. aMHTBW MaBMMMMaV OTTAWA RADUATE nt'RSE (CM.B.London) Term apply ror a licence to uke and use I to Brown was to have been heard moderate, apply P. O. Box 041. or cubic feet per moot or water out ot before Judge Young this morning, IIONOURADLE MARTIN HURRF.LL, Nlrntttr. Pbone 41. Demster Creek, which Hows northerly and drains Into Atiford Bay, about it chains the accused having elected for a FARM LANDS from the N. E. corner of T. L. tit. Tbe speedy trial. The case was post- water will be diverted from tbe t twain el ponill today, however, on account OREOO.I AnDCAUrOR.UA RAIL WAT CO. ORAM LANDS. Title to iiiim revetted corner or Lot 4. B. C. Fisheries, and wic " ,T In I'nited States by of CoorreM , Who la Confined tO the act be nsed ror Dower mimu nnon tha UrwJ O.Ung, LAND REGISTRY ACT LAND ACT dated June t. 1016. Two million, tare described as adjoining Timber Limit tat house with a severe Cold bund ml thousand arret to be opened In application to lease. DENTISTRY for homesteads and tale. Timber and This notice was posted on the troooc (SXUooa f asd III.) StEE.1l LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Of aa-rtetiltural lands, eonttintna; some of n tbe Ittb day of January. tOIT. i FOOD CONTROLLER Re Appuratioa .to. 0)44-1. rums til. COAST, RX10K nVE. best land left In I'nited Stales. Now Is copy of this nolle and an applicator TAkE yotlCX Uut a(Uatloa Us ltn crtmn hmo ststtoot woe tbe .opportune time. Larre map show pursuant thereto and to the Water Act,' GETS ATFER THE DEER rnaJe to rtdtur Tbe Corporatioa of Vm Take nolKe ibal we. Own XlUerd Pack-lat A SSK0lat.TT Inr lands by sections and description of 1014 wlU be Died In tbe offlcc of U i City of Friar Rntxri la tba rrettace f CMnpeny. Umlte4. of Vaacoover. o-rvpatlan toll, climate, railfall. elevation, etc. Water recorder at Prince ttupcrt. Ob- Pritita Cotomtiia. as ownr ta fee aiHlar rtmterymett, latrod to apply for OR. J. S. BROWN Pottpald one dollar. Grant Land LO' two Tat Sale De4t Iran tte CwtMCtor et peral.tlon la Icbm to, follow lor de-scribed senior catlnr Co, Box tlO. Portland. Oregon. with tb said Water Recorder or with' During this time of food Mar tbe Oly of Prince Rupert, btertaf dtie the landti- oewti a a'u iihi, raire iw ine Comptroller of Water- Rifhts, Partia- city In Great Britain, tho food Itb day Of December. tOIO. of ALL AMD Curmmrtnr at a pott pleated tl Ibt Sl.tOULAR tbat ctriaia Darctl ar trtct of xlbiit corner of Lot 117) tbeftce south thirty dart afte'r tbe nrtt abearance of controller has got the owners of land aaJ prcioUes situate tyi&t, aod bis( I c tt las m few water mark taence nana J.LH1CKEY thit notice in a local newspaper. numeroun deer forests to- ut tbe Municipality of r fines Raptrt. nor westerly tt cbalnt follow let low water Tba dale of the first cnbllritloo of thu particularly know a am, dtcribd at .toria latrki Ibmce nortn I rbaias to tbe Grind notice it rebruary list. totr. gether lo make arrangements for Weturlr Sataalr llti. tl at LaU CU.n Trunk Ptrifie rttbt-of-wtyt tnettre souik ! CONTRACTOR A DUILBCR QtORUK MtRAE. Appucant. the hunting of deer for food. A 111), and Ttle (II) Slodt (l(bUo easterly 01 cbalnt fotlawuy said rlcbt-of AT ROWE'S PLUMBING (II), Section One (II, Mtp oil. way lo tbe pitre of befinmnr tad ruo TIMBER SALE X 913. venison supply committee was Toe tre required to cootn tbe claim ttlniar II arrra. AND Store and OfUce Fixtures, Scaled tenders win be received by the formed last year and this incom- st tbe tat parr hater itbia tbirty0t OOfSE MILLERD PACI1.10 COMPAJvr SHEET METAL WORKS Minister of Lands not later than noon on dtytrroat tbe dtte of tbe service of tbti UXITED, ill Bash, Door and Moldings. the tth day of June. ioi7. for the por- In season they will have their nou re (wbicb may be affected by personal April tnd. It IT. t. rred RiifWe. artnt Tlx taake tseeetle Ttalt. Swe Oak and Hard Woods of all chase r Licence xou. to t 7.4fi.ooo operations extended in practically erttre or at directed), and your attention SMeea. SaSe Saacks, tleM.f Taw. It called to section SO of tbe "Land Ret' -fir i m w, iirniwci, ucuar ana rpmce, twi aao ail the week tael to mmi aw. kinds. I.JOO lineal feet of plUnr, on an area ad every deer forest In Scotland. Utry Atf wltb amendment!, and to tb sa ike out rsSMtonco Tin tser, Wa Spaclallzt) In making Jolniar Lot ItOt, Jaikttla Inlet, Graham Locheil, the Mackintosh of folio lor attract tbertfrwar PHONE S3 , O. BOX 35 kTTIt Alt, TMK LATIIT aowa. Island. Queen Charlotte Island District. "and In default of a caveat or certificate rO-OATt WOIM 0f CULUCXwA and fitting storm windows, Three (l years will be allowed for re Mackintosh, and many another of lit pendent bclnr Sled before tbe ret PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. ae axTLMtrrs, .connsctt, t any six. moval of timber. bearer of a famous name are gel-ting titration at owner of tba persoo entitled Ivarf tMa la 10 Itae lee mt, mm further particulars of tbe Chief Forest everything arranged for the under sucb tat sale, til pertoot so served ae Peatery. Sievte ntK' lttt and Short Glass and er. Victoria. 8. C, or District Forester, the wltb notice. .... and tbote clatmint Transfer ami aectad U tetter. Heen.f It Sluing. Prtnee Rupert, B. C, prompt transportation of tbroorb or under ibem, and all persona Storage ktods ef taalerlal. aj.eeirtof ef a carcases to the market. As the clalmlnc any loured in tbe land by vir klaea. PfllCCS RMtfT, StSVK Corner Fraap and (Hh St. deer can only be killed for food lue of any unrflitervd instrument, and BEST LUMP NUT COAL PIRSTlAas. SATItmB CVf-TOSaCSI fi M. tfatsoo, a.A. all clalminr loured In Um persont any IS OUR AIOL PHONE GRCEN tSS WT. f. wilnaina. B.A, L.UO during a limited period, the num. land by deacent wboae title ta not re ru pmonc sao. . o. sot NO LONQ WAITS WILLIAM A MARwOM ber to be required for tbe twelve le red under tbe proviiions of tblt Act, Pettarr aaO Cfllae til t4 P. O. BOX 44S. Etc months must be secured then, lull be for ever estopped and debarred NO SHORT WEIGHTS tut t ireet, aleee U Oe Stf arrrstors, tollcltors, cold from settlor up any claim le or In retpect aad blfMiHl Wfrl It Is proposed to erect a When You Order from Ut. 04MT TO LOM of tbe land so sold far lasts, and tbe ool tcJMiM suiitxnsv storage plant, salting and sausage Herutrar sbail rentier tbe person en Sot lilt factories in Inverness, ami titled under sucb tat sale at owner of tbe Hrlrrrm Block Prlace Ruterl. S. C all details have been gone into re. land so sold for tttea." STEEN A.IO WHEREAS baa been &L0NGW1LL tpilcatloa garding ghillies, ponies and mo. made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title tors to get the venison from the to tbe abovementloned landt. In tbe name SANITARY AND HEATING Harry A. Harvey depths of the forests to railhead. of Tbe Corporation of tbe City of Prince It Is proposed that officers on Rupert i FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ENGINEERS (Late, LeaSea, Kt, Oeesteeetelra leave, officers on sick leave after A.1D WHEREAS on InvetUf aunt tbe title f OJuela) II appetrt intt prior to tbe fourteenth day ruriL or lamsoowme oorrcu. convalescence,- and those who of September, If II. (tbe dat eo wnlch ' Agsnts for have been rendering good service toe taia iimi, were sold for overdue Pupils Taken for 710 SECOND AVE. McCLARY FURNACES Ue). you were, a morttaree tbereof. VlOU.t. PIA.no. VIOU.tCELLO and lo their country in other rapacl rtRTIIEH TAKE SOTICE tntt II HARMO.tr ' .ties, shall be employed in filk tame lime I tbaU, fffeel rerHUtUoo tb4 la CsrponUr's Tools Builders' HsrdwAr Ship Chsndlery PLUMMNO EXAMLtATIOKS Ing. purtutnee of tucb Ippurttion and Ittue Wire CAbls SUI Rlocks Fishing Tackle , and Pupils sVeeered fee ti aw last leas a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to tbe Sttnlatad Beard, Vancouver, Oeatee teld landt In tne name of the above tor Iron Rips Rips FlUlngs Rlflss nd Shotguns SHEET METAL WORKS Weyal Oellasa ef SJutlt. Leedee,Bee, port lion uniett yon Ukt tnd prosecuu Rops ' Valves Ammunition Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. tbe proper proceedinrt to ettablitb your TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 rlaim. If any, to tbe said landt. or to Pumps Hom Paint Night phones 570 prevent sucb proposed irtion Corrugated Iron on my part. Stoves arfd RAngss Rubbwrold Roofing 'and Blue 270 t Dtiea at tne Land Refittry omee. Prince Tho right work, at tho HgM V aMBSBSMMMMMMMMMSsaX Rupvrt. B. tbla toib day of December, "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" a. u. ma, lime, and at tho right prioo. II. P. MACLEOD, tMBMBMBMIij District Rertsirer of Tltlet. Stuart J. Martin To Frederic Srhtttner, Etq HARDWARE "taMBBBBBBBMBkBHBMHi rare C. U rreeman. C p. H. Side. FRED STORK'S '. i.'T-i Edmonton, Alberta. Sheet Metal Work AMAYErt SbmbsbsbskjrT''' ' MICNA LAND Dl STRICT DI0TRIOT Of OOA0T, RANOC . HAZELTOM B. O. Haying been In the East, I have become acquainted with all modern TAKE .10TICE that tbe Brlltsb ColumbU methods of Tho oldost established Assay MMMMMMMMMMMaHaH Cannlnr Company, Limited, ef Victoria, B. outfitting gasoline C, itunon canoert, tntend to apply for A HOT BATH THE boats, as used by Eastern shops. Offloo In tho North. permntion to letse tne followina describ. ed foreshore landt-Cotiuntnclnf at a post MINUTE YOU WANT IT Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting pitniea on tne north Unk of tbe Skeeat i hiver, tto fttt south from tbe southeast Yam ars ccuiioroeu and Plumbing, tvriKT wi t, h. i, coast District) (.rltititx cold wRler ' wenre wium ISO rssli Ibenee ftiilirlr and all lines of Sheet Think ofth-Ufnctkm tnd northerly ptrtllel to the there line, atnnlly. :: : Metal Work : :: Priace Rupert Dairy uiiwwf vi a(proiimtieiy no feet to of getting- Uoi a point too feel south ot the sou it Wuter In f"0 wty Prompt Attention and Skilled boundary of tbe Orand Trunk ft cine rail. regtrdleio o UNDKII NCW SlANSjOMCirr obundance. way thence westerly and Workmanship northerly par uea allel lo the Slid rllbt-of-war n . .m how inuoli has bttn letoUrneau PURC H0LSTIEN MILK JOHN MAQRAW due south, of tbe S. W, corner of Lai tt, befwr. h. The highest paid baseball mad Ibenre north too feet to the pomr of In. WATER LIKE MA0I0 621 SIXTH AVENUE on the continent, His new contract tersectlon of the toulh Imundtry of stl4 MOT BUTTERMILK rllhl of.wtyj tbence southerly Phone Mack 326 P.O. Box 118 with the New York Giants erly a loot said rtrbl-ofwir to and. n.mi Harry Hanson PNOH B07 r. O. BOX SOS rails for a salary of 150,000 a where tald boundtry line tirtk., iL,,. year. Uoej tbence iioot bifb wtur aark to the Hot Water Hervice lrin Sll orders fresnetlf Atttadtd Te. point of ronunenrement. thb cuiiveiiifW'-HONE SUBSCRIBE FOR A. W, CARTER, you The dully M Acting at 4M P.O. B0X delivered item foe the n. a r.,- R. McKay, Proprietor. Co.. Limited. ' The Daily News eewewwi i-arrlrr, tn rouls per lnouth rtbruary tltb. ujt,