THE DXlLY NF.W8 Friday Aprd !n ,0 , The Daily News Nature's Best Food THE MAILS Laxative the. bran THE LllADINO NCWSPArCR IN NOKTHfiRN MtTtftll COLUMBIA Puuka Dadr urf Wev which makes-up the outer For lha Eaai. Quarantaod I art t eVaulatlofi coating of the whole wheat Tuesdays. m. grain. But why,eat coarse Wednesdays, :30 a. m. . HEAD OFFICE bran cakes when you can Saturdays, 9:30 a. m. Dally flews Hulldlng, 3rd Ave, Prlnc Rupert. Il.O. Telephone 98. accomplish the same purpose From the) East. rHAMBlKHT DISPLAY AOVKflTISINO 60 rem par inrh iy eating Shredded Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m. rates on application. Wheat Biscuit and at the Thursdays, 5:30 p. m. same time get all the rich, Sundays, 3:10 p. m. DAILY BDITtOfl Friday. April 20, 1017. body-building material in the For Vancouver. whole wheat grain prepared Tuedy. P in a digestible form. A perfect KeHWHKI f THE 1MB' are Thursdays, 10 p. m. thronged THE with vast crowds food just enough pro-tcid The latest information which crying In vain for food. Cap. to build healthy muscle, Sundays, I p. m. The Prize has come regarding the state tured German officers speak of just enough carbohydrates From Vancouver. of affairs of the Central Powers insubordination in the ranks of to supply heat and energy, Wednesdays, 10:30 a. in. Packet in the is distinctly satisfactory, from the soldiers under their command. just enough bran to keep Fridays, 3 p. m. the Allies' point of view. With These facts seem the bowels healthy and Sundays, 7 p. m. practically the whole world to show that witli the news bf active. For breakfast with Alternate Mondays from Jam. !Vi ess Kit is against them, caused chiefly by a decisive defeat on the west, milk or cream, or for any ry 1st. - all their political ineptitude and the German people will make meal with fruits. Made in For Anyoi. their barbarity In their methods such a demand for the cessa. Canada. Wednesdays .10 p. m. in waging war, their armies lion of hostilities that their Fridays, 8 p. m. .' wrigleys being beaten in. the field, and rulers will be compelled to pay Sundays, 8 p. m. their people at home seething heed for once to their demand. RIOTS IN GERMANY with discontent, hungry and on The coming events will prove SITUATION GRAVE From 'Anyox. the verge of revolt, from the of great interest and in the Thursdays, Sundays and Tues 'The FimvBur Lasts point of view of the P russian terms of peace, it is safe to Rome, April 20. Private reports day!. military caste, the situation say that the German people from Germany say that the Made must be somewhat disquieting. themselves, and not their erst internal situation there is grave. COAL NOTICES la Doubtless they will consider while rulers, who will be a and is causing serious apprehensions. their position analagous with party, to such terms. France The government, it i SStCNA LAND RtCOROINO DISTRICT Canada that of the practical founder of had to depose Napoleon after stated, has been obliged to pro ISTRICT OF QUI KH CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Seated Frederick the Oreat. claim state of siege in all the Kept their state, Waterloo, and the- Allies will a Tele NUK Uut William tNloa. ot Vic In the seventeenth century, see to it that William of Ho. principal towns owing to riots. tutu, u. c ic9uoa ccuanuat, iaina Tight AX v Right they had over there a seven! hemollern and his beligerent Attempted risings are reported to a rWr titf pvrtuiMioa to protitl fur al and petroleum oa Ut el cot and a tweniy-one have occurred almost everywhere. years war, .clique are rendered inocuou Grahim ItUttd, Is detail of Weat rir years war, in which Frederick for the future. Even in Derlin the population, it Millions of bars supplied every month to was beaten time and again, and , v , is said, has threateningly demand. roe Hi fcf lb uUteat corner tl C L the and bar Army Navy. Every yet, though hardly to be called NOTES AND COMMENTS ed an end to the war and the It:I. t&euc aorta SS c tuln, laeoce tut means more IS chain. tbrBc eonta IS cbtlo. taeaec lo our forces at home and abroad. victorious in battle, he emerged punishment of those who have power ! IS COAla IO puiS I Of CCjOUUCbCTtUt IL twit h a stronger stale, and provoked it. The traditions of German mill WILLIAM WIO.1. a more powerful army, and obtained lary invincibility has been broken Marcb It. HIT. Anitia Broun. trsL Send some' In every letter and parcel to the 'the fruits of victory, finally. Their wonderful defences itM AND TIDE SACANA LAND mOOSMSS DISTRICT Front. Small in cost, but bitf in benefit. though not on the field of battle. on the Marne, Aisne, and on the ISTRtCT Of QUI EM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Somme, notwithstanding all their Saturday, April 2 1st. Delicious Antiseptic It is possible that the historical many months of labor, care and Sun rises 5:32 a. m. Tl auUc Uut Tenter AoiaweU MnUca. of Virion. B, C oecapeuoa dm muni, la record bf their 'ancient thought, have been smashed up Sun sets -. 7:48 p. m. trad t apply tt persouloa U prwirtl Cleanses moeth and teeth. Helps appetite and king may afford some consolation by the artillery of the AUies. The High water ..12:47 a.m. lit. 22.5 for cuaI aad petroleum (m tit cvil digestion. Refreshes, soothes and satisfies. to the present day dependents Hindenburg line was the next Low water 7:6 a.m. lit. 2 Ormhua lilaad. tn vicinity of Wnt mr this but II!..!. I.J It. A - f UJOOOrtKlDf tl t pOl pUltM U WM. Jr. Ltd. of royal thief, WKIGLEY. CO.. .. , series of positions that were supposed iiieu naiciT i j. in. I Mita r Ute MUlaeail comer of C L It is safe to say that it Is only to be impregnable, but the Low water . . .7:15 p.m. lit. 5.5:tii. it on imi ss c&aiaa. it turn aorta Wrigle-y Hid., Toronto in the past that they will be famous line jias been pierced In jl ebaiiu. Utcac eait IS ctumi, taeac able to obtain consolation of several places. With an advance COAL NOTICES TtliM.ll hOTIIWtLL ML'LLC5, j The Flavour Lasts I any kind. The position to which by the Allies along thewhole line SHIM LAND moOKDINa WITWCT- i Mutk II, 1117. ABlUS BroVB. SfellL they have brought themselves on the Western front the Germans TKICT OF QUIKN CHMUITTI ISLANDS MS SNA LAND NICOND4NA DISTRICT and the people heretofore under will have to weaken their forces Tike DoUre ttut JtXMl Mcf alir. Of ISTRICT Of QUUS CMARLOTTC ISLANDS their control must afford on the other fronts, which will PrhKo Rupert, occupttiao mrrcnuu, in- , them very- little at the present give Russia and Italy their opportunity. lend to Pptr far prraUtlaa to preepet! ' Tako DuUca Uut Atne Bronn, of Vic moment, and it will grow less for coal .sod petroleum oo tat west ctuil turta. t. c4cpaUoa tdow, UKmOJ lo the of Graham ItUoJ In tttc rlttnlty or Weil apply fr permiitloa to proapect for cual as days pass.. nrcN. i and potrvteuni on at cootl f Orabam With their whole attention As a specimen of the manner In OxDmenciiir t pott planted one bum UUm. la tlctnlty of Waal mor. Schedule being absorbed by the terrific which it is necessarily apparent Mutt of khiUm4i comer of C L. ! CUBnwnctnr at poat plaaied tno mi In Spring struggle how going on on the to do business in this province in Ibaoc aosUt SS cbatss. Utenco cut SS toot tf ItM aooUieaal corner of C L claina. tnrac norm IS cnatna. Uienea ISSll. Ittenca ! IS chain, taenco s. s. princc oeosoe western front, with disastrous large the accounts of the a way, neat is rnaini m punt or commencement, nurlll 10 cnatnt uwnca eaal SS cnataa, Vancouver THURSDAY 1t Midnight f.o results lo the Central Empires, P. G. K. enquiry make interesting JAMES NUILTT. : UteaCO 10 CMltt. VO pUUtl Ol CUB Victoria and Soattlo.r the strikes and' riots which reading. Mr. D'Arcy Tate, counsel Mtrca SI. 1117. Auaoa (ronn. a rent meacctaeaL have been reported lately in for the line, was provided with , AQXU BKOWJI. WEDNESDAY MIDMIOHT FOR ANYOX B(BM LAND MKSOHniHMI DISTRJCT Virrh II. HIT. AttlUB Intl. aML Germany, Austria and Bulgaria the sum of a cool half million ISTRICT Of gUUN CHARLOTTB ISLANDS , 8. 8. PfMNCE JOHN Aell i fa BttaMkaa. WraoU, 4aaa and Skeei, 1IU, lf tM, may prove to be the beginning dollars "to meet incidental . UnN4 LAND RSCORDina DISTRICT ex Md BOth. far Vnacaever AH tSrd, laaf Tut and 1C Take nolle lUt loaepb Rontl. Af Phne ISTRICT Of OUUN CHAM.OTTI ISLANDS V of a mighty flare-up of the penses and to take care of the Rupert, a. C, enipauon prpetor, la. ' 8. 8. Pf.lNCE ALBEftT revolutionary spiritvwhich has j Conservative campaign funds.v tend lo apply to permlukoo to proepeel , Take nolle Uut Ldnard I'Ukard. of ff Quean OiarlaUa lalaada AprU 11 IK aa XStk. kei 0U ad !-fae been so long suppressed, and; How exactly Mr. Tate disponed of for coal Am) patrUetun on Um neat roalt Loa AnrtJea, occupation costnacr. latcnda Vaaeeavi Afrtl 1S4A aad SO, I Mar Hi S ZSin. martlead to an earlier culmina. ihU mniwr h rrnai in aniup of Orabam Jaland. in ttcialiy of Writ to apply for permiMloa lo proapect PASSCfH3EII TRAIN 8CRVICK mf r coal anS pirolem on V naal of WKiNlif aad SataeeAr M 1110 a. a, far Satltkar. frlaa Seeet- Hon of the war that was ex-llle has been reported to Parlia-pected. Ml to ceaaattteM Utiea far eawi CotomeoclDf frvm poat planted one Cirauam. lalaaa. In Ttclnlty of Welt rlr. taalaa, Saelalaaa ad vAfwalpaa, Wnt. Why Mr. Tate would, not mile aouUt of tbe aouUineit comer of C L. 1 Guuuuractnc at poat pUaled one uule eeet aad aaata. ,BII4 trala ef TaaaSar at 4 a aw In Germany Itself, strikes of say as to the disposition of this 911. Utract aoaU 10 cnalna, Utenco fait aotitn of Um aoulLcaat corner of C U Agonoy All Oosan SUsmshlp Lino. ( 10 caaioi. ttiene norUi 10 cnalna, Utenco III?! Utenco veil IS cnalna, Utenco aorta workmen ore reported from money may be conjectured. Did Fur information and reservations apply to to f SO tnroco II rt rnalna v point commencemenL cnalna. eatt cttaiaa, Utenco three different areas engaged the late administration not supply iOaXPH HOVVAT, aouUi SS cnalna la point of coaimenccmenL City Tick OfTIco, 8M Third Avonuo. sM0Rt 2M in the manufacture of muni-' the P. G. E. with millions more Mareti II. 1117. AuiUa Brown, actnt. COWAAD riOtARD. tiona. The streets of Derlin than they had coming to them? ' . Marcb It. ISI7. Aaitla Brovo. aceoL hum uw wawwiww otamierr I STRICT Of QVN CMANLOTTE ISLANDS SAECMA LAND RCOORDtMei DISTRICT ISTNtCT Of QUECN OMAALOTTE ISLANDS BHJHtRAL. AGT i BHMCNAL AGT Take nouca iui loan iviutam ooal, or leloru. b. O, ocenpauoo BMrcnani. In- Take notice Uut Jamei Ray, of Victoria, Crtltlci j NOTICE TO DEU.1QLE.tT PAAT.1ER tend to apply for permiiilon to pro.pee! b. c, occupation botel proprietor. In lend t of Improvomonta 'Tl t W. rUlhmin. for coal and petroleum m Um mi coaiI o apply for plnniiiioa ta prutpact for CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY . Take notice, nberrai I bare dona and of Orabam UUod, to vicinity of Weil river. fl and petroleum on Um wen coail of NOTtDC .raaaed. to be done uaemnent wort on tbe Lcmmencinr at a poat punted two milea Orabam laUnd. In tlclnlty of Weal river, Caribou Utoeral Claim aituau la toe MidnirM rractlon mineral claim, tlluated outa or toe aoauieaii corner or c i Ccmarncior it a poai punted il Um Lowest Rates o all Eastern Point ssoena Mlslsr XivtaiaaorvCAiiUr DUUlcL on ibe IlMmce river, about fourteen mUe SISfj trne well SO cbalni, tnenee aouUt aoutkweat corner of C L SISIj Utenco via Steamer to Vancouver and tne Wbere loestednear bead of Alice from the bead of Alice Arm. In tn 8 keen 10 cnalna, thencn eut SO cbalni, tnenee writ SI cbalni. Uteace aoutb SO Cnalna. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY mlnlur Uuioo or skeena aiieia nortn aw cnami to poini or commeneemenL Umbc cut 10 cnalw t brace norta SO Arm, B.C. duuiel, . . , , . . . t r li -.t u rtjmm ff Meale and Berth Included on 3trr TAKE JIOTICE Uut I. I. Fred Rltebl. work for till, lilt, and ISIS, and w"i cnaina to pout or eorbmencettienL rro Miner' Certlflclt 5o. SltS C acunr for Mid work and reeordinr Marcb II. 1117, Austin Brown, areou IAMES RAT, ai areot for W, A. WlHlami. free Miner"! tUD ltm ,un r 1107.(0. L'nleu you pay SIESNA LAND RICORDIMa DISTRICT tof A"XM ,f,W- Princes Maqulnna for Granby Friday at 8 p. m. Cortincate Ho. ten C. Intend, aiity dayi lb um of IISS.IO. for your ihar ISTRICT Of QUEEN CMARLOTTC ISLANDS Iho south Sunday. HUM LAND Rt CONDI Princess Maqulnna for NA IM STRICT Utraald ,of witb from tn dU sberoor, to apply to Ute ajaeaaracoi wort. loreUMr nHalar Recorder for a Certlfleile of to-! fos of tola adTerUaement. I abalL si 7TT 'STRICT Of QUEEN CMARLOTTC ISLANDS Take not If tbat Roalya Duke, of Port . . Prlncosa Sophia for the South Friday. of '.tbe eipl ration of ninety (SO) dar from rovemeDU, for tbe purpoae obulomi land. Ore-, occupation betel proprietor. In- Take noUce tbat Frederick Moarec. of s Crown Grant of the abor claim. tna dale nereof. apply to tn mlnlnr r tenai u apply ror penniialon to proipeci Victoria, ft. C occupauoa laieaman. la And furUter tike nolle uut sctioo. tin-Aor ewtler at Prince Hapert, B. C. to bar for coal and petroleum on Um weit coait wndi to apply for penaiuion to proepect J. I. PETERS, Gcnem! Acent aectlon IJ mud b ccanmrnred befor your Intereit In tn Mlonlfnt Fraction of Oribara laland. la Um vicinity of Weal for coal and petroleum oa Um wait mail U laiuanc of such Cartlfleal of lm-arrment. mineral claim veiled In me. In punuanc nver. of Grabam liland. In vicinity of Writ river. Co iter Fourth "4 Third A.nua. rrlne Rorrt. .C of Ute provlilon of tbe mineral acL Lonimcaciot t a pent puoled on mil uauornciaf si s pott planted two milea Dated thU 17 th day of Marcb, A. D. Dated at.Prince Bupart, B. C, thU lltb Kxjib of in aouUieait corner of C U auutb or Um ouUteait comer of C L. 1117. l diy.of AprU. t7. ltt 171 1 tnenee aoutb to cbalni, thence wen till, tltenre eait lo cbalni, tbenc loatb J. FRED JUTOUE. AfenL 11. C PHILLIPS. 10 cbalni, Utenco nortb 10 cbaloa. tbenc SO cbalni, Utenco wait IS cbalni. tbenc LANS) ACT eatl 10 cnalna to point of euniuancvnirnL -norta SI cbelne lo point of coauncctcetaibL LAMB LEASE NOTMC ROSLT.I DUKE, I FREDERICK M01R8CII. SXEXNA LAND DISTRU7T DISTRICT Of Marcb II, 1117. Auilin Brown. aienL Marcb II, It IT, Amtia Brown. srcbL TAKE NOTICE that !, William June! QUKCN CMARLOTTC ISLANDS BAKEAA LAND RCCORDINO DISTRICT SAEAMA LAND RCCORCIMO DISTRICT atatthewi. ntunr ai (rent for um a(lo ""CT Of QUaKN CMARLOTTC ISLANDS ISTRICT Of QUEEN CMARLOTTC ISLANDS Brttlaa Columbia Fackloc Compaay, Unilt-a, TAKE NOTICE tbat I, Georr McrU. or rertiurad ode la Vancouver, B. C. Akidertt, B. C, oceupaUon enrtnaer, ln Take notice thai outer Brown, or Vie- Take nonce- tbat Joan Bootb, of Lo f Arrandai. occuptUoo ator keepeer, tn-Mad lend to apply for pennliilon to leai tbe lortA. B. C. occupation macbtnlaL lalenda Imelei, oceupaUon contractor. Inteadi to to apply for pcrmlailon to leaa tni foHowior deicrtbed landii apply for permiiilon to protract for apply for Penniialon ta t.r,..i-i ta, ..i (Uowlnr darrlb4 land Cuminenelnff at poat piloted at tbe coal and petroleum on lha writ coail of and petroleum on tbe Weil cuail of Ori Commencinf st s poll driven on Um XW. comer of Lot I, A II ford Bay, Skid, Oraharn liland In virtnity of Wi river, haw laland, la vlcimty of Weat river, sit there of Portland Canal about s mil kit Inlet, Ihfum weal SO dtalni, Lbence Cununenclor at a poat planted Iwo milea Cuntawnelni- Md bair narUi of at s po'l plinied wo ml lei s Docain Bay, from nortb I cbalni, tneneo to cbaloa la an aoulh of lb aoulbeael comer of C L outn of Um aoutbeaii tntneo nortn twenty cbalni; tbenc eul corner of C U ruterly direction fojiowlnt tbe ibore line, IITIi Uwnc K.UU 10 cbalni. Utence well tllll WBC ail 10 laa cbalni tnenee loutli cbalna. tnenca nortb twentr cnatnai Utenr. two cnalna to point of eonuntnea. 10 rbtlna. tbenc nortb 10 cbaloa. tbenc 10 cbalni. tbenc weit la rh.m. . lM(i well ten cbalni. J-A. ment, eonialDln It sere-a. more leia. RgciucAcoU or IK ''" f Inc. February llth. 1117. Ml GE0R0E MCRAE. AppllCABL !"OUVtll commencement, aoutb I rbilni to point of commerieeiiienL A; B. SHUBERT, WILLI AM JAMES MATTHEWS, Applicant Dated BHOW.t. I J0IW BoOTIi January I lib, 1117. All Marcb HIT, II. Auilin Brown.'srinL Marcb II. HIT. imm .