K T01ICTHAT DANK STRONG Of B.N.LIQUID A. MAS RESERVES v The Bank of Brifistl Sorfh rteerki ESTABLISHED IN 1838 MIBHBBll Amrricn The linnk al ll of Annual llrltlsh general Norlti Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1840' TIMBER SALE X nipcllni? in London on March 6Uh W rrnnria nf ulilp.li have notV reach PAID-UP CAPITAL, $46,666.67 RESERVED FUND, $317,333.34 MMs "Froft-a-1tv4" U, stid undtri ui u rectitrd hi m statement Mlnlitrr of Ltndt ed Canada, presented.a nol Uut nun oooo on Wtt SyslM ib Tin dir of Mir. hit, for im pur- for the year ending weveriiDer " Eighty -First Annuml Report and Balance Sheet fhlM or L4eoc XtSt, 4 cut I ,00 which should .afTord complete ft I of llfmlofk crdir iix Bprie. tad ,rwiu.Ut,,,for both to .snare-holders uk . who Urn. flcn t"WJ t MOO linrtl Lot fret HOT.of iuikn puinr, on im.i to trrt id-Jolninr satisfaction and clients of iblas solid Report of the Directors of The Bank of BrkUh North Amcrim, Iiltnd. guMB Cbirloiu Dlilrlet InaUlution, now.mora than eighty-one Presented to the Proprietors at Their Eighty-First Ysmrfy General ZtUUtr ttr. They may be . two it trt win be aiiowrd for n-BKitil years old. The balance sheet Meeting, on Tuesday, March 6th, 1917. .iT, UTe"for aoro specifie of llmbtr. of "Fruit ithowcd a notable expansion Indigestion, ruribrr otrtlculiri of IN chlf Tor-rilr, 2Sb Conit.r.Uo, Vltioru, B, c . or Dlilrlet Former buslnest. with hn Increase of The Court of Directors submit the accompanying Balance Sheet to 30th November last., , tl I rlnc tlttxtl, B, C, total deposits, iTu. of Wsdder Trouble, Itheu. over 15,000)00, Jn It will be seen that the profits for the Year, including $52,175.71 brooght forward from to nearly which TIMBER SALE x 820. now amounts clrculAtlon 80th November, 1915, amount to ISOS.&M.ll of which tHC.000 was arjropriated to a dividend paid 150,000,000, and nolo latt October, leaving a balance of $452,522.1 1, out of which the Directors propose to decjare a Dividend ! tlt they feel letter nd Setlrd uodtrt will u retelted by the Increated by nearly 1900,000. of -40s. per Share, payable, lets Income Tax, on Cth April, and a Bonus of 5 per cent, to the Mioiiur of Undi di uur tnto noon on Current advances show little Staff, estimated to cost about $34,100.00, leaving, after the other special appropriations mentioned in of these lb tut diy of Miy. Itt7, for to pur-rhtM change. Many regular borrow SJff- tonic t,oHHUi the Balance Sheet, an amount of $104,222.15 to be carried forward. (if IJ-f XI0, to tot 4 Ul.eoO able to Loui ttUeU, mJ ' fruit Julcct. fl of llrmlvck, Cedir tod Iprur. tnd ing customer have been of The above Dividend will make a distribution of 7 per cent, for the Year. Oe. bo, for f trUl M' 10.09 flnral frtof piuot on to tm reduce their liabilities out The Dividend Warrants will be remitted to the Proprietors on the 5th April. dealer or sent pottr-ald by Fruit-,UfeiUoiud,OlUir. tdjolnln Lot not, JmktUi Inlft, Qun profit, in some cases even becoming At til CbtrMI Mitrltt deponitors. Indications, During the year ended SOth November last, the Sub-Branch at Ituaa, Saskatchewan, was closed. Tbr4 l)yfi will U uiowtd for however, point to their requirements Tbe following appropriations from the Profit and Lose Account hare been made for the benefit of remotti rartbrr ptrueultrt tuobcr. of to Chitf For returning to normal, owing of tie Staff, viz : riRC SLABS! SVSTta. ilr. Vletoiit, B, O, or Dutrlct Foreiwr to the rie in prices, and the in-created To the Officers' Widows and Orphans Fund 9,008.60 it rrtnc Piwrt, B. C cot of production. Total Pension Fund 37,998.55 CIRCUIT NO. 1. aniels are nearly 168,000,000, " " Life Insurance Fund 18,493.33 I 11 1S4tb lib St and ,rd Ird At. LAND REGISTRY ACT while the readily realizable assets In the exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Clause CO of the Deed of Settlement, the, M,i 14 im at amount to 30 per cent immediate Court of Directors, in September last, appointed an Advisory Committee in Montreal, consisting of ft,t is- Jonetkm of . a SUoftl It tod 114.) liabilities. Sir Herbert B. Ames, M.P., Mr. W. R. Maclnnes and Mr. W, R. Miller, and they feel confident that Ird Atei. Lelaeea The chief Hem in the liquid this appointment will prove to be of great advantage to the Bank. a, 1-HI At Im AppHctUoo Kot. 9011 I tnd 00IT-I, lib Sit. (KtK)I Hotel). mior iioi. Ucsets is Canadian municipal and London. 26th February, 1917. III At, ind 7lb St. 'Chairs liritith Government securities, ft,I TAKC NOTICE Uiit ippUettlon Ul htm I Haul). mJe to rttiiier Strtb Uodo, or Prlnc the latUr of which includes ,-50I.6C0 Huprrt, B. c, ti wtutr la fr under two of llritlsh treasury bills, CIRCUIT NO. X. The BanK of British North America Tit Stl Orttit frvin ma Coltoclor Of Um ti M 3rd At tod'ird It. f,Pt iir of rnnrc unpen, betrtnr dit to againtt $1,022,000 of that class BALANCE SHEET, 30tH NOVEMBER. llt. tfnd Uy of September, IIU, tod ALL kXti of r-ecurity a year ago. The in 1,1 lrd Are. tad XcBrld 81 tnoi'LAR llui erruui ptrccl or trtel of crease in in i Hem absorbs not LIABILITIES (4- Jit AH. and McBrld SI Uod tod pmnltet llltile, lylor tnd bejor -the whole of tbe funds 43M,6&o7 only new . Capital 20,000 Share of 60 each folly paid.. .......... 1,1 -lad At. tod tod St. la tb Muoirip4lity of rrioc Hupert, nor S.017.S33.34 in the liquid but Reserve fund.... placed reserve, ..." At, wxl Ui It. Si 1 tod ptrontUrly known tod detcnoed ti Lt 4361.41 Im IT -O. T. P. eleirn (II. Block twentyeirbt (tli also a portion of the abnormally Ditidenda Declared and Unpaid. ............... ProtLt and Ia Account... ...,...... fteetkuo tli it), tnd Lot III. cash items of last tbiny-tbre heavy year. Balance brought forward from 30lh N&retnber, 1915 '9?'!ZH! ctsevrr no. s. Blotk forty-ill 4i. Section titbl (I), Profits for the year amount to Dividend paid April, 191S. 146,000.00 1,1 st ta a. tod raiion it. MiP 5tfl.30. Out of this a dividend li Jl Borra tod Tutor lu. Yimi tr required to .cooutt Utl cUlm M 71 At. ana mlloo St of Uae ui porrbtMr wiuun IS dtyi from of (0 shillings per share has been He Profit for Uie yrr ending Uilt dite after deducting all Mi M tih Art. and Cn Alt. Um dtu or lb tertie of toll nolle declared, making the total distrib debU current charge:. and providing lor bad and doubtful W,WlVi . Ii T lib A, and tKxlr rue i a hub Buy b tlfeeled by pubtletUon). ution for the year at the rate of flHilM.11 tti as l At, tod Tbwipffw St tod jroor ttleatloo U called to tecuon 7 cent gubstan-Ulal per per annum, It of tb -Und Kerutry Act wltb DMdead paid October. 1 jffigj CIRCUIT NO. 4. uoeodnenU( tnd to tb followlnf tttrtet appropriations were made for Ui 41 lib Art. tod Emmertoo tnerefrvm: "tod la deftolt of t the various funds for the benefit Tnaaferred to Bask Premises Accooat.... I 97SJ8 Ptae. rttetl or reruflcti of It pendent beioi I of the staff, and a general staff Trasaferred toOfficer'Widow and Orphan 4 SIB At, tad MeBrld St Bled befor lb rtrltlrtuoo t owner of lu 9JBSSJS :bonus of 5 per cent on the salaries Pond - - ti 41 lib A. aad Crrm St. lb perton entitled under incb ut tale, all extending to all Trariterred to Officers Life Insurance Fund 1S.493J3 m 44 tin At, tod SlMl St perMot to tereed wiu nolle tnd were granted, Transferred to Officer' Penjion Fund...... 37,998.56 ... . tii 7tb At, tad ttru. Umm cUintinr Urob or sadrr tbeni, tnd members on active service. -.i.ti Patriotic Fond - 8,999.69 Im 141- Kb Ate; tod THf St til penoM cltuniar toy tnterett In Um I One of the most interesting Canadian WartuoaOrciiUtiori 4ft.09H.14 H9.6M.84 Uad by tlrtue of earevutered laitru- tay j features In the chairman's ad-' and all cltialnT la- nent. perton tay 8K.9M.4T lereil la tb Uod by detceol wHom UtM dress is his reference to,the ap-Ipoinlment Balance araiUble for April Diridcnd SS7.9S1S Note oi tbe Bnk in Crrctilatioa M bu4 reiuurtd onder tb protUioni 0 of an advisory committee DepocJU not Bearing Interest. S0.5Uja9.44 Utit Art, ibtll b for eter ikpped tad in Montreal, consisting of Depoaitl Bearing Interest, (incloding Interest accrued to date) ej72-69 -1.4T3.S4. (to Feed Co. ScWred from tetunr op tay cUun to r t three gentlemen, prominent in Balance doe to other Bank in Canada..,..-.. ;V Rupert la rpet of IXm Uad to aold ror met, Balance dne to Baakt and Banking Correspondent! In th tnd lb Retlitrar tntU reruur Um perton commercial and financial circles, United Kingdom and Foreign Cocmtrie 631.0O6.2S . S.B.I MS. BOB TMr At. eouitod under uca ut tato u owner of whose services would, he expected, Bills Payable . - 1,41,4S47 to Uad to told for Ute." be the greatest possible help both Acceptaace under Lettere tt Credit . KCfiVED OUR 1917 SEEDS A.1D WHEHXAS tppUctuua bat brea UabAiUe and Account not Included in the Foregoing i,4n4-a 0d tvf t Ceruactl of IndefruUtl Title to tbe general manager and to the UibilltyooKadorsemeoU.... mJSmmS WE HANDLE to tb tboTO-BMauoaed Uodi, la Uw lunt directors. of Strtb'Ltodo. Liability under Guarantee in respect the Sovereign Bank Iult A rlggs, Bennies' AM WHtHCAS on totttUriUn Um UU oi jmada......... .............................. S8Q0.0pU.GQ Ftrry'ft and Ssacssnxia's tl ttvrtr Uut prior u IM I lib dty of Bathe Internally B7.7M.'.r.75 ftrtumber, 111, (tb dile oo wblck lb Care and Field Saad's. ttid Und wer told for oterdu Uiet). Also Fartlllzsrs. yon wer Um rettiiertd and aiteued and Well ! Cut taut Coin and $13aaVS8S.14 Keep owarrt Ibertoft Dominion Notes. 4.4671714 $o,sM,rr5.oo HAY, ORAISJ AND FEED fTRTHCK TALE 30T1CE Uut it the 91.68JJS8 of other Bank. Chlckt.i Ftd A Specialty. itme Um I tball tSccl rtdimuon la Koie other Banks of luca application tnd Une a Chetjoet oa pumitor ,tor bti mlcbuly vquipped ut all, IiIuvmiIm rUHer-Rank-a in Csnada......... ..A........ 9,oetia Vs Tale Orders for Nursery CertiSetl Uadt la tb of nana inderetiibl of Strtb TIM Ltndo to um unlet w Old tod youny, to reHit dltett but tbe plfwi.doe by Banks and Banking Cm i efxdeiit-eiaewbeT Stoea. require tbtt w tit ber cbtnee. than in Canada.... - rui uk and proeeeoi tb proper pro- Securities,not exceeding If um Domimonand Provincial Government W fit ber no cbanc we permit rdin(t to eiubUtb your cUun. If toy. 0 T. Lower tnteitln to b more or lei Market Value. , V""", rrvwpUf au44 to tb ttld Undt, or to prctent inch pro-poted clwrted wltb tccumultUd mU. Tet tbtt tyimn Municipal Securities and British, Foreign aaa tctloa on my part. U t uoltertal coodiUoa todty, at U Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian 11798 JfT D AT l b at Um Land Retlilry OlDe. prwteo by Um number of Unlit drun Jbtihray and other Bond and Stock tSJjKM rrloce nupcrt. B. C. uut tout dty or Itul tt cootumod. Call and Short Loan in Canada oa Booda, Debentures and tprtl, A. t. It IT. You rtn belp itiur la Mttura't aoit Stock 1.44S.9SSJS fetrlittiar Call and Short IVoarna elaeaihere than in Csaarta, 4,36149.94 II. r. MtCLXOD. tAecutl wty by Inierntl BtUtinr. and in ti Canada leu SLeUU in Other Current Loan and Discounts of Title. Refiitrtr Dtitncl in eaty, non-Mbit-rorminf way Keep um ... 2366,070144 To Clurlet rUnltl, ti to Let lis lotctun ai tweel and lean at ture Intereat) - thaa In Canada Loan and Discounts elsewhere Other Current II. r. Cltrk tod II. O. lUcber, demtodl tt U U lor perfect beallb tod 79512.48 iUss Rebate of Interest) to Lot II. defence trtlnit conutlon. Oter ti turer coatr. 883.4M.aa nnAer of Credit, lieialilies of Customers Letters aa per 1 IIMIIMH Q MMMNB naU t mlllloa keen, brlrbt. bealthy people 2995.97 Bamk Premises Heal Ertxle other than I Bl ft i. is. kr f if.tt LAND REGISTRY ACT irtury to lu remit Overdoe DebU (estimated Los provided for 21778.08 Mr. C O. kl. (nam on requeto or than Cost, Lets Amoerl wrtttea N . Bank Prcmiae at not more Sirttbroy, OnL, wrllei.- off I CU 1 t-4 l. k 1.S' to, M (Secuont 1 and 111.) I tm plrtted to btt ihli orporianity DepotwrththeCan.Hi Minister of Finance for tb Parpo N4TN Pt. of tetUfylnf to Um ntrlli of It 1, B, L. of tb Circulalion FnnO 0l M h ( I Ift S-W a Appiictuoo no. si.tit. ruinr .! Ctictde. I bar been utinr II now for t Dacainioa of Canada P cent. Bonds,1360090 0 96 S1.1M.479.17 rtr wltn taUiftctorr rctulu. I am in Cash Kltl5.4S mr xoncc Uut trMlctUoo bai been eld woman, but my natlUi U to improted mad to retuier loan Berrnun. or rrtnc that 1 bit a renewed leti of life. You TWnasta in th Central Gold 890,080.00 'or Furlhor Information liupert, B. C ai owner ta fe under a tr tt liberty to tit my tddrett to any Other Asset and Accounts not iacladrd tn t 868.810.27 Apply to Tit Sim Deed from UM Collector of tb one prltiloly who mty deir to writ to f87.786.967Jo Cliy of Trine Rupert, oetnnf um um ui rtttrdiov in Cttctd. IBIS, of ALL AMO tuntr. n.h -p iuit call on Cyril a. Orm. Drurrut, W. E. WILLISCROFT SU0L'LAn Uut cerula parcel or trtct of corner trd Are. and Ui Street, rrtnc x.a.itJLCxjcemn.Gawai x... stJuamaax j.K.aobrs;x)taKtc. Mr In co Rupari, 9. 0. Und IM prenuiei tiiv.w. 'J " Rupert, and requoit fre booklet. "Wby esaim4 IH. Sheet wit the Bosks la tadoa aad tke CerHard BMtsms'" l,h S. lac in lb Muulcipa'Uty of Prlnc nupert, Mta of Todtr It Only 10. per Cent Ef M aTT lchowVr.thlt wikl ll th IslorsMrtoa a ad tikMUcu have required I!!".!"! luor ptrtlcaiirly koow ti Lot Tin (It), neunt- Tn mol inclent detlc for le aaa caca iam im ef a vUlted Ut Chief OflSce Block ritt (t, Seclion Sn JTI. Mtj Internal Btlblnr. Tb "J. B. L. Cttctd llfleTuSdrirJJ.al 1"atasTop we with the etrtr. .. U.U.Wlktuk with 'l"? "J ttt. will tlto b tnown and ctpUloed to yon 7 jy! -T.i.... . . ik..k. ahM la Draarrtv drawn so eahlhlt a list nan l J".T.:'Ji. 7,.i "C... tj , Muuai ud esslaaasiaavs a-iwa to as aa4 aa shown 91 3i Yearsx Older Tku Tke v-.. .M r.nuirt to conletl tb data if you to deilr. If you prefer, writ for lk auu of the Bash's of tb ut purcbter wttbin Ulry-nt Booklet to Dr. Cba. A. Tyrrell, ttl Col Domiaioa A Cuaoa lUi from in ai oi vim ,nn v. let urcet. Toronto. IVMdoav,SSh IVbraarv,Ml. V.B.WareaMOOBat.FKAKKjB.rUCE.AsdMoes. duUc twblcb nuy b elfocled by Real-vrod Hill or ti Dtrecied. tnd your it a Iwl Lw UatUUM the name implies, lenuoa U tilled to mcmoo j oi AS The Bank of British Ukt. ui lb followuifrfilrtct irv xtV wtUi Iberefrumr tmendmtnu. OLD WATCH FREE. Water Protection AoU North America was tad In dtfiult of t cttetl or eerUfl i k miilM i Navigabla re R. B. C4tajT8Sl ttS. . befor ibi Cs, belnf tld W IM. Uk established ttl of III pendent 1BPBV Im a . Waeahat ttr, rn. long before the reinutilon ti owner of tb perton en-tilled TV Vi'Am U Ih-w i t. M under iucb Ui ttl. all pertoni K mamaatw tmmm Mi m u. Tb Grand Trunk PiclOe Hallway Com. Fr Ycvm. united provinces and dBBaaaaaaV. yM, . ievd with aollt too pany hereby tltei notice tbtt 11 bat, under fecame the Dominion of .. ...h unJ,f them, and ill perionl iMaaaaaaa1PHkVw aKaOEaaaaaV w .....i whm t. Soctlun or tb ttld Act. depotltea HD Canada. elaiutor toy lowreil In .the Uad by irlu BHaaTBTBTaTBTBTaaTBTBTBTfr V . Mifln.. tl Um MlDtiler of rubUc WorU at Otuaa. The IVffaaTaaaaaaaawm mm tm mm at mt sound, of tuy uoreriiierea iniirunwui. lau-aaaaaaaaaaaaaiaj fci.Mn.i. L.4I..' ind In tb olttc of th DUtrlet Rerlitrir 4SIM to yv FrtaMLvsl Progressive management perMiu cUUulnt toy Inureit In lb Und 6 V HkMm. mi r tb, Und netiiiry orare, DUtrtct of which by deicent wboM UlU ll not rftllrd Ttnc Rupert, tt rrinee Rupert, t deierlp-1 has made it a power under UM provliloni of tbll Act. ibtll b ka a m l Hon f tn in tnd plan of lumber null in Canadian finance makes for eter eiUppd tnd debtrrod from'tet-iinc r.iiiii ! ri a.1 tnd other workt proposed to b built la PERRIN'S up toy eliini ta or in rpet of Um Um Prlnc Rupert btrbor tt Trine Rupert. the bank for your ...Hi m .-id r ui. na u-lull laaa aar W, lanK Me M mnw kit v anar.a aanv hmUm Brltlib cclumblt. In front of Wtierfronl -ccount. miner um pw fba, "nJ' aa aat lIu.aSa laaa. Ota taaWkalW.alali ll lor k tccordlot to reftitered pltn of ka t Iktak Ua a-ak a. tr-K .1 4 luth ui l tt owoer of lb Uod k It K.M Mw 1.4 . t. I" ab. t.ia in Uwnilt of in ttld ctiy of Prlnc nl k- ar.n --tirxr.au t IOTO. ti mWi THE BANK old for ttiet" j ...u. Uaw t SW,Ca....U Uut m, Rupert rettiiered In lb troreiald land GLOVES D OF AND WlltHEAS tppllftllon l,a.l.al rerutry .We tt .to. stl, StcUoa 7. Crimean f Indef.aatbU Till a.nu take Notice t&tt trier in x- massBBBBBmsh bb(bbbbbbbbW imd for a la um abovrmenUoo4 Undi. la lb Matt pirtUoa of on moato from tn dit of IttBll TW vraa kawrm 9ml ssiiiiirk aa ltndt In to Btm,o Jobn Berruan unlett Um Drit publietuon of Ibu no lire, tb Wn1 VBAia IN BtMINESS. of Jubn Berttutai IntMlltltlOf you Uk and prviecul Ui proper pro- flrtnd Trunk Ftcloe Rtilwiy Comptny CTI smlscBisiistTTfl and auarLuti, ujifti., Ulki AM WlltJIEAS Utl 00 Brlor to Um, Sib dty cdtni to oittbuth your elilm. If tay will, under eectlon 7 of tb ttld Act. tppij rssatWaa-Heayias PRINCE BIIPFDT RDANm ll 1114. (U dti on wbleb o Um, Hid Uodrt, or to pretent iucb pro lu lb MWrtiKr of Public Workt tl bit ' of Spuubr. told for oterduo potcd tcUon oo uy put imr la lb City or Oittwt for twrortl 4 U Fimk. Uod wer JL Style. ma W.J.SMITHCRs,Manafler u!et? you wer. lb ed ownei OATtU tl tb Land Recttiry Otac if tb ttld IW tnd pita tnd for leave rrlnr lunerl. 0. C. tblt ttb Hiy a n rvMilruci Um tald works, a I a . a a ' ta avaV lbrof. . pecernber, A, D. Ilia. Piled It Wlnalper. Minllobt. tall till ADVERTISRlN ' ' dty of fehruarr. . D. ItlT, . .k.ii .! retuirittoo la H. P. MACLEOD. IfU HUM i Apr, IT. DUtrlet nUtrarV)f Tlllet. THE 0RAMD TRUNK PACJriC RAILWAY The Daily News pun Ctriuicau of of inoiw.uf. 'rf'!!'"-rtabS' T Stinoa rirtoa, Ditiitine, ctUforei. COMPANY, H. II. HANSARD, BoHcltor.