1UE DAILY MKW8 Friday, April 20, 1917 --sMssaesssssnssMsasasMsassssm....-- FOR RENT A CALL FROM Local News Notes r sw ! This is 4 roans, bsth, sewer, not, "a, mis! BUss, London, Eng. National lit lib Ae, W. Mr. It. J, l. Smith went south Keep I rooms, bain, MWr, no. lie Est on business last night, Service Urn H1IL (Cum Marie Minerva). t I room, bain, ttwcr, No. 101 Mu- This notice should Interest any Mr. W, Miller returned from rra rite. old member of the "Artists" re I room nt,' fBrnlsbed, sewsr, bath, Terrace on last nights train. 1011 nl At. siding In 11. 0. Would they kindly Chickens 4 rooms, bttb, riBi, Ifl Summit forward their names to llobert Mr. It. II. Curtis, Inspector of Afeau. Marker, box 127, Dally News, Indian schools, is in tho city. 4 rooms, 71 Thompson StresL Prince Huperl, II. C, or Douglas They 4 ISO lib Artnue, Eait. rooms, Miss McKay, late of the hospital 4 rooms, IIIH Ttt Acenue, East. Bpetieer, 17 Craven Street, Strand, 4 rooms, lit lib ATMat, Writ. London; object connected with staff, left for the south last night. The cost of meat is the heavy I room flats, bath, sewer, MeMordi the recently-formed Artists' Itllles t will help Apartments. Regimental Association, and par Mrs. H. W. Morry, of Port Ks item in the food bill. 4 rooms, 10 Itb Are.. I. slngton, is in tho city on a visit. ticulars will be forwarded to 4 rooms, furnished, bath, 114 Itb any Attnus, But. members making their address Children's Klk t Bkuffers, Calf Poultry and Eggs will help Keep you I rooms, nar drydoek. known. ? rooms, corner Oreen and Ttb Are. Oxfords and sandals Wallace's. take the place of meat. Section . If Vovr House l secant List It with Call the l'ony Express for wood Feed your poultry crushed bono How to Us W Om Pill It fee r. The food that docs to the garbage go with their ration .and get more cut in stovo lengths or 4 feet. H. O. HELQERBON, LTD llesl household coal and general eggs. pall from the average table will provide about it transfer. Piano one-third the feed for a flock of 8 to II Urate IW h.ukl.t m4.,-4 moving our Mr. Paddy Moran, of Prince upecialty. Prices moderate. Phone George, came In on the train last 10 hens. hm r rrtlafM rtlfcri.l oUI Ummdm,Siotm ik.A "The News " ;0i, II. W. llogers. tf. evening. ht4 hwi ttmmU 4 cfclrk.MH f4 la milk tt,u,m4 Duly Poultry will thrive where vegetables aiwHl ar. r4 St. Mm. . WATER NOTICE Mr. and Mrs, A, Sinclair were 4tf, iIihH. 1ik ertsar.S will not grow. The outlay is small. rfclrh t4. My aKk , itmf the for the CLASSIFIED ADS. DIVERSION AND USC among passengers 1M aat a ttn. llMMiaW ifc.t TAKE NOTICE that Oeorre McRae, south last night. A few minutes a day is all the time kaasry rfckk Is a ka.Hk tklrk, whose' address Is 8 side rate, B. C wlb CAUTION: CfcUk. mm mm U apply for a licence to take and use III WANTED Oood smart' boy or required. fl aalll.1 Ua. 41 baw.aia.aa4 cubic feet per minute of water out of Ik.a mtf .pa,1alr, WANTED. Petnsier Crxk. which nows northerly and young man for clothing store. If you can. atari cow with WANTED Younr woman as kitchen maid, drains Into Alirord Bay, about it cbains Apply, Martin O'lteilly. A small flock In your back yard will eftls or chirks; If noi.arranfe rrom the N. E. corner or T. L. It. The I once with the local poultry wires III idodUi with room. Apply to go far to keep you supplied with eggs, lady supL, Prince Rupert General Hospital. water will be diverted rrom the stream at Mr. J. J, McNeil, of Telkwa. wort a Hon for pullets In the a point about ten chains west from N.W, broilers and roasters. fall. tf- came In on the train last night, comer or Let 4. B..C, Fisheries, and will .i t.i tt a WAJITEt) Modern mralsbed partment or be" used for power purw upon the land on a visit iq i-riuce iiupen. 'Muse. o children. Address Roy llo-Jbsrt. described as adjotninr Timber Umll III Prince Bnpert HoteL 71 in application to lease Any notary public or justice of Write for Poultry Bulletins (o This notice was posted on the rrouni the peace can register your name WAXTED Lorren; Rlfrlnf Men App'T m the 1 1 lb dar or January. HIT. 4 J. R. Mornn. LtiL, care of Williams k Mpy of this notice .and an application on the Provincial Voters' Holl. INFORMATION BUREAU Hanson. IT pursuant thereto and to the Water Act, 1114 will be Sled In the office of tb Mrs. J. A. Anderson was among THE DOMINION MISCELLANEOUS Water Deeorder at, Prince Rupert. Ob the passengers for the south on lections to the application may be filed the Prince George last night. TALBOT HOUSE Oood Rooms. Ererycon-sentence. with the aald Water Recorder or with DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Hot water bath. II.IO and It the Comptroller of Water RtaHis, Psrila per week. 10c and tic. a nlthC men! Balldinrt, Victoria. B. C, within I)ui't forget the Sons of Eng. thirty days after the first appearance of land whist drive tonight la the i OTTAWA AUDUATE NURSE (C.M.B.London) Terms tkis notice In a local newspaper. K. of P. Hall at 0 p. m. sharp. moderate, apply P. O. Box 041, or The date of the first publication of this HONOURABLE MARTIN BURRELL 1Wifcr, Phone 41. . nouce Is February Slat. 1117, Chester of Mr. Molt, Spokane, GEO RUE McRAX. Applicant. FARM LAMM came off the train last night from .TIMBER SALE X813. the east and went south later. RXGO.X ASD CALIFORNIA RAILWAY CO. Sealed tenders will be received by the GRANT LANDS. Title to same revested Minister of Lands not later than noon on Mrs. Oebhart's dressmaking In' United 'States by act or Coorress the' 0th day of J one, 1017, for the pur LAND PtEQISTRV ACT LAND ACT dated June 0, I Oil. Two million, three chase of Licence XOIt, to cut T.ltl.000 parlors have been moved from the hundred thousand acre to be opened feet or Hemlock, Cedar and Spruce, and Clapp Iiuilding to Helgcrson.nik. (SecUoas II aa4 III.) !ILEA A LA4f DIITWCT DISTRICT OP DENTISTRY for homesteads and sale. Timber and l.tOO Uneil feet of plllnjr. on an area ad Phone Blue SOS. 98. COAST, RA."l0k riVK. a rrt cultural lands, eontalnlnr some of fte AppUratlea Ho. IU4 I. FUlsr HIS. jolnlnr Lot tool, Joskstia Inlet. Graham CHOkVSI ho SRIPM MOM left State's. Now Is TASK NOTICE Ul SppUcaUoat SaJ ) United best land In Charlotte Island District. Island. Queen The Hoard of Trade commissioner, made k rrruier Tbe Corpus Uoo of Mm Tilt notice that we. 0ee MUkrd f i tain srsouxTT the opportune time. Larrt map showier Three (tr years will be allowed for re lands by sections and description of moval of tlasher. Mr. E. H. Mortimer, has City ct Prince ttuptrt la Um Pro tint of r Cusnpaay, Urotted. of Vaacoajvsr. oe-'cpatle Oft. J. S. BROWN BriUs Coluntbis, as ownr la fte oader cannerrmtn. In fad to apply for soil, climate, rail fan. elevation, etci Further particulars of the Chief Forest all the ftrms ready to register OlhTIIT lao Tat Sale Deeds froca tae tvuecter of permission te ls. stM followlss described Postpaid one dollar. Orant .Lands Lo-catinr er, Victoria, B. C. or District Forester, the voters' roll. your name on dsu Ute Uads Tke s,mm Bai Ore tb aijr or rnoce Rprt, Uanac oei ea.iv nvata. Co, 110, Portland, ton. Prince Rupert, B. C Tib day or December till, of ALL A.1D Coenmenciar si a post planted at tbe Mr. E. Cavenaile left early this i.0L'LR tbat certaio parcel or trad of sootlkeait corner of Lot I IT; tbettce morning for Terrace, where he is land and premises situate, Ijrtaf. sod tel I chains la low water m.rkj thrnce aortk ib tbe ManicipaUty of rnoce Rupert, more westerly It chains foMowtaa low wster going ranching. He has taken a J.L.HICKEY Harry A. Harvey psrtlnilarly aaova sad described as 5ort- tnark, thrnce nor lb I thaias W the Oread team with him and a car load of Weslerly Seseoiy (TS), frt f Leu Detaa Trunk Parts rirftt-of-wsfj tbeoce soeib (Late Leaden,ef Bliiei), OeoeeesaWIre outfit. III), and Twtlre III) Block titntn es.tcrty It cbains follow la r said rliht AT ROWE'S PLUMBING contractor a builder PUPIL Or LANSOOWNI OOTTELL Ml. SecUoo One (II; Map III. of way to the plsce of berlnnioc and o . . AND-. Mr. Ed. Hinman. Jr., of Van. Yon are required to coouit tbe claim II acres. Pupils Taken for at tbe 1st purchaser tifcm tbirty-Bte iuinint MILLERD PACIHO COMPACT SHEET METAL WORE Store and' Office Fixtures, VIOUN. PIANO. TI0UNCELLO and eouver, accompanied by Mr. W. A, dsys from tbe dsie of tbe sarrtce of tbts LIMITED, III Sash, Door and Molding!. HARMONT. Stone, were In the city yesterday notice (bicn may be effected ty Persoosl April tad. HIT i. Pred Ritchie. seenL They sfte.e aeettoe TmH Sser EXAMINATIONS and left last night for their sulphur service or directed), and your atteoiioo Pinee, SeMe KeeAa, Ckae 1m. Oak and Hard Woods of all Pupils OVsawrsd fee Eaamlnetlewe mine on the Oxtahl river., is called to aectioa II of tbe "Land tui sae ail Ike week tkat is associate Hoard. Vasxeutee, Oeater istry Acr !in smendoMOU. and to Utj la the OLD rssestoajte rn . kind. PHONE S3 O. BOX 32 13 Hsyal Pallets ef Basic. Ludew.tnf. folio to f attract tbererruni P. kVTTM ALL TME LATEST KwV WVa SqacIaIIs In making . Fifteen Serbians have arrived and la defeat! of a tast or certiflteie TO-DATI WOM St CtALUO, and ntilng storm win- TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 from the north country and are of lis pendens Ulnr Sled before tbe re' PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. a SATltSWTA, ,CORtCfl. at present in the city awaiting arrival istratkm as owner of tbe persoa entitled ar.tklaa la ike lies far a. ' clows, any six. of officer to conduct them nndcr sacb ut ttle, all persons so serfgd ae Pacteey. Atet s pt as l an witb notice. .... and those clsiainf aested U aeSee. fleeru is PlaU anol IHismH Glasa and east on their way to the front. taroatn or under tbtm. and an parsons Trasfer uti Storage . uiuL Sl.aa)et.S ef Olaulng. UUuinr soy laureil la tbe land by ttr tlaea. PIIIOCS ASAKT, Sheet Metal Work WESTMOLME THEATRE toe of any onrtitsurtd t&strameat. and BEST LUr A NUT COAL. PWSTLASS. A SATtsntO CVS- Corner Frasar and Sih Sia. all persons clalalnr any Interest la tbe TOSStJI IS OUS1 AISL land by descent vbose tills Is not r(ts SSMJE A40. P. O. SOX PHONE ORCEN S4) Having been in the East, I bave Tonight a t the Weslholme lered ander Us prorUlcas of U1S Act. NO LONG WAITS ... nm.M at fa Aioes Theatre, there will be shown the hill be for etr estopped and 'debarred NO SHORT WEIOHTS tM tad AUeet. eieee U Oee Bl mod . O. MX 44ft. become acquainted with all great play for the kiddies, called, frtca settlor op any claim to or la respecj Whin You Order from Us. aed eteraeieet Wken era methods of outfitting gasoline children's of tbe Isnd so sold for tests, and tbe dm. RSMiM oatxa. "Seventeen. As boats, as used by Eastern shops. a rifiltlrtr sball rertiter tbe person entitled play, 'Seventeen' is unsurpassed, tinder soeb ut sale as owner of tbe WMiMS Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting and wherever it Is screened, the land so sold for taies." young folks have flocked to nee A.1D WIICHCA8 apllcaUon has been STEEN & LONGWHL and Plumbing, made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title it. Like "Peter Pan," who never to tbe aboscmentiooed lands, la tbe name and all lines of Sheet grew up, "Seventeen is one of of Tbe Corporation of tbe Qty of frtnee SANITARY AND MB ATI NO :: : Metal Work : :: these plays that will never grow nuperti FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ENGINEERS old, and it appeals to the older; A.iD WIIEMtAI on lavestistlor tbe UUe It tbal prior to tbe foarteentb day Prompt Attention and Skilled appears generation well. This Is as an of whlcb September, lilt, (tbe dtte on Agent for Workmanship opportunity for the children to t&e saia isnas wsre sold for oeeraue 710 SECOND AVE. see something that was coo. utes, yoa were a monrsree thereof, McCLARY FURNACES H. LETOURNEAU rirtTiicn take hotici that at u0 Chandlery structed especially for their lene-111 CarpinLsr'c Tools Builders' HirdWArs Ship tame time -1. sball sct rtlistrstlon in PslaTaVaftMsTSB 621 SIXTH AVENUE and which will please 'them porsuance ef socb application and Issue Wire) Csbls Stssl Blocks rishlno Tscils Phone Black 325 P.O. Box 118 mightily. t Crllflrsts"-sf Indefruible Title la tbe niflss And Shotguni Pip rittlnfls and A Topical Hudget Is also on the 4aid lands In the name of Uu abore cor' Iron Pips porstion unless you take and prosecute VaIvssj Ammunition SHEET METAL WORKS programme, showing the latest Nop tbe proper proceediors to establish your Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. events 6f importance of recent claim. If any, to lbs said lands, or to Pumps Hose) PAlnt Night phones 570 happenings. There will also be prtetnl such proposed action on my part Stovss and HArtQss Nubbsrold Roofing Corruosted Iron Pritce Rupert Dairy Dated at Land a fine musical programme. in) ficristry omre, rnoce and Blue 270 Rupert, B. C, tbls totb day of December, WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" Tha right work, at tha rlfttt unom shew suuiAaastearr A FLEA FOR SOCKS K. D. Illl. and tha II. P. MACLEOD, Urna, at right prioa. FURC HOLSTIEN MILK District RffMtrar of Titles. OREAM Tho demand for socks for the To rrederle Schattner. t(j, HARDWARE men at the front continues un rare C L. rreemsa. C p. It. Bids. FRED STORK'S Ales M. Mansoa. S.A. BUTTERMILK abated. With greater numbers of Edmonton. Alberta. , I. Williams. B.A, L.L.B men in the field, tho requirements WILLIAM A MANSON pmonc ss7 p. o. box sea WEENA LAND DISTRICT OISTRIOT Of are also necessarily greater. The OOAST, IUNC . Barrlatars, Solloltora, Eta, all OrSer PreatpUy Attendee Te. ladies of the I. O. D. H. will mako BMMWr TO LOAM another collection for despatch TAKE WOTICE that the BrIUih Columbbl eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ,eKe bos nis R. McKay, Proprietor. overseas at the residence of Mrs. Cannior Company. Limited, of Victoria. B. a trn m-s A T'l 1 T'W TC llalswraoa Blocs Prince Surc s. J. II. MeMullin on Second Avenue C.. salmon canners. intend to loclr for A nui da in inc. on (he first of Mny. It Is hoped DermlSSlon 10 teste tbe fnlU.vln. rfa.erlfa. WANT IT ed foreshore Itndt Commenclnr si a post MINUTE YOU that the ladles of Prince Rupert plsnted on the north bank of tbe Siecna lo will make good to this :tO v.... .PA accustomed a response River, feet suuib from tbe southsssl ion l" . . .... ... i ,n appeal. corner or ut if, n. I, Coast District) BCttlnK COW as " La Cause Domestic Bread thence south 190 feel) thence westerly atnntly. Think o the Ml snd norlherly parallel to the shore line, o t distance of approtlraaUly 410 feet to Ufaetlon of seltlnfc- in Do not Just .order "a loaf of bread" Make it a point to get point 100 feel south of the sou 1 1 Water In the same sy boundary of the Oraad Trunk Panne r.n. rrgar.11 La Ce Domeitic 16 oz. Bread Stuart J. Martin aHel wan to thence the tsld westerly nibt-of.wsy and northerly to a point psr abundance,how much hai besn uiw due south of the.S, W. comer of Lot Hi before. Get the most for your money let full food value best ASSAVEri thence north too feel to tb polat or In-Uriectlon HOT WATER LIKE W0' Material Purest Ingredients. Dread is the world's cheap, of the south boundsry of tsld eitt food Eat of it that it Is rlrbl-of-wsyt thence southerly and sail, plenty And see HAZELTON B. 0. erly atom said nvbi-of wty to s pjitnl Harry Hanson LA CASSE'S BOfMSTN) BREAD, 18 OX. LOAF wber ssld boundary line sinkr shore Scfvlce brl ui.ans.ir ,i SM I r II i , ii 'ir Host thence aloof hiss water mark to tbe Hot N'atr Tha oldest aUbllshed point of eonunenceiueaL mis tu'v Assay you Oat La Cassa Breast from your Grocer or Telephone 1t0. A. W, CARTER, BOX 3W THE LABBL PROTECTS YOU omoa In tha North. ACIInr ts Stent- roe- iiL.nr w. W.HHIHI PHONE 4SS P.O. Co., LlmlUd. i,swtmi,m reiruary llth, hit, leeeeeeeeeee eeeeeees