The,DAILY NEWS VOL viii. xo-"- - I'MNCU IlUi-HIlT, S. C, BATUlfMY, Al'IIIL 21 lttl7 PHWB FIVE CENT SUCCESS CROWNS AL L TH "3 ALOES ARMS RESULTS OF THE SPRING DRIVE EXCEEES EXPECT ATIONS--FIGHTING CONTINUES GERMANS MASS HARD AT WORK ' , CAN A WANS EARN CONSCRIPTION PLAN ON BROKEN ROADS GREAT REPUTATION TO BE PUSHED AMEA TROOPS ON London, April 20.Correspon. The Houth London Hospital has (SpeeUI U tb Dtlly flews.) dents with (he British headquarters many Canadian inmates Just now Washington, April" 21. II Is WEST FRONT who have been wounded at the said here that the President's in Trance ascrile the apparent front From colonels to subaltern, plan for conscription service Is Inactivity along the British all are cheerful, and are to be' shoved ahead of air other Concentration Kioooda front to gales, rain and snow and making as good progress as can legislation now pending. immnM Befort) Known -Jibe sodden ground hindering llir-'.bringing be expected. Dritain is ready for-an open Anything Demoralization of up of guns for another Colonel Cy Peck Is there, and discussion of measures for the German Army. attack. They ay, however, that one of the war correspondents in successful conduct of the war, 'the work Is going on with terrific London has cabled a. follows:- and it is expected that the Commissioners "'Colonel Peck here .ay.: 'Pipers will divulge many pwui to Th tuny enerfJ,I , .. .. r'1" of the 16th Ilattalion earned a plans when the war conference Pari.. April..2!-Afler.i.i .mxhinir five day correspondent, "it U like a world Kreat reputation on the Somme, convenes. The blockade of Germany couuumu. h:r-"-;L-,in movement, with tides of swlr-altb when Piper Itichardson marched will be tightened, and the Herman line by ling Iramc. transport wagon. to and fro in front of the Ger full strength of the American .,tnlv.ieven square miles of motor lorries, gun, horses and man wire, under a heavy Are, naval and air service' will be utilized. France have been reclaimed iroin mules constantly in motion. The playing hi. pipes while the battal lie invading enemy. General Nl-wlles battle pauses while the gun are ion tore down the German ob men have now progressed going forward, for. Unlike the stacles. In the Vimy advance the INTERNAL DANGERS r a front of nearly forty roiUa battle of the Somme, where the pipers begged permission to lead u i depth of three.quartern of a gun did not have to move dur the companies. This granted, the FOR GERMANY !e to full four inilet. Scores went the top bravely, ing the first week, tbe ground piper, over d Tillages and towns have been marching straight over obstacle only being gained by yards, Vi every (SpccUl to Tn Dally News.) Wen since Monday, have far and quickly brought without deviation." so so London, April 2 Prediction German Lota. forward the guns that we can The war correspondent further of the early closing of the war losses inflicted upon the that the pipe major accom- Tbe follow hard on the heel of the says are general here. The London been staggering, paniedCoIoneI Peck, who though ixrmani Jtave enemy. pres. are of the opinion that the counter attack which they seriously ill of gastritis, retained la a "It Is difficult, however, folow- (Central Empires cannot hold out oadepn JuvIncourL two complete command, advancing to ttieir ob ing along road which have against the Allies much longer. of forty thousand men stacle, ' the third German line. divUloai roken down under stress of six With Turkey.i Bulgaria and rrt laterally wiped out by the months' vile weather and over Colonel Peck remained with bis Austria all seeking a separate French artillery alone. Kven battlefields worse than mountains company until night in the cap peace, the Fatherland isv also the German officer, the tured positions, when he was autoes' to pass over the countless shell faced by grave internal dangers. it spreading. forced to return, having to strug oVaorallxation with water and filled craters So details of the strike, or rioting Relnforvomenta. ground which has become a bog. CANADIAN COLORS ON WOLFE'S TOMB, WESTMINSTER ABBEY gle through a heavy snowstorm. in Berlin have come through. Tremendous masses of rein-frttBt&li "There is an army of men re Wolfe's Tomb in Westmtuster Abbey. London, covered with the When he reached the lines, he Neutral diplomatists just arrived which have been hur-rittynuhed pairing the roads intd something colors of the various Canadian Ilatt3iions now lighting m France. collapsed. The report says that in. Geneva from Berlin de-clarfrd up to tbe front line like soundness, Oiling craters and They were deposited there for safe keeping whoa the baUalions he la now making good steps lo- -l&atjtitbiBe tbe,.ivextVXdur t it quite- -unavailing to making trrand new roads across went on to the battle line. warrts recoveryv or six weeks, the. German people ten Ue Allied advance. Tbe swamps. Of the twenty-one officer, un .will be without wheat or potatoes roBffBtration of German 'troops "The enemy well knows what Is MINE AND SMELTER IfiOXS OF ENGLAND der" Colonel Peck, seven were and the Government will be forced weeds anything ever known in going on behind our line that WORKERS' UNION HAVE A FINE TIME killed, and of one company which to face a famished population. l .f olilory of the war. our great machine is closing in beganwith one hundred and fifty They also state that the German Progressing Favorably. upon him, and that when the word At a meeting of the Prince llu-pert A very pleasant and enjoyable men, next day only sixty answered scheme for a separate peace with The battle la progressing fa. a given it will strike a smasllng branch of the International evening was spent last night in the roll. Russia has collapsed. Smelter the K. P. Hall by the member, and Colonel Cy Peck, it will be remembered, another vital Mill and torably is the calm way In which blow at point. Union of Mine, las French army chiefs report the Worker held last evening, the friends of the Sons of England left here with the first THE REVOLUTION HI SMASH. elected: Society. A large number turned contingent in 19 If and on the tfftntive. The retails have exceeded IN following officers were RECIPROCITY take in whist drive. other side was appointed in command U Tbe JCw.) all expectations. The WHEAT AND FLOUR President, Mr. J. J. Anderson; out to part a (Sprclai Dtlly French regard the advance between Vice-President, Mr. William Cros-ble; The first prixes went to Mrs. E. of the 16th Battalion. Huenos Ayres, April 21. -The Ostel and as Recording Secretary. Mr. Wood and Mr. Kelsey, and the revolt of the German population bating reached Courtecamp proportionately Washington. April 20 n. A 0. Morse: Conductor, Mr. Joe others to Mrs. Iteilly and Mr. JIMMY WILDE WINS MELT is growing worse. Refugees, who ada's order putting wheat and"uu,lt Gavigan. The affair was one of treater Wnr.lon Mr. Kmil Hanea are pouring Into Uruguay, report Tbe utmost success than elsewhere. wheat product, on the free 11.1 j ' ' " ,u the most enjoyable of it. kind and According to advices just received that heavy fighting is taking place attached strategic Importance dvaiuagei ....... . tho evening passed all too quickly. from England. .Jimmy between the rebels and the Gov. to the formidable portions of Dominion proaucers, ummn Him limn be in sr. They were au The Sous of England are to Wilde, the world', flyweight champion, ernment forces. Report, received captured there. nero say. The American tiuiy on .... . .,,,... . -miiti.,ii ,he congratulated on the success, las made'the Lord Lonsdale from Montevideo state that the - British Front. inmorts of Canadian wheat .ill with IUUI Itru the Trades iu and Labor Goun- of their functions. belt for this division hi. personal revolt has extended to three Brav London, April St. General ii ( wnnf!aIIv nnri if II. C. Federation, and the! property. ilian states and that a very ser Hafg reports that further ground the American crop is snori ne ... . ufFSTHOLHie THEATRE He won the belt by knocking out ious stale of affairs exists. ki been gained in the nelghbor-kood United Statet may become a good iraues aiiu i.auur wiiicj w. . George Clark, challenger for the of Villers Ouslaln, which customer for the canauian pro Canada.The meeting was very har-, At the Westholme Theatre to-...... title. The contest look place at GENERAL NCWtTI about ten miles to the south duct. The order is expected to ,.in.iiirtri -nml the niKUt. Iljiet's great opera, "Car- the National Sporting Club, and ttCambral. have little Immediate, effect, as future success of the organiiation inert" will be'shown on the screen. the finish came in the fourth (SperUI to Tb Dally 5w.) Syrian Front. Canada's visible supply is as short i. n.mirftd i t liU la one or me mosi uesereu- round. Besides the belt, Wilde Count Tiiea the Hungarian pre. General Murray has retumel as this country's. lv ii.mnlar of the crand ODeras."won a nurse of $2,500. W'llde mler, has resigned. ii march towards Jerusalem. An-iton a sir Ftemo beatm and the only one by which this i had previously w on the belt twice. Thousands of acres in Great victory hat been achieved Saskatoon. April 20- Dr. Swan- FROM Tsau&Tinu composer is known by. For dra-land another victory was necessary Dritain are being ploughed this r the Turks. Orf tho front of on. of th University of Saskat malic power and musical excel- to make possession absolute, year for crops. , 1 and a hair mites, tho Turks chewan, said today that the grant New York, April 19 A dispatch leco few of the grand operas,j ; Today is America Day In Lon re driven from their positions ing .f fre T.i.n wheal was me niosi Just received here from Jerusalem:""' Known 10 mo uuuuc. im srni.i don. The Stars and Stripes are fun taken bv the Its briUf schkbk wturwa aight. "Carmen. inTf lasldel to the effect that fully 50 pr Cent f ompare with seen on every aide. MoaopoUmla. "".r"'" 'If. . of the population of Palestine and L8f.f"! ''"J?!. numbers t . .. u . Another advance to the north cade. ne :r" n Jinirer lone on the memory. With! (siu. io tm h 1 Feed your poultry crushed bona Hagdad is reported today by said, would be constantly expanu- "' ' . Theda Ilara as "Carmen." which London, April 21 A German with their ration and get. more "ncrai Maude. The eighteenth Ing lcause of IU proximity to ion.' , Jg ml easUal parl tJ pIay wirle88 digpatch picked up today eggs. lurxiih Army Corui has boen the western producer and from 3Urf "'Xtisn fine Is in store fordeclared that no German Social- completely routed, and the Indian the fact that wheat growing Is ie Jafl Jj "r,lJii10,e who visit the Westholme' 1st. will be sent to Stockholm by The tinily yelivcrcM by tvalry i-ri in Iho nlnnoop COlin- forCe. till. VVIII ... llr.tluT an.l inaUle.t are the retreat- in . pursuing... . Aliiet to briug carrier. 50 rejtl ir iimnh. rv a vp oe. 4no lirlllah are near i.i.. Tli United Slates was Velectioiw played by the orchestra that there were no separate peace mara. more and more usiug lis land for Egypt. ..... , from the niece, as well as other .negotiations in progress between ' File Jews, 1 beef production. M Jut arrived .100 tons Washed all Hiiffering alike, because tho Oddfellows "l Coal AlboK A StcCaffery FISH ARRIVALS Damas- be one of the best. There will Turkish Government at "ons lie. . rna lm. Ihrmiali its ntllclalil. also' be a special matinee from 3 USINQ DEAD BOSHES Otirtich Son lot). The NiUon has arrived in port!0jcd a,, horgea inuleit BoatH. to 5 this afternoon, for the benefit FOII FERTILIZER servlre Tb will Oddfellows fee conducted annual tomorrow chare with 22,000 pounds or nai oui, i 'i'l.hpcp nnJ cattle. In addition, the of thoso who cannot get out U. trealnr (undrj April ttnd) at tht WESTHOLMF. Glacier with 12,000 pounds. T,l5 ;aovvrnmeni has not only coin-Stlrrlt night. , (Special Tbe Dslly .1w.y BaplUt Church, twflnnlor al 7. was In yesterday wll" ,uaadeired all the grain in Pales- rtome, .Vprll 2t.r Information Ail nwtutxrt or Prlnc Roprt 5,000 pound for the cold storage. 'Uno anJ gyrjBf hut ,,a laUn THE RED CROSS received bere says that the lluns Unit No, I. u will as any tun-1st TONIGHT ONLY had alleged to be using their deatl brotter. art eptUlly Inrjied The Carruthers aUo a soouiawny lhat whch to bw ueJ i are la Mtrmbl In in hidt room al nd Matin 3 to B p. m. haul on her last trip. nringinK m BCed. so that tho unfortunate The lied Cross Society held the la a fertllUer plant. Pope lene t:a la ordr to ptrUdpatt la tt around 13,000 pounds of all sorts 'peope iavo not heen able to sow Friday sale of home cook- dicl Is 'horrified and has express unit Fo Feature offish. The Carrullurs Is as yet helr ncj4 for t() cunlntf 8easun i,,g In; their new tent qii Third led deep Indignation. " t. M. NtWTO.1, N, 0. THEDA BARA the only trawler operating ouv m ,, , Avenue yesterday. Tne saio was Prince lulert. About 3,ooo ins. THE FOLICE COURT under tho charge or.Mrs. liaisey STILL FIGHTING IN MCXIS4 of spring salmon also camo in and Mrsv John ljnway and the J'CARMEN'V yesterday, which sold for around , At the police court this morn- 'amount m-tted for the society (terUl lo Tt PaUy .News.) LONDON C ATI ' " 15 cents. Ing, before Magistrate Carts, John as 103.60. Kl Paso, April 21- A and of AMS) SMHLL 10 MX iii U aStlU.m II, Sweder wat charged with utter-' ' 11 1 " VHJa'. followers have beer, de - EvangelUt J. J. House, of Vancouver, ing seditious,language and was', The-favorito household Ceal la feated near fjhthuahua oy me TMH Avonua Hualcal Programme la In the city en route to committed for trial. Information Lidytmlth Wellington. Phono 15, forces of the Government yester-ttay. Fromft Srv4 of Wo Boai und Opera Belectlons from Winnipeg. Hear him. on Sunday was laid by Mr, W, T. Smith. ,Prince Rupert Coal Co. if. 'One hundred and fifty 6i fho thoro li UMt tt all hmtf. , tbe Majestic. Villlstat have been killed and sm 'CARMKajM nt 7:30 p.m. In ; ' 11 1 ------jii "J other Hpanlsh nuuers. Theatre. One iiIkHI only. Meet, White canvas footwear -WaU Meu. A to EM widths in Invie- hundred of their hortea were captured. BOXES FBR ing freo. - lace's. tf. tus shoe Wallace's. tf.