I mi: DAILY MEWS PftlnMoy April 51 ,B? t0'4 0m4&0tymp40i ..t issnraMOLL ON Do ever have GEIWUN AMERICANS yo a FOR RENT 1ka9PeVeVaefaaieVe9e4t4saaeatAeaajn7dey j 7.continued THE from Page Thrcel lhe"blues"? Sheet Mew; - t - !t 4 rooms, bath, sewer, renr. Wo. Hsvlng bren 70S lib Av W. Mr. II. W. Nowaand, of Ileglna, fltrcnglh to That discouraged feeling often to ti, j-heeomc sufflclenl I room. bath, sewer. No. 110 Ene Is a visitor In Prince Hupert. I.AcVcd ly We shall hav cornea from a aisordcrei stomach, era methods MquaJnlea of w ll rh Kill. owe them. or an inactive liver. Get watfuu, rooms, bath, sewer, Ho. 101 Mui when we can enforce coais, aa usrd by i as, returned only i Place. Mrs. G, A. Taylor to peace your digestion In shape and I room freve nil, ru ml a bed, r, bath. Port Kssl'ngton this morning. 'UNowas the bile acting properly then Gasoline 1011 Ird At. to so-called patriotism, the"bJuea"will disappear. You Tanks, Hp.. 4 rooms, bath, rente, 171 Summit Mr. A. M. Klpps, of Port Ks-slnglon, I jou to look at this picture will sooa be cheerful,If you take fitting nnU Plumbln2 Avenue. the city there is a little was In yesterday. Over In Kurope 4 rooftit; 7tl Thompson Street in a little home to whom nnd all lines of Sheet ,n 4 rooms, 110 Itb Avenue, EetL EasL Children's Klk gkuffers, Calf born a man-child. Jhil l Metal Work 4 room. llltt 7th Aeenue. has been KE0UM S : ;: 4 roomi, lit till Avenue, West. Oxfords and sandalsWallace's, iho'rt distance away, across an Prompt Attention am 8k room nu, bath, sewer, MeMordie Iwundary, thero Is another im Apartments. Mr. J. J. McNeil, of Telkwa, returned imaginary to whom has Workmanship 4 rooms, to Ita Ave, E. JsIBeh, there on the train this 'little woman mis 4 rooms, furnished, bath, 114 Itb been born a man-child. As these H. LET0URNEAU Avenue, East, Canada's shoe factories morning.' k. crnw un and begin to toddle 21 SIXTH t rooms, near drydock. now rank as the best around their mother's knees, the for Mfe i AVENl , 7 rooms, corner Oreen.and 7ih Ave. among Mrs. Hubert McNeil and child the people's remedy i none iiiMt sa p q jj Section 0. in thj world, and ono that returned to Shames on the train mother on this siue taxes ner tonj common ailments. They act I1U ir Yeur Heel le vacant Uat It with takes a very high place for In her arms with loving caress thoroughly on the stomach, Us We Can rill It fee Yen. the excellence of its product this morning. And says to him: 'Sonny, do you, liver and bowels,and soon regulate H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD that of boy over there? Yes. these important is the Mr. and Mrs. A, Sinclair were nee that and strengthen mm 'i rr rr rr r? J. a T. BELL COMPANY. among the passengers for the That Is a French boy, my son, organs. Purely vegetablecontain A "Iieliu-shoe Is always a south last night. and when you grow to be a man no harmful Prince Rupert Dairy in you must kill him.' Another time drugs. Whenever you feel "quality" shoe quality Mr, John Anderson went out on the little mother on the other despondent a few doses will uwotsi mw MAwaocMtwr "Ik News" material and quality in good Daily style not "freak" style. We the train this morning for the ide that Imaginary boundary PURE H0LSTIEN MILK Make Things out Into the sunshine Itocher de Boule.' line, comes are sole agents here for the CREAM CLASSIFIED ADS. to ber loved offspring: and says the "Dell line" and among many other models that we WANTKD Oood smart boy or 'My son, do ylu see that little took Brighter BUTTERMILK young man for clothing store. rascal over yonder! Yes. That is are showing is the one above. Apply, Martin OTtellly. Herman boy, and when you grow SUl-mM Am aetaWettt. pnone m p, o. sox set a WANTED. It U a particularly attractive aJliMfaaee. to be a man you must kill him. an oreee shoe only In tiui aumsm u and, comes Mr. and Mrs. Wenti, of Terrace, WASTED Youbc women e kltchn maid, Thoe boys began to grow up wares IIS month with room. Apply o mahogany-tan calf. x who h'ave been visiting friends their much, WATER NOTICE and began to support. R. McKay, Proprietor. lidy aupL, Prince Rupefl Oeneral lloa We have a complete range here, returned home this morning. It hard work pitaL of fittings In this model from loved mothers. was .mvniaiosi and usi and thev barely subsisted. Then TAtK .10TICE ttul Oeorte McKae. forulihed' apartment or 2 to 7 ' WA5TED Modern n " 1 1mm a4tress la SkWIfraie. B. C. lb Address Roy Ho-jert. Mr. James Allan, of Kelly Doug- '" ,ln Wcr,tf J ease. So child to. The Price la SS.50. Ptr tor a tlrenre to Use aad Bie IIS Prince Buperi, Hotel. 7a la & Co. ha, returned from' an J'fJr irtJtl euUe fret fer mitmte or sur oel ol We have, as 'well, many courflry. A. of Harry the HarCey wJLsted Loners? Rirmr nn -pp7 other models at lower prices. extended trip In the tipper couh- Detaster. Cm. orsfcerly tad loveu ooei iiiikih wn, dralat (a to AUIord Bay, eit II cmibs l. R. Morgan, Ltd, care of Williams try. (Late Leeeea, !(. Cwtt Manebn. 17 escaped and came to this country trM Ute 5. C cereer cf T. U 111. Tte ef MmIs) Mr. J. S. returned to Here they prospered, oeni lor ur IU be 4irt4 rreen Uw stnam al PUPIL Of LARSDOWNt COTTtU Gray H. S. WALLACE CO., LTO. a t:al a boo I un rtaina vest rroto-n.w MISCELLANEOUS SSmithers this morning after their mothers and the girls they Mmr cf Lot 4. B. c rittit. u4 iD rnpns Tskrn toe .TALBOT HOUSE Oood Roomi. Every coo spending ome lime In Prince loved best. be r4 far paver porpoee apaa we lase V10U5, MA.10, VIOLIN CELLO tai IURMOST. should deatrttwil as a4Jeiolat Tlaaber Urolt III venience. Hot water bath. 11.10 and ft Rupert. j "Now, suppose war In appttretk M Vase, EXAMl.tATIO-IS sr week. SOe. and Sic a night. sometime be declared between Tut awtice a poet4 oa tbe rrea4 Pitsrfle rrtsr4 fee tiwlr li LAND RCQISTHY ACT Among those reported wounded and this country. The i Germany n the llt 4ay of iaaaary. HIT. aeeeeleted SmiI, Imhiik, Cmw RADUATE ItL'RSE (C.M.B. London)Boi til,Terms or (Sections St and 111.) in the latest casualty list Is the Herman boy Is happily married tvbr of tins noUre sad aa art!Maiie Metel CeOete et !, Im4m,Us. O. moderate, apply P. He Application So. 01441. FlUnt Slit. Bunasnl wrrtM sd u tke Water Act. 41. name of Pte. F, L. Auriel. of Met- here and raising a family. Does Phone TAVE SOTIC mat appucauon naa Decn Ill IU be Ble4 la tbe Offlf Of UM TCRMS PHONE BLUE 271 made to rerliler "TMr Corporauon or the lakatla, n. C ;he leae all this to go back and wtr Deeorder at Prtnre Ropert. Ob FARM LANDS aty of Prince Bupert in the Province of ' fight for the country that gaT? I wuoi to tbe appUcauoe) mar be SW4 British Columbia, as ownr U fee under Mr. nenry . veucome, oi win. u.thv nr rnnri nil doea. tih tbe aatd water itecoroer or iu REOOX ASD CALIFORNIA BAILWAY CO. .... .......... ; . . - . . . "'" io iu s.w " uon, England, nas returneu to me. irnllemen nr n.iM It- V Cccoptroiler of watr luraia. rarua ORAJCT LASDS. Title to same revested the Cn of Prtnce Bupert. beartn date the - ,.'. . Hotel 7ou ,i.say' Baiwiort. wtorta. p. c, iiw In I'nlted States by act of Conrress e Jae8 fty ror lnal i. i,.s"lNr tfUf ttM arf, tpitrtmn of DENTISTRY tiled lone t. till. Two million, three SlGi'LAR that certain parrel or uaet or! Prince upert. patriotism poeta have dinned into .tuis amuee la a orU appr. hundred thousand acres to be opened Ud4 and premises altaate. Ijtnr. tad beln j our ears ever since the printing Tbe 4aU of tbe Brit pbUreue ef tat for horaesteada and sale. Timber and la Ute MaaletpaUtr of Truce Rupert, morel Mrs. Gebbart'a dressmaking, a - A ft. eeure is rebruary llil HIT. cetowai a0 saiooi wet aarlcultural lande. containing some or tarUcuUrty knon aatf dearrtbed as .tortb- have been movcd from Ihe ,re Wa ,nvpn,fu anu OCOBUt MrHAC. AppllranL a arte itt best land left In I'nlted States. Sow Is westerly SetentT ITSi. feet of Lets Eleren E"10" .I.L that. Of Course he goes to flgllt the opportune time. Large map enow- II,. . TVue (It) Block Eimue. I.WPP a,n eiseW fo(. lne counlry wlfre he couldn't TIMBER SALE XS13. on. J. S. BROWIk tea- lands by sections and description or Phone lllue 602. lli. Secuoa One tl). Map Sl BSmiT againal the country living 'get a aoU. cHmate. raUfalL elevation, etc You are required to contest tbe ciaun Poatpald one dollar. Orant Landa Lo of tbe tax purchaser wluuo tairty-ore ir ii h iwin nf ihi. Foreatrv that gave him a good living and Sealed lenders m til be mITe4 by tbe OAsel Sana ateea. ltn lin ci U nr Co Box 410, Portland, Oregon. daya from tbe date of tbe serrke or UUs has relumed to tb glorious opportunity. For that Is Mtnitier of Lands fat later tbaa booa riepartmenl. the Itb dat of ln. HIT, tor tbe pr city. He has been east in con. galled patriotism, the most glor- tbaM at Ueeore X (II. to rat T.III.SM iTVi; - u!L the examination for,lou. thing for which a man can frt ar HrmkxlL. Ce4ar aad Sprer. and tstry Act- witb ameodmet. aod to thettn) forei sacrifice nis llie anu nis an. I.SS lineal fret of pdtar. on an area ad J.L.H1CKEY rangers. Mom Lot 111. JaeUe laVI. Orabaat foiiowinr eitraet tberefroms - ... I Pure, that Is a aina oi patriot- IsUnd. Ooeea Cbarlolte Island District. AT ROWE'S PLUMBIHC XUU'.K-J m....... .... o, . . U I. tu SWjt I. Tbree (11 year UI be alled for re CONTRACTOR BUILDER al of tunber. umiimi mwr r u Deraoo. rsnuce Oluce Stan, was nome on icae, - i- 'riotlsm." The patriot Is the man rsrtbrr partimur. et tb- cr romi SHEET METAL WORE noder suett tax Bale, aU persons so serve41 just before the big push on the Store and Office Fixtures, wu& notice, .... and tboae elalmlnr western front. Hi. many friends who flghts for hi. hearth n That aoeAe eeeOne Taala, a tnrouan or under tbrm. and all persons i. A !.- h- lovo. If n&r. ata, oaaw tm Sash, Door and Moldings. ciatmina anr Interest la tbe Und tj lr- In town will Ie giaa to anow iiiat v - ripee. SMts ily to fight for tbe land of one's 4 all the wees te le er - Oak and Hard Woods of all toe of any anretfsiered instrument, ana ne t well and feeling ni. to the OLD PASMSOMC0 T SSft, Derauiu claim a r any Intereat in we birth were patriotism, where in PHONE S3 P. O. BOX 35 WTTM ALL THE LATEST HwV kinds. land, by descent whose uue is not reis-1 history would most of those be to-oati woeut ateuuro." We Spoolallx In making' SSf tt. KSSS l - JTi thlsmorn! tTo fought to found these United PACinC CARTAGE, LTD. MvtiAMTSL eeaatctl. S X gertM to the llee fee and fitting atorm windows, from aettlnr op any claim to or la respect jngr The subject of this remark mates i mere in uiner ae reeleef. autee pet as m4 e- I or tbe land ao sold ror utea. ana we Mm loan mere muti patriotism, any alza. w lne lumber being dumped aected to beee. Roh j Trusfer anJ Storage kl4e ef aaateelal. Reiel I Qlaaa ami PlaU and thaMt !.n.d made this country their home will. kuea. rca rickt, a"" lazing. roV m. ground, called the post office site, BEST LUMJP A NUT COAL rmiT-CLAtA. a ssTtams AD WHEIiEAS apUeation baa been . . . like llie l.nglisn .etucrs e ova ajsl cat is Corner Fraaor anal 0th DU. made for a Ceruaeate of Indefeasible Title ... .,!.., u -,! fought Bgalnit King George In PHONE toss 40. f. O. SOX T, X'eSSrSrS. iTaiy around again after the hard knock the ever.glorlou. Evolution right NO LONG WAITS raeteer ad 0e Ml Ut - PHONE GRKEN SM Rupert, he got the other day. A long for their homes, and not for the NO SHORT WEIGHTS tad EM aweet. eleee le WW Cee Sr P. O. MX 441. ajid whereas on inresurauof tbe uue ,la.k cubit- suddenly made tautmud on which they chanced to be Whan You Order from Us. on.M4 BEJaaiai Oe,mt auitwaja. o'r'Krdrcb caught him unawares, add for tarn." the said unds- were sold for overdue lwday, he bus been confined to . . . Ii.....1 ft4,V- .1.1 Lf 1 1 1 n taxes), you were a mortnree thereof. (he house. ri'RTHER TAKE .tOTICE that at tnfl ilhode Island lied, narry AUins, STEEN&L0NGW1LL same tune I shaU effect reaistrauon in nnMiiinra ar urh irvntlntlon and Issue The Serbians,who have been in IJutcber. a Ortlllcate or IndereuibM Tiue to tne town lor tne mat u7 or iwu en ( HARDWARE SANITARY AND HEATING kaid lands In the name of the shore wr- route for the front, left for the MCCNA LAND DISTSICT DISTIMCT FRED STORK'S ENQINCEM porauon umesa yoo use ana Prosec east on this, morning's train. a a I f re I f eiaim, ir any, to im ia r k v, r-.- TAKE JIOT1CE thai the BrlUsb Columbia prevent such proposed acUon n my part, regiment d t d they certainly ! victoru. 710 SECOND AVE. Aganta for usk-u i we ui nr,,., ...- looked ni lO give a gOOO account ulmna ODHrl. Inuad to apply for McCLARY FURWACEl nui-rri. o. w m.i 4vui v. ' - ihm..Ku In Hi a flrinir llni. permission to lean tbe fftUowtaf descrtb CarpsnUr'a Tools , Bulldsra' Hardware Ship Chandlery . D. IS II. 11. r. MACLEOD, wa yii.itivv. wv n (v. rd foreshore land) Comroenclnt al a post Wlra Cable 8U I Blocks Fishing Tackls the north bank of the Saeena planted on ShotBn PLUMWNG District Retlstrar of Titles. The Prince Rupert basketball ' Fittings nines and Pips mr. a ft.l ou lb from the aoutheaat Iron Pip and Te rredertc Schattner, Esq.. fans are going to pay a visit to corner of Lot ft. K I. Coast DUtrlclt Valves Ammunition SHEET METAL WORKS rare C L. Freeman, C P. K. star. Anyox to play the champions of uence south ls feeit tbenre wesurly Ropa Hose) Paint Edmonton. Alberu. Phone S, 834 Second Avenue. jibe Anyox Athletic Association. - Pumpa and Rangss Rubbarold Roofing Corrugated Iren 576 iney leave tomorrow nigut aim t toe feet south of tbe soma Stovas Night phones and I31ue 270 wU return on Thursday. The boundary or tbe orand Trunk recine raiw WI SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" Prince fltiDert team will be se- ay thence wesurly and norUMrly par. Tha right work, at the) right Stuart J.Martin ! . rti,i.ii... allel to tbe aald rttht-of-way to a point i'ii, .i n, ma-Ail.- tlma, and at tha right prlca. ,r"rn flu of (tM g w eomer of Lot l Smart, V. rilythe, J. Currie, K, inrnce north lit fret to tbe point of in. ASSAVEH Murphy, II, Mobley, K. Craggs and , ursectlon of the south boundary of said FRED STORK'S HARDWARE 'Alec Cobb. rlht-of-wayt tbence aoutherly and east. les laManeoa. S.A. rrly slotir said rtrbt-of.way to s prlol r"-' HAZELTON S3. O. W, S. WUliaas. S.A, L.L.B ) where said boundary line strikes shore L WILUASW A SJANON Call tlier Pony Hxpress for wood tine i tbrnce a lour birh water mark to tbe BarrlsUrs), Solicitors, Etc Tha oldest established Assay eut in stove lengths or 4 feet. puint of commeneemenL A. W, CARTER, ' ,,,,,fJ.,,,r j Hest household coal and general AcU&r as aienl for tbe B. S. CanMn ,44 ajeaaiY to lsam Office In the North. Co, Limited. oa list transfer. Piano moving out February lltn, HIT. A HOT BATH THE Melawreoa BloeS rnncej Bop ert . C specialty. Prices moderate. Phone WANT IT YOU 301, It. AV. Itogera. tf LANS ACT MINUTE teeeeeeeeeeee,r You ,r. .ccu.loni'J." KEE.tA LAKD DISTRICT DISTRICT or cold water - getting La Cassc Domestic Bread COAST, RAM 0k riVE. 1 i f atantly. Think r reltlllE of the itU W Take notice that we, Ovese Mllicrd Pack VVaterliiUiesamsS Inr Company, Limited, of Vaneoaver. oe Do not Just order "a loaf pf bread- Make it a point to get cupatlon cannerpnen. Intend to apply for permietiou to lease tbe followlnf da. hrhh..n- La Cie Domcitic 16 oz. Bread scribed lands; - Appllratloos wlU be received tt the cuumencim at a post planted at tbe MoT UKE.AC.C net the moat for flet full food value best ofllre of the District Enltneer of Provincial southeast corner of Lot 1 1 Tf tbence south WATER your money Public Works. Prince Rupert, B. C for I enema to low water marki It ore north Materials Purest Ingredients, Hread is the world's cheapest llie imaltloo of District Road Superintend' wesierir is enema ruilowlnr low water Hanson food Kat plenty of It- And see, that It Is etil, and also for Hut of am re clerk and uark thenceo north I chains to Ike Orand Harry LA eASSE'S arOMESTIO KM AD, 1 OZ. LOAF draftsman. Applications should be addressed Trunk panne rtrhi-of-wayi thence south ot Water Service to lb DUirln Engineer. Provincial easterly ll chains follow Inr said riant convenienw. Public Works, Prince Rupert, It. a II Is ofway to tbe place of beslnnlof tod tvn yu this fiat La 6ass Bread from your Orocsr or Telephone 1S0. alto requested that I personal application laming it acres. frf3 L.raSJatn rivv-.uoata-AH P.O. BOX TMC LAHtt. PROTEGTS YOU be mede If possible. OUSSE HU.LCRO PACklMO COMPANY (Wined) A. L. CARHUTKERS UallTtD, Ju j.,,.,rrrfrrrrrrrrrrrrr r- i"''mi II District Eattneer, April tnd. hit. I, rrtd Riithie, stsut. ,J ' '