THE Daily News vol. vnt, y. p5- PIUIfCE tlUPKItT; D. C., MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS S READY FOR ANOTHER BIG ADVANCE INTENSE ARTILLERY PREPARATION ON A WIDE FRONT IS NOW IN PROGRESS TREMENDOUS DEMOCRACY AND IMPERIALISM GREAT FOOD LOSSES OF THE SCARCITY IN Ottawa, April 18, The hope Is expressed hero that Premier Bor GERMAN ARMY den will keep on making speeches GREAT BRITAIN which incur the praise of the London newspapers. The Idea Is that if Premier Borden Is kepi "! for Being preparations ara American Board Will Furoh ths Blgut Battle Yet bus? making patriotic speeches Food Supplies for All th BHUth and French he mar forget to promise Canada A II lea Importation into a hole it being an old habil Armlet Ready. la Raduoad. of bis to promise first and get Pcrliarnenl to ratify afterwards. ! lrtl to Tb tuy w (gpecli! to Tbe Duly news.) So far this Ietat cVst mol 23 imring tne London, April 23. One London, April mllint nf I'rptnio. Ituriton'a tina com tfeciive of the past two weeks, not got hm ,nlo any 8erlous mittee will buy all the food re- the combined captures of the trouble, but that Is because he quired by the Allied nations. By Rriiuh and the Irencn iroops na generally promiaea tnings in this system, competitive bidding tt amounted to more thanwnicn l',e Canadian people were against each other by the Allies, with him heart and soul- luch as will be and the agents avoided, ikirtf.three thousand prisoners , . . , old Mother artificial forcing up of prices will ssjiarre uumu. country when she got Into trouble machine guns cease. This plan will stem the than Itrirr .nntwvw.f.Jtr"7J"' actual losses to the Ger-uti and doing our bit as participators rising tide of tbe cost of living in Its much heavier, In the benefits of the British Empire. WITH THZ BRITISH FORCES ON THE EASTERN BATTLEFRONTThese two pictures ahow Canada and in Europe. This pro armies Is dead very must be num. Hut where Canadian Home the King's Own Itoyal African Miles on the left fording a stream. There are many of these troops posal of the American board has ttJ at their thousands. Hule is concerned Premier Bor-den doing splendid work with the Britbh troops In the East. The right band picture shows a railway the hearty support of the British krtd by A Or at Battle. would be well advised to consult bridge which the retreating German forces in the East attempted to blow up, but with small success. Food Controller. The commission battles of Parliament first and promise will determine the location of all the One war,of and the one biggest which will pot. afterwards. GERMAN DESTROYERS A PRISONER A NOTED ARCHAELOQST the available food stuffs. If Premier Borden has his earl Haron Devonport, the food con sow lA!j be In of progress a decisive In nature Northern is to the ground as a good Premier j ATTEMPT RAID DOVER OF PARLIAMENT VISITS PRINCE RUPERT troller, has issued an order for should have he win know mat the taking over of all the flour Franee Both the British and the Frtoca armies are again ready ninety-nine out of every hundred iSpccUf to The DftUj .Vw. Vor the first lime in a quarter A gentleman of some distinction mills in the United Kingdom from Canadians are so well satisfied , the 30th of April. Importation 1 An pit A flrmnn for a renewal of the attack upon nnnn of a century, a prisoner of the in scientific, medical and ar- with tbeir present position In "e in will be reduced to the lowest pos tht hntders, Tremendous artil deBlroy qu,dron took part Legislative Assembly stood at the cbaelogic circles left Prince ftu- sible minimum. The -mpire uk7 wltal is supposed to have requirements lery Cabling began on Friday n .. ii,i., it i. u. liar of the House last Thursday pert yesterday for the south in from Canada and the United the whole front';. Y T.r.. 7 attempted raid upon Dover, rwo UuheJ and also in tbei "'"'J J??!?' " W vessel, were sunk. ii custody of the 'Sergeant at the person of Mr. Henry S. Well States will be confined to the few diKftroe country. All the way nunc, iu- .. ""-inn,i another doss b r destroyed. Arms, and later he was committed come, of London England. indispensible staple foodstuffs. tnxa Lm to the north of Lens, ers, who want to hand over our It is believed that the German In the custody of that officer for ilr. Wellcome, who is travelling Tbe. utmost restraint will, be im Mirmth as U Cauilrai rail-y autonomy U the cenirauiera " 8qua,iron put out in the hop of.,H;remainder of the session, un-Ikjwnlng for the benefit of-his iteal(h,..bas posed upon the consumption' of loe, the Intensity of the gtrit-L 3lorevver; lnere Ending the vessel upon which lews he should change hislnlnd mane Iplnrn ' IltiripM. hi hnrl fttod. The ohty commoditie Britiib gunfire has been increas. are not so many centralizers in , , . . -riwincr th in lh intervaL i Quarters for the oast two weeks: which Great Britain needs to im itr, and it is Judged that the liowning mree; as rremicr our- (jijjnnji, .Mr. n. I). Thomas was the pris- whence he has visited points of port are wheat, beeef, pork products, c HLrrn end of the vaunted Hln-dttiorg den might suppose. On Inquiry 1 oner, wno was secretary ana interest in the neighborhood, maize and oats. line Is about to suffer he would probably And that David .AtlUWItU DPTimupn JULUILIU CAI lY CDC treasurer of the P. G. E. Hy- re- .t Khartoum, in Egypt, Mr. centrallrer Lloyd Cieorge is no taother hammer blow. The llrit-Ua UICCIAIPO U1(DV ,us," w urr nuniium yu weucome nas ereciea a special WAR CONFERENCE and French are ready to make and that he believes in letting the LUMMDOlUIl 0 WUKK by the special committee regard- Wjng to the Gordon Memorial I combined attack at each end sreat overseas states go on en ing contributions to the Conser- College, at his own expense and AT WASIUCTOW joying the liberties our forefath-l l'ini lim In 1 1 tun lately the vnlivp enmnKisn funds, he olaced.iia oci-hliho. nn,i .-,r,ar-n i .i of the line simultaneously in a rreat era so hardly won. It is only tl,oque,ti0n has been asked in dif- himself In contempt of that com-(there the Wellcome School of effort to roll it up. to Tbe News.) (SpeeUI DiUy A report from HritUh head, Milners and the Cunons who be- erent quarters as to just what mlttee and further placed him-iTropical Research. The chief en- lleve mat me lesson oi una biroi government proposed doing seir in contempt of the Parlia-Meavors of the stafT employed Washington, April 23, The carters reports that to-Vtrdt a move Arthur J. Balfour and war lor uemocracy is mi uc nn ih rolurn nf h nrtnr now a ractil Itself bv his reneated re. were in combatting the terrible Right Hon. Cambral. In the south of 'the Arras battlefield resulted In dominions should have their dem. France wiln regard to the re- fusal to answer to that body, sleeping sickness called Beri-bei. his colleagues have arrived safe at the and wel Capitol ly were ocracy curtailed. absorblion of the present military Tha ScapegoaU Ike The Gordon Memorial College capture of the of Oon-Blleu. Milage When Premier Horden comes tonei h&ci agajn into cjvn fe. -The demeanor of Mr. Thomas," was established in Khartoum soon comed with simple cordiality. The farther This latest advance scares home the first thing ho ought to u wjl, be piea,ing u,e people ays the Victoria Times, "was after the destruction of the conferences have begun. It is be advance nf about a mile lieved the United States wilt tord the Herman lines. do Is to speak to his Imperial al ,argM iQ kn(jw thal tl0 provjn. perfectly respectful and manly Khalifa's power in that region by that federation friends wno nave oeen cjaj g0Crnment have not been and there was nothing but sym- Lord Kitchener. From that time astound Germany. The object of French la the Front. of aelllnr him In wrong wttn the Idle regarding this important mat- pathy for him on the part of all hence Mr. Wellcome has spent the commission, Mr. Balfour said, fighting to the east Canadian people wtille ne was ,he n,embers and spectators, it was to make co-operation easy Coorcy, lep every winter in the Khartoum re the French troops have away. They hae their plans all, A statement of the work which being quite apparent that be was gion, Heing much interested In and effective between those who woUnued ktaont their thrust toward the cut and dried for a Hound Table js being done in British Columbia being made the scapegoat for a archaeology and In a country are striving with all their power Plateau, which up till would cost this to bring about a lasting, peace by which bas imperialism y the provincial Heturned Sol- principal, who as was stated in teeming with history, the chief been one of the chief ob-We country fifty millions a year on jierg commission will appear in the House, had not the courage difficulty lay in getting sufficient the only means that can secure In their advance. lop or a probable post-bellum a rcport 0f ihe Military Hospitals to face the House." labor to conduct the necessary ex it, which is, namely, the success, annual eipenditure of three hun- Commission to be presented to the In the British House of Com- ravntinna. Th nntlvA nnnnlnilnn ful conclusion or the war. FISH ARRIVALS dred and twenty-five minions. i)omin0n parliament this month, mons. the prisoner would have'hull in h educated rpsrardine th There were fishing Wats Even If we could make up our T,ls statement shows that the been confined In the Clock Tower,'dignity of labor. The success Mr. BREAK OFF RCLATtOIW w tbe harbor many mlmls to surrenuerour nomc ju.c commission has 50 duly organized but In the Victoria House, no ar- Wellcome had In this respect is today, navlng nr-"ved at the bidding or eouion i,asn, 8Ub.commiltees and Is represent- rangements for prison quarters jshown by photographs of his last (JpcUl to TIM Dally Xtnt.1 over the weekend. The K. (L, and his coterie of empire ej by correspondent at 20 addi- have been made srt Mr. Thomas Is camp near the site of the ancient London, April 23. Information Jorth Cape has 5,000 lbs.; Eureka binders, the question Is how could nona points. From the discharge spending tho time In Iho minis- city of Merroe, where thousands was otiiciauy conveyea to tne J.000: Star, 10,000; Onah, 3,000; Y,o afford It? vvnere couiu we depot at Quebec, tho names and ters room. or "fellaheen" voted prohibition American Embassy here on Friday Dj'Um,'lma, U.000I Venus, 12,000 get that extra fifty millions a ajjrMl,e8 0f the B. C men re- : 'regarding the native hooch called evening by the Turkish Gov 12,000; Arctic, 27.000; year? Perhaps tne nounu iouicr turning are forwarded by tele- is that the federal government "marrissa." ernment, that diplomatic rela ? ore all American boats. Tn Canadian in Canada wouiu sgninuuw RraPii to the nearest suo-com- keep Itie returned men on pay. The real site of this ancient tions between Turkey' and the tfpit vessels are the themselves? And then again per- n,mee, who arrange for their re- for the building of a national capital Merroe was discovered by United States were broken off. with Afnet It s nnrt.12,000 i.r.. pounds;innn. haps they wouldn't. ception. i highway across. Canada. It ap-.Mr Wellcome personally. Atone h KW' ..till, V', i II I'remicr Kmpioymsni. peurs in us mat mo luuur rrquir- time it was a City Of over one German gold and promises of 3'000: C,,,ef 8ku0, , first and repent mur- i there have be to better ad- fresh and started MftA promise It j Br,own that -ed rould turned million Inhabitants and a place of conquest, got --". i ne III.... . . . . . . . . . (PM .1 U O n.OWi I. ..-III W Hill I r. lllta MIL (I a mm nn.nA A ,ll.laihnl..l n.w.a V - It en p, . , . i ii waru, im in, v - uei'u tui'.nnu i,vh iiiiuiis ini tuuiuHu mvio uisti muiru oiiiuh igrfji importance. things going. was a fairly exciting direction I. the Canadian manuiaciurr. the 055 returned soldiers wno the provinces pro rata to enlist-, Fre-hlatorlc Remains. time for a while for the few Of the Cold K turn!?.!.. . . ... t.niir nt nn n. , - ,k..1 ... Then B am I ii I'll I'lnn to uiuw u .'. -- appucu lor unipioynieiiv w uii-uis lor mo uoriutiuiriu ui m In the results Ot the excavations while people left in Khartown, - a...v IIUIIII'IUUB nillUIICI I ..f nMv llllllinna a YfUr 1U .,n.alnn Thft .,,n.llnna In n. urn r..mia.n.iai I . . nlnrna fi WaII- but it ended happily except for wno between them will : - z . . n . .. .. .. . . . . . i" -.-vv, .. Itie people of uanaua . rm mu- elude practically all tho trades Develop Natural Resources. come found traces of the Roman the Emir of Darfur. lmonbOUl '50 ,b' f l'PrlnK lionsthat Is how mucn it wouiu followed in B.C. It will be readily 'The development of the nntu-VcupaUon of the Soudan. At one The late Lord Kitchener and cost the taipayers. nu, it unuersioou mat too numoer oi rai resources oi tne country ana time, for seven hundred years Sirdar Sir Reginald Wingate were nrdCr 101 cost the Canadian manufacturers pOgti0ns found for the men will tho consequent now industries u.eir power extended up the Nile personal friends of Mr. Wellcome liter VOte, you ,nu,t reB a great deal more H wouiu cosi nlway bo In excess of tho num. would prove of incalculable value'a- far as the Sudd country, where who is connected with the famous id iu Mm tariff which now pro. bcr of men cmnloved. as the ef. to the Emuire. The whole aues-'iti.., .!.. i. drug firm of Burroughs, Wellcome v w - - - - i u 1 VI vvvuiliv vssvmwa lects Ihem In the home marivei forta of tho commission are not Hon might well be tho subject of vegetable growth. The remnants & Co. Hu?l 0o,-Kirt rrld 10 tona Washed and which has recently been made confined to finding only onopost-. discussion between the Imperial 0f their v wheel made pottery are El ll.i llslilin ll aft ah K M McOafTary, high enougit to seep mo uon for tno men many of mem ana reuorai governments witn q(,te distinct from the previous The favorlU household Coal la monuracturcr out in spue oi ",nave uecn supplied with several, provincial governments. aiuj subsequeut native hand-made Ladyamlth Wellington. Fhona IS, llrltltm I'reii'rencH whu-h '-ipiaces oeioro tney aro pennan. "ine worn Deiore us is. n projuc Prinoa Rupert Goal Go. tf. tended to him on paper. Theeuty located. create rrom the army raised for. The operallons or Mr. Well WESJHpLME Canatllan manufacturers are-iip-posed Ilegardlng future employment, wnr purposes, another army for come's school of Tropical He to be friendly to the Borden the report says: As tho moblli. peoce purposes, n self-respecting :gearch was ausnended at the out LONDON C ATI Government, but would they latlon of tho C. E. K. was a mat- self-supporting, producing factor break of the war, but will bo re-tor TOsJIqht AND TOMORROW continue so If Premier Borden In which the individual prov- of tho Imperial economy." jsumed immediately peace is de- AM smtL suggested handing over 6ur tariff Incea took their place as part ir The report concludes w'ith n carejt Third Avenue Moor nd MarfluarlU making power to a group of centralizes who me wnoio, so demobilization with reference to the willingness shown jjp. Wellcome has many stories Prompt Service ef the Beat Oourtot In In Downing Street, us aitenuant ream re or re.em- py employer to assist tna U)m.;t0 jej regarding Ihls oulpost o haura. , there la to eat at all of - Kill' would consider the Interests ploynienl must bo regardwl as one mission In any way posible In 1 the Emplrer He was In Khar -XHt the Hrltlsh Empire at inrgo ami aliening tne whole Dominion. muling emnlovment for the re.'(.... ,.i.a.n i.. ti.A rii nf inn BOXES FOR LAMM . - -- A 1 i lly-v 9 w t nuviii SSV I (Continued on pago u-rco. une nieiiiod already suggested turned inon. 'tliQ Emir of Darfur,, bribed by 0