TIII5 DAILY NEWS M l..r la The Daily News You Can Do Your Bit t THE MAILS In the in the trenches, home, THE LEADING NEWSPAfER iH NORTHERN BftlTUII COLUMBIA ,. In the office, In the factory, Pnt.lisr.ed DaXy and Weeklr For the East, . Quarantesd La re I Circulation In the store, when the body Tuesday. 2 ,,,( S is nourished with foods Wednesdays, 0:30 a. m; HEAD OFFICE that build healthy muscle Saturdays, 0:30 a. m. lHily New Mulldlnr. 3rd Ave, Prince llupert, H.(l Telephone 98. without overtaxing the digestive From tha East. rHANHIKNr DISPLAY ADVKH TISlNls 6n.re.ma r turn, ".outran organs. Shredded Tuesday, 5:30 p. in, rat" mi application. Wheat Biscuit contains the 5:30 p. in. Thursdays, , 1 '' " ' ' " . 1 '-iB3aagggi..'4.'j58 of f j .' m -. Jin1 ? greatest amount bodybuilding Sundays, 3:10 p. in. nutriment at lowest DAILY EDITION Monday, April 23, 1917. For Vancouver. cost. .It strengthens the muscles of the stomach and Tuesday. P. Hi. WASHINGTON CONFERENCE lie in.lhesd Thursday's, to p. in. waters. The reported intestines by making them In discussing the wider poll presence of these pirates do their normal work in a Sundays, t p. m. The Prize tics of the world, and the international on our western coasts natural way. A better-balanced From 'Vancouver. will bring home to the people xvnr council meeting In at large ration than meat Wednesdays, 10:30 a. in. Packet that had the policy of in the WashlnKton relative to the Sir Wilfred I.auricr been carried or eggs, more easily digested Friday, 3 p. m. conduct of the war, the Sun out, Canada would have and costs much less. Ready-cooked Sundays, 7 p. in. think that thin conference had a sufficient naval forco and ready - to cat. Alternate Mondays from Jam. SVfless Kit is i will have a significance larger available for the protection of For,breakfast with milk or 3r than that of any previous her seaboard. The Lnurier cream, or for any meal with ry For Anyox. navy bill called for six cruisers (fathering of the powers. It sir destroyers, a naval college fruits. Made in Canada. Wednesdays, 10 p. in, will have a portent for Germany and adequate bases. The Idea Fridays, 8 p. in. WRIGLEYS darker than any shadow of a Canadian navy appealed to had to come, and before long, Sundays, 8 p. m. yet cast 'on that empire whose all classes of people. It re when the election comes alonp. ceived the of Ilorden , From Anyoi. support many o the Government will it. Is closing in destiny upon the Conservative leaders. The probably have adopted the Thursdays. Sundays and Tues The Flavour Lasts This conference of high rep carrying out of this policy platform of Sir Wilfrid in full. days. resentatives of Jlritain and would have resulted in the es Made France with the American government taniisnmenl or, shipyards on WESTHOLME THEATRE COAL NOTICES In in the capital of the both the Pacific and Atlantic Cnnndn SaltSA LAND RfCOftDIMa DISTRICT coasts, capable of building war United States might well be Tonight at the Westholme will STRICT OP QUtIN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS vessels well merchant Sealed as as called the council of destiny be shown a comedy-drama called Kept ships. Had these shipyard Take notice that WlUUm bltun, of Vie for at that meeting the fate'of been established at that time. The Kiss." This is a film show aorta. B u. wrupsllon accountant, tairnda Tight Right Germany will bo decided. ing a story of a very pleasing k apply fu permlssien to prospect for Canada, and especially the Pa It has been announced that nature, like its title. It is a coal and petroleum on the esi roast ciflc coast would have been orahane Island. In vicinity of Weal river. Foreign Secretary Hal four, a and is well Millions of bars very much tetter prepared to comcily.drama a very Coanmencint st poet planted one anile supplied every month to former premier of England, Mr. undertake her part in the great constructed production. 1 1 is Mia ef the southeast corner of C L the Army and Navy. Every bar means more Vivian!, one of. the leading thoroughly up-to-date, and the till; thence nutlh it chains, thence tatl French statesmen, and formerly shipbuilding programme of the aeroplane scenes are of great interest. SS chaws thence south it chain, thence power to our forces at home and abroad. present lime. est IS chains to polnj of ceenmenreanrnL premier of France, and other The stars, Owen Moore Australia is now reaping the WILLIAM lllXO.1, Send in letter and some every parcel to the the high officials, including and Marguerite llerthot, are Marrh II. 117. Austin Brevn, armL benefit of her naval bill. Her governor of the Hank of England, known to be in the front rank as Front. Small in cost, but big in benefit. navy has done efficient work SI f CO A LAND RSCOROIM4 DISTRICT will meet at Washington artists in their profession, and and at the present moment is ISTRICT OP QUCKN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS within a few weeks to form they are seen to great advantage lending great assistance in the Delicious Antiseptic plans for the successful prose, in this pleasant play. ' Take notice thai Tamer RothweU Mullen, building of the merchant culion of the war. Other allied up There will also be a good musi of Vscteru. B. l. occupation inert haul, la Clcrtnacs mouth and teeth. Helps appetite and marine the of Empire. trade U apply for permtsstoa to prospect governments will be represented Although Mr. Ilorden, then cal programme. rr aal sad petroleum on the nest coast digestion. Refreshes, soothe and satisfies. at the conference by their leader of the opposition, ob t Oraham Itland. la vicinity of Wctl titer ambassadors. t-oaaaBenclnf st post pieoled one tulle WM. WKICLEV. Jr. CO.. Ltd. For Germany this conference jected to making a money con COAL NOTICES until of the southeast eurner of C L YVriglry Bids;.. Toronto tribution towards Imperial na t7l. the esl IS c twins, thence north will have a most sinister aspect. val defence, along with Mr. MI CM A LAND RCCORDIM DISTRICT IS c turns, thence east IS chaina. thence It will remove the difficulties George K. Foster, Mr. J. D. Ha STRICT OP QUCKN CMASLOTTI ISLANDS south SS chains to point of cunimeocccaral The Flavour Lasts I of co-operation between the Tt'lCtLH KOTIIWLLL XCL1XS, zen and others, and favored the March II. HIT. AstUn Bren, stent United States and the allied Tale noure that James Met ally, of idea of a Canadian built governments. A mighty scheme navy, Prince ftupert, occupation merchant, Intends MCtNA LAND RCCORDINO DISTRICT at home, when the Ilorden Gov for to to apply permission prospect ISTRICT Or QUtIN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS for carrying the'war to a triumphant ernment look offce. the Laurier for net anl petroleum on the eai coast end will be laid. It may Island the of Wet I of Graham In vicinity naval policy was abandoned, Tale notice that Arnet Brown, of Vie be imagined that no question river. ton. B. C, occupation vrldovr, lalenda to with the result, that when waf the will be left Cottuuenelnf al s pott planted one tulle bearing on war appl for pennlsslott to prospect for coal unconsidered. broke out, Canada was without south of southeast corner of C L St,?; 'and petroleum on nesi coast of Oraham war vessels, dockyards or thence south tS chains; thence east 19 'Island, in victnlty'of West nvtr. Spring Schedule The conference will un north s tarnce I foundries for their construe chains, thence chains, CiMuaarnclBe at a Dual eUntad t a mil doubtedly mark the beginning " v osien f tne swtttheasl corner of c s. of the last stage or the war. tion. Even the old Rainbow w.s.ss. 'noil, thence nest SS cbalna. thetMe 8. 8. PMNCC GEO ROE Among other matters, the and Niobe were not in commis March si, isi7. Autun oron. earns. ..,, th.1IU u. THURSDAY 12 Midnight f.o r Vancouver " sion. ItkMm iuilli to chains, la mint of men Victoria and Bsatlls. question of the peace terms to SACKMA LAND RKCORDINO wiainiv i meBcemenL The spectacle of Sir Richard be eventually made, and the re ISTRICT Or QUCKN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS AO.XtS'BSOW.t. WEDNESDAY WIDWIOMT FOR ANYOX construction which will follow, McBride skipping across In Se March II. HIT. Autun Brona. arL 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN atlle to secure two submarines Take notice that Joseph ftonat. of Prince fee Ketchikan, Wrest.11. Jeaeea ssl Stetost, Acell 11th. Stsf , will be diseussed. turned down by a South Ameri RuperL B. C, occupation prospector, in- MKKNA LAND RKCORDINQ OIITRICT sad SOth. ree Vaeeeevee Aeeil e, Mev TIN aod list, lenda to apply fur permission to prospect ISTRICT OT QUCKN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS can state, showed the foolishness 8. 8. PRINCE ALBERT THE CANADIAN NAVY for coal sod petroleum on the vsrtl roast ree Qeeea cneelette -ItUMe Aeell Itlft'aee) M, star StSt aad XV of the Borden Government's of Oraham Island. In vicinity of Wetl Take notice thai Ednard rickard, of 9ee Vaaeeuvve Aeell 1C4H s M, Ml May Mlh eed CSah. On the Paciflo coast, ship, action in not carrying river: Los Ahfelea, occu(allon enrtoeer, in lends SERVICE PASSENGER TRAIN has been warned by the Cotnmenctnr from a poal planted one to siply fur pennisstuo to prospect for ping out the policy of Sir Wilfred, tSJedaeedei asd Salereey el 1 1 tSO a. ev f ee Setnkeee. Pries s Sesefs. of the eouthneat of C L. "J petroleum on the vest coast of mile south corner United States naval authorities eeaesctleee fee sews which is proved to have been aseatea, Seeltteesi d Wsealeeo. saekhtf tksee s Graham of la Wetl Island, vicinity river. flit. tbrnce sooth SS chains, thence east teet sad teeth, .atlasd train Tuesday al 4 a. as. to Jteen look out for submarines. every a the right one. IS .rhalns, thence north 10 chains, thence Cununrnctnf al s poet planted one mile Some good grounds Reciprocity of wheat and ell SS chains to point of conunencrmeaL !south of the southeast comer of t L AQoncy All Ocean Steamship Linos. must, have existed for this flouibas also been adopted by JOSEPH ROWAT. SI4T thence vtesl SS chain, thence north For Information tjnJ resenatums apply t-City March 117. Auttia Brewa. arret. chains, thence east so chaina, thence PHONE 2W II, Ticket Offlco, S20 Third Avtnos. warning. It is within the the Borden Government, to de sou t a se cnaine to pout or commencenieaL bounds of possibility that there feat which they were returned SKCCNA LAND RKCORDINO DISTRICT EDWARD riCKARD, are enemy. U boats of a large to power. Sooner or later it ISTRICT OT QUKKN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS . March II. ISIT AusUn Bron. Stent SKKKNA LAND RCCORDINO DISTRICT Tate notice mat jonn wuuam woes, ot . htfict or QUCKN CHARLOTTK ISLANOS MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT sctoru. B. b., occupauoa mcrcaaBi. u- I lenaa u appty tor peraus to prospect ; Take notice thai James Ray, of Victoria, for osil and petroleum on the netl coast r occunatton noul nrt.rt.toe. lnien.ls MOTICE TO DEU.KQIEXT PARTS III RAILWAY Cortlflcat of Improvements' VI ursnans isuira. in iirauij wi ntn nur. u aoolr for bermlMlm la ttrmroet tar CANADIAN PACIFIC To C W. Calhoun; cotniuenclna- at a pott planted lo miles Tike notice, wberea I have done and tDlJ rirvUma on the netl roe it of souw of the aoutneaai corner ot c t, oraham Island, la of Weal NOTtCX ratiM-d to be done assesienent work on Hie vionity river all Eastern Po nts ; laracc eti e cnauu, uwi wiwi Coouaencinf at a host denied at the Lowest Kates o Mldnlr&t fraction situated Caribou Mineral Claim situate In toe mineral claim, " cneios. suriK KMitharsI comer Of C. L. SSIIt tbenee via Siaamcr to Vancouver and the of Casslar District. ' tne Witac rter, about fourteen miles Skeena Mlnlnr Division norm so t ruins w potni oi coanmenccincnt. mMt (. chain, thence south 10 chaina. PACIFIC RAILWAY Where located: Sear' bead of Alice rrw tne new or Alice Ann. to tne sieena CANADIAN JOIIS WILLIAM OOSS, 'thence eat! SO chaina thence north ss Ami. B C cninlor division or Skeena district, sseeys- Meal and Herth Includes " Sleervee March II, 1017. Autun nronn. sicot. rb4lni to puat cf Com,snt.m-BL TAIE. KOT1CE tnat I, I. Tred Rltcnle. for If 14, till, and IMS, and free Miner Certificate Ho. SMS C. actios; VM Tor aid work and recordist I JAMES RAY. m. eaea.na wsh mwniiim wiamivi u.rrh mr Ab.ui. Hmoo ..t Prlncoss Wlnqulnna for Oranb Bay Friday lip. at arrnt for W. k. WlHiams, rree Miner's tne sum r IW.tO, Unless you pay einivr we vvisn i,iiuuii ik iiuuiui Certiorate Ho. SOIIC. intend, slity days the f ltlt.10, for your ihare SKKKNA LAND RKCORDINO DISTRICT Prlncoss Maqulnna for ths south Sunday 0 p. m. from tne date nereor, to apply to tbe the Mld assessment work, toiether wjtn Take notice thai hoslyn Duke, of Port ISTRICT Or QUKKN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS April 26Lh. ktiBlor Recorder tor a Certificate of Im- ltM tl tals advertisement. I snail, at Prlncoss Sophia for Alaskan ports Thursday, nrevenarott. for lite purpose of obtalnlos; ln eaplraikm of ninety (0) days from land, Ore., occupation hotel proprietor. In Take notice thai Frederick Moerscb, or Crown Oram of the above claim. fine oa hereof apply to the mutiny re- tend to apply for permission to prospect Victoria, B. C. occupation atletinan, la-lead And further take notice that aeUoo, un-fror at J-rlnce Rupert. B. C. to have ror coal and petroleum on the west coast to apply for permission to prospect J I. PETERS, Ccnernl Atrent of Graham Island, In tbe vicinity of West tier section ft must be commenced before 1' Interests In the Mldnlrht FraeUoo rue niil and r,etrbltim m ik- .f n.C the Issuance or such Certificate or lm-revrmenu. mineral claim vetted In me, in pursuance river. 'of Oraham Island, In vicinity of West river. r- n lu.nl. Street an Tl.ir.l Avenue. Pilr.ee Rupeit. of the provisions of the mineral net. Comottnctnf si s pot planted one ml9 south of the southeast corner or C U I ujnmiruuiji a, pun piaoiea two nuiet Dated this tTin day of March, A. D. Dated al Prince Rupert, B. C, this I lib south of the southeas corner Of C L. 0171; ihrnce sooth 10 chain, thence wetl HIT. i day of April, 117. If II 0171, I be nee cast 10 chain, thence south 10 chains, tbenee north 10 chains, thence II. C PHILLIPS. 1, FflEl) RITCHIE. A rent. e..i to chain, to point of ronunenceioenL "'lAt? ?'. f tlD' " to point of ItOSLV.t coauneneeraenL LAND ACT UL'kE, LAND LEASE NOTICE Marrb II. 1917. Autun Brown, tienL rnavr.iti(.K MOERICII, March II, 1917. Autun Brown. srenL SKKKNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OS TAKE NOTICE tftt I, Wllilun Jamef QUKKN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS SKCKNA LAND RKCORDIN4 DISTRICT LANO RCCORDINO DISTRIOT- Matlbewi, actios; a esent for the AnsIo ISTRICT Or QUCKN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS ,,T,CT ow QutgH CHMLOTTK ISLANOS rlUsn Columbia Packiny Company, Limit TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorte MeRae, of ' tel. wittered once in Vancouver. B. G, Skldecate. B, C, occvpatloo ecjlneer, Intend Jake notice that Oliver Brown, of Vie Take notice thai John Booth, of U r Arrandale, occupation store keepcer, late to apply ror permlatlon to lease the turu, B. C, occupation machlniil, lalenda Aorelet, occupation contractor. Intend to ad to apply for permission to lease the fpllominr described land: to apply for permission to prospect for apply rr persusston to prospect for coal felloe-tar described. laDdi. . Comuienclnt st s post planted si ,tbe coal and fe-troieuiu on the west coast of and petroleum on I lie et coast of Ora CommencUi t post driven on the M.W. cnier or Lot 4, AliforU Bay, Sklde-rate Urahara IsUqd In vlclniiy of Weil river, ham Island, In vicluiiy of Weal river ait shore of Portland Canal about milt lnlL tbenee nest IS Chr?. f"r-i iwuunencinr si t post planted lit miles Cominenclnf al s poti plaoted leo ml lei and s half north of Dcsflsn Bay, from north cbelna, thence 10 chains in an aouth of the aoulheatl corner of C t aoulh of the souitwasl comer of C L I he ore north twenty coeioti thence east easterly direction foHowtnt the shore line, 7I; thence aoulh 10 chains, IKuee wetl otll; thence east lo chain, thence ncrll lea c halm j thence south twenty chains j iheoce tvto chain to point of cunmrnee-meoL 10 chains. Iheoce norib 10 chaint, ihence.SO rhaina, thence wetl lo chains thrur Ibenra west ten cbalna. eontainins II sere, more or lea. east to cbalna to point or eoMiinenceineni. south 10 chain to point or rtmnrvncriuenL February I lib. 1117. Ml OEOROst MrRAE, AppllcanL OUVtR liliuw.t, I joh BuoTII, WILLIAM JAMES MATTHEWS, Applicant Paled January llth. HIT, All March II, 1917. Austin Brows, armL Marrb II, HIT Ausllo Brown. synL EMPRESS COFFEE IWtffcrLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. a, DAWSON PRINCE RUPeT.