yn.Mr Aprtl 23. TIIJJ DAILY JfEWS AUTOlNTOXICATIONi The "Groundwork" of o OR8LFPOI80fllfJG Health, Comfort and Economy The Dangerous Condition Which Produce Many Well Known Diaeaies. when days are wet and HOWT06UARDAGAINST pavements sloppy, k a THIS TROUBLE good pair of rubbers. ' a FRUrr.A.TlVCS"Fn.it MeJkie -1U TW Trl Wonderfsl You The sure guide to a good Aatolntoileatlon mean self-poleon. pair of rubbers the guarantee Icr curJ by conliuuoui or pa rut I of protection and jatlrad of the refute.matter sfaln-rUilr service is one of these from the body, I aluorbexl by the Uood, Aitr,A7r'ifi Trade Marks: Ski trtntrvcrkfd, lu their effort to rU tbe Wood of this rolwninr. IU-iXthll,M!t tkit a"eoften etuie Indigestion, Ihu of A.-pHlte "JACQUES CARTIEH" - 'GHAN1Y" Mj Disturbed f-tomaih. It nuy pit Maple la RUI8IR "MERCHANTS" - - "DAISr Jac Headaches and .Slrrleirw, mjtrrittt tk KUlmryt and br.rij oa "MAPLE LEAF" - "BGMINWiT ri in the Hek, ybeumMlsm, tiout, 1 sad Ubeumatlc Pain. It is rl.ii r etaMtof tnu end kttftlkr xt-kM nthtllk by tuecotwtsBt ftlmrp-lio: ruin nto the blood of lid rWW matter. A V..ie fr..n Hie ai. Xapol.m: Why t you Mop before you have to Canadian Consolidated fiubber Co.LimitW trn a4:t'iliiiiHU't Ami-id self-polionlne Largest Maautactnrcra of Rubber Good a ia tfce Brftiah KitiaJra i.t'i or i ifxiir hundred and ne thoiiaand. 'rep iHpi uai an at Mon- -fc.l B li " seta really on bowel, EXECUTIVE OFFICES - MOftTBEAL, P.O. jLikrwiKo it in MKtic liccnxe to Ureal: l.jsii- and skin, lnsithea the SEVEN LARGE. UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTUBtNG PLANTS IN CAHMMA Uay that whole four hundri-dj "I am tii.n- lh hearU of the l .oJUscuplheiicrtoiytein. (Couliuunl Prorn Jae On?.. 'and n thouoaiHl are fn arjns. peple of this province are found. XI "SCnVICE BRANCHES AND WAREHOUSES TXBOOAjMUT cawa4 toe. 6 for J-T), trial 25c ''Mjlfiv rt t th'ttti. i f. I.aIi I nil I A 1 1 lliv iiamI iu fit h itmn Ihfll . Jctln or sent poalpaM on n-.l thope of Uniada Lit in parlirular Uif)ir ln.tMj ,lf ,or,i, at jt 1(l Uielr duty to fly Ui the color -?of by 1'rult- ea Limited, rrrr. price i ithmhb h ine oMiurraiM)n .n. -n fw. t consider and they will enlist in Cr.it 4. ..f ihe War (inference, it i U . Irn. . . tiu.irm.. r ,h.. kh..., . able nunuVr. I am going from I. .a 4 a a oIi uiai rreuiHT iwnien is a ,ulh-.nn,,. , ,i, .v ,. n.r.l .prelate to prelate, front priest la LAJUB BYSTtkL reader of Kipllftft. lludyard Kip. omw, There ar another prieot. from father to father, from riMC Iihk ha a measaxe of Umpire,!lwo thoua nd Canadian ofl1cern mother to mother, and from son CIRCUIT NO. 1. tint. N-riiapa ai airong a message unaita-h-,1 iralumr.liinit around L,. mi. and I believe I can ron- It Ilk IL and Jrd At. nn I'reinler Ibmleti, hut be a' ,4n, f ir-i.i it,.... n,i ; i. .k i ttl II tk It Bad Jrtl Ate. nprrin any doHbt atnml ikinada tl)pril had a c,ance to ,meu pyn. ,hijl prminee especially to aend ai;aaaiai4aaajeaiiaJ let 14 Ilk l tod Ird Are. plaea the aeheme of thinR. I'pcier if the would re,vert to the it full share of young men to i In)rd II-Ate.-JattrlJuB Of III. tBd Ud hit it off exactly in his famous railk(lf bul tnpy prpferred Ut be bp lhe iirilish and French tr II 11 Ate., belwee Ilk tod verses, live -colonels and majors rather armies in the field. Ilffhtins for Ramsay's Ilk !Ul (Knot Motel). laeiher aw I in my, mother a (Iia, jj lrde8 .libertr and justice aa we in this i 17 11 Ate. and Ilk IL (Cto-mi house. y j Then there are the "organizinK" Dominion understand the terms." Hotel). Hut wielres tn my own. brifradiers on this id. of thf Mark the Implication. Quebec CIRCUIT NO. X. This ts perfeetlr saUsfaetor)' Iwaler, and the various fion-com- has U be shown, and Mr. Dlondin Sodas let u Jrd Ave and. Jrd It poti to the Cowidtan people. Xobo.ly ii yir itere an mWea will do the showinsr. Prelates, Empire Cream ware has inipro on tudard 'I'-hal will neter see fighting. These priests, fathers, -mothers, sons In II 3rd Ate.Ate.tad an-l MeBrtde McBrtd IL IL Hob's inteniretation of Canada fM?n are ,n uniform bul not in neeti ia be convinced. Mr. IHon-perinanetH let t III Ut tad Ate. aad tad IL policy in relation to arfl Aliocelher norhan a him- din will do the convincing. In u l rod Ate. tad Ilk IU ntjr place? in tbe llritih Kmpire.'drwj (ijysanj uKht to be sub- fact, anybody and eerbody in In 2-1 b. Tim m n . t. r. ITemler llonJen wwild U well lo ,..-,1 rrim iP-rili,P lUirdMi' nuebe is fn blame exrenl Colonel kearry the little book of poettia with iKMIWMls m.taphor trtTome niondin-H. P. Oadby. any- circuit ho. a. their superior enviable reputation by Have atulned their IHia and read those liues when. where near the real figures of ut ti lu Ate. and ration st ever he feelaht feet elippUig. LAND REG1STKY ACT quality and uniformity. The moet discriminating houee-ttlfe Ut U Surdro ad Ttjktc lu. lighting men at the front, either; t m nk Ate. im ratios IL l'rKHH-r ltorden i rrported as mm or "in the near future, l're- InalaU upon "Ramaaya Empire" when buying SoU ! a ttk Ate and Oumot Ate. aaytHg that the donitnlunii bad mier ltorden should keep these jSeeuoa Ji and ill.) Biscuits. Ut n ita Ate. aad Iudt ruee Kit a HiillkHi men in ariiu. t) f figure .f speech within bound. " wuoa .ic, n.Mi. ruu MU let IS 41k Ate. nd TteawfMUi SL oturse Hit wes petic license. In ll -i- .liff In .'nL.,n,l hal hm. 1 TAKE SOTICS Uut ppllClUoO htt bt They are made In B. C. and your grocer gaU bis supply m. 4 e. lali Inkiek KlAe-tm ft t PHnft w CIRCUIT NO. 4. Ihe first place the Premier was has frc,uenUdone herecount-' frequently and quickly. Insuring freehnsss, which means Blipert( . c, a owner in fee under a ai i itk Ate. and Manersoa reckoning on half a million from Ing in the unfits the non-eonu Tat ?) Deed from um coUeewr or um crlapnese. Mere. Canada. Half a million must be batants. the cl'erks, the nooks, the 'eny U Prtow Rupert, beartnf data tot 41 ;u ft NrBrule Ate. and 41 in Am. aad arm IL taken a a round number. 11 is iHdllewashers. that make up thi, ""f- ZiVuarT: Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. m 44 4ik Ate. ad P'l If. the authorhted limit, but the ac-J padded lil of four hundred and uaJ and prrouse slluate, lytnr. and be Manufactured lei 4 ri .ad tlrtt. lual eiiliotmenl is something over one thousand. To make good me in tbe Mnidctpality of rrinee Rupert, by t 141 - Ate. nd lovrr SL knot Lot Ten (id, what we understand was hi Dio" prucuiyij LAND REGISTRY ACT promise namely, five hundred if, file l. HCIKM ... mm- RAMSAY BROS. t CO., LTD. oei and ill.) thousand men Rt the front- near-' von are required to contest tbe cltin he ApeiUn So. t-L aud lT I. ly two hundred thousand men will ,of tbe tax purtbaser aiinm uurty-ntc Vancouver, SL B. . ruiof till. ha to dc emitted vl '' tnJa " tiM 'rTtce Prince Feed Co. tJ bees iw,K ...i. t, ni. Rupert TAkE OTICt Ikal 4tl)Uc4Uo twwwwaaaaaaaaaas' Meanwhile the Hon Pierre , Mail and at- ntadr Ut reflttee larak Lando, or rnace ,. vrd or a Directed, your o. ai m, TMrd Ate. It0rt. B. t.. a oaoer la lee undrr ! lllondin I bee hia itar.l.m thr Irotion I called to section 14 of tne Ti S4l Deed trwa Um Col Wt lor of Ike Hon. Colonel lllondin llnnrabl "Land RerUtry Arr vita amendment, RCCCIVCO ut liioce Hfwt, Uvtat de Ike tod lo tbe foUiur attract therefrom: OUR 1917 SEEDS ui Itod dr ot rpaAxr, III, and ALL AM) Odonel. not honorary colonel, . . . .-and in default of a cateat or certlfl., 2,000,0001 al.vui lah uut rertija partel ar tratl at mark that the Hon Col. lllondin cale of lit pendens belnr flled before tot WE HANDLE Und end yetaiHei Miatlc, UM aad XmIdc is slumping Quebec. One of the retUlraUoo a owner or tbe person eo- lUela A BHgoB, Rannlet' iq ibe MiuH-iUi aT mac Hupel. nwre strangest things about t-ol-nel I wln .nj too, cuiauni Belgians ka and dcntit a Loi Tarry'a Mackanxla'a arurutarlT and etetrn ill . Mwrk teotT-eltkl ill J, lllondin is the interviews he give'- Uu-wuih or under tbem. and til person Qardan and Flald Seada, frrrlkiU SI I i4'. and Lai UunjT-Ikree ill). out. He. says he repents of his eutmiu any inure! in tne land byTtrtue Alio Fartllliara. BkKk tori MI (). 8Uua tllbl lij. past When be advised sh....tmg ""ri.tered Iwirumen and at Uepend on ut Mtp 1(1. holes in the Union and it HAY, GRAIN AND FEED it are rvoalred ta oooUit toe cUUa Jack, , a, mbtwe uue u not reentered Bread! Chicken Feed A Specialty. vl Ute Ui xtri4Mr ttlikn St dajrs (rvta is very interesting indeed ( i under tbe protiuon or una Act. (bail be for lhe dale uT Um terrtce of IkU DoUcf him beat hi breast and cry Pec- eter ettopped and debarred fronvaet- . . . ! ttnar an inv Halm tn nr In rwn?t stftf tha Wa Take Ordara for Nuraery b-o mi I eBerted by HiiUr4Uui. cavt. nut uolonel.lllondin docsn i : ' ,. " ' , thl M.rt.,r U calMI Ut aetllon , t easa era ae otna av Stock. tnd 14 ui V'tir ine alteolMio"Lena iMfituj c enu mere, ne seems to impiy ai nail rcrttter tne person enutled under Since sixxfjy after the German raTaaioa, ike BelgiaM and la Ute foUowinr eitracl that be is loyal, but that Quebec ucb ut aale a owner or tne land c II i i i j t r. j -.-t.. .1 tti" tuetvliurBU oa uic .iiiinatw nave ocpeaoea lor ioou camciy a 04r rtenailf aueaded Ta. itwrt-rruui -' "and In ddaull of 4 isn't. Here is what he said to a sold for tate' catrat ur rrruAraM ot IU rodea bemi AMD WHEREAS appUratloa ba been (or Reaei in Belgium". Thek own store ol food, Lrar Um rrtUlrtUwa onr ol made for a Certificate ot Indefeasible Title would last if only pillaged, destroyed I rnuitrd under each Us nie, all to tbe abotementlooed land. In tn nam even Dot or Um 31 'tirroo it n aerted miU oollee Jo4 of John Rerctnan: three weeks they have had do chance to taiar.Dere Years Older Tkia Tfcc AND WHEREAS on lDjeUr"nr Um under Uwm. aod I uiuae cltiuioc tnreuin or lefuse (heal sad the ruthles Gecsuai to lupply lllle It appear that prior to Ibe Itb day II btoI1 CM urn Off taj mmi Doainion of Caaada laud It tirue af any unrHired Uutru-iwni. or September, till. (Um date on wblci. and all person tUimiof any U-Irreti lb said Und were (old for overdue Backed by tk UUa ute you were tne attested owner detM noe Und by AS The the IiankofUritish name implies, l Uu net A.m t.rlired.kU be under rr erer the euped pretuton aiul of TIMBER SALE X 909. therecr.FL'RTIIER TAkE .NOTICE tbat at UM Rdirf rund mil rruai MiUnr up any claim to or mim I lute I bal egret realttratlon la Belgian North America was of ine Und so sold for lure, pwrnuince of tuck appllrauon and Utile a established M re.pw bil muter Um person Seated tender mill be recelted by tbe r. rliPrile of Indefratlble Title to tbe (aid Hrnlrr long before the rulillrd,I4 IM uuder ueh Itl M at 0' Minuter of Land not later thn noon on land In tbe name of Joba Berrman unlet to tenctouary coebibuteJ in the BnBth Eaapare aad aVa Uaitetl provinces united and Uie tlk day of May, IVIT. for tn pur )bu take and protccute tbe proper pro. late." tm UuO an aoid for Su'.et. the neutral Delan RtEd Coawtksaaa baa apoiaJ t r bat betl rhate or Lire nfe X III, to cut 3,l3.ouo reedinr to etttblltk your rlatm. If an became' the Dominion of AU WHfcRUAS ppHaUoil of !ndfu.le THK fret of Hemlock. Cedar and Spruce, and la the said land, or It prevent ucb pro enoojh wheal. Sour ani other (oods to feed tbe wbata a ties Canada. The Wu. fur a teruncaie nwaltoned Und. in tbe ntnx ,i lineal feet of plllny. on an tret s4 noted clloo on my parL to (ar. The peat majority ot the 7.000.000 Rilpiat leet is sound, 4, (be lUrati au-ite Lsndo. Jnuunr Lot 107, iutkatla Inlet. Oraiiam nurf at tbe Land Rtalttry omrr the country have been able lo paT (ot their dJy atewaacc ei Progressive management i.r AM WllthtAl on lBveUiUor Ulamt. Queen Cbrkiie DUirlcL rnm-o Rupert. B. C, tbt (lb day Ued but a steadily grown auaaber have se usaey lak. has the tub oy of Tv (I i year will be allowed for re Dea-mber, A. D, till. to jvluch made it Ikal prWr it iiari a power motel of timber. It. T. MACLEOD, de wi Ultb U huatdVcd al aNewaarli el ri.iuibr. till, like Unlet wukf to let these in Canadian finance makes oterdwe Ue). runner partlrulare of lb Chief ror-eir. Apr. IT. Dlttrlct Rerutrtr or TlUea we are 4id und e W fr be isslal lhe 11 end Victoria, ft, t, r puirici roretier To Simon Peteraun, DttlittlU, California. woroea, cli3aen and ok) toea lUrve. Ibey auiat tne bank for your ),Mi rre Ike mUimd at rrinee Rupert, B, C cJ the BeLi'ian RrW Fusd. Ts auke tbk PoaaiUa tkrreut. uaiiert account. HHTHtK TAkK JIUTICK tnat it lb ocneoae mutt cootnbute Marly 9i,mm,JWI a reutrat(oa In TIMBER SALE X .1 H .L" .! f ,irr tune I ua 920. nxxna til um wwoi THE BANK OF i.ur.uaure ar uh apoUcalloa aud lue a certiocale ef lodefea.AU TIlU to tbe Mid Stuart J. Martin No peoelr uodri the AXcx FUs ate aa wrl aUe la eaaai BrlUsh Veiled tendera will'be recelted by tne j Narlh ran """" America r "u"7" land la Um niue eaeroualy a w Caaadiaaal Ne cause baa era, boas peeteruce tbe PH P-i.-vedint Niuitter or Land not later tnn noon ot . ..... . i.i -. 1 Years, in mihiNcsa. UA. i.'and eiUWk four euuu. if ny. the a 11 Jiy of May. HIT. for tbetpur-rbate ASSAYEH tieervin ol bejpl la tne asm juaajca AM riaatbaau n CAMTAl AND BUN FLU, tlJU.. Ut Um sld Und. or U prevent i prw of Licence XI0, to rut 4,11.000 the ate ol out own scli-reapea-- let as tire sl we CM.as frel if ll.nil.trk. ridtr aud Ipruce, aad AKetl roaityteJ pttted irllMO uu iwjr prt. help our PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH BAIEII at I. U I"' "race! 3.ti' lineal feel of piling on tn tret HAZELTON B. 0. aljlnlnr Lot 1101, Jutkalla Jnleu Queen 5eJ vn MUcrVw wly. nskry as la ana Ibm aas Is Laaal a W.J.SMiri!ERS,MttBaflcr CbarMie HUtricL rWiaci!CaaUMM, U tk S April A. .? I IL r Mt.fc-'',..rtB rrm.otl-Three t year'-Will bs.ltlowed'tor The oldaat eatabllihed Assay Central Einutivi Committee, if K Pr tt puirici Bitrr at TlUea. of,uaiber, ADVERTISE IN r i Mtle ruui "' : luriher particular of tn Cblef for-etier. Office In tha North. ' !p2.50 Feeds A Helglau. FaunJIy A Ha4ak. II r aik and H. o. lUfber, ' Vlctorl. B. c, or Dlttrlct loreeter The Daily News t i Ul II- tt -rtnc fxperL B, C,