HIE DAILY NRW8 Monday April 23, UjjffTfffrrfr- Do have ever LETTER BOX you FOR RENT Local News Notes IN THE theblues"? Sheet Metal Wcrk note ee,.nondents please 4 roomi. tew, oewer, ranee, Roto H-iii it a AT4 w. 110 Esr Ladies, have you registered f Hint all letter to the Editor re Tliat discouraged feeling often become"'In been h, Ut j u Ho. I roomi, bath, Htir, scnualnted must DO accompnnieu w.i urn hiil publication comes from a disordered atom I roomi. bath. Mwr, no. 101 Mu Pelting eggs. Barred Ilncks and by the name and oddrcss of the nch, or an inactive liver. Get two Place. Rhode Island lied. Ilnrry Atkins, wrllcr-Kdltor. your digestion in shape and bo.U, a. u. by l:. J ( room flat, furnlibed, nttf, bath, Butcher. the bile actirwr properlythen toil int A to. 171 Summit e e e Prince Rupert, April 23rd. thcbluea" will disappear. You Gasoline Tanks, Pipe, 4 roomi, both, rsnr. Avenue. Mr. llenry'S. Wellcome, of Lon tuin- the Dally News, will soon be cheerful,if you take fitting nnd Plumbing 4 room, 710 Thompson Street. . ' don, England, left for Victoria With regard to tho meeting of nnd nil 4 roomi, 110 lib Avenue, EaiL last night. n, notice commissioners held lines of Sheet 4 roomi, 1JIH Till Aeenue. EaiL e :: Metnl walled : -Ah'n they were BEEDiAM S Work 4 roomi, 111 lib AveSee, WesL Mr. W, W. Lewi was a pas. Thursday, : I room tut, tain, sewer, McMordl. upon by a delegation, oi me i. u. Prompt Attention ni south snj scnger for the on yesterday's Apartment. D. E. and the W. C?T. U. wllh Worhrnanilip .. 4 roomi, to lift Atu, E. steamer. - - a a ao. to me resiricieu uis 4 roomi, furnished, bath, 114 ttb reference PIUS Atcnuo, EasL Canada's alio factories Mr. W. C. Nicholas left for trict. H. LET0URNEAU I roomi, near drydock. Commissioner McClymont made Vancouver on the Princess Ma. l SIXTH now ran as the AVENlfc T corner Oreec and Tib.Ate. among best, roomi, that wo for Oft remark respectable the people's remedy Section 4. in the world, and one that qulnna yesterday. the rhons lllack 325 p o Box US be accosted In the ailments. They act might common If Yeur Heuee I vacant Lift It with takes a very high place for men Ut Mfo Om rill It foe Yon. the excellence Mr. H. S. Irwin, of the Forestry street This seems very much thoroufihly on the stomach, of Its product H. G. HELGERBON, LTD is that of tho Department, left for Victoria yes. like putting the responsibility of liver and bowels,and soon regulate tcrday on business. the existence of the district on and strengthen these important J. A T. KLL COMPANY. the shoulders of the respectable organs. Purely vegetablecontain A "Bell" shoo is always a The latest casualty list contain women of this town. no harmful Prince Rupert Dab "quality" shoe quality in the name of Ptfc. W. Turnaway, of We pay a police force for the drugs. Whenever you feel "Ik Daily News" material and quality in good Namu, B. C killed. protection of the cltliena of this despondent a few doses will UWDtW WtW SIAWAafn-f style not "freak" style. We city- If this force cannot, or will PURE HOLSTICfl CLASSIFIED ADS. are sole agents here for the Mrs. Frank Mobley has returned not do so then we must have Make Things MILK "Hell line" and among the from Victoria, where she has been others who will, in the mean time CREAM many other models that we slaying for some time. we do not care to take the respon took Brighter BUTTERMILK are showing is the one above. sibility of purchasing our proleo WANTED. It is a particularly attractive Mrs. Oebhart's dressmaking tlon by the downfall of other Levant 1M tU.-iA.rM.fiU.-rar kv t kmi,let.WeU U. PHQwi m r. 0. aoi too WAITED Younr woman at. kitchen maid, shoe and comes only in parlors have been moved from the women. All Or IT ffmpUi AttMlH T. ware lit monib with room. Apply to mahogany.tan calf. Clapp Building to Helge rson Blk. Mayor McCatTery says the dls WATER NOTICE lady lupu, rrlnco Rupert Qeoersl'Ho-, We have a complete range Phone Dlue;&02. og. trict has 'been In existence for R. McKay, Proprietor. of fittings in this model from oeven years, consequently the . OIVKASION AND USC wajvteiv Modern furnished apartment or 2Hto7H Don't put off any longer. Get 1917 commissioners are not re TAKE MOnCK that Oeorte McRse. I bo, . children. A44ri Rot Ho-, Tha Prica la ft-SO. oiif name registered for Inclu sponsible.' We admH 'they are wtwsf.. e-Urese Is BkMeiau. B,. C, wtb i bin. rnnce Rupert HoieL ,7 apply for licence to take and use 110 r.r i i I 1 i We sion on the Provincial Voters' not responsible for the.conditions have, as well, many . r cable fret per ralMte of water out el WASTED Lor r M Rltn- Men Apply other models at lower prices. n-ii noil v-v iw 1 it 1 now. in the past, but are, for the conditions Demiier Creek, which How northerly and Harry A. Harcey J,4R. Mornn,' Ltd-,,?- vcf, Wtffixm,.4l of 1917. drain late Altford Bay, about it chain (Late Leoeea, Ba, Mansoa. '17 sale of home will be from IM .". E. corner of T. L. Oil. The C.irfM4 cooking We think it Is rather a foolish ef !) sler ntfl be diverted from the itreaaa at WAITED-31rt Apply Sail I Besner H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. held In the home of Mrs. D. Can- statement to make, that because a a patai iboet vat chain west from 5.W PUPIL OP UMSOOMTNE COTTtU IT, Apartments. dow. Eighth Avenue, tomorrow condition has existed for seven rorner of LSI 4, B. C rtshrrte. and WlV Puplli Ttkea for rouno afternoon in aid of the Red Cross. years, it should always exist. This be used for never purpose npoa the land VIOLH, PIA.IO, YIOU.1 CELLO sal described as edjolniat Timber Umil III HtftMO.IY. does not seem progressive. la epplirittoa to lease. . rOL'JfD Small bunch or keys. Apply Potty The girls of the High School EXAMI-lATIO-lt - We trust the commission. Jfews once. r if. Call the Pony Express for wood that This notice was posted oa the rrounl Peplle Peeoe4 fee tii-YaHa.) will give a Russian Tea, In aid of ers will enforce the law as their m the II tt day of Jaaaary, 1017, A aeeeeleted Veevee, 0M FOL'JtD Lady Vanity 'Bar. Apply Daily cut in stove lengths or 4 feet. the school patriotic fund, on Sat. oath of ofllce requires them to do upy of thl noUce and aa appticeitot Wersl Oil. ef le. Leoe- l. news once. tfi Best household coal and general urday, April 28 In, from three till We would draw the attention pursaaat iherete and to the Water Act, till witt be Bled la the offlce of Um TERMS PHONE BLUE 271 MfMCLLA NEGUS transfer. Piano moving o u i six o'clock, in Klllas' Ire Cream of the commission to the fact that Water Deeerder 01 Prince Rupert. Ob-lection apecialty. Prices moderate. Phone Parlor. they are not appointed to inter, I, the appUcaUoa may be Bled TALBOT HOUSE Oood Room. Etery con-, pret the laws of the country, but with the said Water Recorder or wtu .101. It. W. llogers. tf the Comptroller of Water RKhts. Parliament -enlence. Hot water bath. 11.10 and It The Oddfellows annual church toee that the laws are enforced. BuUduts, Victoria. B. C withti per week. 10c. and lie. a nlrbt. parade took place last night in Thanking you for space, I am. thirty days after the Brit appearance o4 DENTISTRY RADUATE NURSE (CM.B. London) Term The Daily News delivered by the Baptist Church. There was Yours Truly, "his notice la a local newspaper. moderate, apply P. O. Box 041, or carrier, 50 cents per month. a good turn out of members. The CITIZEN. The (Sale tf the Brsl pobUcatloo tf UK so lire is February tut. 1017. OMOWTM miom wroas Phone 41. Rev. W. W. Wright conducted OtORUE Mr RAX, AppUcaaL a araotALTT LAND REGISTRY AOT service suitable for the occasion. THE CRADLE FARM LAMM TIMBER SALE Xlil. OR. J. S. BROWN REOO.1 A-tD CALtrOR.HA RAILWAY CO (Section IS and lit.) Mr. Ed. Still well, of the West, Born to Mr. and Mrs, Alfred OMTIOT QRA.IT LAMDSy Title to ume revested fte Application .lo. SI 44-1, mint III. holrne Theatre, lias been missed Berner, of Prince George, 11. &, Sealed lewder' win be received by the sei 9mn M. T4 A In L'nlted Bute act or Coorreu Minuter of Lands net later then nooa c by TAKE .10TICE that application ha been from his accustomed place for at the Prince Rupert General llo-pital, the oih dry. of lane. 1017. for the dated lone 0, lit. Two million, three made to rtcUter The Corporation of the partial the last bis night two, and handred thousand acre to be opened City of Prtncw Rupert In the Prottnce of or on April 22nd, a daughter. of Lire nee 7,011. to cut 7.111.00 Tor bomettead atd sale. Timber' and Brand Columbia, a owner la fee under thousand and one instruments feet of Hemlock. Cedar and Sprue, and a rr cultural land, eootatnlnr torn of two Tax Sale Deed from the Uutiecior of have been silent. Mr. StillweB U Navigable Water Protection Act, I.IOt lineal fret cT pillar, on aa area ad beit land left In l'nlted S la tel. How U lite CI lr or Prince Rupert, bearing dale the in the south on business and wilu H. . CMAPTTBI tt. loininr Lot tost, iuikau Inlet, Oraham PLUMBING the opportune time. Larre miQ ibew 7th day of December til, of ALL A.4D ' Itlaad. Oween CnarlolM Itland District. AT HOWE'S Inr land by section and deicrtption at al.iOVLAH that certain parcel or tract of soi)n return. The Orsnd Trunk Pi rifle Halfway Company Three (I' years .will be allowed far removal AND sou. climate, rallfaU, deration, etc. land and prtmUet situate, tytni. and blnr hereby five notice that n ha, under tf timber. Postpaid one dollar. Grant Land Le-catinr fcri M. Manaon. IX said Witt rerther pertiewlare ef the Chief Foreet-re, METAL WORKS in the Municipality of Prince Rupert, more feetlon 7 Of the Act, deposited SHEET Co., Box 610. Portland. Ore ton. W. B. William. I t. L.L.B Victoria. B. C, or District Foeeiur, particularly known and described a north- the Minuter or rub tie Worts at Ottawa, Westerly Seventy (70). feet of Lou Eieten WILLIAM MARtOR ind In the office of the DMtrtei Re-tstrar Prince Rupert, B. C Tltey eaoke MeUee Teats. -Plyee, WWMMIWMail (II), and Twelve (It) Block El-Hteen Barrlatara. Solicitor. Eto. f the Land Re-tiiry omee, DUtrlet of BaMke tNocae, Cet tm, (II), SecUoo One (I). Map lit. rtare Rupert, at Prtoce Rupert, description eod all in weel uet as mmi-m BOOWT TO IXWM of the siu and plan of I amber mm la the OLD FASsoonso Tia teoe, ; Yon are requtnd to conteit the claim PHONE 13 P. O. BOX 3S KOV J.LH1CKEY MTtTM ALL TMC LATSIT ; work be built la or the lax purchaser within thirty-nve BO IISI sod other proposed to day from the date or the aertlce of thl iwmm Sloe mac) Revert, . C Jm Prince Rupert harbor at Prince Rupert, PACfflC CARTAGE, LTD. TO-OATS WOMt tcouuita,a.ooaatcts. t ae WTLMurra. smith Columbia, la front of Waterfront (which be effected by Personal CONTRACTOR A BU1LBER nouce may Bveeithlof he the Use fee , B tertice or aa directed), and your attention Block T. aecordiar to re inured plan of I called section SO of the -Land R- the townstte of the said city of rrtnee e Peeteer. BUtee pt e-e to le aS Store and Ofllce Fixtures, litry Acr extract with amendments,there'rom: and to the It CALL FROM reentry Rupert reentered."lire si ."to.la Oil.the aforesaid Sect loo 7. land Transfer aaJ Stwage IhWe eeted ef to meteetsL heMee. Rwiei.eeri ef Sash, Door and Moldings. followlnr A.1D TAKE .10TICE that after the expiration OlMe. PetlCCS rtSSNT, SUfKS BEST LUMP A NUT COAL "and In default of a cateat or certificate FiMT-cutaa. a aarisrita Artists' Rifles, London, of cm month from the date of Eng. Oak and Hard Woods or all or Us pendens belnr Bled before the ret the Brit publication or this notice, the roncit is our ait. kind. titration a owner or the person entitled TMOMK B40. P. a BOX 7. . jj Orsnd Trunk Pacific Railway Cocnpany NO LONQ WAITS under such tax sale, aU person so served tee Atwtt Cum Marte Minerva . Fecteey e4 Oetce UI 1I1. under Section 7 of the said Art. apply Wa Spaclallxa In making with notice and those claimlnv NO SHORT WEIGHTS ed td Street, eleee U Ceo Bar This notice should interest any to the Minuter of Public Work at hi or under them, and all person Wkerf and fitting atom win ibroeib clausinr any tntereit In the land by vir old member of the "Artisls" residing offlce In the aty of Ottawa for approve! Whan You Order from Us. ml s4 ibmii eveeeae.t Butiataa. f the ald site end plaa and for leave dowa, any alia tue of any unre filtered instrument, and in B. C. Would they kindly to construct the said works. Plata and Shaat Glaaa and all person elalmlnr any tntereit In the forward their names to Robert Dated at Wlnnlpcr. Manitoba, this list land by descent whose Utle 1 not rerli-ured box day of rebruery, A. D. 1117. Barker, 127, Daily News, Glazing. under the provision of this Act, .ball be for ever eitoppej and debarred Prince Rupert, B. C, or Douglas THE ORA.1D TRL'.IK PACIFIC RAILWAY Cornar Fraaar and BUi Ma. COMPA.f Y. H. IL H A.I Solid from set tin r up any claim to or In respect Spencer, 17 Craven Street, Strand, SARD. lor. of jibe land so sold for late, and the ft a .ea f.a PHONE GREEN BOB Retttrr shall recister the person en ii.onuon; oojeci connecteu wiin HUM LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of FRED STORK'S HARDWARE P. G. MX 44S. tilled under such tax sale as owner of the the recently-formed Artists' Rifle ooarr, mamc a. land so sold for taxes.' j Regimental Association, and par. j A.1D WHEREAS apUcatlon bat been iticulara will be forwarded to any TAKE nOTlCE that the Brtliih Columbia made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Till members making their address Cannier Company, Limited, of Victoria, . 710 SECONO. AVE. to the abovementkrned land, la the name( known. C, itlmon carmen. Intend to apply fat W The Corporation of the aty of Prtnoo HaWwara Ship Chandlery permliiloa to lease the fotlowinr deicrtb Carpsntar'a Tool Bulldora' STEEN&LQNCTOL Ruperti s ed foreihore tands--Commeactnr at a poet Fishing Tackle Wlr Cabla Staal Bloc ha , AND WHEREAS on invetUraUnf the UOe planted on the north bank of the Skeena 11 appear that prior to Uie-roorteenih day Kiver, 110 feel south from the soutbeail Iron Pip Pip Fittlnga RIDes and Shotguns SANITARY AM HEATING Ur Sepumber, 10 It, (the date on which rorner of Lot II, R. I. Coast Dtilrtcii Valvaa Ammunition tM said una were soia ror overoue 3ii thence south too feeii thence westerly Rop taxes), you were a monratee thereof. and northerly parallel to the shore line, Pumpa Hoaa Paint . rtrtTitcn take notice that at the a distance of approximately 410 feet to Corrugated Iron Rubborold Roofing Aganta for same time t shall effect re miration In a point 100 feel south of the soutt Stova and Rangaa pursuance, of such appllcaUon and lnoe boundary or the Orsnd Trunk Pscine railway Application will be received at the "WE BELL NOTHING BUT THC BEST" McGLARY FURNA6CS a Certineafti of Indefeatai Title to the tbenre wsiicrly and northerly par offlc of the District Knrtneer of Provincial said lands In the name of the above corporation stlel to the said rtibl-of-way to a point Public Works, Prince Rupert. B. C, for PLUMING unless you take and prosecute due south of the S. W, corner of Lot Hi the poanion of DUtrlet Road Superintendent, the proper proceeding to establish your thence north 100 feet to the poiol of Intersection and also for thai or cmre clerk and and claim. If any, to the said land, or to draruman. Application ibould be ad of I be south boundary of sals' FRED STORK'S HARDWARE SHEET METAL WORKS prevent such proposed action on my part. dreiied to the District Enrtneer, Provincial nrbl of-wayi thence southerly and easterly 1 Dated at the Lnd RefUiry OOce, Prince a loot said rtthi-or-way to a rini Public Worka, Prince Ruwrt. B. C It I Phone S, 834 Second Avenue, where raid boundary line strikes shore ee Rupert, B. C thl totb day of December, also requeued thai a personal application Meeeeeeeeeeee' Night phones S7S A. D. toil. be made If poiilble, line) thence aloof bi-b water mark to the ami Blue 270 H. P. MACLEOD. (Slined) A. U CAIIHUTIIERS point or commencement. DUtrlet Rerlitrir of Titles. 00 DUtrlet Ennneer. A. W. CARTER. The right work, at tha right To Frederic cbaitner, Esq.. Acting as a-ent for the B. C Cennint time, and at tha right prioe. care C L. Freeman, C P. It. Bid. Co Limited. Edmonton. Alberta. February 14 th, 1117. A HOT BATH THE LAND AOT MINUTE YOU WANT IT That's It! I" v.... arriialomet tO SKEE.1A LAUD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Instantly. La Casse Domestic Bread COAST. fU-IOK FIVE. Kftlinir Think cold watrr of the sst-iaiuctlon Take notice that we. Oi-aaa tiuirt v.k. of getting Hoi Do not just order "a loaf of bread" Make it a point to get Inr Company. Limited, or v.nrnn,., w. Walrr In itio sanis r w cu pat too caonerymen, Int-nd to apply for abuiulance, regardless 0 La Cae Domestic 16 oz. Bread lniiiw criucq iiouai w kim in loiiowmv de- how much has bfen uied Cotninenclne at a noil lint-ii .. befora. Oet the most, for your money flet full food value best soutbea.il rorner of Lot 1I7 thence south HOT WATER LIKE MA0I0 world's "aurumar I chains to low wsur markt thence north, Materials Purest Ingredients. liread l tha cheap, wealerlr II chains folloin I. Tt est food l'.at-vlenly of it And see that it is mark 1 thence north I chains to the Orsnd Harry Hanson LA OASSE'S ROMESTfC BREAD, 18 OZ. LOAF (runs rsrine nrm-or-wtyi Ibenre south brings "AlLl-vIos easterly tt rbaini rollowtnr laid rlfbi-of Hot Water Servlcs tay to the plare of beilnnlnt and . ... 11. .imveiileiico. eon. " Gat La Oassa Rraad from your Grocer or Talephona 10. laiiuu 1 1 acres. )WU !( WS THE LA ML PROTECTS YOU 1' laeai MBJ XtWJVi I 'ffL I OOSSE MILLKnD PACKIN0 COMPANY PHONE 4S9 P.O. BOX wi rmuj ?rrti'twni j LIMITED. i.. eeeee April IikI. HIT, I. rred Riichle. at.ni.