I TUB DAILY NEWS islry of Wnr In (kmtaiiliiiop!e The Daily News lately. The occasion was thu return THE MAILS of detachment of wounded . Ae00 s a -a THE IX.4DIN0 NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PablbHed DaMy and Weekly soldiers from Mesopotamia, Tho For the EasL Guaranteed Largaat Circulation indignation of even tho Turks at Tuesdays, 2 a-Wednesdays. the domineering (iermnns can be 9:30 a. in. understood, but the surprising IIKAD OFFICE thing Is thai the Turkish women Saturdays, 9:30 a. m. v luily News HulldliiK, 3rd Ave, prince Hupert, Il.G. 98. Telephone should do the horsewhipping. From ths EasL v !? Ccr-. -Acts I IIA.NBIKNr lUSPLAY ADVKHWIMs 50 cents per Inch. Contract Women there have heretofore Tuesdays, 5:3a P. f, temWM Wi- JXSSJTSlNa rati on application. been regarded chielly as household effects, but now the world Thursday. 5:30 p. m. mm movement for their emancipation Sundays, 3:10 p. in. DAILY EDITION Tuesday, April 24, 1017. has evidently spread to the harem. For Vancouver. On tills occasion they have ns-tUmI Tuesdays, 4 p. in. themselves and made themselves THE P. Q. E. ENQUIRY f scapegoat, it Is hardly necessary fell. Thursdays, 10 p. in; "My Agreement was to lakej to say that anybody with Sundays, 4 p. m. The Prize care of the campaign funds an a n ordinary conception of China has commenced assisting Vancouver. far as the Conservative party ethical standards niust be con- the From u,e A(e!, agaiM 0crmau was concerned," said Mr. Tato, j vlnced thai Mr. Ilowscr's com enemy. Her first contribution is Wednesdays, 10:30 a. in. Packet in the "ism before the I'. u K. committee. mendation of his course was a whole railrond thirty-six miles Fridays, 3 p. m. This "agreement" was part of an affront to the Legislature long and complete in every detail, Sundays, 7 p. m. Mess Kit is 1 fn a bargain, and regarding this and to the country scarcely rails, ndling stock, and equip. Alternate Mondays from January the Victoria Times less than that reprehensible agreement, ment. It is to be shipped to the following pertinent delivered tho two absent 1st. asks the by Allies' western front and to be witnesses. The confidence that For Anyox. questions!- used in tho great drive. The line What, were the other terma Mr. Thomas shared was n confidence had been constructed by a German Wednesdays, 10 p. in. of that bargain? Was the of guilt or the men who concession to the senboard, Fridays, 8 p. in. contribution In return it would not have company's gave run and the Allies will have much Sundays, 8 p. in. for the over-payment of away. Mr. Dowser knows or pleasure in using the German nearly 10,000,000, or the action ought (o know thai the law From Anyox. material against its former own of the late government in rcaognizes no such confidence. ers. Thursdays, Sundays and Tues. The Flavour Lasts closing its eyes to the condi Would any law-abiding citizen days. Made Hons of the contract since revealed consider himself bound to keep SUN AND TIDE by the Inquiry, or the silent on the witness stand on COAL NOTICES In six.inUUon-dollar "loan" passed the ground that the person or Cnnnda Wednesday, April 25lh. MEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT last session? Was not the persons accused of serious Sun rises ......... .5:21 ISTRICT OR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS campaign fund derived from crimes had told him all about a. in. Sealed Kepf Sun sets 7:50 public moneys Improperly diverted their criminality "'in confidence?" p. in. Take neace that William bltoa. of Vic TtgM High water lit. 20.8 night ..3:25 a.m. loria, B. orrtipauon sccovatant, Mimas to the company? Was Mr. Dowser y Mr. Low water ..0:55 a. m. Ht. 1.1 te apply for perrolMloo ta prospxt for made to Thomas to bo "commend actually an attempt was the west rne.t nal and petroleam on i High water ..1:23 111. 18.0 ' bribe ths people with their own ed" for his faithfulness to his p.m. Uraham ItUnd. in ticinity of Wesl rtter. Low water ....10 Ht. v.O Millions of bars supplied month p.m. one nUie every to money? What undertaking was employers. Would he be equal Commenclnr at A post planted seett or the soutbeast roroef or C. L the Army and Navy. Every bar given by the late government ly deserving of commendation means more '.all tlf I'ony hxpte i-r wiW tTIi thence north IS chains, thence east to the company in the event of if bis employers, for instance, SS chains, thence south se chains, ihence power to our forces nt home nnd abroad. its re-election, as part .of the had robbed a bank? Is the cut in stove lengths or 4 feet est SS chains lo point of corumrnremrm agreement? Who negotiated honor of the Legislature or the Itest household coal and general WILLIAM 1)1X0.1. Send some in every letter nnd parcel to the March It. tf IT. AattiR Brown, trrnL the bargain and who benefited country nothing as compared transfer. Piano moving out Front. Small in cost, but big in benefit. from it, and bow? with a'confidence which covers specialty, l'rlces moderate. Phone MEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT Ilalher than answer these wrongdoing? Is the public interest ItTRICT OR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS questions and others equally negligible alongside the 301. It. W. Rogers. tf Delicious Antiseptic Tske noUce that Turner Rotbwell MuUen, pertinent Messrs. Tate and expediencydirectly affecting of Vk-torta, B. C occupsUua sacrchasi. In Clennsc mouth nnd teeth. Helps appetite and Welch levanted, leaving a subordinate thai public Interest which The Daily News delivered b7 lends to spplJ tor peiluissMa to prospect to be the scapegoat. prompted Messrs. Tate and carrier. 50 cents per month. rur o-al and petroleum on the wesl cuetl digestion. RefrcMhcs, soothe and satisfies. The men who have had millions Welch to leave the country? of Oraham Island. In slclmtjr of Wesl liter. cooimrnctnr at a post planted one sulle WM. WHIGI.EY. Jr. CO.. Ltd. to which they were not entitled What is M'r. Dowser's ethical COAL NOTICES nouib of the southeast comer of C. L Wrlfiley Itldg., Tor on I o and whose operations already code, anyway? tsil; thence west SO chains, thence Due lb have imposed an annual interest i i i i SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT- is chains, thrsce eait IS chains, tbcoce charge of a million a NOTES AND COMMENTS STRICT Of QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS spath Tl'R.VLR St chains HOTIIVVLU.lo porat of commesKviDrbL XILLE. j The Flavour Lasts 1 1 year upon the taxpayers who Take DuUee that James Mcielty, of March SI. IB IT. Auiiln Brown, SrL will appreciate the character of Further light is shed upon the Prince hupert, occapeUca merchant. In-lends MEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT the burden when they receive (whole world aims of the German to apply for permustoa to prospect ISTRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS their tax notices disappear emperor and his clique by the lor cual sad petroleum on the west coast with what amounts to a ges-'outbreak of revolt in Drazil fol-ture or Graham Islsod ta the tlclniiy of Wesl Take notice that Arnea Brown, of Vic of contempt for lowing that stale's break with rlter. torta, B. C. occupauoa widow. Intends to supreme j Coauiienctnr at pott planted ""'"" un-ly for )rmlsstoa to prospect for coal the public and all its works. Germany. Three stales of Drazil soath of soauieasl corner of C. L. t7'alMl ,.lroula , ttl asi ef Oraham It is their intention to remain .populated thickly by Germans thrvre south 10 chains, thence east Island, in ticinity of Wesl rlter. Spring Schedule away until after the end of thejare in open revolt and fighting is r bains,est 10 thence chains to north point Itf of chains,commencemenL thence south Comntencint of the southeast at post planted Corner two of mile k session, when the commille tin progress with the Government JAKES McM'LTT. IS0JS; thence west SO chains, Ibrnee S. 8. PRINCE OE0RQE of inquiry must cease its in- troops. The rebels are well March II. ItlT. Aastla Brown. arenL north SO chains, thence east SO chains, THURSDAY 12 Midnight f.o r Vancouttr vestigation? Do they expect .armed, even with artillery, nd throce south So chains, lo point of cosn-BiencrmcnL VlcVorlo and Soattlo. MEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT thai some counter-blast will j their preparations must have ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS AOS tS BS.OW.1, WEDNESDAY MIDKIGHT FOR ANYOX put the government in difficulties, been already made long before March SI, I0IT. Austin Brown. arenL 3.S. PRINCE JOHN ' involving a dissolution the I'wopean war commenced. Tske notice that Joseph Roust, of Prince fee KUMt, Wrsefsll. Jeesee 0sasr, Asell ISth. SMf tW, IRS and another election, which iltevolt at home, of course, will Rupert. B. CL. occupation prospector, In MEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT i4 Both. Fee Vaeeoetse Aeell Bd, RUy Tlh asd fist. tend lo apply for permission to profpeel ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 8. S. PRINCE ALBERT would give them . another prevent Drazil lending her full for coal and petroleum on the wesl coal I rer Qesee Chastens lalaads Aeell sM twist. May SlU M 2 chance to continue their merry help lo the Allies, and that the of Oraham Island. In tlclniiy of Wesl Take notice that Ednsrd ricksrd, of ree Vseeeetse Aeell ISth eed SO, wl Stay 1tA aad tSth. course, under the old friendly Germans were prepared for these rlter; Los Aarelcs, occvpstloa eosloeer. Intends PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE auspices, from where they left contingencies all over the world cuouueociov flora a post planted One lo apply for permission to prospect for Wsee4sr Beterear el 1 1 tBO a. s. f SaiRheee. Rrleee Bseefs. IS mile sooth of the southwest corner of C. L. coal and petroleum on the west coast of off? Id the charge against the 'shows to what extent they had neetee, Ssslsteew end Wlealssa, SMklef I Uisre fee sS S tS. thence south SO cbanis. thence east Oraham island, in tlclniiy of wesl nter seat ad sevth. .Btlssd tesut stsey Teesesr at 4 e. r. Attorney-General following alj'expected to eventually dominate se .bains, thence north SO chains, thence Coswincin sl a post plsnted one mUe south of the southesM corner of C. L, Aoency All Ocean Steamship Lines. once upon their sensational de- the world, rt se chains to Point of commeneemenL JOSEPH KOWAT. ,SSS7. utence wesi se csint, wence norm For Information ami reservations spply t parlure, a counter-blast lo that March 31. II7. Anstln Brown. arenL so cnains, soence esti se cnsins, intnee City Ticket Offleo, 52C Third Aonue. PHONE M end? Two German ofllcers were pub- soutn sv cnains 10 potni or commencemeni. All this will be disclosed in licly horsewhipped by the Turkish SEEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT I ribtanv. lime. As lo Mr. Thomas, the .women right in front of the Mln- ISTRICT OR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS March II. If IT. AUlUn BrovB. SfeDL . SKEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT Taae nonce mat soon William oost. m t,ot OR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT t xioeis, p. v.. occupsuon mercnaai, I lends lo spply foe permission to pro.pec 1 1 Tk( iwllre thai James Ray, of VktorU. for coal sod petroleum on the wesl coast r . ofcuttlluo boul hroortelor. Intends Certificate of Improvements MOTICE'TO DEU5QCE3T PANTHER f Graham ItUnd. lo slclnlir of West rlter. to -.lr .7. .-nnlauon ta tro.tect for CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY To C W. Cilboon at two miles a post planted done and -ounienelnr ioJ rirvum oo the wesl coast of Tske nolle, tiberras I hate soutn or toe souioeeti comer i. u Graham Island, In ticinity of Wesl rlter riuwd to tic done atsesnnent work on the Points NOTICS south Lowest Rates all Eastern HOT; tbeiiee west 10 chains, thence cotumenclnc at a post planted at the a .. ifiii..ii riiim aitufti In U Mldnlsbt Krsctloa miners! claim, slutted mile, 10 chains, thence estl SO chains. Ihence corner of c. L. Iltl thence via Steamer to Vancouver and the Stseoa Minlnr Diftsloa or Cassiar District, -." "'"tf rtn north so chains to point of commencemenL M( te chains, thence south 10 chains. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY fro,n " Alice AnB- " Wtxrt located!:Near bead or Alice sun nituAS uuse, tbence east SO chains Ihenee north SO minim division of Skeeua district, assess- Meele end Deeth Included on Sleemer Arm. B C. March 31. 1017. Austin Brown. arenL fb4lM u, pold or eommeneemenL TAKE JSOTICE tnal I. J. Fred Ritchie. ""n w Tor 1IH. tS. and ISIS. nd JAMES rree Miners Certificate No. if IOC. teunr hT P"1 for Ml1 wor recordist SKEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT jurrb II, 1017. Austin Brown,RAY, arenL Princess Maqulnna for Oranby Bay Friday 11p. m. '" " of tU7.lt. Unless you psy ss arent for W. A. Williams, rree Miner's istrict or quits cmubi-utti islands ertlflcate Ro. S0IIC Intend, slit days"- " for jour share MEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT Princess Maqulnna for the south Sunday 0 p. m. from the date hereof, to apply to tbetof the said asaessmeut work, toeether with ISTRICT OR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS April 2lh. Take notice that Itoslyn Duke, of port- Thursday, Alaskan of Im. rtx ' ' dwtlsemest. I shall, at Princess Sophia for ports Mminr Recorder for Certificate land, ore., occupation hotel proprietor. In. . ; , ,h.r;..k MplrsUon of oioeiy ( days from k retements. for the purpose of oMalnini , '"V " lends to spply for permission to prospect crown Crant of the abote claim. j reot Plr to the minim re- ..... :...L.m ,k ... Melons, B. C occupation salesman, la- un''' frtaet hupert. B. C, to bare J . I. PETERS. Gcnernl Airent Aid fnrtber take nouce that action, of Oraham Island. In the vicinity of Wesl ? J, proapecl oar section S J must t commenced before J" Interests In the Mldmibt fraction iwr wesf - s vavtssw vh Maaf wa iuw Thlrl Prince Bup.l B C fja A.enwe. njlnersl cUlm eted In me. In pursuance Co ner Fearlh Stieel isd w.u.nre at such Certlfleate of Im-: " ' or west mr. at mile "., ': Commenclnr a post plaaud one V! oi uie iroTitivu vi ids mineral t. rerementt. A. D IiaUd at Prince Rupert, B. C, this 1 1 11 south of the southeast corner of C L . tu ' ' "aw of f t L. Bated this tlth day March, 9.71; thei.ee south so chains, tbence wesl O.ol.b!4,i ,turBr ISII, day of April. IS 1 7. Jy II n .h- ....h ,i . . thence chains, tbence south J. FRED RITCHIE. AtenL, II. C. PHILLIPS. east SO chains to point of commencciuenL mt f chslns, tbence LAND ACT IIOSLY PULE, hi (wwi vi coutiueDceuirni, LAND LEASE NOTICE March II, 1017. Austin Brown, atroL ' March II, 1017. Austia Brown, sieut. SKCCNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OS TALE NOTICE that I. William James QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS MEENA LAND RECORDINQ DISTRICT ttINA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT- Matthews. acllDf as asent for the Anilo ...n.v, wr VU'V , ' ISTRICT OR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS BrIUsh Columbia Packlnr Company, Limit. TAKE NOTICE thai I, Georre McRae, of ' se. rerlstercd office In Vancouver, B. C,! Sklderti. B, C. occupation eosineer, lo-f Take notice that lillter Brown, of Vic Take notice lbs l John Booth, of Los Arrandale. occupation store kecpecr. In-' tend to apply for permission ta lease the torta, B, C, occupation machinist, loiends Anfelrs, oecupallon conirartor, Intends to lend to spply for permission to lease It j folloln described landsi- lo atply for permission to prospect for apply for permission lo prospect for coal l now lor described Uods- J Oomrwwlnf at post planted at the coal and irlrolcum on lb wesl coail of and petroleum on Ihe west coast of Ora Conunenclnr at s post drtren on theN.W. corner ef Lot 4. A II ford Pay, SklJe-sstt Urabau Itland in finally of Weal riter. ham Island, lo tlclniiy of Wesl rlter ibore or Portland Canal about s mile , (ale Inlet, thence west 10 chains, thence conimencinr at a post planted two miles , Coanitedclni tt a post punted iwo mllei led a hair north of borntb Bay, from. north chains, thence 10. chains In an south of the souitieait corner of C L. south of lbs soutbeasl corner of C L Ihence north twenty chains: thence .eaili easterly direction folio In r the shore line, BS7I; lb.nee south 10 cbalits. tbence wesl tJI: ihence esil so cbslm. tin. tee cbslnst thence south twenty clialnsi'lhenre two chains to point of commence. i 0 cbains, tbenet norlb 10 chains, tbence so chains, thence wen so chaibi h.iw SHUbSt. &SJa& meoce wen kii cuauia. .uteui, conia'Diui i acrrn. inure or icti. icail so chains lo rfnl of neumencrineoL south 10 rbslns to point of ronuneneeaiehl, A. B. Inc. February tlth. ISI7, MS: 0E0H0E McHAE. Applicant. I OLIVIH BHuw.V JOIIM BOOTH, WILLIAM JAMES MATTHEWS, Applicant 'paled January 1 lib. If 17, All March II, ISIT Austin Brown, arent, March II, ISIT Austin Brown, srni, EMPRESS COFFEE VftOLESALK DISTRIBUTOR p, q. DAWSON . PRINCE RUPERT,