The Daily News viii, o 97 PRINCE RUPHRT, B. C WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1017. PRICK FIVE CRNTf BRIBER GAM MADE BY EMTIS TROOPS ADVANCE IS MADE ON A WIDE FRONT AND MANY MORE PRISONERS CAPTURED BRITISH HAVE THE DEA DMAN OH WAR COUNCIL ARISTAZABLE ISLAND RESUMED THE NOW SITS IN Chief Oammon, of the I'rovin-I'olice, returned to the city late OFFENSIVE WASHINGTON last night after a visit of inspection to the location of the Island Crtat Qalns'Slads on Wldo Front Tho Pronoh Commission has Hew Mora Prisoner ro Tshsn was found a week sro. From the Arrived In IfnHoel Activity Is OpmI on i4aBBBRBO :. , condition of the remains, the Italian Csmml Ion Italian Front. chief thinks that death must have to Lmvo Soon. vtr . occurred about eighteen months PfUl to Tt (Special to The Dally News.) London, April 25 The IJrilUh ago. It was only the clothing Washington, April 25, The iffensive has been resumed today, that held the bones together. eowenig A'eesivg' Frnch commission, whfch has iben lb" troop under General The shack, where the find was been on its way here for the con Uig command pained more made, contained absolutely noth GERMAN ARMIES BEINO COMPELLED TO FIGHT ference with the American and jr unJ The advance was made The Kaiser's forces on the western front are confronted with British government officials, has 90 t wide front and fifteen hun. ing, except two or three empty the truth that, they must fight to the limit. The French have now arrived safely. The place of boxes. There stove, was no nor fofdmare prisoner were brought executed several feints and the lirilish are likewise keeping the the debarkation of the commission utensils of kind, t Further progress ai made CAPTAIN WILLIE REDMOND showing food, nor that the any had not enemy guessing along a deep battle front. Kast of Courcy shown has been withheld from the public. f man of Monchy Le Preux this allied advances officially reported. Several days Ue east on map, are to The party has not yet arrived The lighting on of a fighting been living thero previous to his s4Roeui, which place lie about IrishmanSon of the Irish party death. ago the fSermans drove the French from their positions on the in Washington, and all in a miles to the east of Arras. east bank of the canal at Sapigneul. but the French slowly have formation regarding the move leader. From the made by enquiries T; the south of the Ilapaume. parliamentary is missing regained the lost ground and retain the bridgehead. It may be ments of the party is being kept Chief r.ammon, no one Caabral high road, the Iiritish ANOTHER QERMAN with the that the Germans are planning a retreattfrom the Champagne region secret by the censorship. to description ziaeil ground on a wide front. DESTROYER SUNK correspond of the dead and the east of Itbeims and that the French are pinning them down The members of the commis T the ft of Epehy, the Uritish man and threatening to smash the left pivot for their retreat, which is sion from France Include ex. far bit of remains matter so a. a trcopi harp reached .the St. tSprdst to Tb Pitlr at Berry on the Aisne. Premier Vivian!, Marshall JotTre, QufoUn canal, in the neighborhood London, April 25. Another mystery.There letters In the The II indenburg line already has been broken at Vlmy and and Major Dreyfus. Third Assistant of Yendhuile. The villages were some possibty lather points. The French are striving mightily to add to Secretary of State Long, German destroyer Is believed to clothing- of the dead man, but. f Villers-plouieh and lleaucamp the consternation at German headquarters by breaking through at Colonel Crosby, Assistant Secre pre alio raptured. The greatest have been sunk 'in a flghl with a having got weL the writing He Is.had almost i the south end of the Hindenburg line. West of Cambrai the enemy tary :of the "Navy, Mr. Roosevelt, taia achieved today was a thrust Ilrilish aeroplane olf Zeebrugge. undecipherable. evidently is said to be so hard pressed that he is using chaffeurs and bands-I and Admiral Huse are greeting letter in Ink, axiint the Cambral-St. Quentin written-one men in the fighting line. His air service has been disorganized by the French commission. with the intention of mailing it lint. Along the whole front the THE TRADES AND the daring deeds of the Uritisli aviators. Tallylns lip. somewhere. The name of the addressee taray continue to put up the LABO. COUNCIL MEET cannot be distinguished, Mr. Ilalfour and President Wil- most desperate resistance, but but the name of the town loks CONSCRIPTION IN -GERMANY AND A .son, tne neads or trie Anglo, U4j tains continue to be reg-wre4fcy At a meeting of the Trades and like "Saithness." UNITED STATES; SEPARATE PEACE American conference, have plan the Uritiah. The Oer-BiBf Labor Council held last evening, A further Investigation of the ; .... 4..i . 1 ned to spend today in tabulating, Minnor attempt U defend a communication was" read re"-gardinir correspondence will be made to. i tKu! to The Dtur stws-i 7 - j rspecui; to-m Dm xtw.r : tbrreHi-of4hie-parly. 1 1 Tho. thtir elaborate underground sys- the long hours of some of day. when some further fact inay Washington, April 25r-Con-; Amsterdam, April 25,- Ger- President and Mr, Balfour deny leas. Ikj brought to light. scription is vilal to success in!,nv s ,' rnPih r themselves to all callers, and get lens is now morn than half en-v the hospital staff. It was decided Arintazable Island, where this war is what Lieut-Col. Uridges my mr wit sq ua-iv va down to real business. The outstanding ped the Uritish advance, that committee wait upon the forts to adjust matters with the Issues by a I discovery was made, is tells the United Slates. In show-. are money and gruesome a.i4 they can occupy thecoal city hospital board and place the mat quite a large Island, and it lies ing how the Hriish were hamper-to United States. It appears that the food. A final discussion of the at any time. ter before them. the other side of Princess ed In the early days of the war by efforts to obtain a separate peace international issues will await fkven divisions composed chiefly The W. C T. U. had intended'lloval Island, little over one hun- the volunteer system, he told how with Russia have subsided. Count the arrival of the French com of Pomeranians and Bavarian usitlnir nnnn Iho iNllinrll reCard. II worKeu f me s vnai J t i in- Ileventlow said that the government mission. -- " '" - - dred miles south from here. against save been smashed up by the InR some matters of Interest to dustries of the nation. The people seems again to be setting The Due d'Abruzzi is expected British artillery. Two thousand the whole community, but owing of Great Britain were won to universal its b opes towards the United to head 'an Italian commission, priioners from these divisions ( the illness of one of their mem FOOD SCARCITY service by realizing that Slates. which will be on its way to Wash, have passed throug'h the British bers, the visit was postponed. HURTS SWEDEN only by it could victory be asi ington shortly. lines alreaJy and they are still Credentials were received Irom sured. " . JAMES W. GERARD coining, members of the Longsboremens' x MAKES DISCLOSURE WESTHOLME THEATRE French Front. Union, and other routine matters ! Stockholm, April 21, Dissatls- Paris, April 25,Gen. Nivelle's were disposed of. lUCllOIl "II" I"" SIID Ul tllU BIHU IN THE LETTER BOX Itoslon, April 19, To show the At the Westholme Theatre to troops are holding on to the posi. ration, the shortage in many kinds "deep hatred" which Germany has night, the sixth episode of the Unns wrested from the enemy MORE STEAMERS SUNK of provisions and high prices held against tho United States, great serial, "The Shielding during the past weeks. Nolwith-standing cenerally. resulted today In a Prince Rupert, April 2tth. former Ambassador James W.t Shadow," will be given. The va the strong German al-tarli, (Sp-rKUto Tb Dslly ."ct.) x strike of laborers in all the shops 1 lie Alitor ot tne .ews: Gerard last night disclosed facts riety of interest which is excited none of the ground gained Christiania. April 25. T h c a r I ha f nwn ni Vnaiopvik wMeli Would you kindly allow us whfch he said had been kept from by the various episodes, of this during the great offensive move-rat VAru.ulm aieamers lMeive and has a population of some 8,000. space in yoilr valuable paper to. the American people during the wonderful story without words, is has been given up. Skjold have been torpedoed and The laborers quit work at noon, make a lew remarks z Ipast. two and a half years quite extensive. Everyone who Italian Front. sunk. The crews were saved. formed into n procession and Yesterday we noticed the Stars j He was the principal speaker at has seen the former chapters of Wie, April 25,The battle in visited the municipal authorities, and Stripes floating in solitary a nati6nal defence dinner given this tale will undoubtedly want to -arso Is becoming incrcas-fctfj 2IBASSAS COOK HURT who promised to secure for the glory against tue Diue sy oi uu- i,y the Pilgrim Publicity Associa see ii out. A Pathe Gazette is violent. Dispatches recciv- workers sunnlemenlanr bread pert from the flagstaff of the citv lion Mr. Gerard said that Ad also on tonight, as well as comedies, from the front Indicate that Th. o.wiV nn the flahins boat cards and a reduction in the price hall. Where was the Union Jack?, ,nirat Von TirpiU, in thinly-veiled of the kind everybody likes.-There krriflc lire from the'"Italian ar. belonging to the of milk and food for earners of Why was it neglected and not even statements, and the Reichstag and is a good musical program hllery Is demoralizing the enemy, Cold Storage Company, had a mall Incomes. The strikers later flying from the (lovernmepl the Prussian Parliament, in open and taken all round, the bill for nral Cadorua Is quoted ex-Pslng nasty accident. . yesieroay. ii.i m-n. held aWetlng, attended by 2.000 liuildings winch s very rarefy discussion, had proposed the institution tonight's show is one of general the utmost confidence in hnnirinir un a large piece of meat persons, and appointed a com- I? We all admire "Old Gloryt" of unrestricted submarine interest. i troop, whose morale la splen-dii on board the v vessel, his foot mittee which adopted resolutions but when flyinpr over a government warfare against liritain with slipped and his hand Decome im-nnnn asking the town authorities to building, it should be side by side the intention, "when Kngland Goldbloom's has just received wis Reports. Hie meat hook. in. Insure greater quantities o with the Union Jack, should bo subdued by hunger, to a tremendous line of summer Prior to the great Uritiah drive Ilicting a nasty wound. After being cheaper foods and demanding that' Often the American Hag was come over to the United States goods. AH very reasonable. ,afly in March, reports received dressed and fixed up at the atate tovernment reach an the only one to bo seen flying In and collect the price of the war from Switzerland declared that hospital, the cook, whoso name Is agreement with the powers that this city, even before the States fr0m us." Just arrived 1M tons Washed "indenburg was massing great Moore, left for his vessel, which regulate deliveries of food to Joined the Allle. as tnis nn "l want to tell you," Mr. Gerard Nut Goal Albert A MoSafTsry, Jies or troops on the Italian was expected to sail aooui noon. Sweden, so that Imports shall be oversight or wilful neglect?' We added, "that If we had not gone Phoney 13 . front, presumably preparing for Increased. nni vray tot union, nnd for- ; jnt0 this war Germany would have great German drive into Italy, RUPERT MAN IN "BLIGHTY" The strikers then returned to i u ine symuois oi union,j fulfilled her Intention to come li now believed work. 1 JUST TWO GIRLS." over here afterward and attack j that most of men have been re-trnnsfer-back w... i.n lin received In town At Karlstad, 400 women factory us, and would have done so al WESTHOLMFs to the weslrn front to that another man from this city (workers assembled nt tho city hall SUN AND TIDE most with the applause of the rest 'd and sent the Thursday, April 26th. of the world. I tell also oruA Hoesi in opposing the Franco, is In hospital in England wound-imI, a delegation to mayor can you "fltlsh offensive. the western front, hd. to demand an Increase in the Sun. rises.,.. 5;22 a. in. that everything consistent with TMMHT ONLY from French Official. Grant, who used to work for Stan bread allowance. . Sun sets 7:58 p. in. honor was done to keepU out Sixth Episode of the prl. April 25,Artlllery ac- Parker, nnd later with the Im. j The shortage In many articles High water . .4:0 a.m. lit. 19.5 of the war. lieyond that, I am "SHIELBWHi SHADOW" j In the vicinity of Ilraisne and pcrlnl Oil Company, has been of food daily grows more appar- Low water 10:10 a. in. lit. 5.2 sure, none would have us go. PATHE GAXETTE "r Craon. French patrols took enl across the Channel with enl. Potatoes cost from 30 to High water ...5:14 p. m. lit. 17.1 ine former Ambassador ex. "'iy prisoners, German attacks ..i..1.1....i, ni..r of shrapnel in in cents a litre (2.2 pounds. In Low water ..10:40 p.m. lit. 0.8 pressed his. belief that citizens of KOWEBIES navs all been repulsed. In Cham. vnrlou parts of hi anatomy. He Stockholm the milk dealers are I German descent in the United accepting OnU Officer: (In France buying pro-'Slate but he "Shicldinr Shadow" will be J!We Brcnade fighting is in pro. is getting on at wen ns i no new customers, would prove loyal, Hi, j meal has vanished from the mar. visions for the mess.) "Donnez- added, "if they do not stand with repeated tomorrow at 0 p.m. "PoUmla. expected. ket, and it is tllfllcult to get but mot, s'ilyvous Plait, du pain, du us, I think we know where to fes t I,r,tu, troops have occu-P'N ACCIDENT ON SIXTH AVENUE ler, Nearly all kinds of vege- bum el frontage pour la messe." toon theun' Bamara. Heavy loll was tables are becoming more scarce Shopwouvan: 'Pourv la messel llrlllih f ken of the Turkish army. The One of the big teams of the and dearer In price. Mon Dieul Quel religion!" CASH rOH THE ALLIES LONDON CAFE arn nntw .l..t. -i.a ii.-.. Ltd- went over ., .? the ,,orth of Hagdad. The the Pacllle sidewalk Cartage.on mxui .v.u The high school girls will give "tnl the Pony F.xpress for wood (Sfiectet la TIM Dlljr Mwi.) destruction ,,f the Turkish tiia..... nrciiliMit- - was the a Russian te-a.aru sale of home. cut in stove lengths or 4 feet I.o4mi, April 25 Great Urit Third Avenue Brn'y la now almost certain. result yi'iinuv of on automobile passing cooIhr at Ktllas Ice Cream par Ileal household co and general am ha received the sum of Prompt Sorvlor of ths Boot suddenly. lor in old of the school patrlollo W).0t,040 front the United horses i scared the moving which Plana out ..... i .... r.. . i ... imrmrii thoro la to M at til Th . . . . fawji.1,-''" nousenoid i ooai is The dauiago Old ' amount Jo State, as her first conlrifeuttaH I i i Vrtnrmllh W"l"8ton. Phons 15. anything, but the aeomem immn towards meeting the immHtfe BOXES PMt LABM ""Psrt Coal Oo. tf. have had very serious results, Is urgent, so keep this date u XV Hrs. If mtU of the Alliea,