THK DAILY NEWS Man's Staff of Life every effort will he mnd by sub The Daily News i LIT- hunting railroads to under the whole wheat grain not Influence and power n leading Nfiwst afek in north km n.infl its Spring British collmbia Schedule Published Daily easel WeeM the white, starchy centre of ti..mi are millions ol stnki Guaranteed Larfswt Circulation the wheat make no mistake minions of the public's money- S. S. PRINCE nrnnn about that but be sure and It mar lhe HIcrty of not THURSDAY 1t Midnight Involved. Many f,0 p parties V'ncou' HEAD 'OFFICE you get the whole wheat nn.lrrhand n few blows will bo struck Victoria and 8e.ui. hsily New Iluildlng, 3rd Ave, Prince llupert, H.ii. Telephone 98. grain in a digestible form. fp. Brewster may rest assured WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX IKAHIKM 1)I1LAY ADVKHTItJINO 60 cents per uwh. t.mitrai-1 Shredded Wheat Biscuit however, that behind mm la me Fee Kstehltan, Wrasfell, J.nssu fNINCE anS Slagwa",JOHN isth. ss. . ' rals on application, contains all the tissue-build-irig, vast majority of ttio pumie senu aM SOth. Fee veseeuvsf April tir4. mt, y,C .,! tut ' mrnl in hio flghl for in prolec energy-creating material linn nf the public Interest. Tho Fee Qusae Charlotte IslaM?'aJIo 'tlfsfa 4n?Z DAILY EDITION Friday, April 27, 1917. in the whole wheat, steam-cooked, people will back him to tho limit Fes Vanseuvsr April 4 SO, ss.r u"4 Vath M"' shredded and baked, vSSENQER TRAIN Waeaeeds, and, at 1lrtOfcm. 's.,,, A perfect food for the for wood Uf BmNMr Call the Pony Kxprita sneeue, eek.te. tn4 WmMpe. met,. tes-stllOM "t TJ4-seal OPEN WARFARE taken over by the British. This Ih of the and nourishment aeeth. " human .Blieed train cut in stove lengths or 4 feet eteey Tussdsy si 4 a. m. Military writers in Eng. Is a highly Important factor body. A better balanced Aoenoy All Ocean land are very hopeful thai tho that Is orten lost sight of by Best household coal and general Steamship Lines. present fighting will develop (hntn W Yl f nllAmnl I tvtrxn all f era ration than meat, or eggs, imnsfer. Piano moving out -r, K0V ,nfnrmnt,on nJ rc-'ervations apply to into open warfare, in which the the offensive nnwor of Britain's OT Starchy Vegetables, SUP specialty. Prices moderate. Phone w.y mvmi umn, D2 Tniro Avonuo. PHONE 5Cft f Allies have invariably defeated great ally. There aro thoso : plying the greatest amount 301. H. W. Hogers. If the Germans. There have been who bellevo that owing to the j of body-building nutriment up to date three great battles tremendous casualties that will; at lowest cost. For brenlr. in the west, that of Grand result it will be impossible to fast with milk or cream, or Ladles, have you registered? Couronne do Nancy, that of tho drive the Germans back on the for any meal with fruits. News delivered CANADIAN Tho Dally by PACIFIC Marne and the first battle of Ilhlne. Military men in high RAILWAY Ypres. In all of these the Al position share this view, but as Made in Canada. carrier, SO cents per month. lies were victorious. From opposed to It is the undoubted Lowest Rates o all Eastern Points such experiences it may be fact that from now on Germany's cago Tribune: "America has no COAL NOTICES lJjsJlsV via Steamer to Vancouver and the augured that with the immensely strength will be on the intention of fighting a ladies war. SXfgNA LAND RtOORDINa DISTRICT CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY superior 'equipment wane, and conditions of fight- America is going to fight, and ISTRIOT OF QUKIN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Meals end Berth Includrri en available now, and with the ing are steadily undergoing anlwhen America gels started, it is preponderance In numbers, the alteration which reduce the PinR to "Sht with more origin- Take notice thai William Dlton. of Vic FrlncesB Maqulnna for Qranby A Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. armies, unless number of casualties lality, more initiative, and lorU, B. C occupation: accountant, Intends rVlneesa Anglo-French sustained more to apply for permission to prospect fur Maqulnna for the south Sunday 0 p. m. make great strategic by attacking force. In the savagery than nation in the they some an any cost and petroleum on tbe est coast v Princess for Sophia Alaskan blunder, are certain to defeat arly stages of the war it trenches." We hope that Kaiser Orsham Island, In vicinity of West river, ports Thursday, April 26th. the Germans if fighting can be estimated that the army on the Bill's correspondence secretary Commencing at a post plsoted ursr mile outs of tbe southeast corner of C L forced into the open. Both the offensive lost three men to will not prevent him from seeing 1971: tbenre north SO chains, thence eet J. I. PETERS, General Atrent battles fought on the Marne every one, of the enemy. That this paragraph. 10 cbslns. thence south 10 chains, ibence Co rer Fourth Street end Third Avenue, frlnce Rupert. and in the Ypres region can be may have been the case up to west 10 chains to point of commencemrnL U.C classed as decisive in the sense the lime of the battle of the Germany's submarine warfare WILLIAM DIXON, March II, 1117. Austin Brown, agenL that they altered the course of Somme, bul il undoubtedly has against hospital ships has imposed the war and ofrced the Germans not been so since. Britain and a new and great task on SKEENA LAND RCOORD4NO) DISTRICT to seek the shelter of entrenchments. France have been losing less Britain. It is propesed to find ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS In the same way troops than Germany in the hospital accommodation in Frence the battle of the Somme has latest offensives. One indica for the wounded, the majority of of Take Victoria,nouce B.that C occupation Turner ttothwell merchant Mullen,In FRED STORK'S HARDWARE had decisive results, or at leas lion of this is the large numbers whom heretofore have been re ttnds to appty for permission to prospect such as are destined to be permanent, of prisoners that have moved to England as soon as they for coal and petroleum on the west coes were fit to travel. This means of Oraham Island, la vicinity of West river. for it forced the Germans been taken. The weakening of 710 SECOND AVE. Contmencing at a post planted one tulle to retire from positions the German morale is another that all the physicians and surgeons south of the southeast corner ol C, L they had occupied for two factor in reducing the humber of military age in tbe Old 997 It thence west 10 chains, thence north Carpenter's Tools ulldors' Hardware Ship Chandlsry years. The present French offensive of casualties among the armies Country are being summoned for 10 chains, thence east 90 chains, thence Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle seems likely to attain now on the offensive. These service abroad. south TL'RNLR 90 chaina HOTIIWLLL to potnt of cunmencesaenL ML'LLXN, Iron Flpe Fittings Nines and Shotguns a similar result. It is undoubtedly aspects of war as il is being The Government realizes that March 31, 1917. Austin Brovrn. agrnL Hops Valves Ammunition designed to force a retreat, conducted at present go to Pumps Hose Faint and if the effectives can shoNv that military critics may SKEENA LAND RCCORDISMs DISTRICT COAL NOTICES ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron be kept up to strength and the be at fault in magnifying the supply of ammunition is great task ahead of the Allies. We Take notice that Agnes Brown, of Vic "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" LAND RtOORDISMt DISTRICT there if this torts, B. C, occupation widow, uteods to enough, are good reasons hope they are, for war STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS for looking for a considerable Is to achieve the results hoped apply for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum on wast ceit of Oraham difference in the alignment of for, it must be fought to a de Take notice that James McNulty, of Island, In vicinity of Weal rtter. the forces in the west before cisive conclusion. Prince Rupert, occupation merchant, intends Cosnnienclng al a posf planted two mllei FRED STORK'S HARDWARE the summer is well advanced. to apply for permission to prospect south, of the southeast comer of C a. for coal and petroleum on tbe west coasl lOOISt Ibence vest 19 chains, thrnce The British Army is now at NOTES AND COMMENTS of Oraham Island hi the vicinity of West north 90 chains, ibence east SO cha. the top of its strength. -The river. thence south 90 chaina, to point of Coca organization that has been effected DifTerenees over Spain's attitude Commencing at a poet planted one mile mencemenL south of southeast comer of C U 997) aT-lli ISH A0NE9 BROWN. il insure its c ontinuing in the war have led to the tbrnce south SO chains, thence east 19 March II, 1917. Austin Brown, agenL in that condition for many formation of a new government chains, thence north to chains, thence months to come unless it meets headed by Premier Prieto. Spain vest SO chains to point of commencement IX UNA LAND RSOORDtNO DISTRICT with some extremely Improbable ever since the outbreak of hos JAMES McNL'LTT. ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS March II, 1917, Austin Brown, agenL catastrophe. The French lilities, has been the seat of -a Tske notice Ihst Edwsrd Pickard. of Army is al least as strong as very pronounced German propa SKEENA LAND RICORDIN0J DISTRICT Loa Angeles, occupation engineer. Intends it has been al any lime during ganda. There are some 80,000 STRICT Of QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS to spply for pertnissioa la prospect for the and be cusl aid petroleum on the west coasl of war, we venture to Germans living there, many of Take Craham Island, In vicinity of Weal river. notice that Joseph Ronst. of Prince lieve that in man-power it is imnom were visitors uj me weauny Rupert, B. C occupation prospector. Intends Commencing al a post planted one mile harvcittd stronger, while in artillery it country at the time war broke to apply for permission to prospect south of the southeast comer of C L. has infinitely greater power rout and who were compelled to for coal and petroleum on tbe west coasl 9997) thence west 90 chaina. thence north tinder Ue of Grsham Islsnd. In vicinity of West 90 chaina, Ibence east M chaina, thence than during the battle of the Temain through inability to get annyakWs river: south SO chains to point of coenmencemenL Marne. The preponderance il back to their own country. All from IDWARO PICJCAHD. Commencing pott planted one of Alberta enjoys in this respect is have, acted in the role of agents mile south of tbe southwest comer of C L. Msrch II, 1917, Austin Brown, agenL shown by the reliance the Ger- for their country, and, while their 99(1; Ibence south 90 chains, thence esst and Sii 10 chains, thence north 90 chains, thence SKEENA LAND MOONOIBMB DISTRICT is kalchrwia mans are placing on machine fplan to keep Spain neutral, they est 90 chains to point of commeneemcuL I STRICT or QUEEN CttAJeLOTTS ISLANDS guns . France's task is not as nave omitted no opportunity of JOSEPH ROWAT. U aelrctrd difficult as it was in the early belittling the Allied Powers. March II, 1917, Auaun Brown, agent Take notice that James Ray, of Victoria, for ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. Wheat bursting stages of the war owing to the B. C occupation hotel proprietor, Inteuds extent of front that has been' The following is from the Chl- SKEENA LAND REOONDINO DISTRICT to apply for pernusatoa to prospect rot with sjxMkiesa, poured la a gulden strram into our ISTRICT Of QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS) coal and petroleum on the west coasl of Orsham Island. In vicinity of West river. e4crtiH. Wssahed, sko tired, polisiicd, RTound, manjr Take notice that John William Gots. of I Commencing al a post planted al the tinea orer aad orer, anteedied by the human hand ; M4NERAL ACT BrMERAL ACT smhwesi corner of C. U Ibence Victoria. B. C- occupation merchant In 9999; sifted tkrouKh ilk neah until it emerges finalljr lends to apply for permission to prospect est SO chains, thence south 90 chains. TO PARTNER for coal the I thence east 90 chaina. thence north 90 the breath Certificate of Improvements 50TICE DEU.1QUE.tT and petroleum on west coast ROYAL STANDARD street and soft aa To C W. Calboun: of Oraham Island In vicinity of West river,?nains to point of commencement TasV notice. whereas I tisve done and Commencing ai a poat planted two miles ! JAMU RAT, of harreaL Your frrocer Delia It under a money- NOTWC riDKd to be dooe assessment work on Mm south of the southeast corner of & L, Rsrcn il, iei7. ausub Brown, agent back sTjaraatee. arlhnn Mlnrl Claim altuata In tbe Midnlgbt Fraction mineral claim, altuated 997j Ibence west 90 chains, thence south I ' Mmu Minim Division er Caasisr District " rlr. about fsurteen mllei 90 chains, thence east SO chains, thence MEENA LAND REOOROIN01 DISTINCT If Wbtn located: Hear bead of Alice from ,b of "" Arm. In the Skeena north 90 chains to point of commencemenL ISTRIOT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Arm. B C mining division of Skeena district assess- JOHN WILLIAM COSS. BEST TAKE OTICE that I, I. Fred Rlteale. nn work for ISM, 1911, and It IS, and Msrch II, 1117. Austin Brown, agent Take notice that Frederick Moerach. of Free Miner's Certmeate Ho. I9 C aetlnr P' "ld recording Victor is, b. C, occupation aaitman. In aa agent ror W. A. WUIlama. Free Miner's " ln ' H07.I0. Unless you pay SKEENA LAND ftSOORDINO DISTRICT tends to apply for permission to prospect rv"stlll"JBv i Ceruacate Wo. 9011 C. intend, amy dayi " MOI.l, for your ahara ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . for coal and petroleum on tbe west coast Dram tb data hereof, to apply to the of tbe said assessment work, together with lor Orsham Islsnd. la vicinity of West river, kSUUng Recorder for a Certificate of Im-feveraenlt, the cost of this advertisement, I shall, at Tske notice that hotlyn Duke, of Port-1 Commencing at a post planted two miles for Um purpoM of obtaining the eiplralloa of ninety (90) days from land. Ore, occupation bote! proprietor. In 'south of the southeast corner of C L. til Crown Grant of the above claim. tbe date bereor apply to the mining recorder tends to, apply for permission to prospect 9971. thence east 90 chains, thence south A ad further take notice that action, under at Prince Rupert. B. C, to bare rcr coai ana petroleum on ins west coast 90 chains, thence west 10 chains, thence section II must be commenced before your Interests In tbe Midnight Fraction or Graham Island, In the vicinity of West north 90 chaina to point or commencemenL w Ttl? . I a1T. ka liiutnce of such Certificate of Improvements. mineral claim vested In me, in pursuance river. I FREDERICK MOIftlCII. unnrninrsor MiiiintTii.rinH Hi7AVit tttLnni of tbe provisions of tbe mineral act. Commencing at a poat planted one mile March 31, 1917. Austin Brown. aceaL ., rilin.UIIILl. MMWW lniUlllfeUUAUaUaXAeV W M.y'I...B.U1AJJ.....ikiuumurt 4 11 Sled this 17 lb day of March, A. O. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C this I lib south of the southeast corner of C. L, MwVeaJminaterVanalmeAUtofUy.Ua If IT, It dsy or April. 1917, Jy II 9971s thence south 90 chains, thence west MBUM i. FRED RITCHIE, AgenL II. C PHILLIPS. 90 chains, thence north 90 chains. Ibence ZulZ:L7iJl,?IZ:.., ,, east 90 chaina to point of commencement I ..w-.. LANS) ACT IIOSLYN UUkE, I . ....... LANS LEASE NOTICE March 11, 1917, Austin Brown, agent'. m"" V"1 0M "oW". or " KEC9U LAND DISTRICT OISTVIIOT Of Angeles, occupation contractor. Intends to Safety First ' TAKE NOTICE that I. William James QUUM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SKEENA LAND RIOORDINO DISTRICT ,ppljr 'r permission to prospect for coal BMPSwenc- Timf1 Matthews, actlnf aa agent for the Anglo-en ISTRIOT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS uu " COSH or OrS- tut) Columbia Packing- Company, Umlt-ad, TAKE NOTICE that I, George McRae, or bam Islsnd, In vicinity of West river. registered once In Vancouver, B. C, Skidegate, B. C, occupation engineer. In Take notice thai Oliver Brown, of Via-1 Cumm""'!". al a post plsnted two miles af Arrandale, occupation store keepeer. In tend to apply for permission to lesse the torts, B. C. occupation machinist. Intends Va ot ,0",M, rner of C L Ship to fttww teed to apply for permission to leas tbe following described lands: to foe ivrmlHlan ta tironiri fnr U inence easi so chains, thence nortk HMsm.nt) Urmt kSM l" Ik fallowing described lends. Commencing st a poet planted at the coal and petroleum on the west coast of rh. nence wen 10 chains, then saaaaai aaa. t Commencing at a poet driven on tbe !t.W. corner of Lot, 4, Allford Bay, tklde. Orshsiu Islsnd In vicinity of West river, ,ou,,, " fnlM 10 commencemenL BBBBBBBBBeaBsBRaSftBiBi9eu?H seat shore of Portland Canal about mile gate lolet, thence west 90 chains, thence Commencing si a post plsnted ln miles JOHN BOOTH. i 1 la a aniisamt f . yt.a sad a1 half north or bOTOsh Bay, front north I chains,, tbesee 90 chaina In an south of the southeast comer of C L Msrch II, 1917, Austin Brown, agent thence north twenty chains thence east easterly direction following the shore line, 971( tlu'ore south 90 chains, thence west stasnw""""' ten chains; thence south twenty chains! Ibence two chains to point of commence 90 chains, thence north 90 chains, thence SUBSCRIBE FOR FfBaTSBBBBE- AUijW.fVJ thence west ten chains. ment, containing II aerea. more or less. essi lo cbslns to point of commencement bbP SHUBERT, Ibcciucagom February ilib, 1917. MS GEO ROiC McRAE, ApplicaoL OUVtll BROWN. WILLIAM JAMES, MATTHEWS, Applicant Dsted January lltk. 1917. All March II, 1117, Austin Brown, agent The Daily News